Exemple #1
def upsert_stats(self, cityID, stats, userID=False, tdate=False, day=0):
    """Insert stats dict into database"""
    cur = self.db.cursor()
    mstr = ""
    values, sql_vals = [], ""
    update = " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE "

    for i in stats.keys():
        mstr += "%s, " % i
        sql_vals = sql_vals + i + "=VALUES(" + i + "), "
    sql_vals, mstr = sql_vals[:-2], mstr[:-2]

    if tdate:
        sql = "INSERT INTO %swetterturnier_tdatestats (cityID, tdate, %s) VALUES %s" + update + sql_vals
            sql % (self.prefix, mstr,
                   str(self.sql_tuple(sum([[cityID], [tdate], values], [])))))
    elif userID:
        sql = "INSERT INTO %swetterturnier_userstats (userID, cityID, %s) VALUES %s" + update + sql_vals
            sql % (self.prefix, mstr,
                   str(self.sql_tuple(sum([[userID], [cityID], values], [])))))
    elif cityID:
        sql = "INSERT INTO %swetterturnier_citystats (cityID, %s) VALUES %s" + update + sql_vals
        cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, mstr,
                           str(self.sql_tuple(sum([[cityID], values], [])))))
        utils.exit("Wrong usage of upsert_stats in database.py!")
 def input_to_list(x, msg):
   Inputs to this script can be lists of numeric values.
   Therefore we have to convert them into numpy arrays which
   will be done by this script. If input is NONE, an empty
   array will be returned.
   Inputs:     x   required   string (e.g., '13.3' or '13.3,14.4')
               msg required   short message in case the function calls exit.
   Output:     numpy.array object containing either nothing (empty) or
               the values from input x as float numbers.
     if not x: return np.asarray([])
     tmp = x.split(",")
     res = []
     for elem in tmp:
             utils.exit("Problems: %s have to be numeric!" % msg)
     return np.asarray(res)
    is_latest_tournament = False
    if config['input_tdate'] == None:
        config['input_tdate'] = current_tdate
        print '  * Using latest tournament date: %d' % config['input_tdate']
        is_latest_tournament = True
        #utils.exit('Sorry, need explicit -t/--tdate input for this script')
        print '  * Using input tdate: %d' % config['input_tdate']

    # - If input_user was given as string we have to find the
    #   corresponding userID first!
    if type(config['input_user']) == type(str()):
        config['input_user'] = db.get_user_id(config['input_user'])
        if not config['input_user']:
                'SORRY could not convert your input -u/--user to corresponding userID. Check name.'

    # - Compute the Points for all the dudes first
    import subprocess as sub
    if not config['input_alldates']:
        if is_latest_tournament:
            scripts = [
                'ComputePetrus.py', 'ComputeMoses.py',
                'ComputePersistenzen.py', 'ComputeMeanBets.py',
                'ComputePoints.py', 'ComputeSleepy.py'
            if today == current_tdate:
                print "Today is a tournament day!"
            scripts = [
   # - Loading tdate (day since 1970-01-01) for the tournament.
   #   Normaly Friday-Tornament (tdate is then Friday) while
   #   the bet-dates are for Saturday and Sunday.
   if config['input_tdate'] == None:
      tdates     = [db.current_tournament()]
      print '  * Current tournament is %s' % utils.tdate2string( tdates[0] )
      tdates     = [config['input_tdate']]

   # - If input_user was given as string we have to find the
   #   corresponding userID first!
   if type(config['input_user']) == type(str()):
      config['input_user'] = db.get_user_id( config['input_user'] )
      if not config['input_user']:
         utils.exit('SORRY could not convert your input -u/--user to corresponding userID. Check name.')
   # - Loading all parameters
   params = db.get_parameter_names(False)

   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   # - Because of the observations we have to compute the
   #   points city by city. Loading city data here first. 
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   # - Loading all different cities (active cities)
   cities     = db.get_cities()
   # - If input city set, then drop all other cities.
   if not config['input_city'] == None:
      tmp = []
      for elem in cities:
         if elem['name'] == config['input_city']: tmp.append( elem )
    # - Loading tdate (day since 1970-01-01) for the tournament.
    #   Normaly Friday-Tornament (tdate is then Friday) while
    #   the bet-dates are for Saturday and Sunday.
    if config['input_tdate'] == None:
        tdates = [db.current_tournament()]
        print('  * Current tournament is %s' % utils.tdate2string(tdates[0]))
        tdates = [config['input_tdate']]

    # - If input_user was given as string we have to find the
    #   corresponding userID first!
    if type(config['input_user']) == type(str()):
        config['input_user'] = db.get_user_id(config['input_user'])
        if not config['input_user']:
                'SORRY could not convert your input -u/--user to corresponding userID. Check name.'

