Exemple #1
 def test_depolarize(self, stack):
     rho = qu.rand_rho(2)
     I, X, Y, Z = (qu.pauli(s) for s in 'IXYZ')
     es = [qu.expec(rho, A) for A in (X, Y, Z)]
     p = 0.1
     Ek = [(1 - p)**0.5 * I, (p / 3)**0.5 * X, (p / 3)**0.5 * Y,
           (p / 3)**0.5 * Z]
     if stack:
         Ek = np.stack(Ek, axis=0)
     sigma = qu.kraus_op(rho, Ek, check=True)
     es2 = [qu.expec(sigma, A) for A in (X, Y, Z)]
     assert qu.tr(sigma) == pytest.approx(1.0)
     assert all(abs(e2) < abs(e) for e, e2 in zip(es, es2))
     sig_exp = sum(E @ rho @ qu.dag(E) for E in Ek)
     assert_allclose(sig_exp, sigma)
Exemple #2
    def test_subsystem(self):
        rho = qu.rand_rho(6)
        dims = [3, 2]
        I, X, Y, Z = (qu.pauli(s) for s in 'IXYZ')
        mi_i = qu.mutual_information(rho, dims)
        p = 0.1
        Ek = [(1 - p)**0.5 * I, (p / 3)**0.5 * X, (p / 3)**0.5 * Y,
              (p / 3)**0.5 * Z]

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                        qu.randn((3, 2, 2)),

        sigma = qu.kraus_op(rho, Ek, check=True, dims=dims, where=1)
        mi_f = qu.mutual_information(sigma, dims)
        assert mi_f < mi_i
        assert qu.tr(sigma) == pytest.approx(1.0)
        sig_exp = sum(
            (qu.eye(3) & E) @ rho @ qu.dag(qu.eye(3) & E) for E in Ek)
        assert_allclose(sig_exp, sigma)
def eigs_scipy(A,
    """Returns a few eigenpairs from a possibly sparse hermitian operator

    A : array_like, sparse_matrix, LinearOperator or quimb.Lazy
        The operator to solve for.
    k : int
        Number of eigenpairs to return
    B : array_like, sparse_matrix, LinearOperator or quimb.Lazy, optional
        If given, the RHS operator (which should be positive) defining a
        generalized eigen problem.
    which : str, optional
        where in spectrum to take eigenvalues from (see
    return_vecs : bool, optional
        Whether to return the eigenvectors as well.
    sigma : float, optional
        Shift, if targeting interior eigenpairs.
    isherm : bool, optional
        Whether ``A`` is hermitian.
    P : array_like, sparse_matrix, LinearOperator or quimb.Lazy, optional
        Perform the eigensolve in the subspace defined by this projector.
    sort : bool, optional
        Whether to ensure the eigenvalues are sorted in ascending value.
        Supplied to :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh` or

    lk : (k,) array
        The eigenvalues.
    vk : (m, k) array
        Corresponding eigenvectors (if ``return_vecs=True``).
    if isinstance(A, qu.Lazy):
        A = A()
    if isinstance(B, qu.Lazy):
        B = B()
    if isinstance(P, qu.Lazy):
        P = P()

    # avoid matrix like behaviour
    if isinstance(A, qu.qarray):
        A = A.A

    # project into subspace
    if P is not None:
        A = qu.dag(P) @ (A @ P)

    # Options that might get passed that scipy doesn't support
    eigs_opts.pop('EPSType', None)

    # convert certain options for scipy
    settings = {
        'which': (
            'SA' if (which is None) and (sigma is None) else 'LM' if
            (which is None) and (sigma is not None) else
            # For target using shift-invert scipy requires 'LM' ->
            'LM' if ('T' in which.upper()) and (sigma is not None) else which),
        0 if tol is None else tol

    eig_fn = spla.eigsh if isherm else spla.eigs

    if return_vecs:
        lk, vk = eig_fn(A, **settings, **eigs_opts)
        vk = qu.qarray(vk)
        return maybe_sort_and_project(lk, vk, P, sort)
        lk = eig_fn(A, **settings, **eigs_opts)
        return np.sort(lk) if sort else lk
def eigs_lobpcg(A,
    """Interface to scipy's lobpcg eigensolver, which can be good for
    generalized eigenproblems with matrix-free operators. Seems to a be a bit
    innacurate though (e.g. on the order of ~ 1e-6 for eigenvalues). Also only
    takes real, symmetric problems, targeting smallest eigenvalues (though
    scipy will soon have complex support, and its easy to add oneself).

    Note that the slepc eigensolver also has a lobpcg backend
    (``EPSType='lobpcg'``) which accepts complex input and is more accurate -
    though seems slower.

