Exemple #1
    def _check_swift(self, container, object):
        # Auth needs to be enabled because qinling needs to check swift
        # object using user's credential.
        if not CONF.pecan.auth_enable:
            raise exc.InputException('Swift object not supported.')

        if not swift_util.check_object(container, object):
            raise exc.InputException('Object does not exist in Swift.')
Exemple #2
    def post(self, **kwargs):
        LOG.info("Creating %s, params: %s", self.type, kwargs)

        # When using image to create function, runtime_id is not a required
        # param.
        if not POST_REQUIRED.issubset(set(kwargs.keys())):
            raise exc.InputException(
                'Required param is missing. Required: %s' % POST_REQUIRED)

        values = {
            'name': kwargs['name'],
            'description': kwargs.get('description'),
            'runtime_id': kwargs.get('runtime_id'),
            'code': json.loads(kwargs['code']),
            'entry': kwargs.get('entry', 'main.main'),

        source = values['code'].get('source')
        if not source or source not in CODE_SOURCE:
            raise exc.InputException(
                'Invalid code source specified, available sources: %s' %
                ', '.join(CODE_SOURCE))

        if source != 'image':
            if not kwargs.get('runtime_id'):
                raise exc.InputException('"runtime_id" must be specified.')

            runtime = db_api.get_runtime(kwargs['runtime_id'])
            if runtime.status != 'available':
                raise exc.InputException('Runtime %s is not available.' %

        store = False
        if values['code']['source'] == 'package':
            store = True
            data = kwargs['package'].file.read()
        elif values['code']['source'] == 'swift':
            # Auth needs to be enabled because qinling needs to check swift
            # object using user's credential.
            if not CONF.pecan.auth_enable:
                raise exc.InputException('Swift object not supported.')

            container = values['code']['swift'].get('container')
            object = values['code']['swift'].get('object')

            if not swift_util.check_object(container, object):
                raise exc.InputException('Object does not exist in Swift.')

        with db_api.transaction():
            func_db = db_api.create_function(values)

            if store:
                ctx = context.get_ctx()

                self.storage_provider.store(ctx.projectid, func_db.id, data)

        pecan.response.status = 201
        return resources.Function.from_dict(func_db.to_dict()).to_dict()
Exemple #3
    def test_check_object_invalid_length(self, mock_sclient):
        length = constants.MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE + 1
        mock_sclient.return_value.head_object.return_value = {
            "content-length": length

        ret = swift.check_object("fake_container", "fake_object")

Exemple #4
    def test_check_object_other_exception(self, mock_sclient):
        mock_sclient.return_value.head_object.side_effect = Exception

        ret = swift.check_object("fake_container", "fake_object")
