Exemple #1
def workflow_handler_patch_req(req_op,
    """Patches a workflow

    req_op : str
        The operation to perform on the workflow
    req_path : str
        Path parameter with the workflow to patch
    req_value : str, optional
        The value that needs to be modified
    req_from : str, optional
        The original path of the element

    dict of {str: str}
        A dictionary of the form: {'status': str, 'message': str} in which
        status is the status of the request ('error' or 'success') and message
        is a human readable string with the error message in case that status
        is 'error'.
    if req_op == 'add':
        req_path = [v for v in req_path.split('/') if v]
        if len(req_path) != 1:
            return {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Incorrect path parameter'}
        req_path = req_path[0]
            wf = ProcessingWorkflow(req_path)
        except QiitaDBUnknownIDError:
            return {
                'status': 'error',
                'message': 'Workflow %s does not exist' % req_path

        req_value = loads(req_value)
        dflt_params = DefaultParameters(req_value['dflt_params'])
        req_params = req_value.get('req_params', None)
        opt_params = req_value.get('opt_params', None)
        connections = {
            ProcessingJob(k): v
            for k, v in req_value['connections'].items()
        job = wf.add(dflt_params,
        job_cmd = job.command
        return {
            'status': 'success',
            'message': '',
            'job': {
                'id': job.id,
                'inputs': list(req_value['connections'].keys()),
                'label': job_cmd.name,
                'outputs': job_cmd.outputs
    elif req_op == 'remove':
        req_path = [v for v in req_path.split('/') if v]
        if len(req_path) != 2:
            return {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Incorrect path parameter'}
        wf_id = req_path[0]
        job_id = req_path[1]
        wf = ProcessingWorkflow(wf_id)
        job = ProcessingJob(job_id)
        wf.remove(job, cascade=True)
        return {'status': 'success', 'message': ''}
        return {
            'Operation "%s" not supported. Current supported '
            'operations: add' % req_op
Exemple #2
def workflow_handler_patch_req(req_op, req_path, req_value=None,
    """Patches an ontology

    req_op : str
        The operation to perform on the ontology
    req_path : str
        The ontology to patch
    req_value : str, optional
        The value that needs to be modified
    req_from : str, optional
        The original path of the element

    dict of {str: str}
        A dictionary of the form: {'status': str, 'message': str} in which
        status is the status of the request ('error' or 'success') and message
        is a human readable string with the error message in case that status
        is 'error'.
    if req_op == 'add':
        req_path = [v for v in req_path.split('/') if v]
        if len(req_path) != 1:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Incorrect path parameter'}
        req_path = req_path[0]
            wf = ProcessingWorkflow(req_path)
        except QiitaDBUnknownIDError:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Workflow %s does not exist' % req_path}

        req_value = loads(req_value)
        dflt_params = DefaultParameters(req_value['dflt_params'])
        req_params = req_value.get('req_params', None)
        opt_params = req_value.get('opt_params', None)
        connections = {ProcessingJob(k): v
                       for k, v in req_value['connections'].items()}
        job = wf.add(dflt_params, connections=connections,
                     req_params=req_params, opt_params=opt_params)
        job_cmd = job.command
        return {'status': 'success',
                'message': '',
                'job': {'id': job.id,
                        'inputs': req_value['connections'].keys(),
                        'label': job_cmd.name,
                        'outputs': job_cmd.outputs}}
    elif req_op == 'remove':
        req_path = [v for v in req_path.split('/') if v]
        if len(req_path) != 2:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Incorrect path parameter'}
        wf_id = req_path[0]
        job_id = req_path[1]
        wf = ProcessingWorkflow(wf_id)
        job = ProcessingJob(job_id)
        wf.remove(job, cascade=True)
        return {'status': 'success',
                'message': ''}
        return {'status': 'error',
                'message': 'Operation "%s" not supported. Current supported '
                           'operations: add' % req_op}