def inner_product(t, abar, b, axis=None, apply_conjugate=False):
    """Perform a time-domain complex inner product between two waveforms <a, b>.

    This is implemented using spline interpolation, calling

    t : array_like
        Time samples for waveforms abar and b.
    abar : array_like
        The conjugate of the 'a' waveform in the inner product (or
        simply a, if apply_conjugate=True is been passed).  Must have the
        same shape as b.
    b : array_like
        The 'b' waveform in the inner product.  Must have the same
        shape as a.
    axis : int, optional
        When abar and b are multidimensional, the inner product will
        be computed over this axis and the result will be one
        dimension lower.  Default is None, will be inferred by
    apply_conjugate : bool, optional
        Whether or not to conjugate the abar argument before
        computing.  True means inner_product will perform the conjugation
        for you.  Default is False, meaning you have already
        performed the conjugation.

    inner_product : ndarray
        The integral along 'axis'

    from quaternion.calculus import spline_definite_integral as sdi

    if not apply_conjugate:
        integrand = abar * b
        integrand = np.conjugate(abar) * b

    return sdi(integrand, t, axis=axis)
Exemple #2
    def inner_product(self,
        """Compute the all-angles inner product <self, b>.

        self and b should have the same spin-weight, set of (ell,m)
        modes, and times.  Differing sets of modes and times can
        optionally be turned on.

        b : WaveformModes object
            The other set of modes to inner product with.

        t1 : float, optional [default: None]
        t2 : float, optional [default: None]
            Lower and higher bounds of time integration

        allow_LM_differ : bool, optional [default: False]
            If True and if the set of (ell,m) modes between self and b
            differ, then the inner product will be computed using the
            intersection of the set of modes.

        allow_times_differ: bool, optional [default: False]
            If True and if the set of times between self and b differ,
            then both WaveformModes will be interpolated to the
            intersection of the set of times.

        inner_product : complex
            <self, b>

        from quaternion.calculus import spline_definite_integral as sdi

        from .extrapolation import intersection

        if self.spin_weight != b.spin_weight:
            raise ValueError("Spin weights must match in inner_product")

        LM_clip = None
        if (self.ell_min != b.ell_min) or (self.ell_max != b.ell_max):
            if allow_LM_differ:
                LM_clip = slice(max(self.ell_min, b.ell_min),
                                min(self.ell_max, b.ell_max) + 1)
                if LM_clip.start >= LM_clip.stop:
                    raise ValueError("Intersection of (ell,m) modes is "
                                     "empty.  Assuming this is not desired.")
                raise ValueError(
                    "ell_min and ell_max must match in inner_product "
                    "(use allow_LM_differ=True to override)")

        t_clip = None
        if not np.array_equal(self.t, b.t):
            if allow_times_differ:
                t_clip = intersection(self.t, b.t)
                raise ValueError("Time samples must match in inner_product "
                                 "(use allow_times_differ=True to override)")


        times = self.t
        A = self
        B = b

        if LM_clip is not None:
            A = A[:, LM_clip]
            B = B[:, LM_clip]

        if t_clip is not None:
            times = t_clip
            A = A.interpolate(t_clip)
            B = B.interpolate(t_clip)

        if t1 is None:
            t1 = times[0]

        if t2 is None:
            t2 = times[-1]

        integrand = np.sum(np.conj( *, axis=1)

        return sdi(integrand, times, t1=t1, t2=t2)