def multi_waypoint_scenario(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): pos_obs = np.array([[50,0,0]]) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,0], pos_goal= [0,-17,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad1 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 1, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'green', pos_ini = [20,0,0], pos_goal = [-20,-15,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad2 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 2, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'red', pos_ini = [-20,-10,0], pos_goal = [-10,0,-20], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0, quad1, quad2] return pos_obs,quads
def full_scenario(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): pos_obs = np.array([[1, 5, -2], [8, 2, -8], [5, 8, -9], [0, 0, -2], [3, 3, -1],[3, 9, -17],[5, 7, -18],[0, 0, -10],[5, 10, -16],[10,10,-12],[13,13,-13]]) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,0], pos_goal= [15,15,-15], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad1 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*90, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 1, mode='guided', id_targ = -1, color = 'green', pos_ini = [0,3,0], pos_goal = [15,10,-15], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad2 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 2, mode='track', id_targ = 0, color = 'pink', pos_ini = [3,0,0], pos_goal = [15,20,-15], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0, quad1, quad2] return pos_obs,quads
def gazebo_track(): pos_obs = np.array([[-50, 0, 0]]) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ts=Ts, quad_id=0, mode='ennemy', id_targ=-1, pos_goal=[120, 0, -10], pos_obs=pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=None) # Initialize the frame at the origin by initializing the drone located at the origin global_frame = quad0.global_frame quad1 = Quadcopter(Ts=Ts, quad_id=1, mode='track', id_targ=0, pos_goal=[0, 0, -10], pos_obs=pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=global_frame) #quad2 = Quadcopter(Ts = Ts, quad_id = 2, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, pos_goal= [-100,0,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=global_frame) #quad3 = Quadcopter(Ts = Ts, quad_id = 3, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, pos_goal= [-100,0,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=global_frame) #quad4 = Quadcopter(Ts = Ts, quad_id = 4, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, pos_goal= [-100,0,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=None) #quad5 = Quadcopter(Ts = Ts, quad_id = 5, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, pos_goal= [-100,0,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=None) #quad6 = Quadcopter(Ts = Ts, quad_id = 6, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, pos_goal= [-100,0,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=None) quads = [quad0, quad1] #, quad2, quad3] return pos_obs, quads
def multi_tracking_scenario(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): pos_obs = np.array([[-10,-10,0]]) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,0], pos_goal = [15,15,-15], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad1 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 1, mode='track', id_targ = 0, color = 'green', pos_ini = [4,0,0], pos_goal = [4,4,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad2 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 2, mode='track', id_targ = 0, color = 'green', pos_ini = [4,4,0], pos_goal = [4,4,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad3 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 3, mode='track', id_targ = 0, color = 'green', pos_ini = [4,-4,0], pos_goal = [4,4,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0, quad1, quad2, quad3] return pos_obs,quads
def tracking_loop_scenario(x,Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): pos_obs = np.array([[x/2,x/2,-10]]) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*99, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='track', id_targ = 1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,-10], pos_goal = [0,x,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad1 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 1, mode='track', id_targ = 2, color = 'green', pos_ini = [x,0,-10], pos_goal = [0,0,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad2 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*101, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 2, mode='track', id_targ = 3, color = 'orange', pos_ini = [x,x,-10],pos_goal = [x,0,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad3 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*102, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 3, mode='track', id_targ = 0, color = 'pink', pos_ini = [0,x,-10], pos_goal = [x,x,-10],pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0, quad1,quad2,quad3] return pos_obs,quads
