def render_element_junction(self, qgeom: pd.Series):
        Render a Josephson junction consisting of
        1. A rectangle of length pad_gap and width inductor_width. Defines lumped element
           RLC boundary condition.
        2. A line that is later used to calculate the voltage in post-processing analysis.

            qgeom (pd.Series): GeoSeries of element properties.
        ansys_options = dict(transparency=0.0)

        qc_name = 'Lj_' + str(qgeom['component'])
        qc_elt = get_clean_name(qgeom['name'])
        qc_shapely = qgeom.geometry
        qc_chip_z = parse_units(
        qc_width = parse_units(qgeom.width)

        name = f'{qc_name}{QAnsysRenderer.NAME_DELIM}{qc_elt}'

        endpoints = parse_units(list(qc_shapely.coords))
        endpoints_3d = to_vec3D(endpoints, qc_chip_z)
        x0, y0, z0 = endpoints_3d[0]
        x1, y1, z0 = endpoints_3d[1]
        if abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0):
            # Junction runs vertically up/down
            x_min, x_max = x0 - qc_width / 2, x0 + qc_width / 2
            y_min, y_max = min(y0, y1), max(y0, y1)
            # Junction runs horizontally left/right
            x_min, x_max = min(x0, x1), max(x0, x1)
            y_min, y_max = y0 - qc_width / 2, y0 + qc_width / 2

        # Draw rectangle
        self.logger.debug(f'Drawing a rectangle: {name}')
        poly_ansys = self.modeler.draw_rect_corner([x_min, y_min, qc_chip_z],
                                                   x_max - x_min,
                                                   y_max - y_min, qc_chip_z,
        axis = 'x' if abs(x1 - x0) > abs(y1 - y0) else 'y'
        self.modeler.rename_obj(poly_ansys, 'JJ_rect_' + name)
        self.assign_mesh.append('JJ_rect_' + name)

        # Draw line
        poly_jj = self.modeler.draw_polyline(
            [endpoints_3d[0], endpoints_3d[1]],
            **dict(color=(128, 0, 128)))
        poly_jj = poly_jj.rename('JJ_' + name + '_')
        poly_jj.show_direction = True
    def create_ports(self, port_list: list):
        Add ports and their respective impedances in Ohms to designated pins in port_list.
        Port_list is formatted as [(qcomp_0, pin_0, impedance_0), (qcomp_1, pin_1, impedance_1), ...].

            port_list (list): List of tuples of pins to be rendered as ports.
        for qcomp, pin, impedance in port_list:
            port_name = f'Port_{qcomp}_{pin}'
            pdict =[qcomp].pins[pin]
            midpt, gap_size, norm_vec, width = pdict['middle'], pdict['gap'], \
                                               pdict['normal'], pdict['width']
            width = parse_units(width)
            endpoints = parse_units([midpt, midpt + gap_size * norm_vec])
            endpoints_3d = to_vec3D(endpoints, 0)  # Set z height to 0
            x0, y0 = endpoints_3d[0][:2]
            x1, y1 = endpoints_3d[1][:2]
            if abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0):
                # Junction runs vertically up/down
                x_min, x_max = x0 - width / 2, x0 + width / 2
                y_min, y_max = min(y0, y1), max(y0, y1)
                # Junction runs horizontally left/right
                x_min, x_max = min(x0, x1), max(x0, x1)
                y_min, y_max = y0 - width / 2, y0 + width / 2

            # Draw rectangle
            self.logger.debug(f'Drawing a rectangle: {port_name}')
            poly_ansys = self.modeler.draw_rect_corner(
                [x_min, y_min, 0], x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min, 0,
            axis = 'x' if abs(x1 - x0) > abs(y1 - y0) else 'y'
                                        z0=str(impedance) + 'ohm',
            self.modeler.rename_obj(poly_ansys, port_name)

            # Draw line
            lump_line = self.modeler.draw_polyline(
                [endpoints_3d[0], endpoints_3d[1]],
                **dict(color=(128, 0, 128)))
            lump_line = lump_line.rename(f'voltage_line_{port_name}')
            lump_line.show_direction = True
    def render_element_path(self, qgeom: pd.Series):
        Render a path-type element.

