Exemple #1
    def save(self):

        treepath = resource.getResource("resource:run.tree")
        runTree = common.parseTree(treepath, root=self.name)
        bctree = self.project._getBCTree()

        cm = configuration.ConfigurationManager(savespace=self.path)

        def write(cm, originalconfid, confid):
            def isCellzoneSet():
                l = [item[0] for item in self.cellzone]
		return confid in l

            def check(cellzonetype):
                if isCellzoneSet():
                    index = [item[0] for item in self.cellzone].index(confid)
                    if self.cellzone[index][1]:
                        return cellzonetype in self.cellzone[index][1]
			return None

            confdata = cm.getConfiguration(originalconfid)
            confdata['id'] = confid
            path = cm._getSavedFilePath(confid)
            quickidmap = {}
            for i in confdata['ITEMS']:
                quickidmap[i['quickid']] = "_".join([i['quickid'], confid])

            for i in confdata['ITEMS']:
                if i['quickid'] == "por_zone" and check("Porous Zone"):
                    i['value'] = True
                elif i['quickid'] == "rotating_zone" and check("Rotating Zone"):
                    i['value'] = True
                i['quickid'] = quickidmap[i['quickid']]
                if 'hideon' in i:
                    hideon = i['hideon']
                    for k,v in quickidmap.items():
                        hideon = hideon.replace(k, v)
                    i['hideon'] = hideon
                print i['quickid']
            cm._writeConfiguration(confdata, path)

        [write(cm, "__fluid__", fluidid) for fluidid in self.project._getBoundaries(self.project.pfluid)]
        [write(cm, "__wall__", wallid) for wallid in self.project._getBoundaries(self.project.pwall)]
        [write(cm, "__pressure_inlet__", prinlet) for prinlet in self.project._getBoundaries(self.project.pinlet)]
        treepath = os.path.join(self.path, "run.tree")
        common.writeTree(runTree, treepath)
        filepath = os.path.join(self.path, self.name)
        storage.save(self, filepath)
Exemple #2
    def save(self):
        path = os.path.join(self.projectdir, self.name)
	storage.save(self, path)