Exemple #1
def solvers(evalf, evalg, evalh, evalc, evaljac, evalhc, evalfc, evalgjac,
            evalhl, evalhlp, inip, endp):
    """Call the solver."""

    solver(evalf, evalg, evalh, evalc, evaljac, evalhc, evalfc, evalgjac,
           evalhl, evalhlp, inip, endp, param)
Exemple #2
    def __solver__(self, p):
        def inip():
            """This subroutine must set some problem data.

            For achieving this objective YOU MUST MODIFY it according to your
            problem. See below where your modifications must be inserted.

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            This subroutine has no input parameters.

            On Return

            n        integer,
                     number of variables,

            x        double precision x(n),
                     initial point,

            l        double precision l(n),
                     lower bounds on x,

            u        double precision u(n),
                     upper bounds on x,

            m        integer,
                     number of constraints (excluding the bounds),

            lambda   double precision lambda(m),
                     initial estimation of the Lagrange multipliers,

            equatn   logical equatn(m)
                     for each constraint j, set equatn(j) = .true. if it is an
                     equality constraint of the form c_j(x) = 0, and set
                     equatn(j) = .false. if it is an inequality constraint of
                     the form c_j(x) <= 0,

            linear   logical linear(m)
                     for each constraint j, set linear(j) = .true. if it is a
                     linear constraint, and set linear(j) = .false. if it is a
                     nonlinear constraint.

            #   Number of variables

            n = p.n

            #   Number of constraints (equalities plus inequalities)
#            if p.userProvided.c:  nc = p.c(p.x0).size
#            else: nc = 0
#            if p.userProvided.h:  nh = p.h(p.x0).size
#            else: nh = 0
            nc,  nh = p.nc, p.nh
            nb, nbeq = p.b.size, p.beq.size
            #p.algencan.nc, p.algencan.nh, p.algencan.nb, p.algencan.nbeq = nc, nh, nb, nbeq

            m = nc + nh + nb + nbeq

            #   Initial point

            x = p.x0

            #   Lower and upper bounds

            l = p.lb
            l[l<-1.0e20] = -1.0e20

            u = p.ub
            u[u>1.0e20] = 1.0e20

            #   Lagrange multipliers approximation. Most users prefer to use the
            #   null initial Lagrange multipliers estimates. However, if the
            #   problem that you are solving is "slightly different" from a
            #   previously solved problem of which you know the correct Lagrange
            #   multipliers, we encourage you to set these multipliers as initial
            #   estimates. Of course, in this case you are also encouraged to use
            #   the solution of the previous problem as initial estimate of the
            #   solution. Similarly, most users prefer to use rho = 10 as initial
            #   penalty parameters. But in the case mentioned above (good
            #   estimates of solution and Lagrange multipliers) larger values of
            #   the penalty parameters (say, rho = 1000) may be more useful. More
            #   warm-start procedures are being elaborated.

            lambda_ = zeros(m)

            #   For each constraint i, set equatn[i] = 1. if it is an equality
            #   constraint of the form c_i(x) = 0, and set equatn[i] = 0 if
            #   it is an inequality constraint of the form c_i(x) <= 0.

            equatn = array( [False]*nc + [True]*nh + [False]*nb + [True]*nbeq)

            #   For each constraint i, set linear[i] = 1 if it is a linear
            #   constraint, otherwise set linear[i] = 0.

            linear = array( [False]*nc + [False]*nh + [True]*nb + [True]*nbeq)

            coded = [True,  # evalf
                     True,  # evalg
                     p.userProvided.d2f,  # evalh
                     True,  # evalc
                     True,  # evaljac
                     False,  # evalhc
                     False, # evalfc
                     False, # evalgjac
                     False, # evalhl
                     False] # evalhlp

            checkder = False
            #checkder = 1

            return n,x,l,u,m,lambda_,equatn.tolist(),linear.tolist(),coded,checkder

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalf(x):
            """This subroutine must compute the objective function.

            For achieving this objective YOU MUST MODIFY it according to your
            problem. See below where your modifications must be inserted.

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            x        double precision x(n),
                     current point,

            On Return

            f        double precision,
                     objective function value at x,

            flag     integer,
                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the objective
                     function. (For example, trying to compute the square root
                     of a negative number, dividing by zero or a very small
                     number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you must set it
                     equal to zero.

            f = p.f(x)

            if f is not nan: flag = 0
            else: flag = 1

            return f,flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalg(x):
            """This subroutine must compute the gradient vector of the objective \

            For achieving these objective YOU MUST MODIFY it in the way specified
            below. However, if you decide to use numerical derivatives (we dont
            encourage this option at all!) you dont need to modify evalg.

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            x        double precision x(n),
                     current point,

            On Return

            g        double precision g(n),
                     gradient vector of the objective function evaluated at x,

            flag     integer,
                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of any component
                     of the gradient vector. (For example, trying to compute
                     the square root of a negative number, dividing by zero or
                     a very small number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you
                     must set it equal to zero.

            g = p.df(x)
            if any(isnan(g)): flag = 1
            else: flag = 0

            return g,flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalh(x):
#            """This subroutine might compute the Hessian matrix of the objective \
#        function.
#            For achieving this objective YOU MAY MODIFY it according to your
#            problem. To modify this subroutine IS NOT MANDATORY. See below
#            where your modifications must be inserted.
#            Parameters of the subroutine:
#            On Entry:
#            x        double precision x(n),
#                     current point,
#            On Return
#            nnzh     integer,
#                     number of perhaps-non-null elements of the computed
#                     Hessian,
#            hlin     integer hlin(nnzh),
#                     see below,
#            hcol     integer hcol(nnzh),
#                     see below,
#            hval     double precision hval(nnzh),
#                     the non-null value of the (hlin(k),hcol(k)) position
#                     of the Hessian matrix of the objective function must
#                     be saved at hval(k). Just the lower triangular part of
#                     Hessian matrix must be computed,
#            flag     integer,
#                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
#                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the Hessian
#                     matrix of the objective funtion. (For example, trying
#                     to compute the square root of a negative number,
#                     dividing by zero or a very small number, etc.) If
#                     everything was o.k. you must set it equal to zero.
#            """
            flag = 0
#            if hasattr(self, 'd2f'):
#                return self.d2f

                H = p.d2f(x)
                nnzh = 0
                hlin = zeros(nnzh, int)
                hcol = zeros(nnzh, int)
                hval = zeros(nnzh, float)
                flag = 1
                return hlin,hcol,hval,nnzh,flag

            ind = H.nonzero()
            (ind_0, ind_1) = ind
            ind_greater = ind_0 >= ind_1
            ind_0, ind_1 = ind_0[ind_greater], ind_1[ind_greater]

            nnzh = ind_0.size
            val = H[(ind_0, ind_1)]
            hlin, hcol, hval = ind_0, ind_1, val

#            if lower(p.castFrom) in ('QP', 'LLSP'):
#                self.d2f = hlin,hcol,hval,nnzh,flag

            return hlin,hcol,hval,nnzh,flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalc(x,ind):
            """This subroutine must compute the ind-th constraint.

            For achieving this objective YOU MUST MOFIFY it according to your
            problem. See below the places where your modifications must be

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            x        double precision x(n),
                     current point,

            ind      integer,
                     index of the constraint to be computed,

            On Return

            c        double precision,
                     i-th constraint evaluated at x,

            flag     integer
                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the
                     constraint. (For example, trying to compute the square
                     root of a negative number, dividing by zero or a very
                     small number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you must set
                     it equal to zero.
            flag = 0

            #TODO: recalculate i-th constraint, not all

            i = ind - 1 # Python enumeration starts from 0, not 1

            if i < p.nc:
                c = p.c(x, i)
            elif p.nc <= i < p.nc + p.nh:
                c = p.h(x, i-p.nc)
            elif p.nc + p.nh <= i < p.nc + p.nh + p.nb:
                j = i - p.nc - p.nh
                c = p.dotmult(p.A[j], x).sum() - p.b[j]
            elif i < p.nc + p.nh + p.nb + p.nbeq:
                j = i - p.nc - p.nh - p.nb
                c = p.dotmult(p.Aeq[j], x).sum() - p.beq[j]
                flag = -1
                p.err('error in connection algencan to openopt')

            if any(isnan(c)): flag = -1

            return c,flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evaljac(x,ind):
            """This subroutine must compute the gradient of the ind-th constraint.

