Exemple #1
def apply_filters_ref_array(tag, args, *OtherArgs):  #Orig: ( tag, args ):
    ''' Execute functions hooked on a specific filter hook, specifying arguments in an array.
  @see apply_filters() This function is identical, but the arguments passed to the
  functions hooked to `tag` are supplied using an array.
  @global array wp_filter         Stores all of the filters
  @global array merged_filters    Merges the filter hooks using this function.
  @global array wp_current_filter Stores the list of current filters with the current one last
  @param string tag  The name of the filter hook.
  @param array  args The arguments supplied to the functions hooked to tag.
  @return mixed The filtered value after all hooked functions are applied to it.
    #global var==>WB.Wj.var, except: var=WB.Wj.var=same Obj,mutable array
    wp_filter = WpC.WB.Wj.wp_filter  # global wp_filter
    merged_filters = WpC.WB.Wj.merged_filters  # global merged_filters
    wp_current_filter = WpC.WB.Wj.wp_current_filter  # global wp_current_filter

    AllArgs = tag, args, *OtherArgs

    # Do 'all' actions first
    if Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):
        # php2python.com/wiki/function.func-get-args/
        all_args = Php.func_get_args(AllArgs)

    if not Php.isset(wp_filter, tag):
        if Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):
        return args[0]

    if not Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):

    # Sort
    if not Php.isset(merged_filters, tag):
        wp_filter[tag] = Php.ksort(wp_filter[tag])
        merged_filters[tag] = True

    # No need to reset in py since for loop alawys starts at elem#1 in list
    #reset( wp_filter[ tag ] )

    #do {
    #Php: the first iteration of a do-while loop is guaranteed to run
    #    (the truth expression is only checked at the end of the iteration)
    for Tag in [True, *wp_filter[tag]]:
        if Tag is False:
        for the_ in Php.Array(Php.current(wp_filter[tag])):
            if not Php.is_null(the_['function']):
                args[0] = Php.call_user_func_array(
                    Php.array_slice(args, 0, int(the_['accepted_args'])))
    #} while ( next(wp_filter[tag]) is not False )


    return args[0]
Exemple #2
    def get_terms(self):
        ''' Get terms, based on query_vars.
    @global wpdb wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
    @return array
        import wp.i.taxonomy as WiTx
        wpdb = WpC.WB.Wj.wpdb  # global wpdb

        args = self.query_vars
        #pprint(self.query_vars)  # TypeError: unhashable type: 'instancemethod'
        # userdata is array, inspect.ismethod(A.__repr__) is True
        print('WP_Term_Query.get_terms: self.query_vars=', self.query_vars)

        # Set up meta_query so it's available to 'pre_get_terms'.
        self.meta_query = WcMQ.WP_Meta_Query()

        # Fires before terms are retrieved.
        # @param WP_Term_Query self Current instance of WP_Term_Query.
        WiPg.do_action('pre_get_terms', self)

        taxonomies = args['taxonomy']
        print("WcTQ.get_terms: taxonomies=", taxonomies)

        # Save queries by not crawling the tree in the case of multiple taxes or a flat tax.
        has_hierarchical_tax = False
        if taxonomies:
            for _tax in taxonomies:
                if WiTx.is_taxonomy_hierarchical(_tax):
                    has_hierarchical_tax = True

        if not has_hierarchical_tax:
            args['hierarchical'] = False
            args['pad_counts'] = False

        # 'parent' overrides 'child_of'.
        if 0 < Php.intval(args['parent']):
            args['child_of'] = False

        if 'all' == args['get']:
            args['childless'] = False
            args['child_of'] = 0
            args['hide_empty'] = 0
            args['hierarchical'] = False
            args['pad_counts'] = False

        # Filters the terms query arguments.
        # @param array args       An array of get_terms() arguments.
        # @param array taxonomies An array of taxonomies.
        args = WiPg.apply_filters('get_terms_args', args, taxonomies)
        #pprint(args)  # TypeError: unhashable type: 'instancemethod'
        # userdata is array, inspect.ismethod(A.__repr__) is True
        print('WP_Term_Query.get_terms: args=', args)

