def get_corrected_orientation(E, target_orientation, evs): # Correct cs orientation so that it aligns with standard defined as foot touchdown E_quats = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(E) target_quats = np.repeat( quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(target_orientation), len(evs)) # Get relative rotation between marker-cs and ideal-cs during touchdowns rel_quats = E_quats[evs].conj() * target_quats rel_quat_array = quaternion.as_float_array(rel_quats) # Find the average relative orientation between the ideal cs and all touchdown cs eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(rel_quat_array.T @ rel_quat_array) av_rel_quat_array = eigvecs[:, np.argmax(eigvals)] # Check sign of the averaged quaternion for consistency av_signs = np.sign(av_rel_quat_array) ar_signs = np.sign(rel_quat_array) if (av_signs != ar_signs).all(): av_rel_quat_array = -1 * av_rel_quat_array elif (av_signs == ar_signs).all(): pass else: pass av_rel_quats = np.repeat(quaternion.as_quat_array(av_rel_quat_array), len(E_quats)) corrected_quats = E_quats * av_rel_quats corrected_orientation = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(corrected_quats) return corrected_orientation
def move_and_rotate_agent(my_agent, my_rotation, move=[0.9539339, 0.1917877, 12.163067]): """ The agent has a translation and rotation. The sensor orientation and position wrt to habitat frame changes when this changes. The sensors themselves remain unchanged in their orientation or position with respect to agent frame. :param my_agent: agent object :param my_rotation: quaternion with respect to habitat frame :param move: in habitat frame [x,y,z] :return: """ my_agent_state = my_agent.get_state() r1 = my_agent_state.rotation # rotation from Habitat to Agent wrt Habitat frame t1 = my_agent_state.position # translation from Habitat to Agent wrt Habitata frame # h1 is current habitat to Agent homogenous transformation (HT), h1new is habitat to Agent with new one # h3 - habitat to sensor which is h1 or h1new multiplied and agent to the sensor HT # Example - h1new(left_rgb)*h1_inv*h3 where h1_inv*h3 provides sensor pose wrt to agent. # Import to remember that get agent_state provides position, orientation wrt to habitant h1 = homogenous_transform(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(r1), list(t1)) h1_inv = inverse_homogenous_transform(h1) h1new = homogenous_transform(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(my_rotation), move) h3_left_rgb = homogenous_transform(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( my_agent_state.sensor_states["left_rgb_sensor"].rotation), list(my_agent_state.sensor_states["left_rgb_sensor"].position)) h3_right_rgb = homogenous_transform(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( my_agent_state.sensor_states["right_rgb_sensor"].rotation), list(my_agent_state.sensor_states["right_rgb_sensor"].position)) h3_depth = homogenous_transform(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( my_agent_state.sensor_states["depth_sensor"].rotation), list(my_agent_state.sensor_states["depth_sensor"].position)) h = newh3_left_rgb = newh3_right_rgb = newh3_depth = # compute new sensor states for each sensor my_agent_state.sensor_states["left_rgb_sensor"].rotation = \ quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(newh3_left_rgb[0:3, 0:3]) D = newh3_left_rgb[0:3, 3] my_agent_state.sensor_states["left_rgb_sensor"].position = \ D.T my_agent_state.sensor_states["right_rgb_sensor"].rotation = \ quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(newh3_right_rgb[0:3, 0:3]) D = newh3_right_rgb[0:3, 3] my_agent_state.sensor_states["right_rgb_sensor"].position = \ D.T my_agent_state.sensor_states["depth_sensor"].rotation = \ quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(newh3_depth[0:3, 0:3]) D = newh3_depth[0:3, 3] my_agent_state.sensor_states["depth_sensor"].position = \ D.T # agent state my_agent_state.rotation = my_rotation my_agent_state.position = move my_agent.set_state(my_agent_state, infer_sensor_states=False) return
def decompose_svd_mat4(M): Rl, S, Rr = np.linalg.svd(M[0:3, 0:3]) s = S ql = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(Rl) qr = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(Rr) t = M[0:3, 3] return t, ql, s, qr
