def addSelectedIdentifyDataToTableWidget(IdentifySelectedDialog, setupObject, selectedPUDetailsDict): featIDList = list(setupObject.targetDict.keys()) featIDList.sort() for rowNumber in range(0, len(featIDList)): featID = featIDList[rowNumber] IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.insertRow(rowNumber) featIDTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(featID)) featNameTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(setupObject.targetDict[featID][0])) avaIDTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(returnStringAmountPerStatus(setupObject, selectedPUDetailsDict, 'Available', featID))) conIDTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(returnStringAmountPerStatus(setupObject, selectedPUDetailsDict, 'Conserved', featID))) earIDTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(returnStringAmountPerStatus(setupObject, selectedPUDetailsDict, 'Earmarked', featID))) exlIDTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(returnStringAmountPerStatus(setupObject, selectedPUDetailsDict, 'Excluded', featID))) featTarget = returnRoundedValue(setupObject, setupObject.targetDict[featID][3]) featTargetTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(featTarget) featShortfallTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(returnStringShortfall(setupObject, featID)) IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.setItem(rowNumber, 0, featIDTableItem) IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.setItem(rowNumber, 1, featNameTableItem) IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.setItem(rowNumber, 2, avaIDTableItem) conIDTableItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(0, 153, 51)) IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.setItem(rowNumber, 3, conIDTableItem) earIDTableItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(51, 204, 51)) IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.setItem(rowNumber, 4, earIDTableItem) IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.setItem(rowNumber, 5, exlIDTableItem) IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.setItem(rowNumber, 6, featTargetTableItem) if returnStringShortfall(setupObject, featID) == 'Target met': featShortfallTableItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(128, 128, 128)) IdentifySelectedDialog.identifySelectedTableWidget.setItem(rowNumber, 7, featShortfallTableItem)
def addTargetTableRow(targetTable, setupObject, aRow, targetHeaderList, decPrecHeaderNameList, insertRowNumber): targetTable.targetTableWidget.insertRow(insertRowNumber) for aColValue in range(len(targetHeaderList)): headerName = targetHeaderList[aColValue].lower() tableValue = aRow[aColValue] if headerName in decPrecHeaderNameList: tableValue = round(float(tableValue), setupObject.decimalPlaces) tableValue = format(tableValue, '.' + str(setupObject.decimalPlaces) + 'f') if headerName in setupObject.numericColsList: targTableItem = QCustomTableWidgetItem(tableValue) else: targTableItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(tableValue)) if headerName == 'target': targetValue = tableValue elif headerName == 'conserved': conservedValue = tableValue if headerName == 'pc_target' and str(tableValue) == '-1': targTableItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(128, 128, 128)) elif headerName == 'pc_target' and float(tableValue) >= 0: if float(conservedValue) < float(targetValue): targTableItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(255, 0, 0)) else: targTableItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(0, 102, 51)) targetTable.targetTableWidget.setItem(insertRowNumber, aColValue, targTableItem) targetTable.targetTableWidget.horizontalHeader().setStyleSheet( setupObject.TableHeadingStyle) targetTable.targetTableWidget.verticalHeader().hide()
def canvasPressEvent(self, event): self.dragging = False self.selectrect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0) self.selectband = QgsRubberBand(self.canvas, QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry) self.selectband.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(0, 0, 255, 65)) self.selectband.setWidth(5)
def __init__(self, methodName): """Run once on class initialization.""" unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName) # create composition self.mMapSettings = QgsMapSettings() self.mComposition = QgsComposition(self.mMapSettings, QgsProject.instance()) self.mComposition.setPaperSize(297, 210) self.mComposerRect1 = QgsComposerShape(20, 20, 150, 100, self.mComposition) self.mComposerRect1.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) self.mComposerRect1.setBackgroundColor(QColor.fromRgb(255, 150, 0)) self.mComposition.addComposerShape(self.mComposerRect1) self.mComposerRect2 = QgsComposerShape(50, 50, 150, 100, self.mComposition) self.mComposerRect2.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) self.mComposerRect2.setBackgroundColor(QColor.fromRgb(0, 100, 150)) self.mComposition.addComposerShape(self.mComposerRect2)
def __init__(self, methodName): """Run once on class initialization.""" unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName) # create composition self.mMapSettings = QgsMapSettings() self.mComposition = QgsComposition(QgsProject.instance()) self.mComposition.setPaperSize(297, 210) self.mComposerRect1 = QgsComposerShape(20, 20, 150, 100, self.mComposition) self.mComposerRect1.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) self.mComposerRect1.setBackgroundColor(QColor.fromRgb(255, 150, 0)) self.mComposition.addComposerShape(self.mComposerRect1) self.mComposerRect2 = QgsComposerShape(50, 50, 150, 100, self.mComposition) self.mComposerRect2.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) self.mComposerRect2.setBackgroundColor(QColor.fromRgb(0, 100, 150)) self.mComposition.addComposerShape(self.mComposerRect2)
