Exemple #1
def get_org_name_from_ovdc_id(sysadmin_client: vcd_client.Client, vdc_id):
    """Get org_name from vdc_id using OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP.

    Update OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP for new {org_name:vdc_id} pair

    :param vdc_id: unique ovdc id

    :return: org_name

    :rtype: str

    if vdc_id in OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP:
        return OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP.get(vdc_id)

    vdc_href = f"{sysadmin_client.get_api_uri()}/vdc/{vdc_id}"
    vdc_resource = sysadmin_client.get_resource(get_admin_href(vdc_href))
    vdc_obj = VDC(sysadmin_client, resource=vdc_resource)
    link = vcd_client.find_link(vdc_obj.get_resource(),
    org = vcd_org.Org(sysadmin_client, href=link.href)
    OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP[vdc_id] = org.get_name()
    return org.get_name()
def get_org_name_from_ovdc_id(vdc_id):
    """Get org_name from vdc_id using OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP.

    Update OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP for new {org_name:vdc_id} pair

    :param vdc_id: unique ovdc id

    :return: org_name

    :rtype: str
    if vdc_id in OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP:
        org_name = OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP.get(vdc_id)
        client = None
            client = get_sys_admin_client()
            vdc_href = f"{client._uri}/vdc/{vdc_id}"
            vdc_resource = client.get_resource(get_admin_href(vdc_href))
            vdc_obj = VDC(client, resource=vdc_resource)
            link = find_link(vdc_obj.get_resource(), RelationType.UP,
            org = Org(client, href=link.href)
            OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP[vdc_id] = org.get_name()
            org_name = org.get_name()
            if client:

    return org_name
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, client, name=None, href=None, resource=None):
        """Constructor for Gateway objects.

        :param pyvcloud.vcd.client.Client client: the client that will be used
            to make REST calls to vCD.
        :param str name: name of the entity.
        :param str href: URI of the entity.
        :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement resource: object containing
            EntityType.EDGE_GATEWAY XML data representing the gateway.
        self.client = client
        self.name = name
        if href is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Gateway initialization failed as arguments are either "
                "invalid or None")
        self.href = href
        if resource is None:
            self.resource = None

        self.resource = resource
        if resource is not None:
            self.name = resource.get('name')
            self.href = resource.get('href')
        self.href_admin = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #4
def get_org_name_href_from_ovdc_id(sysadmin_client: vcd_client.Client, vdc_id):
    """Get org name and href from vdc_id using OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP.

    Update OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP for new vdc_id

    :param vdc_id: unique ovdc id

    :return: org's name and href

    :rtype: dict

    if vdc_id in OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP:
        return OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP.get(vdc_id)

    vdc_href = f"{sysadmin_client.get_api_uri()}/vdc/{vdc_id}"
    vdc_resource = sysadmin_client.get_resource(get_admin_href(vdc_href))
    vdc_obj = VDC(sysadmin_client, resource=vdc_resource)
    link = vcd_client.find_link(vdc_obj.get_resource(),
    org_href = link.href
    org = vcd_org.Org(sysadmin_client, href=org_href)
    org_name = org.get_name()

    result = {'name': org_name, 'href': org_href}
    OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP[vdc_id] = result
    return result
Exemple #5
    def get_metadata_value(self,
        """Fetch a metadata value identified by the domain and key.

        :param str key: key of the value to be fetched.
        :param client.MetadataDomain domain: domain of the value to be fetched.
        :param bool use_admin_endpoint: if True, will use the /api/admin
            endpoint to retrieve the metadata value else will use the vanilla
            /api endpoint.

        :return: an object containing EntityType.METADATA_VALUE XML data which
            represents the metadata value corresponding to the provided key and

        :rtype: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement

        :raises: AccessForbiddenException: If there is no metadata entry
            corresponding to the key provided.
        if not isinstance(domain, MetadataDomain):
            raise InvalidParameterException('Invalid domain.')

        if not use_admin_endpoint:
            href = self.href
            href = get_admin_href(self.href)

        metadata_entry_href = \

        return self.client.get_resource(metadata_entry_href)
Exemple #6
    def get_metadata_value(self,
        """Fetch a metadata value identified by the domain and key.