            For achieving these objective YOU MUST MODIFY it in the way specified

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            x        double precision x(n),
                     current point,

            ind      integer,
                     index of the constraint whose gradient will be computed,

            On Return

            nnzjac   integer,
                     number of perhaps-non-null elements of the computed

            indjac   integer indjac(nnzjac),
                     see below,

            valjac   double precision valjac(nnzjac),
                     the non-null value of the partial derivative of the i-th
                     constraint with respect to the indjac(k)-th variable must
                     be saved at valjac(k).

            flag     integer
                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the
                     constraint. (For example, trying to compute the square
                     root of a negative number, dividing by zero or a very
                     small number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you must set
                     it equal to zero.

            flag = 0

            #TODO: recalculate i-th constraint, not all

            i = ind - 1 # Python enumeration starts from 0, not 1

            if i < p.nc:
                dc = p.dc(x, i)
            elif p.nc <= i < p.nc + p.nh:
                dc = p.dh(x, i-p.nc)
            elif p.nc + p.nh <= i < p.nc + p.nh + p.nb:
                j = i - p.nc - p.nh
                dc = p.A[j]
            elif i < p.nc + p.nh + p.nb + p.nbeq:
                j = i - p.nc - p.nh - p.nb
                dc = p.Aeq[j]
                p.err('error in connection algencan to openopt')

            dc = dc.flatten()

            if any(isnan(dc)):
                flag = -1
                if p.debug: p.warn('algencan: nan in jacobian')

            indjac, = dc.nonzero()
            valjac = dc[indjac]
            nnzjac = indjac.size

            return indjac,valjac,nnzjac,flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalhc(x,ind):
#            """This subroutine might compute the Hessian matrix of the ind-th \
#        constraint.
#            For achieving this objective YOU MAY MODIFY it according to your
#            problem. To modify this subroutine IS NOT MANDATORY. See below
#            where your modifications must be inserted.
#            Parameters of the subroutine:
#            On Entry:
#            x        double precision x(n),
#                     current point,
#            ind      integer,
#                     index of the constraint whose Hessian will be computed,
#            On Return
#            nnzhc    integer,
#                     number of perhaps-non-null elements of the computed
#                     Hessian,
#            hclin    integer hclin(nnzhc),
#                     see below,
#            hccol    integer hccol(nnzhc),
#                     see below,
#            hcval    double precision hcval(nnzhc),
#                     the non-null value of the (hclin(k),hccol(k)) position
#                     of the Hessian matrix of the ind-th constraint must
#                     be saved at hcval(k). Just the lower triangular part of
#                     Hessian matrix must be computed,
#            flag     integer,
#                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
#                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the Hessian
#                     matrix of the ind-th constraint. (For example, trying
#                     to compute the square root of a negative number,
#                     dividing by zero or a very small number, etc.) If
#                     everything was o.k. you must set it equal to zero.
#            """
#            n = len(x)
#            nnzhc = 1
#            hclin = zeros(nnzhc, int)
#            hccol = zeros(nnzhc, int)
#            hcval = zeros(nnzhc, float)
#            if ind == 1:
#                hclin[0] = 0
#                hccol[0] = 0
#                hcval[0] = 2.0
#                flag = 0
#            elif ind == 2:
#                nnzhc = 0
#                flag = 0
#            else:
#                flag = -1
#            return hclin,hccol,hcval,nnzhc,flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalhlp(x,m,lambda_,p,goth):
            """This subroutine computes the product of the Hessian of the Lagrangian \
        times a vector.

              This subroutine might compute the product of the Hessian of the
              Lagrangian times vector p (just the Hessian of the objective
              function in the unconstrained or bound-constrained case).

