Exemple #1
    def draw(self):
        if (self.heal > 0):


            for pixel in self.points:
                pyxel.pset(pixel[0], pixel[1], 11)
            for i in range(1, len(self.points)):
                point = self.points[i - 1]
                nextPoint = self.points[i]
                pyxel.line(point[0], point[1], nextPoint[0], nextPoint[1],
            pyxel.line(self.points[0][0], self.points[0][1], self.points[3][0],
                       self.points[3][1], self.col)

            for shoot in self.shoots:
            # pyxel.trib(self.points[0][0],self.points[0][1],self.points[1][0],self.points[1][1],self.points[3][0],self.points[3][1],self.col)
            if (self.otherPlayer): self.angleController.draw()
            if (pyxel.btn(pyxel.KEY_TAB)):
                pyxel.text(self.pos[0] - (len(self.name) * 2),
                           self.pos[1] + 10, self.name, 7)
                pyxel.rectb(self.pos[0] - 12, self.pos[1] + 16, 24, 8, 7)
                pyxel.rect(self.pos[0] - 10, self.pos[1] + 18, self.heal / 5,
                           4, 7)
    def draw(self):

        # Useful for aligning text
        # pyxel.line(pyxel.width//4, 0, pyxel.width//4, pyxel.height, 7)
        # pyxel.line(pyxel.width//2, 0, pyxel.width//2, pyxel.height, 7)
        # pyxel.line(pyxel.width//4*3, 0, pyxel.width//4*3, pyxel.height, 7)

        if (self.game_state == 'title'):
            pyxel.text(93, pyxel.height//2 - 8, 'PASTEL STALACTITES', self.rotating_font_color)
            pyxel.text(118, pyxel.height//2, self.version, self.rotating_font_color)
            pyxel.text(100, pyxel.height//2 + 8, 'by Matt Niznik', 11)
            pyxel.text(85, pyxel.height//2 + 24, '(press SPACE to start)', 7)
        elif (self.game_state == 'gameover'):
            pyxel.text(self.game_over_message['x'], pyxel.height//2 - 8, self.game_over_message['msg'], self.rotating_font_color)
            pyxel.text(80, pyxel.height//2 + 8, 'Score: ' + str(int(self.score)), 7)
            pyxel.text(80, pyxel.height//2 + 16, 'Distance: ' + str(self.distance), 7)
            pyxel.text(80, pyxel.height//2 + 24, 'Score/100 px: ' + str(self.ppd), 7)
            pyxel.text(80, pyxel.height//2 + 40, '(press SPACE to continue)', 7)
            pyxel.rect(self.hero_x, pyxel.height-self.hero_height, self.hero_width, self.hero_height, self.hero_color)
            pyxel.rectb(self.hero_x, pyxel.height-self.hero_height, self.hero_width, self.hero_height, 7)

            pyxel.text(40, pyxel.height - 30, 'Score: ' + str(int(self.score)), 7)
            pyxel.text(40, pyxel.height - 20, 'Distance: ' + str(self.distance), 7)
            pyxel.text(40, pyxel.height - 10, 'Score/100 px: ' + str(self.ppd), 7)

            for i in range(0, len(self.stals)):
                stal = self.stals[i]
                pyxel.rect(stal['x'], 0, self.stal_width, stal['height'], stal['color'])
                pyxel.rectb(stal['x'], 0, self.stal_width, stal['height'], 7)
Exemple #3
    def draw(self):

        pyxel.text(6, 6, 'sound(snd).set(note,tone,volume,effect,speed)', 7)
        pyxel.rect(12, 16, 188, 52, 2)
        pyxel.text(16, 20, 'note  :[CDEFGAB] + [ #-] + [0-4] or [R]', 9)
        pyxel.text(16, 28, 'tone  :[T]riangle [S]quare [P]ulse [N]oise', 9)
        pyxel.text(16, 36, 'volume:[0-7]', 9)
        pyxel.text(16, 44, 'effect:[N]one [S]lide [V]ibrato [F]adeOut', 9)