def calOrientationError(R): R1 = np.array(R) R2 = np.identity(3) q1 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R1) q2 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R2) q = q1.inverse() * q2 theta, v = __cal_axis_angle_from_q__(q) oError = np.degrees(theta) if oError > 180.0: oError = 360.0 - oError return oError
def get_world_coordinates(self, filename, axes=['z'], times=None, averagedur=0.1): axinddict = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as h5calib: acc = np.array(h5calib['/data/Accel']) t = np.array(h5calib['/data/t']) gax = np.eye(3) if len(axes) == 1: times = [0] averagedur = 4 * t[-1] d2 = averagedur / 2 axord = [] for axis1, time1 in zip(axes, times): ist = np.logical_and(t >= time1 - d2, t <= time1 + d2) ax = np.mean(acc[ist, :], axis=0) m = re.match('([+-]?)([XYZxyz])', axis1) if m is None: raise ValueError('Unrecognized axis specification axis') if == '-': axsign = -1.0 else: axsign = 1.0 axind = axinddict[] gax[:, axind] = ax * axsign axord.append(axind) axord = np.concatenate((axord, np.setdiff1d(range(3), axord))) axrevord = np.argsort(np.arange(3)[axord]) basis = self._gramschmidt(gax[:, axord]) basis = basis[:, axrevord] # check for right handed-ness # the Z axis should be equal to the cross product of the X and Y axes # because of small numerical issues, it's sometimes not exactly equal, # so we check that they're in the same direction assert ([:, 0], basis[:, 1]), basis[:, 2]) > 0.9) self.chip2world_rot = basis self.qchip2world = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(basis) self.qworld2chip = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(basis.T)
def calPositionAndOrientationError(H, H_exact): H1 = np.array(H) H2 = np.array(H_exact) pError = np.linalg.norm(H1[0:2, 3] - H2[0:2, 3]) q1 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(H1[0:3, 0:3]) q2 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(H2[0:3, 0:3]) q = q1.inverse()*q2 theta, v = __cal_axis_angle_from_q__(q) oError = np.degrees(theta) if oError > 180.0: oError = 360.0 - oError return pError, oError
def setAgentRotation(agent, nextBestCameraRotation): R_w_s = agent_state = agent.get_state() agent_state.rotation = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R_w_s) agent_state.sensor_states["left_sensor"].rotation = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R_w_s) agent_state.sensor_states["right_sensor"].rotation = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R_w_s) agent_state.sensor_states["left_sensor_depth"].rotation = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R_w_s) agent_state.sensor_states["right_sensor_depth"].rotation = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(R_w_s) agent.set_state(agent_state) return agent.state # agent.scene_node.transformation_matrix()
def bislerp(Qa, Qb, t): r""" Linear interpolation of two orthogonal matrices. Assiume that :math:`Q_a` and :math:`Q_b` refers to timepoint :math:`0` and :math:`1` respectively. Using spherical linear interpolation (slerp) find the orthogonal matrix at timepoint :math:`t`. """ if Qa is None and Qb is None: return None if Qa is None: return Qb if Qb is None: return Qa tol = 1e-12 qa = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(Qa) qb = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(Qb) quat_i = quaternion.quaternion(0, 1, 0, 0) quat_j = quaternion.quaternion(0, 0, 1, 0) quat_k = quaternion.quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1) quat_array = [ qa, -qa, qa * quat_i, -qa * quat_i, qa * quat_j, -qa * quat_j, qa * quat_k, -qa * quat_k, ] def dot(qi, qj): return np.sum( [getattr(qi, s) * getattr(qj, s) for s in ["x", "y", "z", "w"]]) dot_arr = [abs(dot(qi, qb)) for qi in quat_array] max_idx = np.argmax(dot_arr) max_dot = dot_arr[max_idx] qm = quat_array[max_idx] if max_dot > 1 - tol: return Qb else: qm_slerp = quaternion.slerp(qm, qb, 0, 1, t) qm_norm = qm_slerp.normalized() Qab = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(qm_norm) return Qab
