def __init__(self, organization, application, defaults=None): """ :param organization: A string name for the organization :param application: A string name for the application name :param defaults: Default configuration values for this instance in the form of nested dict instances """ # Loads the saved settings if found self.qsettings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope, organization, application) # convert the defaults into something that qsettings can handle default_settings = self._flatten_defaults(defaults) # put defaults into qsettings if they weren't there already configFileKeys = self.qsettings.allKeys() for key in default_settings.keys(): if key not in configFileKeys: self.qsettings.setValue(key, default_settings[key]) # fixup the values of booleans - they do not evaluate correctly when read from the config file # TODO come up with a unit test for this for key in self.all_keys(): value = self.get(key) if value == 'true': self.set(key, True) elif value == 'false': self.set(key, False)
def main(argv: Sequence[str] = None) -> int: argv = argv if argv is not None else sys.argv command_line_args = parse_commandline(argv) exit_code_str = command_line_args.exit_code exit_code = int(exit_code_str) if mantid.config['usagereports.enabled'] != '1': return exit_code # On Windows/macOS the plugin locations need to be known before starting # QApplication if command_line_args.qtdir is not None: QCoreApplication.addLibraryPath(command_line_args.qtdir) # Qt resources must be imported before QApplication starts importlib.import_module(f'mantidqt.dialogs.errorreports.resources_qt{QT_VERSION[0]}') if sys.platform == 'darwin': qtutils.force_layer_backing_BigSur() from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication app = QApplication(argv) # The strings APPNAME, ORG_DOMAIN, ORGANIZATION are duplicated from workbench.config app.setOrganizationName(command_line_args.org_name) app.setOrganizationDomain(command_line_args.org_domain) app.setApplicationName(command_line_args.application) QSettings.setDefaultFormat(QSettings.IniFormat) form = CrashReportPage(show_continue_terminate=False) presenter = ErrorReporterPresenter(form, exit_code_str, command_line_args.application) presenter.show_view() app.exec_() return exit_code
def repr_settings(settings: QSettings) -> str: """works on a QSettings, not a Settings""" msg = 'QSettings:\n' for key in sorted(settings.allKeys()): value = settings.value(key) msg += ' %r : %r\n' % (key, value) return msg
def setUpClass(cls): QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("test1") QCoreApplication.setOrganizationName("org1") QSettings.setDefaultFormat(QSettings.IniFormat) cls.settings_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() QSettings.setPath(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope,
def __init__(self, log=None): super().__init__() if log: self.log = log.getChild('Conf') self.log.setLevel(30) else: self.log = logging.getLogger() self.log.setLevel(99) self.log.debug('Initializing') self.qsettings = QSettings() self.qsettings.setIniCodec('UTF-8') self.options = None self.option_spec = self.load_option_spec() self.options = self.load_options() self.full_name = "{} {}".format(QCoreApplication.applicationName(), QCoreApplication.applicationVersion()) # options that need fast access are also defined as attributes, which # are updated by calling update_attributes() # (on paper it's 4 times faster, but I don't think it matters in my case) self.logger_table_font = None self.logger_table_font_size = None self.logger_row_height = None self.benchmark_interval = None self.update_attributes()
def __init__(self, organization, application, defaults=None): """ :param organization: A string name for the organization :param application: A string name for the application name :param defaults: Default configuration values for this instance in the form of nested dict instances """ # Loads the saved settings if found self.qsettings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope, organization, application) # convert the defaults into something that qsettings can handle default_settings = self._flatten_defaults(defaults) # put defaults into qsettings if they weren't there already try: self.set_qsettings_values(default_settings) # the editors/sessiontabs are pickled in config so need to remove them except ValueError: self.qsettings.remove('Editors/SessionTabs') self.set_qsettings_values(default_settings) # fixup the values of booleans - they do not evaluate correctly when read from the config file for key in self.all_keys(): try: value = self.get(key) except (KeyError, TypeError): continue if value == 'true': self.set(key, True) elif value == 'false': self.set(key, False)
def __init__(self): super(MainWindowBase, self).__init__() # Environment path self.env = "" # Alignment mode self.alignment_mode = 0 # Entities list self.vpoint_list = [] self.vlink_list = [VLink(VLink.FRAME, 'White', (), color_rgb)] # Condition list of context menus self.context = _Context() # Preference self.prefer = Preferences() # Set path from command line home_dir = QDir.home() self.settings = QSettings(home_dir.absoluteFilePath(".pyslvs.ini"), QSettings.IniFormat, self) if ARGUMENTS.c: self.set_locate(QDir(ARGUMENTS.c).absolutePath()) else:"Desktop") env = self.settings.value("ENV", home_dir.absolutePath()) self.set_locate(str(env)) # Initialize custom UI self.__undo_redo() self.__appearance() self.__alignment() self.__free_move() self.__options() self.__context_menu()
def __fetchSettings(self): settings = QSettings("Equinor", "Ert-Gui") geo = settings.value("geometry") if geo: self.restoreGeometry(geo) wnd = settings.value("windowState") if wnd: self.restoreState(wnd)
def _read_settings(self):"MainWindow._read_settings") settings = QSettings(ORGANIZATION_NAME, APPLICATION_NAME) pos = settings.value("pos", QPoint(200, 200)) size = settings.value("size", QSize(400, 400)) self.resize(size) self.move(pos)
def load_setting(self, key, default_value=None): settings = QSettings("QtGuiApplication", "%s_%s" % (self.app_name, self.__class__.__name__)) setting = settings.value(self.ui_module.__name__ + "/" + key, default_value) try: setting = setting.toString() except: pass #fails in pyside return str(setting)
def load_settings(self): settings = QSettings("QtGuiApplication", "%s_%s" % (self.app_name, self.__class__.__name__)) geometry = settings.value(self.ui_module.__name__ + "/geometry") try: geometry = geometry.toByteArray() except: pass # Fails in PySide if geometry: self.restoreGeometry(geometry)
def __init__(self, parent, app_settings): super().__init__(parent) self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._settings = QSettings() self._app_settings = app_settings self._load_ui() # Flag indicating whether the user has requested the GUI settings to be reset. # If so, the caller should disable any further settings recording logic self.cleared = False
def __init__(self, settings=None): """ Initialization. @param settings: QSettings object passed by the main application """ super(GeneralSettings, self).__init__() if settings is not None: self._settings = settings else: self._settings = QSettings()
def hide_hidden_columns(self): hidden_columns = QSettings().value("catalog.columns.hidden") or set() header = self.horizontalHeader() current_column_names = [ str(self.model().headerData(i, Qt.Horizontal)) for i in range(header.count()) ] current_hidden_names = hidden_columns.intersection( set(current_column_names)) for name in current_hidden_names: header.setSectionHidden(current_column_names.index(name), True)
def hide_column(self, header, logicalIndex): ''' Hide a column, adding the column from the list of hidden columns in QSettings ''' hidden_columns = QSettings().value("catalog.columns.hidden") or set() if len(hidden_columns) == header.count() - 1: msg.notifyMessage( "Only one column is left to hide, cannot hide all of them.") return hidden_columns.add(self._current_column_name(header, logicalIndex)) QSettings().setValue("catalog.columns.hidden", hidden_columns) header.setSectionHidden(logicalIndex, True)
def __init__(self, organization, application, defaults=None): """ :param organization: A string name for the organization :param application: A string name for the application name :param defaults: Default configuration values for this instance in the form of nested dict instances """ # Loads the saved settings if found self.qsettings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope, organization, application) self.defaults = defaults
def openModel(self, fileName): print(f'Otwieram: {fileName}') self.__m_vtkFboItem.addModel(fileName) localFilePath = QUrl(fileName).toLocalFile() currentDir = QFileInfo(localFilePath).absoluteDir() currentPath = currentDir.absolutePath() MySettings = QSettings() MySettings.setValue(CanvasHandler.DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR_KEY, currentPath) print(currentPath)
def _on_reset(self): """ Callback for reset button. Prompts user for confirmation, then proceeds to reset settings to default values if confirmed, before updating controls and applying any changes (emits change signal if any changes). """ mb = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, tr("Reset all settings"), tr("This will reset all settings to their default " + "values. Are you sure you want to continue?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) mb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.No) dr = mb.exec_() if dr == QMessageBox.Yes: # This clears all settings, and recreates only those values # initialized with set_default this session. Settings.restore_from_defaults() # Now we update controls: s = QSettings(self.ui) keys = list( self._initial_values.keys()) # Use copy, as we may modify for k in keys: # Check if setting is still present if s.contains(k): # Present, update to new value (triggers _on_change) v = s.value(k) w = self._lut[k] if isinstance(w, QLineEdit): w.setText(v) elif isinstance(w, QCheckBox): w.setChecked(v.lower() == "true") elif isinstance(w, (QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox)): w.setValue(v) else: # Setting was removed, remove editor w = self._lut[k] layout = w.parent().layout() label = layout.labelForField(w) layout.removeWidget(w) w.close() if label is not None: layout.removeWidget(label) label.close() del self._lut[k] del self._initial_values[k] self._changes[k] = None # Check whether all editors for tab was removed if layout.count() == 0: wrap = w.parent() self.tabs.removeTab(self.tabs.indexOf(wrap)) # Finally apply changes (update _initial_values, and emit signal) self.apply_changes()
class AboutDialog(QDialog): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Logic for managing about box""" def __init__(self, parent, app_settings): super().__init__(parent) self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._settings = QSettings() self._app_settings = app_settings self._load_ui() # Flag indicating whether the user has requested the GUI settings to be reset. # If so, the caller should disable any further settings recording logic self.cleared = False def _load_ui(self): """Internal helper method that configures the UI for the dialog""" load_ui("about_dlg.ui", self) self.title_label = self.findChild(QLabel, "title_label") self.title_label.setText(f"Friendly Pics 2 v{__version__}") self.runtime_env_label = self.findChild(QLabel, "runtime_env_label") if is_mac_app_bundle(): self.runtime_env_label.setText("Running as MacOS app bundle") elif is_pyinstaller_bundle(): self.runtime_env_label.setText("Running as a pyinstaller binary") else: self.runtime_env_label.setText( "Running under conventional Python environment") self.gui_settings_label = self.findChild(QLabel, "gui_settings_label") self.gui_settings_label.setText( f"<b>GUI Settings:</b> {self._settings.fileName()}") self.gui_settings_clear_button = self.findChild( QPushButton, "gui_settings_clear_button") self.gui_settings_clear_button.clicked.connect( self._clear_gui_settings) self.app_settings_label = self.findChild(QLabel, "app_settings_label") self.app_settings_label.setText( f"<b>App Settings:</b> {self._app_settings.path}") # Center the about box on the parent window parent_geom = self.parent().geometry() self.move( - self.rect().center()) @Slot() def _clear_gui_settings(self): """Callback for when user selects the clear gui settings button""" self._settings.clear() self._settings.sync() self.gui_settings_clear_button.setEnabled(False) self.cleared = True
def _on_reset(self): """ Callback for reset button. Prompts user for confirmation, then proceeds to reset settings to default values if confirmed, before updating controls and applying any changes (emits change signal if any changes). """ mb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, tr("Reset all settings"), tr("This will reset all settings to their default " + "values. Are you sure you want to continue?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) mb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.No) dr = mb.exec_() if dr == QMessageBox.Yes: # This clears all settings, and recreates only those values # initialized with set_default this session. Settings.restore_from_defaults() # Now we update controls: s = QSettings(self.ui) keys = list(self._initial_values.keys()) # Use copy, as we may modify for k in keys: # Check if setting is still present if s.contains(k): # Present, update to new value (triggers _on_change) v = s.value(k) w = self._lut[k] if isinstance(w, QLineEdit): w.setText(v) elif isinstance(w, QCheckBox): w.setChecked(v.lower() == "true") elif isinstance(w, (QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox)): w.setValue(v) else: # Setting was removed, remove editor w = self._lut[k] layout = w.parent().layout() label = layout.labelForField(w) layout.removeWidget(w) w.close() if label is not None: layout.removeWidget(label) label.close() del self._lut[k] del self._initial_values[k] self._changes[k] = None # Check whether all editors for tab was removed if layout.count() == 0: wrap = w.parent() self.tabs.removeTab(self.tabs.indexOf(wrap)) # Finally apply changes (update _initial_values, and emit signal) self.apply_changes()
