Exemple #1
def coc(station,

    for v, variable in enumerate(variable_list):

        st_var = getattr(station, variable)
        all_filtered = utils.apply_filter_flags(st_var)

        # is this needed 13th Nov 2014 RJHD
        #reporting_resolution = utils.reporting_accuracy(utils.apply_filter_flags(st_var))

        month_ranges = utils.month_starts_in_pairs(start, end)
        month_ranges = month_ranges.reshape(-1, 12, 2)

        for month in range(12):

            hourly_climatologies = np.zeros(24)

            # append all e.g. Januaries together

            this_month, year_ids, dummy = utils.concatenate_months(
                month_ranges[:, month, :], st_var.data, hours=True)
            this_month_filtered, dummy, dummy = utils.concatenate_months(
                month_ranges[:, month, :], all_filtered, hours=True)

            # if fixed climatology period, sort this here

            # get as array of 24 hrs.
            this_month = np.ma.array(this_month)
            this_month = this_month.reshape(-1, 24)

            this_month_filtered = np.ma.array(this_month_filtered)
            this_month_filtered = this_month_filtered.reshape(-1, 24)

            # get hourly climatology for each month
            for hour in range(24):

                this_hour = this_month[:, hour]

                # need to have data if this is going to work!
                if len(this_hour.compressed()) > 0:

                    # winsorize & climatologies - done to match IDL
                    if idl:
                        this_hour = utils.winsorize(np.append(
                            this_hour.compressed(), -999999),
                        hourly_climatologies[hour] = np.ma.sum(this_hour) / (
                            len(this_hour) - 1)

                        this_hour = utils.winsorize(this_hour.compressed(),
                        hourly_climatologies[hour] = np.ma.mean(this_hour)

            if len(this_month.compressed()) > 0:
                # can get stations with few obs in a particular variable.

                # anomalise each hour over month appropriately

                anomalies = this_month - np.tile(hourly_climatologies,
                                                 (this_month.shape[0], 1))
                anomalies_filtered = this_month_filtered - np.tile(
                    hourly_climatologies, (this_month_filtered.shape[0], 1))

                if len(anomalies.compressed()) >= 10:
                    iqr = utils.IQR(anomalies.compressed().reshape(
                        -1)) / 2.  # to match IDL
                    if iqr < 1.5: iqr = 1.5
                    iqr = st_var.mdi

                normed_anomalies = anomalies / iqr
                normed_anomalies_filtered = anomalies_filtered / iqr

                # get average anomaly for year
                year_ids = np.array(year_ids)
                monthly_vqvs = np.ma.zeros(month_ranges.shape[0])
                monthly_vqvs.mask = [
                    False for x in range(month_ranges.shape[0])
                for year in range(month_ranges.shape[0]):
                    year_locs = np.where(year_ids == year)
                    this_year = normed_anomalies_filtered[year_locs, :]

                    if len(this_year.compressed()) > 0:
                        # need to have data for this to work!
                        if idl:
                            monthly_vqvs[year] = utils.idl_median(
                            monthly_vqvs[year] = np.ma.median(this_year)
                        monthly_vqvs.mask[year] = True

                # low pass filter
                normed_anomalies = coc_low_pass_filter(normed_anomalies,
                                                       year_ids, monthly_vqvs,

                # copy from distributional_gap.py - refactor!
                # get the threshold value
                bins, bincenters = utils.create_bins(normed_anomalies, 1.)

                hist, binEdges = np.histogram(normed_anomalies, bins=bins)

                gaussian = utils.fit_gaussian(bincenters,
                minimum_threshold = round(
                    1. + utils.invert_gaussian(FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD, gaussian))

                if diagnostics:
                    print iqr, minimum_threshold, 1. + utils.invert_gaussian(
                        FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD, gaussian)
                    print gaussian
                    print hist

                if plots:

                uppercount = len(
                    np.where(normed_anomalies > minimum_threshold)[0])
                lowercount = len(
                    np.where(normed_anomalies < -minimum_threshold)[0])

                these_flags = station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]]
                gap_plot_values, tentative_plot_values = [], []

