def getAllEdgvDomainsFromTableName(self, table): """ EDGV databases deployed by DSGTools have a set of domain tables. Gets the value map from such DB. It checks for all attributes found. :param table: (str) layer to be checked for its EDGV mapping. :param table: (QgsVectorLayer) overloaded method - layer to be checked for its EDGV mapping. :param field: (str) field to be checked. :return: (dict) value map for all attributes that have one. """ ret = defaultdict(dict) currentLayer = table if isinstance(table, QgsVectorLayer) else self.layerByName(table) if currentLayer.isValid(): try: uri = currentLayer.dataProvider().uri() if == '': db = QSqlDatabase('QSQLITE') db.setDatabaseName( uri.uri().split("|")[0].strip() if uri.uri().split("|")[0].strip().endswith(".gpkg") \ else uri.database() ) sql = 'select code, code_name from dominios_{field} order by code' else: db = QSqlDatabase('QPSQL') db.setHostName( db.setPort(int(uri.port())) db.setDatabaseName(uri.database()) db.setUserName(uri.username()) db.setPassword(uri.password()) sql = 'select code, code_name from dominios.{field} order by code' if not db.close() return ret for field in currentLayer.fields(): fieldName = if fieldName in self.specialEdgvAttributes(): # EDGV "special" attributes that are have different domains depending on # which class it belongs to if self.edgvVersion(db) in ("2.1.3 Pro", "3.0 Pro"): cat = table if isinstance(table, str) else # Pro versions now follow the logic "{attribute}_{CLASS_NAME}" cat = cat.rsplit("_", 1)[0].split("_", 1)[-1] else: cat = (table if isinstance(table, str) else"_")[0] fieldN = "{attribute}_{cat}".format(attribute=fieldName, cat=cat) query = QSqlQuery(sql.format(field=fieldN), db) else: query = QSqlQuery(sql.format(field=fieldName), db) if not query.isActive(): continue while code = str(query.value(0)) code_name = query.value(1) ret[fieldName][code_name] = code db.close() except: pass return ret
def getEdgvDomainsFromTableName(self, table, field=None): """ EDGV databases deployed by DSGTools have a set of domain tables. Gets the value map from such DB. :param table: (str) layer to be checked for its EDGV mapping. :param table: (QgsVectorLayer) overloaded method - layer to be checked for its EDGV mapping. :param field: (str) field to be checked. :return: (dict) value map. """ ret = dict() currentLayer = table if isinstance( table, QgsVectorLayer) else self.layerByName(table) if currentLayer.isValid(): try: uri = currentLayer.dataProvider().uri() field = field or self.currentField() if field in self.specialEdgvAttributes(): # EDGV "special" attributes that are have different domains depending on # which class it belongs to category = self.currentLayerName().split("_")[0] field = "{attribute}_{cat}".format(attribute=field, cat=category) if == '': db = QSqlDatabase('QSQLITE') db.setDatabaseName( uri.uri().split("|")[0].strip() if uri.uri().split("|")[0].strip().endswith(".gpkg") \ else uri.database() ) sql = 'select code, code_name from dominios_{field} order by code'.format( field=field) else: db = QSqlDatabase('QPSQL') db.setHostName( db.setPort(int(uri.port())) db.setDatabaseName(uri.database()) db.setUserName(uri.username()) db.setPassword(uri.password()) sql = 'select code, code_name from dominios.{field} order by code'.format( field=field) if not db.close() return ret query = QSqlQuery(sql, db) if not query.isActive(): return ret while code = str(query.value(0)) code_name = query.value(1) ret[code_name] = code db.close() except: pass return ret
class SpatialiteDb(AbstractDb): def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' super(SpatialiteDb, self).__init__() self.db = QSqlDatabase('QSQLITE') self.gen = SqlGeneratorFactory().createSqlGenerator( driver=DsgEnums.DriverSpatiaLite) def closeDatabase(self): if self.db is not None and self.db.isOpen(): self.db.close() def getDatabaseName(self): ''' Gets the database name ''' return self.db.databaseName().split('.sqlite')[0].split('/')[-1] def connectDatabase(self, conn=None): ''' Connects to database conn: Database name ''' if conn is None: self.connectDatabaseWithGui() else: self.db.setDatabaseName(conn) def connectDatabaseWithGui(self): ''' Connects to database using user interface dialog ''' fd = QFileDialog() filename = fd.getOpenFileName('Select a DSGTools Spatialite file'),'Spatialite file databases (*.sqlite)')) filename = filename[0] if isinstance(filename, tuple) else filename self.db.setDatabaseName(filename) def listGeomClassesFromDatabase(self, primitiveFilter=[]): ''' Gets