def store_property_data(): """ Stores the zillow response data for a given address/zipcode. """ zkey = current_app.config['ZKEY'] if not request.get_json() or 'address' not in request.json or 'zipcode' not in request.json: abort(400) zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zkey) address = request.json['address'] zipcode = request.json['zipcode'] try: response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(response) except ZillowError as err: return jsonify({'error': err.message, 'estimate': 0}) # delete from db if already exists to prevent duplicates # (property data my have changed so need to refresh entry) pd = PropertyData.objects(zillow_id=result.zillow_id) for doc in pd: doc.delete() pd = fill_property_document(result) return jsonify({'zillow_id': result.zillow_id, 'error': ''})
def test_zillow_api_connect(self): # create response from zillow and check for error code '0' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(self.ZILLOW_API_KEY) zillow_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( self.address, self.zipcode) assert \ zillow_search_response.find('message').find('code').text == '0'
def test_get_updated_property_details_results(self): """ """ zillow_id = '48749425' responses.add( responses.GET, '', body='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><UpdatedPropertyDetails:updatedPropertyDetails xmlns:UpdatedPropertyDetails="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi=""><request><zpid>48749425</zpid></request><message><text>Request successfully processed</text><code>0</code></message><response><zpid>48749425</zpid><pageViewCount><currentMonth>16125</currentMonth><total>16125</total></pageViewCount><address><street>2114 Bigelow Ave N</street><zipcode>98109</zipcode><city>Seattle</city><state>WA</state><latitude>47.637933</latitude><longitude>-122.347938</longitude></address><links><homeDetails></homeDetails><photoGallery></photoGallery><homeInfo></homeInfo></links><images><count>1</count><image><url></url></image></images><editedFacts><useCode>SingleFamily</useCode><bedrooms>4</bedrooms><bathrooms>3.0</bathrooms><finishedSqFt>3470</finishedSqFt><lotSizeSqFt>4680</lotSizeSqFt><yearBuilt>1924</yearBuilt><yearUpdated>2003</yearUpdated><numFloors>2</numFloors><basement>Finished</basement><roof>Composition</roof><view>Water, City, Mountain</view><parkingType>Off-street</parkingType><heatingSources>Gas</heatingSources><heatingSystem>Forced air</heatingSystem><rooms>Laundry room, Walk-in closet, Master bath, Office, Dining room, Family room, Breakfast nook</rooms></editedFacts><neighborhood>Queen Anne</neighborhood><schoolDistrict>Seattle</schoolDistrict><elementarySchool>John Hay</elementarySchool><middleSchool>McClure</middleSchool></response></UpdatedPropertyDetails:updatedPropertyDetails><!-- H:001 T:127ms S:990 R:Sat Sep 12 23:47:31 PDT 2015 B:4.0.19615-release_20150908-endor.2fa5797~candidate.358c83d -->', content_type='application/xml', status=200 ) zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(api_key=None) updated_property_details_response = \ zillow_data.get_updated_property_details(zillow_id) result = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails(updated_property_details_response) assert result.zillow_id == '48749425' assert result.home_type == 'SingleFamily' assert result.home_detail_link == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/48749425_zpid/' assert result.photo_gallery == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/' + \ '48749425_zpid/#image=lightbox%3Dtrue' assert result.home_info == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/48749425_zpid/' assert result.year_built == '1924' assert result.property_size == '4680' assert result.home_size == '3470' assert result.bathrooms == '3.0' assert result.bedrooms == '4' assert result.year_updated == '2003' assert result.basement == 'Finished' assert result.roof == 'Composition' assert result.view == 'Water, City, Mountain' assert result.heating_sources == 'Gas' assert result.heating_system == 'Forced air' assert result.rooms == \ 'Laundry room, Walk-in closet, Master bath, Office,' + \ ' Dining room, Family room, Breakfast nook' assert result.neighborhood == 'Queen Anne' assert result.school_district == 'Seattle' lat = float(result.latitude) assert lat - 0.01 <= 47.637933 <= lat + 0.01 lng = float(result.longitude) assert lng - 0.01 <= -122.347938 <= lng + 0.01 assert result.floor_material is None assert result.num_floors == '2' assert result.parking_type == 'Off-street'
def test_deep_search_results(self): """ """ address = '2114 Bigelow Ave Seattle, WA' zipcode = '98109' responses.add( responses.GET, '', body='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><SearchResults:searchresults xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SearchResults=""><request><address>2114 Bigelow Ave Seattle, WA</address><citystatezip>98109</citystatezip></request><message><text>Request successfully processed</text><code>0</code></message><response><results><result><zpid>48749425</zpid><links><homedetails></homedetails><graphsanddata></graphsanddata><mapthishome></mapthishome><comparables></comparables></links><address><street>2114 Bigelow Ave N</street><zipcode>98109</zipcode><city>Seattle</city><state>WA</state><latitude>47.637933</latitude><longitude>-122.347938</longitude></address><FIPScounty>53033</FIPScounty><useCode>SingleFamily</useCode><taxAssessmentYear>2014</taxAssessmentYear><taxAssessment>1060000.0</taxAssessment><yearBuilt>1924</yearBuilt><lotSizeSqFt>4680</lotSizeSqFt><finishedSqFt>3470</finishedSqFt><bathrooms>3.0</bathrooms><bedrooms>4</bedrooms><lastSoldDate>11/26/2008</lastSoldDate><lastSoldPrice currency="USD">1025000</lastSoldPrice><zestimate><amount currency="USD">1419804</amount><last-updated>09/10/2015</last-updated><oneWeekChange deprecated="true"></oneWeekChange><valueChange duration="30" currency="USD">20690</valueChange><valuationRange><low currency="USD">1292022</low><high currency="USD">1547586</high></valuationRange><percentile>0</percentile></zestimate><localRealEstate><region name="East Queen Anne" id="271856" type="neighborhood"><zindexValue>629,900</zindexValue><links><overview></overview><forSaleByOwner></forSaleByOwner><forSale></forSale></links></region></localRealEstate></result></results></response></SearchResults:searchresults><!-- H:003 T:27ms S:1181 R:Sat Sep 12 23:30:47 PDT 2015 B:4.0.19615-release_20150908-endor.2fa5797~candidate.358c83d -->', content_type='application/xml', status=200 ) zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(api_key=None) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) assert result.zillow_id == '48749425' assert result.home_type == 'SingleFamily' assert result.home_detail_link == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/48749425_zpid/' assert result.graph_data_link == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/' + \ '48749425_zpid/#charts-and-data' assert result.map_this_home_link == \ '' assert result.tax_year == '2014' assert result.tax_value == '1060000.0' assert result.year_built == '1924' assert result.property_size == '4680' assert result.home_size == '3470' assert result.bathrooms == '3.0' assert result.bedrooms == '4' assert result.last_sold_date == '11/26/2008' assert result.last_sold_price_currency == 'USD' assert result.last_sold_price == '1025000' lat = float(result.latitude) assert lat - 0.01 <= 47.637933 <= lat + 0.01 lng = float(result.longitude) assert lng - 0.01 <= -122.347938 <= lng + 0.01 assert result.zestimate_amount == '1419804' # assert result.zestimate_currency == 'USD' assert result.zestimate_last_updated == '09/10/2015' assert result.zestimate_value_change == '20690' assert result.zestimate_valuation_range_high == '1547586' assert result.zestimate_valuationRange_low == '1292022' assert result.zestimate_percentile == '0'
