class QuodLibetWindow(Window, PersistentWindowMixin): SIG_PYOBJECT = (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (object,)) __gsignals__ = { 'artwork-changed': SIG_PYOBJECT, } def __init__(self, library, player, headless=False): super(QuodLibetWindow, self).__init__(dialog=False) self.last_dir = const.HOME self.__update_title(player) self.set_default_size(550, 450) main_box = Gtk.VBox() self.add(main_box) # create main menubar, load/restore accelerator groups self.__library = library ui = self.__create_menu(player, library) accel_group = ui.get_accel_group() self.add_accel_group(accel_group) # dbus app menu AppMenu(self, ui.get_action_groups()[0]) accel_fn = os.path.join(const.USERDIR, "accels") Gtk.AccelMap.load(accel_fn) def accel_save_cb(*args): accel_group.connect_object('accel-changed', accel_save_cb, None) main_box.pack_start(ui.get_widget("/Menu"), False, True, 0) # get the playlist up before other stuff self.songlist = MainSongList(library, player) self.songlist.show_all() self.songlist.connect_after( 'drag-data-received', self.__songlist_drag_data_recv) self.song_scroller = SongListScroller( ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/SongList")) self.song_scroller.add(self.songlist) self.qexpander = QueueExpander( ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/Queue"), library, player) self.playlist = PlaylistMux( player, self.qexpander.model, self.songlist.model) top_bar = TopBar(self, player, library) main_box.pack_start(top_bar, False, True, 0) self.top_bar = top_bar self.__browserbox = Alignment(bottom=3) main_box.pack_start(self.__browserbox, True, True, 0) statusbox = StatusBarBox(self.songlist.model, player) self.order = statusbox.order self.repeat = statusbox.repeat self.statusbar = statusbox.statusbar main_box.pack_start( Alignment(statusbox, border=3, top=-3, right=3), False, True, 0) self.songpane = ConfigRVPaned("memory", "queue_position", 0.75) self.songpane.pack1(self.song_scroller, resize=True, shrink=False) self.songpane.pack2(self.qexpander, resize=True, shrink=False) self.__handle_position = self.songpane.get_property("position") def songpane_button_press_cb(pane, event): """If we start to drag the pane handle while the queue expander is unexpanded, expand it and move the handle to the bottom, so we can 'drag' the queue out """ if event.window != pane.get_handle_window(): return False if not self.qexpander.get_expanded(): self.qexpander.set_expanded(True) pane.set_relative(1.0) return False self.songpane.connect("button-press-event", songpane_button_press_cb) self.song_scroller.connect('notify::visible', self.__show_or) self.qexpander.connect('notify::visible', self.__show_or) self.qexpander.connect('notify::expanded', self.__expand_or) self.qexpander.connect('draw', self.__qex_size_allocate) self.songpane.connect('notify', self.__moved_pane_handle) try: orders = [] for e in config.getstringlist('memory', 'sortby', []): orders.append((e[1:], int(e[0]))) except ValueError: pass else: self.songlist.set_sort_orders(orders) self.browser = None self.ui = ui main_box.show_all() try: self.select_browser( self, config.get("memory", "browser"), library, player, True) except: config.set("memory", "browser", raise # set at least the playlist before the mainloop starts.. player.setup(self.playlist, None, 0) def delayed_song_set(): self.__delayed_setup = None song = library.get(config.get("memory", "song")) seek_pos = config.getint("memory", "seek", 0) config.set("memory", "seek", 0) player.setup(self.playlist, song, seek_pos) self.__delayed_setup = GLib.idle_add(delayed_song_set) self.showhide_playlist(ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/SongList")) self.showhide_playqueue(ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/Queue")) self.songlist.connect('popup-menu', self.__songs_popup_menu) self.songlist.connect('columns-changed', self.__cols_changed) self.songlist.connect('columns-changed', self.__hide_headers)"changed", self.__set_time) lib = library.librarian gobject_weak(lib.connect_object, 'changed', self.__song_changed, player, parent=self) self._playback_error_dialog = None player_sigs = [ ('song-started', self.__song_started), ('paused', self.__update_paused, True), ('unpaused', self.__update_paused, False), ] for sig in player_sigs: gobject_weak(player.connect, *sig, **{"parent": self}) # make sure we redraw all error indicators before opening # a dialog (blocking the main loop), so connect after default handlers gobject_weak(player.connect_after, 'error', self.__player_error, **{"parent": self}) # connect after to let SongTracker update stats player_sigs.append( gobject_weak(player.connect_after, "song-ended", self.__song_ended, parent=self)) targets = [("text/uri-list", Gtk.TargetFlags.OTHER_APP, DND_URI_LIST)] targets = [*t) for t in targets] self.drag_dest_set( Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL, targets, Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self.connect('drag-data-received', self.__drag_data_received) if not headless: GLib.idle_add(self.__configure_scan_dirs, library) if config.getboolean('library', 'refresh_on_start'): self.__rebuild(None, False) self.connect_object("key-press-event", self.__key_pressed, player) self.connect("delete-event", self.__save_browser) self.connect("destroy", self.__destroy) self.enable_window_tracking("quodlibet") def __player_error(self, player, song, player_error): # it's modal, but mmkeys etc. can still trigger new ones if self._playback_error_dialog: self._playback_error_dialog.destroy() dialog = PlaybackErrorDialog(self, player_error) self._playback_error_dialog = dialog self._playback_error_dialog = None def __configure_scan_dirs(self, library): """Get user to configure scan dirs, if none is set up""" if not get_scan_dirs() and not len(library) and \ quodlibet.is_first_session("quodlibet"): print_d("Couldn't find any scan dirs") if qltk.ConfirmAction(self, _("Set up library directories?"), _("You don't have any music library set up. " "Would you like to do that now?")).run(): prefs = PreferencesWindow(self) prefs.set_page("library") def __add_bookmark(self, librarian, player): if position = player.get_position() // 1000 bookmarks = new_mark = (position, _("Bookmark Name")) if new_mark not in bookmarks: bookmarks.append(new_mark) = bookmarks def __edit_bookmarks(self, librarian, player): if window = EditBookmarks(self, librarian, player) def __key_pressed(self, player, event): if not return def seek_relative(seconds): current = player.get_position() current += seconds * 1000 current = min("~#length") * 1000 - 1, current) current = max(0, current) if qltk.is_accel(event, "<alt>Right"): seek_relative(10) return True elif qltk.is_accel(event, "<alt>Left"): seek_relative(-10) return True def __destroy(self, *args): if self.__delayed_setup: GLib.source_remove(self.__delayed_setup) # The tray icon plugin tries to unhide QL because it gets disabled # on Ql exit. The window should stay hidden after destroy. = lambda: None self.present = def __drag_data_received(self, widget, ctx, x, y, sel, tid, etime): assert tid == DND_URI_LIST uris = sel.get_uris() dirs = [] error = False for uri in uris: try: uri = URI(uri) except ValueError: continue if uri.is_filename: loc = os.path.normpath(uri.filename) if os.path.isdir(loc): dirs.append(loc) else: loc = os.path.realpath(loc) if loc not in self.__library: self.__library.add_filename(loc) elif app.player.can_play_uri(uri): if uri not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(uri)]) else: error = True break Gtk.drag_finish(ctx, not error, False, etime) if error: ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add songs"), _("<b>%s</b> uses an unsupported protocol.") % uri).run() else: if dirs: copool.add( self.__library.scan, dirs, cofuncid="library", funcid="library") def __songlist_drag_data_recv(self, view, *args): if callable(self.browser.reordered): self.browser.reordered(view) self.songlist.clear_sort() def __save_browser(self, *args): print_d("Saving active browser state") try: except NotImplementedError: pass def destroy(self, *args): self.__save_browser() super(QuodLibetWindow, self).destroy() def __show_or(self, widget, prop): ssv = self.song_scroller.get_property('visible') qxv = self.qexpander.get_property('visible') self.songpane.set_property('visible', ssv or qxv) if not ssv: self.qexpander.set_expanded(True) self.__expand_or(widget, prop) def __expand_or(self, widget, prop): if self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): self.songpane.set_property("position", self.__handle_position) def __moved_pane_handle(self, widget, prop): if self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): self.