Exemple #1
def _container(context, N, cls):

    import numpy

    Nn = int(N)

    spectra = []

    def func(x, y, t):

        Delta = 10.0
        omega = 2.0 * 3.14159 / 20.0
        gamma = 1.0 / 100.0

        data = numpy.zeros((len(x), len(y)))

        for i_x in range(len(x)):
            data[i_x, :] = numpy.exp(-((x[i_x]+y)/Delta)**2)* \

        return data

    time = cls(0.0, Nn, 2.0)
    xrange = qr.ValueAxis(-50.0, 100, 1.0)
    yrange = qr.ValueAxis(-50.0, 100, 1.0)

    cont = qr.TwoDSpectrumContainer()

    for k_n in range(Nn):
        tt = time.data[k_n]
        data = func(xrange.data, yrange.data, tt)
        spect = qr.TwoDSpectrum()

        spect._add_data(data, dtype="total")


        cont.set_spectrum(spect, tt)

    context.container = cont
Exemple #2
def step_given_7(context, N, step):

        And I have a ValueAxis of lenght {N} starting from zero with certain {step}

    length = int(N)
    step = float(step)
    vaxis = qr.ValueAxis(0.0, length, step)

    context.vaxis = vaxis
    context.length = length
    context.step = step
Exemple #3
def step_then_28(context):

        And the TwoDSpectrum container will be indexed by ValueAxis with frequencies corresponding to the original ValueAxis

    fft = context.new_container

    oldaxis = context.container.axis
    axis = fft.axis

    freq = (2.0 * numpy.pi) * numpy.fft.fftfreq(oldaxis.length, oldaxis.step)
    freq = numpy.fft.fftshift(freq)

    # this has to be done to get desired precision
    vax = qr.ValueAxis(freq[0], len(freq), freq[1] - freq[0])

    # Asserting the value axis has the right values
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(axis.data, vax.data)
Exemple #4
def get_peak_cross_sections(V, twod_p):

    cut_long = twod_p.get_cut_along_line(V[0], V[1])
    cut_short1 = twod_p.get_cut_along_line(V[3], V[2])
    cut_short2 = twod_p.get_cut_along_line(V[2], V[3])

    data1 = np.array(cut_short1.data)
    data2 = np.flip(np.array(cut_short2.data))
    data3 = np.hstack((data1, data2))
    shift = cut_short1.axis.data[1] + cut_short1.axis.data[-1]
    cut_short2.axis.data = cut_short2.axis.data + shift
    new_axis = np.hstack((cut_short1.axis.data, cut_short2.axis.data))
    qr_axis = qr.ValueAxis(0.0, len(new_axis), new_axis[1])
    short_final = qr.DFunction(qr_axis, data3)

    data_max = (np.amax(twod_p.data))/2

    long_p_1 = next(x for x, val in enumerate(cut_long.data) if val > (data_max)) 
    for_lp2 = np.flip(cut_long.data)
    long_p_2 = next(x for x, val in enumerate(for_lp2) if val > (data_max)) 
    long_width = cut_long.axis.data[-long_p_2-1] - cut_long.axis.data[long_p_1]

    short_p_1 = next(x for x, val in enumerate(short_final.data) if val > (data_max)) 
    for_sp2 = np.flip(short_final.data)
    short_p_2 = next(x for x, val in enumerate(for_sp2) if val > (data_max)) 
    short_width = short_final.axis.data[-short_p_2-1] - short_final.axis.data[short_p_1]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2)
    ax[0].plot(cut_long.axis.data, cut_long.data)

    ax[1].plot(short_final.axis.data, short_final.data)

    return short_width, long_width
Exemple #5
t2_save_pathways = INP.t2_save_pathways  #[50.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0]

# Here we construct a path through parameters space
center = INP.center  #600.0
step = INP.step  #2.0

max_available_fwhm = INP.max_available_fwhm  #100.0
how_many_fwhm = INP.how_many_fwhm  #2

#step = 2
Ns_d = int(2.0 * how_many_fwhm * max_available_fwhm / step)  # 50
Ns_u = int(2.0 * how_many_fwhm * max_available_fwhm / step)  # 50

vax = qr.ValueAxis(center - Ns_d * step, Ns_d + Ns_u + 1, step)
trimer = INP.trimer
use_trimer = trimer["useit"]
trimer_disorder = False  # trimer["disorder"]
#if use_trimer:
#    vax2 = qr.ValueAxis(trimer["center2"]-Ns_d*step, Ns_d+Ns_u+1, step)

print("\nSummary of simulation parameters\n")
print("Energy gap values:")
print("Minimal gap =", vax.min)
print("Maximum gap =", vax.max)
#if use_trimer and trimer_disorder:
#    print("Minimal gap (2nd dim) =", vax2.min)
#    print("Maximum gap (2nd dim) =", vax2.max)
print("Number of steps =", vax.length)
    #print("dE =", dE)

de_min = cont.get_spectrum(0).get_log_params()["dE"]
de2 = cont.get_spectrum(1).get_log_params()["dE"]
de_step = de2 - de_min
de_N = cont.length()

print("de_min:", de_min)
print("de_step:", de_step)
print("de_N", de_N)

# These are the values of energy gap that the spectra represent
des = qr.ValueAxis(de_min, de_N, de_step)

# parameters of the disorder
width_dis = numpy.zeros(2, dtype=qr.REAL)
width_dis[0] = INP.width_dis[0] #50.0 # cm-1
width_dis[1] = INP.width_dis[1] #50.0 # cm-1
how_many_fwhm = INP.how_many_fwhm

# Average values of the monomer energies
if INP.use_default_values: