def perf_test(
        model, n_particles, prior,
        n_exp, heuristic_class,
        true_model=None, true_prior=None
    Runs a trial of using SMC to estimate the parameters of a model, given a
    number of particles, a prior distribution and an experiment design

    :param qinfer.Model model: Model whose parameters are to
        be estimated.
    :param int n_particles: Number of SMC particles to use.
    :param qinfer.Distribution prior: Prior to use in selecting
        SMC particles.
    :param int n_exp: Number of experimental data points to draw from the
    :param qinfer.Heuristic heuristic_class: Constructor function
        for the experiment design heuristic to be used.
    :param qinfer.Model true_model: Model to be used in
        generating experimental data. If ``None``, assumed to be ``model``.
    :param qinfer.Distribution true_prior: Prior to be used in
        selecting the true model parameters. If ``None``, assumed to be
    :rtype np.ndarray: See :ref:`perf_testing_struct` for more details on 
        the type returned by this function.
    :return: A record array of performance metrics, indexed by the number
        of experiments performed.

    if true_model is None:
        true_model = model

    if true_prior is None:
        true_prior = prior

    true_mps = true_prior.sample()

    performance = np.zeros((n_exp,), dtype=PERFORMANCE_DTYPE)

    updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior)
    heuristic = heuristic_class(updater)

    for idx_exp in xrange(n_exp):
        expparams = heuristic()
        datum = true_model.simulate_experiment(true_mps, expparams)

        with timing() as t:
            updater.update(datum, expparams)

        delta = updater.est_mean() - true_mps

        performance[idx_exp]['elapsed_time'] = t.delta_t
        performance[idx_exp]['loss'] =, delta**2)
        performance[idx_exp]['resample_count'] = updater.resample_count

    return performance
def main():
    m = SimpleMacroModel()
    prior = UniformDistribution([[0, 1], [0, 1]])
    u = SMCUpdater(m, 1000, prior)
    modelparams = prior.sample()
    expparams = np.array([(12.0,)], dtype=m.expparams_dtype)
    datum = m.simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams)
    print datum
    u.update(datum, expparams)
    print u.est_mean()
    print m.call_count
def main():
    m = SimpleMacroModel()
    prior = UniformDistribution([[0, 1], [0, 1]])
    u = SMCUpdater(m, 1000, prior)
    modelparams = prior.sample()
    expparams = np.array([(12.0, )], dtype=m.expparams_dtype)
    datum = m.simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams)
    print datum
    u.update(datum, expparams)
    print u.est_mean()
    print m.call_count

        # Now we concatenate over outcomes.
        return FiniteOutcomeModel.pr0_to_likelihood_array(outcomes, pr0)

## SCRIPT ######################################################################

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # NOTE: This is now redundant with the perf_testing module.

    simple_model = SimplePrecessionModel()

    for model in [AcceleratedPrecessionModel(), SimplePrecessionModel()]:

        true = np.random.random(1)
        updater = SMCUpdater(model, 100000, UniformDistribution([0, 1]))

        tic = time.time()

        for idx_exp in range(200):
            if not (idx_exp % 20):
            expparams = np.array([(9 / 8)**idx_exp])
            updater.update(simple_model.simulate_experiment(true, expparams),

        print(model, updater.est_mean(), true, time.time() - tic)
    #simulate outcomes- based on the true T1, and the chosen intial value 
    #will be replaced by actual data collection from NMR for Mz values
#NMR EXPERIMENT*************************************************    
#USE this instead of simualate when doing experiments in NMR 
#    outcome=np.array([[[float(raw_input('Enter obtained Mz: '))]]])
#    dummy=float(raw_input('waiting for Mz'))
#    Mz_value=LF.lorentzfit(str(idx_trials+2)+'_spectrum.txt')
#    outcome=np.array([[[Mz_value/abs(Mo_norm)]]])

    #Run SMC and update the posterior distribution
#STORE DATA******************************************
    data[idx_trials]['est_mean'] = updater.est_mean()
    data[idx_trials]['sim_outcome'] = outcome
    data[idx_trials]['expparams'] = expparams
    data[idx_trials]['covariance'] = updater.est_covariance_mtx()

