print("{} unique sqls".format(len(lines))) print("{} unique sqls have T2".format(len(T2lines))) print("{} unique sqls have T3".format(len(T3lines))) print("{} unique sqls have T4".format(len(T4lines))) print("{} unique sqls have T5".format(len(T5lines))) print("{} unique sqls have GROUP BY".format(len(groupbylines))) print("{} unique sqls have nesting".format(len(nestedlines))) print("{} unique sqls have JOIN".format(len(joinlines))) print("{} unique sqls have JOIN without aliases".format( len(joinwithouttlines))) print("{} unique sqls have JOIN without GROUP BY".format( len(joinwithoutgroupby))) print("{} unique sqls have multiple aliases for same table".format( len(rejoinlines))) print("{} unique sqls have argmax".format(len(argmaxlines))) print("{} unique sqls have order by without argmax".format( len(nonargmaxlines))) print("{} unique sqls have COUNT(".format(len(countlines))) print("{} unique sqls have COUNT(DISTINCT ...)".format( len(countdistinctlines))) print("{} unique sqls with COUNT have no COUNT(*) or COUNT(DISTINCT(...))". format(len(nonstarcountlines))) # for line in joinwithoutgroupby: # print(line) if __name__ == '__main__': q.argprun(load_tables) # q.argprun(check_gold_sql)
threshold = 2 stt.msg("{} unique rels at least {} time(s) in train data".format( len([xe for xe in allrelwcounts if xe[1] > threshold]), threshold)) rarerels = set([xe[0] for xe in allrelwcounts if xe[1] <= threshold]) testrarecount = 0 for rel in bert_rel_test: if rel in rarerels: testrarecount += 1 stt.msg("{}/{} test examples affected by rare rel".format( testrarecount, len(bert_rel_test) )) tt.tick("reload") reloaded = np.load(open(outp+".npz", "rb")) _relD = reloaded["relD"].item() _tokmat = reloaded["tokmat"] print(reloaded["devstart"]) tt.tock("reloaded") def run(lr=0): load_data() if __name__ == '__main__': # q.argprun(run) # q.argprun(get_all_types) q.argprun(get_names_for_entities)
# print(traverser.query) # print(res) return qid, vnts, traverser.query_fn def get_vnt_for_datasets(p="../../../../datasets/webqsp/webqsp.", files=("train", "test", "core.test", "core.train")): tt = q.ticktock("vnt builder") for file in files: tt.tick("doing {}".format(file)) filep = p + file + ".butd" vnts = {} with open(filep) as f: i = 0 for line in f: qid, vnt, _ = get_vnt_for_butd(line) vnts[qid] = vnt i += 1 if i % 10 == 0: tt.msg("{}".format(i)) pickle.dump(vnts, open(p + file + ".butd.vnt", "w")) tt.tock("done {}".format(file)) if __name__ == "__main__": _, _, query = get_vnt_for_butd( "WebQTrn-1102 what is the name of <E0> 's son <E0> :people.person.children <BRANCH> :people.person.gender m.05zppz <JOIN> <RETURN> (<E0>|walt disney|m.081nh)" ) print(query()) q.argprun(get_vnt_for_datasets)
# optimizer.step() # # if (i+1) % 100 == 0: # btt.tock("100 batches done") # print ('Epoch [%d/%d], Step [%d/%d], Loss: %.4f' # %(epoch+1, num_epochs, i+1, len(train_dataset)//batch_size, loss.datasets[0])) # btt.tick() # #tt.tock("batch done") # tt.tock("epoch {} done".format(epoch)) # Test the Model correct = 0 total = 0 for images, labels in test_loader: images = q.var(images.view(-1, sequence_length, input_size)).cuda(crit=gpu).v labels = q.var(labels).cuda(crit=gpu).v outputs = rnn(images) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) total += labels.size(0) correct += (predicted == print('Test Accuracy of the model on the 10000 test images: %d %%' % (100 * correct / total)) # Save the Model, 'rnn.pkl') if __name__ == "__main__": q.argprun(main)
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ] c = torch.tensor(c) bert = q.bert.TransformerBERT.load_from_dir("../../../data/bert/bert-base/") m = AdaptedBERTEncoderPairSlotPtr(bert, oldvocab=vocab) print("made model") y = m(a, b, c) print(y) pass # this should reset bert transformer's params only, but not bert's embeddings m.bert.reset_parameters() # this deletes some layers del m.bert.encoder.layers[6:] # m.bert.emb.word_embeddings.weight[0] y2 = m(a, b, c) pass # endregion if __name__ == '__main__': # q.argprun(test_adapted_bert_encoder_pair) q.argprun(test_adapted_bert_encoder_pair_slotptr) # q.argprun(test_adapted_bert_compare_slotptr)
