def _createDataTree(self, parent, bgColor): """Create a tree on the left panel to store how many object are from each type and the hierarchy. """ defaultFont = gui.getDefaultFont()"W.Treeview", background=pwutils.Color.LIGHT_GREY_COLOR, borderwidth=0, rowheight=defaultFont.metrics()['linespace']) self.dataTree = Tree(parent, show='tree', style='W.Treeview') self.dataTree.column('#0', minwidth=300) self.dataTree.tag_configure('protocol', image=self.getImage('python_file.gif')) self.dataTree.tag_configure('protocol_base', image=self.getImage('class_obj.gif')) f = tkFont.Font(family='helvetica', size='10', weight='bold') self.dataTree.tag_configure('non-empty', font=f) self.dataTree.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') # bind click events self.dataTree.tag_bind(DATA_TAG, '<Double-1>', self._dataItemClick) self.dataTree.tag_bind(DATA_TAG, '<Return>', self._dataItemClick) self.dataTree.tag_bind(DATA_TAG, '<KP_Enter>', self._dataItemClick) # Program automatic refresh self.dataTree.after(3000, self._automaticRefreshData) self._updateDataTree()
def __init__(self, parent, tooltipCallback=None, tooltipDelay=1500, **kwargs): defaults = {'bg': 'white'} defaults.update(kwargs) Scrollable.__init__(self, parent, tk.Canvas, **defaults) self.lastItem = None # Track last item selected self.lastPos = (0, 0) # Track last clicked position self.eventPos = (0, 0) self.firstPos = None # Track first clicked position (for a drag action) self.items = {} # Keep a dictionary with high-level items self.cleanSelected = True self.onClickCallback = None self.onDoubleClickCallback = None self.onRightClickCallback = None self.onControlClickCallback = None self.onAreaSelected = None # Add bindings self.bind("<Button-1>", self.onClick) self.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.onButton1Release) self.bind("<Button-3>", self.onRightClick) self.bind("<Button-2>", self.onRightClick) self.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.onDoubleClick) self.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.onDrag) # Hide the right-click menu self.bind('<FocusOut>', self._unpostMenu) self.bind("<Key>", self._unpostMenu) self.bind("<Control-1>", self.onControlClick) # self.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.onScroll) # Scroll bindings in Linux self.bind("<Shift-Button-4>", self.zoomerP) self.bind("<Shift-Button-5>", self.zoomerM) self._tooltipId = None self._tooltipOn = False # True if the tooltip is displayed self._tooltipCallback = tooltipCallback self._tooltipDelay = tooltipDelay self._runsFont = getDefaultFont().copy() self._zoomFactor = DEFAULT_ZOOM if tooltipCallback: self.bind('<Motion>', self.onMotion) # self.bind('<Leave>', self.onLeave) self._createTooltip() # This should set self._menu = tk.Menu(self, tearoff=0)
def __init__(self, headerList, dataList, mesg=None, title=None, height=10, width=400, padding=10, outFileName=None): """Get new widget that has as parent the top level window and set title. tables can be dump to a csv file. The name of the file is outFileName """ self.title = title self.headerList = headerList self.dataList = dataList self.outFileName = outFileName win = tk.Toplevel() if title: win.wm_title(title) # frame to place all other widgets frame = tk.Frame(win) font = getDefaultFont() font.metrics() fontheight = font.metrics()['linespace'] style = ttk.Style() style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', font=font, rowheight=fontheight) # add a "save data" button saveDataButton = ttk.Button(master=win, text="Save Data", command=self.saveData) # create treeview to store multi list with data tree = ttk.Treeview(columns=headerList, show="headings", master=win, style='Calendar.Treeview', height=height) # define scrollbars to be added if len(dataList) > height: ysb = ttk.Scrollbar(orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=tree.yview, master=win) # xsb = ttk.Scrollbar(orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, # command= tree.xview, master=win) # add them to three view tree.configure(yscroll=ysb.set) # , xscroll=xsb.set) # create rows and columns counterRow = 1 colWidths = [] # list with maximum width per column # create headers for col in headerList: tree.heading(col, text=col.title()) # save neede width for this cell (w, h) = (font.measure(col.title()), font.metrics("linespace")) colWidths.append(w) # insert other rows # tag rows as odd or even so they may have different background colors for item in dataList: if counterRow % 2: tree.insert('', 'end', values=item, tags=('evenrow', )) else: tree.insert('', 'end', values=item, tags=('oddrow', )) counterRow += 1 counterCol = 0 for i in item: (w, h) = (font.measure(i), font.metrics("linespace")) if colWidths[counterCol] < w: colWidths[counterCol] = w counterCol += 1 # if width less than sum of column widths expand them sumColWid = sum(colWidths) + 20 if sumColWid < width: sumColWid = width factor = int(width / sumColWid) + 1 colWidths = [i * factor for i in colWidths] for col, colWidth in zip(headerList, colWidths): tree.column(col, width=colWidth + padding) # color by rows tree.tag_configure('evenrow', background='white') tree.tag_configure('oddrow', background='light grey') # message placed at the window top msg = ttk.Label(wraplength=sumColWid, justify="left", anchor="n", padding=(10, 2, 10, 6), text=mesg, master=win, font=font) # set mg in grid 0,0 msg.grid(row=0, column=0) # set button in grid 1 0 saveDataButton.grid(row=1, column=0) # set ysg in grid 2 0 tree.grid(row=2, column=0) # set ysg in grid 2 1 # but only if number of elements is larger than height if len(dataList) > height: ysb.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='ns')