def __init__(self, zillow_api_key): if os.path.isfile(ZILLOW_RATE_LIMITER_FILE): self.rate_limiter = RequestRateLimiter.fromFile(ZILLOW_RATE_LIMITER_FILE) else: self.rate_limiter = RequestRateLimiter(max_requests=ZILLOW_QUOTA_MAX_REQUESTS, time_interval=ZILLOW_QUOTA_TIME_INTERVAL, state_file=ZILLOW_RATE_LIMITER_FILE) self.zillow_wrapper = ZillowWrapper(zillow_api_key)
def test_get_updated_property_details_results(self): """ """ zillow_id = '48749425' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(self.ZILLOW_API_KEY) updated_property_details_response = \ zillow_data.get_updated_property_details(zillow_id) result = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails(updated_property_details_response) assert result.zillow_id == '48749425' assert result.home_type == 'SingleFamily' assert result.home_detail_link == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/48749425_zpid/' assert result.photo_gallery == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/' + \ '48749425_zpid/#image=lightbox%3Dtrue' assert result.home_info == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/48749425_zpid/' assert result.year_built == '1924' assert result.property_size == '4680' assert result.home_size == '3470' assert result.bathrooms == '3.0' assert result.bedrooms == '4' assert result.year_updated == '2003' assert result.basement == 'Finished' assert result.roof == 'Composition' assert result.view == 'Water, City, Mountain' assert result.heating_sources == 'Gas' assert result.heating_system == 'Forced air' assert result.rooms == \ 'Laundry room, Walk-in closet, Master bath, Office,' + \ ' Dining room, Family room, Breakfast nook' assert result.neighborhood == 'Queen Anne' assert result.school_district == 'Seattle' lat = float(result.latitude) assert lat - 0.01 <= 47.637933 <= lat + 0.01 lng = float(result.longitude) assert lng - 0.01 <= -122.347938 <= lng + 0.01 assert result.floor_material is None assert result.num_floors == '2' assert result.parking_type == 'Off-street'
def find_zillow_by_zip(address, zip): zillow_data = ZillowWrapper("X1-ZWz1fe5w83qcjv_70ucn") try: deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zip) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) zid = result.zillow_id #print zid url = '' + zid #print url page = requests.get(url) tree = html.fromstring(page.content) prices = tree.xpath('//amount/text()') zillow = [zid, prices[0]] return zillow except ZillowError as err: print ("No Zillow Found!") return ['','']
def test_deep_search_results(self): """ """ address = '2114 Bigelow Ave Seattle, WA' zipcode = '98109' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(self.ZILLOW_API_KEY) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) assert result.zillow_id == '48749425' assert result.home_type == 'SingleFamily' assert result.home_detail_link == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/48749425_zpid/' assert result.graph_data_link == \ '' + \ '2114-Bigelow-Ave-N-Seattle-WA-98109/' + \ '48749425_zpid/#charts-and-data' assert result.map_this_home_link == \ '' assert result.tax_year == '2013' assert result.tax_value == '995000.0' assert result.year_built == '1924' assert result.property_size == '4680' assert result.home_size == '3470' assert result.bathrooms == '3.0' assert result.bedrooms == '4' assert result.last_sold_date == '11/26/2008' assert result.last_sold_price_currency == 'USD' assert result.last_sold_price == '995000' lat = float(result.latitude) assert lat - 0.01 <= 47.637933 <= lat + 0.01 lng = float(result.longitude) assert lng - 0.01 <= -122.347938 <= lng + 0.01 assert result.zestimate_amount == '1433441' # assert result.zestimate_currency == 'USD' assert result.zestimate_last_updated == '01/06/2015' assert result.zestimate_value_change == '7838' assert result.zestimate_valuation_range_high == '1591120' assert result.zestimate_valuationRange_low == '1275762' assert result.zestimate_percentile == '0'
def test_zillow_error_no_property_match(self): # This test checks the correct error message if no property is found. # Expected error code: 508 # Address and zip code of an exisiting property, but not listed address = 'not a valid address' zipcode = '20001' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(self.ZILLOW_API_KEY) raises( ZillowError, zillow_data.get_deep_search_results, address=address, zipcode=zipcode)
def test_zillow_error_no_coverage(self): # This test checks the correct error message # if no coverage is provided. # Expected error code: 504 address = 'Calle 21 y O, Vedado, Plaza, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba' zipcode = '10400' # Cuban address, I assume Zillow doesn't cover Cuba zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(self.ZILLOW_API_KEY) raises( ZillowError, zillow_data.get_deep_search_results, address=address, zipcode=zipcode)
def zillow_query(address, zipcode, key='YOURAPIKEYHERE'): """Function for obtaining data for a given address location Args: address (str): street address zipcode (str): zipcode corresponding with street address key (str): (default='YOURAPIKEYHERE') zillow api key Returns: returns a GetDeepSearchResults object which has following attributes available: 'zillow_id' 'home_type' 'home_detail_link' 'graph_data_link' 'map_this_home_link' 'latitude' 'longitude' 'tax_year' 'tax_value' 'year_built' 'property_size' 'home_size' 'bathrooms' 'bedrooms' 'last_sold_date' 'last_sold_price' 'zestimate_amount' 'zestimate_last_updated' 'zestimate_value_change' 'zestimate_valuation_range_high' 'zestimate_valuationRange_low' 'zestimate_percentile' """ zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(key) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) return result
def get_data_from_zillow_api(address, zipcode, API_key): """ ################################################################## ### This code generates public transportation to a location ### using Google's Directions API. ### _________________________________________________________ ### INPUT: address - Redfin Raw Source Data "Address, City, State" ### zipcode - Redfin Raw Source Data "Zipcode" ### API_key - Google API (string) ### OUTPUT: PyZillow class ################################################################### """ # Load Zillow API zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(API_key) try: deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) except: result = None return (result)
def find_zillow_by_zip(address, zip): zillow_data = ZillowWrapper("X1-ZWz1fe5w83qcjv_70ucn") try: deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( address, zip) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) zid = result.zillow_id #print zid url = '' + zid print url page = requests.get(url) tree = html.fromstring(page.content) prices = tree.xpath('//amount/text()') zillow = [zid, prices[0]] return zillow except ZillowError as err: print("No Zillow Found!") return ['', ''] except IndexError as err: print("Index expecption!") return ['', '']