def dynamic_CA_scenario(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): #Tf =8s pos_obs = np.array([[50,0,0]]) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='guided', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,10,-5],pos_goal = [30,10,-5], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad1 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 1, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'green', pos_ini = [3,0,-5], pos_goal = [3,20,-5], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad2 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 2, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'green', pos_ini = [8,0,-5], pos_goal = [8,20,-5], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad3 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 3, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'green', pos_ini = [15,0,-5], pos_goal = [15,20,-5], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0, quad1,quad2,quad3] return pos_obs,quads
def real_map(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): xs = [-1,0,1] ys = [-1,0,1] zs = [0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-10] tower = [[x,y,z] for x in xs for y in ys for z in zs] xs = [-20,5,10] ys = [5,-10,10] zs = [0,-1,-2,-3] trees = [[x,y,z] for x in xs for y in ys for z in zs] xs = [-20,5,10] ys = [5,-10,10] zs = [-4,-5] tops = [] for i in range(3): x, y = xs[i], ys[i] for z in zs: tops = tops + [[x-1,y,z],[x+1,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y-1,z],[x,y+1,z]] print(tops) pos_obs = np.array(tower + trees + tops) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,-5], pos_goal = [-10,-10,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0] return pos_obs,quads
def ROS_simu(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): fire_station=[] fire_truck=[] tree_1=[] tree_2=[] pos_obs=[] for i in range(20): x = random.sample(range(-10, 10), 1)[0] y = random.sample(range(-55, -45), 1)[0] z = random.sample(range(-12, 0), 1)[0] fire_station.append([x,y,z]) for i in range(5): x = random.sample(range(-19, 21), 1)[0] y = random.sample(range(-55, -45), 1)[0] z = random.sample(range(-3, 0), 1)[0] fire_truck.append([x,y,z]) for i in range(5): x = random.sample(range(-12, -8), 1)[0] y = random.sample(range(-42,-38), 1)[0] z = random.sample(range(-5, 0), 1)[0] tree_1.append([x,y,z]) for i in range(5): x = random.sample(range(8, 12), 1)[0] y = random.sample(range(-42,-38), 1)[0] z = random.sample(range(-5, 0), 1)[0] tree_2.append([x,y,z]) pos_obs = fire_station + fire_truck + tree_1 + tree_2 pos_obs = np.array(pos_obs) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='guided', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,0], pos_goal = [0,-100,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0] return(pos_obs,quads)
def simple_guided_for_PF(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): pos_obs = [] for i in range(20): pos_obs.append(random.sample(range(-10, 0), 3)) pos_obs = np.array(pos_obs) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='guided', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,-5], pos_goal = [-10,-10,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0] return pos_obs,quads
def static_OA_scenario(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): pos_obs = [] for i in range(30): pos_obs.append(random.sample(range(-10, 0), 3)) pos_obs = np.array(pos_obs) print(pos_obs) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,0], pos_goal= [-10,-10,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0] return pos_obs,quads
def simple_wp_cycle(): pos_obs = np.array([1, 1, -20]) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ts=Ts, quad_id=0, mode='ennemy', id_targ=-1, pos_goal=[10, -10, -10], pos_obs=pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=None) quads = [quad0] return pos_obs, quads
def gazebo_oa(): pos_obs = [] for i in range(30): pos_obs.append(random.sample(range(-20, 0), 3)) pos_obs = np.array(pos_obs) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ts=Ts, quad_id=0, mode='ennemy', id_targ=-1, pos_goal=[-20, -20, -20], pos_obs=pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=None) # Initialize the frame at the origin by initializing the drone located at the origin global_frame = quad0.global_frame #quad1 = Quadcopter(Ts = Ts, quad_id = 1, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, pos_goal= [5,-100,-15], pos_obs = pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=global_frame) #quad2 = Quadcopter(Ts = Ts, quad_id = 2, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, pos_goal= [-5,-100,-8], pos_obs = pos_obs, channel_id='udp:', global_frame=global_frame) quads = [quad0] #, quad1, quad2] return pos_obs, quads