def bislerp( Qa: np.ndarray, Qb: np.ndarray, t: float, ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Linear interpolation of two orthogonal matrices. Assiume that :math:`Q_a` and :math:`Q_b` refers to timepoint :math:`0` and :math:`1` respectively. Using spherical linear interpolation (slerp) find the orthogonal matrix at timepoint :math:`t`. """ if ~Qa.any() and ~Qb.any(): return np.zeros((3, 3)) if ~Qa.any(): return Qb if ~Qb.any(): return Qa tol = 1e-12 qa = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(Qa) qb = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(Qb) quat_i = quaternion.quaternion(0, 1, 0, 0) quat_j = quaternion.quaternion(0, 0, 1, 0) quat_k = quaternion.quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1) quat_array = [ qa, -qa, qa * quat_i, -qa * quat_i, qa * quat_j, -qa * quat_j, qa * quat_k, -qa * quat_k, ] dot_arr = [abs((qi.components * qb.components).sum()) for qi in quat_array] max_idx = int(np.argmax(dot_arr)) max_dot = dot_arr[max_idx] qm = quat_array[max_idx] if max_dot > 1 - tol: return Qb qm_slerp = quaternion.slerp(qm, qb, 0, 1, t) qm_norm = qm_slerp.normalized() Qab = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(qm_norm) return Qab
def interpolate_poses(m1, m2, times): r1, t1 = matrix.split(m1) r2, t2 = matrix.split(m2) t = lerp(t1, t2, times) q1 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(r1) q2 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(r2) # q = np.slerp_vectorized(q1, q2, times) q = nlerp(q1, q2, times) r = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(q) return matrix.join(r, t)
def _get_transform(self, c_idx, n_idx): c_pose = self.poses[c_idx] n_pose = self.poses[n_idx] local_dtrans = np.linalg.inv(c_pose) @ n_pose[:, 3] # TODO - remove quaternions for manual methods quat_c = quat.from_rotation_matrix(c_pose[:3,:3]) quat_n = quat.from_rotation_matrix(n_pose[:3,:3]) quat_t = quat_c.inverse() * quat_n gt_quat_t_ar = quat.as_float_array(quat_t).astype(np.float32) gt_trans = local_dtrans[:3].astype(np.float32) return gt_quat_t_ar, gt_trans
def get_world_coordinates(self, filename, axes=['z'], times=None, averagedur=0.1): axinddict = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as h5calib: acc = np.array(h5calib['/data/Accel']) t = np.array(h5calib['/data/t']) gax = np.eye(3) if len(axes) == 1: times = [0] averagedur = 4*t[-1] d2 = averagedur/2 axord = [] for axis1, time1 in zip(axes, times): ist = np.logical_and(t >= time1-d2, t <= time1+d2) ax = np.mean(acc[ist, :], axis=0) m = re.match('([+-]?)([XYZxyz])', axis1) if m is None: raise ValueError('Unrecognized axis specification axis') if == '-': axsign = -1.0 else: axsign = 1.0 axind = axinddict[] gax[:, axind] = ax * axsign axord.append(axind) axord = np.concatenate((axord, np.setdiff1d(range(3), axord))) axrevord = np.argsort(np.arange(3)[axord]) basis = self._gramschmidt(gax[:, axord]) basis = basis[:, axrevord] # check for right handed-ness # the Z axis should be equal to the cross product of the X and Y axes # because of small numerical issues, it's sometimes not exactly equal, # so we check that they're in the same direction assert([:, 0], basis[:, 1]), basis[:, 2]) > 0.9) self.chip2world_rot = basis self.qchip2world = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(basis) self.qworld2chip = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(basis.T)
def from_tr_matrix(matrix: np.ndarray) -> Pose: tvec = matrix[:3, 3] return Pose( Position(tvec[0], tvec[1], tvec[2]), Orientation.from_quaternion(quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(matrix[:3, :3])), )
def test_from_rotation_matrix(Rs): rot_mat_eps = 10*eps try: from scipy import linalg except ImportError: rot_mat_eps = 400*eps for i, R1 in enumerate(Rs): R2 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(R1)) d = quaternion.rotation_intrinsic_distance(R1, R2) assert d < rot_mat_eps, (i, R1, R2, d) # Can't use allclose here; we don't care about rotor sign Rs2 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(Rs)) for R1, R2 in zip(Rs, Rs2): d = quaternion.rotation_intrinsic_distance(R1, R2) assert d < rot_mat_eps, (R1, R2, d) # Can't use allclose here; we don't care about rotor sign
def read_robotcar_v2_train( robotcar_path: str) -> Dict[str, kapture.PoseTransform]: """ Read the robot car v2 train data file :param robotcar_path: path to the data file :return: train data """ with (open(path.join(robotcar_path, 'robotcar_v2_train.txt'), 'r')) as f: lines = f.readlines() # remove empty lines lines = (l2 for l2 in lines if l2.strip()) # trim trailing EOL lines = (l3.rstrip("\n\r") for l3 in lines) # split space lines = (l4.split() for l4 in lines) lines = list(lines) train_data = { table[0].replace(".png", ".jpg"): kapture.PoseTransform( r=quaternion.from_rotation_matrix( [[float(v) for v in table[1:4]], [float(v) for v in table[5:8]], [float(v) for v in table[9:12]]]), t=[float(v) for v in [table[4], table[8], table[12]]]).inverse() for table in lines } return train_data
