def build_team_stats(cursor, the_team, the_world=None): current_turn = common.current_turn() the_stat = stat.Stat() # Primary keys # ------------------------ the_stat.turn = current_turn = # Team population and slaves # ------------------------ the_stat.population = the_team.get_population(cursor) the_stat.slaves = the_team.get_slaves(cursor) # Resources # ------------------------ the_stat.resources = the_team.get_resources(cursor).as_db_string() the_stat.upkeep = float(team_f.get_upkeep(the_team, the_world)) the_stat.production = team_rules.produce_resources(cursor, the_team, the_world=the_world)[0].as_db_string() # Military stuff # ------------------------ the_stat.army_size = team_q.get_army_size(cursor, the_stat.navy_size = team_q.get_navy_size(cursor, the_stat.airforce_size = team_q.get_airforce_size(cursor, # Solo units # ------------------------ the_stat.operatives = the_team.operative_count(cursor) the_stat.mages = team_q.get_mage_count(cursor, # Other # ------------------------ the_stat.land_controlled = len(mapper_f.team_influence(the_world, the_stat.city_count = len(city_q.get_cities_from_team(cursor, the_stat.war_losses = battle_q.get_team_losses(cursor, # Specifics # ------------------------ # the_stat.temple_count = stat_q.get_temple_count(cursor, # Delete (to allow insert) delete_stat(cursor,, current_turn) # Insert insert_stat(cursor, the_stat)
def main(cursor): team_dict = team_q.get_real_active_teams(cursor) # Caching team_q.mass_get_team_resources(cursor, team_dict) # Defaults largest_army_id = -1 largest_army_size = -1 largest_navy_id = -1 largest_navy_size = -1 most_materials_id = -1 most_materials_size = -1 most_population_id = -1 most_population_size = -1 most_slaves_id = -1 most_slaves_size = -1 most_mages_id = -1 most_mages_size = -1 most_operatives_id = -1 most_operatives_size = -1 most_land_id = -1 most_land_size = -1 for t, the_team in team_dict.items(): # LARGEST ARMY? #------------------------ size = team_q.get_army_size(cursor, if size > largest_army_size: largest_army_size = size largest_army_id = t # LARGEST NAVY? #------------------------ size = team_q.get_navy_size(cursor, if size > largest_navy_size: largest_navy_size = size largest_navy_id = t # RICHEST NATION #------------------------ if the_team.resources.get("Materials") > most_materials_size: most_materials_size = the_team.resources.get("Materials") most_materials_id = t # LARGEST POPULATION #------------------------ if the_team.get_population(cursor) > most_population_size: most_population_size = the_team.get_population(cursor) most_population_id = t # MOST SLAVES #------------------------ if the_team.get_slaves(cursor) > most_slaves_size: most_slaves_size = the_team.get_slaves(cursor) most_slaves_id = t # MOST MAGES #------------------------ size = team_q.get_mage_count(cursor, if size > most_mages_size: most_mages_size = size most_mages_id = t # MOST OPERATIVES #------------------------ if the_team.operative_count(cursor) > most_operatives_size: most_operatives_size = the_team.operative_count(cursor) most_operatives_id = t # LAND CONTROLLED #------------------------ stat_f.check_team_stats(cursor, the_team) team_stats = the_team.get_stats(cursor) if team_stats[common.current_turn()].land_controlled > most_land_size: most_land_size = team_stats[common.current_turn()].land_controlled most_land_id = t # Formatting largest_army_size = common.number_format(largest_army_size) largest_navy_size = common.number_format(largest_navy_size) most_materials_size = common.number_format(int(most_materials_size)) most_population_size = common.number_format(most_population_size) most_slaves_size = common.number_format(most_slaves_size) most_mages_size = common.number_format(most_mages_size) most_operatives_size = common.number_format(most_operatives_size) most_land_size = round(most_land_size, 2) output = [] the_world = world.World(cursor) for t, the_team in team_dict.items(): output.append("\n\t%s" % # Military if largest_army_id == t: output.append("1: Largest army (%s)" % largest_army_size) if largest_navy_id == t: output.append("1: Largest navy (%s)" % largest_navy_size) # Resources if most_materials_id == t: output.append("1: Richest nation (%s)" % most_materials_size) produced_resources, new_resources = team_rules.produce_resources(cursor, the_team, the_world) if new_resources.get("Iron") > 0 and new_resources.get("Stone") > 0 and new_resources.get("Wood") > 0: output.append("2: Own a supply of each resource") # Population if most_population_id == t: output.append("1: Most population (%s)" % most_population_size) if most_slaves_id == t: output.append("1: Most slaves (%s)" % most_slaves_size) # Special units if most_mages_id == t: output.append("1: Most mages (%s)" % most_mages_size) if most_operatives_id == t: output.append("1: Most operatives (%s)" % most_operatives_size) # Land controlled if most_land_id == t: output.append("1: Most land controlled (%s)" % most_land_size) # campaigns #------------------------ campaign_dict = campaign_q.get_campaigns_from_team(cursor, t, include_secret=True, since_turn=common.current_turn()-4) team_war_count = 0 team_campaign_dict = {} # if t == 71: # print("") # for k, v in campaign_dict.items(): # print(, " - ", v.turn, "<br />") if campaign_dict != ([], {}): for k, the_campaign in campaign_dict.items(): team_campaign_dict[the_campaign.turn] = True if len(team_campaign_dict) == 1: output.append("1: Only one year with a war") elif len(team_campaign_dict) > 1: output.append("%s: %s years with wars" % (len(team_campaign_dict), len(team_campaign_dict))) # Roleplay? output.append("? 1: Good roleplay") return ' <textarea rows="40" style="width:99%%;">%s</textarea>' % "\n".join(output)