def gen_noffset(tax_input_folder, tax_output_folder): all_tax = load_all_tax(tax_input_folder) ensure_directory(tax_output_folder) for tax in all_tax: populate_noffset(tax.root) out_file = op.join(tax_output_folder, + '.yaml') with open(out_file, 'w') as fp: yaml.dump(tax.dump(), fp)
def MNISTextract_feature(data_loader, model, feature_file, target_file): # extract the feature all_feature = [] all_target = [] model.eval() for feature, target in MNISTextract(data_loader, model): all_feature.append(feature) all_target.append(target) feature = target = ensure_directory(op.dirname(feature_file)), feature_file) ensure_directory(op.dirname(target_file)), target_file)
def tsv_writer(values, tsv_file_name): ensure_directory(os.path.dirname(tsv_file_name)) tsv_lineidx_file = os.path.splitext(tsv_file_name)[0] + '.lineidx' idx = 0 tsv_file_name_tmp = tsv_file_name + '.tmp' tsv_lineidx_file_tmp = tsv_lineidx_file + '.tmp' with open(tsv_file_name_tmp, 'w') as fp, open(tsv_lineidx_file_tmp, 'w') as fpidx: assert values is not None for value in values: assert value v = '{0}\n'.format('\t'.join(value)) fp.write(v) fpidx.write(str(idx) + '\n') idx = idx + len(v) os.rename(tsv_file_name_tmp, tsv_file_name) os.rename(tsv_lineidx_file_tmp, tsv_lineidx_file)
def init_logging2(log_path): ensure_directory(op.dirname(log_path)) format_str = '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(funcName)10s(): %(message)s' logFormatter = logging.Formatter(format_str) rootLogger = logging.getLogger() rootLogger.handlers = [] fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(log_path) fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) rootLogger.addHandler(fileHandler) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) rootLogger.addHandler(consoleHandler) rootLogger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
def cmd_run(list_cmd, return_output=False, env=None, working_dir=None, shell=False):'start to cmd run: {}'.format(' '.join(map(str, list_cmd)))) # if we dont' set stdin as sp.PIPE, it will complain the stdin is not a tty # device. Maybe, the reson is it is inside another process. # if stdout=sp.PIPE, it will not print the result in the screen e = os.environ.copy() if working_dir: ensure_directory(working_dir) if env: for k in env: e[k] = env[k] if not return_output: #if env is None: #p = sp.Popen(list_cmd, stdin=sp.PIPE, cwd=working_dir) #else: if shell: p = sp.Popen(' '.join(list_cmd), stdin=sp.PIPE, env=e, cwd=working_dir, shell=True) else: p = sp.Popen(list_cmd, stdin=sp.PIPE, env=e, cwd=working_dir) message = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise ValueError(message) else: if shell: message = sp.check_output(' '.join(list_cmd), env=e, cwd=working_dir, shell=True) else: message = sp.check_output(list_cmd, env=e, cwd=working_dir)'finished the cmd run') return message
def _ensure_data_file(file_name): if not os.path.exists(file_name): ensure_directory(os.path.dirname(file_name)) base_name = os.path.basename(file_name) url = '' + base_name urllib.urlretrieve(url, file_name)
