Exemple #1
def cirq_to_qlm(circ, sep_measures=False, **kwargs):
    """ Converts a google cirq circuit to a qlm circuit

        cirq: the cirq circuit to convert
        sep_measures: Separates measures from the

             - if set to :code:`True` measures won't be included in the resulting circuits,
               qubits to be measured will be put in a list, the resulting measureless
               circuit and this list will be returned in a tuple : (resulting_circuit, list_qubits)
             - if set to :code:`False`, measures will be converted normally (Default set to False)

        kwargs: these are the options that you would use on a regular
            to_circ function, to generate a QLM circuit from a PyAQASM program
            these are added for more flexibility, for advanced users

        :code:`tuple` or :class:`~qat.core.Circuit`: If :code:`sep_measures` is set

         - :code:`True`: the result is a tuple composed of a
           :class:`~qat.core.Circuit` and a list of qubits that should be
         - :code:`False`: the result is a :class:`~qat.core.Circuit`
    # building a qubit map to use correct qubits
    qubits = ops.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT).order_for(
    qmap = {qbit: i for i, qbit in enumerate(qubits)}

    # extracting operations
    operations = tuple(ops.flatten_op_tree(circ.all_operations()))

    # pyaqasm initialization
    prog = Program()
    qreg = prog.qalloc(len(qubits))
    to_measure = []
    # building operations
    for op in operations:
        qbs = []
        for qb in op.qubits:
            if (cirq.is_measurement(cast(ops.GateOperation, op))
                    and sep_measures):
        if cirq.is_measurement(cast(ops.GateOperation, op)):
            if not sep_measures:
                prog.measure(qbs, qbs)
        elif isinstance(_get_gate(op.gate), str) and _get_gate(
                op.gate) == "none":
            prog.apply(_get_gate(op.gate), qbs)

    if sep_measures:
        return prog.to_circ(**kwargs), list(set(to_measure))

    return prog.to_circ(**kwargs)
Exemple #2
    def generate_program(cls, nqbits: int):
        pr = Program()
        # TODO extend to nqbits
        nqbits = 1
        to_teleport = pr.qalloc(nqbits)
        to_teleport_c = pr.calloc(nqbits)
        epr_pair_a = pr.qalloc()
        epr_pair_a_c = pr.calloc()
        epr_pair_b = pr.qalloc()

        # Prepare EPR pair
        pr.apply(H, *epr_pair_a)
        pr.apply(CNOT, *epr_pair_a, *epr_pair_b)

        # Prepare random state using 3 random rotation around the 3 axis
        pr.apply(RY(random() * pi), *to_teleport)
        pr.apply(RX(random() * pi), *to_teleport)
        pr.apply(RZ(random() * pi), *to_teleport)

        # Encode
        pr.apply(CNOT, *to_teleport, *epr_pair_a)
        pr.apply(H, *to_teleport)

        # Teleport
        pr.measure(to_teleport, to_teleport_c)
        pr.measure(epr_pair_a, epr_pair_a_c)

        # Decode
        pr.cc_apply(epr_pair_a_c[0], X, epr_pair_b[0])
        pr.cc_apply(to_teleport_c[0], Z, epr_pair_b[0])

        return pr, None
def test_multiple_measurements():
    Submit a circuit composed to 2 intermediate measurements
    # Build a program
    prog = Program()
    qbits = prog.qalloc(2)
    cbits = prog.calloc(2)
    prog.apply(X, qbits[0])
    prog.measure(qbits, cbits)
    prog.apply(CNOT, qbits)
    prog.measure(qbits, cbits)

    circ = prog.to_circ()

    # Submit circuit
    result = PyLinalg().submit(circ.to_job())

    # Check result
    assert len(result) == 1
    sample = result.raw_data[0]
    assert sample.state.int == 3

    # Check intermediate measurements
    assert len(sample.intermediate_measurements) == 2
    assert sample.intermediate_measurements[0].cbits == [True, False]
    assert sample.intermediate_measurements[1].cbits == [True, True]
    def test1_qiskit_qpu_4states(self):
        In the case of two H gates, 4 states are expected in output.
        nbqubits = 2
        prog = Program()

        qreg = prog.qalloc(nbqubits)
        creg = prog.calloc(nbqubits)

        prog.apply(H, qreg[0])
        prog.apply(H, qreg[1])

        prog.measure(qreg, creg)
        qlm_circuit = prog.to_circ()

        qlm_job = qlm_circuit.to_job(nbshots=1024)