__handle_position = self.songpane.get_property("position") def __qex_size_allocate(self, event, param=None): if not self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): p_max = self.songpane.get_property("max-position") p_cur = self.songpane.get_property("position") if p_max != p_cur: self.songpane.set_property("position", p_max) def __create_menu(self, player, library): ag ='QuodLibetWindowActions') def logging_cb(*args): window = LoggingWindow(self) actions = [ ('Music', None, _("_Music")), ('AddFolders', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _('_Add a Folder...'), "<control>O", None, self.open_chooser), ('AddFiles', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _('_Add a File...'), None, None, self.open_chooser), ('AddLocation', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _('_Add a Location...'), None, None, self.open_location), ('BrowseLibrary', Gtk.STOCK_FIND, _('Open _Browser'), ""), ("Preferences", Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, None, None, None, self.__preferences), ("Plugins", Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, _("_Plugins"), None, None, self.__plugins), ("Quit", Gtk.STOCK_QUIT, None, None, None, self.destroy), ('Filters', None, _("_Filters")), ("PlayedRecently", Gtk.STOCK_FIND, _("Recently _Played"), "", None, self.__filter_menu_actions), ("AddedRecently", Gtk.STOCK_FIND, _("Recently _Added"), "", None, self.__filter_menu_actions), ("TopRated", Gtk.STOCK_FIND, _("_Top 40"), "", None, self.__filter_menu_actions), ("All", Gtk.STOCK_FIND, _("All _Songs"), "", None, self.__filter_menu_actions), ("Control", None, _("_Control")), ("EditTags", Gtk.STOCK_PROPERTIES, _("Edit _Tags"), "", None, self.__current_song_prop), ("Information", Gtk.STOCK_INFO, None, None, None, self.__current_song_info), ("Jump", Gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, _("_Jump to Playing Song"), "<control>J", None, self.__jump_to_current), ("View", None, _("_View")), ("Help", None, _("_Help")), ("OutputLog", Gtk.STOCK_EDIT, _("_Output Log"), None, None, logging_cb), ] actions.append(("Previous", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PREVIOUS, None, "<control>comma", None, self.__previous_song)) actions.append(("PlayPause", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY, None, "<control>space", None, self.__play_pause)) actions.append(("Next", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_NEXT, None, "<control>period", None, self.__next_song)) ag.add_actions(actions) act ="StopAfter", _("Stop After This Song"), None, "") ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<shift>space") # access point for the tray icon self.stop_after = act act = "AddBookmark", _("Add Bookmark"), None, Gtk.STOCK_ADD) act.connect_object('activate', self.__add_bookmark, library.librarian, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<ctrl>D") act ="EditBookmarks", _(u"Edit Bookmarks…"), None, "") act.connect_object('activate', self.__edit_bookmarks, library.librarian, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<ctrl>B") act ="About", None, None, Gtk.STOCK_ABOUT) act.connect_object('activate', self.__show_about, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act = "OnlineHelp", _("Online Help"), None, Gtk.STOCK_HELP) act.connect_object('activate',, const.ONLINE_HELP) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "F1") act ="SearchHelp", _("Search Help"), None, "") act.connect_object('activate',, const.SEARCH_HELP) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act = "RefreshLibrary", _("Re_fresh Library"), None, Gtk.STOCK_REFRESH) act.connect('activate', self.__rebuild, False) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) for tag_, lab in [ ("genre", _("Filter on _Genre")), ("artist", _("Filter on _Artist")), ("album", _("Filter on Al_bum"))]: act = "Filter%s" % util.capitalize(tag_), lab, None, Gtk.STOCK_INDEX) act.connect_object('activate', self.__filter_on, tag_, None, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) for (tag_, accel, label) in [ ("genre", "G", _("Random _Genre")), ("artist", "T", _("Random _Artist")), ("album", "M", _("Random Al_bum"))]: act ="Random%s" % util.capitalize(tag_), label, None, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_QUESTION) act.connect('activate', self.__random, tag_) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<control>" + accel) ag.add_toggle_actions([ ("SongList", None, _("Song _List"), None, None, self.showhide_playlist, config.getboolean("memory", "songlist"))]) ag.add_toggle_actions([ ("Queue", None, _("_Queue"), None, None, self.showhide_playqueue, config.getboolean("memory", "queue"))]) view_actions = [] for i, Kind in enumerate(browsers.browsers): action = "View" + Kind.__name__ label = Kind.accelerated_name view_actions.append((action, None, label, None, None, i)) current = browsers.index(config.get("memory", "browser")) def action_callback(view_action, current): self.select_browser(view_action, current, library, player) ag.add_radio_actions( view_actions, current, action_callback, None) for Kind in browsers.browsers: if not Kind.in_menu: continue action = "Browser" + Kind.__name__ label = Kind.accelerated_name act =, label, None, None) act.connect_object('activate',, Kind, library) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) debug_menu = "" if const.DEBUG: debug_menu = ( "<separator/>" "<menuitem action='OutputLog' always-show-image='true'/>") ui = Gtk.UIManager() ui.insert_action_group(ag, -1) menustr = const.MENU % {"browsers": browsers.BrowseLibrary(), "views": browsers.ViewBrowser(), "debug": debug_menu} ui.add_ui_from_string(menustr) # Cute. So. UIManager lets you attach tooltips, but when they're # for menu items, they just get ignored. So here I get to actually # attach them. ui.get_widget("/Menu/Music/RefreshLibrary").set_tooltip_text( _("Check for changes in your library")) ui.get_widget("/Menu/Filters/TopRated").set_tooltip_text( _("The 40 songs you've played most (more than 40 may " "be chosen if there are ties)")) return ui def __show_about(self, player): about = AboutQuodLibet(self, player) about.destroy() def __browser_configure(self, paned, event, browser): if paned.get_property('position-set'): key = "%s_pos" % browser.__class__.__name__ config.set("browsers", key, str(paned.get_relative())) def select_browser(self, activator, current, library, player, restore=False): if isinstance(current, Gtk.RadioAction): current = current.get_current_value() Browser = browsers.get(current) config.set("memory", "browser", Browser.__name__) if self.browser: container = self.browser.__container self.browser.unpack(container, self.songpane) if self.browser.accelerators: self.remove_accel_group(self.browser.accelerators) container.destroy() self.browser.destroy() self.browser = Browser(library, True) self.browser.connect('songs-selected', self.__browser_cb) self.browser.connect('activated', self.__browser_activate) if restore: self.browser.restore() self.browser.activate() self.browser.finalize(restore) if self.browser.reordered: self.songlist.enable_drop() elif self.browser.dropped: self.songlist.enable_drop(False) else: self.songlist.disable_drop() if self.browser.accelerators: self.add_accel_group(self.browser.accelerators) container = self.browser.__container = self.browser.pack(self.songpane) # find a paned and save the position paned = None for widget in qltk.find_widgets(container, RPaned): if widget is not self.songpane: paned = widget break if paned: try: key = "%s_pos" % self.browser.__class__.__name__ val = config.getfloat("browsers", key) # Use a minimum restore size val = max(val, 0.1) except: val = 0.4 paned.connect( 'notify::position', self.__browser_configure, self.browser) paned.set_relative(val) player.replaygain_profiles[1] = self.browser.replaygain_profiles player.volume = player.volume self.__browserbox.add(container) self.__hide_menus() self.__hide_headers() self.__refresh_size() def __update_paused(self, player, paused): menu = self.ui.get_widget("/Menu/Control/PlayPause") if paused: key = Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY else: key = Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE text = Gtk.stock_lookup(key).label menu.get_image().set_from_stock(key, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) menu.set_label(text) menu.set_use_underline(True) def __song_ended(self, player, song, stopped): # check if the song should be removed base on the # active filter of the current browser active_filter = self.browser.active_filter if song and active_filter and not active_filter(song): iter_ = self.songlist.model.find(song) if iter_: self.songlist.remove_iters([iter_]) if self.stop_after.get_active(): player.paused = True self.stop_after.set_active(False) def __song_changed(self, player, songs): if in songs: self.__update_title(player) def __update_title(self, player): song = title = "Quod Libet" if song: title = song.comma("~title~version~~people") + " - " + title self.set_title(title) def __song_started(self, player, song): self.__update_title(player) for wid in ["Jump", "Next", "EditTags", "Information", "EditBookmarks", "AddBookmark", "StopAfter"]: self.ui.get_widget( '/Menu/Control/' + wid).set_sensitive(bool(song)) for wid in ["FilterAlbum", "FilterArtist", "FilterGenre"]: self.ui.get_widget( '/Menu/Filters/' + wid).set_sensitive(bool(song)) if song: for h in ['genre', 'artist', 'album']: self.ui.get_widget( "/Menu/Filters/Filter%s" % h.capitalize()).set_sensitive( h in song) # don't jump on stream changes ( != if song and is song and not self.songlist._activated and \ config.getboolean("settings", "jump"): self.