Exemple #1

winsound.Beep(440, 500)

# if no points were selected, then exit the app
if len(points) == 0:
    print "No coordinates selected. Exiting..."

print "Mouse coordinates collected. Charts will be updated every 30 minutes."

hwnd = win32gui.WindowFromPoint(points[0])
# create the XStudy application using a window handle
app = Application()
app.connect_(handle = hwnd)     # pass the window handle of one of the app's window

point = points[0]
hwnd = win32gui.WindowFromPoint(point)
pt = win32gui.ScreenToClient(hwnd, point)
hw = pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper(hwnd)
#hw.Click(button='right', coords = pt)
#app.PopupMenu.MenuItem("Split All").Click()

# first time through we run the code to ensure all charts start off split
firstTime = True

while True:
    dt = datetime.now()
    # execute this code at the top and bottom of every hour (xx:00 and xx:30)
    if firstTime == True or dt.minute == 0 or dt.minute == 30:
from pywinauto import Application

app = Application()

dlg = app.Autotrader.AfxFrameOrView100

notepad = Application()
notedlg = notepad.top_window_()

# move to the upper-left cell of the grid
dlg.TypeKeys("{LEFT 50}{UP 50}")

for row in range(7):
    notedlg.TypeKeys("{= 40}{ENTER}")
    for column in range(31):

    dlg.TypeKeys("{LEFT 31}")

notedlg.TypeKeys("{= 40}{ENTER}")
Exemple #3
pywinauto.mouse.move(coords=(0, 0))
Move the mouse

pywinauto.mouse.press(button='left', coords=(0, 0))
Press the mouse button

pywinauto.mouse.release(button='left', coords=(0, 0))
Release the mouse button

pywinauto.mouse.right_click(coords=(0, 0))
Right click at the specified coords

pywinauto.mouse.scroll(coords=(0, 0), wheel_dist=1)
Do mouse wheel

pywinauto.mouse.wheel_click(coords=(0, 0))
Middle mouse button click at the specified coords

import pywinauto.application

app = pywinauto.application.Application()
comapp = app.connect_(path="explorer")

for i in comapp.windows_():
    if "Progman" == i.FriendlyClassName():
        i.ClickInput(coords=(900, 50))

import win32api
x, y = win32api.GetCursorPos()

#print point

hwnd = win32gui.WindowFromPoint(point)
#print hwnd
pt = win32gui.ScreenToClient(hwnd, point)
hw = pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper(hwnd)

#print hw.MenuItems()

rowCount = 30

# connect to Excel
xlapp = Application()
xlapp.connect_(title_re=".*Microsoft Excel")

# create the XStudy application using a window handle
app = Application()
app.connect_(handle=hwnd)  # pass the window handle of one of the app's window

# play a short sound for each value retrieved
winsound.Beep(880, 200)

# right-click on the indicator
hw.Click(button='right', coords=pt)

# current value
#hw.TypeKeys('l~c', pause=0.5)
app.PopupMenu.MenuItem("Link To Excel->Current Value").Click()