        # Avoid the query if the queried parent/child_of term has no descendants.
        child_of = args['child_of']
        parent = args['parent']

        if child_of:
            _parent = child_of
        elif parent:
            _parent = parent
            _parent = False

        if _parent:
            in_hierarchy = False
            for _tax in taxonomies:
                hierarchy = WiTx._get_term_hierarchy(_tax)

                if Php.isset(hierarchy, _parent):
                    in_hierarchy = True

            if not in_hierarchy:
                return array()

        # 'term_order' is a legal sort order only when joining the relationship
        #    table.
        _orderby = self.query_vars['orderby']
        if 'term_order' == _orderby and Php.empty(self.query_vars,
            _orderby = 'term_id'
        orderby = self.parse_orderby(_orderby)

        if orderby:
            orderby = "ORDER BY " + orderby

        order = self.parse_order(self.query_vars['order'])

        if taxonomies:
            self.sql_clauses['where']['taxonomy'] = (
                "tt.taxonomy IN ('" +
                Php.implode("', '", Php.array_map(WiF.esc_sql, taxonomies)) +

        exclude = args['exclude']
        exclude_tree = args['exclude_tree']
        include = args['include']

        inclusions = ''
        if include:  # if not Php.empty(locals(), 'include'):
            exclude = ''
            exclude_tree = ''
            inclusions = Php.implode(',', WiFc.wp_parse_id_list(include))

        if inclusions:  # if not Php.empty(locals(), 'inclusions'):
            self.sql_clauses['where']['inclusions'] = ('t.term_id IN ( ' +
                                                       inclusions + ' )')

        exclusions = array()  # Php.array_map( int, exclusions=List)
        if exclude_tree:  # if not Php.empty(locals(), 'exclude_tree'):
            exclude_tree = WiFc.wp_parse_id_list(exclude_tree)
            excluded_children = exclude_tree
            for extrunk in exclude_tree:
                excluded_children = Php.array_merge(
                                ('child_of', Php.intval(extrunk)),
                                ('fields', 'ids'),
                                ('hide_empty', 0),
            exclusions = Php.array_merge(excluded_children, exclusions)

        if exclude:  # if not Php.empty(locals(), 'exclude'):
            exclusions = Php.array_merge(WiFc.wp_parse_id_list(exclude),

        # 'childless' terms are those without an entry in the flattened term hierarchy.
        childless = bool(args['childless'])
        if childless:
            for _tax in taxonomies:
                term_hierarchy = WiTx._get_term_hierarchy(_tax)
                exclusions = Php.array_merge(Php.array_keys(term_hierarchy),

        if exclusions:  # if not Php.empty(locals(), 'exclusions'):
            exclusions = 't.term_id NOT IN (' + Php.implode(
                ',', Php.array_map(Php.intval, exclusions)) + ')'
            exclusions = ''

        # Filters the terms to exclude from the terms query.
        # @param string exclusions `NOT IN` clause of the terms query.
        # @param array  args       An array of terms query arguments.
        # @param array  taxonomies An array of taxonomies.
        exclusions = WiPg.apply_filters('list_terms_exclusions', exclusions,
                                        args, taxonomies)

        if exclusions:  # if not Php.empty(locals(), 'exclusions'):
            # Must do string manipulation here for backward compatibility with filter.
            self.sql_clauses['where']['exclusions'] = preg_replace(
                '/^\s*AND\s*/', '', exclusions)

        print("\n WcTQ.get_terms: args['name'] =", args['name'])