__jump_to_current(False) def __refresh_size(self): ssv = self.song_scroller.get_property('visible') qex = self.qexpander.get_property('visible') if ssv or qex: return # Handle more later if needed.. if not isinstance(self.browser, Gtk.Box): return # If a child expands the browser will take the new space for child in self.browser.get_children(): if self.browser.query_child_packing(child)[0]: break else: # no expanding child, make the window smaller instead width, height = self.get_size() height = self.size_request().height self.resize(width, height) def showhide_playlist(self, toggle): self.song_scroller.set_property('visible', toggle.get_active()) self.__refresh_size() def showhide_playqueue(self, toggle): self.qexpander.set_property('visible', toggle.get_active()) self.__refresh_size() def __play_pause(self, *args): if is None: app.player.reset() else: app.player.paused ^= True def __jump_to_current(self, explicit): """Select/scroll to the current playing song in the playlist. If it can't be found tell the browser to properly fill the playlist with an appropriate selection containing the song. explicit means that the jump request comes from the user and not from an event like song-started. """ def idle_jump_to(song, select): ok = self.songlist.jump_to_song(song, select=select) if ok: self.songlist.grab_focus() return False song = # We are not playing a song if song is None: return ok = self.songlist.jump_to_song(song, select=explicit) if ok: self.songlist.grab_focus() elif explicit: # if we can't find it and the user requested it, try harder self.browser.scroll(song) # We need to wait until the browser has finished # scrolling/filling and the songlist is ready. # Not perfect, but works for now. GLib.idle_add( idle_jump_to, song, explicit, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_LOW) def __next_song(self, *args): def __previous_song(self, *args): app.player.previous() def __random(self, item, key): self.browser.filter_random(key) def __filter_menu_actions(self, menuitem): name = menuitem.get_name() if name == "PlayedRecently": self.__make_query("#(lastplayed < 7 days ago)") elif name == "AddedRecently": self.__make_query("#(added < 7 days ago)") elif name == "TopRated": bg = background_filter() songs = (bg and filter(bg, self.__library)) or self.__library songs = [song.get("~#playcount", 0) for song in songs] if len(songs) == 0: return songs.sort() if len(songs) < 40: self.__make_query("#(playcount > %d)" % (songs[0] - 1)) else: self.__make_query("#(playcount > %d)" % (songs[-40] - 1)) elif name == "All": self.browser.unfilter() def __rebuild(self, activator, force): scan_library(self.__library, force) # Set up the preferences window. def __preferences(self, activator): window = PreferencesWindow(self) def __plugins(self, activator): window = PluginWindow(self) def open_location(self, action): name = GetStringDialog(self, _("Add a Location"), _("Enter the location of an audio file:"), okbutton=Gtk.STOCK_ADD).run() if name: if not util.uri_is_valid(name): ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add location"), _("<b>%s</b> is not a valid location.") % ( util.escape(name))).run() elif not app.player.can_play_uri(name): ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add location"), _("<b>%s</b> uses an unsupported protocol.") % ( util.escape(name))).run() else: if name not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(name)]) def open_chooser(self, action): last_dir = self.last_dir if not os.path.exists(last_dir): last_dir = const.HOME class MusicFolderChooser(FolderChooser): def __init__(self, parent, init_dir): super(MusicFolderChooser, self).__init__( parent, _("Add Music"), init_dir) cb = Gtk.CheckButton(_("Watch this folder for new songs")) # enable if no folders are being watched cb.set_active(not get_scan_dirs()) self.set_extra_widget(cb) def run(self): fns = super(MusicFolderChooser, self).run() cb = self.get_extra_widget() return fns, cb.get_active() class MusicFileChooser(FileChooser): def __init__(self, parent, init_dir): super(MusicFileChooser, self).__init__( parent, _("Add Music"), formats.filter, init_dir) if action.get_name() == "AddFolders": dialog = MusicFolderChooser(self, last_dir) fns, do_watch = dialog.destroy() if fns: fns = map(glib2fsnative, fns) # scan them self.last_dir = fns[0] copool.add(self.__library.scan, fns, funcid="library") # add them as library scan directory if do_watch: dirs = get_scan_dirs() for fn in fns: if fn not in dirs: dirs.append(fn) set_scan_dirs(dirs) else: dialog = MusicFileChooser(self, last_dir) fns = dialog.destroy() if fns: fns = map(glib2fsnative, fns) self.last_dir = os.path.dirname(fns[0]) for filename in map(os.path.realpath, fns): self.__library.add_filename(filename) def __songs_popup_menu(self, songlist): path, col = songlist.get_cursor() header = col.header_name menu = self.songlist.Menu(header, self.browser, self.__library) if menu is not None: return self.songlist.popup_menu(menu, 0, Gtk.get_current_event_time()) def __current_song_prop(self, *args): song = if song: librarian = self.__library.librarian window = SongProperties(librarian, [song], parent=self) def __current_song_info(self, *args): song = if song: librarian = self.__library.librarian window = Information(librarian, [song], self) def __hide_menus(self): menus = {'genre': ["/Menu/Filters/FilterGenre", "/Menu/Filters/RandomGenre"], 'artist': ["/Menu/Filters/FilterArtist", "/Menu/Filters/RandomArtist"], 'album': ["/Menu/Filters/FilterAlbum", "/Menu/Filters/RandomAlbum"], None: ["/Menu/Filters/PlayedRecently", "/Menu/Filters/AddedRecently", "/Menu/Filters/TopRated", "/Menu/Filters/All"]} for key, widgets in menus.items(): c = self.browser.can_filter(key) for widget in widgets: self.ui.get_widget(widget).set_property('visible', c) def __browser_activate(self, browser): model = self.songlist.get_model() model.reset() if app.player.go_to(model.get_iter_first(), True): app.player.paused = False def __browser_cb(self, browser, songs, sorted): if browser.background: bg = background_filter() if bg: songs = filter(bg, songs) self.songlist.set_songs(songs, sorted) def __filter_on(self, header, songs, player): browser = self.browser if not browser: return # Fall back to the playing song if songs is None: if songs = [] else: return browser.filter_on(songs, header) def __hide_headers(self, activator=None): for column in self.songlist.get_columns(): if self.browser.headers is None: column.set_visible(True) else: for tag in util.tagsplit(column.header_name): if tag in self.browser.headers: column.set_visible(True) break else: column.set_visible(False) def __cols_changed(self, songlist): headers = [col.header_name for col in songlist.get_columns()] try: headers.remove('~current') except ValueError: pass if len(headers) == len(get_columns()): # Not an addition or removal (handled separately) set_columns(headers) SongList.headers = headers def __make_query(self, query): if self.browser.can_filter_text(): self.browser.filter_text(query.encode('utf-8')) self.browser.activate() def __set_time(self, info, songs): i = len(songs) length = sum(song.get("~#length", 0) for song in songs) t = self.browser.statusbar(i) % { 'count': i, 'time': util.format_time_long(length)} self.statusbar.set_default_text(t)
class QuodLibetWindow(Window, PersistentWindowMixin): def __init__(self, library, player, headless=False, restore_cb=None): super(QuodLibetWindow, self).__init__(dialog=False) self.last_dir = get_home_dir() self.__destroyed = False self.__update_title(player) self.set_default_size(550, 450) main_box = Gtk.VBox() self.add(main_box) # create main menubar, load/restore accelerator groups self.__library = library ui = self.__create_menu(player, library) accel_group = ui.get_accel_group() self.add_accel_group(accel_group) def scroll_and_jump(*args): self.__jump_to_current(True, True) keyval, mod = Gtk.accelerator_parse("<control><shift>J") accel_group.connect(keyval, mod, 0, scroll_and_jump) # dbus app menu # Unity puts the app menu next to our menu bar. Since it only contains # menu items also available in the menu bar itself, don't add it. if not util.is_unity(): AppMenu(self, ui.get_action_groups()[0]) # custom accel map accel_fn = os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "accels") Gtk.AccelMap.load(accel_fn) # save right away so we fill the file with example comments of all # accels menubar = ui.get_widget("/Menu") # Since # toplevel menu items show an empty 16x16 image. While we don't # need image items there UIManager creates them by default. # Work around by removing the empty GtkImages for child in menubar.get_children(): if isinstance(child, Gtk.ImageMenuItem): child.set_image(None) main_box.pack_start(menubar, False, True, 0) # get the playlist up before other stuff self.songlist = MainSongList(library, player) self.songlist.show_all() self.songlist.connect("key-press-event", self.