def startViewer(index, watchURL): user_data_dir = args.chrome_data_dir_default + "_tmp" + str(index) rtt_file = os.path.join(args.log_base, "rtt_%d" % index) snapshot_file = os.path.join(args.log_base, "snapshot_%d" % index) debug_port = 9222 + index # Open a chrome window attached to a debugging port. os.system('rm -r %s; cp -r %s %s' % (user_data_dir, args.chrome_data_dir_default, user_data_dir)) cmd = ' '.join([ '%s' % args.chrome_bin, '--remote-debugging-port=%d' % debug_port, '--user-data-dir=%s' % user_data_dir, '--enable-devtools-experiments' ]) disp = SmartDisplay(visible=0, bgcolor='black') disp.start() chrome = subprocess.Popen('%s %s' % (cmd, watchURL), shell=True) print 'Launched chrome with: %s' % cmd options = Options() options.add_experimental_option("debuggerAddress", '' % debug_port) driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver_bin, chrome_options=options) print '%d Launched chromedriver' % index print '%d Loaded %s' % (index, watchURL) time.sleep(5) # Click the video to begin playing. js = "document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].click(); document.querySelector('button[data-testid=fullscreen_control]').click()" driver.execute_script(js) # Only one client can be attached to the remote debugging port at a time. driver.quit() # Remove the driver and start a viewer to record the downloaded video. print '%d Quit chrome driver' % index time.sleep(2) viewer = subprocess.Popen("node record_latency.js %d %d %s %s" % (debug_port, 20, rtt_file, snapshot_file), shell=True) screenshot_dir = '%s/screenshots' % args.log_base if not os.path.exists(screenshot_dir): os.makedirs(screenshot_dir) count = 0 while True: im = disp.grab() count = count + 1 #print 'c-%d' % count'%s/%d_%d.jpg' % (screenshot_dir, long(time.time() * 1000), count)) disp.stop() return [chrome, viewer]
class SumoEnvironment(gym.Env): """ SUMO Environment for Traffic Signal Control :param net_file: (str) SUMO .net.xml file :param route_file: (str) SUMO .rou.xml file :param out_csv_name: (Optional[str]) name of the .csv output with simulation results. If None no output is generated :param use_gui: (bool) Wheter to run SUMO simulation with GUI visualisation :param virtual_display: (Optional[Tuple[int,int]]) Resolution of a virtual display for rendering :param begin_time: (int) The time step (in seconds) the simulation starts :param num_seconds: (int) Number of simulated seconds on SUMO. The time in seconds the simulation must end. :param max_depart_delay: (int) Vehicles are discarded if they could not be inserted after max_depart_delay seconds :param delta_time: (int) Simulation seconds between actions :param min_green: (int) Minimum green time in a phase :param max_green: (int) Max green time in a phase :single_agent: (bool) If true, it behaves like a regular gym.Env. Else, it behaves like a MultiagentEnv ( :sumo_seed: (int/string) Random seed for sumo. If 'random' it uses a randomly chosen seed. :fixed_ts: (bool) If true, it will follow the phase configuration in the route_file and ignore the actions. :sumo_warnings: (bool) If False, remove SUMO warnings in the terminal """ CONNECTION_LABEL = 0 # For traci multi-client support def __init__( self, net_file: str, route_file: str, out_csv_name: Optional[str] = None, use_gui: bool = False, virtual_display: Optional[Tuple[int,int]] = None, begin_time: int = 0, num_seconds: int = 20000, max_depart_delay: int = 100000, time_to_teleport: int = -1, delta_time: int = 5, yellow_time: int = 2, min_green: int = 5, max_green: int = 50, single_agent: bool = False, sumo_seed: Union[str,int] = 'random', fixed_ts: bool = False, sumo_warnings: bool = True, ): self._net = net_file self._route = route_file self.use_gui = use_gui if self.use_gui: self._sumo_binary = sumolib.checkBinary('sumo-gui') else: self._sumo_binary = sumolib.checkBinary('sumo') self.virtual_display = virtual_display assert delta_time > yellow_time, "Time between actions must be at least greater than yellow time." self.begin_time = begin_time self.sim_max_time = num_seconds self.delta_time = delta_time # seconds on sumo at each step self.max_depart_delay = max_depart_delay # Max wait time to insert a vehicle self.time_to_teleport = time_to_teleport self.min_green = min_green self.max_green = max_green self.yellow_time = yellow_time self.single_agent = single_agent self.sumo_seed = sumo_seed self.fixed_ts = fixed_ts self.sumo_warnings = sumo_warnings self.label = str(SumoEnvironment.CONNECTION_LABEL) SumoEnvironment.CONNECTION_LABEL += 1 self.sumo = None if LIBSUMO: traci.start([sumolib.checkBinary('sumo'), '-n', self._net]) # Start only to retrieve traffic light information conn = traci else: traci.start([sumolib.checkBinary('sumo'), '-n', self._net], label='init_connection'+self.label) conn = traci.getConnection('init_connection'+self.label) self.ts_ids = list(conn.trafficlight.getIDList()) self.traffic_signals = {ts: TrafficSignal(self, ts, self.delta_time, self.yellow_time, self.min_green, self.max_green, self.begin_time, conn) for ts in self.ts_ids} conn.close() self.vehicles = dict() self.reward_range = (-float('inf'), float('inf')) self.metadata = {} self.spec = EnvSpec('SUMORL-v0') = 0 self.metrics = [] self.out_csv_name = out_csv_name self.observations = {ts: None for ts in self.ts_ids} self.rewards = {ts: None for ts in self.ts_ids} def _start_simulation(self): sumo_cmd = [self._sumo_binary, '-n', self._net, '-r', self._route, '--max-depart-delay', str(self.max_depart_delay), '--waiting-time-memory', '10000', '--time-to-teleport', str(self.time_to_teleport)] if