def get_estimated_price(zillow_id): """ Returns the zillow estimated price given a property ID. """ zkey = current_app.config['ZKEY'] zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zkey) # check if already exists in DB and if so, that data is less than a week old, otherwise call zillow API db_results = PropertyData.objects(zillow_id=zillow_id) if db_results.count() > 0 and db_results[0].created_at > zestimate_amount = db_results[0].zestimate_amount else: try: detail_result = PropDetailsWithAddressAndZip(zillow_data.get_updated_property_details(zillow_id)) deep_search_result = GetDeepSearchResults(zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( detail_result.street, zestimate_amount = deep_search_result.zestimate_amount except ZillowError as err: return jsonify({'error': err.message, 'estimate': 0}) return jsonify({'estimate': zestimate_amount, 'error': ''})
def __init__(self, loc_x, loc_y): """ Constructor method. loc_x: float The latitude loc_y: float The longitude """ # Used to get the address, could be replaced with GoogleAPI class geolocator = GoogleV3(api_key=googleKey) locations = geolocator.reverse(str(loc_x) + ", " + str(loc_y)) # Format address for query to Zillow f = locations[0].address.split(",") n = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", f[2]) self.address = f[0] + "," + f[1] self.zipcode = n self.zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zillowKey)
def generate_Comp_fields_txt(): f_name = open("UpdatedHomeLatLong.txt", "r") data_base = open("OnlyCompFields.txt", "+w") write_out = "street_address | zipcode | zillow_id | Zestimate | Home_type | num_bath | num_bed | home_size | Lat | Long | img url | home description " data_base.write(write_out) #f_name=["2893 Springdale Ln, Boulder, CO|80303|13239207|630640|Townhouse|3.5|1|1297|40.009373|-105.255454"] x = 0 for line in f_name: line = line.rstrip("\n") address = line if x == 100: break try: street_address ="(.*?)(?<=CO)", address) street_address = zipcode ="(?<=CO\|)(.*?)(?=\|)", address) zipcode = #!Get information from first zillow call zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zws_id) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( street_address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) #!!The following will be stored as values in database Home_type = result.home_type Zestimate = result.zestimate_amount zillow_id = result.zillow_id lat = str(result.latitude) long_res = str(result.longitude) num_bath = str(result.bathrooms) num_bed = str(result.bedrooms) home_size = str(result.home_size) #######CALL TO UPDATED HOME DETAILS zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zws_id) updated_property_details_response = zillow_data.get_updated_property_details( zillow_id) result = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails( updated_property_details_response) photo_gall = result.photo_gallery home_d = result.home_description write_out = street_address + '|' + zipcode + "|" + zillow_id + "|" + Zestimate + "|" + num_bath + "|" + num_bed + "|" + lat + "|" + long_res + "\n" print(str(write_out)) data_base.write(write_out) x += 1 except: print("Nothing Added") #f_name.close() data_base.close()
def Get_Zillow_Data(address, zipcode, Zkey): from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults, GetUpdatedPropertyDetails zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(Zkey) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address=address, zipcode=zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) #updated_property_details_response = zillow_data.get_updated_property_details(result.zillow_id) #updatedresult = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails(updated_property_details_response) resultdict = {'Zillow ID':result.zillow_id, 'Zestimate':result.zestimate_amount, 'Lot Size':result.property_size, 'Square Feet':result.home_size, 'Bedrooms':result.bedrooms, 'Bathrooms':result.bathrooms, 'Year Built':result.year_built, 'Home Type':result.home_type, 'Listing Link':result.home_detail_link}#, #'Floors':updatedresult.num_floors, #'Parking':updatedresult.parking_type, #'Home Info':updatedresult.home_info, #'School Info':updatedresult.school_district, #'Neighborhood Info':updatedresult.neighborhood} return resultdict
class ZillowPuller(Puller): def __init__(self, zwid): super().__init__() self._headers = ['Zillow Estimate', 'Zillow Last Sold'] self._zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zwid) @property def headers(self): return self._headers def parse(self, address): address, zip_code, _ ='(.*)(\d{5}(-\d{4})?)$', address).groups() result = GetDeepSearchResults(self._zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zip_code)) return { self.headers[0]: result.zestimate_amount, self.headers[1]: result.last_sold_date }
class ZillowAPI(object): def __init__(self): self.zillow = ZillowWrapper(settings.ZILLOW_API_KEY) def lookup(self, address, citystatezip): try: return self.ZillowPropertyResults( self.zillow.get_data( '', { 'address': address, 'citystatezip': citystatezip, 'zws-id': self.zillow.api_key, 'rentzestimate': True })) except (ZillowError, ZillowFail, ZillowNoResults), e: return Struct( dict.fromkeys( self.ZillowPropertyResults.attribute_mapping.keys()))
def choose(num): scope = [''] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( 'My Project-f09bdc10eb52.json', scope) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) sh = gc.open_by_url( "" ) zillow_data = ZillowWrapper("X1-ZWz1fe5w83qcjv_70ucn") if num == 0: print "0 -> morris" morrisentry(sh, zillow_data, 0) elif num == 1: print "1 -> essex" essexentry(sh, zillow_data, 1) elif num == 2: print "2 -> bergen" bergenentry(sh, zillow_data, 2)
bed = result.bedrooms bath = result.bathrooms last_sold_date = result.last_sold_date last_sold_price = result.last_sold_price house_info.extend( (zillow_id, address, zipcode, sqft, lot, bed, bath, home_type, year_built, last_sold_date, last_sold_price)) except: print(address + ': exception') return [] return house_info zillow_data = ZillowWrapper('X1-ZWz18haqkyt2q3_ac8os') addresses_df = pd.read_csv('data/dublin_addresses.csv') addresses_array = np.array( addresses_df[['NUMBER', 'STREET', 'UNIT', 'CITY', 'POSTCODE']]) housing_data_file_name = 'data/dublin_housing_data.csv' house_address_set = set() housing_data_list = [] if Path(housing_data_file_name).is_file(): print('file exists') housing_data_df = pd.read_csv(housing_data_file_name) house_address_array = np.array(housing_data_df['address']) house_address_set = set(house_address_array.flat)
