Exemple #1
def check_hessian_bonds(name, tol=1e-3 * kjmol / angstrom**2):
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    for term in valence.iter_terms('BONDHARM'):
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=1.00, high=2.00) * angstrom
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=1000, high=3000) * kjmol / angstrom**2
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current bond
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0]) > 0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref - num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref - num) == M)[0][0], np.where(
            abs(ref - num) == M)[1][0]
            '%25s (random FC=%8.3f kjmol/A^2    RV=%7.3f A  ):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2'
            % (term.basename, fc /
               (kjmol / angstrom**2), rv / angstrom, iM, jM, M /
               (kjmol / angstrom**2)))
        assert M < tol
    del system, valence, ref, num
Exemple #2
def check_hessian_dihedrals(name, tol=1e-3 * kjmol / angstrom**2):
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    ref, num = None, None
    for term in valence.iter_terms('TORS'):
        psi0 = get_dihedral_angle(term, system)
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=180) * deg  #q0
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=10, high=50) * kjmol
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current dihedral
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0]) > 0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max() < 1e-12 * kjmol / angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref - num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref - num) == M)[0][0], np.where(
            abs(ref - num) == M)[1][0]
            '%25s (eq=%.1f deg    random FC=%8.3f kjmol        RV=%7.3f deg):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2'
            % (term.basename, psi0 / deg, fc / kjmol, rv / deg, iM, jM, M /
               (kjmol / angstrom**2)))
        assert M < tol
    del system, valence, ref, num
Exemple #3
def test_h2():
    #frequency of H2 stretch mode in gaussian.fchk calculation is 4416.656/cm
    #and an equilibrium bond length of 0.7442380 A. This test checks if the
    #force field predicts the same values
    r0 = 0.7442380*angstrom
    freq = (2*np.pi)*4416.65640485*lightspeed/centimeter
    mass = pt['H'].mass/2 #reduced mass for the H2 stretch mode
    #Load system, model and pert. theory and estimate ff
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ai = read_system('H2/gaussian.fchk')
        set_ffatypes(system, 'low')
        program = DeriveFF(system, ai, Settings())
        K_pt, rv_pt = program.valence.get_params(0, only='all')
        K_hc, rv_hc = program.valence.get_params(0, only='all')
    #print results
    print ''
    print 'AI     :    K = %.3f kjmol/A^2    q0 = %.6f A' %(mass*freq**2/(kjmol/angstrom**2), r0/angstrom)
    print 'FF (PT):    K = %.3f kjmol/A^2    q0 = %.6f A' %(K_pt/(kjmol/angstrom**2), rv_pt/angstrom)
    print 'FF (HC):    K = %.3f kjmol/A^2    q0 = %.6f A' %(K_hc/(kjmol/angstrom**2), rv_hc/angstrom)
    print ''
    #perform assertion checks
    assert abs(K_pt/(mass*freq**2)-1.0) < 1e-3
    assert abs(rv_pt/r0-1.0) < 1e-3
    assert abs(K_hc/(mass*freq**2)-1.0) < 1e-3
    assert abs(rv_hc/r0-1.0) < 1e-3
    assert abs(K_hc/K_pt-1.0) < 1e-6
    assert abs(rv_hc/rv_pt-1.0) < 1e-6
Exemple #4
def test_h2():
    #frequency of H2 stretch mode in gaussian.fchk calculation is 4416.656/cm
    #and an equilibrium bond length of 0.7442380 A. This test checks if the
    #force field predicts the same values
    r0 = 0.7442380*angstrom
    freq = (2*np.pi)*4416.65640485*lightspeed/centimeter
    mass = pt['H'].mass/2 #reduced mass for the H2 stretch mode
    #Load system, model and pert. theory and estimate ff
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ai = read_system('H2/gaussian.fchk')
        set_ffatypes(system, 'low')
        program = DeriveFF(system, ai, Settings())
        K_pt, rv_pt = program.valence.get_params(0, only='all')
        K_hc, rv_hc = program.valence.get_params(0, only='all')
    #print results
    print('AI     :    K = %.3f kjmol/A^2    q0 = %.6f A' %(mass*freq**2/(kjmol/angstrom**2), r0/angstrom))
    print('FF (PT):    K = %.3f kjmol/A^2    q0 = %.6f A' %(K_pt/(kjmol/angstrom**2), rv_pt/angstrom))
    print('FF (HC):    K = %.3f kjmol/A^2    q0 = %.6f A' %(K_hc/(kjmol/angstrom**2), rv_hc/angstrom))
    #perform assertion checks
    assert abs(K_pt/(mass*freq**2)-1.0) < 1e-3
    assert abs(rv_pt/r0-1.0) < 1e-3
    assert abs(K_hc/(mass*freq**2)-1.0) < 1e-3
    assert abs(rv_hc/r0-1.0) < 1e-3
    assert abs(K_hc/K_pt-1.0) < 1e-6
    assert abs(rv_hc/rv_pt-1.0) < 1e-6
Exemple #5
    def detect_ffatypes(self, ffatypes=None, ffatype_rules=None, ffatype_level=None):
            Define atom types by explicitely giving them through the
            ffatypes keyword, defining atype rules using the ATSELECT
            language implemented in Yaff (see the Yaff documentation at
            http://molmod.github.io/yaff/ug_atselect.html) or by specifying
            the ffatype_level employing the built-in routine in QuickFF.
        numbers = np.array([pt[symbol].number for symbol in self.structure.get_chemical_symbols()])
        if self.structure.cell is None:
            system = System(numbers, self.structure.positions.copy()*angstrom)
            system = System(numbers, self.structure.positions.copy()*angstrom, rvecs=self.structure.cell*angstrom)

