def calc_to_the_aim_path(n): divider = Spherical_divider(n=n) reaction = '3a->4' # ln = Molecule('./prepared_mols2/3a_opted.mol2', n=n, divider=divider) pr = Molecule('./prepared_mols2/4_opted.mol2', n=n, divider=divider) start_energy = ln.get_energy() finish_energy = pr.get_energy() pr.refresh_dimensional() ms = genetic_to_the_aim(ln, pr, write=True, file_log=reaction + '_report_2') #+str(kk)) ms.insert(0, start_energy) ms.append(finish_energy) print(ms) print(max(ms))
def calc_to_the_aim_path(n): divider = Spherical_divider(n=n) reaction = 'mopac_example' # '3a->4' # # reaction = '3a->4' # # reaction = 'vanadii' if reaction == '3a->4': ln = Molecule('./prepared_mols2/3a_opted.mol2', n=n, divider=divider) pr = Molecule('./prepared_mols2/4_opted.mol2', n=n, divider=divider) # elif reaction == 'vanadii': # ln = Molecule('./vanadii/3a_singlet_opted.mol2', n=n) # pr = Molecule('./vanadii/ts_3a_4a_opted.mol2', n=n) else: ln = Molecule('./ordered_mol2/js_exapmle_init.mol2', n=n) pr = Molecule('./ordered_mol2/js_exapmle_finish.mol2', n=n) # kk = 115 start_energy = ln.get_energy() finish_energy = pr.get_energy() pr.refresh_dimensional() ms = genetic_to_the_aim(ln, pr, file_log=reaction + '_report_2')#+str(kk)) ms.insert(0, start_energy) ms.append(finish_energy) print(max(ms))
print(max(ms)) # print(kk, max(ms)) # file_name = './prepared_mols2/3a_opted.mol2' # to_file = './prepared_mols2/4_opted.mol2' file_name = './ordered_mol2/js_exapmle_init.mol2' to_file = './ordered_mol2/js_exapmle_finish.mol2' # saver = 'approx_report_path__2_' saver = 'mequations_mopw_3a4_m40' trasher = 'mall_eqs_mopn_mop40' n = 13 system = Equation_system() import pickle cache_file = "divider%d.pkl" % n if not os.path.exists(cache_file): divider = Spherical_divider(n) with open(cache_file, 'wb') as outp: pickle.dump(divider, outp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) else: with open(cache_file, 'rb') as inp: divider = pickle.load(inp) ss = {} tstep = [] ln = Molecule(file_name, divider=divider) pr = Molecule(to_file, divider=divider) success_paths = 0 all_paths = 0 random_bias = 97 tss = [] print('mopac calc2')
def __init__(self, n, info_from_file, divider=None): self.divider = Spherical_divider(n=n) if divider is None else divider bonds, self.atoms = info_from_file self.notation = {} self.bonds = bonds_to_dict(bonds) self.set_notation(copy.deepcopy(self.atoms))
class Notation: def __init__(self, n, info_from_file, divider=None): self.divider = Spherical_divider(n=n) if divider is None else divider bonds, self.atoms = info_from_file self.notation = {} self.bonds = bonds_to_dict(bonds) self.set_notation(copy.deepcopy(self.atoms)) def set_notation(self, positions_copy): for key, item in self.atoms.items(): cur_p = positions_copy.pop(key).position() self.notation.update({key: {}}) for k, _ in self.bonds[key].items(): self.notation[key].update({ k: self.divider.find_section(cur_p, self.atoms[k].position()) }) if self.notation.get(k) is None: self.notation.update({k: {}}) self.notation[k].update({ key: self.divider.find_section(self.atoms[k].position(), cur_p) }) l = round( np.linalg.norm(self.atoms[key].position() - self.atoms[k].position()), 1) self.bonds[key][k].set_length(l) self.bonds[key][k].set_section(self.notation[key][k]) def difference_of_bonds(self, to_the_notation): bonds_diffs = 0 for k_1, i_1 in self.notation.items(): if to_the_notation.notation.get(k_1) is None: bonds_diffs += len(i_1.keys()) else: i_2 = set(to_the_notation.notation.get(k_1).keys()) bonds_diffs += len(set(i_1.keys()) ^ i_2) d = set(to_the_notation.notation.keys()) - set(self.notation.keys()) bonds_diffs += sum([len(to_the_notation[dd]) for dd in d]) return bonds_diffs def difference_of_sections(self, to_the_notation): sections_diffs = 0 for k_1, i_1 in self.notation.items(): if to_the_notation.notation.get(k_1) is None: continue k_2 = k_1 ki1 = list(i_1.keys()) i_2 = to_the_notation.notation.get(k_2) s1 = np.array([i for _, i in i_1.items()]) s2 = np.array([i_2.get(inx) for inx in ki1]) sections_diffs += sum(np.where(s1 == s2, 0, 1)) return sections_diffs def difference_of_lengths(self, to_the_notation): length_diff = 0 for k, i in self.bonds.items(): if not to_the_notation.bonds.get(k): continue for k2, i2 in self.bonds[k].items(): # k - k2 pairs if to_the_notation.bonds[k].get(k2): length_diff += abs(i2.length - to_the_notation.bonds[k][k2].length) return length_diff def diff(self, to_the_notation): """ :param to_the_notation: compare with this one notation :return: int of different bonds, int of different section, sum of different bonds lengths """ if self.divider.n != to_the_notation.divider.n: print("Different dividers!") return return self.difference_of_bonds(to_the_notation), self.difference_of_sections(to_the_notation),\ self.difference_of_lengths(to_the_notation) def s_diff(self, to_the_notation): """ :param to_the_notation: compare with this one notation :return: """ if self.divider.n != to_the_notation.divider.n: print("Different dividers!") return s_d = [] for k_1, i_1 in self.notation.items(): i_2 = to_the_notation.notation.get(k_1) if i_2 is None: return [] ki1 = list(i_1.keys()) s1 = np.array([i for _, i in i_1.items()]) s2 = np.array([i_2.get(inx) for inx in ki1]) for a, sec1, sec2 in zip(i_1.items(), s1, s2): if (not sec2 is None) and sec1 != sec2: s_d.append([k_1, a[0], sec2]) return s_d def l_diff(self, to_the_notation): """ :param to_the_notation: compare with this one notation :return: """ if self.divider.n != to_the_notation.divider.n: print("Different dividers!") return l_d = [] for k, i in self.bonds.items(): if to_the_notation.bonds.get(k): b2 = to_the_notation.bonds[k] else: continue for k2, i2 in i.items(): if b2.get(k2): to_l = b2[k2].length if i2.length != to_l: l_d.append([k, k2, to_l]) return l_d def get_heat(self, tmp=''): del_flag = False names = [ for _, i in self.atoms.items()] if tmp == '': tmp = mkdtemp() del_flag = True file = os.path.join(tmp, '') with open(file, 'w') as f: n = len(names) f.write(str(n) + '\n\n') for ix in range(n): f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(names[ix], self.atoms[ix + 1].x, self.atoms[ix + 1].y, self.atoms[ix + 1].z)) heat = get_heat_of_xyz(file, tmpdir=tmp) if del_flag: rmtree(tmp) return heat def s_change(self, to_the_notation, follow_energy=False, sh=False, keep_change=False): if follow_energy: ens = [] tmp = mkdtemp() s_d = self.s_diff(to_the_notation) if sh: np.random.shuffle(s_d) for k_1, inx, j in s_d: self.notation[k_1][inx] = j if follow_energy: ens.append(self.get_heat(tmp=tmp)) if follow_energy: rmtree(tmp) return (ens, s_d) if keep_change else ens def s_change_step(self, to_the_notation, little=True): s_d = self.s_diff(to_the_notation) if s_d != []: indx = np.random.randint(len(s_d)) k_1, inx, j = s_d[indx] if little: j = self.divider.nearest_from_to2(self.bonds[k_1][inx].section, j) self.notation[k_1][inx] = j self.bonds[k_1][inx].set_section(j) self.bonds[inx][k_1].set_section(self.divider.anti_scube[j]) return 0 return -1 def l_change_step(self, to_the_notation, little=True): l_d = self.l_diff(to_the_notation) if l_d != []: indx = np.random.randint(len(l_d)) k_1, inx, j = l_d[indx] if little: current_l = self.bonds[k_1][inx].length step = round((current_l - 0.1) if j < current_l else (current_l + 0.1), 1) self.bonds[k_1][inx].set_length(step) self.bonds[inx][k_1].set_length(step) else: self.bonds[k_1][inx].set_length(j) self.bonds[inx][k_1].set_length(j) return 0 return -1 def l_change(self, to_the_notation, follow_energy=False, sh=False, keep_change=False): if follow_energy: ens = [] tmp = mkdtemp() l_d = self.l_diff(to_the_notation) if sh: np.random.shuffle(l_d) for k_1, inx, j in l_d: self.bonds[k_1][inx][1] = j[1] if follow_energy: ens.append(self.get_heat(tmp=tmp)) if follow_energy: rmtree(tmp) return (ens, l_d) if keep_change else ens