Exemple #1
def getImageDim(request, imagePath):
    projectPath = request.session['projectPath']
    #     imgFn = os.path.join(projectPath, imagePath)
    from pyworkflow.em.packages.xmipp3.convert import xmippToLocation
    location = xmippToLocation(imagePath)
    x, y, z, n = ImageHandler().getDimensions(location)
    return x, y, z, n
Exemple #2
def getImageDim(request, imagePath):
    projectPath = request.session['projectPath']
#     imgFn = os.path.join(projectPath, imagePath)
    from pyworkflow.em.packages.xmipp3.convert import xmippToLocation
    location = xmippToLocation(imagePath)
    x, y, z, n = ImageHandler().getDimensions(location)
    return x, y, z, n
 def __setXmippImage(label):
     attr = '_xmipp_' + xmipp.label2Str(label)
     if not hasattr(particle, attr):
         img = Image()
         setattr(particle, attr, img)
         img = getattr(particle, attr)
 def __setXmippImage(label):
     attr = '_xmipp_' + xmipp.label2Str(label)
     if not hasattr(particle, attr):
         img = Image()
         setattr(particle, attr, img)
         img = getattr(particle, attr)
Exemple #5
    def _loadClassesInfo(self, filename):
        """ Read some information about the produced 2D classes
        from the metadata file.
        self._classesInfo = {}  # store classes info, indexed by class id

        mdClasses = md.MetaData(filename)

        for classNumber, row in enumerate(md.iterRows(mdClasses)):
            index, fn = xmippToLocation(row.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
            # Store info indexed by id, we need to store the row.clone() since
            # the same reference is used for iteration
            self._classesInfo[classNumber + 1] = (index, fn, row.clone())
Exemple #6
    def _loadClassesInfo(self, filename):
        """ Read some information about the produced 2D classes
        from the metadata file.
        self._classesInfo = {}  # store classes info, indexed by class id

        mdClasses = md.MetaData(filename)

        for classNumber, row in enumerate(md.iterRows(mdClasses)):
            index, fn = xmippToLocation(row.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
            # Store info indexed by id, we need to store the row.clone() since
            # the same reference is used for iteration
            self._classesInfo[classNumber + 1] = (index, fn, row.clone())
 def copyDeformationsStep(self, deformationMd):
     copyFile(deformationMd, self.imgsFn)
     # We need to update the image name with the good ones
     # and the same with the ids.
     inputSet = self.inputParticles.get()
     md = xmipp.MetaData(self.imgsFn)
     for objId in md:
         imgPath = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, objId)
         index, fn = xmippToLocation(imgPath)
         # Conside the index is the id in the input set
         particle = inputSet[index]
         md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, getImageLocation(particle), objId)
         md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ITEM_ID, long(particle.getObjId()), objId)
Exemple #8
 def copyDeformationsStep(self, deformationMd):
     copyFile(deformationMd, self.imgsFn)
     # We need to update the image name with the good ones
     # and the same with the ids.
     inputSet = self.inputParticles.get()
     mdImgs = md.MetaData(self.imgsFn)
     for objId in mdImgs:
         imgPath = mdImgs.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, objId)
         index, fn = xmippToLocation(imgPath)
         # Conside the index is the id in the input set
         particle = inputSet[index]
         mdImgs.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, getImageLocation(particle), objId)
         mdImgs.setValue(md.MDL_ITEM_ID, long(particle.getObjId()), objId)
def get_image_filter_spider(request):
    Function to get the computing image with a spider filter applied
    pars = {}

    imagePath = request.GET.get('image', None)
    dim = request.GET.get('dim', None)
    filterType = int(request.GET.get('filterType', None))
    pars["filterType"] = filterType
    pars["filterMode"] = int(request.GET.get('filterMode', None))
    pars["usePadding"] = request.GET.get('usePadding', None)
    pars["op"] = "FQ"

    # Copy image to filter to Tmp project folder
    outputName = os.path.join("Tmp", "filtered_particle")
    outputPath = outputName + ".spi"

    outputLoc = (1, outputPath)
    ih = ImageHandler()
    ih.convert(xmippToLocation(imagePath), outputLoc)
    outputLocSpiStr = locationToSpider(1, outputName)

    # check values
    if filterType < 2:
        pars["filterRadius"] = request.GET.get('radius', None)
        pars["highFreq"] = float(request.GET.get('highFreq', None))
        pars["lowFreq"] = float(request.GET.get('lowFreq', None))
        if filterType == 2:
            pars["temperature"] = request.GET.get('temperature', None)

    filter_spider(outputLocSpiStr, outputLocSpiStr, **pars)

    # Get output image and update filtered image
    img = xmipp.Image()
    locXmippStr = locationToXmipp(1, outputPath)

    # from PIL import Image
    img = getPILImage(img, dim)

    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png")
    img.save(response, "PNG")
    return response
Exemple #10
def get_image_filter_spider(request):
    Function to get the computing image with a spider filter applied
    imagePath = request.GET.get('image', None)
    dim = request.GET.get('dim', None)
    filterType = int(request.GET.get('filterType', None))
    pars["filterType"] = filterType
    pars["filterMode"] = int(request.GET.get('filterMode', None))
    pars["usePadding"] = request.GET.get('usePadding', None)    
    # Copy image to filter to Tmp project folder
    outputName = os.path.join("Tmp", "filtered_particle")
    outputPath = outputName + ".spi"
    outputLoc = (1, outputPath)
    ih = ImageHandler()
    ih.convert(xmippToLocation(imagePath), outputLoc)
    outputLocSpiStr = locationToSpider(1, outputName)
    # check values
    if filterType < 2:
        pars["filterRadius"] = request.GET.get('radius', None)
        pars["highFreq"] = float(request.GET.get('highFreq', None))
        pars["lowFreq"] = float(request.GET.get('lowFreq', None))
        if filterType == 2:
            pars["temperature"] = request.GET.get('temperature', None)    

    filter_spider(outputLocSpiStr, outputLocSpiStr, **pars)
    # Get output image and update filtered image
    img = xmipp.Image()
    locXmippStr = locationToXmipp(1, outputPath)
    # from PIL import Image
    img = getPILImage(img, dim)
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png")
    img.save(response, "PNG")
    return response
    def _findPathAndCtf(self, label, warnings=True):
        """ Find the relative path from which the micrographs exists
        repect to the metadata location. Also check if it contains
        CTF information and their relative root.
        row = md.getFirstRow(self._mdFile)

        if row is None:
            raise Exception("Can not import from an empty metadata: %s" % self._mdFile)

        if not row.containsLabel(label):
            raise Exception("Label *%s* is missing in metadata: %s" % (md.label2Str(label),

        # take only the filename part after the @
        index, fn = xmippToLocation(row.getValue(label))
        self._imgPath = findRootFrom(self._mdFile, fn)

        if warnings and self._imgPath is None:
            self.protocol.warning("Binary data was not found from metadata: %s" % self._mdFile)

        if row.containsLabel(md.MDL_CTF_MODEL):
            self._ctfPath = findRootFrom(self._mdFile, row.getValue(md.MDL_CTF_MODEL))
            self._ctfPath = None # means no CTF info from micrographs metadata

        if row.containsLabel(md.MDL_REF):
            self._classFunc = self.protocol._createSetOfClasses2D
        elif row.containsLabel(md.MDL_REF3D):
            self._classFunc = self.protocol._createSetOfClasses3D
            self._classLabel = None
            self._classFunc = None

        # Check if the MetaData contains either MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID
        # or MDL_MICROGRAPH, this will be used when imported
        # particles to keep track of the particle's micrograph
        self._micIdOrName = (row.containsLabel(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID) or
        #init dictionary. It will be used in the preprocessing
        self.micDict = {}

        return row
    def _preprocessParticleRow(self, img, imgRow):
        if self._imgPath:
            # Create a link or copy files to extraPath
            # and update the Row properly
            index, fn = xmippToLocation(imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
            imgBase = basename(fn)
            imgDst = self.protocol._getExtraPath(imgBase)
            if not exists(imgDst):
                self.copyOrLink(join(self._imgPath, fn), imgDst)
            imgRow.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, locationToXmipp(index, imgDst))

        if self._micIdOrName:
            micId = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, None)
            micName = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, None)

            # Check which is the key to identify micrographs (id or name)
            if micId is not None:
                micKey = micId
                micKey = micName

            mic = self.micDict.get(micKey, None)

            # First time I found this micrograph (either by id or name)
            if mic is None:
                mic = Micrograph()
                if micName is None:
                    micName = self.protocol._getExtraPath('fake_micrograph%6d' % micId)
                # Update dict with new Micrograph
                self.micDict[micKey] = mic