def addLandUsetoLayer(self): chsnlanduse = self.dlg.CB_newlanduse.currentText() chsnlanduselayer = self.dlg.CB_newlanduselayer.currentText() landuserastvalue = {'Trees on grass': 1, 'Trees on avenue': 2, 'Grass field': 3, 'Green roofs': 4, 'Cool roofs': 5, 'Facade greening': 6, 'Solar Panels': 7, 'Pond/river': 8, 'Fountain': 9, 'Surface albedo change': 10} vLayer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName(chsnlanduselayer)[0] vLayer.startEditing() if QgsVectorDataProvider.AddAttributes: vLayer.dataProvider().addAttributes([QgsField("Land use", QVariant.String), QgsField("LandUseValue", QVariant.Int)]) vLayer.updateFields() caps = vLayer.dataProvider().capabilities() if caps & QgsVectorDataProvider.ChangeAttributeValues: attrs = {1: chsnlanduse, 2: int(landuserastvalue.get(chsnlanduse))} vLayer.dataProvider().changeAttributeValues({1: attrs}) vLayer.commitChanges() # change color of polygons single_symbol_renderer = vLayer.renderer() symbol = single_symbol_renderer.symbol() for feature in vLayer.getFeatures(): if feature['LandUseValue'] < 4: symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(178, 223, 138)) elif feature['LandUseValue'] > 3 and feature['LandUseValue'] < 8: symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(215, 25, 28)) elif feature['LandUseValue'] > 7 and feature['LandUseValue'] < 10: symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(82, 185, 248)) else: symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(154, 157, 153)) # more efficient than refreshing the whole canvas, which requires a redraw of ALL layers vLayer.triggerRepaint() # update table of contents for layer iface.layerTreeView().refreshLayerSymbology( self.fillObjectsTable(vLayer)
def __init__(self, methodName): """Run once on class initialization.""" unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName) # create composition self.mComposition = QgsComposition(QgsProject.instance()) self.mComposition.setPaperSize(297, 210) self.mComposerShape = QgsComposerShape(20, 20, 150, 100, self.mComposition) self.mComposerShape.setBackgroundColor(QColor.fromRgb(255, 150, 0)) self.mComposition.addComposerShape(self.mComposerShape)
def create_layer(self, points, layer_name, type_geometry, style_width, layer_id, color_list): # get default CRS canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() map_settings = canvas.mapSettings() srs = map_settings.destinationCrs() # create an empty memory layer if layer_id is not None: vl = QgsVectorLayer(type_geometry + "?crs=" + srs.authid(), layer_name + str(layer_id + 1), "memory") else: vl = QgsVectorLayer(type_geometry + "?crs=" + srs.authid(), layer_name, "memory") # define and add a field ID to memory layer "Route" provider = vl.dataProvider() provider.addAttributes([QgsField("ID", QVariant.Int)]) # create a new feature for the layer "Route" ft = QgsFeature() # set the value 1 to the new field "ID" ft.setAttributes([1]) if type_geometry == GeometryTypes.LINE: line_points = [] for i in range(len(points)): if (i + 1) < len(points): line_points.append(QgsPoint(points[i][0], points[i][1])) # set the geometry defined from the point ft.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPolyline(line_points)) else: ft.setGeometry( QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(QgsPointXY(points[0], points[1]))) # finally insert the feature provider.addFeatures([ft]) if type_geometry == GeometryTypes.LINE: # set color render_ctx = QgsRenderContext() renderer = vl.renderer() symbols = renderer.symbols(render_ctx) sym = symbols[0] if layer_id and color_list: color = color_list[layer_id] sym.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(color[0], color[1], color[2])) sym.setWidth(style_width) # add layer to the registry and over the map canvas # QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(vl) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(vl)
def addIdentifyDataToTableWidget(identifyTableWidget, setupObject, targetMetDict, identDict): featIDList = list(identDict.keys()) featIDList.sort() for aRow in range(0, len(featIDList)): identifyTableWidget.insertRow(aRow) featID = featIDList[aRow] featIdentifyList = identDict[featID] for aCol in range(0, len(featIdentifyList)): featValue = featIdentifyList[aCol] featIDItem = QTableWidgetItem(featValue) if aCol == 6: targetMetStatus = targetMetDict[featID] if targetMetStatus == 'Met': featIDItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(0, 102, 51)) elif targetMetStatus == 'Not met': featIDItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(255, 0, 0)) else: featIDItem.setForeground(QColor.fromRgb(128, 128, 128)) identifyTableWidget.setItem(aRow, aCol, featIDItem) identifyTableWidget.horizontalHeader().setStyleSheet( setupObject.TableHeadingStyle) identifyTableWidget.verticalHeader().hide()