def unhide_column(self, header, logicalIndex): ''' Unhide a column, removing the column from the list of hidden columns in QSettings ''' hidden_columns = QSettings().value("catalog.columns.hidden") or set() column_name = self._current_column_name(header, logicalIndex) try: hidden_columns.remove(column_name) except KeyError as ex: raise (KeyError( f"Attempted to unhide non-hidden column name {column_name}.")) QSettings().setValue("catalog.columns.hidden", hidden_columns) header.setSectionHidden(logicalIndex, False)
def should_show_on_startup(): """ Determines if the first time dialog should be shown :return: True if the dialog should be shown """ # first check the facility and instrument facility = ConfigService.getString(AboutPresenter.FACILITY) instrument = ConfigService.getString(AboutPresenter.INSTRUMENT) if not facility: return True else: # check we can get the facility and instrument try: facilityInfo = ConfigService.getFacility(facility) instrumentInfo = ConfigService.getInstrument(instrument) logger.information("Default facility '{0}', instrument '{1}'\n".format(, except RuntimeError: # failed to find the facility or instrument logger.error("Could not find your default facility '{0}' or instrument '{1}' in facilities.xml, " + "showing please select again.\n".format(facility, instrument)) return True settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(AboutPresenter.DO_NOT_SHOW_GROUP) doNotShowUntilNextRelease =int(settings.value(AboutPresenter.DO_NOT_SHOW, '0')) lastVersion = settings.value(AboutPresenter.LAST_VERSION, "") settings.endGroup() if not doNotShowUntilNextRelease: return True # Now check if the version has changed since last time version = release_notes_url() return version != lastVersion
def test_get_setting_string_specifying_bool(self): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(GROUP) settings.setValue(PREFIX + "something", "a") settings.endGroup() self.assertRaises(TypeError, get_setting, GROUP, PREFIX, "something", return_type=bool)
def test_get_setting_bool_without_specifying_type(self): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(GROUP) settings.setValue(PREFIX + "something", True) settings.endGroup() self.assertEqual(get_setting(GROUP, PREFIX, "something"), "true")
def test_get_setting_with_string(self): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(GROUP) settings.setValue(PREFIX + "something", "value") settings.endGroup() self.assertEqual(get_setting(GROUP, PREFIX, "something"), "value")
def test_get_setting_with_bool_true(self): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(GROUP) settings.setValue(PREFIX + "something", True) settings.endGroup() self.assertEqual(get_setting(GROUP, PREFIX, "something", return_type=bool), True)
def test_get_setting_with_int(self): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(GROUP) settings.setValue(PREFIX + "something", 10) settings.endGroup() self.assertEqual(get_setting(GROUP, PREFIX, "something", return_type=int), 10)
def get_setting(group, prefix, setting_name, return_type=str): """ Get a setting from the .ini file of mantid settings. NOTE: If you specify an int, but the setting contains a bool, you will get 0 for False and 1 for True, without a warning. Specifying bool will raise a TypeError if anything other than a bool or empty string is found in the settings. Not specifying a type will return a string. If nothing is found then an empty string is returned. :param group: Settings group to pull from. :param prefix: The prefix of the setting, acts like a subgroup. :param setting_name: Name of the setting. :param return_type: The type of the setting to get. :return: The chosen setting. """ settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(group) if return_type is bool: setting = settings.value(prefix + setting_name, type=str) if setting == "": pass elif setting == "true": setting = True elif setting == "false": setting = False else: raise TypeError("Unable to convert string into valid bool") else: setting = settings.value(prefix + setting_name, type=return_type) settings.endGroup() return setting
def closeEvent(self, event): """Window is closed, save state""" settings = QSettings("sdt", "locator") settings.setValue("MainWindow/geometry", self.saveGeometry()) settings.setValue("MainWindow/state", self.saveState()) settings.setValue("Viewer/showPreview", self._viewer.showLocalizations) super().closeEvent(event)
def prompt_hostname_gui(): """Ask user for a hostname, offer recently used values""" from qtpy.QtWidgets import QInputDialog from qtpy.QtCore import QSettings settings = QSettings('allegro', 'allegro_vnc') recent = settings.value('recent_hostnames', []) hostname, accepted = QInputDialog.getItem(None, 'Enter hostname', 'Hostname:', recent) if not accepted: return recent.insert(0, hostname) # Remove duplicates without changing order recent = sorted(set(recent), key=recent.index)[:10] settings.setValue('recent_hostnames', recent) return hostname
def read_settings(): """Read application settings. Returns ------- settings : dict Settings values. """ settings = {} settings["recent"] = QSettings().value("recent", []) settings["toolbar"] = QSettings().value("toolbar", True) settings["statusbar"] = QSettings().value("statusbar", True) settings["size"] = QSettings().value("size", QSize(700, 500)) settings["pos"] = QSettings().value("pos", QPoint(100, 100)) return settings
def __init__(self, argv: list, company: str, appname: str, Liststr=None): """ Creates instance of QApplication for our application, will autoinit settings Args: argv (List): [description] Liststr ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. company (str, optional): Company name for settings saving. Defaults to "QtArgApp". appname (str, optional): App name for settings saving. Defaults to "DefaultApp". """ if company is None: company = self.__class__.__name__ QSettings.setPath(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope, str(FOLDER.parent / "settings")) self.settings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope, company, appname) super().__init__(argv)
def save_state(self): ''' Saves the dock manager state and the main window geometry ''' settings = QSettings("Settings.ini", QSettings.IniFormat) settings.setValue("mainWindow/Geometry", self.saveGeometry()) settings.setValue("mainWindow/State", self.saveState()) settings.setValue("mainWindow/DockingState", self.dock_manager.save_state())
def __init__(self, organization, application, defaults=None): """ :param organization: A string name for the organization :param application: A string name for the application name :param defaults: Default configuration values for this instance in the form of nested dict instances """ # Loads the saved settings if found self.qsettings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope, organization, application) # convert the defaults into something that qsettings can handle default_settings = self._flatten_defaults(defaults) # put defaults into qsettings if they weren't there already try: self.set_qsettings_values(default_settings) # the editors/sessiontabs are pickled in config so need to remove them except ValueError: self.qsettings.remove('Editors/SessionTabs') self.set_qsettings_values(default_settings) # fixup the values of booleans - they do not evaluate correctly when read from the config file for key in self.all_keys(): try: value = self.get(key) except KeyError: continue if value == 'true': self.set(key, True) elif value == 'false': self.set(key, False)