def request(zipcode, sort): """ This function returns values from Zillow html docs and then parses. """ # user agents required for access req_headers = { 'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/\ xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8', 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)AppleWebKit/\ 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36' } cnxt = db.connect(user="******", password="******", host="localhost", database="sys", charset="utf8mb4") cursor = cnxt.cursor() # lost and found - 'X1-ZWz1gtmiat11xn_7ew1d' # Init api with Zillow access key API = ZillowWrapper('X1-ZWz186lbvmr8cr_517ck') content = [] # init url's with requests.Session() as s: try: if sort == "newest": url = "\ {0}/days_sort".format(zipcode) elif sort == "cheapest": url = "\ {0}/pricea_sort/".format(zipcode) url = url.strip() print(url) r = s.get(url, headers=req_headers, timeout=5) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml') # get max page number ## NOTE: Get max page and extract data is broken max = 0 for i in soup.find_all("a"): if i.get("aria-label") and i.get("href"): if (i.get("aria-label")[:4]) == "Page": if ("" in i.get("href")): print(i.get("aria-label")) """ if i.get('onclick') is not None: try: if i.get('onclick'): if(re.findall('\d+', i.get('onclick'))): for j in re.findall('\d+', i.get('onclick')): if max < int(j): max = int(j) except IndexError: pass """ hold = url print(colored("Examining Zillow ..", 'green')) for i in range(1, max): if sort == "newest": url = url + "/" + str(i) + "_p/" else: url = url + str(i) + "_p/" r = s.get(url, headers=req_headers, timeout=5) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml') # Need to find a better algorithm for accessing info from incomplete data if sort == "cheapest": address_ref = [ i.text for i in soup.find_all('span', {'itemprop': 'address'}) ] prices = [ i.text for i in soup.find_all( 'span', {'class': 'zsg-lg-1-4 zsg-right-aligned'}) ] try: for j in range(len(address_ref)): if address_ref[j][0].isdigit() is True: a = address_ref[j].split() z = a[-1] a.remove(a[-1]) a = " ".join(a) print(a) # Zillow wrapper fails with hashmarks if "#" not in a: response = API.get_deep_search_results( a, z) result = GetDeepSearchResults(response) if result.zestimate_amount is not None: amount = int(result.zestimate_amount) try: prices[j] = "$" + \ str(format(amount, ',')) except IndexError: prices.insert( j, "$" + str(format(amount, ','))) else: continue else: continue except BaseException as e: print("API error: %s" % str(e)) print("Defaulting to BeautifulSoup") prices = [ i.text for i in soup.find_all( 'span', {'class': 'zsg-lg-1-4 zsg-right-aligned'}) ] break else: prices = [ i.text for i in soup.find_all( 'span', {'class': 'zsg-photo-card-price'}) ] info = [ i.text for i in soup.find_all( 'span', {'class': 'zsg-photo-card-info'}) ] address = [ i.text for i in soup.find_all('span', {'itemprop': 'address'}) ] # creates nested list of Zillow listing for j, r in enumerate(prices): content.extend([[prices[j], info[j], address[j]]]) Price = prices[j] Info = info[j] Address = address[j] query = "INSERT INTO PySpider (Price, Info,\ Address) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" cursor.execute(query, (Price, Info, Address)) cnxt.commit() url = hold print(colored('\n' + "Listings: " + str(len(content)), "green")) except BaseException as e: print("An error has occured: %s") % str(e)
def get_house_data_zillow_api(address, zipcode, pull_date): ''' Purpose: Utilizing the zillow api to query data for a single house Input: Address and zipcode for a single house Output: None. We will use insert statement within this function''' # User feedback print('Accessing Zillow API') # Instantiate connection to zillow database web_service_id = 'X1-ZWz1h90xzgg45n_2kpit' documentation = '' d2 = '' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(web_service_id) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) # Create Object for the old & new stdout old_stdout = sys.stdout new_stdout = StringIO() sys.stdout = new_stdout # Generate stdout - should redirect to StringIO print('Key, Value') print('zillow_id,{}'.format(result.zillow_id)) print('home_type,{}'.format(result.home_type)) print('tax_year,{}'.format(result.tax_year)) print('tax_value,{}'.format(result.tax_value)) print('year_built,{}'.format(result.year_built)) print('last_sold_date,{}'.format(result.last_sold_date)) print('last_sold_price,{}'.format(result.last_sold_price)) print('home_size,{}'.format(result.home_size)) print('property_size,{}'.format(result.property_size)) print('num_bedrooms,{}'.format(result.bedrooms)) print('num_bathrooms,{}'.format(result.bathrooms)) print('zillow_low_est,{}'.format(result.zestimate_valuationRange_low)) print('zillow_high_est,{}'.format(result.zestimate_valuation_range_high)) print('zillow_value_change,{}'.format(result.zestimate_value_change)) print('zillow_percentile,{}'.format(result.zestimate_percentile)) # Convert stdout from StringIO to String new_stdout_str = new_stdout.getvalue() test_stdout_str = open('zillow_api_data.csv', 'w') test_stdout_str.write(new_stdout_str) test_stdout_str.close() # Return to old stdout sys.stdout = old_stdout # Read CSV back in as a pandas dataframe df = pd.read_csv('zillow_api_data.csv') df.set_index('Key', inplace=True) # Need to convert values from strings to correct input value for db val_zillow_api = [] val_zillow_api.append(address) val_zillow_api.append(pull_date) val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[0, 0]) # zillow_id val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[1, 0]) # home type val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[2, 0]) # tax year val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[3, 0]) # tax value val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[4, 0]) # year built # Try to append formatted datetime object. try: val_zillow_api.append(datetime.strptime(df.iloc[5, 0], '%m/%d/%Y')) # last sold date # If None date append the arbitrary date of 01/01/1900 except ValueError as err: print('Zillow api returned the following sold date => {}'.format( df.iloc[5, 0])) print('Zillow api value error generated: {}'.format(err)) val_zillow_api.append(datetime.strptime('01/01/1900', '%m/%d/%Y')) # last sold date val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[6, 0]) # last sold price val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[7, 0]) # home size # Test if property value == none. Appaned 0 if None. if df.iloc[8, 0] == None or df.iloc[8, 0] == 'None': val_zillow_api.append(0) # property size else: val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[8, 0]) # Continue with other values val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[9, 0]) # number bed rooms val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[10, 0]) # num bathrooms val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[11, 0]) # zillow_low_est val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[12, 0]) # zillow high est val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[13, 0]) # value change val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[14, 0]) # zillow percentile # Return List Object to be passed to sql insert function print('Zillow API data successfully obtained\n') return val_zillow_api
from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults zillow_data = ZillowWrapper('X1-ZWz1iet37nlyiz_4lr3d') deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results('2114 Bigelow Ave', '98109', True) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) print(result.zillow_id) print(result) print(result.bathrooms)