def envelope2layer(self, envelope): """Transform metadata envelope into a QGIS layer.""" # layer md_lyr = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon?crs=epsg:4326", "Metadata envelope", "memory") symbols = md_lyr.renderer().symbols(QgsRenderContext()) symbol = symbols[0] symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(255, 20, 147)) symbol.setOpacity(0.25) if envelope.get("type") == "Polygon": # parse coordinates coords = envelope.get("coordinates")[0] poly_pts = [ QgsPointXY(round(i[0], 3), round(i[1], 3)) for i in coords ] # add geometry to layer poly = QgsFeature() poly.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPolygonXY([poly_pts])) md_lyr.dataProvider().addFeatures([poly]) md_lyr.updateExtents() elif envelope.get("type") == "MultiPolygon": coords = envelope.get("bbox") bbox = QgsRectangle( round(coords[0], 3), round(coords[1], 3), round(coords[2], 3), round(coords[3], 3), ) poly = QgsFeature() poly.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromWkt(bbox.asWktPolygon())) md_lyr.dataProvider().addFeatures([poly]) md_lyr.updateExtents() elif envelope.get("type") == "Point": return md_lyr else: pass # method ending return md_lyr
def envelope2layer(self, envelope): """Transform metadata envelope into a QGIS layer.""" # layer md_lyr = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon?crs=epsg:4326", "Metadata envelope", "memory") md_lyr.setLayerTransparency(75) symbols = md_lyr.rendererV2().symbols() symbol = symbols[0] symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(255,20,147)) if envelope.get("type") == "Polygon": # parse coordinates coords = envelope.get("coordinates")[0] poly_pts = [QgsPoint(round(i[0], 3), round(i[1], 3)) for i in coords] # add geometry to layer poly = QgsFeature() poly.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPolygon([poly_pts])) md_lyr.dataProvider().addFeatures([poly]) md_lyr.updateExtents() elif envelope.get("type") == "MultiPolygon": coords = envelope.get("bbox") bbox = QgsRectangle(round(coords[0], 3), round(coords[1], 3), round(coords[2], 3), round(coords[3], 3),) poly = QgsFeature() poly.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromWkt(bbox.asWktPolygon())) md_lyr.dataProvider().addFeatures([poly]) md_lyr.updateExtents() elif envelope.get("type") == "Point": return md_lyr else: pass # method ending return md_lyr
def __init__(self, canvas, layerfrom, layerto, mapping, validation_method): """ mapping - A dict of field - field mapping with values to copy to the new layer """ QgsMapTool.__init__(self, canvas) self.layerfrom = layerfrom self.layerto = layerto self.fields = mapping self.validation_method = validation_method = QgsRubberBand(canvas, QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry), 0, 0, 65)) self.cursor = QCursor( QPixmap([ "16 16 3 1", " c None", ". c #FF0000", "+ c #FFFFFF", " ", " +.+ ", " ++.++ ", " +.....+ ", " +. .+ ", " +. . .+ ", " +. . .+ ", " ++. . .++", " ... ...+... ...", " ++. . .++", " +. . .+ ", " +. . .+ ", " ++. .+ ", " ++.....+ ", " ++.++ ", " +.+ " ]))
def __init__(self, file_name): super().__init__() # Creación del Lienzo / Canvas self.canvas = QgsMapCanvas(self) self.setWindowTitle("Map of Track / Mapa del Recorrido") self.canvas.setCanvasColor(Qt.white) self.initGui() if not file_name == None: vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(file_name, "Track Converted", "ogr") #vlayer.updateExtents() self.project.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer) vlayer.renderer().symbol().setWidth(2) vlayer.renderer().symbol().setColor(QColor.fromRgb(250, 0, 0)) self.view.refreshLayerSymbology( uri = 'crs=EPSG:4326&dpiMode=7&format=image/jpeg&layers=IGNBaseTodo&styles=default&tileMatrixSet=EPSG:4326&url=' map_spain = QgsRasterLayer(uri, "Spain", "wms") self.root.insertLayer(1, map_spain) self.project.instance().addMapLayer(map_spain) if not map_spain.isValid(): print("Track failed to load! /n" + file_name) else: print("Track Load Correct! " + file_name) else: uri = 'crs=EPSG:4326&dpiMode=7&format=image/jpeg&layers=IGNBaseTodo&styles=default&tileMatrixSet=EPSG:4326&url=' map_spain = QgsRasterLayer(uri, "Spain", "wms") self.project.instance().addMapLayer(map_spain) if not map_spain.isValid(): print("Track failed to load! /n" + file_name) else: print("Track Load Correct! " + file_name)
def startDraw(self): # Create and add the new layer layer = QgsVectorLayer('Polygon?crs=epsg:4326', providerLib='memory') layer.renderer().symbol().setColor(QColor.fromRgb(160, 82, 45)) layer.setName(f'search aoi') QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) # Use the add feature tool self.iface.setActiveLayer(layer) # Function called when the feature is added to the layer def featureAdded(): # Disconnect from the signal layer.featureAdded.disconnect() # Save changes and end edit mode layer.commitChanges() # Select the feature then fill the input feature = layer.selectAll() self.fillPolygonInput() # Connect the layer to the signal featureAdded layer.featureAdded.connect(featureAdded) layer.startEditing() self.iface.actionAddFeature().trigger()
