def _get_sx_vz_3cx_efficient_euler(self, decomposition, target_decomposed):
        Decomposition of SU(4) gate for device with SX, virtual RZ, and CNOT gates assuming
        three CNOT gates are needed.

        This first decomposes each unitary from the KAK decomposition into ZXZ on the source
        qubit of the CNOTs and XZX on the targets in order commute operators to beginning and
        end of decomposition. Inserting Hadamards reverses the direction of the CNOTs and transforms
        a variable Rx -> variable virtual Rz. The beginning and ending single qubit gates are then
        collapsed and re-decomposed with the single qubit decomposer. This last step could be avoided
        if performance is a concern.
        best_nbasis = 3  # by assumption
        num_1q_uni = len(decomposition)
        # create structure to hold euler angles: 1st index represents unitary "group" wrt cx
        # 2nd index represents index of euler triple.
        euler_q0 = np.empty((num_1q_uni // 2, 3), dtype=float)
        euler_q1 = np.empty((num_1q_uni // 2, 3), dtype=float)
        global_phase = 0.0
        atol = 1e-10  # absolute tolerance for floats

        # decompose source unitaries to zxz
        zxz_decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("ZXZ")
        for iqubit, decomp in enumerate(decomposition[0::2]):
            euler_angles = zxz_decomposer.angles_and_phase(decomp)
            euler_q0[iqubit, [1, 2, 0]] = euler_angles[:3]
            global_phase += euler_angles[3]
        # decompose target unitaries to xzx
        xzx_decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("XZX")
        for iqubit, decomp in enumerate(decomposition[1::2]):
            euler_angles = xzx_decomposer.angles_and_phase(decomp)
            euler_q1[iqubit, [1, 2, 0]] = euler_angles[:3]
            global_phase += euler_angles[3]

        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        qc.global_phase = target_decomposed.global_phase
        qc.global_phase -= best_nbasis * self.basis.global_phase
        qc.global_phase += global_phase

        x12 = euler_q0[1][2] + euler_q0[2][0]
        x12_isNonZero = not math.isclose(x12, 0, abs_tol=atol)
        x12_isOddMult = None
        x12_isPiMult = math.isclose(math.sin(x12), 0, abs_tol=atol)
        if x12_isPiMult:
            x12_isOddMult = math.isclose(math.cos(x12), -1, abs_tol=atol)
            x12_phase = math.pi * math.cos(x12)
        x02_add = x12 - euler_q0[1][0]
        x12_isHalfPi = math.isclose(x12, math.pi / 2, abs_tol=atol)

        # TODO: make this more effecient to avoid double decomposition
        circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rz(euler_q0[0][0], 0)
        circ.rx(euler_q0[0][1], 0)
        if x12_isNonZero and x12_isPiMult:
            circ.rz(euler_q0[0][2] - x02_add, 0)
            circ.rz(euler_q0[0][2] + euler_q0[1][0], 0)
        qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
        qc.compose(qceuler, [0], inplace=True)

        circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rx(euler_q1[0][0], 0)
        circ.rz(euler_q1[0][1], 0)
        circ.rx(euler_q1[0][2] + euler_q1[1][0], 0)
        qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
        qc.compose(qceuler, [1], inplace=True), 0)

        if x12_isPiMult:
            # even or odd multiple
            if x12_isNonZero:
                qc.global_phase += x12_phase
            if x12_isNonZero and x12_isOddMult:
                qc.rz(-euler_q0[1][1], 0)
                qc.rz(euler_q0[1][1], 0)
                qc.global_phase += math.pi
        if x12_isHalfPi:
            qc.global_phase -= math.pi / 4
        elif x12_isNonZero and not x12_isPiMult:
            # this is non-optimal but doesn't seem to occur currently
            if self.pulse_optimize is None:
                qc.compose(self._decomposer1q(Operator(RXGate(x12)).data), [0],
                raise QiskitError(
                    "possible non-pulse-optimal decomposition encountered")
        if math.isclose(euler_q1[1][1], math.pi / 2, abs_tol=atol):
            qc.global_phase -= math.pi / 4
            # this is non-optimal but doesn't seem to occur currently
            if self.pulse_optimize is None:
                    Operator(RXGate(euler_q1[1][1])).data), [1],
                raise QiskitError(
                    "possible non-pulse-optimal decomposition encountered")
        qc.rz(euler_q1[1][2] + euler_q1[2][0], 1), 0)