def as_ROSgoal(Homo_mat): ''' ROS goal: goal = (x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw) ''' q = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(Homo_mat[0:3, 0:3]) return np.array( [Homo_mat[0, 3], Homo_mat[1, 3], Homo_mat[2, 3], q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])
def get_state(self): self.states = np.array([]) dim = len(self.frame_ids) * (8 + len(self.long_track_features)) self.states.resize((dim, 1)) self.frameid2state = {} index = 0 frame_count = 0 for frame_id in self.frame_ids: # position 3x1 self.states[index:(index + 3)] = self.pred_poses[frame_id][:, [3]] self.frameid2state[frame_id] = index index += 3 # orientation as quaternion 4x1 q = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix( self.pred_poses[frame_id][:, :3]) self.states[index:(index + 4)] = quaternion.as_float_array(q).reshape( 4, 1) index += 4 # scale 1x1 self.states[index] = 1.0 index += 1 for feature_pts in self.long_track_features: # depth value at feature coordinates 1x1 pt_x = feature_pts[frame_count][0] pt_y = feature_pts[frame_count][1] depth = get_depth(self.pred_depths[frame_id], pt_x, pt_y) self.states[index] = depth index += 1 frame_count += 1
def set_goal(self, goallengths=None): """ Sets the goal to a random point of the robot's workspace [x, y, z] in [m] and sets the tangent vector accordingly.""" if goallengths is None: l11goal = np.random.uniform(self.l1min, self.l1max) l12goal = np.random.uniform(self.l1min, self.l1max) l13goal = np.random.uniform(self.l1min, self.l1max) l21goal = np.random.uniform(self.l2min, self.l2max) l22goal = np.random.uniform(self.l2min, self.l2max) l23goal = np.random.uniform(self.l2min, self.l2max) else: l11goal = goallengths[0]; l12goal = goallengths[1]; l13goal = goallengths[2] l21goal = goallengths[3]; l22goal = goallengths[4]; l23goal = goallengths[5] self.goal_lengths = np.array([l11goal, l12goal, l13goal, l21goal, l22goal, l23goal]) dl21goal = l21goal-l11goal; dl22goal = l22goal-l12goal; dl23goal = l23goal-l13goal kappa1, phi1, seg_len1 = self.arc_params(l11goal, l12goal, l13goal) kappa2, phi2, seg_len2 = self.arc_params(dl21goal, dl22goal, dl23goal) T01 = self.transformation_matrix(kappa1, phi1, seg_len1) T12 = self.transformation_matrix(kappa2, phi2, seg_len2) T02 = np.matmul(T01, T12) self.goal = np.matmul(T02, self.base)[0:3] self.normal_vec_goal = T02[0:3, 0] self.binormal_vec_goal = T02[0:3, 1] self.tangent_vec_goal = T02[0:3, 2] # quaternions self.qgoal = quaternion.as_float_array(quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(T02[:3, :3])) if np.sign(self.qgoal[0]) != 0.0: self.qgoal = np.sign(self.qgoal[0]) * self.qgoal # make sure that quaternions all have the same sign for w # calculate RPY angles of goal here or quaternion self.Rgoal, self.Pgoal, self.Ygoal = self.get_orientation(T02)
def load_extrinsics(folder, filename="t265_left_extrinsics.csv"): """ Load camera extrinsics. Parameters ---------- folder: str Path to the export folder. filename: str, default 't265_left_extrinsic.csv' Filename of the extrinsics file. Returns ------- t: numpy.ndarray, shape (3,) Translation between the two cameras. q: numpy.ndarray, shape (4,) Rotation between the two cameras in quaternions. """ with open(os.path.join(folder, filename)) as f: reader = csv.reader(f) t = np.array([float(row[1]) for row in reader if row[0].startswith("T")]) R = np.array([float(row[1]) for row in reader if row[0].startswith("R")]) q = as_float_array(from_rotation_matrix(R.reshape(3, 3))) return t, q
def convert_center_ROSgoal2(dq, Init_GOAL): ''' ROS goal: goal = (x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw) ''' with open(Init_GOAL) as f: init_goal = np.array(yaml.load(f), dtype='float') q0 = np.quaternion(init_goal[6], init_goal[3], init_goal[4], init_goal[5]) x = np.matrix([[1.0, 0.0, -0.035], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) # x = np.matrix([[1.0,0.0,-0.0],[0.0,1.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,1.0]]) y0 = np.matrix([[cos(dq[2]), -sin(dq[2]), dq[0]], [sin(dq[2]), cos(dq[2]), dq[1]], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) y = x * y0 * np.linalg.inv(x) H = np.matlib.identity(4) H[0:2, 0:2] = y[0:2, 0:2] H[0:2, 3] = y[0:2, 2] H0 = np.matlib.identity(4) H0[0, 3] = init_goal[0] H0[1, 3] = init_goal[1] H0[2, 3] = init_goal[2] H0[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(q0) q = q0 * quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(H[0:3, 0:3]) H1 = H0 * H goal = np.array([H1[0, 3], H1[1, 3], H1[2, 3], q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w]) return goal