def initGui(self): # create action that will start plugin configuration self.action = QAction( QIcon(":icons/qgsazimuth.png"), "Azimuth and distance", self.iface.mainWindow(), ) self.action.setWhatsThis("Azimuth and distance") self.action.triggered.connect( self.bandpoint = QgsRubberBand(self.canvas, QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry) self.bandpoint.setIcon(QgsRubberBand.ICON_CROSS) self.bandpoint.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(255, 50, 255)) self.bandpoint.setWidth(3) self.bandpoint.setIconSize(20) # add toolbar button and menu item self.iface.addPluginToMenu("&Topography", self.action) self.iface.addToolBarIcon(self.action) self.dock = Dock(self.iface.mainWindow()) self.iface.addDockWidget(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, self.dock) self.dock.hide() self.pluginGui = self.dock.widget() self.dock.closed.connect(self.cleanup) self.pluginGui.pushButton_vertexAdd.clicked.connect(self.addRow) self.pluginGui.pushButton_vertexInsert.clicked.connect(self.insertRow) self.pluginGui.pushButton_segListRowDel.clicked.connect(self.delRow) self.pluginGui.pushButton_segListLoad.clicked.connect(self.loadList) self.pluginGui.pushButton_segListClear.clicked.connect(self.clearList) self.pluginGui.pushButton_objectDraw.clicked.connect(self.addgeometry) self.pluginGui.pushButton_startCapture.clicked.connect(self.startgetpoint) self.pluginGui.pushButton_segListSave.clicked.connect(self.saveList) self.pluginGui.pushButton_useLast.clicked.connect(self.use_last_vertex) self.pluginGui.pickAngle1_button.clicked.connect(self.select_angle1) self.pluginGui.pickAngle2_button.clicked.connect(self.select_angle2) self.pluginGui.clearMarkers_button.clicked.connect(self.clear_markers) self.pluginGui.copyDiff_button.clicked.connect(self.copy_diff_offset) # self.pluginGui.table_segmentList.cellChanged.connect(self.render_temp_band) self.pluginGui.table_segmentList.setCurrentCell(0, 0) self.tool = GetCoordTool(self.canvas) self.tool.finished.connect(self.getpoint) self.tool.locationChanged.connect(self.pluginGui.update_startpoint) self.tool.locationChanged.connect(self.update_marker_location) self.angletool = LineTool(self.canvas) self.angletool.geometryComplete.connect(self.update_angle1) self.angletool.locationChanged.connect(self.update_marker_location) self.angletool2 = LineTool(self.canvas) self.angletool2.geometryComplete.connect(self.update_angle2) self.angletool2.locationChanged.connect(self.update_marker_location) self.pluginGui.azimuth1_edit.textChanged.connect(self.update_angle_calc) self.pluginGui.azimuth2_edit.textChanged.connect(self.update_angle_calc) self.pluginGui.lineEdit_magNorth.textChanged.connect(self.update_offsetlabel) self.pluginGui.radioButton_defaultNorth.toggled.connect(self.update_offsetlabel)
def add_layers(self):#not tested and not ready, must fix basic styles (preferrably colors based on some definition dicitonary MyGroup = self.root.insertGroup(0, "stratigraphy_layers_for_qgis2threejs")#verify this is inserted at top canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() list_with_all_strat_layer = [] for key in self.strat_layers_dict: list_with_all_strat_layer.append(key) #print list_with_all_strat_layer#debug list_with_all_strat_layer.append('strat_obs_p_for_qgsi2threejs') colors = [] layer_list = [] utils.add_layers_to_list(layer_list, list_with_all_strat_layer, geometrycolumn='geometry', dbconnection=self.dbconnection) for strat_layer_view in list_with_all_strat_layer: try: supplied_color = self.symbolcolors_dict[strat_layer_view] except KeyError: color = None else: try: # matplotlib 2 color = mpl.colors.to_rgbsupplied_color() except AttributeError: try: # matplotlib 1 converter = mpl.colors.ColorConverter() color = converter.to_rgb(supplied_color) color = [x * 255 for x in color] except Exception as e: utils.MessagebarAndLog.warning( bar_msg=ru(QCoreApplication.translate('PrepareForQgis2Threejs', 'Setting color from dict failed')), log_msg=ru(QCoreApplication.translate('PrepareForQgis2Threejs', 'Error msg %s'))%str(e)) color = None colors.append(color) for idx, layer in enumerate(layer_list):#now loop over all the layers, add them to canvas and set colors if not layer.isValid(): try: print( + ' is not valid layer') except: pass pass else: # TODO: Made this a comment, but there might be some hidden feature thats still needed! #map_canvas_layer_list.append(QgsMapCanvasLayer(layer)) #now try to load the style file stylefile = os.path.join(os.sep,os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","definitions", + ".qml") try: layer.loadNamedStyle(stylefile) except: try: print("Loading stylefile %s failed."%stylefile) except: pass color = colors[idx] if color: current_symbol = layer.renderer().symbol() current_symbol.setColor(QColor.fromRgb(color[0], color[1], color[2])) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayers([layer],False) MyGroup.insertLayer(0,layer) #finally refresh canvas canvas.refresh()
class FmvLayerStyles(object): # sensor holder S = {} # platform holder P = {} # trajectory holder T = {} # beam holder B = {} # frame center holder F = {} # frame axis holder FA = {} # drawings Point holder DP = {} # drawings Line holder DL = {} # drawing Polygons holder DPL = {} # # SENSOR STYLES (based on meta attribute "Image Source Sensor") # # Default S["DEFAULT"] = {} S["DEFAULT"]["COLOR"] = "126,217,255,60" S["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#5392fa" S["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" S["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" # IR sensor S["IR"] = {} S["IR"]["COLOR"] = "234, 135, 8, 60" S["IR"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#ba340f" S["IR"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" S["IR"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" # EOW sensor S["EOW"] = {} S["EOW"]["COLOR"] = "126, 217, 255, 60" S["EOW"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#5392fa" S["EOW"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" S["EOW"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" # BLEND sensor S["BLEND"] = {} S["BLEND"]["COLOR"] = "255, 255, 255, 60" S["BLEND"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#a7a7a7" S["BLEND"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" S["BLEND"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" # Short