__songlist_key_press) self.songlist.connect_after('drag-data-received', self.__songlist_drag_data_recv) self.song_scroller = SongListScroller( ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/SongList")) self.song_scroller.add(self.songlist) self.qexpander = QueueExpander(ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/Queue"), library, player) self.playlist = PlaylistMux(player, self.qexpander.model, self.songlist.model) top_bar = TopBar(self, player, library) main_box.pack_start(top_bar, False, True, 0) self.top_bar = top_bar self.__browserbox = Align(bottom=3) main_box.pack_start(self.__browserbox, True, True, 0) statusbox = StatusBarBox(self.songlist.model, player) self.order = statusbox.order self.repeat = statusbox.repeat self.statusbar = statusbox.statusbar main_box.pack_start(Align(statusbox, border=3, top=-3, right=3), False, True, 0) self.songpane = ConfigRVPaned("memory", "queue_position", 0.75) self.songpane.pack1(self.song_scroller, resize=True, shrink=False) self.songpane.pack2(self.qexpander, resize=True, shrink=False) self.__handle_position = self.songpane.get_property("position") def songpane_button_press_cb(pane, event): """If we start to drag the pane handle while the queue expander is unexpanded, expand it and move the handle to the bottom, so we can 'drag' the queue out """ if event.window != pane.get_handle_window(): return False if not self.qexpander.get_expanded(): self.qexpander.set_expanded(True) pane.set_relative(1.0) return False self.songpane.connect("button-press-event", songpane_button_press_cb) self.song_scroller.connect('notify::visible', self.__show_or) self.qexpander.connect('notify::visible', self.__show_or) self.qexpander.connect('notify::expanded', self.__expand_or) self.qexpander.connect('draw', self.__qex_size_allocate) self.songpane.connect('notify', self.__moved_pane_handle) try: orders = [] for e in config.getstringlist('memory', 'sortby', []): orders.append((e[1:], int(e[0]))) except ValueError: pass else: self.songlist.set_sort_orders(orders) self.browser = None self.ui = ui main_box.show_all() self._playback_error_dialog = None connect_destroy(player, 'song-started', self.__song_started) connect_destroy(player, 'paused', self.__update_paused, True) connect_destroy(player, 'unpaused', self.__update_paused, False) # make sure we redraw all error indicators before opening # a dialog (blocking the main loop), so connect after default handlers connect_after_destroy(player, 'error', self.__player_error) # connect after to let SongTracker update stats connect_after_destroy(player, "song-ended", self.__song_ended) # set at least the playlist. the song should be restored # after the browser emits the song list player.setup(self.playlist, None, 0) self.__restore_cb = restore_cb self.__first_browser_set = True restore_browser = not headless try: self.select_browser(self, config.get("memory", "browser"), library, player, restore_browser) except: config.set("memory", "browser", raise self.showhide_playlist(ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/SongList")) self.showhide_playqueue(ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/Queue")) self.songlist.connect('popup-menu', self.__songs_popup_menu) self.songlist.connect('columns-changed', self.__cols_changed) self.songlist.connect('columns-changed', self.__hide_headers)"changed", self.__set_time) lib = library.librarian connect_destroy(lib, 'changed', self.__song_changed, player) targets = [("text/uri-list", Gtk.TargetFlags.OTHER_APP, DND_URI_LIST)] targets = [*t) for t in targets] self.drag_dest_set(Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL, targets, Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self.connect('drag-data-received', self.__drag_data_received) if not headless: on_first_map(self, self.__configure_scan_dirs, library) if config.getboolean('library', 'refresh_on_start'): self.__rebuild(None, False) self.connect("key-press-event", self.__key_pressed, player) self.connect("destroy", self.__destroy) self.enable_window_tracking("quodlibet") def set_as_osx_window(self, osx_app): assert osx_app menu = self.ui.get_widget("/Menu") menu.hide() osx_app.set_menu_bar(menu) # Reparent some items to the "Application" menu item = self.ui.get_widget('/Menu/Help/About') osx_app.insert_app_menu_item(item, 0) osx_app.insert_app_menu_item(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(), 1) item = self.ui.get_widget('/Menu/Music/Preferences') osx_app.insert_app_menu_item(item, 2) quit_item = self.ui.get_widget('/Menu/Music/Quit') quit_item.hide() def get_osx_is_persistent(self): return True def __player_error(self, player, song, player_error): # it's modal, but mmkeys etc. can still trigger new ones if self._playback_error_dialog: self._playback_error_dialog.destroy() dialog = PlaybackErrorDialog(self, player_error) self._playback_error_dialog = dialog self._playback_error_dialog = None def __configure_scan_dirs(self, library): """Get user to configure scan dirs, if none is set up""" if not get_scan_dirs() and not len(library) and \ quodlibet.is_first_session("quodlibet"): print_d("Couldn't find any scan dirs") resp = ConfirmLibDirSetup(self).run() if resp == ConfirmLibDirSetup.RESPONSE_SETUP: prefs = PreferencesWindow(self) prefs.set_page("library") def __add_bookmark(self, librarian, player): if position = player.get_position() // 1000 bookmarks = new_mark = (position, _("Bookmark Name")) if new_mark not in bookmarks: bookmarks.append(new_mark) = bookmarks def __edit_bookmarks(self, librarian, player): if window = EditBookmarks(self, librarian, player) def __key_pressed(self, widget, event, player): if not return def seek_relative(seconds): current = player.get_position() current += seconds * 1000 current = min("~#length") * 1000 - 1, current) current = max(0, current) if qltk.is_accel(event, "<alt>Right"): seek_relative(10) return True elif qltk.is_accel(event, "<alt>Left"): seek_relative(-10) return True def __destroy(self, *args): self.playlist.destroy() # The tray icon plugin tries to unhide QL because it gets disabled # on Ql exit. The window should stay hidden after destroy. = lambda: None self.present = def __drag_data_received(self, widget, ctx, x, y, sel, tid, etime): assert tid == DND_URI_LIST uris = sel.get_uris() dirs = [] error = False for uri in uris: try: uri = URI(uri) except ValueError: continue if uri.is_filename: loc = os.path.normpath(uri.filename) if os.path.isdir(loc): dirs.append(loc) else: loc = os.path.realpath(loc) if loc not in self.__library: self.__library.add_filename(loc) elif app.player.can_play_uri(uri): if uri not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(uri)]) else: error = True break Gtk.drag_finish(ctx, not error, False, etime) if error: ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add songs"), _("%s uses an unsupported protocol.") % util.bold(uri)).run() else: if dirs: copool.add(self.__library.scan, dirs, cofuncid="library", funcid="library") def __songlist_key_press(self, songlist, event): return self.browser.key_pressed(event) def __songlist_drag_data_recv(self, view, *args): if self.browser.can_reorder: songs = view.get_songs() self.browser.reordered(songs) self.songlist.clear_sort() def __show_or(self, widget, prop): ssv = self.song_scroller.get_property('visible') qxv = self.qexpander.get_property('visible') self.songpane.set_property('visible', ssv or qxv) if not ssv: self.qexpander.set_expanded(True) self.__expand_or(widget, prop) def __expand_or(self, widget, prop): if self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): self.songpane.set_property("position", self.__handle_position) def __moved_pane_handle(self, widget, prop): if self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): self.__handle_position = self.songpane.get_property("position") def __qex_size_allocate(self, event, param=None): if not self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): p_max = self.songpane.get_property("max-position") p_cur = self.songpane.get_property("position") if p_max != p_cur: self.songpane.set_property("position", p_max) def __create_menu(self, player, library): ag ='QuodLibetWindowActions') actions = [ ('Music', None, _("_Music")), ('AddFolders', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _(u'_Add a Folder…'), "<control>O", None, self.open_chooser), ('AddFiles', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _(u'_Add a File…'), None, None, self.open_chooser), ('AddLocation', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _(u'_Add a Location…'), None, None, self.open_location), ('BrowseLibrary', Gtk.STOCK_FIND, _('Open _Browser'), ""), ("Preferences", Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, None, None, None, self.__preferences), ("Plugins", Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, _("_Plugins"), None, None, self.