              Parameters of the subroutine:

              On Entry:

              x        double precision x(n),
                       current point,

              m        integer,
                       number of constraints,

              lambda   double precision lambda(m),
                       vector of Lagrange multipliers,

              p        double precision p(n),
                       vector of the matrix-vector product,

              goth     logical,
                       can be used to indicate if the Hessian matrices were
                       computed at the current point. It is set to .false.
                       by the optimization method every time the current
                       point is modified. Sugestion: if its value is .false.
                       then compute the Hessians, save them in a common
                       structure and set goth to .true.. Otherwise, just use
                       the Hessians saved in the common block structure,

              On Return

              hp       double precision hp(n),
                       Hessian-vector product,

              goth     logical,
                       see above,

              flag     integer,
                       You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                       some error ocurred during the evaluation of the
                       Hessian-vector product. (For example, trying to compute
                       the square root of a negative number, dividing by zero
                       or a very small number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you
                       must set it equal to zero.

#            n = len(x)
#            hp = zeros(n)
#            flag = -1
#            return hp,goth,flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalfc(*args, **kwargs):

        def evalgjac(*args, **kwargs):

        def evalhl(*args, **kwargs):

        def endp(x,l,u,m,lambda_,equatn,linear):
            """This subroutine can be used to do some extra job.

            This subroutine can be used to do some extra job after the solver
            has found the solution, like some extra statistics, or to save the
            solution in some special format or to draw some graphical
            representation of the solution. If the information given by the
            solver is enough for you then leave the body of this subroutine

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            The parameters of this subroutine are the same parameters of
            subroutine inip. But in this subroutine there are not output
            parameter. All the parameters are input parameters.
            p.xk = x.copy()
            #p.fk = p.f(x)
            #p.xf = x.copy()
            #p.ff = p.fk

        # solver body

        param = {'epsfeas': p.contol,'epsopt' : p.gtol,'iprint': 0, 'ncomp':5,'maxtotit' : p.maxIter, 'maxtotfc': p.maxFunEvals}
        pywrapper.solver(evalf,evalg,evalh,evalc,evaljac,evalhc,evalfc,evalgjac,evalhl, evalhlp,inip,endp,param)

        if p.istop == 0:
            p.istop = SMALL_DF
            p.msg = '|| gradient F(X[k]) || < gtol'
Exemple #3
    def __solver__(self, p):
        def inip():
            """This subroutine must set some problem data.

            For achieving this objective YOU MUST MODIFY it according to your
            problem. See below where your modifications must be inserted.

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            This subroutine has no input parameters.

            On Return

            n        integer,
                     number of variables,

            x        double precision x(n),
                     initial point,

            l        double precision l(n),
                     lower bounds on x,

            u        double precision u(n),
                     upper bounds on x,

            m        integer,
                     number of constraints (excluding the bounds),

            lambda   double precision lambda(m),
                     initial estimation of the Lagrange multipliers,

            equatn   logical equatn(m)
                     for each constraint j, set equatn(j) = .true. if it is an
                     equality constraint of the form c_j(x) = 0, and set
                     equatn(j) = .false. if it is an inequality constraint of
                     the form c_j(x) <= 0,

            linear   logical linear(m)
                     for each constraint j, set linear(j) = .true. if it is a
                     linear constraint, and set linear(j) = .false. if it is a
                     nonlinear constraint.

            #   Number of variables

            n = p.n

            #   Number of constraints (equalities plus inequalities)
            #            if p.userProvided.c:  nc = p.c(p.x0).size
            #            else: nc = 0
            #            if p.userProvided.h:  nh = p.h(p.x0).size
            #            else: nh = 0
            nc, nh = p.nc, p.nh
            nb, nbeq = p.b.size, p.beq.size
            #p.algencan.nc, p.algencan.nh, p.algencan.nb, p.algencan.nbeq = nc, nh, nb, nbeq

            m = nc + nh + nb + nbeq

            #   Initial point

            x = p.x0

            #   Lower and upper bounds

            l = p.lb
            l[l < -1.0e20] = -1.0e20

            u = p.ub
            u[u > 1.0e20] = 1.0e20

            #   Lagrange multipliers approximation. Most users prefer to use the
            #   null initial Lagrange multipliers estimates. However, if the
            #   problem that you are solving is "slightly different" from a
            #   previously solved problem of which you know the correct Lagrange
            #   multipliers, we encourage you to set these multipliers as initial
            #   estimates. Of course, in this case you are also encouraged to use
            #   the solution of the previous problem as initial estimate of the
            #   solution. Similarly, most users prefer to use rho = 10 as initial
            #   penalty parameters. But in the case mentioned above (good
            #   estimates of solution and Lagrange multipliers) larger values of
            #   the penalty parameters (say, rho = 1000) may be more useful. More
            #   warm-start procedures are being elaborated.