# PLOT *******************************************  
# SIMULATE*******************************************************
    # simulate outcomes- based on the true T1, and the chosen intial value
    # will be replaced by actual data collection from NMR for Mz values
    sim_outcome = model.simulate_experiment(true_model, expparams)
    outcome = sim_outcome
# NMR EXPERIMENT*************************************************
# USE this instead when doing experiments in NMR
#    outcome=np.array([[[float(raw_input('Enter obtained Mz: '))]]])
#    dummy=float(raw_input('waiting for Mz'))
#    Mz_value=LF.lorentzfit(str(idx_trials+2)+'_spectrum.txt')
#    outcome=np.array([[[Mz_value/abs(Mo_norm)]]])

    # Run SMC and update the posterior distribution
    updater.update(outcome, expparams)

# STORE DATA******************************************
    data[idx_trials]['est_mean'] = updater.est_mean()
    data[idx_trials]['sim_outcome'] = outcome
    data[idx_trials]['expparams'] = expparams

# PLOT *******************************************  
# plotting particles and weights
    particles = updater.particle_locations
    weights = updater.particle_weights
    fig = plt.figure()

    plt.axvline(updater.est_mean(), linestyle='--', c='blue', linewidth=2)
Exemple #7
        # Copy the buffer back from the GPU and free memory there.
        cl.enqueue_copy(self._queue, pr0, dest_buf)
        # Now we concatenate over outcomes.
        return FiniteOutcomeModel.pr0_to_likelihood_array(outcomes, pr0)

## SCRIPT ######################################################################

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # NOTE: This is now redundant with the perf_testing module.

    simple_model = SimplePrecessionModel()

    for model in [AcceleratedPrecessionModel(), SimplePrecessionModel()]:
        true = np.random.random(1)
        updater = SMCUpdater(model, 100000, UniformDistribution([0, 1]))
        tic = time.time()
        for idx_exp in range(200):
            if not (idx_exp % 20):
            expparams = np.array([(9 / 8) ** idx_exp])
            updater.update(simple_model.simulate_experiment(true, expparams), expparams)
        print(model, updater.est_mean(), true, time.time() - tic)
Exemple #8
def perf_test(model,
    Runs a trial of using SMC to estimate the parameters of a model, given a
    number of particles, a prior distribution and an experiment design

    :param qinfer.Model model: Model whose parameters are to
        be estimated.
    :param int n_particles: Number of SMC particles to use.
    :param qinfer.Distribution prior: Prior to use in selecting
        SMC particles.
    :param int n_exp: Number of experimental data points to draw from the
    :param qinfer.Heuristic heuristic_class: Constructor function
        for the experiment design heuristic to be used.
    :param qinfer.Model true_model: Model to be used in
        generating experimental data. If ``None``, assumed to be ``model``.
        Note that if the true and estimation models have different numbers
        of parameters, the loss will be calculated by aligning the
        respective model vectors "at the right," analogously to the
        convention used by NumPy broadcasting.
    :param qinfer.Distribution true_prior: Prior to be used in
        selecting the true model parameters. If ``None``, assumed to be
    :param numpy.ndarray true_mps: The true model parameters. If ``None``,
        it will be sampled from ``true_prior``. Note that as this function
        runs exactly one trial, only one model parameter vector may be passed.
        In particular, this requires that ``len(true_mps.shape) == 1``. 
    :param dict extra_updater_args: Extra keyword arguments for the updater,
        such as resampling and zero-weight policies.
    :rtype np.ndarray: See :ref:`perf_testing_struct` for more details on 
        the type returned by this function.
    :return: A record array of performance metrics, indexed by the number
        of experiments performed.

    if true_model is None:
        true_model = model

    if true_prior is None:
        true_prior = prior

    if true_mps is None:
        true_mps = true_prior.sample()

    if extra_updater_args is None:
        extra_updater_args = {}

    n_min_modelparams = min(model.n_modelparams, true_model.n_modelparams)

    dtype, is_scalar_exp = actual_dtype(model, true_model)
    performance = np.zeros((n_exp, ), dtype=dtype)

    updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, **extra_updater_args)
    heuristic = heuristic_class(updater)

    for idx_exp in range(n_exp):
        # Set inside the loop to handle the case where the
        # true model is time-dependent as well as the estimation model.
        performance[idx_exp]['true'] = true_mps

        expparams = heuristic()
        datum = true_model.simulate_experiment(true_mps, expparams)

        with timing() as t:
            updater.update(datum, expparams)

