__revision__ = "$LastChangedRevision$" """ The revision number of the module """ __date__ = "$LastChangedDate$" """ The last change date of the module """ __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008-2019 Hive Solutions Lda." """ The copyright for the module """ __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" """ The license for the module """ import flask import quorum app = quorum.load(name = __name__) @app.route("/", methods = ("GET",)) @app.route("/index", methods = ("GET",)) def index(): return flask.render_template( "index.html.tpl", link = "home" ) if __name__ == "__main__": quorum.run(server = "waitress") else: __path__ = []
__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" """ The license for the module """ import flask #@UnusedImport import datetime import quorum SECRET_KEY = "ibyzsCBsaAydjIPgZKegzKOxngdImyMh" """ The "secret" key to be at the internal encryption processes handled by flask (eg: sessions) """ app = quorum.load(name=__name__, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME=datetime.timedelta(31)) import instashow.util #@UnusedImport import instashow.views #@UnusedImport @quorum.onrun def onrun(): instashow.util.schedule_init() if __name__ == "__main__": quorum.run(server="netius") else: __path__ = []
"analytics.sale_snapshot.list" ) """ The list of permissions to be used to create the scope string for the oauth value """ app = quorum.load( name = __name__, logger = "omnia.debug", PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = datetime.timedelta(31) ) @app.route("/", methods = ("GET",)) @app.route("/index", methods = ("GET",)) def index(): return flask.render_template( "index.html.tpl", link = "home" ) @app.route("/base", methods = ("GET",)) def base(): return flask.render_template( "base.html.tpl", link = "home" ) if __name__ == "__main__": quorum.run(server = "netius") else: __path__ = []