        pyxel.text(6, 62, 'play(ch,snd,loop=False)', 7)
        pyxel.text(6, 76, 'stop(ch)', 7)

        pyxel.rectb(6, 97, 193, 143, 14)
        pyxel.rect(6, 91, 34, 97, 14)
        pyxel.text(7, 92, 'CONTROL', 1)

        pyxel.text(12, 102, '1: Play all channels', 14)
        pyxel.text(12, 110, '2: Play channel #0 (Melody)', 14)
        pyxel.text(12, 118, '3: Play channel #1 (Bass)', 14)
        pyxel.text(12, 126, '4: Play channel #2 (Drums)', 14)
        pyxel.text(12, 134, '5: Stop playing', 14)

        for i, v in enumerate(self.is_playing):
            pyxel.pal(1, v and 15 or 13)
            pyxel.blt(140 + i * 16,
                      116 + math.sin(pyxel.frame_count * 0.1 + i * 2.1) * 5, 0,
                      0, 0, 8, 8, 0)
Exemple #4
 def foundBell(self):
     if (self.count < 200):
         pyxel.rect(40, 40, 120, 65, 7)
         pyxel.rectb(40, 40, 120, 65, 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 45, "You've obtained the", 0)
         pyxel.text(50, 55, "Bell of Jingles!", 0)
         self.count += 1
Exemple #5
 def draw_field(self):
     for i, cell in enumerate(self.board):
         x, y = i % 3, i // 3
         if cell == 1:
                 x * BLOCK_SIZE , y * BLOCK_SIZE, 
                 BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE,
                 (x + 0) * BLOCK_SIZE,     (y + 0) * BLOCK_SIZE,
                 (x + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE - 1, (y + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE - 1,
                 (x + 0) * BLOCK_SIZE,     (y + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE - 1,
                 (x + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE - 1, (y + 0) * BLOCK_SIZE,
         elif cell == 2:
                 x * BLOCK_SIZE , y * BLOCK_SIZE, 
                 BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE,
                 x * BLOCK_SIZE , y * BLOCK_SIZE, 
                 BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE,
Exemple #6
 def caughtFish(self):
     if (self.count < 200):
         pyxel.rect(40, 40, 120, 65, 7)
         pyxel.rectb(40, 40, 120, 65, 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 45, "You've obtained the", 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 55, "catch of the day!", 0)
         self.count += 1
Exemple #7
 def feedCat(self):
     if (self.count < 200):
         pyxel.rect(40, 40, 123, 65, 7)
         pyxel.rectb(40, 40, 123, 65, 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 45, "You toss fish in!", 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 55, "You hear purring!", 0)
         self.count += 1
Exemple #8
    def zeige_auswahl(self, zeile, spalte, farbe):
        x1 = spalte * self.spalten_breite
        x2 = (spalte + 1) * self.spalten_breite - 1
        y1 = zeile * self.zeilen_hoehe
        y2 = (zeile + 1) * self.zeilen_hoehe - 1

        pyxel.rectb(x1, y1, x2, y2, farbe)
Exemple #9
 def renderEntitiesColliders(self, camera, world):
     entities = list(world.querryEntities(camera.inflated(Vector2f(48,
     if entities != None:
         for entity in entities:
             entityPosFromCam = entity.position - camera.position
             colliders = entity.getComponent('ColliderList')
             if colliders:
                 for c in colliders:
                     if c.type == Collider.BOUNDINGBOX:
                             entityPosFromCam.x - c.position.x,
                             entityPosFromCam.y - c.position.y,
                             entityPosFromCam.x - c.position.x + c.size.x,
                             entityPosFromCam.y - c.position.y + c.size.y,
                     elif c.type == Collider.TRIGGERBOX:
                             entityPosFromCam.x - c.position.x,
                             entityPosFromCam.y - c.position.y,
                             entityPosFromCam.x - c.position.x + c.size.x,
                             entityPosFromCam.y - c.position.y + c.size.y,
                 self.primitiveDrawn += len(colliders)
Exemple #10
    def draw_minimap(self):
        # Draw the map
        for y in range(len(level)):
            for x in range(len(level[0])):
                tile = level[y][x]
                pyxel.rect(x * scale, y * scale, scale, scale, tile)