__plugins), ("Quit", Gtk.STOCK_QUIT, None, None, None, lambda *x: self.destroy()), ("Control", None, _("_Control")), ("EditTags", Gtk.STOCK_PROPERTIES, _("Edit _Tags"), "", None, self.__current_song_prop), ("Information", Gtk.STOCK_INFO, None, None, None, self.__current_song_info), ("Jump", Gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, _("_Jump to Playing Song"), "<control>J", None, self.__jump_to_current), ("View", None, _("_View")), ("Help", None, _("_Help")), ] actions.append(("Previous", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PREVIOUS, None, "<control>comma", None, self.__previous_song)) actions.append(("PlayPause", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY, None, "<control>space", None, self.__play_pause)) actions.append(("Next", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_NEXT, None, "<control>period", None, self.__next_song)) ag.add_actions(actions) act ="StopAfter", _("Stop After This Song"), None, "") ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<shift>space") # access point for the tray icon self.stop_after = act act ="AddBookmark", _("Add Bookmark"), None, Gtk.STOCK_ADD) connect_obj(act, 'activate', self.__add_bookmark, library.librarian, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<ctrl>D") act ="EditBookmarks", _(u"Edit Bookmarks…"), None, "") connect_obj(act, 'activate', self.__edit_bookmarks, library.librarian, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<ctrl>B") act ="About", None, None, Gtk.STOCK_ABOUT) connect_obj(act, 'activate', self.__show_about, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act ="OnlineHelp", _("Online Help"), None, Gtk.STOCK_HELP) def website_handler(*args): act.connect('activate', website_handler) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "F1") act ="SearchHelp", _("Search Help"), None, "") def search_help_handler(*args): act.connect('activate', search_help_handler) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act ="RefreshLibrary", _("Re_fresh Library"), None, Gtk.STOCK_REFRESH) act.connect('activate', self.__rebuild, False) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) ag.add_toggle_actions([("SongList", None, _("Song _List"), None, None, self.showhide_playlist, config.getboolean("memory", "songlist"))]) ag.add_toggle_actions([("Queue", None, _("_Queue"), None, None, self.showhide_playqueue, config.getboolean("memory", "queue"))]) view_actions = [] for i, Kind in enumerate(browsers.browsers): action = "View" + Kind.__name__ label = Kind.accelerated_name view_actions.append((action, None, label, None, None, i)) current = browsers.index(config.get("memory", "browser")) def action_callback(view_action, current): self.select_browser(view_action, current, library, player) ag.add_radio_actions(view_actions, current, action_callback, None) for Kind in browsers.browsers: if not Kind.in_menu: continue action = "Browser" + Kind.__name__ label = Kind.accelerated_name act =, label, None, None) def browser_activate(action, Kind):, library, player) act.connect('activate', browser_activate, Kind) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) ui = Gtk.UIManager() ui.insert_action_group(ag, -1) ui.add_ui_from_string(MAIN_MENU % {"browsers": browsers.BrowseLibrary()}) self._filter_menu = FilterMenu(library, player, ui) menustr = MENU % { "views": browsers.ViewBrowser(), } ui.add_ui_from_string(menustr) # Cute. So. UIManager lets you attach tooltips, but when they're # for menu items, they just get ignored. So here I get to actually # attach them. ui.get_widget("/Menu/Music/RefreshLibrary").set_tooltip_text( _("Check for changes in your library")) return ui def __show_about(self, player): about = AboutQuodLibet(self, player) about.destroy() def select_browser(self, activator, current, library, player, restore=False): if isinstance(current, Gtk.RadioAction): current = current.get_current_value() Browser = browsers.get(current) config.set("memory", "browser", Browser.__name__) if self.browser: if not (self.browser.uses_main_library and Browser.uses_main_library): self.songlist.clear() container = self.browser.__container self.browser.unpack(container, self.songpane) if self.browser.accelerators: self.remove_accel_group(self.browser.accelerators) container.destroy() self.browser.destroy() self.browser = Browser(library) self.browser.connect('songs-selected', self.__browser_cb, library, player) self.browser.connect('songs-activated', self.__browser_activate) if restore: self.browser.restore() self.browser.activate() self.browser.finalize(restore) if self.browser.can_reorder: self.songlist.enable_drop() elif self.browser.dropped: self.songlist.enable_drop(False) else: self.songlist.disable_drop() if self.browser.accelerators: self.add_accel_group(self.browser.accelerators) container = self.browser.__container = self.browser.pack(self.songpane) player.replaygain_profiles[1] = self.browser.replaygain_profiles player.reset_replaygain() self.__browserbox.add(container) self._filter_menu.set_browser(self.browser) self.__hide_headers() self.__refresh_size() def __update_paused(self, player, paused): menu = self.ui.get_widget("/Menu/Control/PlayPause") if paused: key = Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY else: key = Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE text = Gtk.stock_lookup(key).label menu.get_image().set_from_stock(key, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) menu.set_label(text) menu.set_use_underline(True) def __song_ended(self, player, song, stopped): # check if the song should be removed base on the # active filter of the current browser active_filter = self.browser.active_filter if song and active_filter and not active_filter(song): iter_ = self.songlist.model.find(song) if iter_: self.songlist.remove_iters([iter_]) if self.stop_after.get_active(): player.paused = True self.stop_after.set_active(False) def __song_changed(self, library, songs, player): if in songs: self.__update_title(player) def __update_title(self, player): song = title = "Quod Libet" if song: title = song.comma("~title~version~~people") + " - " + title self.set_title(title) def __song_started(self, player, song): self.__update_title(player) for wid in [ "Jump", "Next", "EditTags", "Information", "EditBookmarks", "AddBookmark", "StopAfter" ]: self.ui.get_widget('/Menu/Control/' + wid).set_sensitive( bool(song)) # don't jump on stream changes ( != if song and is song and not self.songlist._activated and \ config.getboolean("settings", "jump") and self.songlist.sourced: self.__jump_to_current(False) def __refresh_size(self): ssv = self.song_scroller.get_property('visible') qex = self.qexpander.get_property('visible') if ssv or qex: return # Handle more later if needed.. if not isinstance(self.browser, Gtk.Box): return # If a child expands the browser will take the new space for child in self.browser.get_children(): if self.browser.query_child_packing(child)[0]: break else: # no expanding child, make the window smaller instead width, height = self.get_size() height = self.size_request().height self.resize(width, height) def showhide_playlist(self, toggle): self.song_scroller.set_property('visible', toggle.get_active()) self.__refresh_size() def showhide_playqueue(self, toggle): self.qexpander.set_property('visible', toggle.get_active()) self.__refresh_size() def __play_pause(self, *args): if is None: app.player.reset() else: app.player.paused ^= True def __jump_to_current(self, explicit, force_scroll=False): """Select/scroll to the current playing song in the playlist. If it can't be found tell the browser to properly fill the playlist with an appropriate selection containing the song. explicit means that the jump request comes from the user and not from an event like song-started. force_scroll will ask the browser to refill the playlist in any case. """ def idle_jump_to(song, select): ok = self.songlist.jump_to_song(song, select=select) if ok: self.songlist.grab_focus() return False song = # We are not playing a song if song is None: return if not force_scroll: ok = self.songlist.jump_to_song(song, select=explicit) else: assert explicit ok = False if ok: self.songlist.grab_focus() elif explicit: # if we can't find it and the user requested it, try harder self.browser.scroll(song) # We need to wait until the browser has finished # scrolling/filling and the songlist is ready. # Not perfect, but works for now. GLib.idle_add(idle_jump_to, song, explicit, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_LOW) def __next_song(self, *args): def __previous_song(self, *args): app.player.previous() def __rebuild(self, activator, force): scan_library(self.