                # find the gaps and apply the flags

                gap_start = dgc.dgc_find_gap(hist,
                                             gap_size=1)  # in DGC it is 2.
                these_flags, gap_plot_values, tentative_plot_values =\
                    coc_find_and_apply_flags(month_ranges[:,month,:],normed_anomalies, these_flags, year_ids, minimum_threshold, gap_start, \
                                                           upper = True, plots = plots, gpv = gap_plot_values, tpv = tentative_plot_values)

                gap_start = dgc.dgc_find_gap(hist,
                                             gap_size=1)  # in DGC it is 2.
                these_flags, gap_plot_values, tentative_plot_values =\
                    coc_find_and_apply_flags(month_ranges[:,month,:],normed_anomalies, these_flags, year_ids, minimum_threshold, gap_start, \
                                                           upper = False, plots = plots, gpv = gap_plot_values, tpv = tentative_plot_values)

                station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] = these_flags

                if uppercount + lowercount > 1000:
                    #print "not sorted spurious stations yet"
                if plots:
                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                    hist, binEdges = np.histogram(tentative_plot_values,
                    plot_hist = np.array([0.01 if h == 0 else h for h in hist])

                    hist, binEdges = np.histogram(gap_plot_values, bins=bins)
                    plot_hist = np.array([0.01 if h == 0 else h for h in hist])
                    import calendar
                             calendar.month_name[month + 1],
                    leg = plt.legend(loc='lower center',
                                     bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.2),
                                     prop={'size': 13},
                    plt.setp(leg.get_title(), fontsize=14)

        flag_locs = np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] != 0)

        # copy flags into attribute
        st_var.flags[flag_locs] = 1

        if plots or diagnostics:
            print "where\n"
            nflags = len(np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] == 1)[0])
                                           "  Firm Clim",
            nflags = len(np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] == 2)[0])
                                           "  Tentative Clim",
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "Climatological", variable,
            nflags = len(np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] == 1)[0])
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "  Firm Clim", variable,
            nflags = len(np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] == 2)[0])
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "  Tentative Clim",
                                           variable, nflags)

        # firm flags match 030220
    station = utils.append_history(station, "Climatological Check")

Exemple #2
def evc(station, variable_list, flag_col, start, end, logfile, diagnostics = False, plots = False, idl = False):
    if plots or diagnostics:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import calendar

    # very similar to climatological check - ensure that not duplicating
    for v, variable in enumerate(variable_list):
        st_var = getattr(station, variable)
        reporting_resolution = utils.reporting_accuracy(utils.apply_filter_flags(st_var))
        reporting_freq = utils.reporting_frequency(utils.apply_filter_flags(st_var))
        month_ranges = utils.month_starts_in_pairs(start, end)
        month_ranges = month_ranges.reshape(-1,12,2)

        month_data_count = np.zeros(month_ranges.shape[0:2])

        # for each month
        for month in range(12):

            # set up hourly climatologies
            hourly_clims = np.zeros(24)

            this_month, year_ids, month_data_count[:,month] = utils.concatenate_months(month_ranges[:,month,:], st_var.data, hours = True)

            # # extract each year and append together
            # year_ids = [] # counter to determine which year each day corresponds to
            # for year in range(month_ranges.shape[0]):
            #     this_year = st_var.data[month_ranges[year,month][0]:month_ranges[year,month][1]]
            #     if year == 0:
            #         # store so can access each hour of day separately
            #         this_month = this_year.reshape(-1,24)
            #         year_ids = [year for x in range(this_month.shape[0])]
            #         month_data_count[year,month] = len(this_year.compressed())
            #     else:
            #         this_year = this_year.reshape(-1,24)
            #         this_month = np.ma.concatenate((this_month, this_year), axis = 0)
            #         year_ids.extend([year for x in range(this_year.shape[0])])
            #         month_data_count[year,month] = len(this_year.compressed())

            # winsorize and get hourly climatology 
            for h in range(24):
                this_hour = this_month[:,h]
                if len(this_hour.compressed()) > 100:

                    # winsorize & climatologies - done to match IDL
                    if idl:
                        this_hour_winsorized = utils.winsorize(np.append(this_hour.compressed(), -999999), 0.05, idl = idl)
                        hourly_clims[h] = np.ma.sum(this_hour_winsorized)/(len(this_hour_winsorized) - 1)
                        this_hour_winsorized = utils.winsorize(this_hour.compressed(), 0.05, idl = idl)
                        hourly_clims[h] = np.ma.mean(this_hour_winsorized)
            hourly_clims = np.ma.masked_where(hourly_clims == st_var.data.fill_value, hourly_clims)           
            anomalies = this_month - np.tile(hourly_clims, (this_month.shape[0], 1))
            # extract IQR of anomalies (using 1/2 value to match IDL)
            if len(anomalies.compressed()) >= 10:
                iqr = utils.IQR(anomalies.compressed().reshape(-1)) / 2. # to match IDL
                if iqr < 1.5: iqr = 1.5

                iqr = st_var.mdi
            normed_anomalies = anomalies / iqr

            variances = np.ma.zeros(month_ranges.shape[0])
            variances.mask = [False for i in range(month_ranges.shape[0])]
            rep_accuracies = np.zeros(month_ranges.shape[0])
            rep_freqs = np.zeros(month_ranges.shape[0])
            year_ids = np.array(year_ids)
            # extract variance of normalised anomalies for each year
            for y, year in enumerate(range(month_ranges.shape[0])):
                year_locs = np.where(year_ids == y)
                this_year = normed_anomalies[year_locs,:]
                this_year = this_year.reshape(-1)
            # end of similarity with Climatological check
                if len(this_year.compressed()) >= 30:
                    variances[y] = utils.mean_absolute_deviation(this_year, median = True)
                    rep_accuracies[y] = utils.reporting_accuracy(this_year)
                    rep_freqs[y] = utils.reporting_frequency(this_year)

                    variances.mask[y] = True

            good = np.where(month_data_count[:,month] >= 100)
            # get median and IQR of variance for all years for this month
            if len(good[0]) >= 10:
                median_variance = np.median(variances[good])
                iqr_variance = utils.IQR(variances[good]) / 2. # to match IDL
                if iqr_variance < 0.01: iqr_variance = 0.01
                median_variance = st_var.mdi
                iqr_variance = st_var.mdi

            # if SLP, then get median and MAD of SLP and windspeed for month
            if variable in ["slp", "windspeeds"]:
                winds = getattr(station, "windspeeds")
                slp = getattr(station, "slp")
                # refactor this as similar in style to how target data extracted  
                for y, year in enumerate(range(month_ranges.shape[0])):
                    if y == 0:
                        winds_year = winds.data[month_ranges[year,month][0]:month_ranges[year,month][1]]
                        winds_month = winds_year.reshape(-1,24)
                        slp_year = slp.data[month_ranges[year,month][0]:month_ranges[year,month][1]]
                        slp_month = slp_year.reshape(-1,24)
                        winds_year = winds.data[month_ranges[year,month][0]:month_ranges[year,month][1]]                  
                        winds_year = winds_year.reshape(-1,24)
                        winds_month = np.ma.concatenate((winds_month, winds_year), axis = 0)
                        slp_year = slp.data[month_ranges[year,month][0]:month_ranges[year,month][1]]                  
                        slp_year =  slp_year.reshape(-1,24)
                        slp_month = np.ma.concatenate((slp_month, slp_year), axis = 0)
                median_wind = np.ma.median(winds_month)
                median_slp  = np.ma.median(slp_month)
                wind_MAD = utils.mean_absolute_deviation(winds_month.compressed())
                slp_MAD = utils.mean_absolute_deviation(slp_month.compressed())
                if diagnostics:
                    print "median windspeed {} m/s, MAD = {}".format(median_wind, wind_MAD)
                    print "median slp {} hPa, MAD = {}".format(median_slp, slp_MAD)