        :param str key: key of the value to be fetched.
        :param client.MetadataDomain domain: domain of the value to be fetched.
        :param bool use_admin_endpoint: if True, will use the /api/admin
            endpoint to retrieve the metadata value else will use the vanilla
            /api endpoint.

        :return: an object containing EntityType.METADATA_VALUE XML data which
            represents the metadata value corresponding to the provided key and

        :rtype: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement

        :raises: AccessForbiddenException: If there is no metadata entry
            corresponding to the key provided.
        if not isinstance(domain, MetadataDomain):
            raise InvalidParameterException('Invalid domain.')

        if not use_admin_endpoint:
            href = self.href
            href = get_admin_href(self.href)

        metadata_entry_href = \

        return self.client.get_resource(metadata_entry_href)
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, client, name=None, href=None, resource=None):
     self.client = client
     self.name = name
     self.href = href
     self.resource = resource
     if resource is not None:
         self.name = resource.get('name')
         self.href = resource.get('href')
     self.href_admin = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, client, name=None, href=None, resource=None):
     self.client = client
     self.name = name
     self.href = href
     self.resource = resource
     if resource is not None:
         self.name = resource.get('name')
         self.href = resource.get('href')
     self.href_admin = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, client, name=None, href=None, resource=None):
     self.client = client
     self.name = name
     if href is None and resource is None:
         raise TypeError("VDC initialization failed as arguments"
                         " are either invalid or None")
     self.href = href
     self.resource = resource
     if resource is not None:
         self.name = resource.get('name')
         self.href = resource.get('href')
     self.href_admin = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #10
def get_vdc(client,
    """Get the specified VDC object.

    Atleast one of vdc_id or vdc_name must be specified. If org or org_name
    both are not specified, the currently logged in user's org will be used to
    look for the vdc.

    :param pyvcloud.vcd.client.Client client:
    :param str vdc_id: id of the vdc
    :param str vdc_name: name of the vdc
    :param pyvcloud.vcd.org.Org org: specific org to use.
    :param str org_name: specific org to use if @org is not given.
        If None, uses currently logged-in org from @client.
    :param bool is_admin_operation: if set True, will return the admin
            view of the org vdc resource.

    :return: pyvcloud VDC object

    :rtype: pyvcloud.vcd.vdc.VDC

    :raises EntityNotFoundException: if the vdc could not be found.
    if vdc_id:
        base_url = client.get_api_uri()
        # add a trailing slash if missing
        if base_url[-1] != '/':
            base_url += '/'
        if is_admin_operation:
            base_url = get_admin_href(base_url)
        vdc_href = f'{base_url}vdc/{vdc_id}'
        vdc = VDC(client, href=vdc_href)
        return vdc

    resource = None
    if vdc_name:
        if not org:
            org = get_org(client, org_name=org_name)
        resource = org.get_vdc(vdc_name, is_admin_operation=is_admin_operation)

    # TODO() org.get_vdc() should throw exception if vdc not found in the org.
    # This should be handled in pyvcloud. For now, it is handled here.
    if resource is None:
        raise EntityNotFoundException(f"VDC '{vdc_name}' not found in ORG "
    return VDC(client, resource=resource)
Exemple #11
    def delete_org(self, org_name, force=None, recursive=None):
        """Delete an organization.

        :param org_name: (str): name of the org to be deleted.
        :param force: (bool): pass force=True  along with recursive=True to
            remove an organization and any objects it contains, regardless of
            their state.
        :param recursive: (bool): pass recursive=True  to remove an
            organization and any objects it contains that are in a state that
            normally allows removal.
        org = self.client.get_org_by_name(org_name)
        org_href = get_admin_href(org.get('href'))
        return self.client.delete_resource(org_href, force, recursive)
Exemple #12
    def delete_org(self, org_name, force=None, recursive=None):
        """Delete an organization.

