def to_render(rect, ch, rot=0):
    rot = to_rad(rot)
    rot = (-1) * rot
    x = rect[0]
    y = rect[1]
        ctx.translate(Vector(x, y))
        # ctx.glyph_path(ch)
        # ctx.stroke()
        ctx.translate(Vector(-x, -y))

        ef = open('errorFile.txt', 'a')
        st = 'X co-ordinate ' + str(x) + ', Y co-ordinate ' + str(
            y) + ', Angle ' + str(rot)

    return art_BB(ch, x, y, rot)
 def grayscale(self, grayscale):
     """Set self._graycale to boolean value indicating whether to format
     output to grayscale.
     If grayscale is true, set self._cairo_format as CAIRO.FORMAT_A8. Set
     self._canvas_color as CAIRO colour black. Set alpha value of
     self._text_color to 1 (no transparency).
     If grayscale is false, set self._cairo_format as CAIRO.FORMAT_RGB24 (24
     bit RGB format). Set self._canvas_color as CAIRO colour white and text
     color as black."""
     self._grayscale = grayscale
     # Configure format and color according to grayscale option
     if grayscale:
         self._cairo_format = CAIRO.FORMAT_A8 # 8 bits grayscale format
         self._canvas_color = Colour.grey(0, 0) # grey(i,a) => rgba(i,i,i,a)
         self._text_color = Colour.grey(0, 1) # Only alpha value matters
         self._cairo_format = CAIRO.FORMAT_RGB24
         self._canvas_color = Colour.grey(255, 1)
         self._text_color = Colour.grey(0, 1)
def art_BB(ch, x, y, rot):
    #     creating new surface here
    surf = qah.ImageSurface.create(format=CAIRO.FORMAT_RGB24, dimensions=fsize)
    cnt = qah.Context.create(surf)
    cnt.translate(Vector(x, y))
    img = pngB_to_np(surf.to_png_bytes())
    bb = boundB(img[:, :, 1])
    # plt.imshow(img[:,:,1])
    return bb
Exemple #4
    def test_grayscale_setter(self):
        # Test setter in initialization
        vg = VisualGenerator(grayscale=True)
        self.assertEqual(vg._cairo_format, CAIRO.FORMAT_A8)
        self.assertEqual(vg._canvas_color.r, Colour.grey(0, 0).r)
        self.assertEqual(vg._canvas_color.g, Colour.grey(0, 0).g)
        self.assertEqual(vg._canvas_color.b, Colour.grey(0, 0).b)
        self.assertEqual(vg._canvas_color.a, Colour.grey(0, 0).a)
        self.assertEqual(vg._text_color.r, Colour.grey(0, 1).r)
        self.assertEqual(vg._text_color.g, Colour.grey(0, 1).g)
        self.assertEqual(vg._text_color.b, Colour.grey(0, 1).b)
        self.assertEqual(vg._text_color.a, Colour.grey(0, 1).a)

        # Test setter after initialization
        vg.grayscale = False
        self.assertEqual(vg._cairo_format, CAIRO.FORMAT_RGB24)
        self.assertEqual(vg._canvas_color.r, Colour.grey(255, 1).r)
        self.assertEqual(vg._canvas_color.g, Colour.grey(255, 1).g)
        self.assertEqual(vg._canvas_color.b, Colour.grey(255, 1).b)
        self.assertEqual(vg._canvas_color.a, Colour.grey(255, 1).a)
        self.assertEqual(vg._text_color.r, Colour.grey(0, 1).r)
        self.assertEqual(vg._text_color.g, Colour.grey(0, 1).g)
        self.assertEqual(vg._text_color.b, Colour.grey(0, 1).b)
        self.assertEqual(vg._text_color.a, Colour.grey(0, 1).a)
Exemple #5
def from_f0r_colour(fc) :
    return \
        Colour(fc.r, fc.g, fc.b, 1)
Exemple #6
figure_bounds = math.ceil(glyph_extents.bounds)
pix = qah.ImageSurface.create   (
    format = CAIRO.FORMAT_RGB24,
    dimensions = figure_bounds.dimensions

# Actually render the glyphs into a Cairo context:

# In[56]:

    .translate(- figure_bounds.topleft)

# In[57]:


Exemple #7
# Creating ft_face
ft_face = ft.new_face(font_path)
text_size = font_size
# Creating Buffer
buf = hb.Buffer.create()
# setting char size to font face
ft_face.set_char_size(size=text_size, resolution=qah.base_dpi)
hb_font = hb.Font.ft_create(ft_face)
qah_face = qah.FontFace.create_for_ft_face(ft_face)