        # Find intersections for the middle ray.
        # x1, y1, x2, y2, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 = ray(X, Y, phi)

        wx, wy, ix, iy = trace(X, Y, *ray(X, Y, phi))
        pyxel.rectb(wx * scale, wy * scale, scale, scale, 8)

        # Draw facing ray
        pyxel.line(X * scale, Y * scale, ix * scale, iy * scale, 8)

        # Draw edges of FOV
        if draw_FOV:
            wx, wy, ix, iy = trace(X, Y, *ray(X, Y, left_extreme(phi)))
            pyxel.line(X * scale, Y * scale, ix * scale, iy * scale, 5)

            wx, wy, ix, iy = trace(X, Y, *ray(X, Y,
                                              left_extreme(phi) + FOV_rad))
            pyxel.line(X * scale, Y * scale, ix * scale, iy * scale, 11)

        # Draw player
        pyxel.rect(round((X - R) * scale), round((Y - R) * scale),
                   2 * R * scale, 2 * R * scale, 8)
Exemple #11
 def draw_before_children(self):
     pyxel.rectb(*self.graph_tl, *self.graph_size, 7)
     pyxel.rectb(*self.graph_tl.br_of(Point(0, self.graph_size.y)),
                 *self.graph_size.scale2D(Size(1, 2)), 7)
     self.draw_func_with_col(self.f, 8)
     self.draw_func_with_col(self.g, 9)
     self.draw_func_with_col(self.h, 10)
Exemple #12
 def draw(self, hightlight):
     if hightlight:
         pyxel.rect(self.x, self.y, self.x + self.size, self.y + self.size,
         pyxel.rectb(self.x, self.y, self.x + self.size, self.y + self.size,
Exemple #13
 def _obstacle_anim(self, x, y):
     x, y = x - 8, y - 8
     state_duration = 3
     cur = (pyxel.frame_count // state_duration) % 6
     col = 7 if cur == 3 else 11
     pyxel.rectb(x, y, x + 16, y + 16, col)
     if cur == 3: pyxel.rectb(x + 1, y + 1, x + 15, y + 15, col)
Exemple #14
    def draw_small_map(self):

        # スモールマップの描画みたことあるところだけ描画
        smap_margin = 15  # [pix]
        for i in range(self.map.w):
            for j in range(self.map.h):
                x = i + smap_margin
                y = j + smap_margin
                if self.map.data[j, i] == 0:
                    if self.is_seen[j, i] == True:
                        pyxel.rect(x, y, 1, 1, 5)
                        # pyxel.rect(x, y, 1, 1, 12)

        # スモールマップの自キャラと視野範囲の描画
        _, self.margins = self.map.get_local_data(self.ego.y, self.ego.x)
        lsmx, rsmx, usmy, dsmy = self.margins
        cx = int(self.ego.x)
        cy = int(self.ego.y)
        pyxel.rect(cx + smap_margin, cy + smap_margin, 1, 1, 11)
        pyxel.rectb(cx - lsmx + smap_margin, cy - usmy + 15, 16, 16, 8)

        # 敵の位置
        for enemy in self.enemies:
            ex = enemy.x
            ey = enemy.y
            pyxel.rect(ex + smap_margin, ey + smap_margin, 1, 1, 8)
Exemple #15
 def draw(self, state):
     lines = wrap(self.text, 16)
     pyxel.rect(20, 38, 88, 10 + 8*len(lines), 0)
     pyxel.rectb(20, 38, 88, 10 + 8*len(lines), 6)
     pyxel.blt(25, 44, 0, *ITEMS[self.icon])
     for i, l in enumerate(lines):
         pyxel.text(38, 43 + i * 8, l, 6)
Exemple #16
 def drawGizmos(self, camera):
     for b in self.gizmos:
         entityPosFromCam = b[0].position - camera.position
         pyxel.rectb(entityPosFromCam.x, entityPosFromCam.y,
                     entityPosFromCam.x + b[0].size.x,
                     entityPosFromCam.y + b[0].size.y, b[1])
Exemple #17
    def draw(self):

