def save_file(self, obj, filetype): if obj[filetype.lower()] is None: with wx.MessageDialog(self, " No {} Loaded".format(filetype), "Warning", wx.OK) as dlg: dlg.ShowModal() return with wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", obj['dirname'], "", "*." + filetype.lower(), wx.FD_SAVE) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetFilename() obj['dirname'] = dlg.GetDirectory() self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Saving...") create_backup(obj['dirname'], filename) path = os.path.join(obj['dirname'], filename) removed_nodes = obj[filetype.lower()].save(path) msg = '' if removed_nodes: msg = "The following animation nodes were removed:\n{}".format( '\n'.join( [' * ' + node for node in sorted(removed_nodes)])) self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Saved {}".format(path)) with MultiMessageDialog( self, "Saved to {} successfully".format(path), filetype + " Saved", msg, wx.OK) as saved: saved.ShowModal()
def save_bdm(self, _): if not self.main_panel.bdm: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, " No BDM Loaded", "Warning", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() # Shows it dlg.Destroy() # finally destroy it when finished. return dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save as...", self.dirname, "", "*.bdm", wx.FD_SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Get Filename filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Saving...") create_backup(self.dirname, filename) path = os.path.join(self.dirname, filename) self.main_panel.bdm.entries.clear() # Rebuild entry list item = self.entry_list.GetFirstItem() while item.IsOk(): data = self.entry_list.GetItemData(item) self.main_panel.bdm.entries.append(data) item = self.entry_list.GetNextItem(item) # Save self.statusbar.SetStatusText(f"Saved {path}") saved = wx.MessageDialog(self, f"Saved to {path} successfully", "BDM Saved") saved.ShowModal() saved.Destroy() dlg.Destroy()
def save_bac(self, _): if self.main_panel.bac is None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, " No BAC Loaded", "Warning", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() # Shows it dlg.Destroy() # finally destroy it when finished. return dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save as...", self.dirname, "", "*.bac", wx.FD_SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Saving...") create_backup(self.dirname, filename) path = os.path.join(self.dirname, filename) self.statusbar.SetStatusText(f"Saved {path}") saved = wx.MessageDialog(self, f"Saved to {path} successfully", "BAC Saved") saved.ShowModal() saved.Destroy() dlg.Destroy()
def save_bcs(self, e): if not self.bcs: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, " No BCS Loaded", "Warning", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() # Shows it dlg.Destroy() # finally destroy it when finished. return dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save as...", self.dirname, "", "*.bcs", wx.FD_SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Saving...") create_backup(self.dirname, filename) path = os.path.join(self.dirname, filename) self.bcs.header.gender = self.gender.GetSelection() self.bcs.header.race = self.race.GetSelection() self.statusbar.SetStatusText(f"Saved {path}") saved = wx.MessageDialog(self, f"Saved to {path} successfully", "BCS Saved") saved.ShowModal() saved.Destroy() dlg.Destroy()
def save_moveset(self): with wx.DirDialog(self, 'Choose directory to save moveset to', self.main_panel.dirname, wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return self.main_panel.dirname = path = dlg.GetPath() with wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter 3-character code to save this as', value=self.main_panel.code) as dlg: dlg.SetMaxLength(3) while True: if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return code = dlg.GetValue() if code.isalnum(): break with wx.MessageDialog( self, 'Character code can only consist of alphanumeric values' ) as warn: warn.ShowModal() if self.main_panel.bac is not None: bac_filename = f'{code}_PLAYER.bac' create_backup(path, bac_filename), bac_filename)) if self.main_panel.bdm is not None: bdm_filename = f'{code}_PLAYER.bdm' create_backup(path, bdm_filename), bdm_filename)) if self.main_panel.ean is not None: ean_filename = f'{code}.ean' create_backup(path, ean_filename), ean_filename)) if self.main_panel.cam_ean is not None: cam_filename = f'{code}.cam.ean' create_backup(path, cam_filename), cam_filename)) msg = f'Saved {code} moveset successfully!' self.statusbar.SetStatusText(msg) with wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, '', wx.OK) as dlg: dlg.ShowModal()