Exemple #1
    def test_heisenberg(self, n, l, gap):

        ham = MPO_ham_heis(n)
        dmrg = DMRG2(ham)

        gl = gap // 2
        gr = gap // 2 + gap % 2
        m = n // 2

        sysa = range(m - l - gl, m - gl)
        sysb = range(m + gr, m + l + gr)

        assert max(sysa) + gap + 1 == min(sysb)

        ln = dmrg.state.logneg_subsys(sysa,
                                      approx_spectral_opts={'bsz': 16},

        # exact
        lne = logneg_subsys(groundstate(ham_heis(n, cyclic=False)), [2] * n,
                            sysa, sysb)

        assert_allclose(lne, ln, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Exemple #2
 def test_half_filling_groundstate(self):
     H = qu.ham_hubbard_hardcore(8, t=0.5, V=1.0, mu=1.0)
     gs = qu.groundstate(H)
     dims = [2] * 8
     cn = qu.num(2)
     ens = [qu.expec(cn, qu.ptr(gs, dims, i)) for i in range(8)]
     for en in ens:
         assert en == pytest.approx(0.5, rel=1e-6)
Exemple #3
 def test_spin_half_double_space(self, sz):
     prj = qu.zspin_projector(5, sz)
     h = qu.ham_heis(5)
     h0 = prj.T @ h @ prj
     v0s = qu.eigvecsh(h0)
     for v0 in v0s.T:
         vf = prj @ v0.T
         prjv = vf @ vf.H
         # Check reconstructed full eigenvectors commute with full ham
         assert_allclose(prjv @ h, h @ prjv, atol=1e-13)
     if sz == 0:
         # Groundstate must be in most symmetric subspace
         gs = qu.groundstate(h)
         gs0 = prj @ v0s[:, 0]
         assert_allclose(qu.expec(gs, gs0), 1.0)
         assert_allclose(qu.expec(h, gs0), qu.expec(h, gs))
Exemple #4
 def test_works(self, sz):
     prj = zspin_projector(4, sz)
     h = ham_heis(4)
     h0 = prj @ h @ prj.H
     v0s = eigvecs(h0)
     for v0 in v0s.T:
         vf = prj.H @ v0.T
         prjv = vf @ vf.H
         # Check reconstructed full eigenvectors commute with full ham
         assert_allclose(prjv @ h, h @ prjv, atol=1e-13)
     if sz == 0:
         # Groundstate must be in most symmetric subspace
         gs = groundstate(h)
         gs0 = prj .H @ v0s[:, 0]
         assert_allclose(expec(gs, gs0), 1.0)
         assert_allclose(expec(h, gs0), expec(h, gs))
Exemple #5
 def test_works(self, sz):
     prj = qu.zspin_projector(4, sz)
     h = qu.ham_heis(4)
     h0 = prj.T @ h @ prj
     v0s = qu.eigvecsh(h0)
     for i in range(v0s.shape[1]):
         v0 = v0s[:, [i]]
         vf = prj @ v0
         prjv = vf @ vf.H
         # Check reconstructed full eigenvectors commute with full ham
         assert_allclose(prjv @ h, h @ prjv, atol=1e-13)
     if sz == 0:
         # Groundstate must be in most symmetric subspace
         gs = qu.groundstate(h)
         gs0 = prj @ v0s[:, [0]]
         assert_allclose(qu.expec(gs, gs0), 1.0)
         assert_allclose(qu.expec(h, gs0), qu.expec(h, gs))
Exemple #6
 def test_ham_heis_2(self):
     h = qu.ham_heis(2, cyclic=False)
     evals = qu.eigvalsh(h)
     assert_allclose(evals, [-0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
     gs = qu.groundstate(h)
     assert_allclose(qu.expec(gs, qu.singlet()), 1.)
Exemple #7
 def test_groundstate(self, mat_herm_dense, backend):
     u, a = mat_herm_dense
     gs = qu.groundstate(a, backend=backend)
     assert_allclose(abs(u[:, [3]].H @ gs), 1.)
            U3_gates(i, gate_round=depth)

    return circuit

circ_with_U3 = my_circuit(4, 4)

ran_circ = qtn.circuit_gen.circ_ansatz_1D_rand(4, 4)
# circ_with_U3.psi.graph(color=['PSI0'] + [f'ROUND_{i}' for i in range(5)])
V = circ_with_U3
H_0 = Ham

V1 = ran_circ

gs = qu.groundstate(H_0)
target = qtn.Dense1D(gs)

def negative_overlap(psi, target):
    a = - abs((psi.H & target).contract(all, optimize='auto-hq'))

    return a

V.psi.graph(color=['H', 'CNOT', 'S', 'U3'])
(V.psi.H & target).graph()