def main(): start_time = time.time() # Simulation Setup # --------------------------- Ti = 0 Ts = 0.005 Tf = 18 ifsave = 1 # Choose trajectory settings # --------------------------- ctrlOptions = ["xyz_pos", "xy_vel_z_pos", "xyz_vel"] trajSelect = np.zeros(3) # Select Control Type (0: xyz_pos, 1: xy_vel_z_pos, 2: xyz_vel) ctrlType = ctrlOptions[0] # Select Position Trajectory Type (0: hover, 1: pos_waypoint_timed, 2: pos_waypoint_interp, # 3: minimum velocity 4: minimum accel, 5: minimum jerk, 6: minimum snap # 7: minimum accel_stop 8: minimum jerk_stop 9: minimum snap_stop # 10: minimum jerk_full_stop 11: minimum snap_full_stop # 12: pos_waypoint_arrived trajSelect[0] = 6 # (changed): was 6 # Select Yaw Trajectory Type (0: none 1: yaw_waypoint_timed, 2: yaw_waypoint_interp 3: follow 4: zero) trajSelect[1] = 6 # (changed): was 6 # Select if waypoint time is used, or if average speed is used to calculate waypoint time (0: waypoint time, 1: average speed) trajSelect[2] = 1 print("Control type: {}".format(ctrlType)) # Initialize Quadcopter, Controller, Wind, Result Matrixes # --------------------------- quad = Quadcopter(Ti) traj = Trajectory(quad, ctrlType, trajSelect) ctrl = Control(quad, traj.yawType) wind = Wind("None", 2.0, 90, -15) # Trajectory for First Desired States # --------------------------- sDes = traj.desiredState(0, Ts, quad) # np.zeros(19) # Generate First Commands # --------------------------- ctrl.controller(traj, quad, sDes, Ts) # Initialize Result Matrixes # --------------------------- numTimeStep = int(Tf / Ts + 1) ( t_all, s_all, pos_all, vel_all, quat_all, omega_all, euler_all, sDes_traj_all, sDes_calc_all, w_cmd_all, wMotor_all, thr_all, tor_all, ) = init_data(quad, traj, ctrl, numTimeStep) t_all[0] = Ti s_all[0, :] = quad.state pos_all[0, :] = quad.pos vel_all[0, :] = quad.vel quat_all[0, :] = quad.quat omega_all[0, :] = euler_all[0, :] = quad.euler sDes_traj_all[0, :] = traj.sDes sDes_calc_all[0, :] = ctrl.sDesCalc w_cmd_all[0, :] = ctrl.w_cmd wMotor_all[0, :] = quad.wMotor thr_all[0, :] = quad.thr tor_all[0, :] = quad.tor # Run Simulation # --------------------------- t = Ti i = 1 while round(t, 3) < Tf: t = quad_sim(t, Ts, quad, ctrl, wind, traj) # print("{:.3f}".format(t)) t_all[i] = t s_all[i, :] = quad.state pos_all[i, :] = quad.pos vel_all[i, :] = quad.vel quat_all[i, :] = quad.quat omega_all[i, :] = euler_all[i, :] = quad.euler sDes_traj_all[i, :] = traj.sDes sDes_calc_all[i, :] = ctrl.sDesCalc w_cmd_all[i, :] = ctrl.w_cmd wMotor_all[i, :] = quad.wMotor thr_all[i, :] = quad.thr tor_all[i, :] = quad.tor i += 1 end_time = time.time() print("Simulated {:.2f}s in {:.6f}s.".format(t, end_time - start_time)) # View Results # --------------------------- # utils.fullprint(sDes_traj_all[:,3:6]) utils.makeFigures( quad.params, t_all, pos_all, vel_all, quat_all, omega_all, euler_all, w_cmd_all, wMotor_all, thr_all, tor_all, sDes_traj_all, sDes_calc_all, ) ani = utils.sameAxisAnimation( t_all, traj.wps, pos_all, quat_all, sDes_traj_all, Ts, quad.params, traj.xyzType, traj.yawType, ifsave )
def tracking_and_kill_scenario(Ti,Ts,Tf,ctrlType,trajSelect,numTimeStep): pos_obs = np.array([[-10,-10,0]]) quad0 = Quadcopter(Ti, Tf, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 0, mode='ennemy', id_targ = -1, color = 'blue', pos_ini = [0,0,-5], pos_goal = [20,15,-20], pos_obs = pos_obs) quad1 = Quadcopter(Ti, Ts*100, ctrlType, trajSelect, numTimeStep, Ts, quad_id = 1, mode='track', id_targ = 0, color = 'green', pos_ini = [5,0,0], pos_goal = [4,4,-10], pos_obs = pos_obs) quads = [quad0, quad1] return pos_obs,quads
def main(): start_time = time.time() # Simulation Setup # --------------------------- Ti = 0 Ts = 0.005 Tf = 18 ifsave = 0 # Choose trajectory settings # --------------------------- ctrlOptions = ["xyz_pos", "xy_vel_z_pos", "xyz_vel"] trajSelect = np.zeros(3) # Select Control Type (0: xyz_pos, 1: xy_vel_z_pos, 2: xyz_vel) ctrlType = ctrlOptions[0] # Select Position Trajectory Type (0: hover, 1: pos_waypoint_timed, 2: pos_waypoint_interp, # 3: minimum velocity 4: minimum accel, 5: minimum jerk, 6: minimum snap # 7: minimum accel_stop 8: minimum jerk_stop 9: minimum snap_stop # 10: minimum jerk_full_stop 11: minimum snap_full_stop trajSelect[0] = 6 # Select Yaw Trajectory Type (0: none 1: yaw_waypoint_timed, 2: yaw_waypoint_interp 3: follow 4: zero) trajSelect[1] = 3 # Select if waypoint time is used, or if average speed is used to calculate waypoint time (0: waypoint time, 1: average speed) trajSelect[2] = 0 print("Control type: {}".format(ctrlType)) # Initialize Quadcopter, Controller, Wind, Result Matrixes # --------------------------- quad = Quadcopter(Ti) traj = Trajectory(quad, ctrlType, trajSelect) ctrl = Control(quad, traj.yawType) wind = Wind('None', 2.0, 90, -15) # Trajectory for First Desired States # --------------------------- sDes = traj.desiredState(0, Ts, quad) # Generate First Commands # --------------------------- ctrl.controller(traj, quad, sDes, Ts) # Initialize Result Matrixes # --------------------------- t_all = Ti s_all = quad.state.T pos_all = quad.pos.T vel_all = quad.vel.T quat_all = quad.quat.T omega_all = euler_all = quad.euler.T sDes_traj_all = traj.sDes.T sDes_calc_all = ctrl.sDesCalc.T w_cmd_all = ctrl.w_cmd.T wMotor_all = quad.wMotor.T thr_all = quad.thr.T tor_all = quad.tor.T # Run Simulation # --------------------------- t = Ti i = 0 while round(t, 3) < Tf: t = quad_sim(t, Ts, quad, ctrl, wind, traj) # print("{:.3f}".format(t)) t_all = np.vstack((t_all, t)) s_all = np.vstack((s_all, quad.state.T)) pos_all = np.vstack((pos_all, quad.pos.T)) vel_all = np.vstack((vel_all, quad.vel.T)) quat_all = np.vstack((quat_all, quad.quat.T)) omega_all = np.vstack((omega_all, euler_all = np.vstack((euler_all, quad.euler.T)) sDes_traj_all = np.vstack((sDes_traj_all, traj.sDes.T)) sDes_calc_all = np.vstack((sDes_calc_all, ctrl.sDesCalc.T)) w_cmd_all = np.vstack((w_cmd_all, ctrl.w_cmd.T)) wMotor_all = np.vstack((wMotor_all, quad.wMotor.T)) thr_all = np.vstack((thr_all, quad.thr.T)) tor_all = np.vstack((tor_all, quad.tor.T)) i += 1 end_time = time.time() print("Simulated {:.2f}s in {:.6f}s.".format(t, end_time - start_time)) # View Results # --------------------------- # utils.fullprint(sDes_traj_all[:,3:6]) utils.makeFigures(quad.params, t_all, pos_all, vel_all, quat_all, omega_all, euler_all, w_cmd_all, wMotor_all, thr_all, tor_all, sDes_traj_all, sDes_calc_all) ani = utils.sameAxisAnimation(t_all, traj.wps, pos_all, quat_all, sDes_traj_all, Ts, quad.params, traj.xyzType, traj.yawType, ifsave)
ctrlType = ctrlOptions[1] # Select Position Trajectory Type (0: hover, 1: pos_waypoint_timed, 2: pos_waypoint_interp, # 3: minimum velocity 4: minimum accel, 5: minimum jerk, 6: minimum snap # 7: minimum accel_stop 8: minimum jerk_stop 9: minimum snap_stop # 10: minimum jerk_full_stop 11: minimum snap_full_stop # 12: pos_waypoint_arrived trajSelect[0] = 6 # (changed): was 6 # Select Yaw Trajectory Type (0: none 1: yaw_waypoint_timed, 2: yaw_waypoint_interp 3: follow 4: zero) trajSelect[1] = 6 # (changed): was 6 # Select if waypoint time is used, or if average speed is used to calculate waypoint time (0: waypoint time, 1: average speed) trajSelect[2] = 0 print("Control type: {}".format(ctrlType)) # Initialize Quadcopter, Controller, Wind, Result Matrixes # --------------------------- quad = Quadcopter(Ti) traj = Trajectory(quad, ctrlType, trajSelect) ctrl = Control(quad, traj.yawType) wind = Wind("None", 2.0, 90, -15) # Trajectory for First Desired States # --------------------------- sDes = traj.desiredState(0, Ts, quad) # np.zeros(19) # Generate First Commands # --------------------------- ctrl.controller(traj, quad, sDes, Ts) # Initialize Result Matrixes # --------------------------- numTimeStep = int(Tf / Ts + 1)
def __init__(self): self.default_range = default_range = (-10, 10) self.velocity_range = velocity_range = (-10, 10) self.ang_velocity_range = ang_velocity_range = (-1, 1) self.q_range = qrange = (-0.3, 0.3) self.motor_range = motor_range = (400, 700) self.motor_d_range = motor_d_range = (-2000, 2000) self.observation_space_domain = { "x": default_range, "y": default_range, "z": default_range, "q0": (0.9, 1), "q1": qrange, "q2": qrange, "q3": qrange, "u": velocity_range, "v": velocity_range, "w": velocity_range, "p": ang_velocity_range, "q": ang_velocity_range, "r": ang_velocity_range, "wM1": motor_range, "wdotM1": motor_d_range, "wM2": motor_range, "wdotM2": motor_d_range, "wM3": motor_range, "wdotM3": motor_d_range, "wM4": motor_range, "wdotM4": motor_d_range, "deltacol_p": motor_range, "deltalat_p": motor_range, "deltalon_p": motor_range, "deltaped_p": motor_range, } self.states_str = list(self.observation_space_domain.keys()) # observation space to [-1,1] self.low_obs_space = np.array(tuple( zip(*self.observation_space_domain.values()))[0], dtype=float) * 0 - 1 self.high_obs_space = np.array(tuple( zip(*self.observation_space_domain.values()))[1], dtype=float) * 0 + 1 self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=self.low_obs_space, high=self.high_obs_space, dtype=float) self.default_act_range = default_act_range = motor_range self.action_space_domain = { "deltacol": default_act_range, "deltalat": default_act_range, "deltalon": default_act_range, "deltaped": default_act_range, # "f1": (0.1, 5), "f2": (0.5, 20), "f3": (0.5, 20), "f4": (0.5, 10), # "lambda1": (0.5, 10), "lambda2": (0.1, 5), "lambda3": (0.1, 5), "lambda4": (0.1, 5), # "eta1": (0.2, 5), "eta2": (0.1, 5), "eta3": (0.1, 5), "eta4": (0.1, 5), } self.low_action = np.array(tuple( zip(*self.action_space_domain.values()))[0], dtype=float) self.high_action = np.array(tuple( zip(*self.action_space_domain.values()))[1], dtype=float) self.low_action_space = self.low_action * 0 - 1 self.high_action_space = self.high_action * 0 + 1 self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=self.low_action_space, high=self.high_action_space, dtype=float) self.min_reward = -11 self.high_action_diff = 0.2 obs_header = str(list(self.observation_space_domain.keys()))[1:-1] act_header = str(list(self.action_space_domain.keys()))[1:-1] self.header = "time, " + act_header + ", " + obs_header + ", reward" + ", control reward" self.saver = save_files() self.reward_array = np.array((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), dtype=float) self.constant_dict = { "u": 0.0, "v": 0.0, "w": 0.0, "p": 0.0, "q": 0.0, "r": 0.0, "fi": 0.0, "theta": 0.0, "si": 0.0, "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "a": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "c": 0.0, "d": 0.0, } self.start_time = time.time() self.Ti = 0 self.Ts = 0.005 self.Tf = 5 self.reward_check_time = 0.7 * self.Tf self.ifsave = 0 self.ctrlOptions = ["xyz_pos", "xy_vel_z_pos", "xyz_vel"] self.trajSelect = np.zeros(3) self.ctrlType = self.ctrlOptions[0] self.trajSelect[0] = 0 self.trajSelect[1] = 4 self.trajSelect[2] = 0 self.quad = Quadcopter(self.Ti) self.traj = Trajectory(self.quad, self.ctrlType, self.trajSelect) self.ctrl = Control(self.quad, self.traj.yawType) self.wind = Wind("None", 2.0, 90, -15) self.numTimeStep = int(self.Tf / self.Ts + 1) self.longest_num_step = 0 self.best_reward = float("-inf") self.diverge_counter = 0 self.diverge_list = []