        pyxel.text(6, 6, "sound(snd).set(note,tone,volume,effect,speed)", 7)
        pyxel.rect(12, 14, 177, 35, 2)
        pyxel.text(16, 17, "note  :[CDEFGAB] + [ #-] + [0-4] or [R]", 9)
        pyxel.text(16, 25, "tone  :[T]riangle [S]quare [P]ulse [N]oise", 9)
        pyxel.text(16, 33, "volume:[0-7]", 9)
        pyxel.text(16, 41, "effect:[N]one [S]lide [V]ibrato [F]adeOut", 9)
        pyxel.text(6, 53, "music(msc).set(ch0,ch1,ch2,ch3)", 7)

        pyxel.text(6, 62, "play(ch,snd,loop=False)", 7)
        pyxel.text(6, 71, "playm(msc,loop=False)", 7)
        pyxel.text(6, 80, "stop([ch])", 7)

        pyxel.rectb(6, 97, 188, 47, 14)
        pyxel.rect(6, 91, 29, 7, 14)
        pyxel.text(7, 92, "CONTROL", 1)

        pyxel.text(12, 102, "1: Play all channels", 14)
        pyxel.text(12, 110, "2: Play channel #0 (Melody)", 14)
        pyxel.text(12, 118, "3: Play channel #1 (Bass)", 14)
        pyxel.text(12, 126, "4: Play channel #2 (Drums)", 14)
        pyxel.text(12, 134, "5: Stop playing", 14)

        pyxel.text(137, 107, "play_pos(ch)", 15)

        for i in range(3):
            x = 140 + i * 16
            y = 123 + math.sin(pyxel.frame_count * 0.1 + i * 2.1) * 5
            col = 15 if pyxel.play_pos(i) else 13
            pyxel.pal(1, col)
            pyxel.blt(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0)
Exemple #18
    def renderColliderOverlay(self, camera, world):
        regionIndexList = world.querryRegions(camera)
        for regionIndex in regionIndexList:
            region = world.regions[regionIndex]
            if region.tilemap:
                tilesIndexList = region.querryTiles(camera)
                for tileIndex in tilesIndexList:
                    tile = region.tilemap.tiles[tileIndex]
                    tilePosFromCam = region.position + 16 * Vector2f(
                        tile.position.x, tile.position.y) - camera.position
                    for layer in sorted(tile.materials):
                        material = tile.materials[layer]
                        colliderList = world.terrainBank.getColliders(
                        if colliderList:
                            for c in colliderList:
                                p1 = tilePosFromCam + c.position
                                p2 = tilePosFromCam + c.position + c.size

                                if material.flip.x == -1:
                                    p1.x = tilePosFromCam.x + 15 - c.position.x
                                    p2.x = tilePosFromCam.x + 15 - c.position.x - c.size.x
                                if material.flip.y == -1:
                                    p1.y = tilePosFromCam.y + 16 - c.position.y
                                    p2.y = tilePosFromCam.y + 16 - c.position.y - c.size.y

                                pyxel.rectb(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, 0)
                            self.primitiveDrawn += len(colliderList)
Exemple #19
 def hungryCat(self):
     if (self.count < 200):
         pyxel.rect(40, 40, 120, 65, 7)
         pyxel.rectb(40, 40, 120, 65, 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 45, "You hear pained", 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 55, "yollowing inside!", 0)
         self.count += 1
Exemple #20
    def __on_draw(self):
        pyxel.blt(self.x, self.y, 3, 0, 192, 64, 63)

        x = self.x + self.parent.edit_x // 4
        y = self.y + self.parent.edit_y // 4
        height = 4 if self.parent.edit_y < 240 else 3
        pyxel.rectb(x - 1, y - 1, x + 4, y + height, 7)
Exemple #21
 def jingleCat(self):
     if (self.count < 200):
         pyxel.rect(40, 40, 122, 65, 7)
         pyxel.rectb(40, 40, 122, 65, 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 45, "You jingle the bell!", 0)
         pyxel.text(44, 55, "Something is coming!", 0)
         self.count += 1
    def draw(self, x, y):
        # Background
        pyxel.rect(x + 2, y + 2, x + 52, y + 19, 1)
        pyxel.rectb(x + 2, y + 2, x + 52, y + 19, 5)