Exemple #9
 def test_thermal_state_cold(self):
     full = ham_j1j2(4, j2=0.1253)
     rhoth = thermal_state(full, 100)
     gs = groundstate(full)
     assert_allclose(tr(gs.H @ rhoth @ gs), 1.0, rtol=1e-4)
Exemple #10
 def test_ham_heis_2(self):
     h = ham_heis(2, cyclic=False)
     evals = eigvals(h)
     assert_allclose(evals, [-0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
     gs = groundstate(h)
     assert_allclose(expec(gs, singlet()), 1.)
Exemple #11
    def test_evo_timedep_adiabatic_with_callbacks(self, dop, linop,
        # tests time dependent Evolution via an adiabatic sweep with:
        #   a) no callbacks
        #   b) 1 callback that accesses the time-dependent Hamiltonian
        #   c) 2 callbacks where one access the Hamiltonian and one doesn't

        if num_callbacks > 0 and (dop or linop):
            # should implement this at some point
        L = 6
        T = 20

        H1 = qu.ham_mbl(L, dh=1.0, seed=4, sparse=True)
        gs1 = qu.groundstate(H1)
        H2 = qu.ham_mbl(L, dh=1.0, seed=5, sparse=True)
        gs2 = qu.groundstate(H2)

        if linop:
            import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

            H1 = spla.aslinearoperator(H1)
            H2 = spla.aslinearoperator(H2)

        # make sure two ground states are different
        assert qu.fidelity(gs1, gs2) < 0.5

        # linearly interpolate from one ham to the other
        def ham(t):
            return (1 - t / T) * H1 + (t / T) * H2

        if linop:
            assert isinstance(ham(0.3), spla.LinearOperator)

        if dop:
            p0 = qu.dop(gs1)
            p0 = gs1

        if num_callbacks == 0:
            evo = qu.Evolution(p0, ham, progbar=True)

            def gs_overlap(t, pt, H):
                evals, evecs = eigs_scipy(H(t), k=1, which='SA')
                return np.abs(qu.dot(pt.T, qu.qu(evecs[:, 0])))**2

            if num_callbacks == 1:
                compute = gs_overlap
            if num_callbacks == 2:

                def norm(t, pt):
                    return qu.dot(pt.T, pt)

                compute = {'norm': norm, 'gs_overlap': gs_overlap}
            evo = qu.Evolution(p0, ham, compute=compute, progbar=True)

        # final state should now overlap much more with second hamiltonian GS
        assert qu.fidelity(evo.pt, gs1) < 0.5
        assert qu.fidelity(evo.pt, gs2) > 0.99

        if num_callbacks == 1:
            gs_overlap_results = evo.results
            # check that we stayed in the ground state the whole time
            assert ((np.array(gs_overlap_results) - 1.0) < 1e-3).all()

        if num_callbacks == 2:
            norm_results = evo.results['norm']
            gs_overlap_results = evo.results['gs_overlap']
            # check that we stayed normalized the whole time
            assert ((np.array(norm_results) - 1.0) < 1e-3).all()
            # check that we stayed in the ground state the whole time
            assert ((np.array(gs_overlap_results) - 1.0) < 1e-3).all()
def ising(n, jz=1.0, h=0.0, **ham_opts):  # generate Ising Hamiltonian with X and Z fields
    Z = np.zeros((2**(n), 2**(n)), dtype=complex)
    return qu.ham_heis(n, j=(0, 0, jz), b=(h, 0, h), cyclic=False, **ham_opts)

# %%
n = 8  # the number of qubits
d = 1  # the circuit depth
beta = 31  # beta in Metropolis algorithm
Ham = ising(n, jz=1.0, h=0.5 * 1)  # the Hamiltonian used
# Ham = random_ham()
for t in range(1):
    data = {}
    evals, evecs = la.eig(Ham)
    min_eval = (evals).min()  # calculate groundstate eigenvalue
    evec_min = qu.groundstate(Ham)  # calculate groundstate of Hamiltonian
    for a in range(1):
        qc = qcnewcircuit(n, d)
        operations = op_list.copy()
        op_copy = op_list.copy()
        E1 = 5
        t0 = 0
        E3 = 1
        exec(f'E_{a} = np.array([])')
        exec(f't_{a} = np.array([])')
        exec(f'energy_{a} = np.array([])')
        for i in range(1000):
            qc_new = update_qc(n, depth=d)
            psi = qc_new.to_dense()
            E2 = 1 - qu.calc.fidelity(psi, evec_min)
            Energy = np.real(qu.core.expectation(psi, Ham))