__library, force) # Set up the preferences window. def __preferences(self, activator): window = PreferencesWindow(self) def __plugins(self, activator): window = PluginWindow(self) def open_location(self, action): name = GetStringDialog(self, _("Add a Location"), _("Enter the location of an audio file:"), okbutton=Gtk.STOCK_ADD).run() if name: if not util.uri_is_valid(name): ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add location"), _("%s is not a valid location.") % (util.bold(util.escape(name)))).run() elif not app.player.can_play_uri(name): ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add location"), _("%s uses an unsupported protocol.") % (util.bold(util.escape(name)))).run() else: if name not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(name)]) def open_chooser(self, action): last_dir = self.last_dir if not os.path.exists(last_dir): last_dir = get_home_dir() class MusicFolderChooser(FolderChooser): def __init__(self, parent, init_dir): super(MusicFolderChooser, self).__init__(parent, _("Add Music"), init_dir) cb = Gtk.CheckButton(_("Watch this folder for new songs")) # enable if no folders are being watched cb.set_active(not get_scan_dirs()) self.set_extra_widget(cb) def run(self): fns = super(MusicFolderChooser, self).run() cb = self.get_extra_widget() return fns, cb.get_active() class MusicFileChooser(FileChooser): def __init__(self, parent, init_dir): super(MusicFileChooser, self).__init__(parent, _("Add Music"), formats.filter, init_dir) if action.get_name() == "AddFolders": dialog = MusicFolderChooser(self, last_dir) fns, do_watch = dialog.destroy() if fns: fns = map(glib2fsnative, fns) # scan them self.last_dir = fns[0] copool.add(self.__library.scan, fns, cofuncid="library", funcid="library") # add them as library scan directory if do_watch: dirs = get_scan_dirs() for fn in fns: if fn not in dirs: dirs.append(fn) set_scan_dirs(dirs) else: dialog = MusicFileChooser(self, last_dir) fns = dialog.destroy() if fns: fns = map(glib2fsnative, fns) self.last_dir = os.path.dirname(fns[0]) for filename in map(os.path.realpath, fns): self.__library.add_filename(filename) def __songs_popup_menu(self, songlist): path, col = songlist.get_cursor() header = col.header_name menu = self.songlist.Menu(header, self.browser, self.__library) if menu is not None: return self.songlist.popup_menu(menu, 0, Gtk.get_current_event_time()) def __current_song_prop(self, *args): song = if song: librarian = self.__library.librarian window = SongProperties(librarian, [song], parent=self) def __current_song_info(self, *args): song = if song: librarian = self.__library.librarian window = Information(librarian, [song], self) def __browser_activate(self, browser): app.player.reset() def __browser_cb(self, browser, songs, sorted, library, player): if browser.background: bg = background_filter() if bg: songs = filter(bg, songs) self.songlist.set_songs(songs, sorted) # After the first time the browser activates, which should always # happen if we start up and restore, restore the playing song. # Because the browser has send us songs we can be sure it has # registered all its libraries. if self.__first_browser_set: self.__first_browser_set = False song = library.librarian.get(config.get("memory", "song")) seek_pos = config.getfloat("memory", "seek", 0) config.set("memory", "seek", 0) if song is not None: player.setup(self.playlist, song, seek_pos) if self.__restore_cb: self.__restore_cb() self.__restore_cb = None def __hide_headers(self, activator=None): for column in self.songlist.get_columns(): if self.browser.headers is None: column.set_visible(True) else: for tag in util.tagsplit(column.header_name): if tag in self.browser.headers: column.set_visible(True) break else: column.set_visible(False) def __cols_changed(self, songlist): headers = [col.header_name for col in songlist.get_columns()] try: headers.remove('~current') except ValueError: pass if len(headers) == len(get_columns()): # Not an addition or removal (handled separately) set_columns(headers) SongList.headers = headers def __make_query(self, query): if self.browser.can_filter_text(): self.browser.filter_text(query.encode('utf-8')) self.browser.activate() def __set_time(self, info, songs): i = len(songs) length = sum(song.get("~#length", 0) for song in songs) t = self.browser.statusbar(i) % { 'count': i, 'time': util.format_time_long(length) } self.statusbar.set_default_text(t)
class QuodLibetWindow(Window, PersistentWindowMixin): def __init__(self, library, player, headless=False): super(QuodLibetWindow, self).__init__(dialog=False) self.last_dir = const.HOME self.__destroyed = False self.__update_title(player) self.set_default_size(550, 450) main_box = Gtk.VBox() self.add(main_box) # create main menubar, load/restore accelerator groups self.__library = library ui = self.__create_menu(player, library) accel_group = ui.get_accel_group() self.add_accel_group(accel_group) def scroll_and_jump(*args): self.__jump_to_current(True, True) keyval, mod = Gtk.accelerator_parse("<control><shift>J") accel_group.connect(keyval, mod, 0, scroll_and_jump) # dbus app menu AppMenu(self, ui.get_action_groups()[0]) # custom accel map accel_fn = os.path.join(const.USERDIR, "accels") Gtk.AccelMap.load(accel_fn) # save right away so we fill the file with example comments of all # accels menubar = ui.get_widget("/Menu") # Since # toplevel menu items show an empty 16x16 image. While we don't # need image items there UIManager creates them by default. # Work around by removing the empty GtkImages for child in menubar.get_children(): if isinstance(child, Gtk.ImageMenuItem): child.set_image(None) main_box.pack_start(menubar, False, True, 0) # get the playlist up before other stuff self.songlist = MainSongList(library, player) self.songlist.show_all() self.songlist.connect("key-press-event", self.__songlist_key_press) self.songlist.connect_after( 'drag-data-received', self.__songlist_drag_data_recv) self.song_scroller = SongListScroller( ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/SongList")) self.song_scroller.add(self.songlist) self.qexpander = QueueExpander( ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/Queue"), library, player) self.playlist = PlaylistMux( player, self.qexpander.model, self.songlist.model) top_bar = TopBar(self, player, library) main_box.pack_start(top_bar, False, True, 0) self.top_bar = top_bar self.__browserbox = Alignment(bottom=3) main_box.pack_start(self.__browserbox, True, True, 0) statusbox = StatusBarBox(self.songlist.model, player) self.order = statusbox.order self.repeat = statusbox.repeat self.statusbar = statusbox.statusbar main_box.pack_start( Alignment(statusbox, border=3, top=-3, right=3), False, True, 0) self.songpane = ConfigRVPaned("memory", "queue_position", 0.75) self.songpane.pack1(self.song_scroller, resize=True, shrink=False) self.songpane.pack2(self.qexpander, resize=True, shrink=False) self.__handle_position = self.songpane.get_property("position") def songpane_button_press_cb(pane, event): """If we start to drag the pane handle while the queue expander is unexpanded, expand it and move the handle to the bottom, so we can 'drag' the queue out """ if event.window != pane.get_handle_window(): return False if not self.qexpander.get_expanded(): self.qexpander.set_expanded(True) pane.set_relative(1.0) return False self.songpane.connect("button-press-event", songpane_button_press_cb) self.song_scroller.connect('notify::visible', self.__show_or) self.qexpander.connect('notify::visible', self.__show_or) self.qexpander.connect('notify::expanded', self.__expand_or) self.qexpander.connect('draw', self.__qex_size_allocate) self.songpane.connect('notify', self.__moved_pane_handle) try: orders = [] for e in config.getstringlist('memory', 'sortby', []): orders.append((e[1:], int(e[0]))) except ValueError: pass else: self.songlist.set_sort_orders(orders) self.browser = None self.ui = ui main_box.show_all() # set at least the playlist. the song should be restored # after the browser emits the song list player.setup(self.playlist, None, 0) self.__first_browser_set = True restore_browser = not headless try: self.select_browser( self, config.get("memory", "browser"), library, player, restore_browser) except: config.set("memory", "browser", raise self.showhide_playlist(ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/SongList")) self.showhide_playqueue(ui.get_widget("/Menu/View/Queue")) self.songlist.connect('popup-menu', self.__songs_popup_menu) self.songlist.connect('columns-changed', self.__cols_changed) self.songlist.connect('columns-changed', self.__hide_headers)"changed", self.__set_time) lib = library.librarian connect_destroy(lib, 'changed', self.__song_changed, player) self._playback_error_dialog = None player_sigs = [ ('song-started', self.__song_started), ('paused', self.__update_paused, True), ('unpaused', self.__update_paused, False), ] for sig in player_sigs: connect_destroy(player, *sig) # make sure we redraw all error indicators before opening # a dialog (blocking the main loop), so connect after default handlers connect_after_destroy(player, 'error', self.__player_error) # connect after to let SongTracker update stats connect_after_destroy(player, "song-ended", self.__song_ended) targets = [("text/uri-list", Gtk.TargetFlags.OTHER_APP, DND_URI_LIST)] targets = [*t) for t in targets] self.drag_dest_set( Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL, targets, Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self.connect('drag-data-received', self.