        if not sum([ffatypes is None, ffatype_rules is None, ffatype_level is None]) == 2:
            raise IOError('Exactly one of ffatypes, ffatype_rules and ffatype_level should be defined')

        if ffatypes is not None:
            assert ffatype_rules is None, 'ffatypes and ffatype_rules cannot be defined both'
            system.ffatypes = ffatypes
            system.ffatype_ids = None
        if ffatype_rules is not None:
        if ffatype_level is not None:
            set_ffatypes(system, ffatype_level)

        self.ffatypes = system.ffatypes.copy()
        self.ffatype_ids = system.ffatype_ids.copy()
Exemple #6
def check_terms(name):
    'Check whether all ICs are present in ValenceFF instance'
    #TODO: CROSS terms
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'high')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    #check if every bond is present and harmonic
    for bond in system.iter_bonds():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('BONDHARM'):
            at0, at1 = term.get_atoms()
            if bond[0]==at0 and bond[1]==at1 \
            or bond[0]==at1 and bond[1]==at0:
                assert not found, 'BondHarm term %s was already found!' %str(bond)
                found = True
        assert found, 'No BondHarm term found for bond %s' %str(bond)
    #check if every bend is present
    for angle in system.iter_angles():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('BENDAHARM'):
            at0, at1, at2 = term.get_atoms()
            if angle[0]==at0 and angle[1]==at1 and angle[2]==at2 \
            or angle[0]==at2 and angle[1]==at1 and angle[2]==at0:
                assert not found, 'BendAHarm term %s was already found!' %str(angle)
                found = True
        assert found, 'No BendAHarm term found for bond %s' %str(angle)
    #check if every dihedral is present
    for dihed in system.iter_dihedrals():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('Tors'):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            if dihed[0]==at0 and dihed[1]==at1 and dihed[2]==at2 and dihed[3]==at3\
            or dihed[0]==at3 and dihed[1]==at2 and dihed[2]==at1 and dihed[3]==at0:
                assert not found, 'Torsion term %s was already found!' %str(dihed)
                found = True
        assert found, 'No Torsion term found for bond %s' %str(dihed)
    #check if every oop distance is present and Harm for rv of 0 and SQHARM else
    for oop in system.iter_oops():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('^OOPDIST/.*$', use_re=True):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            for p0, p1, p2 in permutations([at0, at1, at2]):
                if oop[0]==p0 and oop[1]==p1 and oop[2]==p2 and oop[3]==at3:
                    assert not found, 'OopDist term %s was already found!' %str(oop)
                    found = True
        for term in valence.iter_terms('SQOOPDIST'):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            for p0, p1, p2 in permutations([at0, at1, at2]):
                if oop[0]==p0 and oop[1]==p1 and oop[2]==p2 and oop[3]==at3:
                    assert not found, 'SqOopDist term %s was already found!' %str(oop)
                    found = True
        assert found, 'No (Sq)OopDist term found for bond %s (which is %s)' %(
            ' '.join([system.ffatypes[system.ffatype_ids[i]] for i in [at0,at1,at2,at3]])
Exemple #7
def test_methane_consistent_crossterms():
    with log.section('NOSETEST', 2):
        system, ai = read_system('methane/gaussian.fchk')
        set_ffatypes(system, 'high')
        for consistent in [False, True]:
            with tmpdir('test_methane_%s'%('consistent' if consistent else 'inconsistent')) as dn:
                fn_yaff = os.path.join(dn, 'pars_cov.txt')
                fn_sys = os.path.join(dn, 'system.chk')
                program = DeriveFF(system, ai, Settings(consistent_cross_rvs=consistent,
Exemple #8
def test_methane_consistent_crossterms():
    with log.section('NOSETEST', 2):
        system, ai = read_system('methane/gaussian.fchk')
        set_ffatypes(system, 'high')
        for consistent in [False, True]:
            with tmpdir('test_methane_%s'%('consistent' if consistent else 'inconsistent')) as dn:
                fn_yaff = os.path.join(dn, 'pars_cov.txt')
                fn_sys = os.path.join(dn, 'system.chk')
                program = DeriveFF(system, ai, Settings(consistent_cross_rvs=consistent,
Exemple #9
def check_hessian_bends(name, tol=1e-3*kjmol/angstrom**2):
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    for term in valence.iter_terms('BENDAHARM'):
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=10, high=170)*deg
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=100, high=1000)*kjmol/rad**2
