Exemple #1
 def make_calibration_vector(self):
     head_ori = qa.norm(self.store_head_ori.mean(axis=0))
     Ni        = self.store_head_pos.mean(axis=0)
     self.Qi   = qa.norm(self.store_glasses_ori.mean(axis=0))
     Ti        = self.store_glasses_pos.mean(axis=0)
     self.tp = TP(self.Qi, Ni, Ti)
     if ((np.any(np.isnan(head_ori))) == True or (np.any(np.isnan(Ni))) == True
     or (np.any(np.isnan(self.Qi))) == True or (np.any(np.isnan(Ti))) == True):
         sys.stdout.write("!!!!!!!! Calibration complete! !!!!!!!!!!!\n")
     msg_str_pos = "%.5e, " * 3
     msg_str_ori = "%.5e, " * 4
     sys.stdout.write('Cz orientation:    ')
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_ori % (head_ori[0], head_ori[1], head_ori[2],\
                                 head_ori[3]) + "\n")
     sys.stdout.write('Cz position:       ')
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_pos % (Ni[0], Ni[1], Ni[2]) + "\n")
     sys.stdout.write('Glasses orientation:     ')
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_ori % (self.Qi[0], self.Qi[1], self.Qi[2], self.Qi[3]) + "\n")
     sys.stdout.write('Glasses position:        ')
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_pos % (Ti[0], Ti[1], Ti[2]) + "\n")
     sys.stdout.write("********** Calibration complete! ***********\n")
     self.calibrated = True
     self.got_coil = False
     self.got_head = False
 def test_slerp(self):
     q = qarray.norm(np.array([[2., 3, 4, 5],
                   [6, 7, 8, 9]]))
     time = [0, 9] 
     targettime = [0, 3, 4.5, 9]
     q_interp = qarray.slerp(
     self.assertEquals(len(q_interp), 4)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(q_interp[0], q[0])
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(q_interp[-1], q[-1])
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(q_interp[1], qarray.norm(q[0] * 2/3 + q[1]/3),decimal=4)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(q_interp[2], qarray.norm((q[0] + q[1])/2),decimal=4)
Exemple #3
 def load_config(self, config_file):
     cfg = PyFileConfigLoader(config_file)
     self.config = cfg.config
     # special casing for SAMPLE_GENERATED
     if (self.config.trigger == 'SAMPLE_GENERATED'):
         self.config.trigger_msg = rc.MT_SAMPLE_GENERATED
         self.config.trigger_mdf = rc.MDF_SAMPLE_GENERATED
         self.config.trigger_msg = \
             eval('rc.MT_' + self.config.trigger)
         self.config.trigger_mdf = \
             eval('rc.MDF_' + self.config.trigger)
     print "Triggering with", self.config.trigger
     print "CoilPlotter: loading config"
     #Getting tool message number
     self.plate = self.config.tools.index('CB609')
     self.marker = self.config.tools.index('CT315')
     self.glasses = self.config.tools.index('ST568')
     self.pointer = self.config.tools.index('P717')
     #Get tool P717 calibration values for pointer calculation
     self.pointer_Ti = np.array(self.config.tool_list[self.pointer].Ti)
     self.pointer_Qi = qa.norm(np.array(self.config.tool_list[self.pointer].Qi))
     self.pointer_Ni = np.array(self.config.tool_list[self.pointer].Ni)
     self.pointer_tp = TP(self.pointer_Qi, self.pointer_Ni, self.pointer_Ti)
Exemple #4
def quaternion_mean(q):
    average = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
    for i in q:
        if check_same(q, i) == False:
            i = change_sign(i)
        average = average + i
    return qa.norm(average / q.shape[0])
Exemple #5
 def process_message(self, msg):
     # read a Dragonfly message
     msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type
     dest_mod_id = msg.GetHeader().dest_mod_id
     if msg_type == MT_EXIT:
         if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()):
             print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...'
     elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING:
         respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'PlotHead')
     elif msg_type == rc.MT_POLARIS_POSITION:
         in_mdf = rc.MDF_POLARIS_POSITION()
         copy_from_msg(in_mdf, msg)
         positions = np.asarray(in_mdf.xyz[:])
         orientations = self.shuffle_q(np.asarray(in_mdf.ori[:]))
         if in_mdf.tool_id == (self.pointer + 1):
             Qf = qa.norm(orientations)
             Qr = qa.mult(Qf, qa.inv(self.pointer_Qi)).flatten()
             #find_nans(self.store_head, Qr, 'Qr')
             Tk = positions
             #find_nans(self.store_head, Tk, 'Tk')
             tip_pos = (qa.rotate(Qr, self.pointer_Xi) + Tk).flatten()
             self.pointer_position = np.append(self.pointer_position,
                                               (tip_pos[np.newaxis, :]),
             #self.pl.reset(x=self.pointer_position[:,0], y=self.pointer_position[:,1], z=self.pointer_position[:,2])
             print("old=", tip_pos)
             print("new=", self.tp.get_pos(orientations, positions)[0])
Exemple #6
    def get_4piconv(self, ch, theta, phi, psi, horn_pointing=False):
        l.info('Computing dipole temperature with 4pi convolver')
        vel = qarray.amplitude(self.satellite_v).flatten()
        beta = vel / physcon.c
        gamma = 1./np.sqrt(1-beta**2)
        unit_vel = self.satellite_v/vel[:,None]
        if horn_pointing: # psi comes from the S channel, so there is no need 
        # to remove psi_pol
            psi_nopol = psi
            # remove psi_pol
            psi_nopol = psi - np.radians(ch.get_instrument_db_field("psi_pol"))
        # rotate vel to ecliptic
        # phi around z
        #ecl_rotation = qarray.rotation([0,0,1], -phi)
        # theta around y
        ecl_rotation = qarray.norm( qarray.mult(
            qarray.rotation([0,0,1], -psi_nopol) ,
                        qarray.rotation([0,1,0], -theta) , 
                        qarray.rotation([0,0,1], -phi)
        # psi around z
        #ecl_rotation = qarray.mult(qarray.rotation([0,0,1], -psi) , ecl_rotation)
        # vel in beam ref frame
        vel_rad = qarray.rotate(ecl_rotation, unit_vel)