        # no backend is specified
        qpu = BackendToQPU()

        result = qpu.submit(qlm_job)
        string = "\nBackendToQPU with a Hadamard on each qubit " \
            + "(expects four different measured states):"
        for entry in result.raw_data:
            LOGGER.debug("State: %s\t probability: %s", entry.state,

        self.assertEqual(4, len(result.raw_data))
def generate_break():
    prog = Program()
    qbits = prog.qalloc(3)
    cbits = prog.calloc(3)
    prog.apply(X, qbits[1])
    prog.measure(qbits[0], cbits[0])
    prog.measure(qbits[1], cbits[1])
    prog.cbreak(cbits[1] & (~cbits[0]))
    return prog.to_circ()
def make_c_control_circuit():
    prog = Program()
    qbits = prog.qalloc(2)
    cbits = prog.calloc(2)
    prog.apply(X, qbits[0])
    prog.measure(qbits[0], cbits[0])
    prog.cc_apply(cbits[0], X, qbits[1])
    prog.measure(qbits[1], cbits[1])
    return prog.to_circ()
def main():
    # _a is for Alice, _b is for Bob, _c is for classical
    pr = Program()
    to_teleport = pr.qalloc()
    epr_pair_a = pr.qalloc()
    epr_pair_a_c = pr.calloc()
    to_teleport_c = pr.calloc()
    epr_pair_b = pr.qalloc()

    # Prepare EPR pair
    pr.apply(H, *epr_pair_a)
    pr.apply(CNOT, *epr_pair_a, *epr_pair_b)
    # Now Alice has her half of the EPR pair (epr_pair_a) and Bob the other one
    # (epr_pair_b qubit)

    # Prepare random state on the qubit(s) to teleport
    pr.apply(RY(random() * pi), *to_teleport)
    pr.apply(RX(random() * pi), *to_teleport)
    pr.apply(RZ(random() * pi), *to_teleport)

    # At this point we make a copy of the original program. The idea is to show
    # the state we would obtain if we would stop at this stage, before the
    # teleportation.
    pr2 = deepcopy(pr)

    # We continue with the teleportation circuit

    # Alice interact her to_teleport_qubit with her half of the EPR pair
    pr.apply(CNOT, *to_teleport, *epr_pair_a)
    pr.apply(H, *to_teleport)
    # ... and then she measures her 2 qubits
    pr.measure(to_teleport, to_teleport_c)
    pr.measure(epr_pair_a, epr_pair_a_c)

    # She then sends her measured qubits to Bob which, depending on their value
    # being 0 or 1, performs the classically controlled X and Z on his own half of the EPR pair
    pr.cc_apply(epr_pair_a_c[0], X, epr_pair_b[0])
    pr.cc_apply(to_teleport_c[0], Z, epr_pair_b[0])

    circ = pr.to_circ()
    circ2 = pr2.to_circ()

    # simulation
    qpu = PyLinalg()
    res = qpu.submit(circ.to_job(qubits=[epr_pair_b]))
    res2 = qpu.submit(circ2.to_job(qubits=[to_teleport]))