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current bend
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0])>0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max()<1e-12*kjmol/angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max()<1e-12*kjmol/angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref-num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref-num)==M)[0][0], np.where(abs(ref-num)==M)[1][0]
        print('%25s (random FC=%8.3f kjmol/rad^2  RV=%7.3f deg):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2' %(term.basename, fc/(kjmol/rad**2), rv/deg, iM, jM, M/(kjmol/angstrom**2)))
        assert M<tol
    del system, valence, ref, num
Exemple #10
def check_hessian_oops(name, tol=1e-3*kjmol/angstrom**2):
    with log.section('PROGRAM', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    for term in valence.iter_terms('/OOPDIST'):
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = 0.0
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=500, high=5000)*kjmol/angstrom**2
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current oop
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0])>0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max()<1e-12*kjmol/angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max()<1e-12*kjmol/angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref-num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref-num)==M)[0][0], np.where(abs(ref-num)==M)[1][0]
        print('%25s (random FC=%8.3f kjmol/A^2    RV=%7.3f A  ):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2' %(
            term.basename, fc/(kjmol/angstrom**2), rv/angstrom, iM, jM, M/(kjmol/angstrom**2)
        assert M<tol
        del ref, num
    for term in valence.iter_terms('SQOOPDIST'):
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=0.01, high=0.1)*angstrom**2
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=500, high=5000)*kjmol/angstrom**4
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current oop
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0])>0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max()<1e-12*kjmol/angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max()<1e-12*kjmol/angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref-num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref-num)==M)[0][0], np.where(abs(ref-num)==M)[1][0]
        print('%25s (random FC=%8.3f kjmol/A^4    RV=%7.3f A^2):   MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2' %(term.basename, fc/(kjmol/angstrom**4), rv/angstrom**2, iM, jM, M/(kjmol/angstrom**2)))
        assert M<tol
        del ref, num
    del system, valence
Exemple #11
def check_hessian_dihedrals(name, tol=1e-3*kjmol/angstrom**2):
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'highest')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    ref, num = None, None
    for term in valence.iter_terms('TORS'):
        psi0 = get_dihedral_angle(term, system)
        inonzero, izero = get_indices_zero_nonzero(term, len(system.numbers))
        rv = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=180)*deg #q0
        fc = np.random.uniform(low=10, high=50)*kjmol
        ref, num = get_analytic_numeric_hessian(valence, term, fc=fc, rv0=rv)
        #assert that hessian elements of atoms not part of the current dihedral
        #are zero
        if len(izero[0])>0:
            assert (abs(ref[izero])).max()<1e-12*kjmol/angstrom**2
            assert (abs(num[izero])).max()<1e-12*kjmol/angstrom**2
        M = (abs(ref-num)).max()
        iM, jM = np.where(abs(ref-num)==M)[0][0], np.where(abs(ref-num)==M)[1][0]
        print('%25s (eq=%.1f deg    random FC=%8.3f kjmol        RV=%7.3f deg):  MaxDev(%2i,%2i)=%.3e kjmol/A^2' %(
            term.basename, psi0/deg, fc/kjmol, rv/deg, iM, jM, M/(kjmol/angstrom**2)
        assert M<tol
    del system, valence, ref, num
Exemple #12
def qff(args=None):
    if args is None:
        args = qff_parse_args()
        args = qff_parse_args(args)
    #define logger
    verbosity = None
    if args.silent:
        verbosity = 'silent'
        if args.very_verbose:
            verbosity = 'highest'
        elif args.verbose:
            verbosity = 'high'
    #get settings
    kwargs = {
        'fn_traj': args.fn_traj,
        'only_traj': args.only_traj,
        'program_mode': args.program_mode,
        'plot_traj': args.plot_traj,
        'xyz_traj': args.xyz_traj,
        'suffix': args.suffix,
        'log_level': verbosity,
        'log_file': args.logfile,
        'ffatypes': args.ffatypes,
        'ei': args.ei,
        'ei_rcut': args.ei_rcut,
        'vdw': args.vdw,
        'vdw_rcut': args.vdw_rcut,
        'covres': args.covres,
    settings = Settings(fn=args.config_file, **kwargs)