            lambda_ = zeros(m)

            #   For each constraint i, set equatn[i] = 1. if it is an equality
            #   constraint of the form c_i(x) = 0, and set equatn[i] = 0 if
            #   it is an inequality constraint of the form c_i(x) <= 0.

            equatn = array([False] * nc + [True] * nh + [False] * nb +
                           [True] * nbeq)

            #   For each constraint i, set linear[i] = 1 if it is a linear
            #   constraint, otherwise set linear[i] = 0.

            linear = array([False] * nc + [False] * nh + [True] * nb +
                           [True] * nbeq)

            coded = [
                True,  # evalf
                True,  # evalg
                p.userProvided.d2f,  # evalh
                True,  # evalc
                True,  # evaljac
                False,  # evalhc
                False,  # evalfc
                False,  # evalgjac
                False,  # evalhl
            ]  # evalhlp

            checkder = False
            #checkder = 1

            return n, x, l, u, m, lambda_, equatn.tolist(), linear.tolist(
            ), coded, checkder

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalf(x):
            """This subroutine must compute the objective function.

            For achieving this objective YOU MUST MODIFY it according to your
            problem. See below where your modifications must be inserted.

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            x        double precision x(n),
                     current point,

            On Return

            f        double precision,
                     objective function value at x,

            flag     integer,
                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the objective
                     function. (For example, trying to compute the square root
                     of a negative number, dividing by zero or a very small
                     number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you must set it
                     equal to zero.

            f = p.f(x)

            if f is not nan: flag = 0
            else: flag = 1

            return f, flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalg(x):
            """This subroutine must compute the gradient vector of the objective \

            For achieving these objective YOU MUST MODIFY it in the way specified
            below. However, if you decide to use numerical derivatives (we dont
            encourage this option at all!) you dont need to modify evalg.

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            x        double precision x(n),
                     current point,

            On Return

            g        double precision g(n),
                     gradient vector of the objective function evaluated at x,

            flag     integer,
                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of any component
                     of the gradient vector. (For example, trying to compute
                     the square root of a negative number, dividing by zero or
                     a very small number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you
                     must set it equal to zero.

            g = p.df(x)
            if any(isnan(g)): flag = 1
            else: flag = 0

            return g, flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalh(x):
            #            """This subroutine might compute the Hessian matrix of the objective \
            #        function.
            #            For achieving this objective YOU MAY MODIFY it according to your
            #            problem. To modify this subroutine IS NOT MANDATORY. See below
            #            where your modifications must be inserted.
            #            Parameters of the subroutine:
            #            On Entry:
            #            x        double precision x(n),
            #                     current point,
            #            On Return
            #            nnzh     integer,
            #                     number of perhaps-non-null elements of the computed
            #                     Hessian,
            #            hlin     integer hlin(nnzh),
            #                     see below,
            #            hcol     integer hcol(nnzh),
            #                     see below,
            #            hval     double precision hval(nnzh),
            #                     the non-null value of the (hlin(k),hcol(k)) position
            #                     of the Hessian matrix of the objective function must
            #                     be saved at hval(k). Just the lower triangular part of
            #                     Hessian matrix must be computed,
            #            flag     integer,
            #                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
            #                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the Hessian
            #                     matrix of the objective funtion. (For example, trying
            #                     to compute the square root of a negative number,
            #                     dividing by zero or a very small number, etc.) If
            #                     everything was o.k. you must set it equal to zero.
            #            """
            flag = 0
            #            if hasattr(self, 'd2f'):
            #                return self.d2f

                H = p.d2f(x)
                nnzh = 0
                hlin = zeros(nnzh, int)
                hcol = zeros(nnzh, int)
                hval = zeros(nnzh, float)
                flag = 1
                return hlin, hcol, hval, nnzh, flag

            ind = H.nonzero()
            (ind_0, ind_1) = ind
            ind_greater = ind_0 >= ind_1
            ind_0, ind_1 = ind_0[ind_greater], ind_1[ind_greater]

            nnzh = ind_0.size
            val = H[(ind_0, ind_1)]
            hlin, hcol, hval = ind_0, ind_1, val

            #            if lower(p.castFrom) in ('QP', 'LLSP'):
            #                self.d2f = hlin,hcol,hval,nnzh,flag

            return hlin, hcol, hval, nnzh, flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalc(x, ind):
            """This subroutine must compute the ind-th constraint.