    # - Loading all parameters
    params = db.get_parameter_names(False)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Because of the observations we have to compute the
    #   points city by city. Loading city data here first.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Loading all different cities (active cities)
    cities = db.get_cities()
    # - If input city set, then drop all other cities.
    if not config['input_city'] == None:
        tmp = []
        for i in cities:
Exemple #6
      print("    Run computation for city {0:s} ({1:d})".format(city,cityID))

      # Run the scripts in the correct order
      for script in scripts:

         # - Create next python command. Append ALL input arguments
         #   we hade in this script plus the tdate (if not set in input
         #   arguments).
         cmd = ['python',script]
         # Append tournamentdate and city to the arglist
         cmd.append('-t'); cmd.append("{0:d}".format(tdate))
         cmd.append('-c'); cmd.append(city)

         p1 = sub.Popen(cmd,stderr=sub.PIPE)
         err = p1.communicate()
         if not p1.returncode == 0:
            for line in err: print('%s\n' % line)
            utils.exit('ERROR WHILE RUNNING %s AS SUBPROCESS FOR DATE %d CITY %s' % (script,tdate,city))

      # update database ans set these jobs to 'done'
      cur = db.cursor()
      now = dt.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
      sql = "UPDATE {0:s}{1:s} SET done = '{2:s}' WHERE cityID = {3:d} AND tdate = {4:d}".format(
      cur = db.cursor()

        tdates = [config['input_tdate']]

    # - Loading all different cities (active cities)
    cities = db.get_cities()
    # - If input city set, then drop all other cities.
    if not config['input_city'] == None:
        tmp = []
        for i in cities:
            if i['name'] == config['input_city']: tmp.append(i)
        cities = tmp

    # - If moses directory does not exist:
    if not os.path.isdir(config['data_moses']):
        utils.exit("Cannot find directory \"{0:s}\" which should contain ".format(config["data_moses"]) + \
                 "the necessary coefficient-files for Moses! Stop!")

    # - Reading parameter list
    params = db.get_parameter_names(active=True, sort=True)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Prepare the Moses
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    username = '******'
    #db.create_user( username )
    moses_userID = db.get_user_id(username)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - A small helper function to find the correct coefficient
    #   file. Klaus sends them once a week, normally on
    #   Tuesday. The name of the file contains a date
Exemple #8
def compute_stats(self,
   Computes all kinds of statistics e.g. the points for the eternal list plus min/max/median/mean of points for each user, city, tdate and so on.
    res = {
    }  #results will be saved here with measures as keys, tdate as subkeys

    import numpy as np

    cur = self.db.cursor()
    day_strs = ["", "_d1", "_d2"]
    day_str = day_strs[0]
    if day != 0:
        day_str = day_strs[day]
    if last_tdate: last_tdate_str = " AND tdate<=" + str(last_tdate)
    else: last_tdate_str = ""

    sql = "SELECT points" + day_str + " FROM %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE "
    if tdate or (not tdate and not userID and cityID):
        # We don't want Sleepy in our tdatestats!
        #exclude = [self.get_user_id("Sleepy")]
        exclude = []
        if not referenz:
            groupID = self.get_group_id("Referenztipps")
            for j in self.get_participants_in_group(groupID,

        if not mitteltips:
            #include no groups
            sql2 = "SELECT ID FROM %susers WHERE user_login LIKE \"%s\""
            cur.execute(sql2 % (self.prefix, "GRP_%"))
            data2 = cur.fetchall()
            for j in data2:

        if tdate:  #tdatestats
            #only include users who really played on tdate (no sleepy points!)
            #played = self.sql_tuple( self.get_participants_in_city( cityID, tdate ) )
            sql += "cityID=%d AND tdate=%d AND userID NOT IN%s" + last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql %
                        (self.prefix, cityID, tdate, self.sql_tuple(exclude)))

        elif cityID:  #citystats
            sql2 = "SELECT part FROM %swetterturnier_tdatestats WHERE cityID=%d" + last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql2 % (self.prefix, cityID))
            data = cur.fetchall()
            for i in measures:
                parts = []
                for j in data:
                if i == "mean_part": res[i] = np.mean(parts)
                elif i == "max_part": res[i] = np.max(parts)
                elif i == "min_part": res[i] = np.min(parts)
                elif i == "tdates": res[i] = len(parts)

            sql += "cityID=%d AND userID NOT IN%s" + last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(exclude)))

    elif userID:  #userstats
        userIDs = [userID]
        #if we are using an alias dict we merge all aliases of a user with his/her other identities
        if aliases:
            username = self.get_username_by_id(userID)
            if username in aliases.keys() or username in sum(
                    aliases.values(), []):
                if verbose: print(username)
                for j in aliases.keys():
                    if username == j:
                        for k in aliases[j]:
                        if username in aliases[j]:
                            for k in aliases[j]:
                                userID = self.get_user_id(k)
                                if userID not in userIDs:
                if verbose: print userIDs

        sql += "userID IN%s"
        if cityID != 0:
            sql += " AND cityID=%d" + last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), cityID))
            sql += last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs)))

        utils.exit("Wrong usage of compute_stats!")

    data = cur.fetchall()
    points = []
    for i in data:
        #sleepy has NULL points on d1 and d2, skip him!
        if i[0] == None: continue
        else: points.append(float(i[0]))

    if not points: points.append(0)

    if cityID == 0:
      first calculate sd_ind for all tournaments played. Pretend as cities were one
      so if a user participated in multiple cities on the same day
      it counts like he played multiple tournaments &
      for each of these tournaments we look up the sd_upp and calculate a mean (sd_ind)
        sql = "SELECT cityID, tdate, points FROM %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s AND tdate <= %d"
        cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), last_tdate))
        points = {}
        for j in cur.fetchall():
            if j[0] not in points:
                points[j[0]] = {}
            points[j[0]][j[1]] = j[2]

        sd_upp = []
        for cityID in points.keys():
            for tdate in points[cityID].keys():
                    self.get_stats(cityID, measure="sd_upp", tdate=tdate))

        if not sd_upp: return {"points_adj": 0}
        #remove None values
        sd_upp = [x for x in sd_upp if x]
        sd_ind = np.nanmean(sd_upp)
        res["sd_ind"] = sd_ind

        #now we get the individual points for each tournament played
        points_adj = []
        parts = {}
        for cityID in points.keys():
            parts[cityID] = 0

        for cityID in points.keys():
            for tdate in points[cityID].keys():
                median = self.get_stats(cityID, measure="median", tdate=tdate)
                points_adj.append(points[cityID][tdate] - median)
                parts[cityID] += 1

        #get mean participations for every city a user ever played
        parts_all = np.sum(parts.values())
        #actually parts_mean, we will use this variable in calculation
        parts = parts_all / len(parts.values())
        res["part"] = parts_all

        sql = "SELECT points FROM wp_wetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s"
        cur.execute(sql % self.sql_tuple(userIDs))
        points_all = [j[0] for j in cur.fetchall() if j[0]]

        if points_all:
            res["max"] = np.max(points_all)
            res["mean"] = np.mean(points_all)

        #norm by sd_ind, scale by mean participations in all cities
        if parts < pout:
            f = 0
        elif parts < pmid:
            f = np.sqrt(float(parts) / pmid)
            f = 1

        #average points above median
        res["points_med"] = np.mean(points_adj)