def apply_changes(self): """ Applies changes performed since dialog creation or last apply, whichever is most recent. Fires settings_changed Signal as long as there has been any changes. """ if len(self._changes) < 1: return s = QSettings(self.ui) for k, v in self._changes.items(): if k in self._initial_values: # Avoid readding removed settings s.setValue(k, v) self._initial_values[k] = v self.settings_changed.emit(self._changes) self._changes.clear() self.apply_btn.setEnabled(False)
def load_settings(self): settings = QSettings() # window geometry try: self.restoreGeometry(settings.value(GEOMETRY_SETTING)) except: logger.debug("error restoring window geometry") # window state try: self.restoreState(settings.value(WINDOWSTATE_SETTING)) except: logger.debug("error restoring window state") # filename self.filename = settings.value(FILENAME_SETTING) if self.filename is not None: self.load_file(self.filename)
def clear_defaults(): """ Clear all settings in defaults group. Should only be run once during application start, as it will undo any defaults that have been set. """ settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup('defaults') settings.remove("") settings.endGroup()
def __setitem__(self, key, value): groupings = self._get_groups(key) key = groupings.pop() settings = QSettings(parent=self.parent) for g in groupings: settings.beginGroup(g) settings.setValue(key, value) for g in groupings: settings.endGroup()
def load_default_file(line_edit_field, q_settings_group_key, q_settings_key): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(q_settings_group_key) default_file = settings.value(q_settings_key, "", type=str) settings.endGroup() line_edit_field.setText(default_file)
def _load_property(q_settings_group_key, q_settings_key): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(q_settings_group_key) default_property = settings.value(q_settings_key, "", type=str) settings.endGroup() return default_property
def write(self, d, group=None, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = QSettings(self) if group is not None: settings.beginGroup(group) for k, v in d.items(): settings.setValue(k, v) if group is not None: settings.endGroup()
def load_property(q_settings_group_key, q_settings_key, type=str): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(q_settings_group_key) default = False if type == bool else "" default_property = settings.value(q_settings_key, default, type=type) settings.endGroup() return default_property
def read(self, d, group=None, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = QSettings(self) if group is not None: settings.beginGroup(group) for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, tuple): settings.value(k, v) if group is not None: settings.endGroup()
def __contains__(self, key): groupings = self._get_groups(key) key = groupings.pop() settings = QSettings(parent=self.parent) for g in groupings: settings.beginGroup(g) r = settings.contains(key) for g in groupings: settings.endGroup() return r
def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.settings = QSettings() # decimal self.decimalLabel = QLabel("decimal:")) self.decimalComboBox = QComboBox() self.decimalLabel.setBuddy(self.decimalComboBox) self.decimalComboBox.addItems([",", "."]) # separator self.separatorLabel = QLabel("separator:")) self.separatorComboBox = QComboBox() self.separatorLabel.setBuddy(self.separatorComboBox) self.separatorComboBox.addItem("Semicolon ';'", ';') self.separatorComboBox.addItem("Comma ','", ',') self.separatorComboBox.addItem("Tabulator '\\t'", '\t') self.separatorComboBox.addItem("Whitespace ' '", ' ') # buttons self.buttons = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel ) self.buttons.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject) # layout layout = QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(self.decimalLabel, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.decimalComboBox, 0, 1) layout.addWidget(self.separatorLabel, 1, 0) layout.addWidget(self.separatorComboBox, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.buttons, 2, 0, 1, 2) self.setLayout(layout) # settings self.decimalComboBox.setCurrentIndex( self.decimalComboBox.findText( self.settings.value(DECIMAL_SETTING, ",")) ) self.separatorComboBox.setCurrentIndex( self.separatorComboBox.findData( self.settings.value(SEPARATOR_SETTING, ";")) ) self.setWindowTitle("record settings"))
def restore_key_default(self, key): """ Restore a given setting to its default value. """ groupings = self._get_groups(key) groupings.insert(0, 'defaults') inner_key = groupings.pop() settings = QSettings(parent=self.parent) for g in groupings: settings.beginGroup(g) default_value = settings.value(inner_key) for g in groupings: settings.endGroup() self[key] = default_value
def load_file(line_edit_field, filter_for_dialog, q_settings_group_key, q_settings_key, func): # Get the last location of the user file settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(q_settings_group_key) last_path = settings.value(q_settings_key, "", type=str) settings.endGroup() # Open the dialog open_file_dialog(line_edit_field, filter_for_dialog, last_path) # Save the new location new_path, _ = os.path.split(func()) if new_path: set_setting(q_settings_group_key, q_settings_key, new_path)
def set_default(self, key, value): """ Sets default value by writing into defaults group. """ # If not in normal settings, set it: if key not in self: self[key] = value # Either way, write to defaults group groupings = self._get_groups(key) groupings.insert(0, 'defaults') key = groupings.pop() settings = QSettings(parent=self.parent) for g in groupings: settings.beginGroup(g) settings.setValue(key, value) for g in groupings: settings.endGroup()
def get_enum_hint(self, key): """ Returns the possible enum hint values if set, otherwise None. """ groupings = self._get_groups(key) groupings.insert(0, 'defaults') key = groupings.pop() key = '_' + key + '_options' # Change key to avoid conflicts settings = QSettings(parent=self.parent) for g in groupings: settings.beginGroup(g) value = settings.value(key) for g in groupings: settings.endGroup() return value
def set_enum_hint(self, key, options): """ Indicate possible values for a setting. The `options` are not strictly enforced, but can be used to indicate valid values to the user. A typical usecase is to allow the use of a combobox in a dialog to pick a value. """ groupings = self._get_groups(key) groupings.insert(0, 'defaults') key = groupings.pop() key = '_' + key + '_options' # Change key to avoid conflicts settings = QSettings(parent=self.parent) for g in groupings: settings.beginGroup(g) if not isinstance(options, list): options = list(options) settings.setValue(key, options) for g in groupings: settings.endGroup()
