Exemple #1
    def to_instruction(self):
        """Convert to a Kraus or UnitaryGate circuit instruction.

        If the channel is unitary it will be added as a unitary gate,
        otherwise it will be added as a kraus simulator instruction.

            qiskit.circuit.Instruction: A kraus instruction for the channel.

            QiskitError: if input data is not an N-qubit CPTP quantum channel.
        from qiskit.circuit.instruction import Instruction
        # Check if input is an N-qubit CPTP channel.
        num_qubits = int(np.log2(self._input_dim))
        if self._input_dim != self._output_dim or 2**num_qubits != self._input_dim:
            raise QiskitError(
                'Cannot convert QuantumChannel to Instruction: channel is not an N-qubit channel.'
        if not self.is_cptp():
            raise QiskitError(
                'Cannot convert QuantumChannel to Instruction: channel is not CPTP.'
        # Next we convert to the Kraus representation. Since channel is CPTP we know
        # that there is only a single set of Kraus operators
        kraus, _ = _to_kraus(self._channel_rep, self._data, *self.dim)
        # If we only have a single Kraus operator then the channel is
        # a unitary channel so can be converted to a UnitaryGate. We do this by
        # converting to an Operator and using its to_instruction method
        if len(kraus) == 1:
            return Operator(kraus[0]).to_instruction()
        return Instruction('kraus', num_qubits, 0, kraus)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, data, input_dims=None, output_dims=None):
        """Initialize a quantum channel Kraus operator.

            data (QuantumCircuit or
                  Instruction or
                  BaseOperator or
                  matrix): data to initialize superoperator.
            input_dims (tuple): the input subsystem dimensions.
                                [Default: None]
            output_dims (tuple): the output subsystem dimensions.
                                 [Default: None]

            QiskitError: if input data cannot be initialized as a
                         a list of Kraus matrices.

        Additional Information:
            If the input or output dimensions are None, they will be
            automatically determined from the input data. If the input data is
            a list of Numpy arrays of shape (2**N, 2**N) qubit systems will be
            used. If the input does not correspond to an N-qubit channel, it
            will assign a single subsystem with dimension specified by the
            shape of the input.
        # If the input is a list or tuple we assume it is a list of Kraus
        # matrices, if it is a numpy array we assume that it is a single Kraus
        # operator
        if isinstance(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            # Check if it is a single unitary matrix A for channel:
            # E(rho) = A * rho * A^\dagger
            if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or np.array(data).ndim == 2:
                # Convert single Kraus op to general Kraus pair
                kraus = ([np.asarray(data, dtype=complex)], None)
                shape = kraus[0][0].shape

            # Check if single Kraus set [A_i] for channel:
            # E(rho) = sum_i A_i * rho * A_i^dagger
            elif isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 0:
                # Get dimensions from first Kraus op
                kraus = [np.asarray(data[0], dtype=complex)]
                shape = kraus[0].shape
                # Iterate over remaining ops and check they are same shape
                for i in data[1:]:
                    op = np.asarray(i, dtype=complex)
                    if op.shape != shape:
                        raise QiskitError(
                            "Kraus operators are different dimensions.")
                # Convert single Kraus set to general Kraus pair
                kraus = (kraus, None)

            # Check if generalized Kraus set ([A_i], [B_i]) for channel:
            # E(rho) = sum_i A_i * rho * B_i^dagger
            elif isinstance(data,
                            tuple) and len(data) == 2 and len(data[0]) > 0:
                kraus_left = [np.asarray(data[0][0], dtype=complex)]
                shape = kraus_left[0].shape
                for i in data[0][1:]:
                    op = np.asarray(i, dtype=complex)
                    if op.shape != shape:
                        raise QiskitError(
                            "Kraus operators are different dimensions.")
                if data[1] is None:
                    kraus = (kraus_left, None)
                    kraus_right = []
                    for i in data[1]:
                        op = np.asarray(i, dtype=complex)
                        if op.shape != shape:
                            raise QiskitError(
                                "Kraus operators are different dimensions.")
                    kraus = (kraus_left, kraus_right)
                raise QiskitError("Invalid input for Kraus channel.")
            # Otherwise we initialize by conversion from another Qiskit
            # object into the QuantumChannel.
            if isinstance(data, (QuantumCircuit, Instruction)):
                # If the input is a Terra QuantumCircuit or Instruction we
                # convert it to a SuperOp
                data = SuperOp._init_instruction(data)
                # We use the QuantumChannel init transform to initialize
                # other objects into a QuantumChannel or Operator object.
                data = self._init_transformer(data)
            input_dim, output_dim = data.dim
            # Now that the input is an operator we convert it to a Kraus
            rep = getattr(data, '_channel_rep', 'Operator')
            kraus = _to_kraus(rep, data._data, input_dim, output_dim)
            if input_dims is None:
                input_dims = data.input_dims()
            if output_dims is None:
                output_dims = data.output_dims()