        #final adjusted points
        res["points_adj"] = f * (res["points_med"] / sd_ind) * 1000
        if np.isnan(res["points_adj"]):
            res["points_adj"] = 0

        sql = """
      SELECT rank, count(rank) AS count FROM %swetterturnier_betstat
      WHERE userID IN%s AND rank <= 3 %s
      GROUP BY rank ORDER BY rank
        cur.execute(sql %
                    (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), last_tdate_str))
        ranks = {1: "0", 2: "0", 3: "0"}
        for j in cur.fetchall():
            ranks[j[0]] = str(j[1])

        res["ranks_weekend"] = ",".join(ranks.values())

        return res

    elif cityID == 6:
        #weighted variant sum(p_adj_i * part_i) / sum(part_i)

        #which cities did the user play? would be better to call userstat but then we need to get rid of zero/null rows...
        sql = "SELECT cityID FROM wp_wetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s"
        cur.execute(sql % self.sql_tuple(userIDs))
        cityIDs = []
        for i in cur.fetchall():
            if i[0] not in cityIDs: cityIDs.append(i[0])

        #get points_adj from userstats
        points_adj, parts, sd_ind = ([] for _ in range(3))
        for cityID in cityIDs:
            measures = self.get_stats(
                measures=["points_adj", "part", "sd_ind"])
            if measures:

        if not points_adj or not parts or not sd_ind or None in points_adj:
            res["points_adj"] = 0
            res["part"] = 0
            res["sd_ind"] = 0
            return res

            sql = "SELECT points FROM wp_wetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s"
            cur.execute(sql % self.sql_tuple(userIDs))
            points_all = [j[0] for j in cur.fetchall() if j[0]]

            if points_all:
                res["max"] = np.max(points_all)
                res["mean"] = np.mean(points_all)

            sql = """
         SELECT rank, count(rank) AS count FROM %swetterturnier_betstat
         WHERE userID IN%s AND rank <= 3 %s
         GROUP BY rank ORDER BY rank
            cur.execute(sql %
                        (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), last_tdate_str))
            ranks = {1: "0", 2: "0", 3: "0"}
            for j in cur.fetchall():
                ranks[j[0]] = str(j[1])

            res["ranks_weekend"] = ",".join(ranks.values())

            parts_all = np.sum(parts)
            res["part"] = parts_all
            res["points_adj"] = np.dot(points_adj, parts) / parts_all
            res["sd_ind"] = np.dot(sd_ind, parts) / parts_all
            return res

    for i in measures:
        i += day_str
        if i == "points" + day_str:
            res[i] = sum(points)
        elif "sd_ind" in i and "_d" not in i:
            #get tdates where the user participated
            sql = "SELECT tdate FROM %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s AND cityID=%d"
            if "1" in i or "2" in i or "X" in i:
                spanstr = i[-1]

                if midyear:
                    middle_tdate = str(
                        utils.string2tdate(str(midyear) + "-01-01"))
                #print "Middle of tournament (tdate): %s" % middle_tdate
                if "1" in i:
                    sql += " AND tdate<=" + middle_tdate
                elif "2" in i:
                    sql += " AND tdate>" + middle_tdate
                elif span:
                    if verbose: print span
                    sql += " AND tdate BETWEEN " + str(
                        span[0]) + " AND " + str(span[1])

            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), cityID))
            tdates = [j[0] for j in cur.fetchall()]

            sql = "SELECT sd_upp from %swetterturnier_tdatestats WHERE cityID=%d AND tdate IN%s"
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(tdates)))
            #print sql % (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(tdates) )
            sd_upp = [j[0] for j in cur.fetchall()]
            res[i] = np.mean(sd_upp)
            if res[i] == None or np.isnan(res[i]): res[i] = 0

        elif "points_adj" in i and "_d" not in i:
            if verbose:
                print self.get_username_by_id(userIDs[0])
                print i, "\n"

            #skip Sleepy
            #if self.get_user_id("Sleepy") in userIDs: continue

            parts = len(points)
            if not parts: continue
         find all dates where the user actually played
         for each date calculate:
         (points-points) / (ymax-median*)
         sum up and divide by number of tdates
         * daily median and median fitted by PlotStats
           should be calculated earlier in ComputeStats with other citystats!
            tdates = {}
            sql = "SELECT tdate, points FROM %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s AND cityID=%d"
            if "1" in i or "2" in i or "X" in i:
                if midyear:
                    middle_tdate = str(
                        utils.string2tdate(str(midyear) + "-01-01"))
                if verbose:
                    print "Middle of tournament (tdate): %s" % middle_tdate
                if "1" in i:
                    sql += " AND tdate<=" + middle_tdate
                elif "2" in i:
                    sql += " AND tdate>" + middle_tdate
                elif span:
                    if verbose: print span
                    sql += " AND tdate BETWEEN " + str(
                        span[0]) + " AND " + str(span[1])
                    #print sql
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), cityID))
            data = cur.fetchall()

            for j in data:
                tdates[j[0]] = {}
                tdates[j[0]]["points"] = j[1]