def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, tuple): key, t = key else: t = None groupings = self._get_groups(key) if key not in self: groupings.insert(0, 'defaults') key = groupings.pop() settings = QSettings(parent=self.parent) for g in groupings: settings.beginGroup(g) ret = settings.value(key) if t and isinstance(t, type) and not isinstance(ret, t): if t is bool: ret = ("true" == ret.lower()) else: ret = t(ret) for g in groupings: settings.endGroup() return ret
def _previous_directory_settings(self): previous_directories = QSettings() previous_directories.beginGroup("CustomInterfaces/SANSRunWindow/AddRuns") return previous_directories
class MfixGui(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Main window class handling all gui interactions """ def __init__(self, app, parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) # reference to qapp instance = app # load ui file self.customWidgets = { "LineEdit": LineEdit, "CheckBox": CheckBox, "ComboBox": ComboBox, "DoubleSpinBox": DoubleSpinBox, "SpinBox": SpinBox, } self.ui = uic.loadUi(os.path.join("uifiles", "gui.ui"), self) # load settings self.settings = QSettings("MFIX", "MFIX") # set title and icon self.setWindowTitle("MFIX") self.setWindowIcon(get_icon("mfix.png")) # build keyword documentation from namelist docstrings self.keyword_doc = buildKeywordDoc(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, os.pardir, "model")) self.project = ProjectManager(self, self.keyword_doc) # --- data --- self.modebuttondict = { "modeler": self.ui.pushButtonModeler, "workflow": self.ui.pushButtonWorkflow, "developer": self.ui.pushButtonDeveloper, } self.booleanbtndict = { "union": self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_union, "intersection": self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_intersect, "difference": self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_difference, } self.animation_speed = 400 self.animating = False self.stack_animation = None # --- icons --- # loop through all widgets, because I am lazy for widget in widget_iter(self.ui): if isinstance(widget, QtGui.QToolButton): name = str(widget.objectName()) if "add" in name: widget.setIcon(get_icon("add.png")) elif "delete" in name or "remove" in name: widget.setIcon(get_icon("remove.png")) elif "copy" in name: widget.setIcon(get_icon("copy.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_new.setIcon(get_icon("newfolder.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_open.setIcon(get_icon("openfolder.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_save.setIcon(get_icon("save.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_compile.setIcon(get_icon("build.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_run.setIcon(get_icon("play.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_restart.setIcon(get_icon("restart.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_interact.setIcon(get_icon("flash.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_add_geometry.setIcon(get_icon("geometry.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_add_filter.setIcon(get_icon("filter.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_union.setIcon(get_icon("union.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_intersect.setIcon(get_icon("intersect.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_difference.setIcon(get_icon("difference.png")) self.ui.toolButtonTFMSolidsDatabase.setIcon(get_icon("download.png")) # --- Connect Signals to Slots--- # open/save/new project self.ui.toolbutton_open.pressed.connect(self.open_project) self.ui.toolbutton_save.pressed.connect(self.save_project) # mode (modeler, workflow, developer) for mode, btn in self.modebuttondict.items(): btn.released.connect(make_callback(self.mode_changed, mode)) # navigation tree self.ui.treewidget_model_navigation.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.navigation_changed) # build/run/connect MFIX self.ui.build_mfix_button.pressed.connect(self.build_mfix) self.ui.run_mfix_button.pressed.connect(self.run_mfix) self.ui.connect_mfix_button.pressed.connect(self.connect_mfix) self.ui.clear_output_button.pressed.connect(self.clear_output) # --- Threads --- self.build_thread = BuildThread(self) self.run_thread = RunThread(self) self.clear_thread = ClearThread(self) def make_handler(qtextbrowser): " make a closure to read stdout from external process " def handle_line(line): " closure to read stdout from external process " log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.debug(str(line).strip()) cursor = qtextbrowser.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.End) cursor.insertText(line) qtextbrowser.ensureCursorVisible() return handle_line self.build_thread.line_printed.connect(make_handler(self.ui.command_output)) self.run_thread.line_printed.connect(make_handler(self.ui.command_output)) self.clear_thread.line_printed.connect(make_handler(self.ui.command_output)) # --- setup simple widgets --- self.__setup_simple_keyword_widgets() # --- vtk setup --- self.__setup_vtk_widget() # --- workflow setup --- if NodeWidget is not None: self.__setup_workflow_widget() # --- default --- self.mode_changed("modeler") self.change_pane("geometry") # autoload last project if self.get_project_dir(): self.open_project(self.get_project_dir()) def __setup_simple_keyword_widgets(self): """ Look for and connect simple keyword widgets to the project manager. Keyword informtation from the namelist doc strings is added to each keyword widget. The widget must be named: *_keyword_<keyword> where <keyword> is the actual keyword. For example: lineedit_keyword_run_name """ # loop through all widgets looking for *_keyword_<keyword> for widget in widget_iter(self.ui): name_list = str(widget.objectName()).lower().split("_") if "keyword" in name_list: keyword = "_".join(name_list[name_list.index("keyword") + 1 :]) # set the key attribute to the keyword widget.key = keyword # add info from keyword documentation if keyword in self.keyword_doc: widget.setdtype(self.keyword_doc[keyword]["dtype"]) if "required" in self.keyword_doc[keyword]: widget.setValInfo(req=self.keyword_doc[keyword]["required"] == "true") if "validrange" in self.keyword_doc[keyword]: if "max" in self.keyword_doc[keyword]["validrange"]: widget.setValInfo(_max=self.keyword_doc[keyword]["validrange"]["max"]) if "min" in self.keyword_doc[keyword]["validrange"]: widget.setValInfo(_min=self.keyword_doc[keyword]["validrange"]["min"]) if "initpython" in self.keyword_doc[keyword]: widget.default(self.keyword_doc[keyword]["initpython"]) if isinstance(widget, QtGui.QComboBox) and widget.count() < 1: widget.addItems(list(self.keyword_doc[keyword]["valids"].keys())) # register the widget with the project manager self.project.register_widget(widget, [keyword]) # connect to unsaved method widget.value_updated.connect(self.unsaved) def __setup_vtk_widget(self): " setup the vtk widget " self.vtkwidget = VtkWidget(self.project, parent=self) self.ui.horizontalLayoutModelGraphics.addWidget(self.vtkwidget) # register with project manager self.project.register_widget( self.vtkwidget, ["xmin", "xlength", "ymin", "ylength", "zmin", "zlength", "imax", "jmax", "kmax"] ) def __setup_workflow_widget(self): self.nodeChart = NodeWidget(showtoolbar=False) # Build defualt node