want to build experience working with SQL databases, you should refer to the Flask tutorial for instructions on how to query a SQL database from here instead. May 2019, Donald Lee-Brown """ import sys, os, math, string, time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from flask import render_template from flaskexample import app #from flaskexample.a_model import ModelIt from flask import request from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults zillow_data = ZillowWrapper("X1-ZWz1b88d9eaq6j_1wtus") from flaskexample.Model import RenoFeatures @app.route('/') def birthmodel_input(): return render_template("index.html") ## Thank you stack overflow for millify function. ## ## user: Janus def millify(n): millnames = ['', ' Thousand', ' Million', ' Billion', ' Trillion'] n = float(n) millidx = max(
class ZillowClient(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, zillow_api_key): if os.path.isfile(ZILLOW_RATE_LIMITER_FILE): self.rate_limiter = RequestRateLimiter.fromFile(ZILLOW_RATE_LIMITER_FILE) else: self.rate_limiter = RequestRateLimiter(max_requests=ZILLOW_QUOTA_MAX_REQUESTS, time_interval=ZILLOW_QUOTA_TIME_INTERVAL, state_file=ZILLOW_RATE_LIMITER_FILE) self.zillow_wrapper = ZillowWrapper(zillow_api_key) @retry(retry_on_exception=isRetryableException, wait_exponential_multiplier=1000, wait_exponential_max=10000) def getDeepSearchResults(self, address, citystatezip, rentzestimate=True): self.rate_limiter.limit() deep_search_response = self.zillow_wrapper.get_deep_search_results( address=address, zipcode=citystatezip, rentzestimate=rentzestimate) return GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) def updatePropertiesWithZillowData(self, properties): for prop in properties: updated_prop = copy.deepcopy(prop) is_updated = False result = None"Updating: %s, %s, %s", prop["address"], prop["city"], prop["zip"]) try: result = self.getDeepSearchResults( address=prop["address"], citystatezip=prop["city"] + ", " + prop["zip"]) except ZillowError as e: logging.error("No Zillow data found for: %s, %s, %s", prop["address"], prop["city"], prop["zip"]) logging.error("ZillowError: %s", e.message) # Set invalid zillow-id if no exact match was found for input address if e.status in [500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 506, 507, 508]: result = GetDeepSearchResults( data=ElementTree.fromstring(ZILLOW_NOT_FOUND_RESPONSE)) if result: for field in ZILLOW_FIELDS: # Map property fields to Zillow fields. if field == "zillow_url": zillow_field = "home_detail_link" else: zillow_field = field if not hasattr(result, zillow_field): continue old_value = prop.get(field, "") new_value = getattr(result, zillow_field) # Only update fields that have changed. if (new_value != None and str(new_value) != str(old_value)):"%s: %s -> %s", field, old_value, new_value) updated_prop[field] = new_value is_updated = True if is_updated:"Updating: %s", prop["address"]) updated_prop["last_update"] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) updated_prop["zillow_last_update"] = updated_prop["last_update"] yield updated_prop, is_updated
__author__ = 'jstannard' from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults, GetUpdatedPropertyDetails address = '1760 Ardmore St NE' zipcode = '32907' # zillow_id = '43504943' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper('X1-ZWz1a2ngha04jv_8s1xw') deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) # # response = # print(result.get_attr('home_info')) # result = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails(response) print(result.get_attr('home_size')) print(result.get_attr('bedrooms')) print(result.get_attr('home_type')) print(result.get_attr('zestimate_amount')) print(result.get_attr('zillow_id'))
url = ',-73.487549,22.624152,-92.559814_rect/5_zm/2_p/' response = requests.get(url) html = response.content soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml") list1 = soup.findAll('span', {'itemprop' : 'streetAddress'}) list2 = soup.findAll('span', {'itemprop' : 'postalCode'}) list10 = [] for item in list1: text = item.text list10.append(text) list11 = [] for item in list2: text = item.text list11.append(text) zillow_data = ZillowWrapper('X1-ZWz1a2ngha04jv_8s1xw') list6 = [] list7 = [] list9 = [] for i in range (0,len(list10)): deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(list10[i], list11[i]) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) #print(result.get_attr('home_detail_link')) url2 = result.get_attr('home_detail_link') response = requests.get(url2) html = response.content soup2 = BeautifulSoup(html) list4 = soup2.findAll('ul', { 'class' : 'zsg-list_square zsg-lg-1-3 zsg-md-1-2 zsg-sm-1-1'})
from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults from settings import ZWSID zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(ZWSID) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( '26122 N 121ST AVE,', '85383', True) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) print(result.bedrooms) print(result.bathrooms) print(result.home_size)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue May 24 22:06:13 2016 @author: Connor """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np from API_key import * from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetUpdatedPropertyDetails # Well, I think I can just iterate on DC-area zillow IDs maybe? The API requires # specific calls to individual homes, but if I can iterate through them, maybe I # can record the info I want without actually knowing the homes beforehand. # Ha, yes. It seems the Zillow IDs are generated iteratively in some fashion, # so I can at least tease out some basic details on mlutiple home by iterating # over a relatively small range in a a hack-y API-based scrapign loop. zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(ZWSID) updated_property_details_response = zillow_data.get_updated_property_details(4671144) result = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails(updated_property_details_response) #print dir(result) print result.year_built
import numpy as np ZWSID = 'X1-ZWz1fwjz1gd6a3_8w9nb' # address1 = '350+E62nd+Street+Apt+4J, New+York, NY' zip1 = '10065' #result_deep.zillow_id '31537611' address2 = '529+Court+Street+Apt+401, Brooklyn, NY' zip2 = '11231' # address3 = '1982+N+Maud+Ave+Apt+i, Chicago, IL' # address4 = '110+River+Drive+Apt+608, Jersey+City, NJ' deep_search_response = ZillowWrapper(api_key).get_deep_search_results( address1, zip1) result_deep = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) #result_updated = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails(deep_search_response) ''' import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = result_deep.graph_data_link r = requests.get(url) ''' link = '' + result_deep.zillow_id raw_file = requests.get(link).content df = [] for row in raw_file.split('\n'): df.append(row.split('\t'))