        # Rack number
        pyxel.rect(x + 4, y + 4, x + 12, y + 10, 10)
        offset_x = 0
        if self._rack.number != "10":
            offset_x = 2
        pyxel.text(x + 5 + offset_x, y + 5, self._rack.number, 0)

        # Server
        self._server.draw(x + 16, y + 4)

        # Server value
        pyxel.text(x + 17, y + 12, str(self._server.value), TXT_COLOR)

        # CPU
        self._cpuitem.draw(x + 38, y + 4)
        if self._server._cpu:
            pyxel.text(x + 48, y + 4, str(self._server._cpu), TXT_COLOR)

        # RAM
        self._ramitem.draw(x + 38, y + 12)
        if self._server._ram:
            pyxel.text(x + 48, y + 12, str(self._server._ram), TXT_COLOR)
Exemple #23
    def draw(self):
        for i, cell in enumerate(self.maze):
            x, y = i % BOARD_WIDTH, i // BOARD_WIDTH
            scr_x, scr_y = x * BLOCK_SIZE, y * BLOCK_SIZE
            pyxel.rect(scr_x, scr_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, WALL_COLOR)
            if cell & VISTED:
                pyxel.rect(scr_x + WALL_SIZE, scr_y + WALL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE,
                           CELL_SIZE, CELL_COLOR)
                if cell & UP:
                    pyxel.rect(scr_x + WALL_SIZE, scr_y, CELL_SIZE, WALL_SIZE,
                if cell & LEFT:
                    pyxel.rect(scr_x, scr_y + WALL_SIZE, WALL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE,
                if cell & DOWN:
                    pyxel.rect(scr_x + WALL_SIZE,
                               scr_y + WALL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE,
                               WALL_SIZE, CELL_COLOR)
                if cell & RIGHT:
                    pyxel.rect(scr_x + WALL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE,
                               scr_y + WALL_SIZE, WALL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE,

        x, y = self.pos
        pyxel.rectb(x * BLOCK_SIZE + WALL_SIZE, y * BLOCK_SIZE + WALL_SIZE,
                    CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, 2 if self.running else 1)
Exemple #24
 def draw(self):
     px.blt(self.position.x, self.position.y, 0, *self.current_sprite, 0)
     if self.debug_mode:
         for i in self.cell_to_check:
             px.rectb(i.x * 8, i.y * 8, 8, 8, 6)
         px.rectb(self.position.x, self.position.y, self.dimension.x,
                  self.dimension.y, 6)
Exemple #25
    def draw(self):
        # pyxel.rect(230, 135, 2, 2, 13)
        for i in range(32):
            if (self.score>>i)&1:
                x, y = 230-4*i, 135
                pyxel.rect(x, y, 2, 2, 3)

        for rx, ry, col in self.rect_effects:
            pyxel.rect(rx, ry, 2, 2, col)

        kx, ky = self.keys_pos
        for i, key in enumerate(self.keys):
            flag = self.key_flags[i]
            char, (x, y) = key
            pyxel.rectb(kx+x, ky+y, 12, 12, [13, 5][flag])
            pyxel.text(kx+2+x, ky+2+y, str.upper(char), [0, 6][flag])
        # pyxel.blit(20, 10)
        pyxel.text(20, 20, f"score: {self.score}", 7)
        pyxel.text(80, 30, (f"{self.before_question}"), 1)

        pyxel.text(80, 40, ":", 13)
        pyxel.text(80+4, 40, (f"{self.question}"), 12)

        pyxel.text(80, 50, ":", 13)
        pyxel.text(80+4, 50, self.answer, 13)

        self.score_before = self.score
Exemple #26
    def draw_floor(self):
		Draw the floor and the ladders