    with log.section('INIT', 1, timer='Initializing'):
        log.dump('Initializing system')
        #read system and ab initio reference
        system = None
        energy = 0.0
        grad = None
        hess = None
        pbc = None
        rvecs = None
        for fn in args.fn:
            if fn.endswith('.fchk') or fn.endswith('.xml'):
                numbers, coords, energy, grad, hess, masses, rvecs, pbc = read_abinitio(
                if system is None:
                    system = System(numbers,
                    system.pos = coords.copy()
                    system.cell = Cell(rvecs)
                    system.numbers = numbers.copy()
                    if masses is not None: system.masses = masses.copy()
            elif fn.endswith('.chk'):
                sample = load_chk(fn)
                if 'energy' in list(sample.keys()): energy = sample['energy']
                if 'grad' in list(sample.keys()): grad = sample['grad']
                elif 'gradient' in list(sample.keys()):
                    grad = sample['gradient']
                if 'hess' in list(sample.keys()): hess = sample['hess']
                elif 'hessian' in list(sample.keys()): hess = sample['hessian']
                if 'rvecs' in list(sample.keys()): pbc = [1, 1, 1]
                else: pbc = [0, 0, 0]
                if system is None:
                    system = System.from_file(fn)
                    if 'pos' in list(sample.keys()): system.pos = sample['pos']
                    elif 'coords' in list(sample.keys()):
                        system.pos = sample['coords']
                    if 'rvecs' in list(sample.keys()):
                        system.cell = Cell(sample['rvecs'])
                    elif 'cell' in list(sample.keys()):
                        system.cell = Cell(sample['cell'])
                    if 'bonds' in list(sample.keys()):
                        system.bonds = sample['bonds']
                    if 'ffatypes' in list(sample.keys()):
                        system.ffatypes = sample['ffatypes']
                    if 'ffatype_ids' in list(sample.keys()):
                        system.ffatype_ids = sample['ffatype_ids']
                raise NotImplementedError('File format for %s not supported' %
        assert system is not None, 'No system could be defined from input'
        assert grad is not None, 'No ab initio gradient found in input'
        assert hess is not None, 'No ab initio hessian found in input'
        #complete the system information
        if system.bonds is None: system.detect_bonds()
        if system.masses is None: system.set_standard_masses()
        if system.ffatypes is None:
            if settings.ffatypes is not None:
                set_ffatypes(system, settings.ffatypes)
                raise AssertionError('No atom types defined')
        if settings.do_hess_negfreq_proj:
                'Projecting negative frequencies out of the mass-weighted hessian.'
            with log.section('SYS', 3, 'Initializing'):
                hess = project_negative_freqs(hess, system.masses)
        #construct ab initio reference
        ai = SecondOrderTaylor('ai',
        #detect a priori defined contributions to the force field
        refs = []
        if settings.ei is not None:
            if rvecs is None:
                if settings.ei_rcut is None:
                    rcut = 50 * angstrom
                    rcut = settings.ei_rcut
                ff = ForceField.generate(system, settings.ei, rcut=rcut)
                if settings.ei_rcut is None:
                    rcut = 20 * angstrom
                    rcut = settings.ei_rcut
                ff = ForceField.generate(system,
            refs.append(YaffForceField('EI', ff))
        if settings.vdw is not None:
            ff = ForceField.generate(system,
            refs.append(YaffForceField('vdW', ff))
        if settings.covres is not None:
            ff = ForceField.generate(system, settings.covres)
            refs.append(YaffForceField('Cov res', ff))
    #define quickff program
    assert settings.program_mode in allowed_programs, \
        'Given program mode %s not allowed. Choose one of %s' %(
            ', '.join([prog for prog in allowed_programs if not prog=='BaseProgram'])
    mode = program_modes[settings.program_mode]
    program = mode(system, ai, settings, ffrefs=refs)
    #run program
    return program
Exemple #13
def qff_input_ei(args=None):
    if args is None:
        args = qff_input_ei_parse_args()
        args = qff_input_ei_parse_args(args)
    # Load system file
    if args.fn_sys.endswith('.fchk'):
        numbers, coords, energy, grad, hess, masses, rvecs, pbc = read_abinitio(
            args.fn_sys, do_hess=False)
        system = System(numbers,
        system = System.from_file(args.fn_sys)

