Exemple #1
def clear_notification(request, notification_pk):
        notification = Notification.objects.get(
            user=request.user, pk=notification_pk)
        notification.cleared = True
        return json_response()
    except Notification.DoesNotExist:
        return json_response(status=400)
Exemple #2
def clear_notification(request, notification_pk):
        notification = Notification.objects.get(user=request.user,
        notification.cleared = True
        return json_response()
    except Notification.DoesNotExist:
        return json_response(status=400)
Exemple #3
def attendance_search(request, max_results=20):
    """Return a JSON response of members based on search for name.

    The search uses the "searchTerm" post parameter. Return up to max_results
    number of results. The results only include people who have not attended
    the event specified by the post parameter eventPK.
    search_query = request.GET['searchTerm']
    event_pk = request.GET['eventPK']
    event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)

    # Get all users who did not attend this event:
    # TODO(sjdemartini): Properly filter for members, instead of just getting
    # all users who are not officers or candidates (as these other users may
    # include company users, etc.)
    members = user_model.objects.exclude(

    # A list of entries for each member that matches the search query:
    member_matches = []

    # Parse the search query into separate pieces if the query includes
    # whitespace
    search_terms = search_query.lower().split()
    for member in members:
        name = member.userprofile.get_verbose_full_name()
        name_lower = name.lower()
        if all(search_term in name_lower for search_term in search_terms):
            pic_html = render_to_string('_user_thumbnail.html',
                                        {'user_profile': member.userprofile})
            entry = {'label': name, 'value': member.pk, 'picture': pic_html}
        if len(member_matches) >= max_results:
    return json_response(data=member_matches)
Exemple #4
def assign_house(request):
    """Assign an officer or candidate to a house for the current semester.

    The user is specified by a userPK post parameter, the house is specified by
    a houseName post parameter, and the term is specified by a term post
    parameter which is the url name of the display term.
    user_pk = request.POST.get('userPK')
    user = get_user_model().objects.get(pk=user_pk)
    house_name = request.POST.get('houseName')
    house = House.objects.get(mailing_list=house_name)
    term = Term.objects.get_by_url_name(request.POST.get('term'))

    house_member, created = HouseMember.objects.get_or_create(
        user=user, term=term, defaults={'house': house})

    # Find out if the user is a house leader for setting is_leader correctly
    user_house_leader = get_object_or_none(
        Officer, position__short_name='house-leaders',
        user__id=user_pk, term=term)

    if user_house_leader is not None:
        # Find out if there is already a house leader for this house
        existing_house_leader = get_object_or_none(
            HouseMember, house=house, is_leader=True, term=term)

        if existing_house_leader is not None:
            # If there is already a house leader in that house and we're trying
            # to add a house leader, delete any newly created HouseMember object
            # and return a 400 error to be handled by jQuery
            if created:

            return json_response(status=400)
            house_member.is_leader = True

    # If an object was gotten, the user was in a different house previously
    if not created:
        house_member.house = house


    return json_response()
Exemple #5
def event_unsignup(request, event_pk):
    """Handles the action of un-signing up for events."""
        event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)
        return json_response(status=400)
    success_msg = 'Unsignup successful.'
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
            # Try to get a signup object for this user
            signup = EventSignUp.objects.get(event=event, user=request.user)
            signup.user = request.user

            # Set the signup as "unsigned up"
            signup.unsignup = True

            messages.success(request, success_msg)
        except EventSignUp.DoesNotExist:
            # If a signup could not be found, ignore this, since the user
            # is not signed up for the event
        email = request.POST.get('email')
        if email:
                signup = EventSignUp.objects.get(event=event, email=email)
                signup.unsignup = True
                messages.success(request, success_msg)
                errors = {
                    'email': ('The email address you entered was not '
                              'used to sign up.')
                return json_response(status=400, data=errors)
            errors = {
                'email': 'Please enter the email address you used to sign up.'
            return json_response(status=400, data=errors)
    return json_response()
Exemple #6
def update_candidate_initiation_status(request):
    """Endpoint for updating a candidate's initiation status.