"alignments": alignments, "align_entropies": align_entropies }) ret = { "sentence": sentence, "gold": gold, "candidates": cands } return ret def run_hpo(numsplits=6, cuda=False, gpu=0): ranges = {"encdim": [256, 400], "dropout": [.25, .4], "smoothing": [.1], "epochs": [60, 75], "beta": [0.5, 0.3, 0.7], } results = q.run_hpo_cv(run, ranges, numcvfolds=numsplits, path=__file__+".hpo", cuda=cuda, gpu=gpu) print(results["best"]) if __name__ == '__main__': # try_basic_query_tokenizer() # try_build_grammar() # try_dataset() # try_tree_permutations() # q.argprun(run) q.argprun(run_hpo) # q.argprun(run_rerank)
if not uris_gold[i] in at150ents: at150.add(i) # debug_print(i) # print(_questions_test[i]) print("{:.4} % corrected (end before start)".format( 100 * len(invalid_startends) / len(questions_test))) print("{:.4} % accuracy after postprocessing".format( 100 * (1 - (len(errors) / len(questions_test))))) print("{:.4} % overlap after postprocessing".format( 100 * (1 - (len(nooverlap) / len(questions_test))))) print("{:.4} % R@1".format(100 * (1 - (len(at1) / len(questions_test))))) print("{:.4} % R@5".format(100 * (1 - (len(at5) / len(questions_test))))) print("{:.4} % R@20".format(100 * (1 - (len(at20) / len(questions_test))))) print("{:.4} % R@50".format(100 * (1 - (len(at50) / len(questions_test))))) print("{:.4} % R@150".format(100 * (1 - (len(at150) / len(questions_test))))) # for k in range(50): # debug_print(list(someoverlap)[k]) # print(_questions_test[list(someoverlap)[k]]) with open(os.path.join(p, "entcands.{}.pkl".format(which)), "wb") as f: pkl.dump(allcands, f) if __name__ == '__main__': # build_entity_bloom() # q.argprun(get_dsF1_wordlevel) q.argprun(run_borders) # test_index() # build_entity_index(testsearch=True)
outpushpop.append(-numpops) ret = torch.tensor(outpushpop) return ret class TreeRNNDecoderCellNumChild(NumChildPushPopper, TreeRNNDecoderCell): pass def test_gated_tree_lstm_cell(lr=0.): m = GatedTreeLSTMCell(4, 3) x = torch.randn(2, 6, 4) prev_pushpop = torch.tensor( [ [1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1], [1, 1, 1, 0, -3, 0] ] ) for t in range(6): y = m(x[:, t], prev_pushpop[:, t]) print("done") # endregion if __name__ == '__main__': q.argprun(test_gated_tree_lstm_cell)
"lr": [0.0001], "enclrmul": [0.1], "warmup": [1], "epochs": [75], "numheads": [16], "numlayers": [3], "dropout": [.1], "hdim": [960], "seed": [12345678, 65748390, 98387670, 23655798, 66453829], # TODO: add more later } p = __file__ + f".{domain}" def check_config(x): effectiveenclr = x["enclrmul"] * x["lr"] if effectiveenclr < 0.000005: return False dimperhead = x["hdim"] / x["numheads"] if dimperhead < 20 or dimperhead > 100: return False return True q.run_experiments(run, ranges, path_prefix=p, check_config=check_config, domain=domain, gpu=gpu, patience=patience, cosinelr=cosinelr) if __name__ == '__main__': ret = q.argprun(run) # print(ret) # q.argprun(run_experiments) # q.argprun(run_experiments_seed)