            qgeom (pd.Series): GeoSeries of element properties.
        ansys_options = dict(transparency=0.0)

        qc_name =[qgeom['component']].name
        qc_elt = get_clean_name(qgeom['name'])

        qc_shapely = qgeom.geometry  # shapely geom
        qc_chip_z = parse_units(

        name = f'{qc_elt}{QAnsysRenderer.NAME_DELIM}{qc_name}'

        qc_width = parse_units(qgeom.width)

        points = parse_units(list(qc_shapely.coords))
        points_3d = to_vec3D(points, qc_chip_z)

            poly_ansys = self.modeler.draw_polyline(points_3d,
        except AttributeError:
            if self.modeler is None:
                    'No modeler was found. Are you connected to an active Ansys Design?'

        poly_ansys = poly_ansys.rename(name)

        qc_fillet = round(qgeom.fillet, 7)
        if qc_fillet > 0:
            qc_fillet = parse_units(qc_fillet)
            idxs_to_fillet = good_fillet_idxs(
            if idxs_to_fillet:
                self.modeler._fillet(qc_fillet, idxs_to_fillet, poly_ansys)

        if qc_width:
            x0, y0 = points[0]
            x1, y1 = points[1]
            vlen = math.sqrt((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2)
            p0 = np.array([
                x0, y0, 0
            ]) + qc_width / (2 * vlen) * np.array([y0 - y1, x1 - x0, 0])
            p1 = np.array([
                x0, y0, 0
            ]) + qc_width / (2 * vlen) * np.array([y1 - y0, x0 - x1, 0])
            shortline = self.modeler.draw_polyline([p0, p1],
                                                   closed=False)  # sweepline
            import pythoncom
                self.modeler._sweep_along_path(shortline, poly_ansys)
            except pythoncom.com_error as error:
                print("com_error: ", error)
                hr, msg, exc, arg = error.args
                if msg == "Exception occurred." and hr == -2147352567:
                        "We cannot find a writable design. \n  Either you are trying to use a Ansys "
                        "design that is not empty, in which case please clear it manually or with the "
                        "renderer method clean_active_design(). \n  Or you accidentally deleted "
                        "the design in Ansys, in which case please create a new one."
                raise error

        if qgeom.chip not in self.chip_subtract_dict:
            self.chip_subtract_dict[qgeom.chip] = set()

        if qgeom['subtract']:

        elif qgeom['width'] and (not qgeom['helper']):
    def render_element_poly(self, qgeom: pd.Series):
        Render a closed polygon.

            qgeom (pd.Series): GeoSeries of element properties.
        ansys_options = dict(transparency=0.0)

        qc_name =[qgeom['component']].name
        qc_elt = get_clean_name(qgeom['name'])

        qc_shapely = qgeom.geometry  # shapely geom
        qc_chip_z = parse_units(
        qc_fillet = round(qgeom.fillet, 7)

        name = f'{qc_elt}{QAnsysRenderer.NAME_DELIM}{qc_name}'

        points = parse_units(list(
            qc_shapely.exterior.coords))  # list of 2d point tuples
        points_3d = to_vec3D(points, qc_chip_z)

        if is_rectangle(qc_shapely):  # Draw as rectangle
            self.logger.debug(f'Drawing a rectangle: {name}')
            x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = qc_shapely.bounds
            poly_ansys = self.modeler.draw_rect_corner(
                *parse_units([[x_min, y_min, qc_chip_z], x_max - x_min,
                              y_max - y_min, qc_chip_z]), **ansys_options)
            self.modeler.rename_obj(poly_ansys, name)

