Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, port, baudrate):
     self.ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=baudrate)
     self.mapping = MyControllerMap()
     self.j = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(1)
     self.incoming = '0'
from models.nvidia_lstm import LSTMModel
from models.simple_model import MyModel
from data_loading.F1Dataset import ToTensor, Crop, Normalize
from torchvision import transforms
import torch
import numpy as np
import cv2
from grabscreen import grab_screen
from getkeys import pressed_keys
import time
import pyvjoy

MAX_VJOY = 32767
j = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(1)

model = LSTMModel(no_outputs=1)
# s8_64 is good
model = model.cuda()

paused = False

sequence_length = 3
frame_delta = 10
image_sequence = []

seq_no = 0
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.mapping = MyControllerMap()
     self.j = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(1)
Exemple #4
import pyvjoy
import time

#Pythonic API, item-at-a-time

p1 = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(1)
p2 = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(2)

p1.data.wAxisX = 16383
p1.data.wAxisY = 16383
p1.data.wAxisYRot = 16383
p1.data.wAxisXRot = 16383
p1.data.wAxisZ = 0 
p1.data.wAxisZRot = 0
p1.data.lButtons = 0

p2.data.wAxisX = 16383
p2.data.wAxisY = 16383
p2.data.wAxisYRot = 16383
p2.data.wAxisXRot = 16383
p2.data.wAxisZ = 0 
p2.data.wAxisZRot = 0
p2.data.lButtons = 0

#send data to vJoy device
 def __init__(self, VJoyDeviceNumber):
     self.device = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(VJoyDeviceNumber)
Exemple #6
def drive():
    """act like main func
    include init of values
    main drive thread is for lane detection and steering
    sub detect vehicle thread is for vehicle detection
    use 'ending' for escape from loop in subthread

    1. get screen
    1.1 process screen
    1.2 get lanes from processed screen
    1.3 control steering wheel and throttle
    1.4 draw lanes and vehicles

    2.1 process screen
    2.2 detect vehicle
    2.3 save detection data into 'cars'

    original game screen size
    width = 1024
    height = 768
    move = True
    paused = False
    linebuffer = [False, [], []]
    accel_average = []
    brake_average = []
    road_width = 0
    brake_distance = 0
    braking = False

    global screen
    global cars
    global ending

    # for the vehicle detection
    dt = threading.Thread(target=detect_vehicle, args=())
    dt.daemon = True

    # for performance check
    fps_sum = 0
    count_fps = 0

    j = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(1)
    j.data.wAxisX = 0x4000
    j.data.wAxisY = 0x1000

    loop_count = 0
    data_count = 0
    while True:
        if not paused:

            speed, accel, brake, steer = get_truckinfo()
            accel = 0x4000 - (0x4000 * accel) + (0x4000 * brake)
            steer = 0x4000 - (0x4000 * steer)

            control_fig = np.zeros((CON_HEIGHT, CON_WIDTH, 3), np.uint8)
            start_time = time.time()
            screen = get_screen(256, 192)

            screen_lane = screen
            screen_processed = ip.process_img(screen_lane, BOUND)
            lines = ip.process_line(screen_processed, linebuffer)

            if lines and linebuffer[0]:
                linebuffer[1] = lines[0]
                linebuffer[2] = lines[1]

            overlay = ip.draw_roi(screen_lane, BOUND)
            if not isinstance(lines, type(None)):
                # point = x1 of each line
                point_left = lines[0][0][0]
                point_right = lines[1][0][0]
                vanishing = (point_left + point_right) / 2
                direction = vanishing - MIDPOINT
                x_axis, y_axis = steer_wheel(direction, speed, braking)
                overlay = ip.draw_lines(overlay, lines, 3)
                # if there is no line
                # go straight
                vanishing = MIDPOINT
                x_axis = 0x4000
                y_axis = 0x1000

            overlay = ip.indicate_vehicle(overlay, cars, road_width,

            screen_lane = ip.overlap_img(screen_lane, overlay)
            # control_fig = ip.draw_control_fig(control_fig, x_axis, y_axis, accel_average, brake_average)

            j.data.wAxisX = x_axis
            j.data.wAxisY = y_axis
            if (lines):
                if len(lines) == 2:
                    if loop_count % 5000 == 0:
                        data_count = data_count + 1
                        Fname = 'dataSET' + str(data_count) + '.csv'
                    loop_count = loop_count + 1
                    fields = [
                        loop_count, lines[0][0][0], lines[0][0][2],
                        lines[1][0][0], lines[1][0][2], speed, steer, accel
                    with open(Fname, 'a') as f:
                        writer = csv.writer(f)

            fps = int(1 / (time.time() - start_time))
            fps_sum += fps
            count_fps += 1
            if count_fps == 60:
                fps_ave = int(fps_sum / 60)
                count_fps = 0
                fps_sum = 0
                print('[mainthread]average {}FPS'.format(fps_ave), '/60frm')
            # print('{}FPS'.format(fps))
            cv2.line(screen_lane, (0, int(brake_distance)),
                     (256, int(brake_distance)), [0, 255, 0], 1)
            screen_lane = cv2.resize(screen_lane, (512, 384))
            cv2.imshow('OUTPUT', cv2.cvtColor(screen_lane, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
            cv2.moveWindow('OUTPUT', 1024, 0)
            ##            cv2.imshow('CONTROL', cv2.cvtColor(control_fig, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
            cv2.moveWindow('CONTROL', 1024, 384)
        key_com = cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xff
        # esc
        if key_com == 27:
            j.data.wAxisX = 0x4000
            j.data.wAxisY = 0x4000
            # finish subthread
            ending = True
        # space
        elif key_com == 32:
            if paused:
                paused = False
                paused = True
        elif key_com == ord('r'):
            j.data.wAxisX = 0x4000
            j.data.wAxisY = 0x4000
        if move:
            move = False
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self):
     self._MAX_VJOY = 32767
     self._joy = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(1)