        :param str org_name: name of the org to be deleted.
        :param bool force: pass force=True along with recursive=True to remove
            an organization and any objects it contains, regardless of their
        :param bool recursive: pass recursive=True to remove an organization
            and any objects it contains that are in a state that normally
            allows removal.
        org_resource = self.client.get_org_by_name(org_name)
        org_admin_href = get_admin_href(org_resource.get('href'))
        return self.client.delete_resource(org_admin_href, force, recursive)
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, client, href=None, resource=None):
        """Constructor for a PVDC object.

        :param client:  (pyvcloud.vcd.client): The client.
        :param href: (str): URI of the entity.
        :param resource: (lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement): XML
            representation of the entity.
        self.client = client
        self.href = href
        self.resource = resource
        if resource is not None:
            self.name = resource.get('name')
            self.href = resource.get('href')
        self.admin_resource = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #14
    def convert_access_settings_list_to_params(self, access_settings_list):
        """Convert access settings from one format to other.

        Convert dictionary representation of access settings to AccessSettings
        XML element. Please refer to schema definition of
        EntityType.CONTROL_ACCESS_PARAMS for more details.

        :param list access_settings_list: list of dictionaries, where each
            dictionary represents a single access setting. The dictionary
            structure is as follows,

            - type: (str): type of the subject. One of 'org' or 'user'.
            - name: (str): name of the user or org.
            - access_level: (str): access_level of the particular subject.
                Allowed values are 'ReadOnly', 'Change' or 'FullControl'.

        :return: an object containing AccessSettings XML data.

        :rtype: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement
        access_settings_params = E.AccessSettings()
        for access_setting in access_settings_list:
            if access_setting["type"] == 'user':
                org_href = self.get_org_href()
                subject_href = self.client.get_user_in_org(
                    access_setting['name'], org_href).get('href')
                subject_type = EntityType.USER.value
            elif access_setting["type"] == 'org':
                subject_href = get_admin_href(
                subject_type = EntityType.ADMIN_ORG.value
                raise InvalidParameterException("Invalid subject type")

            subject_name = access_setting['name']
            # Make 'ReadOnly' the default access_level if it is not specified.
            if 'access_level' in access_setting:
                access_level = access_setting['access_level']
                access_level = 'ReadOnly'
            access_setting_params = E.AccessSetting(
                          type=subject_type), E.AccessLevel(access_level))
        return access_settings_params
Exemple #15
    def convert_access_settings_list_to_params(self, access_settings_list):
        """Convert access settings from one format to other.

        Convert dictionary representation of access settings to AccessSettings
        XML element. Please refer to schema definition of
        EntityType.CONTROL_ACCESS_PARAMS for more details.

        :param list access_settings_list: list of dictionaries, where each
            dictionary represents a single access setting. The dictionary
            structure is as follows,

            - type: (str): type of the subject. One of 'org' or 'user'.
            - name: (str): name of the user or org.
            - access_level: (str): access_level of the particular subject.
                Allowed values are 'ReadOnly', 'Change' or 'FullControl'.

        :return: an object containing AccessSettings XML data.

        :rtype: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement
        access_settings_params = E.AccessSettings()
        for access_setting in access_settings_list:
            if access_setting["type"] == 'user':
                org_href = self.get_org_href()
                subject_href = self.client.get_user_in_org(
                    access_setting['name'], org_href).get('href')
                subject_type = EntityType.USER.value
            elif access_setting["type"] == 'org':
                subject_href = get_admin_href(
                subject_type = EntityType.ADMIN_ORG.value
                raise InvalidParameterException("Invalid subject type")

            subject_name = access_setting['name']
            # Make 'ReadOnly' the default access_level if it is not specified.
            if 'access_level' in access_setting:
                access_level = access_setting['access_level']
                access_level = 'ReadOnly'
            access_setting_params = E.AccessSetting(
                    name=subject_name, href=subject_href, type=subject_type),
        return access_settings_params
Exemple #16
    def get_all_metadata(self, use_admin_endpoint=False):
        """Fetch all metadata entries of the parent object.