            # now test to see if variance exceeds expected range
            for y, year in enumerate(range(month_ranges.shape[0])):

                if (variances[y] != st_var.mdi) and (iqr_variance != st_var.mdi) and \
                    (median_variance != st_var.mdi) and (month_data_count[y,month] >= DATA_COUNT_THRESHOLD):
                    # if SLP, then need to test if deep low pressure ("hurricane/storm") present
                    #   as this will increase the variance for this month + year
                    if variable in ["slp", "windspeeds"]:
                        iqr_threshold = 6.
                        # increase threshold if reporting frequency and resolution of this
                        #   year doesn't match average
                        if (rep_accuracies[y] != reporting_resolution) and \
                            (rep_freqs[y] != reporting_freq):
                            iqr_threshold = 8.
                        if diagnostics:
                            print np.abs(variances[y] - median_variance) / iqr_variance, variances[y] , median_variance , iqr_variance , iqr_threshold, month+1, year+start.year
                        if np.abs((variances[y] - median_variance) / iqr_variance) > iqr_threshold:
                            # check for storms     
                            winds_month = winds.data[month_ranges[year,month][0]:month_ranges[year,month][1]]                  
                            slp_month = slp.data[month_ranges[year,month][0]:month_ranges[year,month][1]]                  
                            storm = False
                            if (len(winds_month.compressed()) >= 1) and (len(slp_month.compressed()) >= 1):
                                # find max wind & min SLP
                                # max_wind_loc = np.where(winds_month == np.max(winds_month))[0][0]
                                # min_slp_loc = np.where(slp_month == np.min(slp_month))[0][0]

                                # if these are above thresholds and within one day of each other,
                                #    then it likely was a storm
                                # print "fix this in case of multiple max/min locations"
                                # if (np.abs(max_wind_loc - min_slp_loc) <= 24) and \ 
                                #     (((np.max(winds_month) - median_wind) / wind_MAD) > MAD_THRESHOLD) and \
                                #     (((median_slp - np.min(slp_month)) / slp_MAD) > MAD_THRESHOLD): 

                                # locations where winds greater than threshold
                                high_winds, = np.where((winds_month - median_wind)/wind_MAD > MAD_THRESHOLD)
                                # and where SLP less than threshold
                                low_slps, = np.where((median_slp - slp_month)/slp_MAD > MAD_THRESHOLD)

                                # if any locations match, then it's a storm
                                match_loc = high_winds[np.in1d(high_winds, low_slps)]
                                if len(match_loc) > 0:
                                    storm = True
                                print "write spurious"
                            # check the SLP first difference series
                            #   to ensure a drop down and climb out of minimum SLP/or climb up and down from maximum wind speed
                            if variable == "slp":
                                diffs = np.diff(slp_month.compressed())
                            elif variable == "windspeeds":
                                diffs = np.diff(winds_month.compressed())
                            negs, poss = 0,0
                            biggest_neg, biggest_pos = 0,0
                            for diff in diffs:
                                if diff > 0:
                                    if negs > biggest_neg: biggest_neg = negs
                                    negs = 0
                                    poss += 1
                                    if poss > biggest_pos: biggest_pos = poss
                                    poss = 0
                                    negs += 1
                            if (biggest_neg < 10) and (biggest_pos < 10) and not storm:
                                # not a hurricane, so mask
                                station.qc_flags[month_ranges[year,month,0]:month_ranges[year,month,1], flag_col[v]] = 1
                                if plots or diagnostics:
                                    print "No Storm or Hurricane in %i %i - flagging\n" % (month+1, y+start.year)
                                    logfile.write("No Storm or Hurricane in %i %i - flagging\n" % (month+1, y+start.year))
                                # hurricane
                                if plots or diagnostics:
                                    print "Storm or Hurricane in %i %i - not flagging\n" % (month+1, y+start.year)
                                    logfile.write("Storm or Hurricane in %i %i - not flagging\n" % (month+1, y+start.year))
                            if plots:
                                # plot showing the pressure, pressure first differences and the wind speeds
                                plot_times = utils.times_hours_to_datetime(station.time.data[month_ranges[year,month][0]:month_ranges[year,month][1]], start)

                                evc_plot_slp_wind(plot_times, slp_month, diffs, median_slp, slp_MAD, winds_month, median_wind, wind_MAD)

                        iqr_threshold = 8.
                        if (rep_accuracies[y] != reporting_resolution) and \
                            (rep_freqs[y] != reporting_freq):
                            iqr_threshold = 10.