# In[71]:

ctx = qah.Context.create(pix)
# ctx.set_source_colour(Colour.grey(0))
# ctx.paint()

# In[72]:

factor = 0
y = 0
bb = []
for l in lines:
    l = l.split()
    l = " ".join(l)
    x = 0  # carriage-return
    y += line_spacing  # line-feed

    prev_tot_wid = 1000
pix = qah.ImageSurface.create(format=CAIRO.FORMAT_RGB24, dimensions=fsize)

# In[663]:

# Creating ft_face
ft_face = ft.new_face(font_path)
text_size = font_size
# Creating Buffer
buf = hb.Buffer.create()
# setting char size to font face
ft_face.set_char_size(size=text_size, resolution=qah.base_dpi)
hb_font = hb.Font.ft_create(ft_face)
qah_face = qah.FontFace.create_for_ft_face(ft_face)

ctx = qah.Context.create(pix)
# ctx.set_source_colour(Colour.grey(1))
# ctx.set_font_face(qah_face)
# ctx.set_font_size(text_size)

# In[664]:

l = l.strip()
actual_len = len(l)
word_text = glyphList(l)
wl = len(word_text)

# actual_len,wl

# In[665]:
    def render_curved(self, font, word_text):
        use curved baseline for rendering word
        wl = len(word_text)
        isword = len(word_text.split()) == 1

        # do curved iff, the length of the word <= 10
        if not isword or wl > 10 or np.random.rand() > self.p_curved:
            return self.render_multiline(font, word_text)

        # create the surface:
        lspace = font.get_sized_height() + 1
        lbound = font.get_rect(word_text)
        fsize = (round(2.0 * lbound.width), round(3 * lspace))

        font_path = font.path
        font_size = font.size
        space = font.get_rect('O')
        spaceWidth = space.width * 0.85
        line_spacing = font.get_sized_height() + 1
        fsize = Vector(int(fsize[0] + spaceWidth), int(fsize[1] + spaceWidth))

        pix = qah.ImageSurface.create(format=CAIRO.FORMAT_RGB24,

        # Creating ft_face
        ft_face = ft.new_face(font_path)
        text_size = font_size
        # Creating Buffer
        buf = hb.Buffer.create()
        # setting char size to font face
        ft_face.set_char_size(size=text_size, resolution=qah.base_dpi)
        hb_font = hb.Font.ft_create(ft_face)
        qah_face = qah.FontFace.create_for_ft_face(ft_face)

        ctx = qah.Context.create(pix)

        bbs = []

        word_text = word_text.strip()
        word_text_len = len(word_text)
        ### Added on feb, 22, 2019

        ## single word will be there.
        shiftFactor = 1.0
        shiftAdditional = 0
        ## Please refer to multiline for explaination.
        st_bound, glyph_3 = get_Bound_Glyph(word_text, buf, hb_font, ft_face,

        shift = shiftFactor * (st_bound.topleft)[0] + shiftAdditional

        x = spaceWidth * 0.7 + shift
        y = line_spacing * 0.8

        st_bound, glyph_3 = get_Bound_Glyph(word_text, buf, hb_font, ft_face,
        ctx.translate(Vector(x + shift, y))

        img = pngB_to_np(pix.to_png_bytes())

        curveIntensity = np.random.randint(-20, 20)

        img = transform_desire(img, curveIntensity)

        left, top, width, height = boundB(img[:, :, 1])
        avg_w = width / word_text_len

        extd = 0
        for i in range(word_text_len):
            bbs.append(np.array([left + extd, top, avg_w, height]))
            extd = extd + avg_w
        # # ### Code add end feb, 22, 2019

        # # word_text = glyphList(l,line_spacing,buf,hb_font,ft_face,text_size)
        # # wl = len(word_text)

        # # # actual_len,wl

        # # # In[665]:

        # # mid_idx = wl//2
        # # bsln = BaselineState()
        # # BS = bsln.get_sample()
        # # curve = [BS['curve'](i-mid_idx) for i in range(wl)]
        # # # some changes
        # # if wl <= 1:
        # #     curve[mid_idx] = 0
        # # else:
        # #     curve[mid_idx] =  -(np.sum(curve)/(wl-1))