        print("WcTQ.get_terms: taxonomies=", taxonomies)
        if not Php.empty(args, 'name'):
            names = Php.Array(args['name'])
            print("WcTQ.get_terms: names=", names, taxonomies)
            #foreach ( names as &_name ) {
            #modify list entries during for loop stackoverflow.com/questions/4081217
            for k, _name in names.items(
            ):  #use enumerate(names) if type(names)=list
                # `sanitize_term_field()` returns slashed data.
                #_name = Php.stripslashes( WiTx.sanitize_term_field(
                #                      'name', _name, 0, Php.reset(taxonomies), 'db'))
                names[k] = Php.stripslashes(
                    WiTx.sanitize_term_field('name', _name, 0,
                                             Php.reset(taxonomies), 'db'))

            print("WcTQ.get_terms: names=", names, taxonomies)
            self.sql_clauses['where']['name'] = "t.name IN ('" + Php.implode(
                "', '", Php.array_map(WiF.esc_sql, names)) + "')"

        if not Php.empty(args, 'slug'):
            if Php.is_array(args['slug']):
                slug = Php.array_map(WiF.sanitize_title, args['slug'])
                    'slug'] = "t.slug IN ('" + Php.implode("', '", slug) + "')"
                slug = WiF.sanitize_title(args['slug'])
                self.sql_clauses['where']['slug'] = "t.slug = 'slug'"

        if not Php.empty(args, 'term_taxonomy_id'):
            if Php.is_array(args['term_taxonomy_id']):
                tt_ids = Php.implode(
                    ',', Php.array_map(Php.intval, args['term_taxonomy_id']))
                self.sql_clauses['where']['term_taxonomy_id'] = \
                                            "tt.term_taxonomy_id IN ({})".format(tt_ids)
                self.sql_clauses['where']['term_taxonomy_id'] = wpdb.prepare(
                    "tt.term_taxonomy_id = %s",
                    args['term_taxonomy_id'])  # PyMySQL %d->%s

        if not Php.empty(args, 'name__like'):
            self.sql_clauses['where']['name__like'] = wpdb.prepare(
                "t.name LIKE %s",
                '%' + wpdb.esc_like(args['name__like']) + '%')

        if not Php.empty(args, 'description__like'):
            self.sql_clauses['where']['description__like'] = wpdb.prepare(
                "tt.description LIKE %s",
                '%' + wpdb.esc_like(args['description__like']) + '%')

        if not Php.empty(args, 'object_ids'):
            object_ids = args['object_ids']
            if not Php.is_array(object_ids):
                object_ids = array(object_ids)

            object_ids = Php.implode(', ',
                                     Php.array_map(Php.intval, object_ids))
                'object_ids'] = "tr.object_id IN ({})".format(object_ids)

        # When querying for object relationships, the 'count > 0' check
        # added by 'hide_empty' is superfluous.
        if not Php.empty(args['object_ids']):
            args['hide_empty'] = False

        if '' != parent:
            parent = Php.intval(parent)
            self.sql_clauses['where']['parent'] = "tt.parent = 'parent'"

        hierarchical = args['hierarchical']
        if 'count' == args['fields']:
            hierarchical = False
        if args['hide_empty'] and not hierarchical:
            self.sql_clauses['where']['count'] = 'tt.count > 0'

        number = args['number']
        offset = args['offset']

        # Don't limit the query results when we have to descend the family tree.
        if number and not hierarchical and not child_of and '' == parent:
            if offset:
                limits = 'LIMIT ' + offset + ',' + number
                limits = 'LIMIT ' + number
            limits = ''

        if not Php.empty(args, 'search'):
            self.sql_clauses['where']['search'] = self.get_search_sql(

        # Meta query support.
        join = ''
        distinct = ''

        # Reparse meta_query query_vars, in case they were modified in a 'pre_get_terms' callback.
        mq_sql = self.meta_query.get_sql('term', 't', 'term_id')
        meta_clauses = self.meta_query.get_clauses()

        if not Php.empty(args, 'meta_clauses'):
            join += mq_sql['join']
            self.sql_clauses['where']['meta_query'] = preg_replace(
                '/^\s*AND\s*/', '', mq_sql['where'])
            distinct += "DISTINCT"

        selects = array()
        #switch ( args['fields'] ) {
        #  case 'all':
        AF = args['fields']
        if AF in ('all', 'all_with_object_id', 'tt_ids', 'slugs'):
            selects = array('t.*', 'tt.*')
            if ('all_with_object_id' == args['fields']
                    and not Php.empty(args, 'object_ids')):
                selects[None] = 'tr.object_id'