                        if np.abs(variances[y] - median_variance) / iqr_variance > iqr_threshold:
                            if diagnostics:
                                print "flagging {} {}".format(year+start.year,calendar.month_name[month+1])
                            # remove the data 
                            station.qc_flags[month_ranges[year,month,0]:month_ranges[year,month,1], flag_col[v]] = 1

            if plots:
                plot_variances = (variances - median_variance) / iqr_variance

                plot_variances = np.ma.masked_where(month_data_count[:,month] < DATA_COUNT_THRESHOLD,plot_variances)
                evc_plot_hist(plot_variances, iqr_threshold, "Variance Check - %s - %s" % (variable, calendar.month_name[month+1]))
        flag_locs = np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] != 0)
        if plots or diagnostics:
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "Variance", variable, len(flag_locs[0]), noWrite = True)
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "Variance", variable, len(flag_locs[0]))
        # copy flags into attribute
        st_var.flags[flag_locs] = 1

    # matches 030660 for T, D and SLP 21/8/2014

    station = utils.append_history(station, "Excess Variance Check")

    return # evc
Exemple #3
def coc(station, variable_list, flag_col, start, end, logfile, diagnostics = False, plots = False, idl = False):
    for v, variable in enumerate(variable_list):
        st_var = getattr(station, variable)
        all_filtered = utils.apply_filter_flags(st_var)
        # is this needed 13th Nov 2014 RJHD
        #reporting_resolution = utils.reporting_accuracy(utils.apply_filter_flags(st_var))
        month_ranges = utils.month_starts_in_pairs(start, end)
        month_ranges = month_ranges.reshape(-1,12,2)
        for month in range(12):
            hourly_climatologies = np.zeros(24)
            # append all e.g. Januaries together

            this_month, year_ids, dummy = utils.concatenate_months(month_ranges[:,month,:], st_var.data, hours = True)
            this_month_filtered, dummy, dummy = utils.concatenate_months(month_ranges[:,month,:], all_filtered, hours = True)

            # if fixed climatology period, sort this here
            # get as array of 24 hrs.  
            this_month = np.ma.array(this_month)
            this_month = this_month.reshape(-1,24)

            this_month_filtered = np.ma.array(this_month_filtered)
            this_month_filtered = this_month_filtered.reshape(-1,24)

            # get hourly climatology for each month
            for hour in range(24):
                this_hour = this_month[:,hour]

                # need to have data if this is going to work!
                if len(this_hour.compressed()) > 0:

                    # winsorize & climatologies - done to match IDL
                    if idl:
                        this_hour = utils.winsorize(np.append(this_hour.compressed(), -999999), 0.05, idl = idl)
                        hourly_climatologies[hour] = np.ma.sum(this_hour)/(len(this_hour) - 1)

                        this_hour = utils.winsorize(this_hour.compressed(), 0.05, idl = idl)
                        hourly_climatologies[hour] = np.ma.mean(this_hour)

            if len(this_month.compressed()) > 0:
                # can get stations with few obs in a particular variable.

                # anomalise each hour over month appropriately

                anomalies = this_month - np.tile(hourly_climatologies, (this_month.shape[0],1))
                anomalies_filtered = this_month_filtered - np.tile(hourly_climatologies, (this_month_filtered.shape[0],1))

                if len(anomalies.compressed()) >= 10:
                    iqr = utils.IQR(anomalies.compressed().reshape(-1))/2.  # to match IDL
                    if iqr < 1.5: iqr = 1.5
                    iqr = st_var.mdi

                normed_anomalies = anomalies / iqr
                normed_anomalies_filtered = anomalies_filtered / iqr

                # get average anomaly for year
                year_ids = np.array(year_ids)
                monthly_vqvs = np.ma.zeros(month_ranges.shape[0])
                monthly_vqvs.mask = [False for x in range(month_ranges.shape[0])]
                for year in range(month_ranges.shape[0]):
                    year_locs = np.where(year_ids == year)
                    this_year = normed_anomalies_filtered[year_locs,:]

                    if len(this_year.compressed()) > 0:
                        # need to have data for this to work!
                        if idl:
                            monthly_vqvs[year] = utils.idl_median(this_year.compressed().reshape(-1))
                            monthly_vqvs[year] = np.ma.median(this_year)
                        monthly_vqvs.mask[year] = True

                # low pass filter
                normed_anomalies = coc_low_pass_filter(normed_anomalies, year_ids, monthly_vqvs, month_ranges.shape[0])

                # copy from distributional_gap.py - refactor!
                # get the threshold value
                bins, bincenters = utils.create_bins(normed_anomalies, 1.)