def convert_habitat_to_replica(self, pos, rot): import quaternion # Define the transforms needed _tmp = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32) UnitX = _tmp[0] UnitY = _tmp[1] UnitZ = _tmp[2] R_hsim_replica = habitat_sim.utils.quat_from_two_vectors( -UnitZ, -UnitY) T_hsim_replica = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) T_hsim_replica[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(R_hsim_replica) R_forward_back = habitat_sim.utils.quat_from_two_vectors(-UnitZ, UnitZ) T_replicac_hsimc = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) T_replicac_hsimc[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(R_forward_back) # Transforming the state happens here T_hsim_c = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) T_hsim_c[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(rot) T_hsim_c[0:3, 3] = pos T_c_hsim = np.linalg.inv(T_hsim_c) T_c_replica = T_replicac_hsimc @ T_c_hsim @ T_hsim_replica T_replica_c = np.linalg.inv(T_c_replica) replica_pos = T_replica_c[0:3, 3] replica_rot = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(T_replica_c[0:3, 0:3]) return replica_pos, replica_rot
def _on_endpoint_state(self, msg): cart_pose_trans_mat = np.asarray(msg.O_T_EE).reshape(4,4,order='F') self._cartesian_pose = { 'position': cart_pose_trans_mat[:3,3], 'orientation': quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(cart_pose_trans_mat[:3,:3]) } self._cartesian_effort = { 'force': np.asarray([ msg.O_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.force.x, msg.O_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.force.y, msg.O_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.force.z]), 'torque': np.asarray([ msg.O_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.torque.x, msg.O_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.torque.y, msg.O_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.torque.z]) } self._stiffness_frame_effort = { 'force': np.asarray([ msg.K_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.force.x, msg.K_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.force.y, msg.K_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.force.z]), 'torque': np.asarray([ msg.K_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.torque.x, msg.K_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.torque.y, msg.K_F_ext_hat_K.wrench.torque.z]) } self._tip_states = TipState(msg.header.stamp, deepcopy(self._cartesian_pose), deepcopy(self._cartesian_velocity), deepcopy(self._cartesian_effort), deepcopy(self._stiffness_frame_effort))
def __init__(self, particle, timestep, f_ext, viscosity, kT, pos0=np.zeros(3), orient0=np.identity(3), seed=None): self.particle = particle self.timestep = timestep self.f_ext = f_ext self.rng_seed = seed self.viscosity = viscosity self.kT = kT # set particle initial position particle._pos = pos0 # Be able to handle any array-like object particle._pos = np.asarray(pos0) if particle._pos.shape != (3, ): raise ValueError( 'Initial position must be array-like with length 3') # Be able to handle both a quaternion or a rotation matrix if isinstance(orient0, quaternion.quaternion): particle._orient = orient0 elif isinstance(orient0, np.ndarray) and orient0.shape == (3, 3): particle._orient = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(orient0) else: raise TypeError( 'orient0 must be a quaternion or a 3 x 3 ndarray representing a rotation matrix' ) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
def load_sample_sequence(self, filename): if filename.endswith('.pkl'): # This is a pickle file that contains a motion sequence stored in angle-axis format sample_sequence = pkl.load(open(filename, 'rb')) poses = np.array(sample_sequence) elif filename.endswith('.npz'): # This is a numpy file that was produced using the evaluation code preds = np.load(filename)['prediction'] # Choose the first sample in the file to be displayed pred = preds[1] # This is in rotation matrix format, so convert to angle-axis poses = np.reshape(pred, [pred.shape[0], -1, 3, 3]) poses = quaternion.as_rotation_vector( quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(poses)) poses = np.reshape(poses, [poses.shape[0], -1]) else: raise ValueError( "do not recognize file format of file {}".format(filename)) # Unity can also display orientations and accelerations, but they are not available here oris = np.zeros([poses.shape[0], 6 * 3]) accs = np.zeros([poses.shape[0], 6 * 3]) self.sample_sequence = {'gt': poses, 'ori': oris, 'acc': accs} self.next_frame = 0
