Exemple #1
def connect(name: Union[str, Path], debug: bool = False,
            version: int = -1) -> ConnectionPlus:
    Connect or create  database. If debug the queries will be echoed back.
    This function takes care of registering the numpy/sqlite type
    converters that we need.

        name: name or path to the sqlite file
        debug: whether or not to turn on tracing
        version: which version to create. We count from 0. -1 means 'latest'.
            Should always be left at -1 except when testing.

        conn: connection object to the database (note, it is
            `ConnectionPlus`, not `sqlite3.Connection`

    # register numpy->binary(TEXT) adapter
    sqlite3.register_adapter(np.ndarray, _adapt_array)
    # register binary(TEXT) -> numpy converter
    sqlite3.register_converter("array", _convert_array)

    sqlite3_conn = sqlite3.connect(name, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES,
    conn = ConnectionPlus(sqlite3_conn)

    latest_supported_version = _latest_available_version()
    db_version = get_user_version(conn)

    if db_version > latest_supported_version:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Database {name} is version {db_version} but this "
                           f"version of QCoDeS supports up to "
                           f"version {latest_supported_version}")

    # sqlite3 options
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

    # Make sure numpy ints and floats types are inserted properly
    for numpy_int in numpy_ints:
        sqlite3.register_adapter(numpy_int, int)

    sqlite3.register_converter("numeric", _convert_numeric)

    for numpy_float in (float,) + numpy_floats:
        sqlite3.register_adapter(numpy_float, _adapt_float)

    for complex_type in complex_types:
        sqlite3.register_adapter(complex_type, _adapt_complex)
    sqlite3.register_converter("complex", _convert_complex)

    if debug:

    perform_db_upgrade(conn, version=version)
    return conn
Exemple #2
def get_db_version_and_newest_available_version(
        path_to_db: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    Connect to a DB without performing any upgrades and get the version of
    that database file along with the newest available version (the one that
    a normal "connect" will automatically upgrade to)

        path_to_db: the absolute path to the DB file

        A tuple of (db_version, latest_available_version)
    conn = connect(path_to_db, version=0)
    db_version = get_user_version(conn)

    return db_version, _latest_available_version()
Exemple #3
def connect(name: str,
            debug: bool = False,
            version: int = -1) -> ConnectionPlus:
    Connect or create  database. If debug the queries will be echoed back.
    This function takes care of registering the numpy/sqlite type
    converters that we need.

        name: name or path to the sqlite file
        debug: whether or not to turn on tracing
        version: which version to create. We count from 0. -1 means 'latest'.
            Should always be left at -1 except when testing.

        conn: connection object to the database (note, it is
            `ConnectionPlus`, not `sqlite3.Connection`

    # register numpy->binary(TEXT) adapter
    # the typing here is ignored due to what we think is a flaw in typeshed
    # see https://github.com/python/typeshed/issues/2429
    sqlite3.register_adapter(np.ndarray, _adapt_array)  # type: ignore
    # register binary(TEXT) -> numpy converter
    # for some reasons mypy complains about this
    sqlite3.register_converter("array", _convert_array)

    sqlite3_conn = sqlite3.connect(name, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
    conn = ConnectionPlus(sqlite3_conn)

    latest_supported_version = _latest_available_version()
    db_version = get_user_version(conn)

    if db_version > latest_supported_version:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Database {name} is version {db_version} but this "
                           f"version of QCoDeS supports up to "
                           f"version {latest_supported_version}")

    # sqlite3 options
    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

    # Make sure numpy ints and floats types are inserted properly
    for numpy_int in [
            np.int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint, np.uint8,
            np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64
        sqlite3.register_adapter(numpy_int, int)

    sqlite3.register_converter("numeric", _convert_numeric)

    for numpy_float in [np.float, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
        sqlite3.register_adapter(numpy_float, _adapt_float)

    for complex_type in complex_types:
        sqlite3.register_adapter(complex_type, _adapt_complex)  # type: ignore
    sqlite3.register_converter("complex", _convert_complex)

    if debug:

    perform_db_upgrade(conn, version=version)
    return conn
def test_latest_available_version():
    assert _latest_available_version() == 9
def location_and_station_set_to(location: int, work_station: int):
    cfg = Config()
    old_cfg = deepcopy(cfg.current_config)
    cfg['GUID_components']['location'] = location
    cfg['GUID_components']['work_station'] = work_station


        cfg.current_config = old_cfg

LATEST_VERSION = _latest_available_version()
VERSIONS = tuple(range(LATEST_VERSION + 1))

@pytest.mark.parametrize('ver', VERSIONS + (LATEST_VERSION_ARG,))
def test_connect_upgrades_user_version(ver):
    expected_version = ver if ver != LATEST_VERSION_ARG else LATEST_VERSION
    conn = connect(':memory:', version=ver)
    assert expected_version == get_user_version(conn)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('version', VERSIONS + (LATEST_VERSION_ARG,))
def test_tables_exist(empty_temp_db, version):
    conn = connect(qc.config["core"]["db_location"],