    The post parameters "candidate" and "initiated" specify the candidate (by
    Candidate pk) and their new initiation status, respectively.
    candidate_pk = request.POST.get('candidate')
    if not candidate_pk:
        return json_response(status=404)
    candidate = get_object_or_none(Candidate, pk=candidate_pk)
    initiated = json.loads(request.POST.get('initiated'))
    if not candidate or initiated is None:
        return json_response(status=400)

    candidate.initiated = initiated
    # TODO(sjdemartini): Update LDAP-related information, like removal from
    # or addition to relevant groups.
    # TODO(sjdemartini): Update relevant mailing lists, moving initiated
    # candidates off of the candidates list and onto the members list.
    return json_response()
Exemple #7
def update_candidate_initiation_status(request):
    """Endpoint for updating a candidate's initiation status.

    The post parameters "candidate" and "initiated" specify the candidate (by
    Candidate pk) and their new initiation status, respectively.
    candidate_pk = request.POST.get('candidate')
    if not candidate_pk:
        return json_response(status=404)
    candidate = get_object_or_none(Candidate, pk=candidate_pk)
    initiated = json.loads(request.POST.get('initiated'))
    if not candidate or initiated is None:
        return json_response(status=400)

    candidate.initiated = initiated
    # TODO(sjdemartini): Update LDAP-related information, like removal from
    # or addition to relevant groups.
    # TODO(sjdemartini): Update relevant mailing lists, moving initiated
    # candidates off of the candidates list and onto the members list.
    return json_response()
Exemple #8
def event_unsignup(request, event_pk):
    """Handles the action of un-signing up for events."""
        event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)
        return json_response(status=400)
    success_msg = 'Unsignup successful.'
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
            # Try to get a signup object for this user
            signup = EventSignUp.objects.get(event=event, user=request.user)
            signup.user = request.user

            # Set the signup as "unsigned up"
            signup.unsignup = True

            messages.success(request, success_msg)
        except EventSignUp.DoesNotExist:
            # If a signup could not be found, ignore this, since the user
            # is not signed up for the event
        email = request.POST.get('email')
        if email:
                signup = EventSignUp.objects.get(event=event, email=email)
                signup.unsignup = True
                messages.success(request, success_msg)
                errors = {'email': ('The email address you entered was not '
                                    'used to sign up.')}
                return json_response(status=400, data=errors)
            errors = {
                'email': 'Please enter the email address you used to sign up.'
            return json_response(status=400, data=errors)
    return json_response()
Exemple #9
def attendance_submit(request):
    """Record attendance for a given user at a given event.

    The user is specified by a userPK post parameter, and the event is
    specified by an eventPK post parameter.
    event_pk = request.POST['eventPK']
    event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)
    user_pk = request.POST['userPK']
    user = user_model.objects.get(pk=user_pk)
    # Record attendance for this user at this event
    EventAttendance.objects.get_or_create(user=user, event=event)
    return json_response()
Exemple #10
def attendance_submit(request):
    """Record attendance for a given user at a given event.

    The user is specified by a userPK post parameter, and the event is
    specified by an eventPK post parameter.
    event_pk = request.POST['eventPK']
    event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)
    user_pk = request.POST['userPK']
    user = user_model.objects.get(pk=user_pk)
    # Record attendance for this user at this event
    EventAttendance.objects.get_or_create(user=user, event=event)
    return json_response()
Exemple #11
def attendance_delete(request):
    """Remove attendance for a given user at a given event.

    The user is specified by a userPK post parameter, and the event is
    specified by an eventPK post parameter.
    event_pk = request.POST['eventPK']
    event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)
    user_pk = request.POST['userPK']
    # Delete this user's attendance for the event if it exists:
        EventAttendance.objects.get(user__pk=user_pk, event=event).delete()
    except EventAttendance.DoesNotExist:
        # Fine if the attendance does not exist, since we wanted to remove it
    return json_response()
Exemple #12
def attendance_delete(request):
    """Remove attendance for a given user at a given event.

    The user is specified by a userPK post parameter, and the event is
    specified by an eventPK post parameter.
    event_pk = request.POST['eventPK']
    event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)
    user_pk = request.POST['userPK']
    # Delete this user's attendance for the event if it exists:
        EventAttendance.objects.get(user__pk=user_pk, event=event).delete()
    except EventAttendance.DoesNotExist:
        # Fine if the attendance does not exist, since we wanted to remove it
    return json_response()
Exemple #13
def unassign_house(request):
    """Remove an officer or candidate from his or her house this semester.