                hist, binEdges = np.histogram(normed_anomalies, bins = bins)

                gaussian = utils.fit_gaussian(bincenters, hist, max(hist), mu=np.mean(normed_anomalies), sig = np.std(normed_anomalies))
                minimum_threshold = round(1. + utils.invert_gaussian(FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD, gaussian))

                if diagnostics:
                    print iqr, minimum_threshold, 1. + utils.invert_gaussian(FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD, gaussian)
                    print gaussian
                    print hist

                if plots:
                    coc_set_up_plot(bincenters, hist, gaussian, variable, threshold = minimum_threshold, sub_par = "observations")

                uppercount = len(np.where(normed_anomalies > minimum_threshold)[0])
                lowercount = len(np.where(normed_anomalies < -minimum_threshold)[0])

                these_flags = station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]]
                gap_plot_values, tentative_plot_values = [], []

                # find the gaps and apply the flags

                gap_start = dgc.dgc_find_gap(hist, binEdges, minimum_threshold, gap_size = 1) # in DGC it is 2.
                these_flags, gap_plot_values, tentative_plot_values =\
                    coc_find_and_apply_flags(month_ranges[:,month,:],normed_anomalies, these_flags, year_ids, minimum_threshold, gap_start, \
                                                           upper = True, plots = plots, gpv = gap_plot_values, tpv = tentative_plot_values)

                gap_start = dgc.dgc_find_gap(hist, binEdges, -minimum_threshold, gap_size = 1) # in DGC it is 2.
                these_flags, gap_plot_values, tentative_plot_values =\
                    coc_find_and_apply_flags(month_ranges[:,month,:],normed_anomalies, these_flags, year_ids, minimum_threshold, gap_start, \
                                                           upper = False, plots = plots, gpv = gap_plot_values, tpv = tentative_plot_values)

                station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] = these_flags

                if uppercount + lowercount > 1000:
                    #print "not sorted spurious stations yet"
                if plots:
                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                    hist, binEdges = np.histogram(tentative_plot_values, bins = bins)
                    plot_hist = np.array([0.01 if h == 0 else h for h in hist])
                    plt.step(bincenters, plot_hist, c='orange', ls='-', label = 'tentative', where='mid')

                    hist, binEdges = np.histogram(gap_plot_values, bins = bins)
                    plot_hist = np.array([0.01 if h == 0 else h for h in hist])
                    plt.step(bincenters, plot_hist, 'r-', label = 'flagged', where='mid')
                    import calendar
                    plt.text(0.1,0.9,calendar.month_name[month+1], transform = plt.gca().transAxes)
                    leg=plt.legend(loc='lower center',ncol=4, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,-0.2),frameon=False,prop={'size':13},labelspacing=0.15,columnspacing=0.5)
                    plt.setp(leg.get_title(), fontsize=14)

        flag_locs = np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] != 0)

        # copy flags into attribute
        st_var.flags[flag_locs] = 1

        if plots or diagnostics:
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "Climatological", variable, len(flag_locs[0]), noWrite = True)
            print "where\n"
            nflags = len(np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] == 1)[0])
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "  Firm Clim", variable, nflags, noWrite = True)
            nflags = len(np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] == 2)[0])
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "  Tentative Clim", variable, nflags, noWrite = True)
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "Climatological", variable, len(flag_locs[0]))
            nflags = len(np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] == 1)[0])
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "  Firm Clim", variable, nflags)
            nflags = len(np.where(station.qc_flags[:, flag_col[v]] == 2)[0])
            utils.print_flagged_obs_number(logfile, "  Tentative Clim", variable, nflags)

        # firm flags match 030220
    station = utils.append_history(station, "Climatological Check")  
Exemple #4
def prepare_data(obs_var, station, month, diagnostics=False, winsorize=True):
    Calculate the monthly variances

    :param MetVar obs_var: meteorological variable object
    :param Station station: station object
    :param int month: which month to run on
    :param bool plots: turn on plots
    :param bool diagnostics: turn on diagnostic output
    :param bool winsorize: apply winsorization at 5%/95%

    anomalies = np.ma.zeros(obs_var.data.shape[0])
    anomalies.mask = np.ones(anomalies.shape[0])
    normed_anomalies = np.ma.copy(anomalies)

    mlocs, = np.where(station.months == month)
    anomalies.mask[mlocs] = False
    normed_anomalies.mask[mlocs] = False

    hourly_clims = np.ma.zeros(24)
    hourly_clims.mask = np.ones(24)
    for hour in range(24):