def cities(): street_address = request.args.get('street') zipcode = request.args.get('zip') bedrooms = float(request.args.get('bed')) bathrooms = float(request.args.get('bath')) home_size = float(request.args.get('size')) property_size = float(request.args.get('psize')) year_built = int(request.args.get('year')) hometype = request.args.get('hometype') taxyear = int(request.args.get('taxyear')) taxvalue = float(request.args.get('taxvalue')) citiesvalues = pd.read_csv('cities-lived.csv') #.to_dict('records') citiesvalues['user_city'] = 'N' if street_address != '' and zipcode != '': search = SearchEngine(simple_zipcode=True) city = search.by_zipcode(int(zipcode)).city zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(api_key) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(street_address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) errors = [] inputvals = {} if result.bathrooms is not None and bathrooms == 0: bathrooms = float(result.bathrooms) elif result.bathrooms is not None and bathrooms != 0: bla=0 #do nothing elif result.bathrooms is None and bathrooms == 0: errors.append(bathrooms) inputvals["bathrooms"] = bathrooms ############################################# if result.bedrooms is not None and bedrooms == 0: bedrooms = float(result.bedrooms) elif result.bedrooms is not None and bedrooms != 0: bla=0 #do nothing elif result.bedrooms is None and bedrooms == 0: errors.append(bedrooms) inputvals["bedrooms"] = bedrooms ############################################# if result.home_size is not None and home_size == 0: home_size = float(result.home_size) elif result.home_size is not None and home_size != 0: bla=0 #do nothing elif result.home_size is None and home_size == 0: errors.append(home_size) inputvals["home_size"] = home_size ############################################# if result.property_size is not None and property_size == 0: property_size = float(result.property_size) elif result.property_size is not None and property_size != 0: bla=0 #do nothing elif result.property_size is None and property_size == 0: errors.append(property_size) inputvals["property_size"] = property_size ############################################# if result.year_built is not None and year_built == 0: year_built = int(result.year_built) elif result.year_built is not None and year_built != 0: bla=0 #do nothing elif result.year_built is None and year_built == 0: errors.append(year_built) inputvals["year_built"] = year_built ############################################# if result.tax_year is not None and taxyear == 0: taxyear = int(result.tax_year) elif result.tax_year is not None and taxyear != 0: bla=0 #do nothing elif result.tax_year is None and taxyear == 0: errors.append(taxyear) inputvals["taxyear"] = taxyear ############################################# if result.tax_value is not None and taxvalue == 0: taxvalue = float(result.tax_value) elif result.tax_value is not None and taxvalue != 0: bla=0 #do nothing elif result.tax_value is None and taxvalue == 0: errors.append(taxvalue) inputvals["taxvalue"] = taxvalue ############################################# if result.home_type is not None and hometype == "Unknown": hometype = result.home_type elif result.home_type is not None and hometype != "Unknown": bla=0 #do nothing elif result.home_type is None and hometype == "Unknown": errors.append(hometype) inputvals["hometype"] = hometype ############################################# citiesvalues['bedrooms'] = bedrooms citiesvalues['bathrooms'] = bathrooms citiesvalues['tax_year'] = taxyear citiesvalues['tax_value'] = taxvalue citiesvalues['property_size'] = property_size citiesvalues['home_size'] = home_size citiesvalues['location'] = citiesvalues['state'].apply(lambda x: state_mapping[x]) citiesvalues['home_type'] = hometype_mapping[hometype] citiesvalues['age'] = 2019-year_built citiesvalues['price'] = model.predict(citiesvalues[['bedrooms','bathrooms','tax_year','tax_value','property_size','home_size','location','home_type','age']]) print(citiesvalues['price']) citiesvalues['price'] = citiesvalues['price'].apply(lambda x: round(x,2)) citiesvalues = citiesvalues.drop(columns = ['bedrooms','bathrooms','tax_year','tax_value','property_size','home_size','location','home_type','age']) ## for i, r in citiesvalues.iterrows(): ##[i,'price'] = model.predict(np.array([[bedrooms,bathrooms,taxyear,taxvalue,property_size,home_size,state_mapping[r['state']],hometype_mapping[hometype],2019-year_built]]))[0] citiesvalues = citiesvalues.to_dict('records') if result.zestimate_amount is None and result.tax_value is None and result.last_sold_price is not None: result.zestimate_amount = result.last_sold_price #default for the circle to show elif result.zestimate_amount is None and result.tax_value is None and result.last_sold_price is None: result.zestimate_amount = 100000 print({'price':result.zestimate_amount, 'place':city, 'lat':result.latitude, 'lon':result.longitude,'user_city':'Y'}) citiesvalues.append({'price':result.zestimate_amount, 'place':city, 'lat':result.latitude, 'lon':result.longitude,'user_city':'Y'}) citiesvalues.append({"errors":errors,"input":inputvals}) else: citiesvalues = citiesvalues.to_dict('records') print(citiesvalues) return json.dumps(citiesvalues)
Street_Address = DF['Street_Address'] Monthly_Rental = DF['Monthly Rental'] Monthly_Rental = [Monthly_Rental[l] for l in Index] Z_ID = [] Home_Type = [] Latitude = [] Longitude = [] Home_Size = [] Zest_LD = [] for i in Index: Address = Street_Address[i] ZipCode = str(Zip_Code[i]) Zillow_Data = ZillowWrapper('X1-ZWz1fs16znu7m3_2vy2l') Deep_Search_Response = Zillow_Data.get_deep_search_results(Address, ZipCode) Result = GetDeepSearchResults(Deep_Search_Response) Z_ID.append(Result.zillow_id) Home_Type.append(Result.home_type) Latitude.append(Result.latitude) Longitude.append(Result.longitude) Home_Size.append(Result.home_size) Zest_LD.append(Result.zestimate_last_updated) Street_Address = [Street_Address[l] for l in Index] Zip_Code = [Zip_Code[l] for l in Index] Columns = {'Serial_Number': Serial_Number, 'Zillow_ID':Z_ID, 'Street_Address':Street_Address, 'Home_Type': Home_Type, 'Latitude':Latitude, 'Longitude': Longitude, 'Home_Size': Home_Size, 'Bathrooms': Bathrooms, 'Bedrooms': Bedrooms, 'Zest_LD' : Zest_LD, 'State': State, 'Days_On_Market': Days_On_Market, 'Zip_Code': Zip_Code, 'Monthly_Rental': Monthly_Rental } DF_FINAL = pd.DataFrame(Columns) DF_FINAL.to_csv('Bronx_Zillow_Data_With_Additional_Features.csv')
f_name = open("CompleteAddress.txt", "r") data_base = open("UpdatedHomeLatLong.txt", "+w") write_out = "street_address | zipcode | zillow_id | Zestimate | Home_type | num_bath | num_bed | home_size | Lat | Long " data_base.write(write_out) for line in f_name: line = line.rstrip("\n") address = line try: street_address ="(.*?)(?<=CO)", address) street_address = zipcode ="(?<=CO )(.*?)(?=,)", address) zipcode = #!Get information from first zillow call zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zws_id) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( street_address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) #!!The following will be stored as values in database Home_type = result.home_type Zestimate = result.zestimate_amount zillow_id = result.zillow_id lat = str(result.latitude) long_res = str(result.longitude) num_bath = str(result.bathrooms) num_bed = str(result.bedrooms) home_size = str(result.home_size) write_out = street_address + '|' + zipcode + "|" + zillow_id + "|" + Zestimate + "|" + Home_type + "|" + num_bath + "|" + num_bed + "|" + home_size + "|" + lat + "|" + long_res + "\n"