        #elif AF in ('ids', 'id=>parent'):
        elif AF in ('ids', 'id=>parent', 'id.parent'):
            selects = array('t.term_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count',
        elif AF == 'names':
            selects = array('t.term_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count', 't.name',
        elif AF == 'count':
            orderby = ''
            order = ''
            selects = array('COUNT(*)', )
        #elif AF == 'id=>name':
        elif AF in ('id=>name', 'id.name'):
            selects = array('t.term_id', 't.name', 'tt.count', 'tt.taxonomy')
        #elif AF == 'id=>slug':
        elif AF in ('id=>slug', 'id.slug'):
            selects = array('t.term_id', 't.slug', 'tt.count', 'tt.taxonomy')

        _fields = args['fields']

        # Filters the fields to select in the terms query.
        # Field lists modified using this filter will only modify the term fields returned
        # by the function when the `fields` parameter set to 'count' or 'all'. In all other
        # cases, the term fields in the results array will be determined by the `fields`
        # parameter alone.
        # Use of this filter can result in unpredictable behavior, and is not recommended.
        # @param array selects    An array of fields to select for the terms query.
        # @param array args       An array of term query arguments.
        # @param array taxonomies An array of taxonomies.
        fields = Php.implode(
            ', ',
            WiPg.apply_filters('get_terms_fields', selects, args, taxonomies))
        join += (" INNER JOIN " + wpdb.term_taxonomy +
                 " AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id")

        if not Php.empty(self.query_vars, 'object_ids'):
            join += (" INNER JOIN {} AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = "
        where = Php.implode(' AND ', self.sql_clauses['where'])

        # Filters the terms query SQL clauses.
        # @param array pieces     Terms query SQL clauses.
        # @param array taxonomies An array of taxonomies.
        # @param array args       An array of terms query arguments.
        pieces = ('fields', 'join', 'where', 'distinct', 'orderby', 'order',
        clauses = WiPg.apply_filters('terms_clauses',
                                     Php.compact(locals(), pieces), taxonomies,

        #fields = isset( clauses[ 'fields' ] ) ? clauses[ 'fields' ] : ''
        fields = clauses.get('fields', '')
        join = clauses.get('join', '')
        where = clauses.get('where', '')
        distinct = clauses.get('distinct', '')
        orderby = clauses.get('orderby', '')
        order = clauses.get('order', '')
        limits = clauses.get('limits', '')

        if where:
            where = "WHERE " + where

        self.sql_clauses['select'] = "SELECT {} {}".format(distinct, fields)
        self.sql_clauses['from'] = "FROM {} AS t {}".format(wpdb.terms, join)
        self.sql_clauses['orderby'] = orderby + " " + order if orderby else ''
        self.sql_clauses['limits'] = limits

        #self.request = "{self.sql_clauses['select']} {self.sql_clauses['from']} {where} {self.sql_clauses['orderby']} {self.sql_clauses['limits']}"
        self.request = "{} {} {} {} {}".format(self.sql_clauses['select'],
                                               self.sql_clauses['from'], where,

        # args can be anything. Only use the args defined in defaults to compute the key.
        key = Php.md5(
                    args, Php.array_keys(self.query_var_defaults))) +
            Php.serialize(taxonomies) + self.request)
        last_changed = WiFc.wp_cache_get_last_changed('terms')
        cache_key = "get_terms:{}:{}".format(key, last_changed)
        cache = WiCa.wp_cache_get(cache_key, 'terms')
        if False != cache:
            if 'all' == _fields:
                cache = Php.array_map(WiTx.get_term, cache)

            self.terms = cache
            print("WcTQ get_terms 1 self.terms=", self.terms)
            return self.terms

        if 'count' == _fields:
            count = wpdb.get_var(self.request)
            WiCa.wp_cache_set(cache_key, count, 'terms')
            return count

        terms = wpdb.get_results(self.request)
        print("WcTQ get_terms 2 terms=", terms)
        if 'all' == _fields or 'all_with_object_id' == _fields:
        print("WcTQ get_terms 3 terms=", terms)