        # Update the true model.
        true_mps = true_model.update_timestep(promote_dims_left(true_mps, 2),
                                              expparams)[:, :, 0]

        est_mean = updater.est_mean()
        delta = np.subtract(*shorten_right(est_mean, true_mps))
        loss =**2, model.Q[-n_min_modelparams:])

        performance[idx_exp]['elapsed_time'] = t.delta_t
        performance[idx_exp]['loss'] = loss
        performance[idx_exp]['resample_count'] = updater.resample_count
        performance[idx_exp]['outcome'] = datum
        performance[idx_exp]['est'] = est_mean
        if is_scalar_exp:
            performance[idx_exp]['experiment'] = expparams
            for param_name in [param[0] for param in model.expparams_dtype]:
                performance[idx_exp][param_name] = expparams[param_name]

    return performance
Exemple #9
def perf_test(
        model, n_particles, prior, n_exp, heuristic_class,
        true_model=None, true_prior=None, true_mps=None,
    Runs a trial of using SMC to estimate the parameters of a model, given a
    number of particles, a prior distribution and an experiment design

    :param qinfer.Model model: Model whose parameters are to
        be estimated.
    :param int n_particles: Number of SMC particles to use.
    :param qinfer.Distribution prior: Prior to use in selecting
        SMC particles.
    :param int n_exp: Number of experimental data points to draw from the
    :param qinfer.Heuristic heuristic_class: Constructor function
        for the experiment design heuristic to be used.
    :param qinfer.Model true_model: Model to be used in
        generating experimental data. If ``None``, assumed to be ``model``.
    :param qinfer.Distribution true_prior: Prior to be used in
        selecting the true model parameters. If ``None``, assumed to be
    :param np.ndarray true_mps: The true model parameters. If ``None``,
        it will be sampled from ``true_prior``. Note that the performance
        record can only handle one outcome and therefore ONLY ONE TRUE MODEL.
        An error will occur if ``true_mps.shape[0] > 1`` returns ``True``.
    :param dict extra_updater_args: Extra keyword arguments for the updater,
        such as resampling and zero-weight policies.
    :rtype np.ndarray: See :ref:`perf_testing_struct` for more details on 
        the type returned by this function.
    :return: A record array of performance metrics, indexed by the number
        of experiments performed.

    if true_model is None:
        true_model = model

    if true_prior is None:
        true_prior = prior

    if true_mps is None:
        true_mps = true_prior.sample()

    if extra_updater_args is None:
        extra_updater_args = {}

    dtype, is_scalar_exp = actual_dtype(model)
    performance = np.zeros((n_exp,), dtype=dtype)

    updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, **extra_updater_args)
    heuristic = heuristic_class(updater)

    performance['true'] = true_mps

    for idx_exp in xrange(n_exp):
        expparams = heuristic()
        datum = true_model.simulate_experiment(true_mps, expparams)

        with timing() as t:
            updater.update(datum, expparams)

        est_mean = updater.est_mean()
        delta = est_mean - true_mps
        loss =**2, model.Q)

        performance[idx_exp]['elapsed_time'] = t.delta_t
        performance[idx_exp]['loss'] = loss
        performance[idx_exp]['resample_count'] = updater.resample_count
        performance[idx_exp]['outcome'] = datum
        performance[idx_exp]['est'] = est_mean
        if is_scalar_exp:
            performance[idx_exp]['experiment'] = expparams
            for param_name in [param[0] for param in model.expparams_dtype]:
                performance[idx_exp][param_name] = expparams[param_name]

    return performance
def perf_test(
        model, n_particles, prior, n_exp, heuristic_class,
        true_model=None, true_prior=None, true_mps=None,
    Runs a trial of using SMC to estimate the parameters of a model, given a
    number of particles, a prior distribution and an experiment design