Wave Infra Red sensor S["EON_SWIR"] = {} S["EON_SWIR"]["COLOR"] = "234, 135, 8, 60" S["EON_SWIR"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#ba340f" S["EON_SWIR"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" S["EON_SWIR"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" # EON sensor S["EON"] = {} S["EON"]["COLOR"] = "249, 167, 62, 60" S["EON"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#ba340f" S["EON"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" S["EON"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" # FLIR SS380-HD HDIR sensor S["FLIR SS380-HD HDIR"] = {} S["FLIR SS380-HD HDIR"]["COLOR"] = "234, 135, 8, 60" S["FLIR SS380-HD HDIR"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#ba340f" S["FLIR SS380-HD HDIR"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" S["FLIR SS380-HD HDIR"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" # SP sensor S["SP"] = {} S["SP"]["COLOR"] = "219, 204, 0, 60" S["SP"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#9E9300" S["SP"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" S["SP"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" # # PLATFORM STYLES (based on meta attribute platform) # # Default P["DEFAULT"] = {} P["DEFAULT"]["NAME"] = ":/imgFMV/images/platforms/platform_default.svg" P["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE"] = "255, 255, 255, 60" P["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "1" P["DEFAULT"]["SIZE"] = "18" # Super Puma Platform P["Super Puma TH06"] = {} P["Super Puma TH06"]["NAME"] = ":/imgFMV/images/platforms/plat_super_puma.svg" P["Super Puma TH06"]["OUTLINE"] = "255, 255, 255, 60" P["Super Puma TH06"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "1" P["Super Puma TH06"]["SIZE"] = "18" # N97826 Platform P["N97826"] = {} P["N97826"]["NAME"] = ":/imgFMV/images/platforms/plat_N97826.svg" P["N97826"]["OUTLINE"] = "255, 255, 255, 60" P["N97826"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "1" P["N97826"]["SIZE"] = "18" # VH-ZXX Platform P["VH-ZXX"] = {} P["VH-ZXX"]["NAME"] = ":/imgFMV/images/platforms/plat_VH-ZXX.svg" P["VH-ZXX"]["OUTLINE"] = "255, 255, 255, 60" P["VH-ZXX"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "1" P["VH-ZXX"]["SIZE"] = "18" # ADS15 Platform P["ADS15"] = {} P["ADS15"]["NAME"] = ":/imgFMV/images/platforms/plat_ADS15.svg" P["ADS15"]["OUTLINE"] = "255, 255, 255, 60" P["ADS15"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "1" P["ADS15"]["SIZE"] = "18" # # FRAMECENTER POINT STYLES # F["DEFAULT"] = {} F["DEFAULT"]["NAME"] = "cross" F["DEFAULT"]["LINE_COLOR"] = "#000000" F["DEFAULT"]["LINE_WIDTH"] = "0" F["DEFAULT"]["SIZE"] = "10" # # FRAME AXIS STYLES # FA["DEFAULT"] = {} FA["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "2" FA["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "dash" # # TRAJECTORY STYLES # T["DEFAULT"] = {} T["DEFAULT"]["NAME"] = "dash blue" T["DEFAULT"]["COLOR"] = "#0000ff" T["DEFAULT"]["WIDTH"] = "2" T["DEFAULT"]["customdash"] = "3;2" T["DEFAULT"]["use_custom_dash"] = "1" # # BEAM STYLES # B["DEFAULT"] = {} B["DEFAULT"]["COLOR"] = qRgba(138, 138, 138, 180) # # DRAWINGS POINT STYLES # DP["DEFAULT"] = {} DP["DEFAULT"]["NAME"] = "cross" DP["DEFAULT"]["LINE_COLOR"] = "#DC143C" DP["DEFAULT"]["LINE_WIDTH"] = "1" DP["DEFAULT"]["SIZE"] = "10" DP["DEFAULT"]["LABEL_FONT"] = "Arial" DP["DEFAULT"]["LABEL_FONT_SIZE"] = 12 DP["DEFAULT"]["LABEL_FONT_COLOR"] = "#DC143C" DP["DEFAULT"]["LABEL_SIZE"] = 12 DP["DEFAULT"]["LABEL_BUFFER_COLOR"] = "white" # # DRAWINGS LINE STYLES # DL["DEFAULT"] = {} DL["DEFAULT"]["COLOR"] = QColor.fromRgb(252, 215, 108) DL["DEFAULT"]["WIDTH"] = 1 # # DRAWINGS POLYGONS STYLES # DPL["DEFAULT"] = {} DPL["DEFAULT"]["COLOR"] = "252, 215, 108, 100" DPL["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_COLOR"] = "#FCD76C" DPL["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_STYLE"] = "solid" DPL["DEFAULT"]["OUTLINE_WIDTH"] = "1" @staticmethod def getPlatform(name): style = None try: style = FmvLayerStyles.P[name] except Exception: style = FmvLayerStyles.P["DEFAULT"] return style @staticmethod def getSensor(name): style = None try: style = FmvLayerStyles.S[name] except Exception: style = FmvLayerStyles.S["DEFAULT"] return style @staticmethod def getTrajectory(name): style = None try: style = FmvLayerStyles.T[name] except Exception: style = FmvLayerStyles.T["DEFAULT"] return style @staticmethod def getBeam(name): style = None try: style = FmvLayerStyles.B[name] except Exception: style = FmvLayerStyles.B["DEFAULT"] return style @staticmethod def getDrawingPoint(): style = FmvLayerStyles.DP["DEFAULT"] return style @staticmethod def getFrameCenterPoint(): style = FmvLayerStyles.F["DEFAULT"] return style @staticmethod def getFrameAxis(): style = FmvLayerStyles.FA["DEFAULT"] return style @staticmethod def getDrawingLine(): style = FmvLayerStyles.DL["DEFAULT"] return style @staticmethod def getDrawingPolygon(): style = FmvLayerStyles.DPL["DEFAULT"] return style