        # Prime termmeta cache.
        if args['update_term_meta_cache']:
            term_ids = WiFc.wp_list_pluck(terms, 'term_id')

        print("WcTQ get_terms 4 terms=", terms)
        if not terms:  # if Php.empty(locals(), 'terms'):
            WiCa.wp_cache_add(cache_key, array(), 'terms',
            return array()

        print("WcTQ get_terms 5 terms=", terms)
        if child_of:
            for _tax in taxonomies:
                children = WiTx._get_term_hierarchy(_tax)
                if children:  # if not Php.empty(locals(), 'children'):
                    terms = _get_term_children(child_of, terms, _tax)
                    print("WcTQ get_terms 6 terms=", terms)

        # Update term counts to include children.
        if args['pad_counts'] and 'all' == _fields:
            for _tax in taxonomies:
                _pad_term_counts(terms, _tax)

        # Make sure we show empty categories that have children.
        if hierarchical and args['hide_empty'] and Php.is_array(terms):
            for k, term in terms.items():
                Continue2 = False  #VT added to translate php: continue 2
                if not term.count:
                    children = get_term_children(term.term_id, term.taxonomy)
                    if Php.is_array(children):
                        for child_id in children:
                            child = WiTx.get_term(child_id, term.taxonomy)
                            if child.count:
                                #continue 2
                                Continue2 = True  #VT added to translate php: continue 2
                                continue  #VT added to translate php: continue 2
                    # It really is empty.
                    del terms[k]
                if Continue2:  #VT added to translate php: continue 2
                    continue  #VT added to translate php: continue 2

        print("WcTQ get_terms 7 terms=", terms)

        # When querying for terms connected to objects, we may get
        # duplicate results. The duplicates should be preserved if
        # `fields` is 'all_with_object_id', but should otherwise be
        # removed.
        if not Php.empty(args,
                         'object_ids') and 'all_with_object_id' != _fields:
            _tt_ids = array()  # need to be sperate mutable obj
            _terms = array()  # need to be sperate mutable obj
            for term in terms:
                if Php.isset(_tt_ids, getattr(term, 'term_id', None)):
                _tt_ids[term.term_id] = 1
                _terms[None] = term

            terms = _terms

        _terms = array()  # array()
        #if 'id=>parent' == _fields:
        if _fields in ('id=>parent', 'id.parent'):
            for term in terms:
                _terms[term.term_id] = term.parent
        elif 'ids' == _fields:
            #for i,term in enumerate(terms):
            #  _terms[i] = int(term.term_id)
            for term in terms:
                _terms[None] = int(term.term_id)
        elif 'tt_ids' == _fields:
            for term in terms:
                _terms[None] = int(term.term_taxonomy_id)
        elif 'names' == _fields:
            #for i,term in enumerate(terms):
            #  _terms[i] = term.name
            for term in terms:
                _terms[None] = term.name
        elif 'slug' == _fields:
            for term in terms:
                _terms[None] = term.slug
        #elif 'id=>name' == _fields:
        elif _fields in ('id=>name', 'id.name'):
            for term in terms:
                _terms[term.term_id] = term.name
        #elif 'id=>slug' == _fields:
        elif _fields in ('id=>slug', 'id.slug'):
            for term in terms:
                _terms[term.term_id] = term.slug

        if _terms:  # if not Php.empty(locals(), '_terms'):
            terms = _terms

        # Hierarchical queries are not limited, so 'offset' and 'number' must be handled now.
        if hierarchical and number and Php.is_array(terms):
            if offset >= len(terms):
                terms = array()  # array()
                terms = Php.array_slice(terms, offset, number, True)