        cosdir = qarray.arraylist_dot(vel_rad, self.beam_sum[ch.tag]).flatten()
        #return beta * cosdir * T_CMB
        return (1. / ( gamma * (1 - beta * cosdir ) ) - 1) * T_CMB
Exemple #7
 def compute_psi_dx8(self, theta, phi, rad):
     z = np.dot(self.siam.get(rad),[0, 0, 1])
     vecz = qarray.norm(qarray.rotate(self.qsatgal_interp, z))
     e_phi = np.hstack([-np.sin(phi)[:,np.newaxis], np.cos(phi)[:,np.newaxis], np.zeros([len(phi),1])])
     e_theta = np.hstack([(np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi))[:,np.newaxis], (np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi))[:,np.newaxis], -np.sin(theta)[:,np.newaxis]])
     psi = np.arctan2(-qarray.arraylist_dot(vecz, e_phi), -qarray.arraylist_dot(vecz, e_theta))
     return psi.flatten()
    def process_message(self, in_msg):

        msg_type = in_msg.GetHeader().msg_type
        if msg_type == rc.MT_POLARIS_POSITION:
            # handling input message
            in_mdf = rc.MDF_POLARIS_POSITION()
            copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg)
            positions = np.array(in_mdf.xyz[:])
            orientations = self.shuffle_q(np.array(in_mdf.ori[:]))

            # np.testing.assert_array_equal(positions[:,0], orientations[:,0], err_msg='Samples are not aligned')

            if self.calibrated:
                if in_mdf.tool_id == (self.marker + 1):
                    # calculating output
                    self.Qk = qa.norm(
                    )  # need to find a way to discriminate the tools files in the messages???
                    Qr = qa.mult(self.Qk, qa.inv(self.Qi)).flatten()
                    Tk = positions
                    hotspot_position = (qa.rotate(Qr, self.Xi) + Tk).flatten()
                    hotspot_vector_head = qa.rotate(Qr, plate_vector)
                    if np.any(np.isnan(hotspot_position)) == True:
                        print "x",
                        # print '         *****nan present, check coil is within frame!*****'

                    # creating output message
                    out_mdf = rc.MDF_HOTSPOT_POSITION()
                    out_mdf.xyz[:] = hotspot_position
                    out_mdf.ori[:3] = hotspot_vector_head  # Qk - coil active orientation
                    out_mdf.sample_header = in_mdf.sample_header
                    msg = CMessage(rc.MT_HOTSPOT_POSITION)
                    copy_to_msg(out_mdf, msg)

                if np.any(np.isnan(positions)) == True:
                    raise Exception, "nan present"
                if np.any(np.isnan(orientations)) == True:
                    raise Exception, "nan present"
                if (
                    (self.store_plate >= self.store_plate_pos.shape[0])
                    & (self.store_plate >= self.store_plate_ori.shape[0])
                    & (self.store_coil >= self.store_coil_pos.shape[0])
                    & (self.store_coil >= self.store_coil_ori.shape[0])
                    self.calibrating = False
                elif in_mdf.tool_id == (self.marker + 1):
                    self.store_coil_pos[self.store_coil, :] = positions
                    self.store_coil_ori[self.store_coil, :] = orientations
                    self.store_coil += 1
                elif in_mdf.tool_id == (self.plate + 1):
                    self.store_plate_pos[self.store_plate, :] = positions
                    self.store_plate_ori[self.store_plate, :] = orientations
                    self.store_plate += 1
Exemple #9
 def process_message(self, in_msg):
     msg_type = in_msg.GetHeader().msg_type
     #print('? %d STATUS=%s TESTING=%s' % (msg_type, str(self.status), str(self.testing)))
     if msg_type == rc.MT_POLARIS_POSITION:
         # handling input message
         in_mdf = rc.MDF_POLARIS_POSITION()
         copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg)
         if in_mdf.tool_id == (self.glasses + 1):
             positions = np.array(in_mdf.xyz[:])
             orientations = qa.norm(self.shuffle_q(np.array(in_mdf.ori[:])))
             self.find_pos_to_glasses(positions, orientations)
Exemple #10
 def make_calibration_vector(self):
     plate_ori = qa.norm(self.store_plate_ori.mean(axis=0))
     Ni = self.store_plate_pos.mean(axis=0)
     self.Qi = qa.norm(self.store_coil_ori.mean(axis=0))
     Ti = self.store_coil_pos.mean(axis=0)
     msg_str_pos = "%.5e, " * 3
     msg_str_ori = "%.5e, " * 4
     sys.stdout.write("Plate orientation:    ")
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_ori % (plate_ori[0], plate_ori[1], plate_ori[2], plate_ori[3]) + "\n")
     sys.stdout.write("Plate position:       ")
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_pos % (Ni[0], Ni[1], Ni[2]) + "\n")
     sys.stdout.write("Coil orientation:     ")
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_ori % (self.Qi[0], self.Qi[1], self.Qi[2], self.Qi[3]) + "\n")
     sys.stdout.write("Coil position:        ")
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_pos % (Ti[0], Ti[1], Ti[2]) + "\n")
     self.Xi = Ni - Ti
     sys.stdout.write("Vector:        ")
     sys.stdout.write(msg_str_pos % (self.Xi[0], self.Xi[1], self.Xi[2]) + "\n")
     sys.stdout.write("********** Calibration complete! ***********\n")
     self.calibrated = True
Exemple #11
 def process_message(self, in_msg):
     # read a Dragonfly message
     msg_type = in_msg.GetHeader().msg_type
     if msg_type == rc.MT_POLARIS_POSITION:
         # handling input message
         in_mdf = rc.MDF_POLARIS_POSITION()
         copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg)
         positions = np.array(in_mdf.xyz[:])
         orientations = qa.norm(self.shuffle_q(np.array(in_mdf.ori[:])))
         if in_mdf.tool_id == (self.pointer + 1):
             pointer_pos, Qr = self.pointer_tp.get_pos(
                 orientations, positions)
             print pointer_pos
Exemple #12
 def load_config(self, config_file):
     cfg = PyFileConfigLoader(config_file)
     self.config = cfg.config
     print "HotspotLocator: loading config"
     #self.ntools = len(self.config.tool_list)
     self.plate = self.config.tools.index('CB609')
     self.marker = self.config.tools.index('CT315')
     self.glasses = self.config.tools.index('ST568')
     self.pointer = self.config.tools.index('P717')
     self.pointer_Ti = np.array(self.config.tool_list[self.pointer].Ti)
     self.pointer_Qi = qa.norm(