library self.nodeChart.nodeLibrary.buildDefualtLibrary() self.ui.horizontalLayoutPyqtnode.addWidget(self.nodeChart) def get_project_dir(self): " get the current project directory" last_dir = self.settings.value("project_dir") if last_dir: return last_dir else: return None def mode_changed(self, mode): " change the Modeler, Workflow, Developer tab" current_index = 0 for i in range(self.ui.stackedwidget_mode.count()): widget = self.ui.stackedwidget_mode.widget(i) if mode == str(widget.objectName()): current_index = i break for key, btn in self.modebuttondict.items(): btn.setChecked(mode == key) self.animate_stacked_widget( self.ui.stackedwidget_mode, self.ui.stackedwidget_mode.currentIndex(), current_index, "horizontal" ) # --- modeler pane navigation --- def change_pane(self, name): """ change to the specified pane """ clist = self.ui.treewidget_model_navigation.findItems( name, QtCore.Qt.MatchContains | QtCore.Qt.MatchRecursive, 0 ) for item in clist: if str(item.text(0)).lower() == name.lower(): break self.ui.treewidget_model_navigation.setCurrentItem(item) self.navigation_changed() def navigation_changed(self): """ an item in the tree was selected, change panes """ current_selection = self.ui.treewidget_model_navigation.selectedItems() if current_selection: text = str(current_selection[-1].text(0)) text = "_".join(text.lower().split(" ")) current_index = 0 for i in range(self.ui.stackedWidgetTaskPane.count()): widget = self.ui.stackedWidgetTaskPane.widget(i) if text == str(widget.objectName()): current_index = i break self.animate_stacked_widget( self.ui.stackedWidgetTaskPane, self.ui.stackedWidgetTaskPane.currentIndex(), current_index ) # --- animation methods --- def animate_stacked_widget( self, stackedwidget, from_, to, direction="vertical", line=None, to_btn=None, btn_layout=None ): """ animate changing of qstackedwidget """ # check to see if already animating if self.animating and self.stack_animation is not None: self.stack_animation.stop() from_widget = stackedwidget.widget(from_) to_widget = stackedwidget.widget(to) # get from geometry width = from_widget.frameGeometry().width() height = from_widget.frameGeometry().height() # offset # bottom to top if direction == "vertical" and from_ < to: offsetx = 0 offsety = height # top to bottom elif direction == "vertical" and from_ > to: offsetx = 0 offsety = -height elif direction == "horizontal" and from_ < to: offsetx = width offsety = 0 elif direction == "horizontal" and from_ > to: offsetx = -width offsety = 0 else: return # move to widget and show # set the geometry of the next widget to_widget.setGeometry(0 + offsetx, 0 + offsety, width, height) to_widget.raise_() # animate # from widget animnow = QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(from_widget, "pos") animnow.setDuration(self.animation_speed) animnow.setEasingCurve(QtCore.QEasingCurve.InOutQuint) animnow.setStartValue(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0)) animnow.setEndValue(QtCore.QPoint(0 - offsetx, 0 - offsety)) # to widget animnext = QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(to_widget, "pos") animnext.setDuration(self.animation_speed) animnext.setEasingCurve(QtCore.QEasingCurve.InOutQuint) animnext.setStartValue(QtCore.QPoint(0 + offsetx, 0 + offsety)) animnext.setEndValue(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0)) # line animline = None if line is not None and to_btn is not None: animline = QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(line, "pos") animline.setDuration(self.animation_speed) animline.setEasingCurve(QtCore.QEasingCurve.InOutQuint) animline.setStartValue(QtCore.QPoint(line.geometry().x(), line.geometry().y())) animline.setEndValue(QtCore.QPoint(to_btn.geometry().x(), line.geometry().y())) # animation group self.stack_animation = QtCore.QParallelAnimationGroup() self.stack_animation.addAnimation(animnow) self.stack_animation.addAnimation(animnext) if animline is not None: self.stack_animation.addAnimation(animline) self.stack_animation.finished.connect( make_callback(self.animate_stacked_widget_finished, stackedwidget, from_, to, btn_layout, line) ) self.stack_animation.stateChanged.connect( make_callback(self.animate_stacked_widget_finished, stackedwidget, from_, to, btn_layout, line) ) self.animating = True self.stack_animation.start() def animate_stacked_widget_finished(self, widget, from_, to, btn_layout=None, line=None): """ cleanup after animation """ if self.stack_animation.state() == QtCore.QAbstractAnimation.Stopped: widget.setCurrentIndex(to) from_widget = widget.widget(from_) from_widget.hide() from_widget.move(0, 0) if btn_layout is not None and line is not None: btn_layout.addItem(btn_layout.takeAt(btn_layout.indexOf(line)), 1, to) self.animating = False # --- helper methods --- def message( self, title="Warning", icon="warning", text="This is a warning.", buttons=["ok"], default="ok", infoText=None, detailedtext=None, ): """ Create a message box: title = 'title' icon = 'warning' or 'info' text = 'test to show' buttons = ['ok',...] where value is 'ok', 'yes', 'no', 'cancel', 'discard' default = 'ok' the default selected button infotext = 'extended information text' detailedtext = 'Some details' """ msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setWindowTitle(title) # Icon if icon == "warning": icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning else: icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Information msgBox.setIcon(icon) # Text msgBox.setText(text) if infoText: msgBox.setInformativeText(infoText) if detailedtext: msgBox.setDetailedText(detailedtext) # buttons qbuttonDict = { "ok": QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok, "yes": QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, "no": QtGui.QMessageBox.No, "cancel": QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, "discard": QtGui.QMessageBox.Discard, } for button in buttons: msgBox.addButton(qbuttonDict[button]) if button == default: msgBox.setDefaultButton(qbuttonDict[button]) ret = msgBox.exec_() for key, value in qbuttonDict.items(): if value == ret: result = key break return result def print_internal(self, text): if not text.endswith("\n"): text += "\n" LOG.debug(str(text).strip()) cursor = self.ui.command_output.