            #get the actual median for each tdate
            sql = "SELECT tdate, median from %swetterturnier_tdatestats WHERE cityID=%d AND tdate IN%s"
            cur.execute(sql %
                        (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(tdates.keys())))
            data = cur.fetchall()
            for j in data:
                tdates[j[0]]["median"] = j[1]

            if "1" in i: timestr = "1"
            elif "2" in i: timestr = "2"
            elif "X" in i: timestr = "X"
            else: timestr = ""
            sd_ind = self.get_stats(cityID,
                                    measure="sd_ind" + timestr,
            if sd_ind in [0, None] or np.isnan(sd_ind): continue

            if verbose:
                print "tdate      points median sd      points_adj"

            points_adj = []

            for t in sorted(tdates.keys()):
                if {"points", "median"} <= set(tdates[t]):
                    perc = tdates[t]["points"] - tdates[t]["median"]
                    if verbose:
                        print utils.tdate2string(t), str(
                            tdates[t]["points"]).ljust(6), str(
                                tdates[t]["median"]).ljust(6), str(
                                          2)).ljust(7), str(round(perc,


            if not points_adj: points_adj.append(0)
            if verbose:
                print ""

            #if someone has less than "pout" parts, just kick him out!
            if parts < pout:
                f = 0
            #in between pout and pmid the points get adjusted by the sqrt() function
            elif parts < pmid:
                f = np.sqrt(float(parts) / pmid)
            else:  #if parts >= pmid
                f = 1
            #average points above median
            res["points_med"] = np.mean(points_adj)

            #final adjusted points
            res["points_adj"] = f * (res["points_med"] / sd_ind) * 1000
            if np.isnan(res["points_adj"]):
                res["points_adj"] = 0

        elif i == "mean" + day_str:
            res[i] = round(np.mean(points), 1)

        elif i == "median" + day_str:
            res[i] = np.median(points)

        elif i == "Qlow" + day_str:
            res[i] = np.percentile(points, 25, interpolation="midpoint")

        elif i == "Qupp" + day_str:
            res[i] = np.percentile(points, 75, interpolation="midpoint")

        elif i == "max" + day_str:
            res[i] = max(points)

        elif i == "min" + day_str:
            res[i] = min(points)

        elif i == "sd" + day_str:  #standard deviation
            sd = np.std(points)
            if np.isnan(sd): res[i] = 0
            else: res[i] = sd

        elif i == "part":
            #important for part count, otherwise could be 1 if a player/date actually has 0 part
            if len(points) == 1 and points[0] == 0: res[i] = 0
            else: res[i] = len(points)

        elif i == "sd_upp" + day_str:
            median = self.get_stats(tdate=tdate,
                                    measure="median" + day_str)
            if not median: median = res["median" + day_str]
            if not median: continue
            sql = "SELECT points" + day_str + " from %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE tdate=%d AND cityID=%d AND points" + day_str + " > %f"
            #print sql % (self.prefix, tdate, cityID, median)
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, tdate, cityID, median))
            sd = np.mean([j[0] - median for j in cur.fetchall()])

            if np.isnan(sd): res[i] = 0
            else: res[i] = sd

        elif i == "ranks_weekend":
            sql = """
         SELECT rank, count(rank) AS count FROM %swetterturnier_betstat
         WHERE cityID = %d AND userID IN%s AND rank <= 3 %s
         GROUP BY rank ORDER BY rank
                sql %
                (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), last_tdate_str))
            ranks = {1: "0", 2: "0", 3: "0"}
            for j in cur.fetchall():
                ranks[j[0]] = str(j[1])

            res[i] = ",".join(ranks.values())

        elif i == "ranks_season":


    if not res: utils.exit("No results!")
    return res
Exemple #9
        tmp = []
        for elem in cities:
            if elem['name'] == config['input_city']: tmp.append(elem)
        cities = tmp

