def scribe(video_id: str, youtube_api_key: str): if not youtube_api_key: log.error( 'You need to provide an API key either by --youtube-api0key or by setting YOUTUBE_API_KEY' ) sys.exit(1) api = Api(api_key=youtube_api_key) video_metadata = api.get_video_by_id(video_id=video_id).items[0] #log.debug(json.dumps(video_metadata.to_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)) title = video_metadata.snippet.title preview_image_path = get_preview_image( img_url=video_metadata.snippet.thumbnails.default.url, video_id=video_id) description = video_metadata.snippet.description date = datetime.datetime.strptime(video_metadata.snippet.publishedAt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") captions = YouTubeTranscriptApi.get_transcript(video_id) print( gen_markdown_page(video_id=video_id, title=title, image_path=preview_image_path, description=description, date=date, captions=captions))
class YTSearch(): def __init__(self, api_key=API_KEY): self.key = api_key self.api = Api(api_key=self.key) def check_video_eligibility(self, ids, expected_type): like_max = {"yt_id": "", "youtube_rating": 0.0} for id in ids: video = list( self.api.get_video_by_id(video_id=id).to_dict().items()) try: vid = video[5][1][0] duration = isodate.parse_duration( vid['contentDetails']['duration']).total_seconds() definition = vid['contentDetails']['definition'] like_count = float(vid["statistics"]["likeCount"]) dislike_count = float(vid["statistics"]["dislikeCount"]) duration_min = Duration[expected_type][0] duration_max = Duration[expected_type][1] like_percentage = like_count / (like_count + dislike_count) channel_title = vid["snippet"]["channelTitle"] if like_percentage > like_max["youtube_rating"] and (duration_min < duration <= duration_max) and \ channel_title != 'YouTube Movies': like_max["yt_id"] = id like_max["yt_duration"] = duration like_max["yt_likes"] = like_count like_max["youtube_rating"] = like_percentage like_max["yt_definition"] = definition except Exception as e: print("ignoring the error") continue return like_max def obsolete_get_stats(self, key_word, expected_type="movie", max_results=10): videos = list( self.api.search_by_keywords(q=key_word, search_type=["video"]).items) vids = [vid.to_dict()["id"]['videoId'] for vid in videos] ret = self.check_video_eligibility(vids, expected_type) print(ret) def get_youtube_stats(self, key_word, expected_type="movie", max_results=10): get_mov_stats = YoutubeSearch(key_word, max_results=max_results).to_dict() ids = [d['id'] for d in get_mov_stats] ret = self.check_video_eligibility(ids, expected_type) for mov in get_mov_stats: if mov["id"] == ret["yt_id"]: ret["youtube_link"] = "" + mov["link"] return (ret)
def process_play_list_step(message): try: chat_id = text = message.text if ":" not in text: bot.reply_to(message, 'Wrong message format') return data = str(text).split(':') plaid = data[0] title = data[1] if len(plaid) <= 5 or len(title) <= 5: bot.reply_to(message, 'Wrong message format') return api = Api(api_key=youtube_api_key) playlist_item_by_playlist = api.get_playlist_items(playlist_id=plaid, count=1000) videos = playlist_item_by_playlist.items if len(videos) <= 0: bot.send_message(, "No Vidoes found for playlist = " + str(title)) return bot.send_message(, "Found " + str(len(videos)) + " videos from youtube") real_video_count = len(videos) count = 0 lessons = [] for video in videos: video_by_id = api.get_video_by_id( video_id=video.snippet.resourceId.videoId, parts=('snippet', 'contentDetails', 'statistics')) if len(video_by_id.items) <= 0: real_video_count = real_video_count - 1 continue count = count + 1 item = video_by_id.items[0] title = title + " " + formatLessonName( count) + " " + item.snippet.title time_val = isodate.parse_duration(item.contentDetails.duration) code = getYoutubeEmbedCode(video.snippet.resourceId.videoId) lesson = Lesson(title, code, time_val) lessons.append(lesson) bot.send_message(, "Total avalibale vidoe count = " + str(real_video_count)) if len(lessons) <= 0: bot.send_message(, "No lesson found!") loginAndUpdate(lessons, message, plaid) except Exception as e: bot.reply_to(message, str(e))
def get_youtube_statistics(video_ids): api_key = frappe.db.get_single_value("Video Settings", "api_key") api = Api(api_key=api_key) try: video = api.get_video_by_id(video_id=video_ids) video_stats = video.items return video_stats except Exception: title = "Failed to Update YouTube Statistics" frappe.log_error(title + "\n\n" + frappe.get_traceback(), title=title)
def set_youtube_statistics(self): api_key = frappe.db.get_single_value("Video Settings", "api_key") api = Api(api_key=api_key) try: video = api.get_video_by_id(video_id=self.youtube_video_id) video_stats = video.items[0].to_dict().get('statistics') self.like_count = video_stats.get('likeCount') self.view_count = video_stats.get('viewCount') self.dislike_count = video_stats.get('dislikeCount') self.comment_count = video_stats.get('commentCount') except Exception: title = "Failed to Update YouTube Statistics for Video: {0}".format( frappe.log_error(title + "\n\n" + frappe.get_traceback(), title=title)