score_norm=scorenorm, renormalize=False, **kw) def test_lstm_phrase_attention(lr=0): print("testing lstm phrase attention") m = LSTMPhraseAttention(4) ctx = torch.randn(2, 5, 4) qrys = torch.randn(2, 6, 4) ctx_mask = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]]) pushpop = [[1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1], [1, 1, 1, 1, -4, 0]] pushpop = list(zip(*pushpop)) for i in range(qrys.size(1)): alphas, summary, scores = m(qrys[:, i], ctx, ctx_mask=ctx_mask, pushpop=pushpop[i]) overlap = m.get_sibling_overlap() pass # endregion if __name__ == '__main__': # q.argprun(test_custom_f) # q.argprun(test_phrase_attention) q.argprun(test_lstm_phrase_attention)
cooldown=1, warmup=warmup, threshold=0., verbose=True, eps=1e-9) on_after_valid = [lambda: lrplateau.step(vlosses[1].get_epoch_error())] _devloop = partial(devloop, on_end=on_after_valid) stoptrain = [lambda: all([pg["lr"] <= 1e-7 for pg in optim.param_groups])] tt.tick("training") q.run_training(trainloop, _devloop, max_epochs=epochs, check_stop=stoptrain) tt.tock("done training") tt.tick("testing") testres = testloop() print(testres) settings["testres"] = testres tt.tock("tested") devres = devloop() print(devres, vlosses[0].get_epoch_error()) return vlosses[1].get_epoch_error() if __name__ == '__main__': q.argprun(run_seq2seq)
testpreds = q.eval_loop(m, evalloader, device=device) borderpreds = testpreds[0].cpu().detach().numpy() relpreds = testpreds[1].cpu().detach().numpy(), "borderpreds.test.npy"), borderpreds), "relpreds.test.npy"), relpreds) # DEV data testpreds = q.eval_loop(m, evalloader_dev, device=device) borderpreds = testpreds[0].cpu().detach().numpy() relpreds = testpreds[1].cpu().detach().numpy(), ""), borderpreds), ""), relpreds) # save bert-tokenized questions # tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") # with open(os.path.join(savedir, "testquestions.txt"), "w") as f: # for batch in evalloader: # ques, io = batch # ques = ques.numpy() # for question in ques: # qstr = " ".join([x for x in tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(question) if x != "[PAD]"]) # f.write(qstr + "\n") tt.tock("done") # endregion if __name__ == '__main__': # test_io_span_detector() # q.argprun(run_span_borders) # test_spanf1_borders() q.argprun(run_both) # q.argprun(run_relations)
m = LSTMPhraseAttention(4) ctx = torch.randn(2, 5, 4) qrys = torch.randn(2, 6, 4) ctx_mask = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]]) pushpop = [ [1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1], # output of last step will be "masked" [1, 1, 1, 1, -4, 0] ] # output of last two steps will be "masked" pushpop = torch.tensor(pushpop) # pushpop = list(zip(*pushpop)) for i in range(qrys.size(1)): alphas, summary, scores = m(qrys[:, i], ctx, ctx_mask=ctx_mask, prev_pushpop=pushpop[:, i]) overlap = m.get_sibling_overlap() pass # endregion if __name__ == '__main__': # q.argprun(test_custom_f) # q.argprun(test_phrase_attention) # q.argprun(test_phrase_attention_teacher) # q.argprun(test_lstm_phrase_attention) # q.argprun(test_pooled_lstm_summ_comp) q.argprun(test_rel_attention)
if epochs >= 0: ranges["epochs"] = [epochs] p = __file__ + f".{domain}" def check_config(x): effectiveenclr = x["enclrmul"] * x["lr"] # if effectiveenclr < 0.000005: # return False dimperhead = x["hdim"] / x["numheads"] if dimperhead < 20 or dimperhead > 100: return False return True q.run_experiments(run, ranges, path_prefix=p, check_config=check_config, domain=domain, gpu=gpu, trainonvalid=trainonvalid) if __name__ == '__main__': # test_multi_celoss() # test_tensors_to_tree() # try_tree_insertion_model_decode() # try_tree_insertion_model_tagger() # try_real_tree_insertion_model_tagger() # q.argprun(run) q.argprun(run_experiments_seed)