     self.pointer_Ni = np.array(self.config.tool_list[self.pointer].Ni)
     self.pointer_tp = TP(self.pointer_Qi, self.pointer_Ni, self.pointer_Ti)
Exemple #13
 def load_config(self, config_file):
     cfg = PyFileConfigLoader(config_file)
     self.config = cfg.config
     self.filename = self.config.head_model
     self.plate = self.config.tools.index('CB609')
     self.marker = self.config.tools.index('CT315')
     self.glasses = self.config.tools.index('ST568')
     self.pointer = self.config.tools.index('P717')
     self.pointer_Ti = np.array(self.config.tool_list[self.pointer].Ti)
     self.pointer_Qi = qa.norm(
     self.pointer_Ni = np.array(self.config.tool_list[self.pointer].Ni)
     self.pointer_Xi = self.pointer_Ni - self.pointer_Ti
     self.tp = TP(self.pointer_Qi, self.pointer_Ni, self.pointer_Ti)
Exemple #14
 def get(self, ch, vec, maximum=False):
     l.info('Computing dipole temperature')
     #T_dipole_CMB = doppler_factor(qarray.arraylist_dot(self.satellite_v,vec).flatten()) * T_CMB
     vel = qarray.amplitude(self.satellite_v).flatten()
     beta = vel / physcon.c
     if maximum:
         cosdir = 1
         cosdir = qarray.arraylist_dot(qarray.norm(self.satellite_v), vec).flatten()
     T_dipole_CMB = T_CMB / (gamma * ( 1 - beta * cosdir ))
     #T_dipole_CMB = T_CMB * (1 - beta * cosdir )
     if self.K_CMB:
         return T_dipole_CMB - T_CMB
         T_dipole_RJ = ch.Planck_to_RJ( T_dipole_CMB ) - ch.Planck_to_RJ(T_CMB)
         return T_dipole_RJ
Exemple #15
 def calibrate_head(self, in_msg):
     msg_type = in_msg.GetHeader().msg_type
     if msg_type == rc.MT_POLARIS_POSITION:
         # handling input message
         in_mdf = rc.MDF_POLARIS_POSITION()
         copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg)
         positions = np.asarray(in_mdf.xyz[:])
         orientations = self.shuffle_q(np.asarray(in_mdf.ori[:]))
         #When arrays have been filled the calibration vector is generated
         if (
             (self.store_glasses >= self.store_glasses_pos.shape[0]) & 
             (self.store_glasses >= self.store_glasses_ori.shape[0]) & 
             (self.store_head >= self.store_head_pos.shape[0]) & 
             (self.store_head >= self.store_head_ori.shape[0])
             self.calibrating = False
         #Pointer is measured from ball 1, pointer end must be calculated
         elif in_mdf.tool_id == (self.pointer + 1):
             if self.store_head < self.store_head_pos.shape[0]:
                 if np.any(np.isnan(positions)) == True:
                     raise Exception, 'nan present'
                 elif np.any(np.isnan(orientations)) == True:
                     raise Exception, 'nan present'
                 Qf = qa.norm(orientations) #Sometimes gets nan, source unknown
                 if np.any(np.isnan(Qf)):
                     print(self.store_head, 'Qf', orientations)
                 #find_nans(self.store_head, Tk, 'Tk')
                 Cz_pos, Qr = self.pointer_tp.get_pos(orientations, positions)
                 #find_nans(self.store_head, Cz_pos, 'Cz')
                 self.store_head_pos[self.store_head, :] = Cz_pos
                 self.store_head_ori[self.store_head, :] = orientations
                 self.store_head += 1
         elif in_mdf.tool_id == (self.glasses + 1):
             if self.store_glasses < self.store_glasses_pos.shape[0]:
                 if np.any(np.isnan(positions)) == True:
                     raise Exception, 'nan present'
                 if np.any(np.isnan(orientations)) == True:
                     raise Exception, 'nan present'
                 self.store_glasses_pos[self.store_glasses, :] = positions
                 self.store_glasses_ori[self.store_glasses, :] = orientations
                 self.store_glasses += 1    
Exemple #16
    def get_4piconv_dx10(self, ch, theta, phi, psi):
        l.info('Computing dipole temperature with 4pi convolver')
        rel_vel = self.satellite_v/physcon.c
        # remove psi_pol
        psi_nopol = psi - np.radians(ch.get_instrument_db_field("psi_pol"))
        # rotate vel to horn reference frame
        tohorn_rotation = qarray.norm( qarray.mult(
            qarray.rotation([0,0,1], -psi_nopol) ,
                        qarray.rotation([0,1,0], -theta) , 
                        qarray.rotation([0,0,1], -phi)
        # vel in beam ref frame
        vel_rad = qarray.rotate(tohorn_rotation, rel_vel)

        dipole_amplitude = self.get_fourpi_prod(vel_rad, ["S100", "S010", "S001"], ch)

        # relative corrections
        dipole_amplitude += vel_rad[:,0] * self.get_fourpi_prod(vel_rad, ["S200", "S110", "S101"], ch)/2
        dipole_amplitude += vel_rad[:,1] * self.get_fourpi_prod(vel_rad, ["S110", "S020", "S011"], ch)/2
        dipole_amplitude += vel_rad[:,2] * self.get_fourpi_prod(vel_rad, ["S101", "S011", "S002"], ch)/2

        return dipole_amplitude * T_CMB
    def process_message(self, in_msg):
        msg_type = in_msg.GetHeader().msg_type
        #print('? %d STATUS=%s TESTING=%s' % (msg_type, str(self.status), str(self.testing)))
        if self.status == False:
        elif self.testing:
            if msg_type == rc.MT_POLARIS_POSITION:
                # handling input message
                in_mdf = rc.MDF_POLARIS_POSITION()
                copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg)
                positions = np.array(in_mdf.xyz[:])
                orientations = qa.norm(self.shuffle_q(np.array(in_mdf.ori[:])))
                if self.Ptest_count == 250 & self.Gtest_count == 250:
                    self.testing = False
                    self.status = False
                    print 'done'
                    if in_mdf.tool_id == (self.pointer + 1):
                        self.pointer_test[self.Ptest_count, :] = positions
                        if np.any(np.isnan(positions)) == True:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Pointer: NaN present')
                            self.Gtest_count -= 1
                        elif np.any(np.isnan(orientations)) == True:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Pointer: NaN present')
                            self.Gtest_count -= 1
                        elif np.any(np.isinf(positions)) == True:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Pointer: inf present')
                            self.Gtest_count -= 1
                        elif np.any(np.isinf(orientations)) == True:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Pointer: inf present')
                            self.Gtest_count -= 1
                        elif np.all(positions) == positions[0]:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Pointer: Zeros present')
                            self.Gtest_count -= 1
                        elif np.all(orientations) == orientations[0]:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Pointer: Zeros present')
                            self.Gtest_count -= 1
                            self.Ptest_count += 1

                    if in_mdf.tool_id == (self.glasses + 1):
                        self.headP_test[self.Gtest_count, :] = positions
                        self.headQ_test[self.Gtest_count, :] = orientations
                        if np.any(np.isnan(positions)) == True:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Glasses: NaN present')
                            self.Ptest_count -= 1
                        elif np.any(np.isnan(orientations)) == True:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Glasses: NaN present')
                            self.Ptest_count -= 1
                        elif np.any(np.isinf(positions)) == True:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Glasses: inf present')
                            self.Ptest_count -= 1
                        elif np.any(np.isinf(orientations)) == True:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Glasses: inf present')
                            self.Ptest_count -= 1
                        elif np.all(positions) == positions[0]:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Glasses: Zeros present')
                            self.Ptest_count -= 1
                        elif np.all(orientations) == orientations[0]:
                            sys.stdout.write('\n Glasses: Zeros present')
                            self.Ptest_count -= 1
                            self.Gtest_count += 1
                            print orientations

                    if (self.Ptest_count < 0) or (self.Gtest_count < 0):
                        self.Gtest_count = 0

            if msg_type == rc.MT_POLARIS_POSITION:
                # handling input message
                in_mdf = rc.MDF_POLARIS_POSITION()
                copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg)
                if in_mdf.tool_id == (self.glasses + 1):
                    positions = np.array(in_mdf.xyz[:])
                    orientations = qa.norm(
                    self.glasses_pos_buffer = positions
                    self.glasses_orientation_buffer = orientations
            elif msg_type == rc.MT_HOTSPOT_POSITION:
                in_mdf = rc.MDF_HOTSPOT_POSITION()
                copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg)
                positions = np.array(in_mdf.xyz[:])
                vector = np.array(in_mdf.ori[:3])
                self.coil_pos_buffer = positions
                self.coil_vector_buffer = vector

            elif msg_type == rc.MT_TMS_TRIGGER:

            # In[13]:

            q = np.empty([len(vec), 4], dtype=np.float)

            # In[14]:

            n = len(vec)
            for i in range(n):
                rotmat = np.hstack([ vec_north[i,:][:,np.newaxis],
                                     np.cross(vec[i,:], vec_north[i,:])[:,np.newaxis],
                q[i] = qa.norm(qa.from_rotmat(rotmat))
                if (i > 0):
                    if np.dot(q[i], q[i-1]) < 0:
                        q[i] *= -1

            # `rotmat` / `q` are the rotation matrix / quaternion between the local system and Equatorial coordinates

            # ### Interpolation

            # In[18]:

            jd = pointing.index.to_julian_date()

            # In[19]:
    prec_ang_speed = 2 * np.pi / prec_period_seconds
    rot_prec_opening = qa.rotation(z_axis, -np.radians(40))
    prec_angles = (timestamps * prec_ang_speed) % (2 * np.pi)
    rot_prec = qa.mult(qa.rotation(x_axis, prec_angles), rot_prec_opening)

    # Spin

    spin_period_seconds = 60
    spin_ang_speed = 2 * np.pi / spin_period_seconds
    spin_angles = (timestamps * spin_ang_speed) % (2 * np.pi)
    rot_opening = qa.rotation(z_axis, -np.radians(10))
    rot_spin = qa.mult(qa.rotation(x_axis, spin_angles), rot_opening)

    # Total quaternions to boresight

    bore_quat = qa.norm(qa.mult(rot_earth_orbit, qa.mult(rot_prec, rot_spin)))

    bore_v = qa.rotate(bore_quat, x_axis)
    pix_1det = hp.vec2pix(nside,
                          bore_v[:, 0],
                          bore_v[:, 1],
                          bore_v[:, 2],

    pixels = np.tile(pix_1det, ndet)

    # polarization weights

    bore_v_proj_ortog = np.hstack([
        -bore_v[:, [1]], bore_v[:, [0]],
        np.zeros(len(bore_v))[:, np.newaxis]
Exemple #20
 def get_pos(self, Qk, Tk):
     Qk = qa.norm(Qk)
     Qr = (qa.mult(Qk, qa.inv(self.Qi))).flatten()
     pos = (qa.rotate(Qr, self.Xi)).flatten() + Tk
     return pos, Qr
 def test_norm(self):
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(qarray.norm(self.q1), self.q1/np.linalg.norm(self.q1))
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(qarray.norm(self.qtonormalize) , self.qnormalized)