    :param qinfer.Model model: Model whose parameters are to
        be estimated.
    :param int n_particles: Number of SMC particles to use.
    :param qinfer.Distribution prior: Prior to use in selecting
        SMC particles.
    :param int n_exp: Number of experimental data points to draw from the
    :param qinfer.Heuristic heuristic_class: Constructor function
        for the experiment design heuristic to be used.
    :param qinfer.Model true_model: Model to be used in
        generating experimental data. If ``None``, assumed to be ``model``.
        Note that if the true and estimation models have different numbers
        of parameters, the loss will be calculated by aligning the
        respective model vectors "at the right," analogously to the
        convention used by NumPy broadcasting.
    :param qinfer.Distribution true_prior: Prior to be used in
        selecting the true model parameters. If ``None``, assumed to be
    :param numpy.ndarray true_mps: The true model parameters. If ``None``,
        it will be sampled from ``true_prior``. Note that as this function
        runs exactly one trial, only one model parameter vector may be passed.
        In particular, this requires that ``len(true_mps.shape) == 1``. 
    :param dict extra_updater_args: Extra keyword arguments for the updater,
        such as resampling and zero-weight policies.
    :rtype np.ndarray: See :ref:`perf_testing_struct` for more details on 
        the type returned by this function.
    :return: A record array of performance metrics, indexed by the number
        of experiments performed.

    if true_model is None:
        true_model = model

    if true_prior is None:
        true_prior = prior

    if true_mps is None:
        true_mps = true_prior.sample()

    if extra_updater_args is None:
        extra_updater_args = {}

    n_min_modelparams = min(model.n_modelparams, true_model.n_modelparams)

    dtype, is_scalar_exp = actual_dtype(model, true_model)
    performance = np.zeros((n_exp,), dtype=dtype)

    updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, **extra_updater_args)
    heuristic = heuristic_class(updater)

    for idx_exp in range(n_exp):
        # Set inside the loop to handle the case where the
        # true model is time-dependent as well as the estimation model.
        performance[idx_exp]['true'] = true_mps

        expparams = heuristic()
        datum = true_model.simulate_experiment(true_mps, expparams)

        with timing() as t:
            updater.update(datum, expparams)

        # Update the true model.
        true_mps = true_model.update_timestep(
            promote_dims_left(true_mps, 2), expparams
        )[:, :, 0]

        est_mean = updater.est_mean()
        delta = np.subtract(*shorten_right(est_mean, true_mps))
        loss =**2, model.Q[-n_min_modelparams:])

        performance[idx_exp]['elapsed_time'] = t.delta_t
        performance[idx_exp]['loss'] = loss
        performance[idx_exp]['resample_count'] = updater.resample_count
        performance[idx_exp]['outcome'] = datum
        performance[idx_exp]['est'] = est_mean
        if is_scalar_exp:
            performance[idx_exp]['experiment'] = expparams
            for param_name in [param[0] for param in model.expparams_dtype]:
                performance[idx_exp][param_name] = expparams[param_name]

    return performance
def sim_qubit_fid(n_meas, n_meas_rep, meas_dist, n_trials=100, n_particles=1000, n_rec=15):
    r"""Calculates the average fidelity of the optimal estimator (approximated
    by SMC) averaged over Haar random pure states and a random sample of
    measurement outcomes. The estimator is calculated at a given number of
    interim times throughout the tomographic process.

    :param n_meas:      The number of copies of the system given in each
                        tomographic run
    :type n_meas:       Integer
    :param n_meas_rep:  The number of measurement outcomes to average the
                        fidelity over for each copy of the system in a
                        tomographic run
    :type n_meas_rep:   Integer
    :param meas_dist:   Object defining the distribution from which to draw
                        measurement directions
    :type meas_dist:    Object possessing `sample(n)` function that returns a
                        numpy.array((2, n)) of unit vectors in
    :param n_trials:    The number of tomographic runs (aka samples from the
                        pure state prior) the fidelity is averaged over
    :type n_trials:     Integer
    :param n_particles: Number of SMC particles to use
    :type n_particles:  Integer
    :param n_rec:       Number of places to record average fidelity (on a log
    :type n_rec:        Integer
    :returns:           An array with the calculated average fidelities at the
                        specified times for all tomographic runs
    :return type:       numpy.array((n_trials, n_rec))

    n_qubits = 1  # This function isn't guaranteed to generalize by changing
    # this value, but it is included here to aid readability and
    # aid any future generalization efforts
    dim = 2 * n_qubits
    # Record data on a logarithmic scale
    rec_idxs = np.unique(np.round(np.logspace(0, np.log10(n_meas), n_rec)))
    n_rec = rec_idxs.shape[0]

