Exemple #1
def main(file_xyz, cell, restart, basis, basis_folder):
    """Define which systems need to be calculated."""
    system = Molecule(file_xyz)

    # Set path for basis set
    basisCP2K = join(basis_folder, "BASIS_MOLOPT")
    potCP2K = join(basis_folder, "GTH_POTENTIALS")

    # Settings specifics
    s = templates.geometry
    s.basis = basis
    s.potential = "GTH-PBE"
    s.cell_parameters = cell
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.basis_set_file_name = basisCP2K
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.potential_file_name = potCP2K
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.uks = ''
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.charge = '-1'
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.multiplicity = '2'
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.wfn_restart_file_name = f'{restart}'

    # =======================
    # Compute OPT files with CP2k
    # =======================

    result = run(cp2k(s, system))

    # ======================
    # Output the results
    # ======================

def prepare_job_cp2k(settings: Settings, dict_input: Dict[str, Any],
                     guess_job: PromisedObject) -> CP2K:
    """Generate a :class:`qmflows.packages.cp2k_packages.CP2K` job.

        Input for CP2K
        Input for the current molecular geometry
        Previous job to read the guess wave function

        job to run

    job_settings = prepare_cp2k_settings(settings, dict_input, guess_job)

    # remove keywords not use on the next translation phase
    for x in ('basis', 'potential'):
        if x in job_settings:
            del job_settings[x]

    return cp2k(job_settings,
def main(file_xyz, cell, restart, basis, basis_folder):

    # Define which systems need to be calculated
    system = Molecule(file_xyz)

    # Set path for basis set
    basisCP2K = join(basis_folder, "BASIS_MOLOPT")
    potCP2K = join(basis_folder, "GTH_POTENTIALS")

    # Settings specifics
    s = templates.geometry
    s.basis = basis
    s.potential = "GTH-PBE"
    s.cell_parameters = cell
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.basis_set_file_name = basisCP2K
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.potential_file_name = potCP2K
#   s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.uks = ''
#   s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.charge = '1'
#   s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.multiplicity = '2'
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.wfn_restart_file_name = '{}'.format(restart)

    # =======================
    # Compute OPT files with CP2k
    # =======================

    result = run(cp2k(s, system))

    # ======================
    # Output the results
    # ======================

Exemple #4
def test_cp2k_singlepoint_mock(mocker: MockFixture):
    """Mock a call to CP2K."""
    # single point calculation
    s = fill_cp2k_defaults(templates.singlepoint)

    # print orbitals
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.print.mo.filename = (
        PATH / "orbitals.out").as_posix()
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.print.mo.mo_index_range = "7 46"
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.scf.added_mos = 20

    # Construct a result objects
    job = cp2k(s, ETHYLENE)
    jobname = "cp2k_job"
    run_mocked = mock_runner(mocker, jobname)
    rs = run_mocked(job)

    # electronic energy

    # Molecular orbitals
    orbs = rs.orbitals
    assertion.assert_(np.isfinite, orbs.eigenvectors,
                      post_process=np.all)  # eigenvalues
    assertion.shape_eq(orbs.eigenvectors, (46, 40))
Exemple #5
def test_c2pk_freq_mock(mocker: MockFixture):
    """Mock a call to CP2K."""
    # Frequency calculation
    s = fill_cp2k_defaults(templates.singlepoint)
    s.specific.cp2k.vibrational_analysis.thermochemistry = ".TRUE."
    s.specific.cp2k["global"]["run_type"] = "VIBRATIONAL_ANALYSIS"

    jobname = "cp2k_freq"
    run_mocked = mock_runner(mocker, jobname)
    job = cp2k(s, ETHYLENE, job_name=jobname)
    rs = run_mocked(job)

    # check properties
Exemple #6
def test_cp2k_opt(tmp_path: PathLike):
    """Run a simple molecular optimization."""
    s = fill_cp2k_defaults(templates.geometry)