            # Update the row to set a MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID
            imgRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, long(mic.getObjId()))
Exemple #13
    def _processMovie(self, movieId, movieName, movieFolder,
                      shifts):  ###pasar shifts

        movieName = os.path.join(movieFolder, movieName)

        boxSize = self.boxSize.get()
        # Read movie dimensions to iterate through each frame
        imgh = ImageHandler()
        x, y, z, n = imgh.getDimensions(movieName)

        first = self.firstFrame.get()
        if first <= 1:
            first = 1
        last = self.lastFrame.get()
        if last <= 0 or last >= n:
            last = n
        numberOfFrames = last - first + 1

        if shifts is None:
            frames = max(z, n)
            shifts = [0] * (2 * frames)

        stkIndex = 0
        movieStk = self._getMovieName(movieId, '.stk')
        movieMdFile = self._getMovieName(movieId, '.xmd')
        movieMd = md.MetaData()
        frameMd = md.MetaData()
        frameMdImages = md.MetaData()
        frameRow = md.Row()

        for frame in range(first, last + 1):
            # Get the frame shifts
            index = frame - first
            shiftX = shifts[2 * index]
            shiftY = shifts[2 * index + 1]

            frameRoot = os.path.join(movieFolder, 'frame_%02d' % frame)
            frameName = frameRoot + '.mrc'
            frameMdFile = frameRoot + '.xmd'
            framePosFile = frameRoot + '_coordinates.xmd'
            coordinatesName = frameRoot + '_coordinates.xmd'

            hasCoordinates = self._writeXmippPosFile(movieId, movieName,
                                                     coordinatesName, shiftX,
            if hasCoordinates:
                self.info("Writing frame: %s" % frameName)
                #TODO: there is no need to write the frame and then operate
                #the input of the first operation should be the movie
                imgh.convert(tuple([frame, movieName]), frameName)

                if self.doRemoveDust:
                    self.info("Removing Dust")

                self.info("Extracting particles")
                frameImages = frameRoot + '_images'
                args = '-i %(frameName)s --pos %(coordinatesName)s ' \
                       '-o %(frameRoot)s --Xdim %(boxSize)d' % locals()

                if self.doInvert:
                    args += " --invert"

                args += " --downsampling %f " % self.factor
                self.runJob('xmipp_micrograph_scissor', args)

                frameStk = frameRoot + '.stk'

                self.info("Combining particles into one stack.")

                frameMd.read('particles@%s' % framePosFile)

                for objId in frameMd:
                    stkIndex += 1
                    frameRow.readFromMd(frameMd, objId)
                    location = xmippToLocation(frameRow.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
                    newLocation = (stkIndex, movieStk)
                    imgh.convert(location, newLocation)

                    # Fix the name to be accesible from the Project directory
                    # so we know that the movie stack file will be moved
                    # to final particles folder
                    newImageName = '%d@%s' % newLocation
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, newImageName)
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, long(movieId))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, str(movieId))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_FRAME_ID, long(frame))
                    frameRow.writeToMd(movieMd, movieMd.addObject())

        if self.doNormalize:
            self._runNormalize(movieStk, numberOfFrames)
Exemple #14
    def _processMovie(self, movie):
        movId = movie.getObjId()
        x, y, n = movie.getDim()
        iniFrame, lastFrame, _ = movie.getFramesRange()
        frame0, frameN = self._getRange(movie)
        boxSize = self.boxSize.get()

        if movie.hasAlignment() and self.applyAlignment:
            shiftX, shiftY = movie.getAlignment().getShifts()  # lists.
            shiftX = [0] * (lastFrame - iniFrame + 1)
            shiftY = shiftX

        stkIndex = 0
        movieStk = self._getMovieName(movie, '.stk')
        movieMdFile = self._getMovieName(movie, '.xmd')
        movieMd = md.MetaData()
        frameMd = md.MetaData()
        frameMdImages = md.MetaData()
        frameRow = md.Row()

        imgh = ImageHandler()
        for frame in range(frame0, frameN + 1):
            indx = frame - iniFrame
            print "Index: ", indx, shiftX, shiftY
            frameName = self._getFnRelated('frameMic', movId, frame)
            frameMdFile = self._getFnRelated('frameMdFile', movId, frame)
            coordinatesName = self._getFnRelated('frameCoords', movId, frame)
            frameImages = self._getFnRelated('frameImages', movId, frame)
            frameStk = self._getFnRelated('frameStk', movId, frame)