class CustomEnv(gym.Env, ABC): def __init__(self): self.default_range = default_range = (-10, 10) self.velocity_range = velocity_range = (-10, 10) self.ang_velocity_range = ang_velocity_range = (-1, 1) self.q_range = qrange = (-0.3, 0.3) self.motor_range = motor_range = (400, 700) self.motor_d_range = motor_d_range = (-2000, 2000) self.observation_space_domain = { "x": default_range, "y": default_range, "z": default_range, "q0": (0.9, 1), "q1": qrange, "q2": qrange, "q3": qrange, "u": velocity_range, "v": velocity_range, "w": velocity_range, "p": ang_velocity_range, "q": ang_velocity_range, "r": ang_velocity_range, "wM1": motor_range, "wdotM1": motor_d_range, "wM2": motor_range, "wdotM2": motor_d_range, "wM3": motor_range, "wdotM3": motor_d_range, "wM4": motor_range, "wdotM4": motor_d_range, "deltacol_p": motor_range, "deltalat_p": motor_range, "deltalon_p": motor_range, "deltaped_p": motor_range, } self.states_str = list(self.observation_space_domain.keys()) # observation space to [-1,1] self.low_obs_space = np.array(tuple( zip(*self.observation_space_domain.values()))[0], dtype=float) * 0 - 1 self.high_obs_space = np.array(tuple( zip(*self.observation_space_domain.values()))[1], dtype=float) * 0 + 1 self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=self.low_obs_space, high=self.high_obs_space, dtype=float) self.default_act_range = default_act_range = motor_range self.action_space_domain = { "deltacol": default_act_range, "deltalat": default_act_range, "deltalon": default_act_range, "deltaped": default_act_range, # "f1": (0.1, 5), "f2": (0.5, 20), "f3": (0.5, 20), "f4": (0.5, 10), # "lambda1": (0.5, 10), "lambda2": (0.1, 5), "lambda3": (0.1, 5), "lambda4": (0.1, 5), # "eta1": (0.2, 5), "eta2": (0.1, 5), "eta3": (0.1, 5), "eta4": (0.1, 5), } self.low_action = np.array(tuple( zip(*self.action_space_domain.values()))[0], dtype=float) self.high_action = np.array(tuple( zip(*self.action_space_domain.values()))[1], dtype=float) self.low_action_space = self.low_action * 0 - 1 self.high_action_space = self.high_action * 0 + 1 self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=self.low_action_space, high=self.high_action_space, dtype=float) self.min_reward = -11 self.high_action_diff = 0.2 obs_header = str(list(self.observation_space_domain.keys()))[1:-1] act_header = str(list(self.action_space_domain.keys()))[1:-1] self.header = "time, " + act_header + ", " + obs_header + ", reward" + ", control reward" self.saver = save_files() self.reward_array = np.array((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), dtype=float) self.constant_dict = { "u": 0.0, "v": 0.0, "w": 0.0, "p": 0.0, "q": 0.0, "r": 0.0, "fi": 0.0, "theta": 0.0, "si": 0.0, "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "a": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "c": 0.0, "d": 0.0, } self.start_time = time.time() self.Ti = 0 self.Ts = 0.005 self.Tf = 5 self.reward_check_time = 0.7 * self.Tf self.ifsave = 0 self.ctrlOptions = ["xyz_pos", "xy_vel_z_pos", "xyz_vel"] self.trajSelect = np.zeros(3) self.ctrlType = self.ctrlOptions[0] self.trajSelect[0] = 0 self.trajSelect[1] = 4 self.trajSelect[2] = 0 self.quad = Quadcopter(self.Ti) self.traj = Trajectory(self.quad, self.ctrlType, self.trajSelect) self.ctrl = Control(self.quad, self.traj.yawType) self.wind = Wind("None", 2.0, 90, -15) self.numTimeStep = int(self.Tf / self.Ts + 1) self.longest_num_step = 0 self.best_reward = float("-inf") self.diverge_counter = 0 self.diverge_list = [] def reset(self): # initialization self.t = 0 self.sDes = self.traj.desiredState(self.t, self.Ts, self.quad) self.ctrl.controller(self.traj, self.quad, self.sDes, self.Ts) self.control_input = self.ctrl.w_cmd.copy() ( self.t_all, self.s_all, self.pos_all, self.vel_all, self.quat_all, self.omega_all, self.euler_all, self.sDes_traj_all, self.sDes_calc_all, self.w_cmd_all, self.wMotor_all, self.thr_all, self.tor_all, ) = init_data(self.quad, self.traj, self.ctrl, self.numTimeStep) self.all_actions = np.zeros( (self.numTimeStep, len(self.high_action_space))) self.control_rewards = np.zeros((self.numTimeStep, 1)) self.all_rewards = np.zeros((self.numTimeStep, 1)) self.t_all[0] = self.Ti observation = self.quad.state.copy() observation = np.concatenate((observation, self.control_input), axis=0) self.pos_all[0, :] = self.quad.pos self.vel_all[0, :] = self.quad.vel self.quat_all[0, :] = self.quad.quat self.omega_all[0, :] = self.euler_all[0, :] = self.quad.euler self.sDes_traj_all[0, :] = self.traj.sDes self.sDes_calc_all[0, :] = self.ctrl.sDesCalc self.w_cmd_all[0, :] = self.control_input self.wMotor_all[0, :] = self.quad.wMotor self.thr_all[0, :] = self.quad.thr