    # Allocate result array
    fidelities = np.empty((n_trials, n_rec))

    # Instantiate model and state prior
    model = HaarTestModel(n_qubits=n_qubits)
    prior = HaarDistribution(n_qubits=n_qubits)

    # Sample all the measurement directions used at once (since some samplers
    # might be more efficient doing things this way)
    raw_meas_dirs = meas_dist.sample(n_trials * n_meas)
    # Reshape the measurement directions to be a n_trials x n_meas array of unit
    # vectors in C^2
    meas_dirs = np.reshape(raw_meas_dirs.T, (n_trials, n_meas, 2))

    for trial_idx in xrange(n_trials):

        # Pick a random true state and instantiate the Bayes updater
        true_state = prior.sample()
        true_vec = model.param2vec(true_state)

        updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(a=0.95, h=None))

        rec_idx = 0
        for meas_idx in xrange(n_meas):
            meas_dir = meas_dirs[trial_idx, meas_idx]

            # Set the experimental parameters for the measurement
            expparams = np.array([(meas_dir, n_meas_rep)], dtype=model.expparams_dtype)

            # Simulate data and update
            data = model.simulate_experiment(true_state, expparams)
            updater.update(data, expparams)

            if meas_idx + 1 in rec_idxs:
                # Generate the estimated state -> average then maximal
                # eigenvector

                weights = updater.particle_weights
                locs = updater.particle_locations

                avg_state = 1j * np.zeros([dim, dim])

                for idx_locs in xrange(n_particles):
                    psi = model.param2vec(locs[idx_locs][np.newaxis])
                    avg_state += weights[idx_locs] * np.outer(psi, psi.conj())

                eigs = la.eig(avg_state)
                max_eig = eigs[1][:, np.argmax(eigs[0])]

                fidelities[trial_idx, rec_idx] =, max_eig)

                rec_idx += 1

        # Give progress updates
        print(100 * ((trial_idx + 1) / n_trials))

    return fidelities
def fid_smc(n_meas, K, n_qubits=1, n_trials=100, n_particles=1000, n_rec=15):
    Evaluates the average fidelity incurred by using sequential Monte Carlo
    (SMC) to estimate pure states.

    :param n_meas:      The number of copies of the system given in each
                        tomographic run
    :type n_meas:       Integer
    :param K:           Number of single-shot measurements
    :type K:            Integer
    :param n_trials:    Number of times to run the SMC estimation procedure.
    :type n_trials:     Integer
    :param n_particles: Number of SMC particles to use.
    :type n_particles:  Integer
    :param n_rec:       Number of place to record data (on a log scale)
    :type n_rec:        Integer
    :returns:           Dictionary of various fidelities and timings
    :return type:       Dictionary

    dim = int(2 ** n_qubits)
    # Record data on a logarithmic scale
    rec_idx = np.unique(np.round(np.logspace(0, np.log10(n_meas), n_rec)))
    n_rec = rec_idx.shape[0]

    # Allocate arrays to hold results.
    fidelity_mub = np.empty((n_trials, n_rec))
    fidelity_opt = np.empty((n_trials, n_rec))
    fidelity_WM = np.empty((n_trials, n_rec))
    fidelity_DST = np.empty((n_trials, n_rec))

    # Instantiate models and distributions
    model = HaarTestModel(n_qubits=n_qubits)
    prior = HaarDistribution(n_qubits=n_qubits)
    measMUB = MUBDistribution()
    measWM = WeakMeasDistribution(eps=0.05)
    measDST = DSTDistribution(0.1)

    timing = np.empty((n_trials,))

    # Make and show a progress bar.
    prog = ProgressBar()

    for idx_trial in xrange(n_trials):