        qc.rz(euler_q0[2][1], 0)
        if math.isclose(euler_q1[2][1], math.pi / 2, abs_tol=atol):
            qc.global_phase -= math.pi / 4
            # this is non-optimal but doesn't seem to occur currently
            if self.pulse_optimize is None:
                    Operator(RXGate(euler_q1[2][1])).data), [1],
                raise QiskitError(
                    "possible non-pulse-optimal decomposition encountered"), 0)

        circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rz(euler_q0[2][2] + euler_q0[3][0], 0)
        circ.rx(euler_q0[3][1], 0)
        circ.rz(euler_q0[3][2], 0)
        qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
        qc.compose(qceuler, [0], inplace=True)

        circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rx(euler_q1[2][2] + euler_q1[3][0], 0)
        circ.rz(euler_q1[3][1], 0)
        circ.rx(euler_q1[3][2], 0)
        qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
        qc.compose(qceuler, [1], inplace=True)

        # TODO: fix the sign problem to avoid correction here
        if cmath.isclose(target_decomposed.unitary_matrix[0, 0],
                         -(Operator(qc).data[0, 0]),
            qc.global_phase += math.pi
        return qc
    def _get_sx_vz_2cx_efficient_euler(self, decomposition, target_decomposed):
        Decomposition of SU(4) gate for device with SX, virtual RZ, and CNOT gates assuming
        two CNOT gates are needed.

        This first decomposes each unitary from the KAK decomposition into ZXZ on the source
        qubit of the CNOTs and XZX on the targets in order to commute operators to beginning and
        end of decomposition. The beginning and ending single qubit gates are then
        collapsed and re-decomposed with the single qubit decomposer. This last step could be avoided
        if performance is a concern.
        best_nbasis = 2  # by assumption
        num_1q_uni = len(decomposition)
        # list of euler angle decompositions on qubits 0 and 1
        euler_q0 = np.empty((num_1q_uni // 2, 3), dtype=float)
        euler_q1 = np.empty((num_1q_uni // 2, 3), dtype=float)
        global_phase = 0.0

        # decompose source unitaries to zxz
        zxz_decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("ZXZ")
        for iqubit, decomp in enumerate(decomposition[0::2]):
            euler_angles = zxz_decomposer.angles_and_phase(decomp)
            euler_q0[iqubit, [1, 2, 0]] = euler_angles[:3]
            global_phase += euler_angles[3]
        # decompose target unitaries to xzx
        xzx_decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("XZX")
        for iqubit, decomp in enumerate(decomposition[1::2]):
            euler_angles = xzx_decomposer.angles_and_phase(decomp)
            euler_q1[iqubit, [1, 2, 0]] = euler_angles[:3]
            global_phase += euler_angles[3]
        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        qc.global_phase = target_decomposed.global_phase
        qc.global_phase -= best_nbasis * self.basis.global_phase
        qc.global_phase += global_phase

        # TODO: make this more effecient to avoid double decomposition
        # prepare beginning 0th qubit local unitary
        circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rz(euler_q0[0][0], 0)
        circ.rx(euler_q0[0][1], 0)
        circ.rz(euler_q0[0][2] + euler_q0[1][0] + math.pi / 2, 0)
        # re-decompose to basis of 1q decomposer
        qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
        qc.compose(qceuler, [0], inplace=True)

        # prepare beginning 1st qubit local unitary
        circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rx(euler_q1[0][0], 0)
        circ.rz(euler_q1[0][1], 0)
        circ.rx(euler_q1[0][2] + euler_q1[1][0], 0)
        qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
        qc.compose(qceuler, [1], inplace=True), 1)
        # the central decompositions are dependent on the specific form of the
        # unitaries coming out of the two qubit decomposer which have some flexibility
        # of choice.
        qc.rz(euler_q0[1][1] - math.pi, 0)
        qc.rz(euler_q1[1][1], 1)
        qc.global_phase += math.pi / 2, 1)

        circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rz(euler_q0[1][2] + euler_q0[2][0] + math.pi / 2, 0)
        circ.rx(euler_q0[2][1], 0)
        circ.rz(euler_q0[2][2], 0)
        qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
        qc.compose(qceuler, [0], inplace=True)
        circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rx(euler_q1[1][2] + euler_q1[2][0], 0)
        circ.rz(euler_q1[2][1], 0)
        circ.rx(euler_q1[2][2], 0)
        qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
        qc.compose(qceuler, [1], inplace=True)

        return qc