        # # # In[666]:

        # # rots  = [-int(math.degrees(math.atan(BS['diff'](i-mid_idx)/(font_size/2)))) for i in range(wl)]

        # # # In[667]:

        # # # /rots

        # # # In[668]:

        # # rect = get_rect(word_text[mid_idx],qah_face,text_size,angle=0)

        # # # In[669]:

        # # leftx = pix.width/2 - rect.width/2
        # # topx = pix.height/2 +rect.height/2 +curve[mid_idx]
        # # rect2 = (leftx,topx)
        # # = topx
        # # rect.left = leftx
        # # (rect.left,

        # # # In[670]:

        # # # In[671]:

        # # mid_b = to_render(rect2, word_text[mid_idx],rots[mid_idx],ctx,fsize,qah_face,text_size)
        # # mid_bbs = np.array(mid_b)

        # # # In[672]:

        # # last_rect = rect

        # # # In[673]:

        # # bbs = []
        # # ch_idx = []
        # # for i in range(wl):
        # #     if i == mid_idx:
        # #         bbs.append(mid_bbs)
        # #         ch_idx.append(i)
        # #         continue

        # #     if i < mid_idx: #left-chars
        # #         i = mid_idx-1-i
        # #     elif i==mid_idx+1: #right-chars begin
        # #         last_rect = rect

        # #     ch_idx.append(i)
        # #     ch = word_text[i]

        # #     newrect = get_rect(ch,qah_face,text_size,angle=0)
        # # =

        # #     if i > mid_idx:
        # #         (newrect.left, = (last_rect.topleft[0]+last_rect.width+2, newrect.topleft[1])
        # #     else:
        # #         (newrect.left, = (last_rect.topleft[0]-2-newrect.width, newrect.topleft[1])
        # # = max(newrect.height, min(fsize[1] - newrect.height, newrect.middle[1] + curve[i])) - newrect.height/2
        # #     try:
        # #         bbrect = to_render((newrect.left,,ch,rots[i],ctx,fsize,qah_face,text_size)
        # #     except ValueError:
        # #         bbrect = to_render((newrect.left,, ch,0,ctx,fsize,qah_face,text_size)
        # #     bbs.append(np.array(bbrect))
        # #     last_rect = newrect

        # # bbs_sequence_order = []

        # # bbs_sequence_order = [None for i in ch_idx]

        # # for idx,i in enumerate(ch_idx):
        # #     bbs_sequence_order[i] = bbs[idx]
        # # bbs = bbs_sequence_order

        # # diffCount = actual_len - wl

        # # bblast = bbs[wl-1]

        # # for faltuItr in range(diffCount):
        # #     bbs.append(np.array([bblast[0],bblast[1],bblast[2],bblast[3]]))

        # # pix.flush().write_to_png('spcurved.png')
        # img = pngB_to_np(pix.to_png_bytes())

        #dicc= {}
        #dicc['img'] = img[:,:,1]
        #dicc['bb'] = bbs

        #pl = open('save_curve.pkl','wb')
        # print("saved")

        #dicc = pickle.load(f)
        Simg1 = img[:, :, 0]
        # plt.imsave('croppedImage/spcurved'+str(self.jj)+'.png', Simg1)
        #self.jj = self.jj+1
        bb = bbs
        bb = np.array(bb)
        Simg1 = Simg1.swapaxes(0, 1)
        # crop the surface to fit the text:
        # bbs = np.array(bbs)
        # surf_arr, bbs = crop_safe(pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(surf), rect_union, bb, pad=5)

        r0 = pygame.Rect(bb[0])
        rect_union = r0.unionall(bb)
        surf_arr, bbs = crop_safe(Simg1, rect_union, bb, pad=5)

        surf_arr = surf_arr.swapaxes(0, 1)
        # plt.imsave('/home/jaya/abc.jpg',surf_arr)
        return surf_arr, word_text, bbs
    def render_multiline(self, font, text):
        renders multiline TEXT on the pygame surface SURF with the
        font style FONT.
        A new line in text is denoted by \n, no other characters are 
        escaped. Other forms of white-spaces should be converted to space.

        returns the updated surface, words and the character bounding boxes.
        # Adding Custom Code here by removing the Orginal Code

        # get the number of lines
        lines = text.split('\n')
        lengths = [len(l) for l in lines]

        # font parameters:
        line_spacing = font.get_sized_height() + 1

        # initialize the surface to proper size:
        line_bounds = font.get_rect(lines[np.argmax(lengths)])
        fsize = (round(2.0 * line_bounds.width),
                 round(1.25 * line_spacing * len(lines)))
        #surf = pygame.Surface(fsize, pygame.locals.SRCALPHA, 32)
        space = font.get_rect('O')
        spaceWidth = space.width * 0.85  ## 0.8 has been multiplied here
        surfx, surfy = fsize
        font_path = font.path
        font_size = font.size