def paint(self, painter, option, index): if index.column() != 0: QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) return model: Any[PlanetSearchResultsModel | QAbstractItemModel] = \ index.model() node: PlanetNode = model.get_node(index) # TODO: Style these, too? # if node.node_type() in [NodeT.LOADING, NodeT.LOAD_MORE]: # QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) # return option_vi = QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(option_vi, index) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal style = \ if option_vi.widget is None else # style = self.parent().style() opt_rect = option_vi.rect doc = QTextDocument() doc.setHtml(option_vi.text) #print(option_vi.text) option_vi.text = '' style.drawControl(QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, option_vi, painter) ctx = QAbstractTextDocumentLayout.PaintContext() # Highlighting text if item is selected # if option_vi.state & QStyle.State_Selected: # ctx.palette.setColor( # QPalette.Text, # option_vi.palette.color( # QPalette.Active, QPalette.HighlightedText)) text_rect = style.subElementRect(QStyle.SE_ItemViewItemText, option_vi) painter.translate(text_rect.topLeft()) painter.setClipRect(text_rect.translated(-text_rect.topLeft())) doc.documentLayout().draw(painter, ctx) painter.restore() if option.state & QStyle.State_MouseOver: if node.has_footprint() or node.has_group_footprint(): painter.setPen( QPen(QBrush(QColor.fromRgb(0, 157, 165, 245)), 1.5)) painter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush) painter.drawRect(opt_rect.marginsRemoved(QMargins(1, 1, 1, 1))) painter.restore() if node.has_footprint() or node.has_group_footprint(): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.previewFootprint.emit(node) else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.clearFootprint.emit() if not node.can_be_downloaded(): # Note: Needs to come last, so it covers checkbox control # TODO: Figure out way of having checkbox not drawn, but still # set Node's unchecked state # opt_btn = QStyleOptionButton() # opt_btn.operator = option ci_rect: QRect = style.subElementRect( QStyle.SE_ViewItemCheckIndicator, option_vi) # opt_btn.rect = ci_rect # but_opt = QStyleOptionButton(option) # opt_btn.state = QStyle.State_Off # style.drawControl(QStyle.CE_CheckBox, opt_btn, painter) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor.fromRgb(250, 250, 250, 255))) painter.drawRoundedRect(ci_rect, ci_rect.height() / 6, ci_rect.height() / 6) LOCK_ICON.paint(painter, ci_rect, Qt.AlignCenter, QIcon.Normal) painter.restore()
def add_layers( self ): #not tested and not ready, must fix basic styles (preferrably colors based on some definition dicitonary MyGroup = self.root.insertGroup(0, "stratigraphy_layers_for_qgis2threejs" ) #verify this is inserted at top canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() list_with_all_strat_layer = [] for key in self.strat_layers_dict: list_with_all_strat_layer.append(key) #print list_with_all_strat_layer#debug list_with_all_strat_layer.append('strat_obs_p_for_qgsi2threejs') colors = [] layer_list = [] utils.add_layers_to_list(layer_list, list_with_all_strat_layer, geometrycolumn='geometry', dbconnection=self.dbconnection) for strat_layer_view in list_with_all_strat_layer: try: supplied_color = self.symbolcolors_dict[strat_layer_view] except KeyError: color = None else: try: # matplotlib 2 color = mpl.colors.to_rgbsupplied_color() except AttributeError: try: # matplotlib 1 converter = mpl.colors.ColorConverter() color = converter.to_rgb(supplied_color) color = [x * 255 for x in color] except Exception as e: utils.MessagebarAndLog.warning( bar_msg=ru( QCoreApplication.translate( 'PrepareForQgis2Threejs', 'Setting color from dict failed')), log_msg=ru( QCoreApplication.translate( 'PrepareForQgis2Threejs', 'Error msg %s')) % str(e)) color = None colors.append(color) for idx, layer in enumerate( layer_list ): #now loop over all the layers, add them to canvas and set colors if not layer.isValid(): try: print( + ' is not valid layer') except: pass pass else: # TODO: Made this a comment, but there might be some hidden feature thats still needed! #map_canvas_layer_list.append(QgsMapCanvasLayer(layer)) #now try to load the style file stylefile = os.path.join(os.sep, os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "definitions", + ".qml") try: layer.loadNamedStyle(stylefile) except: try: print("Loading stylefile %s failed." % stylefile) except: pass color = colors[idx] if color: current_symbol = layer.renderer().symbol() current_symbol.setColor( QColor.fromRgb(color[0], color[1], color[2])) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayers([layer], False) MyGroup.insertLayer(0, layer) #finally refresh canvas canvas.refresh()
def search(self): try: # Current service service = # Params params = {'geometry': self.polygonInput.text()} # Set auth and add params according to service if service == 'BaseMap': # ! Auth self.bmSetAuth() # Set request attributes url = '' auth = self.bmAuth headers = None # Update params params.update({ 'size': self.maxResultsInput.value(), 'insertdtstart': '1970-01-01T00:00:00', 'insertdtend': }) # Dates if self.bmFromCheck.isChecked(): params['insertdtstart'] = self.bmFromInput.dateTime( ).toString(Qt.ISODate) if self.bmToCheck.isChecked(): params['insertdtend'] = self.bmToInput.dateTime().toString( Qt.ISODate) else: # ! Auth self.dtSetAuth() url = '' auth = None headers = self.dtHeaders # Constellations (at least one) constellations = [] if self.dtSpotCheck.isChecked(): constellations.append('SPOT') if self.dtPleiadesCheck.isChecked(): constellations.append('PHR') # Dates # MAYBE remove hours from dates dateFrom, dateTo = '1970-01-01T00:00:00', if self.dtFromCheck.isChecked(): dateFrom = self.dtFromInput.dateTime().toString(Qt.ISODate) if self.dtToCheck.isChecked(): dateTo = self.dtToInput.dateTime().toString(Qt.ISODate) # Angles angleMin, angleMax = 0, 30 if self.dtAngleMinCheck.isChecked(): angleMin = self.dtAngleMinInput.value() if self.dtAngleMaxCheck.isChecked(): angleMax = self.dtAngleMaxInput.value() # Covers (directlly update params) if self.dtCloudCheck.isChecked(): params['cloudCover'] = f'[0,{self.dtCloudInput.value()}]' if self.dtSnowCheck.isChecked(): params['snowCover'] = f'[0,{self.dtSnowInput.value()}]' # Workspaces (at leat one) workspaces = [] if self.dtPublicCheck.isChecked(): workspaces.append('0e33eb50-3404-48ad-b835-b0b4b72a5625') if self.dtPrivateCheck.isChecked(): workspaces.append(self.dtWorkspaceId) # Update all params with right format params.update({ 'itemsPerPage': self.maxResultsInput.value(), 'constellation': ','.join(constellations), 'acquisitionDate': f'[{dateFrom},{dateTo}]', 'incidenceAngle': f'[{angleMin},{angleMax}]', 'workspace': ','.join(workspaces) }) # Finally do the api call t = print(f'START {service} search') r = self.session.get(url, auth=auth, headers=headers, params=params) rSearch = r.json() # Exception request error if r.status_code != 200: self.error( f'{service} search error {r.status_code}\n{rSearch["message"]}' ) return # Create the search result layer with fields according to current service layer = QgsVectorLayer( f'Polygon?crs=epsg:4326&index=yes&{FIELDS[service]}', providerLib='memory', baseName=f'{service} search results') # Extract features features = [] self.errorFeatures = [] for rFeature in rSearch['features']: # Add a feature of the bbox on the new layer feature = QgsFeature(layer.fields()) # Try to get each attributes feature['service'] = service feature['constellation'] = self.getPropertie( rFeature, 'constellation') feature['incidenceAngle'] = self.getPropertie( rFeature, 'incidenceAngle') feature['cloudCover'] = self.getPropertie( rFeature, 'cloudCover') if service == 'BaseMap': feature['id'] = rFeature['id'] feature['insertionDate'] = self.getPropertie( rFeature, 'insertionDate') feature['wmts'] = self.getPropertie(rFeature, 'wmts') # Bbox fBbox = rFeature['properties']['bbox'] rectangle = QgsRectangle(fBbox[0], fBbox[1], fBbox[2], fBbox[3]) else: feature['id'] = self.getPropertie(rFeature, 'id') feature['acquisitionDate'] = self.getPropertie( rFeature, 'acquisitionDate') feature['snowCover'] = self.getPropertie( rFeature, 'snowCover') try: for json in rFeature['_links']['imagesWmts']: feature[f'wmts_{json["name"]}'] = json['href'] for json in rFeature['_links']['imagesWcs']: if 'buffer' in rFeature['rights']: feature[f'wcs_{json["name"]}'] = json['href'] else: feature[f'wcs_{json["name"]}'] = None except Exception as e: print( f'ERROR * eF = qgis.utils.plugins["OneAtlas"].mySearch.errorFeatures[{len(self.errorFeatures)}]' ) print(str(e)) self.errorFeatures.append(rFeature) continue # Bbox coordinates = rFeature['geometry']['coordinates'][0] rectangle = QgsRectangle(coordinates[0][0], coordinates[0][1], coordinates[2][0], coordinates[2][1]) # Add geometry from rectangle feature.setGeometry( QgsGeometry.fromWkt(rectangle.asWktPolygon())) # Add feature to list features.append(feature) # Total if service == 'BaseMap': # Note : rSearch['totalResults'] is maybe the number of total element in bbox ? # and numberOfElements is the true total result total = rSearch['numberOfElements'] color = QColor.fromRgb(0, 250, 0) else: total = rSearch['totalResults'] color = QColor.fromRgb(0, 250, 250) if len(self.errorFeatures) > 0: total -= len(self.errorFeatures) print(f'* {len(self.errorFeatures)} error feature') # Notification for number of total results msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle(WINDOW_TITLE) msgBox.setText(f'There are {total} results') if total > len(features): msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.setInformativeText( f'The maximum is configured to {self.maxResultsInput.value()}\nPlease refine your criteria or your AOI' ) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Retry | QMessageBox.Ignore) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Retry) else: msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Retry | QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.button(QMessageBox.Retry).setText('Refine') msgBox.button(QMessageBox.Retry).setIcon( QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + f'/search.png')) reply = msgBox.exec_() if reply == QMessageBox.Retry or len(features) == 0: return # Add result feature to the new layer (res, outFeats) = layer.dataProvider().addFeatures(features) # Change layer syle programmatically # Note : if we styling before save and add layer, we avoid to update legend style # => self.iface.layerTreeView().refreshLayerSymbology( symbol = layer.renderer().symbol() symbol.setOpacity(0.2) symbol.setColor(color) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) # And refresh view layer.triggerRepaint() self.close() except: return
