def test_makedataset2d_diffdataset(): p1 = ManualParameter('dummy1') p2 = ManualParameter('dummy2') ds =[0:10:1], p2[0:4:1], ['m1', 'm2']) _ = diffDataset(ds)
def perpLineIntersect(ds, description, vertical=True, points=None, fig=588, diff_dir='xy'): """ Takes three points in a graph and calculates the length of a linepiece between a line through points 1,2 and a vertical/horizontal line through the third point. Uses the currently active figure. Args: ds (dataset): dataset with charge stability diagram and gate voltage in mV vertical (bool): find intersection of point with line vertically (True) or horizontally (False) points (None or array): if None, then let the user select points diff_dir (None or 'xy'): specification of differentiation direction Returns: (dict): 'intersection_point' = intersetcion point 'distance' = length of line from 3rd clicked point to line through clicked points 1 and 2 'clicked_points' = coordinates of the three clicked points """ if diff_dir is not None: diffDataset(ds, diff_dir='xy') array_name = 'diff_dir_xy' else: array_name = ds.default_parameter_name() plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() MatPlot(ds.arrays[array_name], num=fig) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) if description == 'lever_arm' and vertical == True: print('''Please click three points; Point 1: on the addition line for the dot represented on the vertical axis Point 2: further on the addition line for the dot represented on the vertical axis Point 3: on the triple point at the addition line for the dot represented on the horizontal axis where both dot levels are aligned''') elif description == 'lever_arm' and vertical == False: print('''Please click three points; Point 1: on the addition line for the dot represented on the horizontal axis Point 2: further on the addition line for the dot represented on the horizontal axis Point 3: on the triple point at the addition line for the dot represented on the horizontal axis where both dot levels are aligned''') elif description == 'E_charging': print('''Please click three points; Point 1: on the (0, 1) - (0,2) addition line Point 2: further on the (0, 1) - (0,2) addition line Point 3: on the (0, 0) - (0, 1) addition line ''') else: # Do something here such that no three points need to be clicked raise Exception('''Please make sure that the description argument of this function is either 'lever_arm' or 'E_charging' ''') if points is not None: clicked_pts = points else: plt.title('Select three points') plt.draw() plt.pause(1e-3) clicked_pts = qtt.pgeometry.ginput(3, '.c') qtt.pgeometry.plotPoints(clicked_pts, ':c') qtt.pgeometry.plotLabels(clicked_pts) linePoints1_2 = qtt.pgeometry.fitPlane(clicked_pts[:, 0:2].T) yy = clicked_pts[:, [2, 2]] yy[1, -1] += 1 line_vertical = qtt.pgeometry.fitPlane(yy.T) xx = clicked_pts[:, [2, 2]] xx[0, -1] += 1 line_horizontal = qtt.pgeometry.fitPlane(xx.T) if vertical == True: i = qtt.pgeometry.intersect2lines(linePoints1_2, line_vertical) intersectPoint = qtt.pgeometry.dehom(i) line = intersectPoint[:, [0, 0]] line[0, -1] += 1 else: i = qtt.pgeometry.intersect2lines(linePoints1_2, line_horizontal) intersectPoint = qtt.pgeometry.dehom(i) line = intersectPoint[:, [0, 0]] line[1, -1] += 1 linePt3_ints = qtt.pgeometry.fitPlane(line.T) line_length = np.linalg.norm(intersectPoint - clicked_pts[:, 2:3]) # visualize plotAnalysedLines(clicked_pts, linePoints1_2, line_vertical, line_horizontal, linePt3_ints, intersectPoint) return {'intersection_point': intersectPoint, 'distance': line_length, 'clicked_points': clicked_pts, 'array_names': [ for array in ds.default_parameter_array().set_arrays]}
def perpLineIntersect(ds, description, vertical = True, points=None): """ Takes three points in a graph and calculates the length of a linepiece between a line through points 1,2 and a vertical/horizontal line through the third point. Uses the currently active figure. Args: ds (dataset): dataset with charge stability diagram and gate voltage in mV vertical (bool): find intersection of point with line vertically (True) or horizontally (False) description: Returns: (dict): 'intersection_point' = intersetcion point 'distance' = length of line from 3rd clicked point to line through clicked points 1 and 2 'clicked_points' = coordinates of the three clicked points """ diffDataset(ds, diff_dir='xy') plt.figure(588); plt.clf() MatPlot(ds.diff_dir_xy, num = 588) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) ax.set_xlabel(ax.get_xlabel()[:2]) ax.set_ylabel(ax.get_ylabel()[:2]) # ax = plt.gca() # ax.set_autoscale_on(False) if description == 'lever_arm' and vertical == True: print('''Please click three points; Point 1: on the addition line for the dot represented on the vertical axis Point 2: further on the addition line for the dot represented on the vertical axis Point 3: on the triple point at the addition line for the dot represented on the horizontal axis where both dot levels are aligned''') elif description == 'lever_arm' and vertical == False: print('''Please click three points; Point 1: on the addition line for the dot represented on the horizontal axis Point 2: further on the addition line for the dot represented on the horizontal axis Point 3: on the triple point at the addition line for the dot represented on the horizontal axis where both dot levels are aligned''') elif description == 'E_charging': print('''Please click three points; Point 1: on the (0, 1) - (0,2) addition line Point 2: further on the (0, 1) - (0,2) addition line Point 3: on the (0, 0) - (0, 1) addition line ''') else: # Do something here such that no three points need to be clicked print('''Please make sure that the descirption argument of this function is either 'lever_arm' or 'E_charging' ''') if points is not None: clicked_pts = points else: clicked_pts=qtt.pgeometry.ginput(3, '.c') qtt.pgeometry.plotPoints(clicked_pts, ':c') qtt.pgeometry.plotLabels(clicked_pts) linePoints1_2 = qtt.pgeometry.fitPlane( clicked_pts[:, 0:2].T ) yy = clicked_pts[:,[2, 2]]; yy[1, -1] += 1 line_vertical = qtt.pgeometry.fitPlane( yy.T ) xx = clicked_pts[:,[2, 2]]; xx[0, -1] += 1 line_horizontal = qtt.pgeometry.fitPlane( xx.T ) if vertical == True: i = qtt.pgeometry.intersect2lines(linePoints1_2, line_vertical) intersectPoint = qtt.pgeometry.dehom(i) line = intersectPoint[:,[0,0]]; line[0,-1]+=1 else: i = qtt.pgeometry.intersect2lines(linePoints1_2, line_horizontal) intersectPoint = qtt.pgeometry.dehom(i) line = intersectPoint[:,[0,0]]; line[1,-1]+=1 linePt3_ints = qtt.pgeometry.fitPlane(line.T) line_length = np.linalg.norm(intersectPoint - clicked_pts[:,2:3]) # visualize plotAnalysedLines(clicked_pts, linePoints1_2, line_vertical, line_horizontal, linePt3_ints, intersectPoint) return {'intersection_point': intersectPoint, 'distance': line_length, 'clicked_points': clicked_pts}