        WiCa.wp_cache_add(cache_key, terms, 'terms', WpC.WB.Wj.DAY_IN_SECONDS)

        if 'all' == _fields or 'all_with_object_id' == _fields:
            terms = Php.array_map(WiTx.get_term, terms)

        self.terms = terms
        return self.terms
Exemple #3
    def get_sql_for_clause(self, clause, parent_query, clause_key=''):
        ''' Generate SQL JOIN and WHERE clauses for a first-order query clause.
    "First-order" means that it's an array with a 'key' or 'value'.
    @global wpdb wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
    @param array  clause       Query clause, passed by reference.
    @param array  parent_query Parent query array.
    @param string clause_key   Optional. The array key used to name the clause
                               in the original `meta_query` parameters. If not
                               provided, a key will be generated automatically
    @return array {
      Array containing JOIN & WHERE SQL clauses to append to a 1st-order query
      @type string join  SQL fragment to append to the main JOIN clause.
      @type string where SQL fragment to append to the main WHERE clause.
    @return array clause    since clause passed by ref, need to return clause
        wpdb = WpC.WB.Wj.wpdb  # global wpdb

        sql_chunks = array(
            ('where', array()),
            ('join', array()),

        if Php.isset(clause, 'compare'):
            clause['compare'] = clause['compare'].upper()
            clause['compare'] = 'IN' if (Php.isset(
                clause, 'value') and Php.is_array(clause['value'])) else '='

        if (not Php.in_array(
                array('=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE',
                      'IN', 'NOT IN', 'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN', 'EXISTS',
                      'NOT EXISTS', 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP', 'RLIKE'))):
            clause['compare'] = '='

        meta_compare = clause['compare']

        # First build the JOIN clause, if one is required.
        join = ''

        # We prefer to avoid joins if possible. Look for an existing join compatible with this clause.
        alias = self.find_compatible_table_alias(clause, parent_query)
        if False is alias:
            i = len(self.table_aliases)
            alias = 'mt' + i if i else self.meta_table

            # JOIN clauses for NOT EXISTS have their own syntax.
            if 'NOT EXISTS' == meta_compare:
                join += " LEFT JOIN self.meta_table"
                join += " AS " + alias if i else ''
                join += wpdb.prepare(
                    " ON (self.primary_table.self.primary_id_column = {} AND {} = %s )"
                            alias.meta_key), clause['key'])

            # All other JOIN clauses.
                join += " INNER JOIN self.meta_table"
                join += " AS alias" if i else ''
                join += " ON ( self.primary_table.self.primary_id_column = {} )".format(

            self.table_aliases[None] = alias
            sql_chunks['join'][None] = join

        # Save the alias to this clause, for future siblings to find.
        clause['alias'] = alias

        # Determine the data type.
        _meta_type = clause['type'] if Php.isset(clause, 'type') else ''
        meta_type = self.get_cast_for_type(_meta_type)
        clause['cast'] = meta_type

        # Fallback for clause keys is the table alias. Key must be a string.
        if is_int(clause_key) or not clause_key:
            clause_key = clause['alias']

        # Ensure unique clause keys, so none are overwritten.
        iterator = 1
        clause_key_base = clause_key
        while Php.isset(self.clauses, clause_key):
            clause_key = clause_key_base + '-' + iterator
            iterator += 1

        # Store the clause in our flat array.
        #self.clauses[ clause_key ] =& clause
        # =& is assignment by reference, "means that both vars pointing at the
        #    same data, and nothing is copied anywhere"
            clause_key] = clause  # py array or {} are mutable same obj

        # Next, build the WHERE clause.

        # meta_key.
        if 'key' in clause:
            if 'NOT EXISTS' == meta_compare:
                    None] = alias + '.' + self.meta_id_column + ' IS NULL'
                sql_chunks['where'][None] = wpdb.prepare(
                    "alias.meta_key = %s", trim(clause['key']))

        # meta_value.
        if 'value' in clause:
            meta_value = clause['value']

            if meta_compare in ('IN', 'NOT IN', 'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN'):
                if not Php.is_array(meta_value):
                    meta_value = preg_split('/[,\s]+/', meta_value)
                meta_value = trim(meta_value)

            #switch ( meta_compare ) {
            if meta_compare in ('IN', 'NOT IN'):
                meta_compare_string = '(' + substr(
                    str_repeat(',%s', len(meta_value)), 1) + ')'
                where = wpdb.prepare(meta_compare_string, meta_value)

            elif meta_compare in ('BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN'):
                meta_value = Php.array_slice(meta_value, 0, 2)
                where = wpdb.prepare('%s AND %s', meta_value)

            elif meta_compare in ('LIKE', 'NOT LIKE'):
                meta_value = '%' + wpdb.esc_like(meta_value) + '%'
                where = wpdb.prepare('%s', meta_value)

            # EXISTS with a value is interpreted as '='.
            elif meta_compare == 'EXISTS':
                meta_compare = '='
                where = wpdb.prepare('%s', meta_value)

            # 'value' is ignored for NOT EXISTS.
            elif meta_compare == 'NOT EXISTS':
                where = ''

                where = wpdb.prepare('%s', meta_value)

            if where:
                if 'CHAR' == meta_type:
                    sql_chunks['where'][None] = "{} {} {}".format(
                        alias.meta_value, meta_compare, where)
                    sql_chunks['where'][None] = "CAST({} AS {}) {} {}".format(
                        alias.meta_value, meta_type, meta_compare, where)

        # Multiple WHERE clauses (for meta_key and meta_value) should
        # be joined in parentheses.
        if 1 < len(sql_chunks['where']):
            sql_chunks['where'] = array(
                '( ' + Php.implode(' AND ', sql_chunks['where']) + ' )')

        #return sql_chunks
        return sql_chunks, clause  #since clause passed by ref, need to return
Exemple #4
def do_action(tag, arg='', *OtherArgs, Wj=None):
    ''' Execute functions hooked on a specific action hook.
  This function invokes all functions attached to action hook `tag`. It is
  possible to create new action hooks by simply calling this function,
  specifying the name of the new hook using the `tag` parameter.
  You can pass extra arguments to the hooks, much like you can with apply_filters().
  @global array wp_filter         Stores all of the filters
  @global array wp_actions        Increments the amount of times action was triggered.
  @global array merged_filters    Merges the filter hooks using this function.
  @global array wp_current_filter Stores the list of current filters with the current one last
  @param string tag     The name of the action to be executed.
  @param mixed  arg,... Optional. Additional arguments which are passed on to the
                         functions hooked to the action. Default empty.
    #global var==>WpC.WB.Wj.var, except: var=WpC.WB.Wj.var=same Obj,mutable array
    if Wj is None:
        Wj = WpC.WB.Wj
    wp_filter = Wj.wp_filter  # global wp_filter
    wp_actions = Wj.wp_actions  # global wp_actions
    merged_filters = Wj.merged_filters  # global merged_filters
    wp_current_filter = Wj.wp_current_filter  # global wp_current_filter

    AllArgs = tag, arg, *OtherArgs

    if not Php.isset(wp_actions, tag):
        wp_actions[tag] = 1
        wp_actions[tag] += 1

    # Do 'all' actions first
    if Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):
        # php2python.com/wiki/function.func-get-args/
        all_args = Php.func_get_args(AllArgs)

    if not Php.isset(wp_filter, tag):
        if Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):

    if not Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):

    args = array()
    # 1 == len(arg) #implies: isset(arg[0])
    if Php.is_array(arg) and 1 == len(arg) and Php.is_object(
            arg[0]):  # array(&this)
        #args.append(& arg[0])    # & <<== Check!!  # & not needed for object?
    #for ( a = 2, num = func_num_args(); a < num; a++ )
    for a in range(2, Php.func_num_args(AllArgs)):
        args[None] = Php.func_get_arg(AllArgs, a)  # differ from func_get_args