        :param bool use_admin_endpoint: if True, will use the /api/admin
            endpoint to retrieve the metadata object else will use the vanilla
            /api endpoint.

        :return: an object containing EntityType.METADATA XML data which
            represents the metadata entries associated with parent object.

        :rtype: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement
        if not use_admin_endpoint:
            return self.get_resource()
            admin_href = get_admin_href(self.href)
            return self.client.get_resource(admin_href)
Exemple #17
    def get_all_metadata(self, use_admin_endpoint=False):
        """Fetch all metadata entries of the parent object.

        :param bool use_admin_endpoint: if True, will use the /api/admin
            endpoint to retrieve the metadata object else will use the vanilla
            /api endpoint.

        :return: an object containing EntityType.METADATA XML data which
            represents the metadata entries associated with parent object.

        :rtype: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement
        if not use_admin_endpoint:
            return self.get_resource()
            admin_href = get_admin_href(self.href)
            return self.client.get_resource(admin_href)
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, client, href=None, resource=None):
        """Constructor for a PVDC object.

        :param client:  (pyvcloud.vcd.client): The client.
        :param href: (str): URI of the entity.
        :param resource: (lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement): XML
            representation of the entity.
        self.client = client
        if href is None and resource is None:
            raise TypeError("PVDC initialization failed as arguments"
                            " are either invalid or None")
        self.href = href
        self.resource = resource
        if resource is not None:
            self.name = resource.get('name')
            self.href = resource.get('href')
        self.admin_resource = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #19
    def convert_access_settings_list_to_params(self, access_settings_list):
        """Convert access_settings_list to object of type AccessSettingsType

        :param access_settings_list: (list of dict): list of access_setting
            in the dict format. Each dict contains:
            type: (str): type of the subject. One of 'org' or 'user'
            name: (str): subject name
            access_level: (str): access_level of each subject. One of
            'ReadOnly', 'Change', 'FullControl'.

        :return: A :class:`lxml.objectify.StringElement` object
        representing xml of type AccessSettingsType

        access_settings_params = E.AccessSettings()
        for access_setting in access_settings_list:
            if access_setting["type"] == 'user':
                org_href = find_link(self.parent_resource, RelationType.UP,
                subject_href = self.client.get_user_in_org(
                    access_setting['name'], org_href).get('href')
                subject_type = EntityType.USER.value
            elif access_setting["type"] == 'org':
                subject_href = get_admin_href(
                subject_type = EntityType.ADMIN_ORG.value
                raise Exception("Invalid subject type")

            subject_name = access_setting['name']
            # Make 'ReadOnly' the default access_level if it is not specified.
            if 'access_level' in access_setting:
                access_level = access_setting['access_level']
                access_level = 'ReadOnly'
            access_setting_params = E.AccessSetting(
                          type=subject_type), E.AccessLevel(access_level))
        return access_settings_params
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, client, href=None, resource=None):
        """Constructor for a PVDC object.

        :param pyvcloud.vcd.client.Client client: the client that will be used
            to make REST calls to vCD.
        :param str href: URI of the entity.
        :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement resource: object containing
            EntityType.PROVIDER_VDC XML data representing the provider vdc.
        self.client = client
        if href is None and resource is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "PVDC initialization failed as arguments are either invalid "
                "or None")
        self.href = href
        self.resource = resource
        if resource is not None:
            self.name = resource.get('name')
            self.href = resource.get('href')
        self.admin_resource = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, client, href=None, resource=None):
        """Constructor for a PVDC object.