        # guardamos la altura de las plataformas y las vamos restando
        esc_y = constants.suelo_y
        for i in range(0, constants.n_plataformas):
            esc_y -= constants.distance_bt_floors
            # dibujamos el suelo
            pyxel.blt(constants.suelo_x, esc_y, 0, 0, 16, constants.ventana_x,
            if len(self._h_suelo) != 6:
                self._h_suelo.append(esc_y - constants.suelo_h - 5)

            if i != 0:
                # dibujamos las escaleras
                            esc_y + (constants.suelo_h / 2),
                            constants.escalera_h - (constants.suelo_h / 2),
                            i + 1)
                # guardamos las posiciones de la escalera concretamente los lados del rectangulo
                # x1, y1, x2(x1+w), y2(y1+h)
                if len(self._posiciones_escaleras) != 5:
                        (constants.escalera_x[i], esc_y +
                         (constants.suelo_h / 2) + constants.escalera_h,
                         constants.escalera_x[i] + constants.escalera_w,
                         esc_y + (constants.suelo_h / 2)))

        # escalera para subir hasta mario
        pyxel.rectb(45, 25, constants.escalera_w,
                    constants.escalera_h - (constants.suelo_h / 2), 15)
Exemple #27
 def draw(self):
     col = self.blink_col if self.blink_frame > 0 else self.rect_col
     pyxel.rectb(self.x, self.y, self.size, self.size, col)
     s = str(self.num)
     dw = -(-(self.size - (len(s) * 4 - 1)) // 2)
     dh = -(-(self.size - 5) // 2)
     pyxel.text(self.x + dw, self.y + dh, s, self.num_col)
Exemple #28
    def draw(self):
        x = self.x
        y = self.y
        u = self.u
        v = self.v
        w, h = 32, 32

        # background
        pyxel.blt(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32 * 4, 32 * 4, 11)

        # info background
        pyxel.rectb(u, v, w, h, 10)
        pyxel.text(u - 16, v - 8, '(U,V)', 10)
        pyxel.text(u + w // 2 - 2, v + h + 2, 'W', 10)
        pyxel.text(u + w + 2, v + h // 2 - 2, 'H', 10)

        # sprite
        pyxel.blt(x, y, 0, u, v, w, h, 11)

        # info sprite
        pyxel.rectb(x, y, w, h, 8)
        pyxel.text(x - 16, y - 8, '(X,Y)', 8)
        pyxel.text(x + w // 2 - 2, y + h + 2, 'W', 8)
        pyxel.text(x + w + 2, y + h // 2 - 2, 'H', 8)

        # function
        pyxel.text(128, 120, 'pyxel.blt(X,Y,BANK,U,V,W,H)', 7)
Exemple #29
    def __on_draw(self):
        self.draw_panel(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)

            self.x + 1,
            self.y + 1,

        pyxel.clip(self.x + 1, self.y + 1, self.x + self.width - 2,
                   self.y + self.height - 2)

        x1 = self.x + self.parent.drawing_x // 4 + 1
        y1 = self.y + self.parent.drawing_y // 4 + 1
        x2 = x1 + 3
        y2 = y1 + 3

        pyxel.rectb(x1, y1, x2, y2, 7)
        pyxel.rectb(x1 - 1, y1 - 1, x2 + 1, y2 + 1, 0)

Exemple #30
def DebugDrawPosHitRect(self):
    if imp._DEBUG_ == True:
        pyxel.pset(self.PosX, self.PosY, pyxel.frame_count % 16)
        pyxel.rectb(self.PosX - (self.HitRectX / 2),
                    self.PosY - (self.HitRectY / 2), self.HitRectX,
                    self.HitRectY, pyxel.frame_count % 16)