    The user is specified by a userPK post parameter, and the house doesn't
    matter as a user can only be in one house in a given semester. The term
    is specified by a term post parameter which is the url name of the display
    user_pk = request.POST.get('userPK')
    term = Term.objects.get_by_url_name(request.POST.get('term'))
    # Delete the HouseMember object for this user/term if it exists
        HouseMember.objects.get(user__pk=user_pk, term=term).delete()
    except HouseMember.DoesNotExist:
        # Fine if the HouseMember does not exist since we wanted to remove it
    return json_response()
Exemple #14
def news_reorder(request):
    """Endpoint for saving the ordering (ranks) of newsreel News items."""
    # The "news" post parameter is a list of PKs of News items in the order that
    # they should appear (i.e., ordered from highest to lowest ranking items):
    news_order = request.POST.getlist('news')

    # We will reset the "rank" fields of each of the News items based on the
    # news_order given above. If we walk in reverse order of the news_order
    # list, we can set the rank of the current News item equal to the current
    # loop iteration number (since lower rank value means later in the
    # ordering):
    for rank, news_pk in enumerate(reversed(news_order)):
        news = News.objects.get(pk=news_pk)
        if news.rank != rank:
            news.rank = rank

    return json_response()
Exemple #15
def news_reorder(request):
    """Endpoint for saving the ordering (ranks) of newsreel News items."""
    # The "news" post parameter is a list of PKs of News items in the order that
    # they should appear (i.e., ordered from highest to lowest ranking items):
    news_order = request.POST.getlist('news')

    # We will reset the "rank" fields of each of the News items based on the
    # news_order given above. If we walk in reverse order of the news_order
    # list, we can set the rank of the current News item equal to the current
    # loop iteration number (since lower rank value means later in the
    # ordering):
    for rank, news_pk in enumerate(reversed(news_order)):
        news = News.objects.get(pk=news_pk)
        if news.rank != rank:
            news.rank = rank

    return json_response()
Exemple #16
def attendance_search(request, max_results=20):
    """Return a JSON response of members based on search for name.

    The search uses the "searchTerm" post parameter. Return up to max_results
    number of results. The results only include people who have not attended
    the event specified by the post parameter eventPK.
    search_query = request.GET['searchTerm']
    event_pk = request.GET['eventPK']
    event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)

    # Get all users who did not attend this event:
    # TODO(sjdemartini): Properly filter for members, instead of just getting
    # all users who are not officers or candidates (as these other users may
    # include company users, etc.)
    members = user_model.objects.exclude(

    # A list of entries for each member that matches the search query:
    member_matches = []

    # Parse the search query into separate pieces if the query includes
    # whitespace
    search_terms = search_query.lower().split()
    for member in members:
        name = member.userprofile.get_verbose_full_name()
        name_lower = name.lower()
        if all(search_term in name_lower for search_term in search_terms):
            pic_html = render_to_string(
                {'user_profile': member.userprofile})
            entry = {
                'label': name,
                'value': member.pk,
                'picture': pic_html
        if len(member_matches) >= max_results:
    return json_response(data=member_matches)
Exemple #17
def event_revive(request, event_pk):
    """Revive a previously cancelled event."""
        event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_pk)
        return json_response(status=404)
    event.cancelled = False
    if event.project_report is None:
        project_report = ProjectReport()
        project_report = event.project_report
    project_report.term = event.term
    project_report.date = event.end_datetime.date()
    project_report.title = event.name
    project_report.author = event.contact
    project_report.committee = event.committee
    event.project_report = project_report
    return redirect('events:detail', event_pk=event.pk)
Exemple #18
 def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.event = get_object_or_404(Event, pk=self.kwargs['event_pk'])
     # A user cannot sign up unless they have permission to do so
     if not self.event.can_user_sign_up(self.request.user):
         return json_response(status=403)
     return super(EventSignUpView, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #19
 def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.event = get_object_or_404(Event, pk=self.kwargs['event_pk'])
     # A user cannot sign up unless they have permission to do so
     if not self.event.can_user_sign_up(self.request.user):
         return json_response(status=403)
     return super(EventSignUpView, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)