# Then create another nested folder. Example: output/output-2020-09-14T173551 outputFolderPath = join( 'output', 'output-' + strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S', localtime())) mkdir(outputFolderPath) # Remember to comment out the individual playlist keys from MyConfigurations if you don't want to loop through them all for key in playlistIDs: playlistVideoItems = api.get_playlist_items( playlist_id=playlistIDs[key], count=None).items currentTimestamp = strftime(' %Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S', localtime()) outputFileName = key + currentTimestamp + '.out' outputFilePath = join(outputFolderPath, outputFileName) with open(outputFilePath, 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile: for index, playlistVideo in enumerate(playlistVideoItems): try: video = api.get_video_by_id( video_id=playlistVideo.contentDetails.videoId).items[0] if not isVideoBlocked(countryCode, video): outfile.write(video.snippet.title + '\n') if displayUploader: outfile.write(f'{video.snippet.channelTitle}\n\n') except Exception as e: print( f'\n\nException occurred on "{playlistVideo.snippet.title}" within playlist {key} at index {index}: {e}' )
class EdumaBot(): def __init__(self): self.driver = webdriver.Chrome() self.api = Api(api_key=apikey) self.db = DBHelper() def login(self): self.driver.get(url) time.sleep(1) login_btn = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="wp-submit"]') email_field = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="user_login"]') pass_field = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="user_pass"]') email_field.send_keys(username) time.sleep(1) pass_field.send_keys(password) self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="toplevel_page_learn_press"]').click() self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="toplevel_page_learn_press"]/ul/li[3]/a').click() self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="wpbody-content"]/div[3]/a').click() def start(self): self.login() courses = [] # resume_lesons = self.db.get_resume_lessons() # # print(resume_lesons.rowcount) # # if resume_lesons.rowcount != -1: # for ressume_lesson in resume_lesons: # index = ressume_lesson[4] # total = ressume_lesson[3] # title = ressume_lesson[2] # playlist_id = ressume_lesson[1] # # if int(index) == int(total): # continue # # print("found lesons that is not added index = {} ,playlist = {},count = {} ".format(index, playlist_id, # total)) # courses.append(Course(title=str(title), playlistId=str(playlist_id), start=str(index + 1))) f = open("playlist", "r+") for i in f: k = i.split('\n') for j in k: vals = j.split("[|]") if len(vals) == 2: courses.append( Course(title=str(vals[1]), playlistId=str(vals[0]), start=0)) if len(courses) == 0: print("no lesson found on file = " + return print("course found on file " + str(len(courses))) for course in courses: finsihed = self.db.getFinishedPlayLists( playlist_id=course.playlistId) print(finsihed) if finsihed.rowcount != -1: print("course already exist titile = " + course.title) continue playlist_item_by_playlist = self.api.get_playlist_items( playlist_id=course.playlistId, count=1000) videos = playlist_item_by_playlist.items print("number of vidoes in playlist = " + str(len(videos))) if len(videos) <= 0: print("no videos found for playlist = " + str(course.playlistId) + "\n") continue count = 1 real_video_count = len(videos) lesson_list = [] temp_counter = 0 for video in videos: temp_counter = temp_counter + 1 if temp_counter <= -1 and course.playlistId == "": continue count = temp_counter video_by_id = self.api.get_video_by_id( video_id=video.snippet.resourceId.videoId, parts=('snippet', 'contentDetails', 'statistics')) if len(video_by_id.items) <= 0: print("missed or private vidoe for = " + str(course.playlistId) + "\n") real_video_count = real_video_count - 1 continue item = video_by_id.items[0] title = course.title + " " + self.formatLessonName( count) + " " + item.snippet.title time_val = isodate.parse_duration(item.contentDetails.duration) code = self.getYoutubeEmbedCode( video.snippet.resourceId.videoId) count = count + 1 lesson = Lesson(title, code, time) title_field = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="title"]') media_field = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="_lp_lesson_video_intro"]') date_field = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="_lp_duration"]') publish_button = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="publish"]') select = Select( self.driver.find_element_by_id('_lp_duration_select')) time_array = str(time_val).split(":") print(time_array[0] + " = hour") print(time_array[1] + " = minties") final_time = 1 if time_array[0] != "0" and time_array[0] != "00": select.select_by_value('hour') final_time = time_array[0] elif time_array[1] != "0" and time_array[1] != "00": select.select_by_value('minute') final_time = time_array[1] else: select.select_by_value('minute') title_field.clear() title_field.send_keys(lesson.title) time.sleep(1) media_field.clear() media_field.send_keys(lesson.code) time.sleep(1) date_field.clear() date_field.send_keys(final_time) time.sleep(2) self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", publish_button) self.driver.implicitly_wait(10) time.sleep(2) self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="wpbody-content"]/div[3]/a').click() self.driver.implicitly_wait(10) #self.db.update_lessons_resume(playlist_id=course.playlistId, index=str(temp_counter)) # suffucly addded the playlsit # self.db.add_finished_playlist(course.playlistId) # self.db.delete_course_from_resume(playlist_id=course.playlistId) def formatLessonName(self, count): countStr = "" if count <= 9: countStr = "00" + str(count) elif count <= 99 and count >= 10: countStr = "0" + str(count) else: countStr = str(count) return countStr def getYoutubeEmbedCode(self, videoId): embedder = Embedder() code = embedder("" + str(videoId), width=video_width, height=video_height) return code