    # Guess atom types if needed
    if args.ffatypes is not None:
        set_ffatypes(system, args.ffatypes)
    ffatypes = [system.ffatypes[i] for i in system.ffatype_ids]

    # Load atomic charges
    fn_charges, _, path = args.charges.partition(':')
    if fn_charges.endswith('.h5'):
        with h5.File(fn_charges, 'r') as f:
            if not path in f:
                raise IOError(
                    'Given HDF5 file %s does not contain a dataset %s' %
                    (fn_charges, path))
            charges = f[path][:]
            radii = None
            if args.gaussian:
                path_radii = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'radii')
                if 'radii' in f[path]:
                    radii = average(f['%s/radii' % path][:],
                    radii = average(get_ei_radii(system.numbers),
    elif fn_charges.endswith('.chk'):
        sample = load_chk(fn_charges)
        if path in list(sample.keys()):
            charges = sample[path]
            raise IOError(
                'Given CHK file %s does not contain a dataset with label %s' %
                (fn_charges, path))
        radii = None
        if args.gaussian:
            if 'radii' in list(sample.keys()):
                radii = average(sample['radii'], ffatypes, fmt='dict')
        raise IOError(
            'Invalid extension, fn_charges should be a HDF5 or a CHK file.')

    # Derive charge parameters
    if args.bci:
        constraints = {}
        if args.bci_constraints is not None:
            constraints = read_bci_constraints(args.bci_constraints)
        bcis = charges_to_bcis(charges,
        make_yaff_ei(args.fn_out, None, bcis=bcis, radii=radii)
        charges = average(charges, ffatypes, fmt='dict', verbose=args.verbose)
        make_yaff_ei(args.fn_out, charges, radii=radii)
Exemple #14
def test_output_charmm22():
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ai = read_system('ethanol/gaussian.fchk')
        set_ffatypes(system, 'low')
        with tmpdir('test_output_charmm22') as dn:
            fn_yaff = os.path.join(dn, 'pars_cov.txt')
            fn_charmm22_prm = os.path.join(dn, 'test.prm')
            fn_charmm22_psf = os.path.join(dn, 'test.psf')
            fn_sys = os.path.join(dn, 'system.chk')
            settings = Settings(
                do_cross_ASS=False, do_cross_ASA=False,
                fn_yaff=fn_yaff, fn_sys=fn_sys,
            program = DeriveFF(system, ai, settings)
            assert os.path.isfile(fn_yaff)
            assert os.path.isfile(fn_charmm22_prm)
            assert os.path.isfile(fn_charmm22_psf)
            assert os.path.isfile(fn_sys)