        #lines = di['lines']
        fsize = Vector(int(surfx + space.width), int(surfy + line_spacing))
        #line_spacing = di['line_spacing']

        pix = qah.ImageSurface.create(format=CAIRO.FORMAT_RGB24,

        # Creating ft_face
        ft_face = ft.new_face(font_path)
        text_size = font_size
        # Creating Buffer
        buf = hb.Buffer.create()
        # setting char size to font face
        ft_face.set_char_size(size=text_size, resolution=qah.base_dpi)
        # ft_face.underline = font.underline
        hb_font = hb.Font.ft_create(ft_face)
        qah_face = qah.FontFace.create_for_ft_face(ft_face)

        ctx = qah.Context.create(pix)
        # ctx.set_source_colour(Colour.grey(0))
        # ctx.paint()

        # Start Replacing Code from here

        ## for the purpose of shifting in horizontal direction.
        shiftAdditional = 0
        # By What factor shifting should be done
        shiftFactor = 1.1

        factor = 0
        y = 0
        bb = []

        ## The recent addtion code. feb 19,2019
        ## Project make faster.
        ## No need for the word wise bounding box. So, now they can be eliminated.
            The procedure is as follow.
            - Since we do not require individual character bounding box,
            we will discard that functionality.
            - We will place a word and create fake bounding box for it.
            - right from the top left.
            - width of the bounding box will be simply ((width of word)/total bounding box)


        ## Ends here feb 19,2019

        for l in lines:  # picking up a line.

            l = l.split()
            l = " ".join(l)
            x = spaceWidth * 0.7  # carriage-return
            y += (line_spacing * 0.8)  # line-feed

            words = l.split()

            for w in words:
                st_bound, glyph_3 = get_Bound_Glyph(w, buf, hb_font, ft_face,
                shift = shiftFactor * (st_bound.topleft)[0] + shiftAdditional

                ## since now we have required information for rendering.
                ## We know bounding box, we know glyphs, time to plot.
                char_in_w = len(w)

                avg_bounding_width = st_bound.width / char_in_w

                ## for each character we have to place a fake bounding box
                width_shift = 0
                for i in range(char_in_w):
                    ## bounding box consist of top-left point + width and height.
                            x + shift + width_shift, y + (st_bound.topleft)[1],
                            avg_bounding_width, st_bound.height
                    width_shift = width_shift + avg_bounding_width

                ## now since we have generated fake bounding box,
                ## next task will be to render glyphs on the actual surface.

                ## Remember context is a pen for us.
                ## Go to the point from where you want to write.
                ctx.translate(Vector(x + shift, y))

                # setting the color that we wish to use.
                # setting the font_face
                # defining the size.
                # rendering the glyphs on the surface.

                ## translate back to the original position.
                ctx.translate(Vector(-(x + shift), -y))

                ## Shift the x to new position.
                x = x + st_bound.width + shift + spaceWidth
                ## resetting the shift.
                shift = 0

        # for l in lines:
        #             l = l.split()
        #             l = " ".join(l)
        #             #print(spaceWidth)
        #             x = spaceWidth*0.7 # carriage-return
        #             y += (line_spacing*0.8) # line-feed

        #             prev_tot_wid = 1000
        #             st = ''
        #             ln = len(l)
        #             i = 0
        #             bbCount = 0
        #             charLen = 0
        #             diffCount = 0
        #             shift = 0
        #             for ch in l: # render each character
        #                 if ch.isspace(): # just shift
        #                     st_bound,glyph3 = get_Bound_Glyph(st,buf,hb_font,ft_face,text_size)
        #                     shift = shiftFactor*(st_bound.topleft)[0] + shiftAdditional

        #                     bb.append(np.array([x+shift,y+(st_bound.topleft)[1],st_bound.width,st_bound.height]))
        #                     bbCount += 1

        #                     ctx.translate(Vector(x+shift,y))
        #                     ctx.set_source_colour(Colour.grey(1))
        #                     ctx.set_font_face(qah_face)
        #                     ctx.set_font_size(text_size)
        #                     ctx.show_glyphs(glyph3)
        #                     # ctx.glyph_path(glyph3)
        #                     # ctx.stroke()
        #                     ctx.translate(Vector(-(x+shift),-y))