def min_l2_init(old_train_proto, old_train_net_param, new_train_net_proto, new_training_tsv, num_new_label, eps, init_model_path): caffe.set_device(0) caffe.set_mode_gpu() old_net = caffe.Net(str(old_train_proto), old_train_net_param, caffe.TEST) extract_new_proto = load_net(old_train_proto) if extract_new_proto.layer[0].type == 'TsvData': extract_new_proto.layer[0].tsv_data_param.source = new_training_tsv else: assert False bottom_name, top_name, layer_name = extract_last_linear_bottom_top( extract_new_proto) extract_new_proto_file = init_model_path + '.prototxt' write_to_file(str(extract_new_proto), extract_new_proto_file) new_net = caffe.Net(str(extract_new_proto_file), old_train_net_param, caffe.TEST) def extract_data(net, num=1000): all_feature, all_conf, all_label = [], [], [] while num > 0: net.forward(end=top_name) feat = np.squeeze(net.blobs[bottom_name].data) conf = np.squeeze(net.blobs[top_name].data) label = np.squeeze(net.blobs['label'].data) all_feature.append(feat) all_conf.append(conf) all_label.append(label) num = num - len(feat) return all_feature, all_conf, all_label all_old_feature, all_old_conf, all_old_label = extract_data(old_net) alpha = 0 XXT = 0 XY = 0 total_feature = len(all_old_feature) * len(all_old_feature[0]) for old_feature, old_conf, old_label in zip(all_old_feature, all_old_conf, all_old_label): C = old_conf.shape[1] # predict_at_label_idx - np.mean(all_predict_except_label_idx) a = np.choose(old_label.astype(np.int32), old_conf.T) * C / (C - 1) - \ np.sum(old_conf, axis=1) / (C - 1) alpha += np.mean(a) XT = np.append(old_feature, np.ones((len(old_feature), 1)), axis=1) y = (np.sum(old_conf, axis=1) - np.choose(old_label.astype(np.int32), old_conf.T)) / (C - 1) YT = np.tile(y, [num_new_label, 1]) XXT +=, XT) XY +=, YT.T) alpha /= len(all_old_feature) assert alpha > 0, 'base model is not good enough' th = 1 if alpha > th: alpha = th all_new_feature, all_new_conf, all_new_label = extract_data(new_net) total_feature += len(all_new_feature) * len(all_new_feature[0]) for new_feature, new_conf, new_label in zip(all_new_feature, all_new_conf, all_new_label): negative_conf = np.mean(new_conf, axis=1) positive_conf = negative_conf + alpha Y = np.tile(negative_conf.reshape((len(negative_conf), 1)), [1, num_new_label]) flatten_index = np.ravel_multi_index( [range(len(new_label)), new_label.astype(np.int32)], [Y.shape[0], Y.shape[1]]) np.put(Y, flatten_index, positive_conf) XT = np.append(new_feature, np.ones((len(new_feature), 1)), axis=1) XXT +=, XT) XY +=, Y) eps = eps * total_feature Wb = la.solve(XXT + eps * np.identity(XXT.shape[0]), XY) target_net = caffe.Net(str(new_train_net_proto), caffe.TEST) target_net.copy_from(old_train_net_param, ignore_shape_mismatch=True) old_w = old_net.params[layer_name][0].data new_w = Wb.T[:, :-1] target_net.params[layer_name][0].data[...] = np.append(old_w, new_w, axis=0) old_b = old_net.params[layer_name][1].data new_b = Wb.T[:, -1] target_net.params[layer_name][1].data[...] = np.append(old_b, new_b) ensure_directory(op.dirname(init_model_path))'old_w: {}; new_w: {}'.format(np.mean(np.abs(old_w[:])), np.mean(np.abs(new_w[:]))))'old_b: {}; new_b: {}'.format(np.mean(np.abs(old_b[:])), np.mean(np.abs(new_b[:]))))
def save_image(im, file_name): ensure_directory(os.path.dirname(file_name)) cv2.imwrite(file_name, im)
def train(**kwargs): train_data = 'voc20' train_split = 'train' from process_tsv import TSVDataset tsv_dataset = TSVDataset(train_data) tsv_file = tsv_dataset.get_data(train_split) labelmap = tsv_dataset.get_labelmap_file() kwargs['output_folder'] = op.join('output', '_'.join([train_data, 'vgg', kwargs['expid']])) from qd_common import ensure_directory ensure_directory(kwargs['output_folder']) cfg = kwargs if cfg['dataset'] == 'COCO': if cfg['dataset_root'] == VOC_ROOT: if not os.path.exists(COCO_ROOT): parser.error('Must specify dataset_root if specifying dataset') print("WARNING: Using default COCO dataset_root because " + "--dataset_root was not specified.") cfg['dataset_root'] = COCO_ROOT for k in coco: assert k not in cfg