            # Draw general closed poly
            poly_ansys = self.modeler.draw_polyline(points_3d[:-1],
            # rename: handle bug if the name of the cut already exits and is used to make a cut
            poly_ansys = poly_ansys.rename(name)

        qc_fillet = round(qgeom.fillet, 7)
        if qc_fillet > 0:
            qc_fillet = parse_units(qc_fillet)
            idxs_to_fillet = good_fillet_idxs(
            if idxs_to_fillet:
                self.modeler._fillet(qc_fillet, idxs_to_fillet, poly_ansys)

        # Subtract interior shapes, if any
        if len(qc_shapely.interiors) > 0:
            for i, x in enumerate(qc_shapely.interiors):
                interior_points_3d = to_vec3D(parse_units(list(x.coords)),
                inner_shape = self.modeler.draw_polyline(
                    interior_points_3d[:-1], closed=True)
                self.modeler.subtract(name, [inner_shape])

        # Input chip info into self.chip_subtract_dict
        if qgeom.chip not in self.chip_subtract_dict:
            self.chip_subtract_dict[qgeom.chip] = set()

        if qgeom['subtract']:

        # Potentially add to list of elements to metallize
        elif not qgeom['helper']:
    def render_element_junction(self, qgeom: pd.Series):
        Render a Josephson junction depending on the solution type.
        If in HFSS eigenmode, junctions are rendered as inductors consisting of
        1. A rectangle of length pad_gap and width inductor_width. Defines lumped element
           RLC boundary condition.
        2. A line that is later used to calculate the voltage in post-processing analysis.
        If in HFSS driven modal, junctions can be inductors, lumped ports, both inductors
        and lumped ports, or omitted altogether. Ports are characterized by an impedance 
        value given in the list jj_to_port when render_design() is called.

            qgeom (pd.Series): GeoSeries of element properties.
        qcomp =[qgeom['component']].name
        qc_elt = get_clean_name(qgeom['name'])

        if (qcomp, qc_elt) not in self.jj_to_ignore:
            qc_shapely = qgeom.geometry
            qc_chip_z = parse_units(
            qc_width = parse_units(qgeom.width)

            endpoints = parse_units(list(qc_shapely.coords))
            endpoints_3d = to_vec3D(endpoints, qc_chip_z)
            x0, y0, z0 = endpoints_3d[0]
            x1, y1, z0 = endpoints_3d[1]
            if abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0):
                # Junction runs vertically up/down
                axis = 'y'
                x_min, x_max = x0 - qc_width / 2, x0 + qc_width / 2
                y_min, y_max = min(y0, y1), max(y0, y1)
                # Junction runs horizontally left/right
                axis = 'x'
                x_min, x_max = min(x0, x1), max(x0, x1)
                y_min, y_max = y0 - qc_width / 2, y0 + qc_width / 2

            if (qcomp, qc_elt) in self.jj_lumped_ports:
                if self.jj_lumped_ports[(qcomp, qc_elt)][1]:
                    # Draw both port and inductor side by side with small gap in between
                    gap = parse_units(self.hfss_options['port_inductor_gap'])
                    x_mid, y_mid = (x_min + x_max) / 2, (y_min + y_max) / 2
                    if axis == 'x':
                        y_mid_hi = y_mid + gap / 2
                        y_mid_lo = y_mid - gap / 2
                        self.render_junction_port(qgeom, x_min, x_max,
                                                  y_mid_hi, y_max, qc_chip_z,
                        self.render_junction_inductor(qgeom, x_min, x_max,
                                                      y_min, y_mid_lo,
                                                      qc_chip_z, axis)
                    elif axis == 'y':
                        x_mid_lo = x_mid - gap / 2
                        x_mid_hi = x_mid + gap / 2
                        self.render_junction_port(qgeom, x_mid_hi, x_max,
                                                  y_min, y_max, qc_chip_z,
                        self.render_junction_inductor(qgeom, x_min, x_mid_lo,
                                                      y_min, y_max, qc_chip_z,
                    # Only draw port
                    self.render_junction_port(qgeom, x_min, x_max, y_min,
                                              y_max, qc_chip_z, axis)
                # Only draw inductor
                self.render_junction_inductor(qgeom, x_min, x_max, y_min,
                                              y_max, qc_chip_z, axis)