def OrbitalQuaternion(r, V): """ Input: r, V - radius vector and velocity of sc mass center in inertial frame Returns: np.quaternion that determines orbital frame orientation with respect to inertial frame in inertial frame P.S. to convert a quternion M_i from inertial basis to bounded basis M_e one needs to have a quaternion determines orientation of bounded basis relative to intertial basis then M_e = A.conj() * M_i * A; A can be in either inertial and bounded basis """ o1 = r / np.linalg.norm(r) o3 = np.cross(r, V) o3 /= np.linalg.norm(o3) o2 = np.cross(o3, o1) xi = np.array([1, 0, 0]) yi = np.array([0, 1, 0]) zi = np.array([0, 0, 1]) buf1 = [, xi),, yi),, zi)] buf2 = [, xi),, yi),, zi)] buf3 = [, xi),, yi),, zi)] B = np.vstack((buf1, buf2, buf3)).T A = qt.from_rotation_matrix(B) return A
def convert_testing_extrinsics(offset: int, testing_extrinsics: Iterable[VirtualGalleryTestingExtrinsic], images: kapture.RecordsCamera, trajectories: kapture.Trajectories) -> None: """ Import all testing extrinsics into the images and trajectories. :param offset: :param testing_extrinsics: testing extrinsics to import :param images: image list to add to :param trajectories: trajectories to add to """ # Map (light_id, loop_id, frame_id) to a unique timestamp testing_frames_tuples = ((extrinsic.light_id, extrinsic.occlusion_id, extrinsic.frame_id) for extrinsic in testing_extrinsics) testing_frames_tuples = OrderedDict.fromkeys(testing_frames_tuples).keys() testing_frame_mapping = {v: n + offset for n, v in enumerate(testing_frames_tuples)} # Export images and trajectories"Converting testing images and trajectories...") for extrinsic in testing_extrinsics: rotation_matrix = [extrinsic.extrinsics[0:3], extrinsic.extrinsics[4:7], extrinsic.extrinsics[8:11]] rotation = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix) timestamp = testing_frame_mapping[(extrinsic.light_id, extrinsic.occlusion_id, extrinsic.frame_id)] camera_device_id = _get_testing_camera_name(extrinsic.light_id, extrinsic.occlusion_id, extrinsic.frame_id) translation_vector = [extrinsic.extrinsics[3], extrinsic.extrinsics[7], extrinsic.extrinsics[11]] images[(timestamp, camera_device_id)] = (f'testing/gallery_light{extrinsic.light_id}_occlusion' f'{extrinsic.occlusion_id}/frames/rgb/' f'camera_0/rgb_{extrinsic.frame_id:05}.jpg') trajectories[(timestamp, camera_device_id)] = kapture.PoseTransform(rotation, translation_vector)
def matrix_world(self, mx44): if mx44 is None: self.q = None else: mx33 = np.asarray(mx44)[:3, :3] mx33 /= np.linalg.norm(mx33, axis=0) self.q = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(mx33).conj()
def __init__(self, limb, ee_frame_name="panda_link8", additional_segment_config=None, description=None): self._kdl_tree = None if description is None: self._franka = URDF.from_parameter_server(key='robot_description') else: self._franka = URDF.from_xml_file(description) self._kdl_tree = kdl_tree_from_urdf_model(self._franka) if additional_segment_config is not None: # add additional segments to account for NE_T_EE and F_T_NE transformations # ---- this may cause issues in eg. inertia computations maybe? TODO: test inertia behaviour for c in additional_segment_config: q = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(c["origin_ori"]).tolist() kdl_origin_frame = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w), PyKDL.Vector(*(c["origin_pos"].tolist()))) kdl_sgm = PyKDL.Segment(c["child_name"], PyKDL.Joint(c["joint_name"]), kdl_origin_frame, PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia()) self._kdl_tree.addSegment( kdl_sgm, c["parent_name"]) self._base_link = self._franka.get_root() # self._tip_frame = PyKDL.Frame() self._limb_interface = limb self.create_chain(ee_frame_name)