        #                     diffCount = charLen - bbCount

        #                     for faltuItr in range(diffCount):
        #                         bb.append(np.array([x+shift,y+(st_bound.topleft)[1],st_bound.width,st_bound.height]))

        #                     bbCount = 0
        #                     charLen = 0

        #                     x+= st_bound.width+shift

        #                     x += spaceWidth
        #                     st = ''
        #                     prev_tot_wid = 1000

        #                 else:
        #                     charLen += 1
        #                     curr_bound,glyph1 = get_Bound_Glyph(ch,buf,hb_font,ft_face,text_size)
        #                     if i == 0:
        #                         factor = curr_bound.width/3.5
        #                     upto_bound,glyph2 = get_Bound_Glyph(st+ch,buf,hb_font,ft_face,text_size)
        #                     if (upto_bound.width)+factor < prev_tot_wid+curr_bound.width: #
        #                         st = st + ch
        #                         prev_tot_wid = upto_bound.width
        #                         shift += shiftFactor*(upto_bound.topleft)[0] + shiftAdditional
        #                     else:
        #                         st_bound,glyph3 = get_Bound_Glyph(st,buf,hb_font,ft_face,text_size)
        #                         shift += shiftFactor*(st_bound.topleft)[0] + shiftAdditional
        #                         bb.append(np.array([x+shift,y+(st_bound.topleft)[1],st_bound.width,st_bound.height]))
        #                         bbCount += 1

        #                         ctx.translate(Vector(x+shift,y))
        #                         ctx.set_source_colour(Colour.grey(1))
        #                         ctx.set_font_face(qah_face)
        #                         ctx.set_font_size(text_size)
        #                         ctx.show_glyphs(glyph3)
        #                         # ctx.glyph_path(glyph3)
        #                         # ctx.stroke()
        #                         ctx.translate(Vector(-(x+shift),-y))
        #                         x+= st_bound.width+shift
        #                         st = ch
        #                         prev_tot_wid = curr_bound.width
        #                         shift = 0
        #                     if i == ln-1:
        #                         # shift = (st_bound.topleft)[0]
        #                         st_bound,gly5 = get_Bound_Glyph(st,buf,hb_font,ft_face,text_size)
        #                         shift = shiftFactor*(st_bound.topleft)[0] + shiftAdditional

        #                         ctx.translate(Vector(x+shift,y))
        #                         # ctx.set_source_colour(Colour.grey(0))
        #                         # ctx.paint()
        #                         #glyphs = get_glyphs(st)
        #                         ctx.set_source_colour(Colour.grey(1))
        #                         ctx.set_font_face(qah_face)
        #                         ctx.set_font_size(text_size)
        #                         ctx.show_glyphs(gly5)
        #                         # ctx.glyph_path(gly5)
        #                         # ctx.stroke()
        #                         ctx.translate(Vector(-(x+shift),-y))
        #                         bb.append(np.array([x+shift,y+(st_bound.topleft)[1],st_bound.width,st_bound.height]))
        #                         bbCount += 1

        #                         diffCount = charLen - bbCount

        #                         for fitr in range(diffCount):
        #                             bb.append(np.array([x+shift,y+(st_bound.topleft)[1],st_bound.width,st_bound.height]))

        #                         charLen = 0
        #                         bbCount = 0
        #                 i += 1

########################## Replacing of the code end here ##################

        img = pngB_to_np(pix.to_png_bytes())

        #dicc= {}
        #dicc['img'] = img[:,:,1]
        #dicc['bb'] = bb

        Simg = img[:, :, 1]

        # self.ii = self.ii+1
        #bb = dicc['bb']
        bb = np.array(bb)
        # Simg = Simg.astype(np.uint8)
        # Simg = Simg[:,:,1]
        Simg = Simg.swapaxes(0, 1)

        # get the union of characters for cropping:
        # r0 = pygame.Rect(bbs[0])
        # rect_union = r0.unionall(bbs)

        # Simg1 = Simg1.swapaxes(0,1)
        # get the words:
        words = ' '.join(text.split())

        #bbs = np.array(bbs)
        # f=open('temp2.pkl','rb')
        # bb = pickle.load(f)
        # bb = np.array(bb)

        # crop the surface to fit the text:
        # bbs = np.array(bbs)

        r0 = pygame.Rect(bb[0])
        rect_union = r0.unionall(bb)

        surf_arr, bbs = crop_safe(Simg, rect_union, bb, pad=5)
        surf_arr = surf_arr.swapaxes(0, 1)
        return surf_arr, words, bbs