        # calculate climatology
        hlocs, = np.where(
            np.logical_and(station.months == month, station.hours == hour))

        hour_data = obs_var.data[hlocs]

        if winsorize:
            if len(hour_data.compressed()) > 10:
                hour_data = utils.winsorize(hour_data, 5)

        if len(hour_data.compressed()) >= utils.DATA_COUNT_THRESHOLD:
            hourly_clims[hour] = np.ma.mean(hour_data)
            hourly_clims.mask[hour] = False

        # make anomalies - keeping the order
        anomalies[hlocs] = obs_var.data[hlocs] - hourly_clims[hour]

    if len(anomalies[mlocs].compressed()) >= MIN_VARIANCES:
        # for the month, normalise anomalies by spread
        spread = utils.spread(anomalies[mlocs])
        if spread < 1.5:
            spread = 1.5
        spread = 1.5

    normed_anomalies[mlocs] = anomalies[mlocs] / spread

    # calculate the variance for each year in this single month.
    all_years = np.unique(station.years)

    variances = np.ma.zeros(all_years.shape[0])
    variances.mask = np.ones(all_years.shape[0])
    for y, year in enumerate(all_years):

        ymlocs, = np.where(
            np.logical_and(station.months == month, station.years == year))
        this_year = normed_anomalies[ymlocs]

        # HadISD used M.A.D.
        if this_year.compressed().shape[0] > MIN_VALUES:
            variances[y] = utils.spread(this_year)

    return variances  # prepare_data
Exemple #5
def prepare_data(obs_var, station, month, diagnostics=False, winsorize=True):
    Prepare the data for the climatological check.  Makes anomalies and applies low-pass filter

    :param MetVar obs_var: meteorological variable object
    :param Station station: station object
    :param int month: which month to run on
    :param bool plots: turn on plots
    :param bool diagnostics: turn on diagnostic output
    :param bool winsorize: apply winsorization at 5%/95%

    anomalies = np.ma.zeros(obs_var.data.shape[0])
    anomalies.mask = np.ones(anomalies.shape[0])
    normed_anomalies = np.ma.copy(anomalies)

    mlocs, = np.where(station.months == month)

    nyears = len(np.unique(station.years[mlocs]))

    # need to have some data and in at least 5 years!
    if len(mlocs) >= utils.DATA_COUNT_THRESHOLD and nyears >= 5:

        anomalies.mask[mlocs] = False
        normed_anomalies.mask[mlocs] = False

        hourly_clims = np.ma.zeros(24)
        hourly_clims.mask = np.ones(24)
        for hour in range(24):

            # calculate climatology
            hlocs, = np.where(
                np.logical_and(station.months == month, station.hours == hour))

            hour_data = obs_var.data[hlocs]

            if winsorize:
                if len(hour_data.compressed()) > 10:
                    hour_data = utils.winsorize(hour_data, 5)

            if len(hour_data) >= utils.DATA_COUNT_THRESHOLD:
                hourly_clims[hour] = np.ma.mean(hour_data)
                hourly_clims.mask[hour] = False

            # make anomalies - keeping the order
            anomalies[hlocs] = obs_var.data[hlocs] - hourly_clims[hour]

        # if insufficient data at each hour, then no anomalies calculated
        if len(anomalies[mlocs].compressed()) >= utils.DATA_COUNT_THRESHOLD:

            # for the month, normalise anomalies by spread
            spread = utils.spread(anomalies[mlocs])
            if spread < 1.5:
                spread = 1.5

            normed_anomalies[mlocs] = anomalies[mlocs] / spread

            # apply low pass filter derived from monthly values
            all_years = np.unique(station.years)
            monthly_anoms = np.ma.zeros(all_years.shape[0])
            for y, year in enumerate(all_years):

                ylocs, = np.where(station.years == year)
                year_data = obs_var.data[ylocs]

                monthly_anoms[y] = utils.average(year_data)

            lp_filtered_anomalies = low_pass_filter(normed_anomalies, station,
                                                    monthly_anoms, month)

            return lp_filtered_anomalies  # prepare_data

            return anomalies  # prepare_data
        return anomalies  # prepare_data