    print("Original state, measured on to_teleport qubit")
    for sample in res2:
        # print(f"state {sample.state} with amplitude {sample.amplitude} and probability {sample.probability}")
        print(f"state {sample.state} with amplitude {sample.probability}")
    print("Teleported state, measured on ")
    for sample in res:
        print(f"state {sample.state} with probability {sample.probability}")
def generate_boolean():
    prog = Program()
    qbits = prog.qalloc(3)
    cbits = prog.calloc(3)
    prog.apply(X, qbits[1])
    prog.measure(qbits[0], cbits[0])
    prog.measure(qbits[1], cbits[1])
    prog.logic(cbits[2], cbits[1] & ~cbits[0])
    prog.cc_apply(cbits[2], X, qbits[2])
    prog.apply(X, qbits[0])
    return prog.to_circ()
def make_simple_logic():
    prog = Program()
    qbits = prog.qalloc(2)
    cbits = prog.calloc(5)
    prog.apply(X, qbits[0])
    prog.measure(qbits[0], cbits[0])
    prog.measure(qbits[1], cbits[1])
    prog.logic(cbits[2], cbits[1] | cbits[0])
    prog.logic(cbits[3], cbits[2] & cbits[1])
    prog.logic(cbits[4], cbits[0] ^ cbits[1])
    return prog.to_circ()
Exemple #10
    def test_default_gates_and_qbit_reorder(self):
        aq = AqasmPrinter(MainEngine)
        eng = AqasmEngine(aq, engine_list=[aq])
        qreg1 = eng.allocate_qureg(2)
        qreg2 = eng.allocate_qureg(1)
        qreg3 = eng.allocate_qureg(2)
        for op in gates_1qb:
            op | qreg2[0]
        for op in gates_2qb:
            op | (qreg3[0], qreg1[1])

        ControlledGate(ops.Swap, n=1) | (qreg3[1], qreg1[0], qreg2[0])
        Toffoli | (qreg3[1], qreg1[0], qreg2[0])
        All(Measure) | qreg1
        All(Measure) | qreg2
        All(Measure) | qreg3
        # Generating qlm circuit
        result = eng.projectq_to_qlm()

        # Generating equivalent qlm circuit
        prog = Program()
        qubits = prog.qalloc(5)
        cbits = prog.calloc(5)
        for op in pygates_1qb:
            prog.apply(op, qubits[2])
        for op in pygates_2qb:
            prog.apply(op, qubits[3], qubits[1])
        prog.apply(SWAP, qubits[1], qubits[3])
        prog.apply(SWAP.ctrl(), qubits[4], qubits[0], qubits[2])
        prog.apply(X.ctrl().ctrl(), qubits[0], qubits[4], qubits[2])
        for i in range(5):
            prog.measure(qubits[i], cbits[i])
        expected = prog.to_circ()
        self.assertEqual(len(result.ops), len(expected.ops))
        for i in range(len(result.ops)):
            res_op = result.ops[i]
            exp_op = expected.ops[i]
            if res_op.type == OpType.MEASURE:
                self.assertEqual(res_op, exp_op)
            result_gate_name, result_gate_params = extract_syntax(
                result.gateDic[res_op.gate], result.gateDic)
            # print("got gate {} with params {} on qbits {}"
            #      .format(result_gate_name, result_gate_params,
            #              res_op.qbits))
            expected_gate_name, expected_gate_params = extract_syntax(
                expected.gateDic[exp_op.gate], expected.gateDic)
            # print("expected gate {} with params {} on qbits {}"
            #      .format(expected_gate_name, expected_gate_params,
            #              exp_op.qbits))
            self.assertEqual(expected_gate_name, result_gate_name)
            self.assertEqual(expected_gate_params, result_gate_params)
            self.assertEqual(exp_op.qbits, res_op.qbits)
    def test0_asyncqiskit_qpu_2states(self):
        In the case of a H and a CNOT gate, 2 states are expected in output.
        nbqubits = 2

        prog = Program()

        qreg = prog.qalloc(nbqubits)
        creg = prog.calloc(nbqubits)

        prog.apply(H, qreg[0])
        prog.apply(CNOT, qreg[0], qreg[1])

        prog.measure(qreg, creg)
        qlm_circuit = prog.to_circ()

        qlm_job1 = qlm_circuit.to_job(nbshots=1024)
        qlm_job2 = qlm_circuit.to_job(nbshots=1024)
        batch = Batch(jobs=[qlm_job1, qlm_job2])