        :param pyvcloud.vcd.client.Client client: the client that will be used
            to make REST calls to vCD.
        :param str href: URI of the entity.
        :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement resource: object containing
            EntityType.PROVIDER_VDC XML data representing the provider vdc.
        self.client = client
        if href is None and resource is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "PVDC initialization failed as arguments are either invalid "
                "or None")
        self.href = href
        self.resource = resource
        if resource is not None:
            self.name = resource.get('name')
            self.href = resource.get('href')
        self.admin_resource = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #22
    def convert_access_settings_list_to_params(self, access_settings_list):
        """Convert access_settings_list to object of type AccessSettingsType.

        :param access_settings_list: (list of dict): list of access_setting
            in the dict format. Each dict contains:
            type: (str): type of the subject. One of 'org' or 'user'
            name: (str): subject name
            access_level: (str): access_level of each subject. One of
            'ReadOnly', 'Change', 'FullControl'.

        :return: A :class:`lxml.objectify.StringElement` object
        representing xml of type AccessSettingsType

        access_settings_params = E.AccessSettings()
        for access_setting in access_settings_list:
            if access_setting["type"] == 'user':
                org_href = self.get_org_href()
                subject_href = self.client.get_user_in_org(
                    access_setting['name'], org_href).get('href')
                subject_type = EntityType.USER.value
            elif access_setting["type"] == 'org':
                subject_href = get_admin_href(
                subject_type = EntityType.ADMIN_ORG.value
                raise Exception("Invalid subject type")

            subject_name = access_setting['name']
            # Make 'ReadOnly' the default access_level if it is not specified.
            if 'access_level' in access_setting:
                access_level = access_setting['access_level']
                access_level = 'ReadOnly'
            access_setting_params = E.AccessSetting(
                    name=subject_name, href=subject_href, type=subject_type),
        return access_settings_params
Exemple #23
    def __init__(self, client, name=None, href=None, resource=None):
        """Constructor for External Network objects.

        :param pyvcloud.vcd.client.Client client: the client that will be used
            to make REST calls to vCD.
        :param str name: name of the entity.
        :param str href: URI of the entity.
        :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement resource: object containing
            EntityType.EXTERNAL_NETWORK XML data representing the external
        self.client = client
        self.name = name
        if href is None and resource is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "External network initialization failed as arguments are "
                "either invalid or None")
        self.href = href
        self.resource = resource
        if resource is not None:
            self.name = resource.get('name')
            self.href = resource.get('href')
        self.href_admin = get_admin_href(self.href)
    def __init__(self, client, name=None, href=None, resource=None):
        """Constructor for External Network objects.

        :param pyvcloud.vcd.client.Client client: the client that will be used
            to make REST calls to vCD.
        :param str name: name of the entity.
        :param str href: URI of the entity.
        :param lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement resource: object containing
            EntityType.EXTERNAL_NETWORK XML data representing the external
        self.client = client
        self.name = name
        if href is None and resource is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "External network initialization failed as arguments are "
                "either invalid or None")
        self.href = href
        self.resource = resource
        if resource is not None:
            self.name = resource.get('name')
            self.href = resource.get('href')
        self.href_admin = get_admin_href(self.href)
Exemple #25
def get_org_name_of_ovdc(vdc_id):
    """Get org_name from vdc_id using OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP.

    Update OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP for new {org_name:vdc_id} pair

    :param vdc_id: unique ovdc id
    :return: org_name
    if vdc_id in OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP:
        org_name = OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP.get(vdc_id)
        client = get_vcd_sys_admin_client()
        vdc_href = f"{client._uri}/vdc/{vdc_id}"
        vdc_resource = client.get_resource(get_admin_href(vdc_href))
        vdc_obj = VDC(client, resource=vdc_resource)
        link = find_link(vdc_obj.resource, RelationType.UP,
        org = Org(client, href=link.href)
        '''Add the entry to the map to be used next time the \
        same ovdc is requested'''
        OVDC_TO_ORG_MAP[vdc_id] = org.get_name()
        org_name = org.get_name()
    return org_name