Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, input_data, initial_orientation=None):
        """Initialize instance of FrameRotationIntegrator for getting orientation from frame change data

            input_data (numpy.ndarray): Nx4 array, where each row is [frame num, gyroX,gyroY,gyroZ]
            initial_orientation (float[4]): Quaternion representing the starting orientation, Defaults to [1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001].

        self.data = np.copy(input_data)

        self.num_data_points = self.data.shape[0]

        # initial orientation quaternion
        if type(initial_orientation) != type(None):
            self.orientation = np.array(initial_orientation)
            self.orientation = np.array([1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001])

        # Variables to save integration data
        self.orientation_list = None
        self.time_list = None

        # IMU reference vectors
        self.imuRefX = quat.vector(1, 0, 0)
        self.imuRefY = quat.vector(0, 1, 0)
        self.imuRefY = quat.vector(0, 0, 1)

        self.already_integrated = False
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize instance of gyroIntegrator for getting orientation from gyro data

            input_data (numpy.ndarray): Nx4 array, where each row is [time, gyroX,gyroY,gyroZ]
            time_scaling (int, optional): time * time_scaling should give time in second. Defaults to 1.
            gyro_scaling (int, optional): gyro<xyz> * gyro_scaling should give angular velocity in rad/s. Defaults to 1.
            zero_out_time (bool, optional): Always start time at 0 in the output data. Defaults to True.
            initial_orientation (float[4]): Quaternion representing the starting orientation, Defaults to [1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001].
            acc_data (numpy.ndarray): Nx4 array, where each row is [time, accX, accY, accZ]. TODO: Use this in orientation determination

        self.data = np.copy(input_data)
        # scale input data
        self.data[:, 0] *= time_scaling
        self.data[:, 1:4] *= gyro_scaling

        # Make sure input data is right handed. Final virtual camera rotation is left-handed
        # while image rotation is right-handed.
        self.data[:, 2] *= -1

        # zero out timestamps
        if zero_out_time:
            self.data[:, 0] -= self.data[0, 0]

        self.num_data_points = self.data.shape[0]

        self.gyro_sample_rate = self.num_data_points / (self.data[-1, 0] -
                                                        self.data[0, 0])

        # initial orientation quaternion
        if type(initial_orientation) != type(None):
            self.orientation = np.array(initial_orientation)
            self.orientation = np.array([1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001])

        # Variables to save integration data
        self.orientation_list = None
        self.time_list = None

        # IMU reference vectors
        self.imuRefX = quat.vector(1, 0, 0)
        self.imuRefY = quat.vector(0, 1, 0)
        self.imuRefY = quat.vector(0, 0, 1)

        self.already_integrated = False
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize instance of gyroIntegrator for getting orientation from gyro data

            input_data (numpy.ndarray): Nx4 array, where each row is [time, gyroX,gyroY,gyroZ]
            time_scaling (int, optional): time * time_scaling should give time in second. Defaults to 1.
            gyro_scaling (int, optional): gyro<xyz> * gyro_scaling should give angular velocity in rad/s. Defaults to 1.
            zero_out_time (bool, optional): Always start time at 0 in the output data. Defaults to True.
            initial_orientation (float[4]): Quaternion representing the starting orientation, Defaults to [1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001].

        self.data = np.copy(input_data)
        # scale input data
        self.data[:, 0] *= time_scaling
        self.data[:, 1:4] *= gyro_scaling

        # zero out timestamps
        if zero_out_time:
            self.data[:, 0] -= self.data[0, 0]

        self.num_data_points = self.data.shape[0]

        # initial orientation quaternion
        if initial_orientation:
            self.orientation = np.array(initial_orientation)
            self.orientation = np.array([1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001])

        # Variables to save integration data
        self.orientation_list = None
        self.time_list = None

        # IMU reference vectors
        self.imuRefX = quart.vector(1, 0, 0)
        self.imuRefY = quart.vector(0, 1, 0)
        self.imuRefY = quart.vector(0, 0, 1)

        self.already_integrated = False
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize instance of gyroIntegrator for getting orientation from gyro data

            gyro_data (numpy.ndarray): Nx4 array, where each row is [time, gyroX,gyroY,gyroZ]
            time_scaling (int, optional): time * time_scaling should give time in second. Defaults to 1.
            gyro_scaling (int, optional): gyro<xyz> * gyro_scaling should give angular velocity in rad/s. Defaults to 1.
            zero_out_time (bool, optional): Always start time at 0 in the output data. Defaults to True.
            initial_orientation (float[4]): Quaternion representing the starting orientation, Defaults to [1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001].
            acc_data (numpy.ndarray): Nx4 array, where each row is [time, accX, accY, accZ]. TODO: Use this in orientation determination
            acc_scaling (float): Scaling to give the acceleration in g

        # data is only the gyro
        self.gyro = np.copy(gyro_data)
        self.acc = None

        self.last_used_acc = False

        self.acc_cutoff = 1  # Hz, low cutoff
        self.acc_available = False
        if type(acc_data) != type(None):
            # resample if they don't already match
            if self.gyro.shape[0] == acc_data.shape[0]:
                self.acc_available = True

                self.acc = np.copy(acc_data)
                self.gyro[:, 0] *= time_scaling
                self.gyro[:, 1:4] *= acc_scaling
                print("Gyro and acceleration data don't line up")
                self.acc_available = False
        #if self.acc_available:
        # Check for corrupted/out of order timestamps
        time_order_check = self.gyro[:-1, 0] > self.gyro[1:, 0]
        if np.any(time_order_check):
            print("Truncated bad gyro data")
            self.gyro = self.gyro[0:np.argmax(time_order_check) + 1, :]
            if self.acc_available:
                self.acc = self.acc[0:np.argmax(time_order_check) + 1, :]

        # scale input data
        self.gyro[:, 0] *= time_scaling
        self.gyro[:, 1:4] *= gyro_scaling

        # Make sure input data is right handed. Final virtual camera rotation is left-handed
        # while image rotation is right-handed. Improve this later
        #self.gyro[:,2] *= -1 # y axis

        # zero out timestamps
        if zero_out_time:
            self.gyro[:, 0] -= self.gyro[0, 0]
            if self.acc_available:
                self.acc[:, 0] -= self.acc[0, 0]

        self.num_data_points = self.gyro.shape[0]

        self.gyro_sample_rate = self.num_data_points / (self.gyro[-1, 0] -
                                                        self.gyro[0, 0])

        # initial orientation quaternion
        if type(initial_orientation) != type(None):
            self.initial_orientation = np.array(initial_orientation)
            self.orientation = np.array(initial_orientation)
            self.initial_orientation = np.array([1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001])
            self.orientation = np.array([1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001])

        # Variables to save integration data
        self.orientation_list = None
        self.time_list = None

        # IMU reference vectors
        self.imuRefX = quat.vector(1, 0, 0)
        self.imuRefY = quat.vector(0, 1, 0)
        self.imuRefY = quat.vector(0, 0, 1)

        # Gravity vector
        # points upwards, since it's equivalent to an upwards acceleration at rest
        self.grav_vec = np.array([0, 1, 0])  # Per convention it's upwards

        self.already_integrated = False

        self.smoothing_algo = None

        self.interp_times = None
        self.interp_orientations = None