self.tor_all[0, :] = self.quad.tor self.counter = 1 self.save_counter = 0 self.find_next_state() self.jj = 0 # self.quad.state[0:12] = self.initial_states = list((np.random.rand(12) * 0.02 - 0.01)) self.quad.state[0:12] = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.done = False for iii in range(len(self.high_obs_space)): current_range = self.observation_space_domain[self.states_str[iii]] observation[iii] = 2 * (observation[iii] - current_range[0]) / ( current_range[1] - current_range[0]) - 1 self.s_all[0, :] = observation self.integral_error = 0 return list(observation) def action_wrapper(self, current_action: list) -> np.array: current_action = np.clip(current_action, -1, 1) self.normilized_actions = current_action self.control_input = ((current_action + 1) * (self.high_action - self.low_action) / 2 + self.low_action) def find_next_state(self) -> list: self.quad.update(self.t, self.Ts, self.control_input, self.wind) # self.control_input = self.ctrl.w_cmd # self.quad.update(self.t, self.Ts, self.ctrl.w_cmd, self.wind) self.t += self.Ts # self.control_input = self.ctrl.w_cmd.copy() self.sDes = self.traj.desiredState(self.t, self.Ts, self.quad) # print('state', self.quad.state) # print(' ctrl', self.ctrl.w_cmd) self.ctrl.controller(self.traj, self.quad, self.sDes, self.Ts) def observation_function(self) -> list: i = self.counter quad = self.quad self.t_all[i] = self.t self.s_all[i, :] = np.concatenate((quad.state, self.control_input), axis=0) self.pos_all[i, :] = quad.pos self.vel_all[i, :] = quad.vel self.quat_all[i, :] = quad.quat self.omega_all[i, :] = self.euler_all[i, :] = quad.euler self.sDes_traj_all[i, :] = self.traj.sDes self.sDes_calc_all[i, :] = self.ctrl.sDesCalc self.w_cmd_all[i, :] = self.control_input self.wMotor_all[i, :] = quad.wMotor self.thr_all[i, :] = quad.thr self.tor_all[i, :] = quad.tor observation = quad.state.copy() observation = np.concatenate((observation, self.control_input), axis=0) for iii in range(len(self.high_obs_space)): current_range = self.observation_space_domain[self.states_str[iii]] observation[iii] = 2 * (observation[iii] - current_range[0]) / ( current_range[1] - current_range[0]) - 1 self.s_all[i, :] = observation return list(observation) def reward_function(self, observation) -> float: # add reward slope to the reward # TODO: normalizing reward # TODO: adding reward gap # error_x = np.linalg.norm((abs(self.quad.state[0:3]).reshape(12)), 1) # error_ang = np.linalg.norm((abs(self.quad.state[3:7]).reshape(12)), 1) # error_v = np.linalg.norm((abs(self.quad.state[7:10]).reshape(12)), 1) # error_vang = np.linalg.norm((abs(self.quad.state[10:12]).reshape(12)), 1) # error = -np.linalg.norm((abs(self.s_all[self.counter, 0:12]).reshape(12)), 1) + 0.05 error = 10 * (-np.linalg.norm(observation[0:12], 1) + 1) self.control_rewards[self.counter] = error self.integral_error = 0.1 * ( 0.99 * self.control_rewards[self.counter - 1] + 0.99 * self.integral_error) reward = error.copy() reward += self.integral_error reward += -self.min_reward / self.numTimeStep reward -= 0.000001 * sum( abs(self.control_input - self.w_cmd_all[self.counter - 1, :])) reward += -0.0001 * np.linalg.norm(self.normilized_actions, 2) self.all_rewards[self.counter] = reward # for i in range(12): # self.reward_array[i] = abs(self.current_states[i]) / self.default_range[1] # reward = self.all_rewards[self.counter] = -sum(self.reward_array) + 0.17 / self.default_range[1] # # control reward # reward += 0.05 * float( # self.control_rewards[self.counter] - self.control_rewards[self.counter - 1] # ) # control slope # reward += -0.005 * sum(abs(self.all_actions[self.counter])) # input reward # for i in (self.high_action_diff - self.all_actions[self.counter] - self.all_actions[self.counter - 1]) ** 2: # reward += -min(0, i) if self.counter > 100: print(reward) return reward def check_diverge(self) -> bool: for i in range(len(self.high_obs_space)): if (abs(self.s_all[self.counter, i])) > self.high_obs_space[i]: self.diverge_list.append( (tuple(self.observation_space_domain.keys())[i], self.quad.state[i])) self.saver.diverge_save( tuple(self.observation_space_domain.keys())[i], self.quad.state[i]) self.diverge_counter += 1 if self.diverge_counter == 2000: self.diverge_counter = 0 print((tuple(self.observation_space_domain.keys())[i], self.quad.state[i])) self.jj = 1 return True if self.counter >= self.numTimeStep - 1: # number of timesteps print("successful") return True # after self.reward_check_time it checks whether or not the reward is decreasing # if self.counter > self.reward_check_time / self.Ts: # prev_time = int(self.counter - self.reward_check_time / self.Ts) # diverge_criteria = ( # self.all_rewards[self.counter] - sum(self.all_rewards[prev_time:prev_time - 10]) / 10 # ) # if diverge_criteria < -1: # print("reward_diverge") # self.jj = 1 # return True bool_1 = any(np.isnan(self.quad.state)) bool_2 = any(np.isinf(self.quad.state)) if bool_1 or bool_2: self.jj = 1 print("state_inf_nan_diverge") return False def done_jobs(self) -> None: counter = self.counter self.save_counter += 1 current_total_reward = sum(self.all_rewards) if self.save_counter >= 