import pywhatkit as pwk #(phone no. with country code , message, time: hours, minutes) #pwk.sendwhatmsg("+919891xxxxxx", "Sent with Python", 9, 25) #pwk.playonyt("comedy circus") pwk.showHistory()
def run_alexa(): command = take_command() print(command) if 'music' in command: song = command.replace('play song', '') talk('I am playing your favourite ' + song) # print('playing') print(song) # playing the first video that appears in yt search pywhatkit.playonyt(song) elif 'time' in command: now = time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print("time:", time) talk("Current time is " + time) elif ('month' or 'year') in command: now = year = now.strftime("%Y") print("year:", year) talk("Current year is " + year) month = now.strftime("%m") print("month:", month) talk("Current month is " + month) elif 'date' in command: now = date_time = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S") print("date and time:", date_time) talk("Current date and time is " + date_time) # opens web.whatsapp at specified time i.e before 10 minutes and send the msg elif 'whatsapp' in command: talk("To which number do you have to whatsapp") talk("Please dont forget to enter 10 digits with country code") num = input() talk("Enter the message you have to send") msg = input() talk("Enter the time to send the message") time = int(input()) pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg(num, msg, time, 00) pywhatkit.showHistory() pywhatkit.shutdown(3000000000) # pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+919876543210", "This is a message", 15, 00) # Convert text to handwritten format elif 'convert' in command: text = command.replace('convert', '') pywhatkit.text_to_handwriting(text, rgb=[0, 0, 0]) # Perform google search elif 'search' in command: key = command.replace('search', '')"key") elif 'wikipedia' in command: person = command.replace('wikipedia', '') talk("How many pages do you want to read") num_pages = int(input()) # talk("In which language do you want to read") # l = input() # wikipedia.set_lang(l) info = wikipedia.summary(person, num_pages) print(info) talk(info) elif 'can you work for me' in command: talk("sorry, I have headache. Please do your work") elif 'are you single' in command: talk("I am in relationshhip with wifi") elif 'joke' in command: talk(pyjokes.get_joke()) talk("sorry for the lamest joke") elif 'open google browser' in command: try: urL = '' chrome_path = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" webbrowser.register('chrome', None, webbrowser.BackgroundBrowser(chrome_path)) webbrowser.get('chrome').open_new_tab(urL) talk("Successfully opened chrome its upto you to search") except: webbrowser.Error elif 'google search' in command: word_to_search = command.replace('google search', '') response = GoogleSearch().search(word_to_search) print(response) for result in response.results: print("Title: " + result.title) talk("You can look for the following titles " + result.title) elif 'weather' in command: # base URL BASE_URL = "" talk("Which city weather are you looking for") try: with sr.Microphone() as source: print('listening weather...') city_voice = listener.listen(source) city = listener.recognize_google(city_voice) # city = '\"'+city.lower()+'\"' print(city) # city="bangalore" # API key API_KEY = "Your API Key" API_KEY = "b5a362ef1dc8e16c673dd5049aa98d8f" # upadting the URL URL = BASE_URL + "q=" + city + "&appid=" + API_KEY # HTTP request response = requests.get(URL) # checking the status code of the request if response.status_code == 200: # getting data in the json format data = response.json() # getting the main dict block main = data['main'] # getting temperature temperature = main['temp'] # getting the humidity humidity = main['humidity'] # getting the pressure pressure = main['pressure'] # weather report report = data['weather'] print(f"{CITY:-^30}") print(f"Temperature: {temperature}") print(f"Humidity: {humidity}") print(f"Pressure: {pressure}") print(f"Weather Report: {report[0]['description']}") talk("Temperature in " + city + " is " + temperature + " humidity is " + humidity + " pressure is " + pressure + " and your final weather report" + report) else: # showing the error message print("Error in the HTTP request") talk("Error in the HTTP request") except: talk("Hmmmmm, it looks like there is something wrong") elif 'news' in command: try: googlenews = GoogleNews() googlenews.set_lang('en') # googlenews.set_period('7d') # googlenews.set_time_range('02/01/2020', '02/28/2020') googlenews.set_encode('utf-8') talk("What news are you looking for") try: with sr.Microphone() as source: print('listening news ...') news_voice = listener.listen(source) news_input = listener.recognize_google(news_voice) news_input = news_input.lower() print(news_input) googlenews.get_news(news_input) googlenews.get_page(2) result = googlenews.page_at(2) news = googlenews.get_texts() print(news) talk(news) except: print("Error") talk("Error in reading input") except: print("No news") talk(" I couldn't find any news on this day") elif 'play book' or 'read pdf' in command: talk("Which pdf do you want me to read") book_input = input() print(book_input) book = open(book_input, 'rb') # create pdfReader object pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(book) # count the total pages total_pages = pdfReader.numPages total_pages = str(total_pages) print("Total number of pages " + total_pages) talk("Total number of pages " + total_pages) # initialise speaker object # speaker = pyttsx3.init() # talk("Enter your starting page") # start_page = int(input()) talk( " here are the options for you, you can press 1 to Play a single page 2 to Play between start and end points and 3 to Play the entire book " ) talk("Enter your choice") choice = int(input()) if (choice == 1): talk("Enter index number") page = int(input()) page = pdfReader.getPage(page) text = page.extractText() talk(text) # speaker.say(text) # speaker.runAndWait() elif (choice == 2): talk("Enter starting page number") start_page = int(input()) talk("Enter ending page number") end_page = int(input()) for page in range(start_page + 1, end_page): page = pdfReader.getPage(start_page + 1) text = page.extractText() talk(text) # speaker.say(text) # speaker.runAndWait() elif (choice == 3): for page in range(total_pages + 1): page = pdfReader.getPage(page) text = page.extractText() talk(text) # speaker.say(text) # speaker.runAndWait() else: talk("Haha!! Please enter valid choice") else: talk( "Hiii Rashika, I am so bored can you please give me some proper commands" )
def user_input_3(): screen_clear() print("\n") print(Fore.RED + " ..,;:ccccccc:;...") print(Fore.WHITE + " ..,clllc:;;;;;;:cllc,.") print(Fore.RED + " .,cllc,..............';;'.") print(Fore.WHITE + " .;lol;......" + Fore.WHITE + "_______" + Fore.RED + "....;lol;.") print(Fore.RED + " .,lol;......" + Fore.WHITE + "/ _____/" + Fore.RED + ".....;lol;.. ") print(Fore.WHITE + " .coo......." + Fore.WHITE + "/ /" + Fore.RED + ".............coo") print(Fore.RED + ".'lol,....." + Fore.WHITE + "/ /" + Fore.RED + "............'lol,.") print(Fore.WHITE + ".,lol,...." + Fore.WHITE + "/ /_____" + Fore.RED + "........,lol,.") print(Fore.RED + ".,lol,...." + Fore.WHITE + "\______/" + Fore.RED + ".......,lol,.") print(Fore.WHITE + " .:ooc'.................:ooc'") print(Fore.RED + " .'cllc'.............cllc.") print(Fore.RED + " [ 1 ] Schedule a message ") print(Fore.WHITE + " [ 2 ] See all the messages sent ") print(Fore.RED + " [ 3 ] Clear Logs ") print(Fore.WHITE + "\n [ 99 ] Return to main-menu ") choice = int(input(Fore.RED + "\n [ → ] Enter choice> : ")) if choice == 1: executer() elif choice == 2: pywhatkit.showHistory() choice = input(" [ → ] Do you want to clear the logs? [Y/n] > : ") if choice == "Y" or choice == "y": f = open("pywhatkit_dbs.txt", "w") f.write("Woops! you have deleted the content! ") f.close() print(Fore.WHITE + Back.RED + "\n\tLogs cleared") sleep(1) user_input_3() elif choice == "n" or choice == "n": print("Returning Back") sleep(1) user_input_3() else: print("\n\t【X】wrong input!! TryAgain【X】") user_input_3() elif choice == 3: f = open("pywhatkit_dbs.txt", "w") f.write("No Logs ") f.close() print(Fore.WHITE + Back.RED + "\n\tLogs cleared") sleep(1) user_input_3() elif choice == 99: print("\n\t[ℂ] Returning to main-menu [ℂ]") sleep(1) bashCommand = "clear;. ./;main" output =['bash', '-c', bashCommand]) else: print("\n\t【X】wrong input!! Try Again【X】")
import pywhatkit as kit kit.sendwhatmsg("+91 **858 *****", "sending the meg with the help of python",9,42) kit.showHistory()
pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg_with_selenium( "Phone_Number", "This is a message", 15, 00) #Will send message with most of the processes hidden pywhatkit.send_file( "phone_number", "Path to file", 15, 00) #Will send file to number with most of the processes hidden pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg( "phone_number", "This is a message", 15, 00 ) #Will open at 14:59 and message will be sent at exactly 15:00"Python", lines=3, speak=None) #Will give information about the topic pywhatkit.playonyt( "Python") #Will play the first YouTube video having "Python" in it"Python") #Will perform a Google search pywhatkit.showHistory( ) #Will show information of all the messages sent using this library pywhatkit.shutdown(time=100) #Will shutdown the system in 100 seconds pywhatkit.cancelShutdown() #Will cancel the scheduled shutdown pywhatkit.watch_tutorial_in_english / hindi( ) #Will open a tutorial on how to use this library on YouTube in respective language #For more information