    # Do a single step
    s.specific.cp2k.motion.geo_opt.max_iter = 1
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.scf.eps_scf = 1e-1

    water = Molecule(PATH_MOLECULES / "h2o.xyz",

    job = cp2k(s, water)
    mol = run(job, folder=tmp_path)
    assertion.isinstance(mol.molecule, Molecule)
Exemple #7
def test_c2pk_opt_mock(mocker: MockFixture):
    """Mock a call to CP2K."""
    # geometry optimization input
    s = fill_cp2k_defaults(templates.geometry)

    jobname = "cp2k_opt"
    run_mocked = mock_runner(mocker, jobname)

    job = cp2k(s, ETHYLENE, job_name=jobname)
    rs = run_mocked(job)
    # check the optimized geometry
    mol = rs.geometry
    assertion.len_eq(mol, 6)
    atom = mol[1]
    assertion.len_eq(atom.coords, 3)
    assertion.eq(atom.symbol, 'C')
def compute_geo_opt(mol: Molecule, name: str, workdir: str,
                    path_results: str) -> Molecule:
    """Perform the geometry optimization of **mol**."""
    # Get cp2k settings
    s = create_cp2k_settings(mol)

    # Update the setting with the geometry optimization template
    sett_geo_opt = templates.geometry.overlay(s)

    # Create the cp2k job
    opt_job = cp2k(sett_geo_opt, mol, job_name="cp2k_opt")

    # Run the cp2k job
    optimized_geometry = run(opt_job.geometry, path=workdir, folder=name)
    store_optimized_molecule(optimized_geometry, name, path_results)
    logger.info(f"{name} has been optimized with CP2K")

    return optimized_geometry
def run_plams(path_input):
    Call Plams to run a CP2K job
    # create settings
    dict_input = process_input(path_input, "derivative_couplings")
    sett = dict_input['cp2k_general_settings']['cp2k_settings_guess']

    # adjust the cell parameters
    file_cell_parameters = dict_input['cp2k_general_settings'].get("file_cell_parameters")
    if file_cell_parameters is not None:
        array_cell_parameters = read_cell_parameters_as_array(file_cell_parameters)[1]
        sett.cell_parameters = array_cell_parameters[0, 2:11].reshape(3, 3).tolist()

        # Run the job
    job = cp2k(sett, plams.Molecule("test/test_files/C.xyz"))

    print("sett: ", sett)

    return run(job.energy)
Exemple #10
def run_plams(path_input: PathLike) -> float:
    """Call Plams to run a CP2K job."""
    # create settings
    dict_input = process_input(path_input, "derivative_couplings")
    sett = dict_input['cp2k_general_settings']['cp2k_settings_guess']

    # adjust the cell parameters
    file_cell_parameters = dict_input['cp2k_general_settings'].get(
    if file_cell_parameters is not None:
        array_cell_parameters = read_cell_parameters_as_array(
        sett.cell_parameters = array_cell_parameters[0,

        # Run the job
    job = cp2k(sett, plams.Molecule(PATH_TEST / "C.xyz"))

    return run(job.energy)
def compute_ldos(mol: Molecule, coord: NestedDict, name: str, workdir: str,
                 path_results: str) -> None:
    """Compute the DOS projected on subsets of atoms given through lists.

    These lists are divided by atom type and coordination number.
    # Get cp2k settings
    s = create_cp2k_settings(mol)

    # Get the cp2k ldos setting containing the lists
    ldos = create_ldos_lists(coord)

    # Join settings and update with the single point template
    s.specific = s.specific + ldos
    sett_ldos = templates.singlepoint.overlay(s)

    # Create the cp2k job
    dos_job = cp2k(sett_ldos, mol, job_name="cp2k_ldos")

    # Run the cp2k job
    run(dos_job, path=workdir, folder=name)
    store_coordination(coord, name, path_results)
    logger.info(f"{name} LDOS has been printed with CP2K")
Exemple #12
def main(file_xyz, cell, restart, basis, basis_folder):
    Define which systems need to be calculated
    system = Molecule(file_xyz)

    # Set path for basis set
    basisCP2K = join(basis_folder, "BASIS_MOLOPT")
    potCP2K = join(basis_folder, "GTH_POTENTIALS")

    # Settings specifics
    s = templates.singlepoint
    del s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.print.mo
    s.basis = basis
    s.potential = "GTH-PBE"
    s.cell_parameters = cell
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.basis_set_file_name = basisCP2K
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.potential_file_name = potCP2K
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.print.pdos.nlumo = '1000'
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.wfn_restart_file_name = '{}'.format(restart)
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.scf.ot.minimizer = 'DIIS'
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.scf.ot.n_diis = 7
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.scf.ot.preconditioner = 'FULL_SINGLE_INVERSE'
    s.specific.cp2k['global']['run_type'] = 'energy'

# =======================
# Compute OPT files with CP2k
# =======================

    result = run(cp2k(s, system))

# ======================
# Output the results
# ======================