        # a backend is specified
        backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
        qpu = AsyncBackendToQPU(backend)

        job = qpu.submit(batch)
        string = "\nAsyncBackendToQPU test with a Hadamard and a CNOT " \
            + "(expects two different measured states):"
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", job.job_id(), job.status())
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", job.job_id(), job.status())
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", job.job_id(), job.status())

        while job.result() is None:

        results = job.result()

        for result in results:
            for entry in result.raw_data:
                LOGGER.debug("State: %s\t probability: %s", entry.state,
                self.assertEqual(2, len(result.raw_data))
                    "|00>" in
                    [str(result.raw_data[i].state) for i in range(2)])
                    "|11>" in
                    [str(result.raw_data[i].state) for i in range(2)])
    def test1_asyncqiskit_qpu_4states(self):
        In the case of two H gates, 4 states are expected in output.
        nbqubits = 2

        prog = Program()

        qreg = prog.qalloc(nbqubits)
        creg = prog.calloc(nbqubits)

        prog.apply(H, qreg[0])
        prog.apply(H, qreg[1])

        prog.measure(qreg, creg)
        qlm_circuit = prog.to_circ()

        qlm_job = qlm_circuit.to_job(nbshots=1024)

        # no backend is specified
        qpu = AsyncBackendToQPU()

        async_job = qpu.submit_job(qlm_job)

        string = "\nAsyncBackendToQPU test with a Hadamard on each qubit " \
            + "(expects four different measured states):"
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", async_job.job_id(),
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", async_job.job_id(),
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", async_job.job_id(),

        loop_nb = 0
        while async_job.result() is None:
            loop_nb += 1
            if loop_nb > 4:

        result = async_job.result()
        for entry in result.raw_data:
            LOGGER.debug("State: %s\t probability: %s", entry.state,

        self.assertEqual(4, len(result.raw_data))
Exemple #13
    def test_measure(self):
        """test that state indexing is same as other simulation services"""
        # program with final state: qbit 0 : 0 or 1 with 50% proba
        prog = Program()
        reg = prog.qalloc(1)
        creg = prog.calloc(1)
        prog.apply(H, reg)
        prog.measure(reg, creg)
        circ = prog.to_circ()

        qpu = PyLinalg()

        result = qpu.submit(circ.to_job(nbshots=5, aggregate_data=False))
        for res in result:

                res.intermediate_measurements[0].probability, 0.5, delta=1e-10)
def generate_teleportation(split_measures: bool):
    Generates a circuit corresponding to the teleportation

        split_measures (bool): split measures

        :class:`~qat.core.Circuit`: generated circuit
    # Init program
    prog = Program()
    source = prog.qalloc(1)
    bell_pair = prog.qalloc(2)
    cbits = prog.calloc(2)

    # Init source qubit
    prog.apply(RX(1.23), source)
    prog.apply(RZ(4.56), source)

    # Init Bell pair
    prog.apply(H, bell_pair[0])
    prog.apply(CNOT, bell_pair)

    # Bell pair measurement between source qubit and bell_pair[0]
    prog.apply(CNOT, source, bell_pair[0])
    prog.apply(H, source)

    if split_measures:
        prog.measure(source[0], cbits[0])
        prog.measure(bell_pair[0], cbits[1])

        prog.measure([source[0], bell_pair[0]], cbits)

    # Classic control
    prog.cc_apply(cbits[1], X, bell_pair[1])
    prog.cc_apply(cbits[0], Z, bell_pair[1])

    # Return circuit
    return prog.to_circ()
Exemple #15
def qiskit_to_qlm(qiskit_circuit, sep_measures=False, **kwargs):
    Converts a Qiskit circuit into a QLM circuit.

        qiskit_circuit: The Qiskit circuit to convert
        sep_measures: Separates measures from the

             - if set to :code:`True`, measures won't be included in the resulting
               circuit, qubits to be measured will be put in a list, the resulting
               measureless circuit and this list will be returned in a tuple:
               (resulting_circuit, list_qubits)
             - if set to :code:`False`, measures will be converted normally
               (Default, set to False)

        kwargs: These are the options that you would use on a regular
                to_circ function, to generate a QLM circuit from a PyAQASM
                program these are added for more flexibility,
                for advanced users