self.begin_time > 0: sumo_cmd.append('-b {}'.format(self.begin_time)) if self.sumo_seed == 'random': sumo_cmd.append('--random') else: sumo_cmd.extend(['--seed', str(self.sumo_seed)]) if not self.sumo_warnings: sumo_cmd.append('--no-warnings') if self.use_gui: sumo_cmd.extend(['--start', '--quit-on-end']) if self.virtual_display is not None: sumo_cmd.extend(['--window-size', f'{self.virtual_display[0]},{self.virtual_display[1]}']) from pyvirtualdisplay.smartdisplay import SmartDisplay print("Creating a virtual display.") self.disp = SmartDisplay(size=self.virtual_display) self.disp.start() print("Virtual display started.") if LIBSUMO: traci.start(sumo_cmd) self.sumo = traci else: traci.start(sumo_cmd, label=self.label) self.sumo = traci.getConnection(self.label) if self.use_gui: self.sumo.gui.setSchema(traci.gui.DEFAULT_VIEW, "real world") def reset(self, seed: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs): if != 0: self.close() self.save_csv(self.out_csv_name, += 1 self.metrics = [] if seed is not None: self.sumo_seed = seed self._start_simulation() self.traffic_signals = {ts: TrafficSignal(self, ts, self.delta_time, self.yellow_time, self.min_green, self.max_green, self.begin_time, self.sumo) for ts in self.ts_ids} self.vehicles = dict() if self.single_agent: return self._compute_observations()[self.ts_ids[0]] else: return self._compute_observations() @property def sim_step(self): """ Return current simulation second on SUMO """ return self.sumo.simulation.getTime() def step(self, action): # No action, follow fixed TL defined in self.phases if action is None or action == {}: for _ in range(self.delta_time): self._sumo_step() else: self._apply_actions(action) self._run_steps() observations = self._compute_observations() rewards = self._compute_rewards() dones = self._compute_dones() info = self._compute_info() if self.single_agent: return observations[self.ts_ids[0]], rewards[self.ts_ids[0]], dones['__all__'], info else: return observations, rewards, dones, info def _run_steps(self): time_to_act = False while not time_to_act: self._sumo_step() for ts in self.ts_ids: self.traffic_signals[ts].update() if self.traffic_signals[ts].time_to_act: time_to_act = True def _apply_actions(self, actions): """ Set the next green phase for the traffic signals :param actions: If single-agent, actions is an int between 0 and self.num_green_phases (next green phase) If multiagent, actions is a dict {ts_id : greenPhase} """ if self.single_agent: if self.traffic_signals[self.ts_ids[0]].time_to_act: self.traffic_signals[self.ts_ids[0]].set_next_phase(actions) else: for ts, action in actions.items(): if self.traffic_signals[ts].time_to_act: self.traffic_signals[ts].set_next_phase(action) def _compute_dones(self): dones = {ts_id: False for ts_id in self.ts_ids} dones['__all__'] = self.sim_step > self.sim_max_time return dones def _compute_info(self): info = self._compute_step_info() self.metrics.append(info) return info def _compute_observations(self): self.observations.update({ts: self.traffic_signals[ts].compute_observation() for ts in self.ts_ids if self.traffic_signals[ts].time_to_act}) return {ts: self.observations[ts].copy() for ts in self.observations.keys() if self.traffic_signals[ts].time_to_act} def _compute_rewards(self): self.rewards.update({ts: self.traffic_signals[ts].compute_reward() for ts in self.ts_ids if self.traffic_signals[ts].time_to_act}) return {ts: self.rewards[ts] for ts in self.rewards.keys() if self.traffic_signals[ts].time_to_act} @property def observation_space(self): return self.traffic_signals[self.ts_ids[0]].observation_space @property def action_space(self): return self.traffic_signals[self.ts_ids[0]].action_space def observation_spaces(self, ts_id): return self.traffic_signals[ts_id].observation_space def action_spaces(self, ts_id): return self.traffic_signals[ts_id].action_space def _sumo_step(self): self.sumo.simulationStep() def _compute_step_info(self): return { 'step_time': self.sim_step, 'reward': self.traffic_signals[self.ts_ids[0]].last_reward, 'total_stopped': sum(self.traffic_signals[ts].get_total_queued() for ts in self.ts_ids), 'total_wait_time': sum(sum(self.traffic_signals[ts].get_waiting_time_per_lane()) for ts in self.ts_ids) } def close(self): if self.sumo is None: return if not LIBSUMO: traci.switch(self.label) traci.close() try: self.disp.stop() except AttributeError: pass self.sumo = None def __del__(self): self.close() def render(self, mode='human'): if self.virtual_display: #img = self.sumo.gui.screenshot(traci.gui.DEFAULT_VIEW, # f"temp/img{self.sim_step}.jpg", # width=self.virtual_display[0], # height=self.virtual_display[1]) img = self.disp.grab() if mode == 'rgb_array': return np.array(img) return img def save_csv(self, out_csv_name, run): if out_csv_name is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(self.metrics) Path(Path(out_csv_name).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) df.to_csv(out_csv_name + '_conn{}_run{}'.format(self.label, run) + '.csv', index=False) # Below functions are for discrete state space def encode(self, state, ts_id): phase = int(np.where(state[:self.traffic_signals[ts_id].num_green_phases] == 1)[0]) min_green = state[self.traffic_signals[ts_id].num_green_phases] density_queue = [self._discretize_density(d) for d in state[self.traffic_signals[ts_id].num_green_phases + 1:]] # tuples are hashable and can be used as key in python dictionary return tuple([phase, min_green] + density_queue) def _discretize_density(self, density): return min(int(density*10), 9)