    # - Loading all active users from the database
    active_groups = db.get_active_groups()

    # - Checking input user if set
    #   If input_user was given as string we have to find the
    #   corresponding userID first!
    if type(config['input_user']) == type(int()):
        config['input_user'] = db.get_username_by_id(config['input_user'])
        if not config['input_user']:
                'SORRY could not convert your input -u/--user to corresponding username. Check name.'

    # - Check if input_user is an active group.
    if not config['input_user'] == None:
        if not config['input_user'] in active_groups:
            print '    Some help for you: currently active groups:'
            for grp in active_groups:
                print '    - %s' % grp
                'Sorry, but %s is not a name of an active group. Stop.' %
            active_groups = [config['input_user']]

    # - Create new user
                                  '/archivefiles_processed_%s.txt' % city):
                    aid = open(
                        config['rawdir'] +
                        '/archivefiles_processed_%s.txt' % city, 'r')
                    aco = aid.readlines()
                    skip = False
                    for aline in aco:
                        if file in aline:
                            print '    - ALLREADY PROCESSED. Skip'
                            skip = True
                    if skip: continue

            print '* Loading: %s' % (file)

            if counter >= 5: utils.exit('dev stop, counter >= 5 here')

            # - Import first file
            obj = importbets.importbets(config, file_forced)


            # - Getting data from raw files


                       "observed wind speed, single value, or comma separated list.")
    # - Quiet mode
        "Optional, logical. If set, output will be more quiet. Default False.")

    inputs, args = parser.parse_args()
    # - Missing input -o
    if not inputs.param:
        print parser.usage
        utils.exit("Missing required input -p/--param.")
    if not inputs.obs:
        print parser.usage
        utils.exit("Missing required input -o/--obs.")
    if not inputs.values:
        print parser.usage
        utils.exit("Missing required input -v/--values.")
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Reading config file
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    config = utils.readconfig('config.conf')

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Checking if parameter is allowed
# - Only start if called as main routine
if __name__ == '__main__':

   import subprocess as sub
   import getopt
   import sys
   # - Wetterturnier specific modules
   from pywetterturnier import utils
   from pywetterturnier import importbets

      opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'-o',['--obs'])
   except getopt.GetoptError as err:
      utils.exit('Wrong input options set')
   obsonly = False
   for o, a in opts:
      if o in ['-o','--obs']:
         obsonly = True

   # - Reading configuration file first
   config = utils.readconfig()

   # - The url needed to download the data
   url_template = 'http://wetterturnier.de/wertungen/uebersicht_%s.php?p=ue0&stadt=%s'

   # ---------------------------------------------------------------
   # - No tags? No downloading shit.
   if config['migrate_citytags'] == None:
      print '  * No citytags from config file: nothing will be done.'
def CSP(db,config,cities,tdates):

   import sys, os
   import numpy as np
   from pywetterturnier import utils
   print('\n  * Compute sum points to fill betstat table')

   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   # - Now going over the cities and compute the points. 
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   for city in cities:

      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      # - If aldates, take all tdates from database
      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      if config['input_alldates']:
         tdates = db.all_tournament_dates( city['ID'] )

      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      # - Looping trough dates
      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      for tdate in tdates:
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------
         # - Check if we are allowed to perform the computation of the
         #   mean bets on this date
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------
         check = utils.datelock(config,tdate)
         if check:
            print('    Date is \'locked\' (datelock). Dont execute, skip.')