            hasCoordinates = self._writeXmippPosFile(movie, coordinatesName,

            if hasCoordinates:
                self.info("Writing frame: %s" % frameName)
                #TODO: there is no need to write the frame and then operate
                #the input of the first operation should be the movie
                movieName = imgh.fixXmippVolumeFileName(movie)
                print "Passing Ih: ", frame, movieName, frameName
                imgh.convert(tuple([frame - 1, movieName]), frameName)

                if self.doRemoveDust:
                    self.info("Removing Dust")

                self.info("Extracting particles")
                args = '-i %(frameName)s --pos %(coordinatesName)s ' \
                       '-o %(frameImages)s --Xdim %(boxSize)d' % locals()

                if self.doInvert:
                    args += " --invert"

                args += " --downsampling %f " % self.factor
                self.runJob('xmipp_micrograph_scissor', args)

                self.info("Combining particles into one stack.")

                frameMd.read('particles@%s' % coordinatesName)

                for objId in frameMd:
                    stkIndex += 1
                    frameRow.readFromMd(frameMd, objId)
                    location = xmippToLocation(frameRow.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
                    newLocation = (stkIndex, movieStk)
                    imgh.convert(location, newLocation)

                    # Fix the name to be accesible from the Project directory
                    # so we know that the movie stack file will be moved
                    # to final particles folder
                    newImageName = '%d@%s' % newLocation
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, newImageName)
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, long(movId))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, str(movId))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_FRAME_ID, long(frame))
                    frameRow.writeToMd(movieMd, movieMd.addObject())

        if self.doNormalize:
            numberOfFrames = frameN - frame0 + 1
            self._runNormalize(movieStk, numberOfFrames)
    def _processMovie(self, movie):
        movId = movie.getObjId()
        x, y, n = movie.getDim()
        iniFrame, lastFrame, _ = movie.getFramesRange()
        frame0, frameN = self._getRange(movie)
        boxSize = self.boxSize.get()
        if movie.hasAlignment() and self.applyAlignment:
            shiftX, shiftY = movie.getAlignment().getShifts()  # lists.
            shiftX = [0] * (lastFrame-iniFrame+1)
            shiftY = shiftX
        stkIndex = 0
        movieStk = self._getMovieName(movie, '.stk')
        movieMdFile = self._getMovieName(movie, '.xmd')
        movieMd = md.MetaData()
        frameMd = md.MetaData()
        frameMdImages = md.MetaData()
        frameRow = md.Row()
        if self._hasCoordinates(movie):
            imgh = ImageHandler()

            for frame in range(frame0, frameN+1):
                indx = frame-iniFrame
                frameName = self._getFnRelated('frameMic',movId, frame)
                frameMdFile = self._getFnRelated('frameMdFile',movId, frame)
                coordinatesName = self._getFnRelated('frameCoords',movId, frame)
                frameImages = self._getFnRelated('frameImages',movId, frame)
                frameStk = self._getFnRelated('frameStk', movId, frame)
                self._writeXmippPosFile(movie, coordinatesName,
                                        shiftX[indx], shiftY[indx])
                self.info("Writing frame: %s" % frameName)
                # TODO: there is no need to write the frame and then operate
                # the input of the first operation should be the movie
                movieName = imgh.fixXmippVolumeFileName(movie)
                imgh.convert((frame, movieName), frameName)
                if self.doRemoveDust:
                    self.info("Removing Dust")

                self.info("Extracting particles")
                args = '-i %(frameName)s --pos %(coordinatesName)s ' \
                       '-o %(frameImages)s --Xdim %(boxSize)d' % locals()
                if self.doInvert:
                    args += " --invert"