        :code:`tuple` or :class:`~qat.core.Circuit`: If :code:`sep_measures` is set

         - :code:`True`: the result is a tuple composed of a
           :class:`~qat.core.Circuit` and a list of qubits that should be
         - :code:`False`: the result is a :class:`~qat.core.Circuit`
    prog = Program()
    qbits_num = 0
    to_measure = []
    for reg in qiskit_circuit.qregs:
        qbits_num = qbits_num + reg.size
    qbits = prog.qalloc(qbits_num)

    cbits_num = 0
    for reg in qiskit_circuit.cregs:
        cbits_num = cbits_num + reg.size
    cbits = prog.calloc(cbits_num)
    variables = []
    for gate_op in qiskit_circuit.data:
        if gate_op[0].name in ("barrier", "opaque"):
        qbit_args = []
        cbit_args = []
        prms = []  # gate parameters
        # Get qbit arguments
        for qarg in gate_op[1]:
                _get_qindex(qiskit_circuit, qarg.register.name, qarg.index))

        # Get cbit arguments
        for carg in gate_op[2]:
                _get_cindex(qiskit_circuit, carg.register.name, carg.index))

        # Get parameters
        for param in gate_op[0].params:
            if isinstance(param, (Parameter, ParameterExpression)):
                prms.append(_qiskit_to_qlm_param(prog, variables, param))
        # Apply measure #
        if gate_op[0].name == "measure":
            if sep_measures:
                prog.measure([qbits[i] for i in qbit_args],
                             [cbits[i] for i in cbit_args])
        elif gate_op[0].name == "reset":
            prog.reset([qbits[i] for i in qbit_args],
                       [cbits[i] for i in cbit_args])
            if gate_op[0].name == "ms":
                # In this case, the process function needs the number of qubits
            # Apply gates #
            num_ctrl_qubits = None
                num_ctrl_qubits = gate_op[0].num_ctrl_qubits
            except AttributeError:
            gate = get_gate(gate_op[0].name, prms, num_ctrl_qubits)
            prog.apply(gate, *[qbits[i] for i in qbit_args][:gate.arity])
    if sep_measures:
        return prog.to_circ(**kwargs), list(set(to_measure))

    return prog.to_circ(**kwargs)
Exemple #16
def pyquil_to_qlm(pyquil_prog, sep_measures=False, **kwargs):
    """ Converts a pyquil circuit into a qlm circuit

        pyquil_prog: the pyquil circuit to convert
        sep_measures: Separates measures from the

             - if set to :code:`True` measures won't be included in the resulting circuits,
               qubits to be measured will be put in a list, the resulting measureless
               circuit and this list will be returned in a tuple : (resulting_circuit, list_qubits)
             - if set to :code:`False`, measures will be converted normally (Default set to False)

        kwargs: these are the options that you would use on a regular
            to_circ function, to generate a QLM circuit from a PyAQASM program
            these are added for more flexibility, for advanced users

        :code:`tuple` or :class:`~qat.core.Circuit`: If :code:`sep_measures` is set

         - :code:`True`: the result is a tuple composed of a
           :class:`~qat.core.Circuit` and a list of qubits that should be
         - :code:`False`: the result is a :class:`~qat.core.Circuit`
    from qat.lang.AQASM import Program as QlmProgram
    prog = QlmProgram()
    qreg = prog.qalloc(len(pyquil_prog.get_qubits()))
    creg = None
    quil_regs = None
    to_measure = []
    if not sep_measures:
        creg, quil_regs = build_cregs(prog, pyquil_prog)
        to_measure = []
    for op in pyquil_prog.instructions:
        if isinstance(op, Gate):
            ctrls = 0
            if len(op.params) > 0:
                if op.name == "CPHASE":
                    gate = aq.PH(*op.params)
                    ctrls += 1
                elif op.name in QLM_GATE_DIC:
                    gate = QLM_GATE_DIC[op.name](*op.params)
                elif op.name.replace("C", "") in QLM_GATE_DIC:
                    gate = QLM_GATE_DIC[op.name.replace("C", "")](*op.params)
                    ctrls += len(op.name) - len(op.name.replace("C", ""))
                    raise ValueError("Gate {} is not supported".format(
                if op.name in QLM_GATE_DIC:
                    gate = QLM_GATE_DIC[op.name]
                elif op.name.replace("C", "") in QLM_GATE_DIC:
                    gate = QLM_GATE_DIC[op.name.replace("C", "")]
                    ctrls += len(op.name) - len(op.name.replace("C", ""))
                    raise ValueError("Gate {} is not supported".format(
            if op.modifiers.count('DAGGER') % 2 == 1:
                gate = gate.dag()
            ctrls += op.modifiers.count('CONTROLLED')
            qubits = op.qubits
            if ctrls > 0:
                for _ in range(ctrls):
                    gate = gate.ctrl()
                qubits = list(reversed(op.qubits[:ctrls]))
            qubits = [qreg[qbit.index] for qbit in qubits]
            prog.apply(gate, *qubits)
        elif isinstance(op, Measurement):
            if not sep_measures:
                pq_reg = op.classical_reg.name
                real_offset = 0
                for entry in quil_regs:
                    if entry[0] == pq_reg:
                        real_offset = entry[1]
                real_offset += op.classical_reg.offset
                prog.measure(qreg[op.qubit.index], creg[real_offset])
    if sep_measures:
        return prog.to_circ(**kwargs), list(set(to_measure))
        return prog.to_circ(**kwargs)
Exemple #17
def pyquil_to_qlm(pyquil_prog, sep_measures=False, **kwargs):
    """ Converts a pyquil circuit into a qlm circuit\

