""" import string, cStringIO from pyxml.dom import Node, EMPTY_NAMESPACE from pyxml.xpath import ExpandedNameWrapper from pyxml.xpath import NamespaceNode from pyxml.xpath import NaN, Inf from pyxml.xpath import Util, Conversions from pyxml.xpath import NAMESPACE_NODE from pyxml.xpath import CompiletimeException, RuntimeException from pyxml.utils import boolean from pyxml.FtCore import get_translator _ = get_translator("xpath") class Types: NumberType = 0 StringType = 1 BooleanType = 2 NodeSetType = 3 ObjectType = 4 import types try: g_stringTypes = [types.StringType, types.UnicodeType] except: g_stringTypes = [types.StringType]
from pyxml.dom import INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, NAMESPACE_ERR, INVALID_ACCESS_ERR from pyxml.dom import VALIDATION_ERR # EventException from pyxml.dom import UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR #Range Exceptions from pyxml.dom import BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR from pyxml.dom import INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR # Fourthought Exceptions from pyxml.dom import XML_PARSE_ERR from pyxml.FtCore import get_translator _ = get_translator("dom") DOMExceptionStrings = { INDEX_SIZE_ERR: _("Index error accessing NodeList or NamedNodeMap"), DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: _("DOMString exceeds maximum size"), HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: _("Node manipulation results in invalid parent/child relationship."), WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: _("Node is from a different document"), INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: _("Invalid or illegal character"), NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR: _("Node does not support data"), NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: _("Attempt to modify a read-only object"), NOT_FOUND_ERR: _("Node does not exist in this context"), NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: _("Object or operation not supported"), INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: _("Attribute already in use by an element"), INVALID_STATE_ERR: _("Object is not, or is no longer, usable"), SYNTAX_ERR: _("Specified string is invalid or illegal"),
from pyxml.dom import INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, NAMESPACE_ERR, INVALID_ACCESS_ERR from pyxml.dom import VALIDATION_ERR # EventException from pyxml.dom import UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR #Range Exceptions from pyxml.dom import BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR from pyxml.dom import INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR # Fourthought Exceptions from pyxml.dom import XML_PARSE_ERR from pyxml.FtCore import get_translator _ = get_translator("dom") DOMExceptionStrings = { INDEX_SIZE_ERR: _("Index error accessing NodeList or NamedNodeMap"), DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: _("DOMString exceeds maximum size"), HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: _("Node manipulation results in invalid parent/child relationship."), WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: _("Node is from a different document"), INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: _("Invalid or illegal character"), NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR: _("Node does not support data"), NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR:
from pyxml.xpath import RuntimeException, CompiletimeException from pyxml.FtCore import get_translator _ = get_translator("xpath") COMPILETIME = { CompiletimeException.INTERNAL: _('There is an internal bug in 4XPath. Please report this error code to [email protected]: %s'), CompiletimeException.SYNTAX: _('Parse error at line %d, column %d: %s'), CompiletimeException.PROCESSING: _('Error evaluating expression.'), #CompiletimeException.: _(''), } RUNTIME = { RuntimeException.INTERNAL: _('There is an internal bug in 4XPath. Please report this error code to [email protected]: %s'), RuntimeException.NO_CONTEXT: _('An XPath Context object is required in order to evaluate an expression.'), RuntimeException.UNDEFINED_VARIABLE: _('Variable undefined: ("%s", "%s").'), RuntimeException.UNDEFINED_PREFIX: _('Undefined namespace prefix: "%s".'), RuntimeException.WRONG_ARGUMENTS: _('Error in arguments to %s: %s'), #RuntimeException.: _(''), }