100: print("current_total_reward: ", current_total_reward) self.save_counter = 0 self.saver.reward_step_save(self.best_reward, self.longest_num_step, current_total_reward, counter) if counter >= self.longest_num_step: self.longest_num_step = counter if current_total_reward >= self.best_reward: self.best_reward = sum(self.all_rewards) ii = self.counter + 1 self.saver.best_reward_save( self.t_all[0:ii], self.w_cmd_all[0:ii], self.s_all[0:ii], self.all_rewards[0:ii], self.control_rewards[0:ii], self.header, ) def step(self, current_action): self.action_wrapper(current_action) try: self.find_next_state() except OverflowError or ValueError or IndexError: self.jj = 1 observation = self.observation_function() reward = self.reward_function(observation) self.done = self.check_diverge() if self.jj == 1: reward = self.min_reward if self.done: self.done_jobs() self.counter += 1 # self.make_constant(list(self.constant_dict.values())) return list(observation), float(reward), self.done, {} def make_constant(self, true_list): for i in range(len(true_list)): if i == 1: self.quad.state[i] = self.initial_states[i]
def main(): start_time = time.time() # Simulation Setup # --------------------------- Ti = 0 Ts = 0.005 Tf = 95 ifsave = 0 # Choose trajectory settings # --------------------------- ctrlOptions = ["xyz_pos", "xy_vel_z_pos", "xyz_vel"] trajSelect = np.zeros(3) # Select Control Type (0: xyz_pos, 1: xy_vel_z_pos, 2: xyz_vel) ctrlType = ctrlOptions[0] # Select Position Trajectory Type (0: hover, 1: pos_waypoint_timed, 2: pos_waypoint_arrived trajSelect[0] = 2 # Select Yaw Trajectory Type (0: none, 1: yaw_waypoint_timed, 2: yaw_waypoint_interp, 3: zero, 4: Follow) trajSelect[1] = 4 # Select if waypoint time is used, or if average speed is used to calculate waypoint time (0: waypoint time, 1: average speed) trajSelect[2] = 0 print("Control type: {}".format(ctrlType)) # Initialize Quadcopter, Controller, Wind, Result Matrixes # --------------------------- quad = Quadcopter(Ti) traj = Trajectory(quad, ctrlType, trajSelect) potfld = PotField(1) ctrl = Control(quad, traj.yawType) wind = Wind('None', 2.0, 90, -15) # Trajectory for First Desired States # --------------------------- traj.desiredState(0, Ts, quad) # First Potential Field Calculation # --------------------------- potfld.isWithinRange(quad) potfld.isWithinField(quad) potfld.rep_force(quad, traj) # Generate First Commands # --------------------------- ctrl.controller(traj, quad, potfld, Ts) # Initialize Result Matrixes # --------------------------- numTimeStep = int(Tf / Ts + 1) t_all = np.zeros(numTimeStep) s_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(quad.state)]) pos_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(quad.pos)]) vel_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(quad.vel)]) quat_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(quad.quat)]) omega_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(]) euler_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(quad.euler)]) sDes_traj_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(traj.sDes)]) sDes_calc_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(ctrl.sDesCalc)]) w_cmd_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(ctrl.w_cmd)]) wMotor_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(quad.wMotor)]) thr_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(quad.thr)]) tor_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, len(quad.tor)]) notInRange_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, potfld.num_points], dtype=bool) inRange_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, potfld.num_points], dtype=bool) inField_all = np.zeros([numTimeStep, potfld.num_points], dtype=bool) minDist_all = np.zeros(numTimeStep) t_all[0] = Ti s_all[0, :] = quad.state pos_all[0, :] = quad.pos vel_all[0, :] = quad.vel quat_all[0, :] = quad.quat omega_all[0, :] = euler_all[0, :] = quad.euler sDes_traj_all[0, :] = traj.sDes sDes_calc_all[0, :] = ctrl.sDesCalc w_cmd_all[0, :] = ctrl.w_cmd wMotor_all[0, :] = quad.wMotor thr_all[0, :] = quad.thr tor_all[0, :] = quad.tor notInRange_all[0, :] = potfld.notWithinRange inRange_all[0, :] = potfld.inRangeNotField inField_all[0, :] = potfld.withinField minDist_all[0] = potfld.distanceMin # Run Simulation # --------------------------- t = Ti i = 1 while round(t, 3) < Tf: t = quad_sim(t, Ts, quad, ctrl, wind, traj, potfld) # print("{:.3f}".format(t)) t_all[i] = t s_all[i, :] = quad.state pos_all[i, :] = quad.pos vel_all[i, :] = quad.vel quat_all[i, :] = quad.quat omega_all[i, :] = euler_all[i, :] = quad.euler sDes_traj_all[i, :] = traj.sDes sDes_calc_all[i, :] = ctrl.sDesCalc w_cmd_all[i, :] = ctrl.w_cmd wMotor_all[i, :] = quad.wMotor thr_all[i, :] = quad.thr tor_all[i, :] = quad.tor notInRange_all[i, :] = potfld.notWithinRange inRange_all[i, :] = potfld.inRangeNotField inField_all[i, :] = potfld.withinField minDist_all[i] = potfld.distanceMin i += 1 end_time = time.time() print("Simulated {:.2f}s in {:.6f}s.".format(t, end_time - start_time)) # View Results # --------------------------- def figures(): utils.makeFigures(quad.params, t_all, pos_all, vel_all, quat_all, omega_all, euler_all, w_cmd_all, wMotor_all, thr_all, tor_all, sDes_traj_all, sDes_calc_all, potfld, minDist_all) utils.third_PV_animation(t_all, traj.wps, pos_all, quat_all, euler_all, sDes_traj_all, Ts, quad.params, traj.xyzType, traj.yawType, potfld, notInRange_all, inRange_all, inField_all, ifsave, figures)