        # Pick a random true state and instantiate the Bayes updater
        true_state = prior.sample()
        true_vec = model.param2vec(true_state)

        updater_opt = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(a=0.95, h=None))
        updater_mub = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(a=0.95, h=None))
        updater_WM = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(a=0.95, h=None))
        updater_DST = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(a=0.95, h=None))

        # Record the start time.
        tic = time.time()

        idx_rec = 0
        for idx_meas in xrange(n_meas):
            # Choose a random measurement direction
            foo = prior.sample()
            meas_opt = model.param2vec(foo)
            meas_mub = measMUB.sample()
            meas_WM = measWM.sample()[:, 0]
            meas_DST = measDST.sample()[:, 0]

            expparams_opt = np.array([(meas_opt, K)], dtype=model.expparams_dtype)
            expparams_mub = np.array([(meas_mub, K)], dtype=model.expparams_dtype)
            expparams_WM = np.array([(meas_WM, K)], dtype=model.expparams_dtype)
            expparams_DST = np.array([(meas_DST, K)], dtype=model.expparams_dtype)

            # Simulate data and update
            data_opt = model.simulate_experiment(true_state, expparams_opt)
            updater_opt.update(data_opt, expparams_opt)

            data_mub = model.simulate_experiment(true_state, expparams_mub)
            updater_mub.update(data_mub, expparams_mub)

            data_WM = model.simulate_experiment(true_state, expparams_WM)
            updater_WM.update(data_WM, expparams_WM)

            data_DST = model.simulate_experiment(true_state, expparams_DST)
            updater_DST.update(data_DST, expparams_DST)

            if idx_meas + 1 in rec_idx:
                # Generate the estimated state -> average then maximal eigenvector

                weights = updater_opt.particle_weights
                locs = updater_opt.particle_locations

                ave_state = 1j * np.zeros([dim, dim])

                for idx_locs in xrange(n_particles):
                    psi = model.param2vec(locs[idx_locs][np.newaxis])
                    ave_state += weights[idx_locs] * np.outer(psi, psi.conj())

                eigs = la.eig(ave_state)
                max_eig = eigs[1][:, np.argmax(eigs[0])]

                fidelity_opt[idx_trial, idx_rec] =, max_eig)

                # MUB
                weights = updater_mub.particle_weights
                locs = updater_mub.particle_locations

                ave_state = 1j * np.zeros([dim, dim])

                for idx_locs in xrange(n_particles):
                    psi = model.param2vec(locs[idx_locs][np.newaxis])
                    ave_state += weights[idx_locs] * np.outer(psi, psi.conj())

                eigs = la.eig(ave_state)
                max_eig = eigs[1][:, np.argmax(eigs[0])]

                fidelity_mub[idx_trial, idx_rec] =, max_eig)

                # Weak Measurement
                weights = updater_WM.particle_weights
                locs = updater_WM.particle_locations

                ave_state = 1j * np.zeros([dim, dim])

                for idx_locs in xrange(n_particles):
                    psi = model.param2vec(locs[idx_locs][np.newaxis])
                    ave_state += weights[idx_locs] * np.outer(psi, psi.conj())

                eigs = la.eig(ave_state)
                max_eig = eigs[1][:, np.argmax(eigs[0])]

                fidelity_WM[idx_trial, idx_rec] =, max_eig)

                # DST Measurement
                weights = updater_DST.particle_weights
                locs = updater_DST.particle_locations

                ave_state = 1j * np.zeros([dim, dim])

                for idx_locs in xrange(n_particles):
                    psi = model.param2vec(locs[idx_locs][np.newaxis])
                    ave_state += weights[idx_locs] * np.outer(psi, psi.conj())

                eigs = la.eig(ave_state)
                max_eig = eigs[1][:, np.argmax(eigs[0])]

                fidelity_DST[idx_trial, idx_rec] =, max_eig)

                idx_rec += 1

        # Record how long it took us.
        timing[idx_trial] = time.time() - tic

        print(100 * ((idx_trial + 1) / n_trials))
        # prog.value = 100 * ((idx_trial + 1) / n_trials)

    return {
        "fidelity_opt": fidelity_opt,
        "fidelity_mub": fidelity_mub,
        "fidelity_WM": fidelity_WM,
        "fidelity_DST": fidelity_DST,
        "timing": timing,