            For achieving this objective YOU MUST MOFIFY it according to your
            problem. See below the places where your modifications must be

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            x        double precision x(n),
                     current point,

            ind      integer,
                     index of the constraint to be computed,

            On Return

            c        double precision,
                     i-th constraint evaluated at x,

            flag     integer
                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the
                     constraint. (For example, trying to compute the square
                     root of a negative number, dividing by zero or a very
                     small number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you must set
                     it equal to zero.
            flag = 0

            #TODO: recalculate i-th constraint, not all

            i = ind - 1  # Python enumeration starts from 0, not 1

            if i < p.nc:
                c = p.c(x, i)
            elif p.nc <= i < p.nc + p.nh:
                c = p.h(x, i - p.nc)
            elif p.nc + p.nh <= i < p.nc + p.nh + p.nb:
                j = i - p.nc - p.nh
                c = p.dotmult(p.A[j], x).sum() - p.b[j]
            elif i < p.nc + p.nh + p.nb + p.nbeq:
                j = i - p.nc - p.nh - p.nb
                c = p.dotmult(p.Aeq[j], x).sum() - p.beq[j]
                flag = -1
                p.err('error in connection algencan to openopt')

            if any(isnan(c)): flag = -1

            return c, flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evaljac(x, ind):
            """This subroutine must compute the gradient of the ind-th constraint.

            For achieving these objective YOU MUST MODIFY it in the way specified

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            On Entry:

            x        double precision x(n),
                     current point,

            ind      integer,
                     index of the constraint whose gradient will be computed,

            On Return

            nnzjac   integer,
                     number of perhaps-non-null elements of the computed

            indjac   integer indjac(nnzjac),
                     see below,

            valjac   double precision valjac(nnzjac),
                     the non-null value of the partial derivative of the i-th
                     constraint with respect to the indjac(k)-th variable must
                     be saved at valjac(k).

            flag     integer
                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the
                     constraint. (For example, trying to compute the square
                     root of a negative number, dividing by zero or a very
                     small number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you must set
                     it equal to zero.

            flag = 0

            #TODO: recalculate i-th constraint, not all

            i = ind - 1  # Python enumeration starts from 0, not 1

            if i < p.nc:
                dc = p.dc(x, i)
            elif p.nc <= i < p.nc + p.nh:
                dc = p.dh(x, i - p.nc)
            elif p.nc + p.nh <= i < p.nc + p.nh + p.nb:
                j = i - p.nc - p.nh
                dc = p.A[j]
            elif i < p.nc + p.nh + p.nb + p.nbeq:
                j = i - p.nc - p.nh - p.nb
                dc = p.Aeq[j]
                p.err('error in connection algencan to openopt')

            dc = dc.flatten()

            if any(isnan(dc)):
                flag = -1
                if p.debug: p.warn('algencan: nan in jacobian')

            indjac, = dc.nonzero()
            valjac = dc[indjac]
            nnzjac = indjac.size

            return indjac, valjac, nnzjac, flag

        #   ******************************************************************
        #   ******************************************************************