        pyquil_prog: the pyquil circuit to convert
        sep_measures: if set to True measures won't be included in the resulting circuits, qubits to be measured will be put in a list, the resulting measureless circuit and this list will be returned in a tuple : (resulting_circuit, list_qubits). If set to False, measures will be converted normally\
 (Default set to False)
        kwargs: these are the options that you would use on a regular \
        to_circ function, to generate a QLM circuit from a PyAQASM program\
 these are added for more flexibility, for advanced users

        if sep_measures is True a tuple of two elements will be returned,
        first one is the QLM resulting circuit with no measures, and the
        second element of the returned tuple is a list of all qubits that
        should be measured.
        if sep_measures is False, the QLM resulting circuit is returned
    from qat.lang.AQASM import Program as QlmProgram
    prog = QlmProgram()
    qreg = prog.qalloc(len(pyquil_prog.get_qubits()))
    creg = None
    quil_regs = None
    to_measure = []
    if not sep_measures:
        creg, quil_regs = build_cregs(prog, pyquil_prog)
        to_measure = []
    for op in pyquil_prog.instructions:
        if isinstance(op, Gate):
            if len(op.params) > 0:
                if op.name == "CPHASE":
                    gate = aq.PH(*op.params).ctrl()
                    gate = QLM_GATE_DIC[op.name](*op.params)
                if op.name in QLM_GATE_DIC:
                    gate = QLM_GATE_DIC[op.name]
                    raise ValueError("Gate {} is not supported".format(
            if op.modifiers.count('DAGGER') % 2 == 1:
                gate = gate.dag()
            ctrls = op.modifiers.count('CONTROLLED')
            qubits = op.qubits
            if ctrls > 0:
                for _ in range(ctrls):
                    gate = gate.ctrl()
                qubits = list(reversed(op.qubits[:ctrls]))
            qubits = [qreg[qbit.index] for qbit in qubits]
            prog.apply(gate, *qubits)
        elif isinstance(op, Measurement):
            if not sep_measures:
                pq_reg = op.classical_reg.name
                real_offset = 0
                for entry in quil_regs:
                    if entry[0] == pq_reg:
                        real_offset = entry[1]
                real_offset += op.classical_reg.offset
                prog.measure(qreg[op.qubit.index], creg[real_offset])
    if sep_measures:
        return prog.to_circ(**kwargs), list(set(to_measure))
        return prog.to_circ(**kwargs)
Exemple #18
def qiskit_to_qlm(qiskit_circuit, sep_measures=False, **kwargs):
    Converts a Qiskit circuit into a QLM circuit.

        qiskit_circuit: The Qiskit circuit to convert
        sep_measures: If set to True measures won't be included in the
                resulting circuits, qubits to be measured will be put in a
                list, the resulting measureless circuit and this list will
                be returned in a tuple : (resulting_circuit, list_qubits).
                If set to False, measures will be converted normally
                (Defaults to False)
        kwargs: These are the options that you would use on a regular
                to_circ function, to generate a QLM circuit from a PyAQASM
                program these are added for more flexibility,
                for advanced users