def get_house_data_zillow_api(address, zipcode, pull_date, asking_price, url): try: # Instantiate connection to zillow database web_service_id = '' documentation = '' d2 = '' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(web_service_id) # Start Search deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) # Create Object for the old & new stdout old_stdout = sys.stdout new_stdout = StringIO() sys.stdout = new_stdout # Generate stdout - should redirect to StringIO print('Key, Value') print('zillow_id,{}'.format(result.zillow_id)) print('home_type,{}'.format(result.home_type)) print('tax_year,{}'.format(result.tax_year)) print('tax_value,{}'.format(result.tax_value)) print('year_built,{}'.format(result.year_built)) print('last_sold_date,{}'.format(result.last_sold_date)) print('last_sold_price,{}'.format(result.last_sold_price)) print('home_size,{}'.format(result.home_size)) print('property_size,{}'.format(result.property_size)) print('num_bedrooms,{}'.format(result.bedrooms)) print('num_bathrooms,{}'.format(result.bathrooms)) print('zillow_low_est,{}'.format(result.zestimate_valuationRange_low)) print('zillow_high_est,{}'.format( result.zestimate_valuation_range_high)) print('zillow_value_change,{}'.format(result.zestimate_value_change)) print('zillow_percentile,{}'.format(result.zestimate_percentile)) # Convert stdout from StringIO to String new_stdout_str = new_stdout.getvalue() test_stdout_str = open('zillow_api_data.csv', 'w') test_stdout_str.write(new_stdout_str) test_stdout_str.close() # Return to old stdout sys.stdout = old_stdout # Read CSV back in as a pandas dataframe df = pd.read_csv('zillow_api_data.csv') df.set_index('Key', inplace=True) # Need to convert values from strings to correct input value for db val_zillow_api = [] val_zillow_api.append(address) val_zillow_api.append(pull_date) val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[0, 0]) # zillow_id val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[1, 0]) # home type val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[2, 0]) # tax year val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[3, 0]) # tax value val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[4, 0]) # year built val_zillow_api.append(datetime.strptime('01/01/1900', '%m/%d/%Y')) # last sold date val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[6, 0]) # last sold price val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[7, 0]) # home size # Test if property value == none. Appaned 0 if None. if df.iloc[8, 0] == None or df.iloc[8, 0] == 'None': val_zillow_api.append(0) # property size else: val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[8, 0]) # Continue with other values val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[9, 0]) # number bed rooms val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[10, 0]) # num bathrooms val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[11, 0]) # zillow_low_est val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[12, 0]) # zillow high est val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[13, 0]) # value change val_zillow_api.append(df.iloc[14, 0]) # zillow percentile val_zillow_api.append( asking_price) # value is an input to this function # Return List Object to be passed to sql insert function #print('Zillow API data successfully obtained\n') return val_zillow_api except IndexError as err: print('pyzillow generated an error => {}'.format(err)) m1.sql_insert_warning_logs(mydb, 'module_3', 'get_house_data_zillow_api', url, 'Error generated when accessing api', str(err)) except pyzillow.pyzillowerrors.ZillowError: print('pyzillow generated an error') m1.sql_insert_warning_logs(mydb, 'module_3', 'get_house_data_zillow_api', url, 'Error generated when accessing api', str(err)) except ZillowError as err: print('Zillow generated an error => {}'.format(err)) m1.sql_insert_warning_logs(mydb, 'module_3', 'get_house_data_zillow_api', url, 'Error generated when accessing', str(err))
def __init__(self, zwid): super().__init__() self._headers = ['Zillow Estimate', 'Zillow Last Sold'] self._zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zwid)
def scrape_zillow_data(input_address): session = requests.Session() zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zillow) m ='[0-9]{5}', input_address) zipcode = # print("ZIP code: ", zipcode) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( input_address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) zillow_id = result.zillow_id # print("Zillow ID: ", zillow_id) headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml; q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" } url = "" + zillow_id + "_zpid/?fullpage=true" facts = {} try: req = session.get(url, headers=headers) except: pass bsObj = BeautifulSoup(req.text, "lxml") facts['unit_type'] = bsObj.find( class_="hdp-fact-ataglance-value").get_text() try: unit_facts = bsObj.find("div", { "class": "hdp-fact-container" }).find_all("li") print(unit_facts) for fact in unit_facts: fact_name = fact.span.get_text() try: fact_value = fact.span.nextSibling.get_text() except: fact_value = "" pass print(fact_name, fact_value) except: print("could not find out unit facts") try: unit_dates = bsObj.find(text="Dates").parent.nextSibling.find_all("li") for date in unit_dates: m ='[12][0-9]{3}', date.get_text()) # print( facts['dates'] = except: print("could not find information on unit dates") try: hdp_amen2_facts = bsObj.find( text="Amenities").parent.nextSibling.find_all("li") amenities = [] for fact in hdp_amen2_facts: amenities.append(fact.get_text()) print("amenities:", fact.get_text()) facts['amenities'] = amenities except: print("could not find information on unit amenities") print(facts) return facts
def get_property_info(address, zipcode): if address and zipcode: zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(ZILLOW_API_KEY) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) return result
@author: Michael Wegnerr @brief: Returns a list of all current rental properties in Boulder @return: Lsit of rental properties """ # importing the requests library import requests import xmltodict from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults,GetUpdatedPropertyDetails from collections import OrderedDict ZILLOW_API_KEY= "" address = '890 18th St Boulder, CO 80302' zipcode = '80302' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(ZILLOW_API_KEY) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address,zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) zillow_id=result.zillow_id # api-endpoint URL = "" zws_id=ZILLOW_API_KEY zpid=zillow_id rentzestimate=True # defining a params dict for the parameters to be sent to the API PARAMS = {'zws-id':zws_id,'zpid':zpid,'rentzestimate':rentzestimate}
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import mysql.connector from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults address = '8501 Katy Reid Ct.' zipcode = '23832' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(os.environ.get('ZILLOW_API_KEY', '')) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) for prop in [ 'zillow_id', 'home_type', 'home_detail_link', 'graph_data_link', 'map_this_home_link', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'tax_year', 'tax_value', 'year_built', 'property_size', 'home_size', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms', 'last_sold_date', 'last_sold_price_currency', 'last_sold_price', 'zestimate_amount', 'zestimate_last_updated', 'zestimate_value_change', 'zestimate_valuation_range_high', 'zestimate_valuationRange_low', 'zestimate_percentile' ]: value = getattr(result, prop) print(f'{prop} = {value}') mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host='', user='******', passwd=os.environ.get('MYSQL_PASSWORD', ''), database='chris_zillow_example') try: mycursor = mydb.cursor()