        def evalhc(x, ind):
#            """This subroutine might compute the Hessian matrix of the ind-th \
#        constraint.
#            For achieving this objective YOU MAY MODIFY it according to your
#            problem. To modify this subroutine IS NOT MANDATORY. See below
#            where your modifications must be inserted.
#            Parameters of the subroutine:
#            On Entry:
#            x        double precision x(n),
#                     current point,
#            ind      integer,
#                     index of the constraint whose Hessian will be computed,
#            On Return
#            nnzhc    integer,
#                     number of perhaps-non-null elements of the computed
#                     Hessian,
#            hclin    integer hclin(nnzhc),
#                     see below,
#            hccol    integer hccol(nnzhc),
#                     see below,
#            hcval    double precision hcval(nnzhc),
#                     the non-null value of the (hclin(k),hccol(k)) position
#                     of the Hessian matrix of the ind-th constraint must
#                     be saved at hcval(k). Just the lower triangular part of
#                     Hessian matrix must be computed,
#            flag     integer,
#                     You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
#                     some error ocurred during the evaluation of the Hessian
#                     matrix of the ind-th constraint. (For example, trying
#                     to compute the square root of a negative number,
#                     dividing by zero or a very small number, etc.) If
#                     everything was o.k. you must set it equal to zero.
#            """
#            n = len(x)
#            nnzhc = 1
#            hclin = zeros(nnzhc, int)
#            hccol = zeros(nnzhc, int)
#            hcval = zeros(nnzhc, float)
#            if ind == 1:
#                hclin[0] = 0
#                hccol[0] = 0
#                hcval[0] = 2.0
#                flag = 0
#            elif ind == 2:
#                nnzhc = 0
#                flag = 0
#            else:
#                flag = -1
#            return hclin,hccol,hcval,nnzhc,flag

#   ******************************************************************
#   ******************************************************************

        def evalhlp(x, m, lambda_, p, goth):
            """This subroutine computes the product of the Hessian of the Lagrangian \
        times a vector.

              This subroutine might compute the product of the Hessian of the
              Lagrangian times vector p (just the Hessian of the objective
              function in the unconstrained or bound-constrained case).

              Parameters of the subroutine:

              On Entry:

              x        double precision x(n),
                       current point,

              m        integer,
                       number of constraints,

              lambda   double precision lambda(m),
                       vector of Lagrange multipliers,

              p        double precision p(n),
                       vector of the matrix-vector product,

              goth     logical,
                       can be used to indicate if the Hessian matrices were
                       computed at the current point. It is set to .false.
                       by the optimization method every time the current
                       point is modified. Sugestion: if its value is .false.
                       then compute the Hessians, save them in a common
                       structure and set goth to .true.. Otherwise, just use
                       the Hessians saved in the common block structure,

              On Return

              hp       double precision hp(n),
                       Hessian-vector product,

              goth     logical,
                       see above,

              flag     integer,
                       You must set it to any number different of 0 (zero) if
                       some error ocurred during the evaluation of the
                       Hessian-vector product. (For example, trying to compute
                       the square root of a negative number, dividing by zero
                       or a very small number, etc.) If everything was o.k. you
                       must set it equal to zero.

#            n = len(x)
#            hp = zeros(n)
#            flag = -1
#            return hp,goth,flag

#   ******************************************************************
#   ******************************************************************

        def evalfc(*args, **kwargs):

        def evalgjac(*args, **kwargs):

        def evalhl(*args, **kwargs):

        def endp(x, l, u, m, lambda_, equatn, linear):
            """This subroutine can be used to do some extra job.

            This subroutine can be used to do some extra job after the solver
            has found the solution, like some extra statistics, or to save the
            solution in some special format or to draw some graphical
            representation of the solution. If the information given by the
            solver is enough for you then leave the body of this subroutine

            Parameters of the subroutine:

            The parameters of this subroutine are the same parameters of
            subroutine inip. But in this subroutine there are not output
            parameter. All the parameters are input parameters.
            p.xk = x.copy()
            #p.fk = p.f(x)
            #p.xf = x.copy()
            #p.ff = p.fk

        # solver body

        param = {
            'epsfeas': p.contol,
            'epsopt': p.gtol,
            'iprint': 0,
            'ncomp': 5,
            'maxtotit': p.maxIter,
            'maxtotfc': p.maxFunEvals
        pywrapper.solver(evalf, evalg, evalh, evalc, evaljac, evalhc, evalfc,
                         evalgjac, evalhl, evalhlp, inip, endp, param)

        if p.istop == 0:
            p.istop = SMALL_DF
            p.msg = '|| gradient F(X[k]) || < gtol'
Exemple #4
def solvers(evalf,evalg,evalh,evalc,evaljac,evalhc,evalfc,evalgjac,evalhl,
    """Call the solver."""