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.End) cursor.insertText(text) cursor.movePosition(cursor.End) vbar = self.ui.command_output.verticalScrollBar() vbar.triggerAction(QtGui.QAbstractSlider.SliderToMaximum) self.ui.command_output.ensureCursorVisible() # --- mfix methods --- def set_mpi(self): " set MPI checkbox if more than one node selected " nodesi = int(self.ui.nodes_i.text()) nodesj = int(self.ui.nodes_j.text()) nodesk = int(self.ui.nodes_k.text()) if max(nodesi, nodesj, nodesk) > 1: self.ui.dmp_button.setChecked(True) def set_nodes(self): " set all nodes to one if MPI checkbox is unchecked " if self.ui.dmp_button.isChecked(): self.ui.nodes_i.setValue(1) self.ui.nodes_j.setValue(1) self.ui.nodes_k.setValue(1) def make_build_cmd(self): """ build mfix """ mfix_home = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) dmp = "--dmp" if self.ui.dmp_button.isChecked() else "" smp = "--smp" if self.ui.smp_button.isChecked() else "" return os.path.join(mfix_home, "configure_mfix --python %s %s && make -j pymfix" % (smp, dmp)) def build_mfix(self): """ build mfix """ self.build_thread.start_command(self.make_build_cmd(), self.get_project_dir()) def clear_output(self): """ build mfix """ self.run_thread.start_command( 'echo "Removing:";' " ls *.LOG *.OUT *.RES *.SP? *.pvd *vtp;" " rm -f *.LOG *.OUT *.RES *.SP? *.pvd *vtp", self.get_project_dir(), ) def run_mfix(self): """ build mfix """ if not self.ui.dmp_button.isChecked(): pymfix_exe = os.path.join(self.get_project_dir(), "pymfix") else: nodesi = int(self.ui.nodes_i.text()) nodesj = int(self.ui.nodes_j.text()) nodesk = int(self.ui.nodes_k.text()) total = nodesi * nodesj * nodesk pymfix_exe = "mpirun -np {} ./pymfix NODESI={} NODESJ={} NODESK={}".format(total, nodesi, nodesj, nodesk) build_and_run_cmd = "{} && {}".format(self.make_build_cmd(), pymfix_exe) self.run_thread.start_command(build_and_run_cmd, self.get_project_dir()) def update_residuals(self): self.ui.residuals.setText(self.updater.residuals) if self.updater.job_done: self.ui.mfix_browser.setHTML("") def connect_mfix(self): """ connect to running instance of mfix """ url = "http://{}:{}".format(self.ui.mfix_host.text(), self.ui.mfix_port.text()) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.debug("trying to connect to {}".format(url)) qurl = QUrl(url) self.ui.mfix_browser.load(qurl) self.updater = UpdateResidualsThread() self.updater.sig.connect(self.update_residuals) self.updater.start() self.change_pane("interact") # --- open/save/new --- def save_project(self): # make sure the button is not down self.ui.toolbutton_save.setDown(False) project_dir = self.settings.value("project_dir") # export geometry self.vtkwidget.export_stl(os.path.join(project_dir, "geometry.stl")) self.setWindowTitle("MFIX - %s" % project_dir) self.project.writeDatFile(os.path.join(project_dir, "mfix.dat")) def unsaved(self): project_dir = self.settings.value("project_dir") self.setWindowTitle("MFIX - %s *" % project_dir) def new_project(self, project_dir=None): if not project_dir: project_dir = str( QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, "Create Project in Directory", "", QtGui.QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly ) ) if len(project_dir) < 1: return try: shutil.copyfile("mfix.dat.template", os.path.join(project_dir, "mfix.dat")) except IOError: self.message( title="Warning", icon="warning", text=("You do not have write access to this " "directory.\n"), buttons=["ok"], default="ok", ) return self.open_project(project_dir) def open_project(self, project_dir=None): """ Open MFiX Project """ # make sure the button is not left down self.ui.toolbutton_open.setDown(False) if not project_dir: project_dir = str( QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, "Open Project Directory", "", QtGui.QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly ) ) if len(project_dir) < 1: return writable = True try: import tempfile testfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=project_dir) testfile.close() except IOError: writable = False if not writable: self.message( title="Warning", icon="warning", text=("You do not have write access to this " "directory.\n"), buttons=["ok"], default="ok", ) return mfix_dat = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(project_dir, "mfix.dat")) if not os.path.exists(mfix_dat): self.message( title="Warning", icon="warning", text=("mfix.dat file does not exist in this " "directory.\n"), buttons=["ok"], default="ok", ) return self.settings.setValue("project_dir", project_dir) self.setWindowTitle("MFIX - %s" % project_dir) # read the file with open(mfix_dat, "r") as mfix_dat_file: src = self.ui.mfix_dat_source.setPlainText(src) # self.mode_changed('developer') self.project.load_mfix_dat(mfix_dat) self.ui.energy_eq.setChecked(self.project["energy_eq"])
class UserConfig(object): """Holds user configuration option. Options are assigned a section and a key must only be unique within a section. Uses QSettings for the heavy lifting. All platforms use the Ini format at UserScope """ # The raw QSettings instance qsettings = None defaults = None def __init__(self, organization, application, defaults=None): """ :param organization: A string name for the organization :param application: A string name for the application name :param defaults: Default configuration values for this instance in the form of nested dict instances """ # Loads the saved settings if found self.qsettings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope, organization, application) self.defaults = defaults def all_keys(self): return self.qsettings.allKeys() @property def filename(self): return self.qsettings.fileName() def get(self, section, option): """ Return a value for an option in a given section. If not specified in the saved settings then the initial defaults are consulted. If no option is found then a KeyError is raised :param section: A string section name :param option: A string option name :return: The value of the option """ value = self.qsettings.value(self._settings_path(section, option)) if not value: value = self._get_default_or_raise(section, option) return value def set(self, section, option, value): """ Set a value for an option in a given section. :param section: A string section name :param option: A string option name :param value: The value of the setting """ self.qsettings.setValue(self._settings_path(section, option), value) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Private" methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _check_section_option_is_valid(self, section, option): """ Sanity check the section and option are strings """ if not is_text_string(section): raise RuntimeError("section is not a text string") if not is_text_string(option): raise RuntimeError("option is not a text string") def _get_default_or_raise(self, section, option): """ Returns the value listed in the defaults if it exists :param section: A string denoting the section (not checked) :param option: A string denoting the option name :return: The value of the default :raises KeyError: if the item does not exist """ value = None if self.defaults and section in self.defaults: try: value = self.defaults[section][option] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Unknown config item requested: " + self._settings_path(section, option)) return value def _settings_path(self, section, option): """ Private method to construct a path to the given option with the section :param section: The name of the section :param option: The name of the option :return: A path to the location within the QSettings instance """ self._check_section_option_is_valid(section, option) return section + "/" + option