        If sep_measures is True a tuple of two elements will be returned,
        first element is the QLM resulting circuit with no measures, and the
        second element of the returned tuple is a list of all qubits that
        should be measured.
        if sep_measures is False, the QLM resulting circuit is returned
    prog = Program()
    qbits_num = 0
    to_measure = []
    for reg in qiskit_circuit.qregs:
        qbits_num = qbits_num + reg.size
    qbits = prog.qalloc(qbits_num)

    cbits_num = 0
    for reg in qiskit_circuit.cregs:
        cbits_num = cbits_num + reg.size
    cbits = prog.calloc(cbits_num)
    variables = []
    for gate_op in qiskit_circuit.data:
        if gate_op[0].name == "barrier" or gate_op[0].name == "opaque":
        qbit_args = []
        cbit_args = []
        prms = []  # gate parameters
        # Get qbit arguments
        for qarg in gate_op[1]:
                _get_qindex(qiskit_circuit, qarg.register.name, qarg.index))

        # Get cbit arguments
        for carg in gate_op[2]:
                _get_cindex(qiskit_circuit, carg.register.name, carg.index))

        # Get parameters
        for param in gate_op[0]._params:
            if isinstance(param, (Parameter, ParameterExpression)):
                prms.append(_qiskit_to_qlm_param(prog, variables, param))
        # Apply measure #
        if gate_op[0].name == "measure":
            if sep_measures:
                prog.measure([qbits[i] for i in qbit_args],
                             [cbits[i] for i in cbit_args])
            if gate_op[0].name == "ms":
                # In this case, the process function needs the number of qubits
            # Apply gates #
            num_ctrl_qubits = None
                num_ctrl_qubits = gate_op[0].num_ctrl_qubits
            gate = get_gate(gate_op[0].name, prms, num_ctrl_qubits)
            prog.apply(gate, *[qbits[i] for i in qbit_args][:gate.arity])
    if sep_measures:
        return prog.to_circ(**kwargs), list(set(to_measure))

    return prog.to_circ(**kwargs)
    def test0_default_gates_and_qbit_reorder(self):
        Tries out every default gate and check that they match
        once the Qiskit circuit is translated into a QLM circuit.
        qreg1 = QuantumRegister(2)
        qreg2 = QuantumRegister(1)
        qreg3 = QuantumRegister(2)
        creg = ClassicalRegister(5)
        ocirc = QuantumCircuit(qreg1, qreg2, qreg3, creg)

        gates_1qb_0prm, gates_1qb_1prm, gates_2qb_0prm, \
            gates_2qb_1prm, gates_3qb_0prm = gen_gates(ocirc)

        for gate_op in gates_1qb_0prm:
        for gate_op in gates_1qb_1prm:
            gate_op(3.14, qreg2[0])
        for gate_op in gates_2qb_0prm:
            gate_op(qreg3[0], qreg1[1])
        for gate_op in gates_2qb_1prm:
            gate_op(3.14, qreg3[0], qreg1[1])
        for gate_op in gates_3qb_0prm:
            gate_op(qreg2[0], qreg3[1], qreg1[1])

        ocirc.u(3.14, 3.14, 3.14, qreg3[0])
        ocirc.r(3.14, 3.14, qreg3[0])
        ocirc.ms(3.14, [qreg1[1], qreg2[0], qreg3[0]])

        ocirc.measure(qreg1[0], creg[4])
        ocirc.measure(qreg1[1], creg[3])
        ocirc.measure(qreg2[0], creg[2])
        ocirc.measure(qreg3[0], creg[1])
        ocirc.measure(qreg3[1], creg[0])

        result = qiskit_to_qlm(ocirc)

        prog = Program()
        qubits = prog.qalloc(5)
        cbits = prog.calloc(5)
        for gate_op in PYGATES_1QB:
            prog.apply(gate_op, qubits[2])
        for gate_op in PYGATES_2QB:
            prog.apply(gate_op, qubits[3], qubits[1])