cfg[k] = coco[k] dataset = COCODetection(root=cfg['dataset_root'], transform=SSDAugmentation(cfg['min_dim'], MEANS)) #elif cfg['dataset'] == 'VOC': #if cfg['dataset_root'] == COCO_ROOT: #parser.error('Must specify dataset if specifying dataset_root') #for k in voc: #assert k not in cfg #cfg[k] = voc[k] #dataset = VOCDetection(root=cfg['dataset_root'], #transform=SSDAugmentation(cfg['min_dim'], #MEANS)) elif cfg['dataset']: for k in voc: if k in cfg:'skip {} to {}'.format(cfg[k], voc[k])) continue cfg[k] = voc[k] dataset = TSVDetection(tsv_file=tsv_file, labelmap=labelmap, transform=SSDAugmentation(cfg['min_dim'], MEANS)) ssd_net = build_ssd('train', cfg['min_dim'], cfg['num_classes']) net = ssd_net if cfg['cuda']: net = torch.nn.DataParallel(ssd_net) cudnn.benchmark = True if cfg['resume']: print('Resuming training, loading {}...'.format(cfg['resume'])) ssd_net.load_weights(cfg['resume']) assert False, 'optimizer parameter is not loaded. Need a fix' else: vgg_weights = torch.load(cfg['save_folder'] + cfg['basenet']) print('Loading base network...') ssd_net.vgg.load_state_dict(vgg_weights) if cfg['cuda']: net = net.cuda() if cfg['resume']: print('Initializing weights...') # initialize newly added layers' weights with xavier method ssd_net.extras.apply(weights_init) ssd_net.loc.apply(weights_init) ssd_net.conf.apply(weights_init) optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=cfg['lr'], momentum=cfg['momentum'], weight_decay=cfg['weight_decay']) criterion = MultiBoxLoss(cfg['num_classes'], 0.5, True, 0, True, 3, 0.5, False, cfg['cuda']) net.train() # loss counters loc_loss = 0 conf_loss = 0 epoch = 0'Loading the dataset...') epoch_size = len(dataset) // cfg['batch_size'] step_index = 0 data_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset, cfg['batch_size'], num_workers=cfg['num_workers'], shuffle=True, collate_fn=detection_collate, pin_memory=True) # create batch iterator batch_iterator = iter(data_loader) for iteration in range(cfg['start_iter'], cfg['max_iter']): if iteration in cfg['lr_steps']: step_index += 1 adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, cfg['lr'], cfg['gamma'], step_index) t0 = time.time() # load train data try: images, targets = next(batch_iterator) except StopIteration: batch_iterator = iter(data_loader) images, targets = next(batch_iterator) if cfg['cuda']: images = Variable(images.cuda()) targets = [Variable(ann.cuda(), volatile=True) for ann in targets] else: images = Variable(images) targets = [Variable(ann, volatile=True) for ann in targets] data_loading_time = time.time() - t0 t0 = time.time() # forward out = net(images) # backprop optimizer.zero_grad() loss_l, loss_c = criterion(out, targets) loss = loss_l + loss_c loss.backward() optimizer.step() loc_loss +=[0] conf_loss +=[0] if iteration % 10 == 0:'data loading time {}'.format(data_loading_time))'timer: %.4f sec.' % (time.time() - t0))'iter ' + repr(iteration) + ' || Loss: %.4f ||' % ([0])) if iteration != 0 and iteration % 500 == 0:'Saving state, iter: {}'.format(iteration)) model_file = op.join(cfg['output_folder'], 'snapshot', 'model_iter_{}.pth.tar'.format(iteration)), op.join('snapshot', 'model_iter_{}.pth.tar'.format(iteration))) model_file = op.join(cfg['output_folder'], 'snapshot', 'model_iter_{}.pth.tar'.format(iteration)), op.join('snapshot', 'model_iter_{}.pth.tar'.format(iteration)))
def save_uploaded_file(f, fname): from qd_common import ensure_directory ensure_directory(op.dirname(fname)) with open(fname, 'w') as destination: for chunk in f.chunks(): destination.write(chunk)