__drag_data_received) if not headless: GLib.idle_add(self.__configure_scan_dirs, library) if config.getboolean('library', 'refresh_on_start'): self.__rebuild(None, False) self.connect("key-press-event", self.__key_pressed, player) self.connect("destroy", self.__destroy) self.enable_window_tracking("quodlibet") def set_as_osx_window(self, osx_app): assert osx_app menu = self.ui.get_widget("/Menu") menu.hide() osx_app.set_menu_bar(menu) # Reparent some items to the "Application" menu item = self.ui.get_widget('/Menu/Help/About') osx_app.insert_app_menu_item(item, 0) osx_app.insert_app_menu_item(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(), 1) item = self.ui.get_widget('/Menu/Music/Preferences') osx_app.insert_app_menu_item(item, 2) quit_item = self.ui.get_widget('/Menu/Music/Quit') quit_item.hide() def get_osx_is_persistent(self): return True def __player_error(self, player, song, player_error): # it's modal, but mmkeys etc. can still trigger new ones if self._playback_error_dialog: self._playback_error_dialog.destroy() dialog = PlaybackErrorDialog(self, player_error) self._playback_error_dialog = dialog self._playback_error_dialog = None def __configure_scan_dirs(self, library): """Get user to configure scan dirs, if none is set up""" if not get_scan_dirs() and not len(library) and \ quodlibet.is_first_session("quodlibet"): print_d("Couldn't find any scan dirs") resp = ConfirmLibDirSetup(self).run() if resp == ConfirmLibDirSetup.RESPONSE_SETUP: prefs = PreferencesWindow(self) prefs.set_page("library") def __add_bookmark(self, librarian, player): if position = player.get_position() // 1000 bookmarks = new_mark = (position, _("Bookmark Name")) if new_mark not in bookmarks: bookmarks.append(new_mark) = bookmarks def __edit_bookmarks(self, librarian, player): if window = EditBookmarks(self, librarian, player) def __key_pressed(self, widget, event, player): if not return def seek_relative(seconds): current = player.get_position() current += seconds * 1000 current = min("~#length") * 1000 - 1, current) current = max(0, current) if qltk.is_accel(event, "<alt>Right"): seek_relative(10) return True elif qltk.is_accel(event, "<alt>Left"): seek_relative(-10) return True def __destroy(self, *args): self.playlist.destroy() # The tray icon plugin tries to unhide QL because it gets disabled # on Ql exit. The window should stay hidden after destroy. = lambda: None self.present = def __drag_data_received(self, widget, ctx, x, y, sel, tid, etime): assert tid == DND_URI_LIST uris = sel.get_uris() dirs = [] error = False for uri in uris: try: uri = URI(uri) except ValueError: continue if uri.is_filename: loc = os.path.normpath(uri.filename) if os.path.isdir(loc): dirs.append(loc) else: loc = os.path.realpath(loc) if loc not in self.__library: self.__library.add_filename(loc) elif app.player.can_play_uri(uri): if uri not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(uri)]) else: error = True break Gtk.drag_finish(ctx, not error, False, etime) if error: ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add songs"), _("%s uses an unsupported protocol.") % util.bold(uri)).run() else: if dirs: copool.add( self.__library.scan, dirs, cofuncid="library", funcid="library") def __songlist_key_press(self, songlist, event): return self.browser.key_pressed(event) def __songlist_drag_data_recv(self, view, *args): if self.browser.can_reorder: songs = view.get_songs() self.browser.reordered(songs) self.songlist.clear_sort() def __show_or(self, widget, prop): ssv = self.song_scroller.get_property('visible') qxv = self.qexpander.get_property('visible') self.songpane.set_property('visible', ssv or qxv) if not ssv: self.qexpander.set_expanded(True) self.__expand_or(widget, prop) def __expand_or(self, widget, prop): if self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): self.songpane.set_property("position", self.__handle_position) def __moved_pane_handle(self, widget, prop): if self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): self.__handle_position = self.songpane.get_property("position") def __qex_size_allocate(self, event, param=None): if not self.qexpander.get_property('expanded'): p_max = self.songpane.get_property("max-position") p_cur = self.songpane.get_property("position") if p_max != p_cur: self.songpane.set_property("position", p_max) def __create_menu(self, player, library): ag ='QuodLibetWindowActions') actions = [ ('Music', None, _("_Music")), ('AddFolders', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _(u'_Add a Folder…'), "<control>O", None, self.open_chooser), ('AddFiles', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _(u'_Add a File…'), None, None, self.open_chooser), ('AddLocation', Gtk.STOCK_ADD, _(u'_Add a Location…'), None, None, self.open_location), ('BrowseLibrary', Gtk.STOCK_FIND, _('Open _Browser'), ""), ("Preferences", Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, None, None, None, self.__preferences), ("Plugins", Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, _("_Plugins"), None, None, self.__plugins), ("Quit", Gtk.STOCK_QUIT, None, None, None, lambda *x: self.destroy()), ("Control", None, _("_Control")), ("EditTags", Gtk.STOCK_PROPERTIES, _("Edit _Tags"), "", None, self.__current_song_prop), ("Information", Gtk.STOCK_INFO, None, None, None, self.__current_song_info), ("Jump", Gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, _("_Jump to Playing Song"), "<control>J", None, self.__jump_to_current), ("View", None, _("_View")), ("Help", None, _("_Help")), ] actions.append(("Previous", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PREVIOUS, None, "<control>comma", None, self.__previous_song)) actions.append(("PlayPause", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY, None, "<control>space", None, self.__play_pause)) actions.append(("Next", Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_NEXT, None, "<control>period", None, self.__next_song)) ag.add_actions(actions) act ="StopAfter", _("Stop After This Song"), None, "") ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<shift>space") # access point for the tray icon self.stop_after = act act = "AddBookmark", _("Add Bookmark"), None, Gtk.STOCK_ADD) connect_obj(act, 'activate', self.__add_bookmark, library.librarian, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<ctrl>D") act ="EditBookmarks", _(u"Edit Bookmarks…"), None, "") connect_obj(act, 'activate', self.__edit_bookmarks, library.librarian, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<ctrl>B") act ="About", None, None, Gtk.STOCK_ABOUT) connect_obj(act, 'activate', self.__show_about, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act = "OnlineHelp", _("Online Help"), None, Gtk.STOCK_HELP) def website_handler(*args): act.connect('activate', website_handler) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "F1") act ="SearchHelp", _("Search Help"), None, "") def search_help_handler(*args): act.connect('activate', search_help_handler) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act = "RefreshLibrary", _("Re_fresh Library"), None, Gtk.STOCK_REFRESH) act.connect('activate', self.__rebuild, False) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) ag.add_toggle_actions([ ("SongList", None, _("Song _List"), None, None, self.showhide_playlist, config.getboolean("memory", "songlist"))]) ag.add_toggle_actions([ ("Queue", None, _("_Queue"), None, None, self.showhide_playqueue, config.getboolean("memory", "queue"))]) view_actions = [] for i, Kind in enumerate(browsers.browsers): action = "View" + Kind.__name__ label = Kind.accelerated_name view_actions.append((action, None, label, None, None, i)) current = browsers.index(config.get("memory", "browser")) def action_callback(view_action, current): self.select_browser(view_action, current, library, player) ag.add_radio_actions( view_actions, current, action_callback, None) for Kind in browsers.browsers: if not Kind.in_menu: continue action = "Browser" + Kind.__name__ label = Kind.accelerated_name act =, label, None, None) def browser_activate(action, Kind):, library, player) act.connect('activate', browser_activate, Kind) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) ui = Gtk.UIManager() ui.insert_action_group(ag, -1) ui.add_ui_from_string( MAIN_MENU % {"browsers": browsers.BrowseLibrary()}) self._filter_menu = FilterMenu(library, player, ui) menustr = MENU % { "views": browsers.ViewBrowser(), } ui.add_ui_from_string(menustr) # Cute. So. UIManager lets you attach tooltips, but when they're # for menu items, they just get ignored. So here I get to actually # attach them. ui.get_widget("/Menu/Music/RefreshLibrary").set_tooltip_text( _("Check for changes in your library")) return ui def __show_about(self, player): about = AboutQuodLibet(self, player) about.destroy() def select_browser(self, activator, current, library, player, restore=False): if isinstance(current, Gtk.RadioAction): current = current.get_current_value() Browser = browsers.get(current) config.set("memory", "browser", Browser.