class FmvLayerStyles(object): # sensor holder S = {} # platform holder P = {} # trajectory holder T = {} # beam holder B = {} # frame center holder F = {} # frame axis holder FA = {} # drawings Point holder DP = {} # drawings Line holder DL = {} # drawing Polygons holder DPL = {} # # SENSOR STYLES (based on meta attribute "Image Source Sensor") # # Default S['DEFAULT'] = {} S['DEFAULT']['COLOR'] = '126, 217, 255, 60' S['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#5392fa' S['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' S['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' # IR sensor S['IR'] = {} S['IR']['COLOR'] = '234, 135, 8, 60' S['IR']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#ba340f' S['IR']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' S['IR']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' # EOW sensor S['EOW'] = {} S['EOW']['COLOR'] = '126, 217, 255, 60' S['EOW']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#5392fa' S['EOW']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' S['EOW']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' # BLEND sensor S['BLEND'] = {} S['BLEND']['COLOR'] = '255, 255, 255, 60' S['BLEND']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#a7a7a7' S['BLEND']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' S['BLEND']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' # Short Wave Infra Red sensor S['EON_SWIR'] = {} S['EON_SWIR']['COLOR'] = '234, 135, 8, 60' S['EON_SWIR']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#ba340f' S['EON_SWIR']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' S['EON_SWIR']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' # EON sensor S['EON'] = {} S['EON']['COLOR'] = '249, 167, 62, 60' S['EON']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#ba340f' S['EON']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' S['EON']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' # FLIR SS380-HD HDIR sensor S['FLIR SS380-HD HDIR'] = {} S['FLIR SS380-HD HDIR']['COLOR'] = '234, 135, 8, 60' S['FLIR SS380-HD HDIR']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#ba340f' S['FLIR SS380-HD HDIR']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' S['FLIR SS380-HD HDIR']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' # SP sensor S['SP'] = {} S['SP']['COLOR'] = '219, 204, 0, 60' S['SP']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#9E9300' S['SP']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' S['SP']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' # # PLATFORM STYLES (based on meta attribute platform) # # Default P['DEFAULT'] = {} P['DEFAULT']['NAME'] = ':/imgFMV/images/platforms/platform_default.svg' P['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE'] = '255, 255, 255, 60' P['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' P['DEFAULT']['SIZE'] = '18' # Super Puma Platform P['Super Puma TH06'] = {} P['Super Puma TH06'][ 'NAME'] = ':/imgFMV/images/platforms/plat_super_puma.svg' P['Super Puma TH06']['OUTLINE'] = '255, 255, 255, 60' P['Super Puma TH06']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' P['Super Puma TH06']['SIZE'] = '18' # N97826 Platform P['N97826'] = {} P['N97826']['NAME'] = ':/imgFMV/images/platforms/plat_N97826.svg' P['N97826']['OUTLINE'] = '255, 255, 255, 60' P['N97826']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' P['N97826']['SIZE'] = '18' # VH-ZXX Platform P['VH-ZXX'] = {} P['VH-ZXX']['NAME'] = ':/imgFMV/images/platforms/plat_VH-ZXX.svg' P['VH-ZXX']['OUTLINE'] = '255, 255, 255, 60' P['VH-ZXX']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' P['VH-ZXX']['SIZE'] = '18' # ADS15 Platform P['ADS15'] = {} P['ADS15']['NAME'] = ':/imgFMV/images/platforms/plat_ADS15.svg' P['ADS15']['OUTLINE'] = '255, 255, 255, 60' P['ADS15']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' P['ADS15']['SIZE'] = '18' # # FRAMECENTER POINT STYLES # F['DEFAULT'] = {} F['DEFAULT']['NAME'] = 'cross' F['DEFAULT']['LINE_COLOR'] = '#000000' F['DEFAULT']['LINE_WIDTH'] = '0' F['DEFAULT']['SIZE'] = '3' # # FRAME AXIS STYLES # FA['DEFAULT'] = {} FA['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'dash' # # TRAJECTORY STYLES # T['DEFAULT'] = {} T['DEFAULT']['NAME'] = 'dash blue' T['DEFAULT']['COLOR'] = '#0000ff' T['DEFAULT']['WIDTH'] = '0.5' T['DEFAULT']['customdash'] = '3;2' T['DEFAULT']['use_custom_dash'] = '1' # # BEAM STYLES # B['DEFAULT'] = {} B['DEFAULT']['COLOR'] = qRgba(138, 138, 138, 180) # # DRAWINGS POINT STYLES # DP['DEFAULT'] = {} DP['DEFAULT']['NAME'] = 'cross' DP['DEFAULT']['LINE_COLOR'] = '#DC143C' DP['DEFAULT']['LINE_WIDTH'] = '1' DP['DEFAULT']['SIZE'] = '4' DP['DEFAULT']['LABEL_FONT'] = 'Arial' DP['DEFAULT']['LABEL_FONT_SIZE'] = 12 DP['DEFAULT']['LABEL_FONT_COLOR'] = '#DC143C' DP['DEFAULT']['LABEL_SIZE'] = 12 DP['DEFAULT']['LABEL_BUFFER_COLOR'] = 'white' # # DRAWINGS LINE STYLES # DL['DEFAULT'] = {} DL['DEFAULT']['COLOR'] = QColor.fromRgb(252, 215, 108) DL['DEFAULT']['WIDTH'] = 1 # # DRAWINGS POLYGONS STYLES # DPL['DEFAULT'] = {} DPL['DEFAULT']['COLOR'] = '252, 215, 108, 100' DPL['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE_COLOR'] = '#FCD76C' DPL['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE_STYLE'] = 'solid' DPL['DEFAULT']['OUTLINE_WIDTH'] = '1' @staticmethod def getPlatform(name): style = None try: style = FmvLayerStyles.P[name] except Exception: style = FmvLayerStyles.P['DEFAULT'] return style @staticmethod def getSensor(name): style = None try: style = FmvLayerStyles.S[name] except Exception: style = FmvLayerStyles.S['DEFAULT'] return style @staticmethod def getTrajectory(name): style = None try: style = FmvLayerStyles.T[name] except Exception: style = FmvLayerStyles.T['DEFAULT'] return style @staticmethod def getBeam(name): style = None try: style = FmvLayerStyles.B[name] except Exception: style = FmvLayerStyles.B['DEFAULT'] return style @staticmethod def getDrawingPoint(): style = FmvLayerStyles.DP['DEFAULT'] return style @staticmethod def getFrameCenterPoint(): style = FmvLayerStyles.F['DEFAULT'] return style @staticmethod def getFrameAxis(): style = FmvLayerStyles.FA['DEFAULT'] return style @staticmethod def getDrawingLine(): style = FmvLayerStyles.DL['DEFAULT'] return style @staticmethod def getDrawingPolygon(): style = FmvLayerStyles.DPL['DEFAULT'] return style