        prog.apply(SWAP.ctrl(), qubits[2], qubits[4], qubits[1])
        prog.apply(X.ctrl().ctrl(), qubits[2], qubits[4], qubits[1])
        prog.apply(U3(3.14, 3.14, 3.14), qubits[3])
        prog.apply(R(3.14, 3.14), qubits[3])
        prog.apply(MS(3.14, 3), qubits[1], qubits[2], qubits[3])

        for i in range(5):
            prog.measure(qubits[i], cbits[4 - i])

        expected = prog.to_circ()

        self.assertEqual(len(result.ops), len(expected.ops))
        for res_op, exp_op in zip(result.ops, expected.ops):
            if res_op.type == OpType.MEASURE:
                self.assertEqual(res_op, exp_op)
            result_gate_name, result_gate_params = extract_syntax(
                result.gateDic[res_op.gate], result.gateDic)
            LOGGER.debug("got gate {} with params {} on qbits {}".format(
                result_gate_name, result_gate_params, res_op.qbits))

            expected_gate_name, expected_gate_params = extract_syntax(
                expected.gateDic[exp_op.gate], expected.gateDic)
            LOGGER.debug("expected gate {} with params {} on qbits {}".format(
                expected_gate_name, expected_gate_params, exp_op.qbits))

            self.assertEqual(expected_gate_name, result_gate_name)
            self.assertEqual(expected_gate_params, result_gate_params)
            self.assertEqual(exp_op.qbits, res_op.qbits)

        LOGGER.debug("\nResults obtained:")
        qpu = BackendToQPU()
        result_job = result.to_job(nbshots=1024)
        qiskit_result = qpu.submit(result_job)
        for entry in qiskit_result.raw_data:
            LOGGER.debug("State: {}\t probability: {}".format(
                entry.state, entry.probability))

        LOGGER.debug("\nResults expected:")
        expected_job = expected.to_job(nbshots=1024)
        qlm_result = qpu.submit(expected_job)
        for entry in qlm_result.raw_data:
            LOGGER.debug("State: {}\t probability: {}".format(
                entry.state, entry.probability))

        self.assertEqual(len(qiskit_result.raw_data), len(qlm_result.raw_data))
        states_expected = [str(entry.state) for entry in qlm_result.raw_data]
        for entry in qiskit_result.raw_data:
            self.assertTrue(str(entry.state) in states_expected)
    def test2_asyncqiskit_qpu_ibmq_experience(self):
        Same as test0 of the same class, but using ibmq token if it is
        provided in the file tests/ibmq_token. Only create this file if
        you do want to test the ibmq service. If it is not provided,
        it will simply run a test identical to test0.
        nbqubits = 2

        prog = Program()

        qreg = prog.qalloc(nbqubits)
        creg = prog.calloc(nbqubits)

        prog.apply(H, qreg[0])
        prog.apply(CNOT, qreg[0], qreg[1])

        prog.measure(qreg, creg)
        qlm_circuit = prog.to_circ()

        qlm_job1 = qlm_circuit.to_job(nbshots=1024)
        qlm_job2 = qlm_circuit.to_job(nbshots=1024)
        batch = Batch(jobs=[qlm_job1, qlm_job2])

        # a backend is specified
        backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
        qpu = AsyncBackendToQPU(backend)
        path_to_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './ibmq_token')

        LOGGER.warning("This may take a few seconds...")

        if os.path.exists(path_to_file) and os.path.getsize(path_to_file) > 0:
            with open(path_to_file, 'r') as token:

        job = qpu.submit(batch)
        string = "\nAsyncBackendToQPU test with a Hadamard and a CNOT " \
            + "(expects two different measured states):"
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", job.job_id(), job.status())
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", job.job_id(), job.status())
        LOGGER.debug("ID: %s\t status : %s", job.job_id(), job.status())

        while job.result() is None:

        results = job.result()

        for result in results:
            for entry in result.raw_data:
                LOGGER.debug("State: %s\t probability: %s", entry.state,
                self.assertEqual(2, len(result.raw_data))
                    "|00>" in
                    [str(result.raw_data[i].state) for i in range(2)])
                    "|11>" in
                    [str(result.raw_data[i].state) for i in range(2)])