def average_gate_fidelity(oper, target=None): """ Given a Qobj representing the supermatrix form of a map, returns the average gate fidelity (pseudo-metric) of that map. Parameters ---------- A : Qobj Quantum object representing a superoperator. target : Qobj Quantum object representing the target unitary; the inverse is applied before evaluating the fidelity. Returns ------- fid : float Fidelity pseudo-metric between A and the identity superoperator, or between A and the target superunitary. """ kraus_form = to_kraus(oper) d = kraus_form[0].shape[0] if kraus_form[0].shape[1] != d: return TypeError("Average gate fidelity only implemented for square " "superoperators.") if target is None: return (d + np.sum([np.abs(**2 for A_k in kraus_form])) / (d**2 + d) else: return (d + np.sum([np.abs((A_k * target.dag()).tr())**2 for A_k in kraus_form])) / (d**2 + d)
def average_gate_fidelity(oper): """ Given a Qobj representing the supermatrix form of a map, returns the average gate fidelity (pseudo-metric) of that map. Parameters ---------- A : Qobj Quantum object representing a superoperator. Returns ------- fid : float Fidelity pseudo-metric between A and the identity superoperator. """ kraus_form = to_kraus(oper) d = kraus_form[0].shape[0] if kraus_form[0].shape[1] != d: return TypeError("Average gate fielity only implemented for square " "superoperators.") return ( d + np.sum([ np.abs(**2 for A_k in kraus_form ]) ) / (d**2 + d)
def test_NeglectSmallKraus(self): """ Superoperator: Convert Kraus to Choi matrix and back. Neglect tiny Kraus operators. """ zero = asarray([[1], [0]], dtype=complex) one = asarray([[0], [1]], dtype=complex) zero_log = kron(kron(zero, zero), zero) one_log = kron(kron(one, one), one) # non-square Kraus operator (isometry) kraus = Qobj(zero_log @ zero.T + one_log @ one.T) super = sprepost(kraus, kraus.dag()) # 1 non-zero Kraus operator the rest are zero sixteen_kraus_ops = to_kraus(super, tol=0.0) # default is tol=1e-9 one_kraus_op = to_kraus(super) assert_(len(sixteen_kraus_ops) == 16 and len(one_kraus_op) == 1) assert_((one_kraus_op[0] - kraus).norm() < tol)
def test_NonSquareKrausSuperChoi(self): """ Superoperator: Convert non-square Kraus operator to Super + Choi matrix and back. """ zero = asarray([[1], [0]], dtype=complex) one = asarray([[0], [1]], dtype=complex) zero_log = kron(kron(zero, zero), zero) one_log = kron(kron(one, one), one) # non-square Kraus operator (isometry) kraus = Qobj(zero_log @ zero.T + one_log @ one.T) super = sprepost(kraus, kraus.dag()) choi = to_choi(super) op1 = to_kraus(super) op2 = to_kraus(choi) op3 = to_super(choi) assert_(choi.type == "super" and choi.superrep == "choi") assert_(super.type == "super" and super.superrep == "super") assert_((op1[0] - kraus).norm() < 1e-8) assert_((op2[0] - kraus).norm() < 1e-8) assert_((op3 - super).norm() < 1e-8)
def test_ChoiKrausChoi(self, superoperator): """ Superoperator: Convert superoperator to Choi matrix and back. """ choi_matrix = to_choi(superoperator) kraus_ops = to_kraus(choi_matrix) test_choi = kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops) # Assert both that the result is close to expected, and has the right # type. assert (test_choi - choi_matrix).norm() < tol assert choi_matrix.type == "super" and choi_matrix.superrep == "choi" assert test_choi.type == "super" and test_choi.superrep == "choi"
def test_ChoiKrausChoi(self): """ Superoperator: Convert superoperator to Choi matrix and back. """ superoperator = rand_super() choi_matrix = to_choi(superoperator) kraus_ops = to_kraus(choi_matrix) test_choi = kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops) # Assert both that the result is close to expected, and has the right # type. assert_((test_choi - choi_matrix).norm() < tol) assert_(choi_matrix.type == "super" and choi_matrix.superrep == "choi") assert_(test_choi.type == "super" and test_choi.superrep == "choi")
def test_ChoiKrausChoi(self): """ Superoperator: Converting superoperator to Choi matrix and back. """ superoperator = rand_super() choi_matrix = to_choi(superoperator) kraus_ops = to_kraus(choi_matrix) test_choi = kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops) # Assert both that the result is close to expected, and has the right # type. assert_((test_choi - choi_matrix).norm() < 1e-12) assert_(choi_matrix.type == "super" and choi_matrix.superrep == "choi") assert_(test_choi.type == "super" and test_choi.superrep == "choi")
def average_gate_fidelity(oper): """ Given a Qobj representing the supermatrix form of a map, returns the average gate fidelity (pseudo-metric) of that map. Parameters ---------- A : Qobj Quantum object representing a superoperator. Returns ------- fid : float Fidelity pseudo-metric between A and the identity superoperator. """ kraus_form = to_kraus(oper) d = kraus_form[0].shape[0] if kraus_form[0].shape[1] != d: return TypeError("Average gate fielity only implemented for square " "superoperators.") return (d + np.sum([np.abs(**2 for A_k in kraus_form])) / (d**2 + d)