a list with geometry classes from database ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() classList = [] sql = self.gen.getTablesFromDatabase() query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem listing geom classes: ") + query.lastError().text()) while tableName = str(query.value(0)) layerName = tableName if tableName[-2:].lower() in ["_p", "_l", "_a"]: classList.append(layerName) return classList def listComplexClassesFromDatabase(self): ''' Gets a list with complex classes from database ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() classList = [] sql = self.gen.getTablesFromDatabase() query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem listing complex classes: ") + query.lastError().text()) while tableName = str(query.value(0)) layerName = tableName tableSchema = layerName.split('_')[0] if tableSchema == 'complexos': classList.append(layerName) return classList def getStructureDict(self): ''' Gets database structure according to the edgv version ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() classDict = dict() sql = self.gen.getStructure(self.getDatabaseVersion()) query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem getting database structure: ") + query.lastError().text()) while className = str(query.value(0)) classSql = str(query.value(1)) if className.split('_')[0] == 'complexos' or className.split( '_')[-1] in ['p', 'l', 'a']: if className not in list(classDict.keys()): classDict[className] = dict() classSql = classSql.split(className)[1] sqlList = classSql.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace( '\"', '').replace('\'', '').split(',') for s in sqlList: fieldName = str(s.strip().split(' ')[0]) classDict[className][fieldName] = fieldName if 'GEOMETRY' in list(classDict[className].keys()): classDict[className]['GEOMETRY'] = 'geom' if 'geometry' in list(classDict[className].keys()): classDict[className]['geometry'] = 'geom' if 'OGC_FID' in list(classDict[className].keys()): classDict[className]['OGC_FID'] = 'id' return classDict def makeOgrConn(self): ''' Makes a connection string for spatialite databases (e.g just the name) ''' constring = self.db.databaseName() return constring def validateWithOutputDatabaseSchema(self, outputAbstractDb): ''' Validates the conversion with the output database. It generates a dictionary (invalidated) that stores conversion problems ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() invalidated = self.buildInvalidatedDict() inputdbStructure = self.getStructureDict() outputdbStructure = outputAbstractDb.getStructureDict() domainDict = outputAbstractDb.getDomainDict() classes = self.listClassesWithElementsFromDatabase() notNullDict = outputAbstractDb.getNotNullDict() for inputClass in list(classes.keys()): outputClass = self.translateAbstractDbLayerNameToOutputFormat( inputClass, outputAbstractDb) (schema, className) = self.getTableSchema(inputClass) if outputClass in list(outputdbStructure.keys()): outputAttrList = self.reorderTupleList( list(outputdbStructure[outputClass].keys())) inputAttrList = self.reorderTupleList( list(inputdbStructure[inputClass].keys())) sql = self.gen.getFeaturesWithSQL(inputClass, inputAttrList) query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem executing query: ") + query.lastError().text()) while id = query.value(0) #detects null lines for i in range(len(inputAttrList)): nullLine = True value = query.value(i) if value != None: nullLine = False break if nullLine: if cl not in list(invalidated['nullLine'].keys()): invalidated['nullLine'][inputClass] = 0 invalidated['nullLine'][inputClass] += 1 #validates pks if id == None and (not nullLine): if cl not in list(invalidated['nullPk'].keys()): invalidated['nullPk'][inputClass] = 0 invalidated['nullPk'][inputClass] += 1 for i in range(len(inputAttrList)): value = query.value(i) #validates domain if outputClass in list(domainDict.keys()): if inputAttrList[i] in list( domainDict[outputClass].keys()): if value not in domainDict[outputClass][ inputAttrList[i]] and (not nullLine): invalidated = self.utils.buildNestedDict( invalidated, [ 'notInDomain', inputClass, id, inputAttrList[i] ], value) #validates not nulls if outputClass in list(notNullDict.keys()): if outputClass in list(domainDict.keys()): if inputAttrList[i] in notNullDict[ outputClass] and inputAttrList[ i] not in list( domainDict[outputClass].keys( )): if (value == None) and (not nullLine) and ( inputAttrList[i] not in list( domainDict[outputClass].keys()) ): invalidated = self.utils.buildNestedDict( invalidated, [ 'nullAttribute', inputClass, id, inputAttrList[i] ], value) else: if inputAttrList[i] in notNullDict[ outputClass]: try: if value.isNull(): invalidated = self.utils.buildNestedDict( invalidated, [ 'nullAttribute', inputClass, id, inputAttrList[i] ], value) except: if (value == None) and ( not nullLine ) and (inputAttrList[i] not in list( domainDict[outputClass].keys()) ): invalidated = self.utils.buildNestedDict( invalidated, [ 'nullAttribute', inputClass, id, inputAttrList[i] ], value) if outputClass in list(domainDict.keys()): if (inputAttrList[i] not in [ 'geom', 'GEOMETRY', 'geometry', 'id', 'OGC_FID' ] and schema != 'complexos') or ( schema == 'complexos' and inputAttrList[i] != 'id'): if inputAttrList[i] not in list( outputdbStructure[outputClass].keys()): invalidated = self.utils.buildNestedDict( invalidated, [ 'attributeNotFoundInOutput', inputClass ], [inputAttrList[i]]) #validates fk field if 'id_' == inputAttrList[0:3]: if not self.validateUUID(value): if inputAttrList[i] not in list( outputdbStructure[outputClass].keys()): invalidated = self.utils.buildNestedDict( invalidated, ['nullComplexFk', inputClass], [inputAttrList[i]]) else: invalidated['classNotFoundInOutput'].append(inputAttrList) return invalidated def translateAbstractDbLayerNameToOutputFormat(self, lyr, outputAbstractDb): ''' Translates abstractdb layer name to output format lyr: layer name that will be translated outputAbstractDb: output database ''' if outputAbstractDb.db.driverName() == 'QSQLITE': return lyr if outputAbstractDb.db.driverName() == 'QPSQL': return str(lyr.split('_')[0] + '.' + '_'.join(lyr.split('_')[1::])) def translateOGRLayerNameToOutputFormat(self, lyr, ogrOutput): ''' Translates ogr layer name to output format lyr: layer name that will be translated ogrOutput: ogr output ''' if ogrOutput.GetDriver().name == 'SQLite': return lyr if ogrOutput.GetDriver().name == 'PostgreSQL': return str(lyr.split('_')[0] + '.' + '_'.join(lyr.split('_')[1::])) def getTableSchema(self, lyr): ''' Gets the table schema lyr: layer name ''' schema = lyr.split('_')[0] className = '_'.join(lyr.split('_')[1::]) return (schema, className) def convertToPostgis(self, outputAbstractDb, type=None): ''' Converts this to a postgis database outputAbstractDb: postgis output type: conversion type ''' (inputOgrDb, outputOgrDb, fieldMap, inputLayerList, errorDict) = self.prepareForConversion(outputAbstractDb) invalidated = self.validateWithOutputDatabaseSchema(outputAbstractDb) hasErrors = self.makeValidationSummary(invalidated) if type == 'untouchedData': if hasErrors: self.signals.updateLog.emit('\n\n\n' + 'Conversion not perfomed due to validation errors! Check log above for more information.' )) return False else: status = self.translateDS(inputOgrDb, outputOgrDb, fieldMap, inputLayerList, errorDict) return status if type == 'fixData': if hasErrors: status = self.translateDS(inputOgrDb, outputOgrDb, fieldMap, inputLayerList, errorDict, invalidated) return status else: status = self.translateDS(inputOgrDb, outputOgrDb, fieldMap, inputLayerList, errorDict) return status return False def getDatabaseVersion(self): ''' Gets the database version ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() version = '2.1.3' sql = self.gen.getEDGVVersion() query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) # if not query.isActive(): # raise Exception("Problem getting database version: ")+query.lastError().text()) while version = query.value(0) return version def obtainLinkColumn(self, complexClass, aggregatedClass): ''' Obtains the link column between complex and aggregated class complexClass: complex class name aggregatedClass: aggregated class name ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() #query to obtain the link column between the complex and the feature layer sql = self.gen.getLinkColumn(complexClass.replace('complexos_', ''), aggregatedClass) query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem obtaining link column: ") + query.lastError().text()) column_name = "" while column_name = query.value(0) return column_name def loadAssociatedFeatures(self, complex): ''' Loads all the features associated to the complex complex: complex class name ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() associatedDict = dict() #query to get the possible links to the selected complex in the combobox complexName = complex.replace('complexos_', '') sql = self.gen.getComplexLinks(complexName) query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem loading associated features: ") + query.lastError().text()) while #setting the variables complex_schema = query.value(0) complex = query.value(1) aggregated_schema = query.value(2) aggregated_class = query.value(3) column_name = query.value(4) if aggregated_class.split('_')[-1] not in ['p', 'l', 'a']: continue #query to obtain the created complexes sql = self.gen.getComplexData(complex_schema, complex) complexQuery = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not complexQuery.