    A : array_like, sparse_matrix, LinearOperator or callable
        The operator to solve for.
    k : int
        Number of eigenpairs to return
    B : array_like, sparse_matrix, LinearOperator or callable, optional
        If given, the RHS operator (which should be positive) defining a
        generalized eigen problem.
    v0 : array_like (d, k), optional
        The initial subspace to iterate with.
    which : {'SA', 'LA'}, optional
        Find the smallest or largest eigenvalues.
    return_vecs : bool, optional
        Whether to return the eigenvectors found.
    P : array_like, sparse_matrix, LinearOperator or callable, optional
        Perform the eigensolve in the subspace defined by this projector.
    sort : bool, optional
        Whether to ensure the eigenvalues are sorted in ascending value.
        Supplied to :func:`scipy.sparse.linagl.lobpcg`.

    lk : array_like (k,)
        The eigenvalues.
    vk : array_like (d, k)
        The eigenvectors, if `return_vecs=True`.

    See Also
    eigs_scipy, eigs_numpy, eigs_slepc
    if not isherm:
        raise ValueError("lobpcg can only solve symmetric problems.")

    if sigma is not None:
        raise ValueError("lobpcg can only solve extremal eigenvalues.")

    # remove invalid options for lobpcg
    lobpcg_opts.pop('ncv', None)
    lobpcg_opts.pop('EPSType', None)

    # convert some arguments and defaults
    lobpcg_opts.setdefault('maxiter', 30)
    if lobpcg_opts['maxiter'] is None:
        lobpcg_opts['maxiter'] = 30
    largest = {'SA': False, 'LA': True}[which]

    if isinstance(A, qu.Lazy):
        A = A()
    if isinstance(B, qu.Lazy):
        B = B()
    if isinstance(P, qu.Lazy):
        P = P()

    # project into subspace
    if P is not None:
        A = qu.dag(P) @ (A @ P)

    # avoid matrix like behaviour
    if isinstance(A, qu.qarray):
        A = A.A

    d = A.shape[0]

    # set up the initial subsspace to iterate with
    if v0 is None:
        v0 = qu.randn((d, k), dtype=A.dtype)
        # check if intial space should be projected too
        if P is not None and v0.shape[0] != d:
            v0 = qu.dag(P) @ v0

        v0 = v0.reshape(d, -1)

        # if not enough initial states given, flesh out with random
        if v0.shape[1] != k:
            v0 = np.hstack(v0, qu.randn((d, k - v0.shape[1]), dtype=A.dtype))

    lk, vk = spla.lobpcg(A=A, X=v0, B=B, largest=largest, **lobpcg_opts)

    if return_vecs:
        vk = qu.qarray(vk)
        return maybe_sort_and_project(lk, vk, P, sort)
        return np.sort(lk) if sort else lk
Exemple #5
def eigs_numpy(A,
    """Partial eigen-decomposition using numpy's dense linear algebra.

    A : array_like or quimb.Lazy
        Operator to partially eigen-decompose.
    k : int
        Number of eigenpairs to return.
    B : array_like or quimb.Lazy
        If given, the RHS operator defining a generalized eigen problem.
    which : str, optional
        Which part of the spectrum to target.
    return_vecs : bool, optional
        Whether to return eigenvectors.
    sigma : None or float, optional
        Target eigenvalue.
    isherm : bool, optional
        Whether `a` is hermitian.
    P : array_like or quimb.Lazy
        Perform the eigensolve in the subspace defined by this projector.
    sort : bool, optional
        Whether to sort reduced list of eigenpairs into ascending order.
        Settings to pass to numpy.eig... functions.

        lk, (vk): k eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) sorted according to which
    if isinstance(A, qu.Lazy):
        A = A()
    if isinstance(B, qu.Lazy):
        B = B()
    if isinstance(P, qu.Lazy):
        P = P()

    # project into subspace
    if P is not None:
        A = qu.dag(P) @ (A @ P)

    generalized = B is not None

    eig_fn = _DENSE_EIG_METHODS[(isherm, return_vecs, generalized)]

    if generalized:
        eig_opts['b'] = B

    # these might be given for partial eigsys but not relevant for numpy
    eig_opts.pop('ncv', None)
    eig_opts.pop('v0', None)
    eig_opts.pop('tol', None)
    eig_opts.pop('maxiter', None)
    eig_opts.pop('EPSType', None)

    if return_vecs:
        # get all eigenpairs
        lk, vk = eig_fn(A.A if qu.issparse(A) else A, **eig_opts)

        # sort and trim according to which k we want
        sk = sort_inds(lk, method=which, sigma=sigma)[:k]
        lk, vk = lk[sk], vk[:, sk]

        # also potentially sort into ascending order
        if sort:
            so = np.argsort(lk)
            lk, vk = lk[so], vk[:, so]

        # map eigenvectors out of subspace
        if P is not None:
            vk = P @ vk

        return lk, qu.qarray(vk)

        # get all eigenvalues
        lk = eig_fn(A.A if qu.issparse(A) else A, **eig_opts)

        # sort and trim according to which k we want
        sk = sort_inds(lk, method=which, sigma=sigma)[:k]
        lk = lk[sk]

        # also potentially sort into ascending order
        return np.sort(lk) if sort else lk