def __init__( self, transform: TransformType = None, *, translation: Iterable[float] = (0, 0, 0), rotation: RotationType = (1, 0, 0, 0), ) -> None: if transform is not None: if isinstance(transform, Transform3D): self._translation = transform.translation self._rotation = transform.rotation return if isinstance(transform, Sequence): # pylint: disable=W1116 transform = np.array(transform) if transform.shape != (3, 4) and transform.shape != (4, 4): raise ValueError( "The shape of input transform matrix must be 3x4 or 4x4.") self._translation = Vector3D(transform[0, 3], transform[1, 3], transform[2, 3]) self._rotation = from_rotation_matrix(transform) return self._translation = Vector3D(*translation) if isinstance(rotation, quaternion): self._rotation = quaternion(rotation) else: self._rotation = quaternion(*rotation)
def import_robotcar_rig(extrinsics_dir_path: str) -> kapture.Rigs: """ Read extrinsics files and convert to kapture rigs :param extrinsics_dir_path: path to directory with extrinsics :return: kapture.Rigs object """ # From dataset documentation: # The extrinsic parameters of the three cameras on the car with respect to the car itself. # The extrinsics are provided as a 4x4 matrix # [R c] # [0 1] # where R is a rotation matrix that maps from camera to world coordinates and c is the position of the camera in # world coordinates. The entries of the matrix are separated by ,. rigs = kapture.Rigs() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(extrinsics_dir_path): for extrinsics_filepath in files: (camera_id, _) = extrinsics_filepath.split('_') extrinsic_file = open( path.join(extrinsics_dir_path, extrinsics_filepath), 'r') with extrinsic_file as f: m = np.array([[float(num) for num in line.split(',')] for line in f]) rotation_matrix = m[0:3, 0:3] position = m[0:3, 3:4] pose_transform = kapture.PoseTransform( t=position, r=quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix)) # kapture rig format is "rig to sensor" rigs['car', camera_id] = pose_transform.inverse() return rigs
def act(self, habitat_observation, goal_position): # Update internal state cc = 0 update_is_ok = self.update_internal_state(habitat_observation) while not update_is_ok: update_is_ok = self.update_internal_state(habitat_observation) cc += 1 if cc > 5: break current_pose = self.pose6D.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(4, 4) self.position_history.append(current_pose) current_position = current_pose[0:3, -1] current_rotation = current_pose[0:3, 0:3] current_quat = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(current_rotation) current_heading = quaternion.as_euler_angles(current_quat)[1] current_map = self.map2DObstacles.detach().cpu().numpy() best_action = self.follower.get_next_action(goal_pos=goal_position) return (current_position, current_heading, current_map, best_action)
def get_flange_pose(self, pos=None, ori=None): """ Get the pose of flange (panda_link8) given the pose of the end-effector frame. .. note:: In sim, this method does nothing. :param pos: position of the end-effector frame in the robot's base frame, defaults to current end-effector position :type pos: np.ndarray, optional :param ori: orientation of the end-effector frame, defaults to current end-effector orientation :type ori: quaternion.quaternion, optional :return: corresponding flange frame pose in the robot's base frame :rtype: np.ndarray, quaternion.quaternion """ if pos is None: pos = self._cartesian_pose['position'] if ori is None: ori = self._cartesian_pose['orientation'] if self._params._in_sim: return pos, ori # get corresponding flange frame pose using transformation matrix F_T_EE = np.asarray(self._F_T_EE).reshape(4, 4, order="F") mat = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(ori) new_ori =[:3, :3].T) new_pos = pos -[:3, 3]) return new_pos, quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(new_ori)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import numpy as np import quaternion from numpy import * eps = np.finfo(float).eps rot_mat_eps = 200*eps R1 = np.array([quaternion.quaternion(0, -math.sqrt(0.5), 0, -math.sqrt(0.5))]) print(R1) print(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(R1)) R2 = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(R1)) print(R2) d = quaternion.rotation_intrinsic_distance(R1[0], R2[0]) print(d) print() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() assert d < rot_mat_eps, (R1, R2, d) # Can't use allclose here; we don't care about rotor sign