        output_dim, input_dim = kraus[0][0].shape
        # Check and format input and output dimensions
        input_dims = self._automatic_dims(input_dims, input_dim)
        output_dims = self._automatic_dims(output_dims, output_dim)
        # Initialize either single or general Kraus
        if kraus[1] is None or np.allclose(kraus[0], kraus[1]):
            # Standard Kraus map
            super().__init__((kraus[0], None), input_dims, output_dims,
            # General (non-CPTP) Kraus map
            super().__init__(kraus, input_dims, output_dims, 'Kraus')
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, data, input_dims=None, output_dims=None):
        """Initialize a Kraus quantum channel operator."""
        if issubclass(data.__class__, BaseOperator):
            # If not a channel we use `to_operator` method to get
            # the unitary-representation matrix for input
            if not issubclass(data.__class__, QuantumChannel):
                data = data.to_operator()
            input_dim, output_dim = data.dim
            kraus = _to_kraus(data.rep, data._data, input_dim, output_dim)
            if input_dims is None:
                input_dims = data.input_dims()
            if output_dims is None:
                output_dims = data.output_dims()
        elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            # Check if it is a single unitary matrix A for channel:
            # E(rho) = A * rho * A^\dagger
            if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or np.array(data).ndim == 2:
                # Convert single Kraus op to general Kraus pair
                kraus = ([np.array(data, dtype=complex)], None)
                shape = kraus[0][0].shape

            # Check if single Kraus set [A_i] for channel:
            # E(rho) = sum_i A_i * rho * A_i^dagger
            elif isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 0:
                # Get dimensions from first Kraus op
                kraus = [np.array(data[0], dtype=complex)]
                shape = kraus[0].shape
                # Iterate over remaining ops and check they are same shape
                for i in data[1:]:
                    op = np.array(i, dtype=complex)
                    if op.shape != shape:
                        raise QiskitError(
                            "Kraus operators are different dimensions.")
                # Convert single Kraus set to general Kraus pair
                kraus = (kraus, None)

            # Check if generalized Kraus set ([A_i], [B_i]) for channel:
            # E(rho) = sum_i A_i * rho * B_i^dagger
            elif isinstance(data,
                            tuple) and len(data) == 2 and len(data[0]) > 0:
                kraus_left = [np.array(data[0][0], dtype=complex)]
                shape = kraus_left[0].shape
                for i in data[0][1:]:
                    op = np.array(i, dtype=complex)
                    if op.shape != shape:
                        raise QiskitError(
                            "Kraus operators are different dimensions.")
                if data[1] is None:
                    kraus = (kraus_left, None)
                    kraus_right = []
                    for i in data[1]:
                        op = np.array(i, dtype=complex)
                        if op.shape != shape:
                            raise QiskitError(
                                "Kraus operators are different dimensions.")
                    kraus = (kraus_left, kraus_right)
                raise QiskitError("Invalid input for Kraus channel.")
            raise QiskitError("Invalid input data format for Krausß")

        output_dim, input_dim = kraus[0][0].shape
        # Check and format input and output dimensions
        input_dims = self._automatic_dims(input_dims, input_dim)
        output_dims = self._automatic_dims(output_dims, output_dim)
        # Initialize either single or general Kraus
        if kraus[1] is None or np.allclose(kraus[0], kraus[1]):
            # Standard Kraus map
            super().__init__('Kraus', (kraus[0], None), input_dims,
            # General (non-CPTP) Kraus map
            super().__init__('Kraus', kraus, input_dims, output_dims)