def to_pyvis(self, max_vertices: int = 5000) -> Network: """Convert this graph into a PyVis Network object. max_vertices specifies the maximum number of vertices that can appear in the graph. NOTE: Running this method withough iPython may result in KeyErrors """ graph_pyvis = Network() for v in self._vertices.values(): graph_pyvis.add_node(v.item) for u in v.neighbours: if graph_pyvis.num_nodes() < max_vertices: graph_pyvis.add_node(u.item) if u.item in graph_pyvis.get_nodes(): graph_pyvis.add_edge(v.item, u.item) if graph_pyvis.num_nodes() >= max_vertices: break return graph_pyvis
db_info = [info for info in db_info if info['name'] in connected_nodes] documents = [document_from_database_info(info) for info in db_info] k = 10 labels = tfidf_kmeans(documents, k) # labels = get_wordnet_labels(documents) vis_network = Network(height="100%", width="70%") colors = get_different_colors(max(labels)+1) # labels from k means color_labels = [colors[l] for l in labels] # services use this tables # color_labels = ["#FF0000" if len(get_services_from_table(x['name'])) > 0 else "#DDDDDD" for x in db_info] vis_network.add_nodes([x['name'] for x in db_info], color=color_labels) for table in db_info: for key in table['foreign_keys']: foreign_key_graph.add_edge(table['name'], key) if key in vis_network.get_nodes(): vis_network.add_edge(table['name'], key) # git_network = Network(height="750px", width="100%") # git_network.from_nx(foreign_key_graph) # git_network.show_buttons(filter_=['physics']) #"network_outputs/foreign_key.html") vis_network.show_buttons(filter_=['physics'])"network_outputs/foreign_key.html")
def map_kcs(kc_list, kc_matrix, node_color="#8B008B", edge_color="#03DAC6", node_shape="ellipse", alg="barnes", edge_smooth=None, buttons=False, treshold=0.5): """ Use this on a test that has less than 26 KCs, or else there will be problems with relations between the edges due to name conflict :param threshold: float, :param kc_list: np.array, list of all kcs :param edge_smooth: string, How the user wants the edges to be, default is continuous :param buttons: bool, buttons to edit graph with :param node_shape: string, shape of node :param edge_color: string, shape of edge :param node_color: string, hexvalue of color for node :param kc_matrix: 2D np array, mapping of kcs :param alg: string, algorithm for graph :return: renders a graph in which you can see the relations between nodes and their edges """ g = Network(height="1500px", width="75%", bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white", directed=True) # if buttons: g.width = "75%" # nodes, layout, interaction, selection, renderer, physics g.show_buttons(filter_=["edges", "physics"]) # Create the nodes for kc_node in kc_list: g.add_node(n_id=kc_node, label=kc_node, color=node_color, shape=node_shape) # Creates edges between nodes if they're connected (if the value is true in the database) n = len(kc_matrix) for r in range(n): for c in range(n): if r != c: # Directly logically connnected edge if 0.9 <= kc_matrix[r, c] <= 1.0: g.add_edge(kc_list[r], kc_list[c], color="#42cc14") # green # Necessary edge elif 0.7 <= kc_matrix[r, c] < 0.9: g.add_edge(kc_list[r], kc_list[c], color="#ff8c00") # orange # Important edge elif 0.5 <= kc_matrix[r, c] < 0.7: g.add_edge(kc_list[r], kc_list[c], color="#ffd900") # orange elif kc_matrix[r, c] == -1.0: g.add_edge(kc_list[r], kc_list[c], color="#56f0eb") map_algs(g, alg) if edge_smooth is not None: map_smoothenes(graph=g, smooth=edge_smooth) node_list = g.get_nodes() for node in g.nodes: neighbors = g.neighbors(node_list[node_list.index(node['id'])]) if neighbors is None: title = "Endpoint KC" else: title = "What to learn next:<br>" for neighbor in neighbors: title += f"{neighbor}<br>" node["title"] = title # g.save_graph("../../kc.html")"kc_map.html")