import os from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults, GetUpdatedPropertyDetails ZILLOW_API_KEY = os.environ['ZILLOW_API_KEY'] address = '13680 SW Berea Dr Tigard OR' zipcode = '97223' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(ZILLOW_API_KEY) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) zillow_id = result.zillow_id # zillow id, needed for the GetUpdatedPropertyDetails zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(ZILLOW_API_KEY) updated_property_details_response = zillow_data.get_updated_property_details(zillow_id) result = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails(updated_property_details_response) print result.year_built # number of rooms of the home
def zillow(): """ returns r_id with a valid search returns VALID_ZAZ_ERR with invalid search returns VALID_ZWSID_ERR with missing zwsid returns VALID_ADDRESS_ERR with missing address returns VALID_ZIPCODE_ERR with missing zipcode """ if request.method in ['POST', 'GET']: if request.values.get('zwsid'): zwsid = request.values.get('zwsid') log.debug(zwsid) else: return VALID_ZWSID_ERR if request.values.get('address'): address = request.values.get('address') log.debug(address) else: return VALID_ADDRESS_ERR if request.values.get('zipcode'): zipcode = request.values.get('zipcode') log.debug(request) else: return VALID_ZIPCODE_ERR try: zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(zwsid) deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) except ZillowError as e: log.error(e) return VALID_ZAZ_ERR client = MongoClient() db = client.zillow mongo_result = db.zillow.insert_one( { "request_time":datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "zillow_responce": { "zillow_id": getattr(result, "zillow_id"), "home_type": getattr(result, "home_type"), "home_detail_link": getattr(result, "home_detail_link"), "graph_data_link": getattr(result, "graph_data_link"), "map_this_home_link": getattr(result, "map_this_home_link"), "latitude": getattr(result, "latitude"), "longitude": getattr(result, "longitude"), "tax_year": getattr(result, "tax_year"), "tax_value": getattr(result, "tax_value"), "year_built": getattr(result, "year_built"), "property_size": getattr(result, "property_size"), "home_size": getattr(result, "home_size"), "bathrooms": getattr(result, "bathrooms"), "bedrooms": getattr(result, "bedrooms"), "last_sold_date": getattr(result, "last_sold_date"), "last_sold_price_currency": getattr(result, "last_sold_price_currency"), "last_sold_price": getattr(result, "last_sold_price"), "zestimate_amount": getattr(result, "zestimate_amount"), "zestimate_last_updated": getattr(result, "zestimate_last_updated"), "zestimate_value_change": getattr(result, "zestimate_value_change"), "zestimate_valuation_range_high": getattr(result, "zestimate_valuation_range_high"), "zestimate_valuationRange_low": getattr(result, "zestimate_valuationRange_low"), "zestimate_percentile": getattr(result, "zestimate_percentile") }, "request_information": { 'zwsid':zwsid, 'address': address, 'zipcode': zipcode }, } ) return str(mongo_result.inserted_id) return VALID_ZAZ_ERR
today_data = Data[str(today)] #myData is a list of Dicts Final_data = pd.DataFrame() count = 0 api_count = 0 api_keys = [ 'X1-ZWz17l7hzioj63_3pg0i', 'X1-ZWz17mttceiwwb_2599m', 'X1-ZWz1hfb2wz6ia3_3qukz' ] ##next_day = datetime.datetime.combine(next_day,datetime.datetime.min.time()) + datetime.timedelta(hours=2) new = [] for each_address in today_data: street_address = each_address['NUMBER'] + ' ' + each_address['STREET'] zipcode = each_address['POSTCODE'] zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(api_keys[api_count]) try: count = count + 1 #Being conservative here , i want to count even if the address failed deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( street_address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) except: continue mydict = {} mydict['Address'] = street_address mydict['ZIP'] = zipcode mydict["zillow_id"] = result.zillow_id mydict["home_type"] = result.home_type mydict["year_built"] = result.year_built mydict["property_size"] = result.property_size mydict["home_size"] = result.home_size
def __init__(self): self.zillow = ZillowWrapper(settings.ZILLOW_API_KEY)
from pyzillow.pyzillow import ZillowWrapper, GetDeepSearchResults address = 'address goes here' zipcode = 'zip goes here' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper('api token') deep_search_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results(address, zipcode) result = GetDeepSearchResults(deep_search_response) print(result.bathrooms)
def main(): ## Zillow API call setup ## API_KEY = 'X1-ZWz1fmcredpjpn_76gmj' zillow_data = ZillowWrapper(API_KEY) ## variable setup for iteration through address list (from file) ## i = 0 while i < len(address_list): ## check used to determine if ds_result raised an exception - no data check = True ## upd used to determine if upd_result raised an exception - no data upd = True address = address_list[i] if (check_duplicates(address)): i += 1 exit else: ## First API call using address/zip ## try: ds_response = zillow_data.get_deep_search_results( address, '27401') ds_result = GetDeepSearchResults(ds_response) except (ZillowError, UnicodeEncodeError): print('No basic property details for:' + address) check = False finally: exit ## If first API call successful, additional details sought from 2nd API call if check: try: upd_response = zillow_data.get_updated_property_details( ds_result.zillow_id) upd_result = GetUpdatedPropertyDetails(upd_response) except (ZillowError, UnicodeEncodeError): print('No updated property details for:' + address) upd = False finally: exit ## Compares sold date vs. current date to determine "sold" binary status ## Older date is "less than" for Python comparison ## ## We treat anything sold more than 1 year ago as "unsold" ## if check: if upd: t = 1 if str(ds_result.last_sold_date) != 'None': sale_date = dt.strptime(ds_result.last_sold_date, "%m/%d/%Y") compare_date = dt.strptime('01/01/2016', "%m/%d/%Y") if sale_date < compare_date: s = 0 else: s = 1 else: s = 0 insert_home( address, 27401, 'Greensboro', 'NC', ds_result.home_type, ds_result.bedrooms, ds_result.bathrooms, ds_result.home_size, ds_result.property_size, ds_result.year_built, upd_result.year_updated, upd_result.num_floors, upd_result.parking_type, upd_result.heating_sources, upd_result.heating_system, upd_result.floor_material, upd_result.num_rooms, str(upd_result.neighborhood), str(upd_result.school_district), s, ds_result.last_sold_date, ds_result.last_sold_price, upd_result.appliances, upd_result.roof, upd_result.rooms, t) else: s = 0 t = 0 default = None insert_home(address, 27401, 'Greensboro', 'NC', ds_result.home_type, ds_result.bedrooms, ds_result.bathrooms, ds_result.home_size, ds_result.property_size, ds_result.year_built, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, default, s, default, default, default, default, default, t) i += 1