def list(self, prefix=None, marker=None, limit=None): """前缀查询: * bucket => str * prefix => str * marker => str * limit => int * return ret => {'items': items, 'marker': markerOut}, err => str 1. 首次请求 marker = None 2. 无论 err 值如何,均应该先看 ret.get('items') 是否有内容 3. 如果后续没有更多数据,err 返回 EOF,markerOut 返回 None(但不通过该特征来判断是否结束) """ options = { 'bucket': self.bucket, } if marker is not None: options['marker'] = marker if limit is not None: options['limit'] = limit if prefix is not None: options['prefix'] = prefix url = 'http://{0}/list'.format(config.RSF_HOST) r = self.__get(url, options) ret = _ret(r) eof = False if ret and not ret.get('marker'): eof = True return ret, eof
def make_block(self, block, block_size): crc = crc32(block) url = self.block_url(config.get_default('default_up_host'), block_size) r = None exception = None try: r =, block) except Exception as e: exception = e finally: retry = _need_retry(r, exception) if retry: url = self.block_url(config.UPBACKUP_HOST, block_size) try: r =, block) except Exception as e: raise QiniuClientException(str(e)) ret = _ret(r) if ret['crc32'] != crc: raise QiniuServiceException(r.status_code, 'unmatch crc checksum', r.headers['X-Reqid']) return ret
def fetch(self, url, key): to = self.__entry(key) resource = urlsafe_base64_encode(url) cmd = 'http://{0}/fetch/{1}/to/{2}'.format(config.IO_HOST, resource, to) r = self.__post(cmd) return _ret(r)
def _put(up_token, key, data, params, mime_type, crc32, is_file=False): fields = {} if params: for k, v in params.items(): fields[k] = str(v) if crc32: fields['crc32'] = crc32 if key is not None: fields['key'] = key fields['token'] = up_token url = 'http://' + config.get_default('default_up_host') + '/' name = key if key else 'filename' r = None exception = None headers = {'User-Agent': config.USER_AGENT} try: r = _post(url, data=fields, files={'file': (name, data, mime_type)}, headers=headers) except Exception as e: exception = e finally: retry = _need_retry(r, exception) if retry: url = 'http://' + config.UPBACKUP_HOST + '/' if is_file: try: r = _post(url, data=fields, files={'file': (name, data, mime_type)}, headers=headers) except Exception as e: raise QiniuClientException(str(e)) return _ret(r)
def make_block(self, block, block_size): crc = crc32(block) url = self.block_url(config.get_default('default_up_host'), block_size) r = None exception = None try: r =, block) except Exception as e: exception = e finally: retry = _need_retry(r, exception) if retry: url = self.block_url(config.UPBACKUP_HOST, block_size) try: r =, block) except Exception as e: raise QiniuClientException(str(e)) ret = _ret(r) if ret['crc32'] != crc: raise QiniuServiceException( r.status_code, 'unmatch crc checksum', r.headers['X-Reqid']) return ret
def copy(self, key_pairs, target_bucket=None): ops = [] url = 'http://{0}/batch'.format(config.RS_HOST) for k, v in key_pairs.items(): to = entry(v, target_bucket) if target_bucket else self.__entry(v) ops.append("/copy/{0}/{1}".format(self.__entry(k), to)) r = self.__post(url, dict(op=ops)) return _ret(r)
def delete(self, keys): url = None params = None if isinstance(keys, str): resource = self.__entry(keys) url = 'http://{0}/delete/{1}'.format(config.RS_HOST, resource) else: ops = [] for key in keys: ops.append("/delete/{0}".format(self.__entry(key))) url = 'http://{0}/batch'.format(config.RS_HOST) params = dict(op=ops) r = self.__post(url, params) return _ret(r)
def pfop(auth, bucket, key, fops, pipeline=None, notify_url=None): ops = '|'.join(fops) data = {'bucket': bucket, 'key': key, 'fops': ops} if pipeline: data['pipeline'] = pipeline if notify_url: data['notifyURL'] = notify_url headers = {'User-Agent': config.USER_AGENT} url = 'http://{0}/pfop'.format(config.API_HOST) r = url, data=data, auth=RequestsAuth(auth), timeout=config.get_default('connection_timeout'), headers=headers) return _ret(r)
def pfop(auth, bucket, key, fops, pipeline=None, notify_url=None): ops = '|'.join(fops) data = {'bucket': bucket, 'key': key, 'fops': ops} if pipeline: data['pipeline'] = pipeline if notify_url: data['notifyURL'] = notify_url headers = {'User-Agent': config.USER_AGENT} url = 'http://{0}/pfop'.format(config.API_HOST) r =, data=data, auth=RequestsAuth(auth), timeout=config.get_default('connection_timeout'), headers=headers) return _ret(r)
def make_file(self): url = self.make_file_url(config.get_default('default_up_host')) body = ','.join([status['ctx'] for status in self.blockStatus]) r = None exception = None try: r =, body) except Exception as e: exception = e finally: retry = _need_retry(r, exception) if retry: url = self.make_file_url(config.UPBACKUP_HOST) try: r =, body) except Exception as e: raise QiniuClientException(str(e)) return _ret(r)
def buckets(self): url = 'http://{0}/buckets'.format(config.RS_HOST) r = self.__post(url) return _ret(r)
def prefetch(self, key): resource = self.__entry(key) url = 'http://{0}/prefetch/{1}'.format(config.IO_HOST, resource) r = self.__post(url) return _ret(r)