            # Count the number of BOND, ANGLES and DIHEDRAL lines in the PRM file.
            counts = {}
            with open(fn_charmm22_prm, 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    line = line[:line.find('!')].strip()
                    if len(line) == 0:
                    if line in ['BONDS','ANGLES', 'DIHEDRALS', 'IMPROPER']:
                        key = line
                        counts[key] = 0
                        counts[key] += 1
            assert counts['BONDS'] == 4
            assert counts['ANGLES'] == 5
            assert counts['DIHEDRALS'] == 3
            assert counts['IMPROPER'] == 0

            # Count the number atoms, bonds, angles and dihedrals in the PSF file and
            # check for consistency.
            with open(fn_charmm22_psf, 'r') as f:
                natom = 0
                assert next(f) == 'PSF\n'
                for line in f:
                    if '!NATOM' in line:
                        natom = int(line.split()[0])
                assert natom == system.natom
                for iatom in range(natom+1):
                line = next(f)
                assert '!NBOND: bonds' in line
                nbond = int(line.split()[0])
                nline = int(np.ceil(nbond/4.0))
                numbers = (''.join([next(f) for iline in range(nline)])).split()
                assert len(numbers) == nbond*2
                line = next(f)
                assert '!NTHETA: angles' in line
                ntheta = int(line.split()[0])
                nline = int(np.ceil(ntheta/3.0))
                numbers = (''.join([next(f) for iline in range(nline)])).split()
                assert len(numbers) == ntheta*3
                line = next(f)
                assert '!NPHI: dihedrals' in line
                nphi = int(line.split()[0])
                nline = int(np.ceil(nphi/2.0))
                numbers = (''.join([next(f) for iline in range(nline)])).split()
                assert len(numbers) == nphi*4
                line = next(f)
                assert '!NIMPHI: impropers' in line
                nimphi = int(line.split()[0])
                assert nimphi == 0
Exemple #15
def check_terms(name):
    'Check whether all ICs are present in ValenceFF instance'
    #TODO: CROSS terms
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ref = read_system(name)
        set_ffatypes(system, 'high')
        valence = ValenceFF(system, Settings())
    #check if every bond is present and harmonic
    for bond in system.iter_bonds():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('BONDHARM'):
            at0, at1 = term.get_atoms()
            if bond[0]==at0 and bond[1]==at1 \
            or bond[0]==at1 and bond[1]==at0:
                assert not found, 'BondHarm term %s was already found!' % str(
                found = True
        assert found, 'No BondHarm term found for bond %s' % str(bond)
    #check if every bend is present
    for angle in system.iter_angles():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('BENDAHARM'):
            at0, at1, at2 = term.get_atoms()
            if angle[0]==at0 and angle[1]==at1 and angle[2]==at2 \
            or angle[0]==at2 and angle[1]==at1 and angle[2]==at0:
                assert not found, 'BendAHarm term %s was already found!' % str(
                found = True
        assert found, 'No BendAHarm term found for bond %s' % str(angle)
    #check if every dihedral is present
    for dihed in system.iter_dihedrals():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('Tors'):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            if dihed[0]==at0 and dihed[1]==at1 and dihed[2]==at2 and dihed[3]==at3\
            or dihed[0]==at3 and dihed[1]==at2 and dihed[2]==at1 and dihed[3]==at0:
                assert not found, 'Torsion term %s was already found!' % str(
                found = True
        assert found, 'No Torsion term found for bond %s' % str(dihed)
    #check if every oop distance is present and Harm for rv of 0 and SQHARM else
    for oop in system.iter_oops():
        found = False
        for term in valence.iter_terms('^OOPDIST/.*$', use_re=True):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            for p0, p1, p2 in permutations([at0, at1, at2]):
                if oop[0] == p0 and oop[1] == p1 and oop[2] == p2 and oop[
                        3] == at3:
                    assert not found, 'OopDist term %s was already found!' % str(
                    found = True
        for term in valence.iter_terms('SQOOPDIST'):
            at0, at1, at2, at3 = term.get_atoms()
            for p0, p1, p2 in permutations([at0, at1, at2]):
                if oop[0] == p0 and oop[1] == p1 and oop[2] == p2 and oop[
                        3] == at3:
                    assert not found, 'SqOopDist term %s was already found!' % str(
                    found = True
        assert found, 'No (Sq)OopDist term found for bond %s (which is %s)' % (
            str(oop), ' '.join([
                for i in [at0, at1, at2, at3]
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from yaff import System, angstrom, ForceField