         # ----------------------------------------------------------
         # - Which judgingclass do we have to take?
         #   It is possible that the scoring system changed.
         # ----------------------------------------------------------
         #   Take the latest judgingclass changed in 2002-12-06
         if tdate < 12027:
            if config['input_ignore']:
               print('[!] Judginglcass not defined - but started in ignore mode. Skip.')
               utils.exit('I dont know which judgingclass I should use for this date. Stop.')

         print('    For %s tournament is %s' % (city['name'], utils.tdate2string( tdate )))

         # - If config['input_user'] is an integer value this
         #   is a userID. Compute the sum points for this user
         #   only. This is for some replay purposes.
         if type(config['input_user']) == type(int()):
            extra = ' AND userID = %d ' % config['input_user']
            extra = '' 

         sqlP = 'SELECT userID, cityID, tdate, ' + \
                'round(sum(points),1) AS points, max(placed) AS submitted ' + \
                'FROM %swetterturnier_bets ' + \
                'WHERE cityID = %d AND tdate = %d %s ' + \
                'GROUP BY userID, cityID, tdate '
         sqlP = sqlP % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, extra)
         sqlX = 'SELECT userID, cityID, tdate, sum(points) AS points ' + \
                'FROM %swetterturnier_bets ' + \
                'WHERE cityID = %d AND tdate = %d ' + \
                'AND betdate = %d %s ' + \
                'GROUP BY userID, cityID, tdate'
         sql1 = sqlX % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, tdate+1, extra)
         sql2 = sqlX % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, tdate+2, extra)

         sql_full = 'SELECT p.points AS points, d1.points AS points_d1, d2.points AS points_d2, ' + \
                    'p.userID, p.cityID, p.tdate ' + \
                    'FROM ('+sqlP+') AS p ' + \
                    'LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + \
                    '('+sql1+') AS d1 ON p.userID=d1.userID AND p.tdate=d1.tdate ' + \
                    'AND p.cityID = d1.cityID ' + \
                    'LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + \
                    '('+sql2+') AS d2 ON p.userID=d2.userID AND p.tdate=d2.tdate ' + \
                    'AND p.cityID = d2.cityID ' + \

         print('    - Reading data from database')
         cur = db.cursor()
         cur.execute( sql_full )
         desc = cur.description
         data = cur.fetchall()

         # Now compute 
         if len(data) == 0:
            print('    - Sorry, got no data to compute sum points')
            # Else: we have data, update database
            print('    - Upserting database (%d lines)' % len(data))

            # Require the index of the "points" variable
            points_idx = None
            for di in range(0,len(desc)):
               if str(desc[di][0]) == 'points':
                  points_idx = di
            if points_idx is None:
               sys.exit("ERROR: could not find variable \"points\" in data. Stop.")

            # - Prepare the data
            sql = 'INSERT INTO '+db.prefix+'wetterturnier_betstat ' + \
                  'SET rank=%s, points=%s, points_d1=%s, points_d2=%s, ' + \
                  'userID=%s, cityID=%s, tdate=%s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE points=VALUES(points), ' + \
                  'points_d1 = VALUES(points_d1), points_d2 = VALUES(points_d2)'

            #for d in data:
            #    if not int(d[0]) == 1130: continue
            #    print d

            # Compute rank
            points = []
            for pi in range(0,len(data)):
                points = np.sort(points)[::-1]
                print("ERROR: error while computing ranks")

            rank = []
            data = list(data)
            for pi in range(0,len(data)):
               this   = data[pi][points_idx]
               # if points is empty
               # Append empty rank (IN FRONT) and skip
               if not this:
                  data[pi] = (None,) + data[pi]
               # else search rank
               # and append rank IN FRONT (check sql command)
               rank   = np.where(points == this)[0]
               if not len(rank):
                  data[pi] = (None,) + data[pi]
                  data[pi] = (rank[0] + 1,) + data[pi]
            cur.executemany( sql , data )
    from pywetterturnier import database

    # - Reading configuration file first
    config = utils.readconfig()

    # - Migrate mitspieler.txt file with
    #   passwords ans shit?
    if config['migrate_mitspieler']:

        db = database.database(config)

        print '  * Migrating mitspieler list'
            fid = open(config['migrate_mitspielerfile'], 'r')
            utils.exit('Cannot read file %s' %

        # - Write changed usernames to file
        # A local file to store all users where
        # the username changed because of special characters.
            ufile = open('changed_usernames.txt', 'w+')
                'Problems creating file changed_usernames.txt write mode')

        # - Else loop trough file and convert usernames and
        #   passwords to prepare for database
        res = []
        for line in fid.readlines():
            line = line.strip()