def main(): start_time = time.time() # Import the simulation setup # --------------------------- config = simConfig.config() # Initialize wind (untested) # -------------------------- wind = Wind('None', 2.0, 90, -15) # Initialize list for objects # --------------------------- numTimeStep = int(config.Tf / config.Ts + 1) quadList = [] trajList = [] ctrlList = [] sDesList = [] obsPFList = [] myDataList = [] # For the number of vehicles # -------------------------- for objectIndex in range(0, config.nVeh): quadList.append(Quadcopter(config)) trajList.append( Trajectory(quadList[objectIndex], config.ctrlType, config.trajSelect, config)) ctrlList.append( Control(quadList[objectIndex], trajList[objectIndex].yawType)) sDesList.append(trajList[objectIndex].desiredState( 0, config.Ts, quadList[objectIndex])) obsPFList.append( pf(trajList[objectIndex], np.vstack((config.o1, config.o2, config.o3, quadList[objectIndex - 1].state[0:3])).transpose(), gamma=config.gamma, eta=config.eta, obsRad=config.obsRad, obsRange=config.obsRange)) # generate first command ctrlList[objectIndex].controller(trajList[objectIndex], quadList[objectIndex], sDesList[objectIndex], config) # Create learning object # --------------------------- fala = falaObj(config) # Initialize Result Matrixes # --------------------------- for objectIndex in range(0, config.nVeh): # initialize result matrices myDataList.append( collect.quadata(quadList[objectIndex], trajList[objectIndex], ctrlList[objectIndex], fala, config.Ti, numTimeStep)) # Run Simulation # --------------------------- t = config.Ti * np.ones(config.nVeh) i = 1 while round(t[0], 3) < config.Tf: # Update the obstacle positions # ----------------------------- if t[0] > 0.1: # recall these, as they could move with time o1 = config.o1 # np.array([-2.1, 0, -3],) # obstacle 1 (x,y,z) o2 = config.o2 # np.array([2, -1.2, 0.9]) # obstacle 2 (x,y,z) o3 = config.o3 # np.array([0, 2.5, -2.5]) # obstacle 2 (x,y,z) # if just one vehicle if config.nVeh == 1: obsPFList[0].Po = np.vstack((o1, o2, o3)).transpose() # if two vehicles, make sure to avoid other dudeBot #if config.nVeh == 2: # obsPFList[0].Po = np.vstack((o1,o2,o3,quadList[1].state[0:3])).transpose() # obsPFList[1].Po = np.vstack((o1,o2,o3,quadList[0].state[0:3])).transpose() # if more than one vehicle, make sure to avoid other dudeBot for io in range(0, config.nVeh): for jo in range(0, config.nVeh - 1): obsPFList[io].Po = np.vstack( (o1, o2, o3, quadList[io - jo].state[0:3])).transpose() # Integrate through the dynamics # ------------------------------ for objectIndex in range(0, config.nVeh): t[objectIndex] = quad_sim(t[objectIndex], config.Ts, quadList[objectIndex], ctrlList[objectIndex], wind, trajList[objectIndex], fala, obsPFList[objectIndex], config) myDataList[objectIndex].collect(t[objectIndex], quadList[objectIndex], trajList[objectIndex], ctrlList[objectIndex], fala, i) i += 1 end_time = time.time() print("Simulated {:.2f}s in {:.6f}s.".format(t[0], end_time - start_time)) # View Results # --------------------------- if config.ifsave: # make figures utils.makeFigures(quadList[0].params, myDataList[0]) # make animation (this should be generalized later) if config.ifsaveplots: if config.nVeh == 1: ani = sameAxisAnimation(config, myDataList[0], trajList[0], quadList[0].params, obsPFList[0], myColour='blue') #if config.nVeh == 2: # ani = sameAxisAnimation2(config, myDataList[0], trajList[0], quadList[0].params, myDataList[1], trajList[1], quadList[1].params, obsPFList[0], 'blue', 'green') if config.nVeh > 1: ani = sameAxisAnimationN(config, myDataList, trajList, quadList, obsPFList[0], 'blue') # dump the learned parameters if config.doLearn: np.savetxt("Data/Qtable.csv", fala.Qtable, delimiter=",", header=" ") np.savetxt("Data/errors.csv", myDataList[0].falaError_all, delimiter=",", header=" ") # save energy draw torque0 = myDataList[0].tor_all eDraw0 = np.cumsum(np.cumsum(torque0, axis=0), axis=1)[:, 3]'Data/energyDepletion_veh0', eDraw0) if config.nVeh == 2: torque1 = myDataList[1].tor_all eDraw1 = np.cumsum(np.cumsum(torque1, axis=0), axis=1)[:, 3]'Data/energyDepletion_veh1', eDraw1) # save the data if config.ifsavedata: #save states x = myDataList[0].pos_all[:, 0] y = myDataList[0].pos_all[:, 1] z = myDataList[0].pos_all[:, 2] x_sp = myDataList[0].sDes_calc_all[:, 0] y_sp = myDataList[0].sDes_calc_all[:, 1] z_sp = myDataList[0].sDes_calc_all[:, 2] states0 = np.vstack([x, y, z, x_sp, y_sp, z_sp]).transpose()'Data/states0', states0) if config.nVeh == 2: x = myDataList[1].pos_all[:, 0] y = myDataList[1].pos_all[:, 1] z = myDataList[1].pos_all[:, 2] x_sp = myDataList[1].sDes_calc_all[:, 0] y_sp = myDataList[1].sDes_calc_all[:, 1] z_sp = myDataList[1].sDes_calc_all[:, 2] states1 = np.vstack([x, y, z, x_sp, y_sp, z_sp]).transpose()'Data/states1', states1)