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem executing query: ") + complexQuery.lastError().text()) while next(complexQuery): complex_uuid = complexQuery.value(0) name = complexQuery.value(1) if not (complex_uuid and name): continue associatedDict = self.utils.buildNestedDict( associatedDict, [name, complex_uuid, aggregated_class], []) #query to obtain the id of the associated feature sql = self.gen.getAssociatedFeaturesData( aggregated_schema, aggregated_class, column_name, complex_uuid) associatedQuery = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not associatedQuery.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem executing query: ") + associatedQuery.lastError().text()) while next(associatedQuery): ogc_fid = associatedQuery.value(0) associatedDict = self.utils.buildNestedDict( associatedDict, [name, complex_uuid, aggregated_class], [ogc_fid]) return associatedDict def isComplexClass(self, className): ''' Checks if a class is a complex class className: class name to be checked ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() #getting all complex tables query = QSqlQuery(self.gen.getComplexTablesFromDatabase(), self.db) if not query.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem executing query: ") + query.lastError().text()) while if query.value(0) == 'complexos_' + className: return True return False def disassociateComplexFromComplex(self, aggregated_class, link_column, id): ''' Disassociates a complex from another complex aggregated_class: aggregated class that will be disassociated link_column: link column between complex and its aggregated class id: complex id (uid) to be disassociated ''' sql = self.gen.disassociateComplexFromComplex( 'complexos_' + aggregated_class, link_column, id) query = QSqlQuery(self.db) if not query.exec_(sql): self.db.close() raise Exception('Problem disassociating complex from complex: ') + '\n' + query.lastError().text()) def getTablesFromDatabase(self): ''' Gets all tables from database ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() ret = [] sql = self.gen.getTablesFromDatabase() query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): self.db.close() raise Exception("Problem getting tables from database: ") + query.lastError().text()) while #table name ret.append(query.value(0)) return ret def getFrameLayerName(self): ''' Gets the frame layer name ''' return 'public_aux_moldura_a' def getOrphanGeomTablesWithElements(self, loading=False): return [] def getOrphanGeomTables(self): return [] def checkAndCreateStyleTable(self): return None def getStylesFromDb(self, dbVersion): return None def getGeomTypeDict(self, loadCentroids=False): self.checkAndOpenDb() edgvVersion = self.getDatabaseVersion() sql = self.gen.getGeomByPrimitive(edgvVersion) query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): raise Exception("Problem getting geom types from db: ") + query.lastError().text()) geomDict = dict() while if edgvVersion in ('2.1.3', 'FTer_2a_Ed'): type = query.value(0) else: type = self.getResolvedGeomType(query.value(0)) tableName = query.value(1) layerName = '_'.join(tableName.split('_')[1::]) if type not in list(geomDict.keys()): geomDict[type] = [] if layerName not in geomDict[type]: geomDict[type].append(layerName) return geomDict def getGeomDict(self, getCentroids=False): ''' returns a dict like this: {'tablePerspective' : { 'layerName' : ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() edgvVersion = self.getDatabaseVersion() sql = self.gen.getGeomTablesFromGeometryColumns(edgvVersion) query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): raise Exception("Problem getting geom tables from db: ") + query.lastError().text()) geomDict = dict() geomDict['primitivePerspective'] = self.getGeomTypeDict() geomDict['tablePerspective'] = dict() while isCentroid = False srid = query.value(0) if edgvVersion in ('2.1.3', 'FTer_2a_Ed'): geometryType = query.value(2) else: geometryType = self.getResolvedGeomType(query.value(2)) tableName = query.value(3) tableSchema = tableName.split('_')[0] geometryColumn = query.value(1) layerName = '_'.join(tableName.split('_')[1::]) if layerName not in list(geomDict['tablePerspective'].keys()): geomDict['tablePerspective'][layerName] = dict() geomDict['tablePerspective'][layerName]['schema'] = tableSchema geomDict['tablePerspective'][layerName]['srid'] = str(srid) geomDict['tablePerspective'][layerName][ 'geometryColumn'] = geometryColumn geomDict['tablePerspective'][layerName][ 'geometryType'] = geometryType geomDict['tablePerspective'][layerName][ 'tableName'] = tableName return geomDict def getGeomColumnDict(self): ''' Dict in the form 'geomName':[-list of table names-] ''' self.checkAndOpenDb() sql = self.gen.getGeomColumnDict() query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): raise Exception("Problem getting geom column dict: ") + query.lastError().text()) geomDict = dict() while geomColumn = query.value(0) tableName = query.value(1) lyrName = '_'.join(tableName.split('_')[1::]) if geomColumn not in list(geomDict.keys()): geomDict[geomColumn] = [] geomDict[geomColumn].append(lyrName) return geomDict def createFrame(self, type, scale, param, paramDict=dict()): mi, inom, frame = self.prepareCreateFrame(type, scale, param) self.insertFrame(scale, mi, inom, frame.asWkb()) return frame def insertFrame(self, scale, mi, inom, frame): self.checkAndOpenDb() srid = self.findEPSG() geoSrid = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( int(srid)).geographicCRSAuthId().split(':')[-1] ogr.UseExceptions() outputDS = self.buildOgrDatabase() outputLayer = outputDS.GetLayerByName('public_aux_moldura_a') newFeat = ogr.Feature(outputLayer.GetLayerDefn()) auxGeom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(frame) #set geographic srid from frame geoSrs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference() geoSrs.ImportFromEPSG(int(geoSrid)) auxGeom.AssignSpatialReference(geoSrs) #reproject geom outSpatialRef = outputLayer.GetSpatialRef() coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(geoSrs, outSpatialRef) auxGeom.Transform(coordTrans) newFeat.SetGeometry(auxGeom) newFeat.SetField('mi', mi) newFeat.SetField('inom', inom) newFeat.SetField('escala', str(scale)) out = outputLayer.CreateFeature(newFeat) outputDS.Destroy() def getTableSchemaFromDb(self, table): self.checkAndOpenDb() sql = self.gen.getFullTablesName(table) query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): raise Exception("Problem getting full table name: ") + query.lastError().text()) while return query.value(0).split('_')[0] def getGeomColumnTupleList(self, showViews=False): """ list in the format [(table_schema, table_name, geometryColumn, geometryType, tableType)] centroids are hidden by default """ self.checkAndOpenDb() edgvVersion = self.getDatabaseVersion() sql = self.gen.getGeomColumnTupleList(edgvVersion) query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): raise Exception("Problem getting geom tuple list: ") + query.lastError().text()) geomList = [] while if edgvVersion in ['2.1.3', 'FTer_2a_Ed']: geomList.append((query.value(0).split('_')[0], '_'.join(query.value(0).split('_')[1::]), query.value(1), query.value(2), 'BASE TABLE')) else: geomList.append( (query.value(0).split('_')[0], '_'.join(query.value(0).split('_')[1::]), query.value(1), self.getResolvedGeomType(int(query.value(2))), 'BASE TABLE')) return geomList def getResolvedGeomType(self, geometryType): geomDict = { 0: 'GEOMETRY', 1: 'POINT', 2: 'LINESTRING', 3: 'POLYGON', 4: 'MULTIPOINT', 5: 'MULTILINESTRING', 6: 'MULTIPOLYGON', 7: 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', 8: 'CIRCULARSTRING', 9: 'COMPOUNDCURVE', 10: 'CURVEPOLYGON', 11: 'MULTICURVE', 12: 'MULTISURFACE', 13: 'CURVE', 14: 'SURFACE' } return geomDict[geometryType] def databaseInfo(self): """ Gives information about all tables present in the database. Output is composed by schema, layer, geometry column, geometry type and srid, in that order. :return: (list-of-dict) database information. """ self.checkAndOpenDb() sql = self.gen.databaseInfo() query = QSqlQuery(sql, self.db) if not query.isActive(): raise Exception("Problem getting geom schemas from db: ") + query.lastError().text()) out = [] while rowDict = dict() rowDict['schema'] = query.value(0).split('_')[0] rowDict['layer'] = query.value(0)[len(rowDict['schema']) + 1:] rowDict['geomCol'] = query.value(1) rowDict['geomType'] = query.value(2) rowDict['srid'] = str(query.value(3)) out.append(rowDict) return out