                if self.doBorders:
                    args += " --fillBorders"
                args += " --downsampling %f " % self.getBoxScale()
                self.runJob('xmipp_micrograph_scissor', args)
                self.info("Combining particles into one stack.")
                frameMd.read('particles@%s' % coordinatesName)
                for objId in frameMd:
                    stkIndex += 1
                    frameRow.readFromMd(frameMd, objId)
                    location = xmippToLocation(frameRow.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
                    newLocation = (stkIndex, movieStk)
                    imgh.convert(location, newLocation)
                    # Fix the name to be accessible from the Project directory
                    # so we know that the movie stack file will be moved
                    # to final particles folder
                    newImageName = '%d@%s' % newLocation
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, newImageName)
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, long(movId))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, str(movId))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_FRAME_ID, long(frame))
                    frameRow.writeToMd(movieMd, movieMd.addObject())
            if self.doNormalize:
                numberOfFrames = frameN - frame0 + 1
                self._runNormalize(movieStk, numberOfFrames)
 def _updateLocation(self, item, row):
     index, filename = xmippToLocation(row.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
     item.setLocation(index, filename)
Exemple #17
 def _updateLocation(self, item, row):
     index, filename = xmippToLocation(row.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
     item.setLocation(index, filename)
Exemple #18
def getImageDim(request, imagePath):
    imagePath = getImageFullPathFromRequest(request, imagePath)
    from pyworkflow.em.packages.xmipp3.convert import xmippToLocation
    location = xmippToLocation(imagePath)
    x, y, z, n = ImageHandler().getDimensions(location)
    return x, y, z, n
    def _processMovie(self, movieId, movieName, movieFolder, shifts):###pasar shifts
        movieName = os.path.join(movieFolder, movieName)

        boxSize = self.boxSize.get()
        # Read movie dimensions to iterate through each frame
        imgh = ImageHandler()
        x, y, z, n = imgh.getDimensions(movieName)
        first = self.firstFrame.get()
        if first <= 1:
            first = 1
        last = self.lastFrame.get()
        if last <= 0 or last >= n:
            last = n
        numberOfFrames = last - first + 1
        stkIndex = 0
        movieStk = self._getMovieName(movieId, '.stk')
        movieMdFile = self._getMovieName(movieId, '.xmd')
        movieMd = md.MetaData()
        frameMd = md.MetaData()
        frameMdImages = md.MetaData()
        frameRow = md.Row()
        for frame in range(first, last+1):
            # Get the frame shifts
            index = frame - first
            shiftX = shifts[2*index]
            shiftY = shifts[2*index+1]
            frameRoot = os.path.join(movieFolder, 'frame_%02d' % frame)
            frameName = frameRoot + '.mrc'
            frameMdFile = frameRoot + '.xmd'
            framePosFile = frameRoot + '_coordinates.xmd'
            coordinatesName = frameRoot + '_coordinates.xmd'
            hasCoordinates = self._writeXmippPosFile(movieId, movieName, coordinatesName, 
                                                     shiftX, shiftY)
            if hasCoordinates:
                self.info("Writing frame: %s" % frameName)
                #TODO: there is no need to write the frame and then operate
                #the input of the first operation should be the movie
                imgh.convert(tuple([frame, movieName]), frameName)
                if self.doRemoveDust:
                    self.info("Removing Dust")

                self.info("Extracting particles")
                frameImages = frameRoot + '_images'
                args = '-i %(frameName)s --pos %(coordinatesName)s ' \
                       '-o %(frameRoot)s --Xdim %(boxSize)d' % locals()
                if self.doInvert:
                    args += " --invert"

                args += " --downsampling %f " % self.factor
                self.runJob('xmipp_micrograph_scissor', args)
                frameStk = frameRoot + '.stk'
                self.info("Combining particles into one stack.")
                frameMd.read('particles@%s' % framePosFile)
                for objId in frameMd:
                    stkIndex += 1
                    frameRow.readFromMd(frameMd, objId)
                    location = xmippToLocation(frameRow.getValue(md.MDL_IMAGE))
                    newLocation = (stkIndex, movieStk)
                    imgh.convert(location, newLocation)
                    # Fix the name to be accesible from the Project directory
                    # so we know that the movie stack file will be moved
                    # to final particles folder
                    newImageName = '%d@%s' % newLocation
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, newImageName)
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID, long(movieId))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, str(movieId))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_FRAME_ID, long(frame))
                    frameRow.setValue(md.MDL_PARTICLE_ID, frameRow.getValue(md.MDL_ITEM_ID))
                    frameRow.writeToMd(movieMd, movieMd.addObject())
        if self.doNormalize:
            self._runNormalize(movieStk, numberOfFrames)
 def _preprocessClass(self, classItem, classRow):
     classItem.average = Particle()