from quickff.tools import set_ffatypes

# system_cluster = System.from_file('system_mbisgauss.chk')

# system_cluster.ffatypes

# rvecs = np.diag([25.832]*3)*angstrom
rvecs = np.identity(3) * 25.832 * angstrom
system = System.from_file('IRMOF-1.xyz', rvecs=rvecs)
set_ffatypes(system, "high")
# system.set_standard_masses()

# ff = ForceField.generate(system, 'pars_yaff_mbisgauss.txt')
Exemple #17
def test_output_charmm22():
    with log.section('NOSETST', 2):
        system, ai = read_system('ethanol/gaussian.fchk')
        set_ffatypes(system, 'low')
        with tmpdir('test_output_charmm22') as dn:
            fn_yaff = os.path.join(dn, 'pars_cov.txt')
            fn_charmm22_prm = os.path.join(dn, 'test.prm')
            fn_charmm22_psf = os.path.join(dn, 'test.psf')
            fn_sys = os.path.join(dn, 'system.chk')
            settings = Settings(
                do_cross_ASS=False, do_cross_ASA=False,
                fn_yaff=fn_yaff, fn_sys=fn_sys,
            program = DeriveFF(system, ai, settings)
            assert os.path.isfile(fn_yaff)
            assert os.path.isfile(fn_charmm22_prm)
            assert os.path.isfile(fn_charmm22_psf)
            assert os.path.isfile(fn_sys)

            # Count the number of BOND, ANGLES and DIHEDRAL lines in the PRM file.
            counts = {}
            with open(fn_charmm22_prm, 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    print line
                    line = line[:line.find('!')].strip()
                    if len(line) == 0:
                    if line in ['BONDS','ANGLES', 'DIHEDRALS', 'IMPROPER']:
                        key = line
                        counts[key] = 0
                        counts[key] += 1
            assert counts['BONDS'] == 4
            assert counts['ANGLES'] == 5
            assert counts['DIHEDRALS'] == 2
            assert counts['IMPROPER'] == 0

            # Count the number atoms, bonds, angles and dihedrals in the PSF file and
            # check for consistency.
            with open(fn_charmm22_psf, 'r') as f:
                natom = 0
                assert f.next() == 'PSF\n'
                for line in f:
                    if '!NATOM' in line:
                        natom = int(line.split()[0])
                assert natom == system.natom
                for iatom in xrange(natom+1):
                line = f.next()
                assert '!NBOND: bonds' in line
                nbond = int(line.split()[0])
                nline = int(np.ceil(nbond/4.0))
                numbers = (''.join([f.next() for iline in xrange(nline)])).split()
                assert len(numbers) == nbond*2
                line = f.next()
                assert '!NTHETA: angles' in line
                ntheta = int(line.split()[0])
                nline = int(np.ceil(ntheta/3.0))
                numbers = (''.join([f.next() for iline in xrange(nline)])).split()
                assert len(numbers) == ntheta*3
                line = f.next()
                assert '!NPHI: dihedrals' in line
                nphi = int(line.split()[0])
                nline = int(np.ceil(nphi/2.0))
                numbers = (''.join([f.next() for iline in xrange(nline)])).split()
                assert len(numbers) == nphi*4
                line = f.next()
                assert '!NIMPHI: impropers' in line
                nimphi = int(line.split()[0])
                assert nimphi == 0