    # Sort
    if not Php.isset(merged_filters, tag):
        wp_filter[tag] = Php.ksort(wp_filter[tag])
        merged_filters[tag] = True

    # No need to reset in py since for loop alawys starts at elem#1 in list
    #reset( wp_filter[ tag ] )

    #do {
    #Php: the first iteration of a do-while loop is guaranteed to run
    #    (the truth expression is only checked at the end of the iteration)
    for Tag in [True, *wp_filter[tag]]:
        if Tag is False:
        for the_ in Php.Array(Php.current(wp_filter[tag])):
            if not Php.is_null(the_['function']):
                    Php.array_slice(args, 0, int(the_['accepted_args'])))

    #} while ( next(wp_filter[tag]) is not False )

Exemple #5
def apply_filters(tag, value, *OtherArgs, Wj=None):
    ''' Call the functions added to a filter hook.
  The callback functions attached to filter hook tag are invoked by calling
  this function. This function can be used to create a new filter hook by
  simply calling this function with the name of the new hook specified using
  the tag parameter.
  The function allows for additional arguments to be added and passed to hooks.
      # Our filter callback function
      function example_callback( string, arg1, arg2 ) {
          # (maybe) modify string
          return string
      add_filter( 'example_filter', 'example_callback', 10, 3 )
       * Apply the filters by calling the 'example_callback' function we
       * "hooked" to 'example_filter' using the add_filter() function above.
       * - 'example_filter' is the filter hook tag
       * - 'filter me' is the value being filtered
       * - arg1 and arg2 are the additional arguments passed to the callback.
      value = apply_filters( 'example_filter', 'filter me', arg1, arg2 )

  @global array wp_filter         Stores all of the filters.
  @global array merged_filters    Merges the filter hooks using this function.
  @global array wp_current_filter Stores the list of current filters with the current one last.
  @param string tag     The name of the filter hook.
  @param mixed  value   The value on which the filters hooked to `tag` are applied on.
  @param mixed  var,... Additional variables passed to the functions hooked to `tag`.
  @return mixed The filtered value after all hooked functions are applied to it.
    #global var==>WB.Wj.var, except: var=WB.Wj.var=same Obj,mutable array
    if Wj is None:
        Wj = WpC.WB.Wj
    wp_filter = Wj.wp_filter  # global wp_filter
    merged_filters = Wj.merged_filters  # global merged_filters
    wp_current_filter = Wj.wp_current_filter  # global wp_current_filter

    AllArgs = tag, value, *OtherArgs
    #print("WiPg.apply_filters:", tag, value, OtherArgs)

    args = array()

    # Do 'all' actions first.
    if Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):
        args = Php.func_get_args(AllArgs)

    if not Php.isset(wp_filter, tag):
        if Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):
        return value

    if not Php.isset(wp_filter, 'all'):

    # Sort.
    if not Php.isset(merged_filters, tag):
        wp_filter[tag] = Php.ksort(wp_filter[tag])
        merged_filters[tag] = True

    # No need to reset in py since for loop alawys starts at elem#1 in list

    if not args:  # Php.empty(locals(), 'args'):
        args = Php.func_get_args(AllArgs)

    #do {
    #Php: the first iteration of a do-while loop is guaranteed to run
    #    (the truth expression is only checked at the end of the iteration)
    #for Tag in [True, *wp_filter[tag] ]:
    #  if Tag is False:
    #    break
    for Tag in wp_filter[tag]:
        if Tag is False:
        #for the_ in Php.Array( Php.current(wp_filter[tag])):
        for the_ in Php.Array(Tag):
            if not Php.is_null(the_['function']):
                args[1] = value
                value = Php.call_user_func_array(
                    Php.array_slice(args, 1, int(the_['accepted_args'])))

    #} while ( next(wp_filter[tag]) is not False )


    return value