__name__) if self.browser: container = self.browser.__container self.browser.unpack(container, self.songpane) if self.browser.accelerators: self.remove_accel_group(self.browser.accelerators) container.destroy() self.browser.destroy() self.browser = Browser(library) self.browser.connect('songs-selected', self.__browser_cb, library, player) self.browser.connect('songs-activated', self.__browser_activate) if restore: self.browser.restore() self.browser.activate() self.browser.finalize(restore) if self.browser.can_reorder: self.songlist.enable_drop() elif self.browser.dropped: self.songlist.enable_drop(False) else: self.songlist.disable_drop() if self.browser.accelerators: self.add_accel_group(self.browser.accelerators) container = self.browser.__container = self.browser.pack(self.songpane) player.replaygain_profiles[1] = self.browser.replaygain_profiles player.volume = player.volume self.__browserbox.add(container) self._filter_menu.set_browser(self.browser) self.__hide_headers() self.__refresh_size() def __update_paused(self, player, paused): menu = self.ui.get_widget("/Menu/Control/PlayPause") if paused: key = Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY else: key = Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE text = Gtk.stock_lookup(key).label menu.get_image().set_from_stock(key, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) menu.set_label(text) menu.set_use_underline(True) def __song_ended(self, player, song, stopped): # check if the song should be removed base on the # active filter of the current browser active_filter = self.browser.active_filter if song and active_filter and not active_filter(song): iter_ = self.songlist.model.find(song) if iter_: self.songlist.remove_iters([iter_]) if self.stop_after.get_active(): player.paused = True self.stop_after.set_active(False) def __song_changed(self, library, songs, player): if in songs: self.__update_title(player) def __update_title(self, player): song = title = "Quod Libet" if song: title = song.comma("~title~version~~people") + " - " + title self.set_title(title) def __song_started(self, player, song): self.__update_title(player) for wid in ["Jump", "Next", "EditTags", "Information", "EditBookmarks", "AddBookmark", "StopAfter"]: self.ui.get_widget( '/Menu/Control/' + wid).set_sensitive(bool(song)) # don't jump on stream changes ( != if song and is song and not self.songlist._activated and \ config.getboolean("settings", "jump") and self.songlist.sourced: self.__jump_to_current(False) def __refresh_size(self): ssv = self.song_scroller.get_property('visible') qex = self.qexpander.get_property('visible') if ssv or qex: return # Handle more later if needed.. if not isinstance(self.browser, Gtk.Box): return # If a child expands the browser will take the new space for child in self.browser.get_children(): if self.browser.query_child_packing(child)[0]: break else: # no expanding child, make the window smaller instead width, height = self.get_size() height = self.size_request().height self.resize(width, height) def showhide_playlist(self, toggle): self.song_scroller.set_property('visible', toggle.get_active()) self.__refresh_size() def showhide_playqueue(self, toggle): self.qexpander.set_property('visible', toggle.get_active()) self.__refresh_size() def __play_pause(self, *args): if is None: app.player.reset() else: app.player.paused ^= True def __jump_to_current(self, explicit, force_scroll=False): """Select/scroll to the current playing song in the playlist. If it can't be found tell the browser to properly fill the playlist with an appropriate selection containing the song. explicit means that the jump request comes from the user and not from an event like song-started. force_scroll will ask the browser to refill the playlist in any case. """ def idle_jump_to(song, select): ok = self.songlist.jump_to_song(song, select=select) if ok: self.songlist.grab_focus() return False song = # We are not playing a song if song is None: return if not force_scroll: ok = self.songlist.jump_to_song(song, select=explicit) else: assert explicit ok = False if ok: self.songlist.grab_focus() elif explicit: # if we can't find it and the user requested it, try harder self.browser.scroll(song) # We need to wait until the browser has finished # scrolling/filling and the songlist is ready. # Not perfect, but works for now. GLib.idle_add( idle_jump_to, song, explicit, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_LOW) def __next_song(self, *args): def __previous_song(self, *args): app.player.previous() def __rebuild(self, activator, force): scan_library(self.__library, force) # Set up the preferences window. def __preferences(self, activator): window = PreferencesWindow(self) def __plugins(self, activator): window = PluginWindow(self) def open_location(self, action): name = GetStringDialog(self, _("Add a Location"), _("Enter the location of an audio file:"), okbutton=Gtk.STOCK_ADD).run() if name: if not util.uri_is_valid(name): ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add location"), _("%s is not a valid location.") % ( util.bold(util.escape(name)))).run() elif not app.player.can_play_uri(name): ErrorMessage( self, _("Unable to add location"), _("%s uses an unsupported protocol.") % ( util.bold(util.escape(name)))).run() else: if name not in self.__library: self.__library.add([RemoteFile(name)]) def open_chooser(self, action): last_dir = self.last_dir if not os.path.exists(last_dir): last_dir = const.HOME class MusicFolderChooser(FolderChooser): def __init__(self, parent, init_dir): super(MusicFolderChooser, self).__init__( parent, _("Add Music"), init_dir) cb = Gtk.CheckButton(_("Watch this folder for new songs")) # enable if no folders are being watched cb.set_active(not get_scan_dirs()) self.set_extra_widget(cb) def run(self): fns = super(MusicFolderChooser, self).run() cb = self.get_extra_widget() return fns, cb.get_active() class MusicFileChooser(FileChooser): def __init__(self, parent, init_dir): super(MusicFileChooser, self).__init__( parent, _("Add Music"), formats.filter, init_dir) if action.get_name() == "AddFolders": dialog = MusicFolderChooser(self, last_dir) fns, do_watch = dialog.destroy() if fns: fns = map(glib2fsnative, fns) # scan them self.last_dir = fns[0] copool.add(self.__library.scan, fns, funcid="library") # add them as library scan directory if do_watch: dirs = get_scan_dirs() for fn in fns: if fn not in dirs: dirs.append(fn) set_scan_dirs(dirs) else: dialog = MusicFileChooser(self, last_dir) fns = dialog.destroy() if fns: fns = map(glib2fsnative, fns) self.last_dir = os.path.dirname(fns[0]) for filename in map(os.path.realpath, fns): self.__library.add_filename(filename) def __songs_popup_menu(self, songlist): path, col = songlist.get_cursor() header = col.header_name menu = self.songlist.Menu(header, self.browser, self.__library) if menu is not None: return self.songlist.popup_menu(menu, 0, Gtk.get_current_event_time()) def __current_song_prop(self, *args): song = if song: librarian = self.__library.librarian window = SongProperties(librarian, [song], parent=self) def __current_song_info(self, *args): song = if song: librarian = self.__library.librarian window = Information(librarian, [song], self) def __browser_activate(self, browser): app.player.reset() def __browser_cb(self, browser, songs, sorted, library, player): if browser.background: bg = background_filter() if bg: songs = filter(bg, songs) self.songlist.set_songs(songs, sorted) # After the first time the browser activates, which should always # happen if we start up and restore, restore the playing song. # Because the browser has send us songs we can be sure it has # registered all its libraries. if self.__first_browser_set: self.__first_browser_set = False song = library.librarian.get(config.get("memory", "song")) seek_pos = config.getint("memory", "seek", 0) config.set("memory", "seek", 0) if song is not None: player.setup(self.playlist, song, seek_pos) def __hide_headers(self, activator=None): for column in self.songlist.get_columns(): if self.browser.headers is None: column.set_visible(True) else: for tag in util.tagsplit(column.header_name): if tag in self.browser.headers: column.set_visible(True) break else: column.set_visible(False) def __cols_changed(self, songlist): headers = [col.header_name for col in songlist.get_columns()] try: headers.remove('~current') except ValueError: pass if len(headers) == len(get_columns()): # Not an addition or removal (handled separately) set_columns(headers) SongList.headers = headers def __make_query(self, query): if self.browser.can_filter_text(): self.browser.filter_text(query.encode('utf-8')) self.browser.activate() def __set_time(self, info, songs): i = len(songs) length = sum(song.get("~#length", 0) for song in songs) t = self.browser.statusbar(i) % { 'count': i, 'time': util.format_time_long(length)} self.statusbar.set_default_text(t)