def __init__(self, app, parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) # reference to qapp instance = app # load ui file self.customWidgets = { "LineEdit": LineEdit, "CheckBox": CheckBox, "ComboBox": ComboBox, "DoubleSpinBox": DoubleSpinBox, "SpinBox": SpinBox, } self.ui = uic.loadUi(os.path.join("uifiles", "gui.ui"), self) # load settings self.settings = QSettings("MFIX", "MFIX") # set title and icon self.setWindowTitle("MFIX") self.setWindowIcon(get_icon("mfix.png")) # build keyword documentation from namelist docstrings self.keyword_doc = buildKeywordDoc(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, os.pardir, "model")) self.project = ProjectManager(self, self.keyword_doc) # --- data --- self.modebuttondict = { "modeler": self.ui.pushButtonModeler, "workflow": self.ui.pushButtonWorkflow, "developer": self.ui.pushButtonDeveloper, } self.booleanbtndict = { "union": self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_union, "intersection": self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_intersect, "difference": self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_difference, } self.animation_speed = 400 self.animating = False self.stack_animation = None # --- icons --- # loop through all widgets, because I am lazy for widget in widget_iter(self.ui): if isinstance(widget, QtGui.QToolButton): name = str(widget.objectName()) if "add" in name: widget.setIcon(get_icon("add.png")) elif "delete" in name or "remove" in name: widget.setIcon(get_icon("remove.png")) elif "copy" in name: widget.setIcon(get_icon("copy.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_new.setIcon(get_icon("newfolder.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_open.setIcon(get_icon("openfolder.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_save.setIcon(get_icon("save.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_compile.setIcon(get_icon("build.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_run.setIcon(get_icon("play.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_restart.setIcon(get_icon("restart.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_interact.setIcon(get_icon("flash.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_add_geometry.setIcon(get_icon("geometry.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_add_filter.setIcon(get_icon("filter.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_union.setIcon(get_icon("union.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_intersect.setIcon(get_icon("intersect.png")) self.ui.toolbutton_geometry_difference.setIcon(get_icon("difference.png")) self.ui.toolButtonTFMSolidsDatabase.setIcon(get_icon("download.png")) # --- Connect Signals to Slots--- # open/save/new project self.ui.toolbutton_open.pressed.connect(self.open_project) self.ui.toolbutton_save.pressed.connect(self.save_project) # mode (modeler, workflow, developer) for mode, btn in self.modebuttondict.items(): btn.released.connect(make_callback(self.mode_changed, mode)) # navigation tree self.ui.treewidget_model_navigation.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.navigation_changed) # build/run/connect MFIX self.ui.build_mfix_button.pressed.connect(self.build_mfix) self.ui.run_mfix_button.pressed.connect(self.run_mfix) self.ui.connect_mfix_button.pressed.connect(self.connect_mfix) self.ui.clear_output_button.pressed.connect(self.clear_output) # --- Threads --- self.build_thread = BuildThread(self) self.run_thread = RunThread(self) self.clear_thread = ClearThread(self) def make_handler(qtextbrowser): " make a closure to read stdout from external process " def handle_line(line): " closure to read stdout from external process " log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.debug(str(line).strip()) cursor = qtextbrowser.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.End) cursor.insertText(line) qtextbrowser.ensureCursorVisible() return handle_line self.build_thread.line_printed.connect(make_handler(self.ui.command_output)) self.run_thread.line_printed.connect(make_handler(self.ui.command_output)) self.clear_thread.line_printed.connect(make_handler(self.ui.command_output)) # --- setup simple widgets --- self.__setup_simple_keyword_widgets() # --- vtk setup --- self.__setup_vtk_widget() # --- workflow setup --- if NodeWidget is not None: self.__setup_workflow_widget() # --- default --- self.mode_changed("modeler") self.change_pane("geometry") # autoload last project if self.get_project_dir(): self.open_project(self.get_project_dir())
def closeEvent(self, event): """ Executed when the application closes """ if False: reply = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Message', "Are you sure you want to quit this application?", QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: event.accept() else: event.ignore() # Save application settings if self._clear_and_restart: self._clear_and_restart = False QSettings().clear() else: settings = QSettings() settings.setValue("instrument_name", self._instrument) settings.setValue("last_file", self._filename) settings.setValue("recent_files", self._recent_files) settings.setValue("last_directory", str(self._last_directory)) settings.setValue("last_export_directory", str(self._last_export_directory))
def __init__(self, instrument=None, instrument_list=None): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.ui = load_ui(__file__, 'ui/reduction_main.ui', baseinstance=self) if STARTUP_WARNING: message = "The reduction application has problems starting:\n\n" message += STARTUP_WARNING QMessageBox.warning(self, "WARNING", message) # Application settings settings = QSettings() # Name handle for the instrument if instrument is None: instrument = unicode(settings.value("instrument_name", '')) if instrument_list is not None and instrument not in instrument_list: instrument = None self._instrument = instrument self._facility = None # List of allowed instrument self._instrument_list = instrument_list # Reduction interface self._interface = None # Recent files self._recent_files = settings.value("recent_files", []) if self._recent_files is None: # An empty list saved to QSettings comes back as 'None' self._recent_files = [] # Folder to open files in self._last_directory = unicode(settings.value("last_directory", '.')) self._last_export_directory = unicode(settings.value("last_export_directory", '.')) # Current file name self._filename = None # Cluster credentials and options self._cluster_details_set = False self._number_of_nodes = 1 self._cores_per_node = 16 self._compute_resources = ['Fermi'] if CAN_REDUCE and hasattr(ConfigService.Instance().getFacility(), "computeResources"): self._compute_resources = ConfigService.Instance().getFacility().computeResources() # Internal flag for clearing all settings and restarting the application self._clear_and_restart = False # General settings shared by all widgets self.general_settings = GeneralSettings(settings) # Event connections if not CAN_REDUCE: self.reduce_button.hide() self.export_button.clicked.connect(self._export) self.reduce_button.clicked.connect(self.reduce_clicked) self.save_button.clicked.connect(self._save) self.interface_chk.clicked.connect(self._interface_choice) self.interface_chk.setChecked(self.general_settings.advanced) self.general_settings.progress.connect(self._progress_updated)
def set_setting(q_settings_group_key, q_settings_key, value): settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(q_settings_group_key) settings.setValue(q_settings_key, value) settings.endGroup()