optim=optim, device=device, losses=[q.LossWrapper(ce), q.LossWrapper(elemacc), q.LossWrapper(acc)], print_every_batch=False, _train_batch=batchloop) validloop = partial(q.test_epoch, model=test_encdec, dataloader=vloader, device=device, losses=[q.LossWrapper(treeacc)], print_every_batch=False) tt.tick("training") q.run_training(trainloop, validloop, max_epochs=epochs) tt.tock("trained") tt.tick("testing") test_results = validloop(model=test_encdec, dataloader=xloader) print("Test results (freerunning): {}".format(test_results)) test_results = validloop(model=train_encdec, dataloader=xloader) print("Test results (TF): {}".format(test_results)) tt.tock("tested") # endregion tt.msg("done") if __name__ == '__main__': q.argprun(run_normal)
if k in settings: if isinstance(settings[k], str) and settings[k] != "default": ranges[k] = [settings[k]] elif isinstance(settings[k], (int, float)) and settings[k] >= 0: ranges[k] = [settings[k]] else: pass # raise Exception(f"something wrong with setting '{k}'") del settings[k] def checkconfig(spec): if spec["dataset"].startswith("cfq"): if spec["epochs"] != 25 or spec["batsize"] != 128: return False elif spec["dataset"].startswith("scan"): if spec["epochs"] != 40 or spec["batsize"] != 256: return False return True print(__file__) p = __file__ + f".baseline.{dataset}" q.run_experiments_random(run, ranges, path_prefix=None, check_config=checkconfig, **settings) if __name__ == '__main__': q.argprun(run_experiment)
self.post_core_update() alphas, summaries, scores = self.att(core_out, ctx, ctx_mask=ctx_mask, values=ctx) # do attention out_vec = self.merge(core_out, summaries, core_inp) out_vec = self.dropout(out_vec) self._outvec_tm1 = out_vec # store outvec (this is how Luong, 2015 does it) if self.out is None: ret_normal = out_vec else: if isinstance(self.out, PointerGeneratorOut): _out_vec = self.out(out_vec, scores=scores) else: _out_vec = self.out(out_vec) ret_normal = _out_vec l = locals() ret = tuple([l[k] for k in sum(self.returns, [])]) return ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret def test_training_stackcell(lr=0.001, ): pass if __name__ == '__main__': q.argprun(test_training_stackcell)
for bstate in x.bstates._list: cand = query_vocab.tostr(bstate.followed_actions[0], return_tokens=True) alignments = [] align_entropies = [] for i in range(len(cand)): att = bstate.stored_attentions[0, i] entropy = -(att.clamp_min(1e-6).log() * att).sum() _, amax = att.max(-1) alignments.append(amax.cpu().item()) align_entropies.append(entropy.cpu().item()) cands.append({ "tokens": cand, "alignments": alignments, "align_entropies": align_entropies }) ret = {"sentence": sentence, "gold": gold, "candidates": cands} return ret if __name__ == '__main__': # try_basic_query_tokenizer() # try_build_grammar() # try_dataset() q.argprun(run) # q.argprun(run_rerank) # try_tree_gru_encoder()
question_sm=question_sm, query_sm=query_sm) vnt_mat, vnt_mat_shape = load_vnt_mats(qids=qids, p=qp, tgtdict=tgt_emb.D) print(vnt_mat.nbytes) # print(np.sum(vnt_mat == 1), np.sum(vnt_mat == 0)) tt.tock("loaded everything") # vnt_mat = vnt_mat.todense() # print(vnt_mat.shape) # vnt_mat = vnt_mat.reshape(vnt_mat_shape) print(vnt_mat.shape) assert (len(vnt_mat) == len(question_sm.matrix)) print("vnt mat has same length as question mat") # check real next token in vnt tt.tick("checking loaded vnts") for i in range(query_sm.matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(query_sm.matrix.shape[1]): if query_sm.matrix[i, j] != query_sm.D["<MASK>"]: next_symbol = query_sm.matrix[i, j] assert (vnt_mat[i, j, next_symbol] == 1) tt.tock("checked loaded vnts") return (question_sm, query_sm, vnt_mat, tx_sep, qids), (src_emb, tgt_emb, tgt_lin) if __name__ == "__main__": q.argprun(load_all)